The Family Slave

By Chad Slave

Published on Dec 28, 2019


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This is an authoritarian story about how a gay 18-year-old becomes the family slave on his 18th birthday after coming out to the family.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued and there will be a lot more characters coming into play in future story parts.

The Family Slave 5 Chapter 6

I was still on the floor tied up and could not move with only Damien in the room with me. I am now very scared of him and wished Josh would wake up. I then seen Damien stand up and come over to me. He rolled me on my back and sat on my chest. He didn't say a word and neither did I.

I was to scare to talk. Damien pulled his zipper down on his paints and pulled his dick out. I knew what was going to happen and I felt better knowing I was just going to blow him. He then moved up and put his already rock-hard dick into my mouth and then he laid down on my face and started to face fuck me like he was fucking a pussy.

He moved up and down hard and slammed into me where my head would hit the floor hard. I could hear the verbal abuse he was saying.

"That's it you fucking cunt. Take that dick you worthless piece of trash. Oh, fuck this feels good you bitch."

He then stated to cum down my throat and moaning in pleasure. After he finished Cumming inside my throat, he pushed all the way into my throat and started to piss. I was chocking and trying to drink his morning piss the best I could. I really thought that this was the end of me I was going to die by drowning on my baby brothers piss. He finished and I started to cough and spit up some of Damien's piss when I did.

That pissed Damien off big time, and he kicked me in the face hard and yelled at me to lick up his piss. I cried as he pushed me around to lick up his piss. As I was doing that, I heard Josh come in and asked if everyone wants breakfast. Damien said.

"Hell, yeah I am, and I also feed slut its breakfast already. It spit some of it up, so it needs to lick the rest up."

I looked up at Josh and when josh seen me, he noticed I had a black eye from the kick in the face Damien gave me and he said."

"What the fuck happened to slut?"

Damien so proud told him what he did to me and all Josh said was.

"Well I hope you get out all your anger soon I don't want our slave looking like it was in a boxing match and he was the loser. And Damien I noticed you said it when talking about slut. I like that so much more that saying him, I will let everyone know the change."

Damien then said.

"Your right bro, I do need to stop beating it. Tell you what, can I nurse the fag back to heath?"

Josh smiled and agreed to that saying he thought that would be a great idea.

I finished licking up Damien's piss that I spit up as they both went into the kitchen and turned music on and cooked breakfast together. They were laughing and joking around with each other and enjoying themselves. At least Josh was putting Damien in a good mood and he would be nicer like he used to be.

They ate breakfast and when they finished Damien came into the living room and sat on the floor next to me and said to me.

"I am so sorry slut, I know you just want to make me happy also, I'm glad I beat you last night and that helped me a lot but I should have not kicked you in the face today and hurt you like that. I will take care of your eye and get you better.

I was so glad to hear Damien like that and thought ok he got it out of his system so things will get better. Damien then rolled me on my side and said to me.

"Ok slut I am going to make you feel better. I am going to start off by letting you watch me jerk off in front of you. And please don't take your eyes off my dick, I want you to see it all and I really don't want to have to beat you anymore."

With that he pulled his dick out and took ahold of it and jerked off right there in front of me as I laid on the floor still tied up. I don't know why he thought I would want to watch him jerk off and that it would be a treat for me to watch. But I didn't dare look away. I watched every stroke he made on his dick.

He started to get close and was moaning and started to yell out I'm Cumming. All sudden he started to cum and aimed it right in my eye that was just hurt. Spray after spray of cum hit me in the face right in my eye. I tried so hard to keep it closed because it burned so bad.

When he was done, he rolled me on my back and took his hand and started to rub his cum all over my eye. He then held my eye open with his fingers and put his cum on my eyeball. I started to scream that it was burning my eye and to please stop. Damien just said calmly.

"Now, now slut. Its going to burn but it will also let you heal faster. I am doing this for your own good."

He kept putting more cum into my eye and making me in pain. I knew that his cum would not make me heal faster he was just doing this to put me into pain. Then I heard Josh say.

"That was so thoughtful of you Damien. Make sure its eye is coated really good, so its eye heals faster."

He finally finished rubbing his cum all over my eye and into my eye itself. After he was finished, he left me there in pain with cum all over my face and in my eyes. The pain finally went away and the cum came out of my eyes and I could see again.

I then heard the doorbell and seen Cody and mike there asking Josh if he was ready to go. Josh and Damien jumped up and said yes and I was put in cloths and Josh put a leash on my collar and we all five walked out of the door and into the car.

I was allowed this time to sit on the set in the back between Cody and Mike as we drove off when I heard Cody say.

"This is going to be a long trip fag why don't you pull my and Mikes dicks out and give us both a hand job at the same time."

I did as he said and pulled both of my best friends dicks out and started to stroke them. Who would have thought I would be in a back seat of a car jerking off my two best friends while by brothers was in the front seat on a road trip?

Mike was the first to cum and he ordered me to keep my hand there until Cody finished Cumming. I did as I was told, and Cody then came a short time after that. I was then ordered to lick the cum off my hands and to scoop up the cum off their bodies and make sure I ate every drop.

We now have been driving for two hours when we finally got to where we were going. It was the amusement park. Now I love roller-coaster. Its one of my favorite things to do. I found out real fast though I would not be allowed to ride a single ride. I was there to hold their stuff while they rode rides.

We got out of the car and Damien grabbed my leash and I had to follow him into the park lead by a leash wearing a collar. It was now the most humiliating thing to date that I have ever had to do. We got into the park and the four of them talked like I was not even there.

Damien would occasionally pull hard on the leash to let me know he knew I was still there. We got to the first ride and Damien told me to sit on the bench and wait for them. He then tied the leash to the bench as if I would run off. I knew it was to humiliate me.

As they left some guy sat next to me and started to talk to me.

"Hey dude what's up with the collar and leash?"

I replied.

"Well I'm a slave to my two brothers and my two best friends, they put the collar and leash on me and left me here to ride that rollercoaster there and I have to stay here and watch their stuff while they ride."

The guy looked at me puzzled and asked me.

"Are you being forced into this? If so let me know I will get help for you."

I told him that no I was not being forced and I chose to be this way, I asked to be their slave and I signed a contract with them to be a slave. The guy then said to me.

"Well damn to each their own, would you like some company? I just walked away from my friends because they pissed me off and I told them I would meet up with them later I needed time and you look like you could use some company."

I smiled and said yes please. I told him everything that has happened and told him about me being gay and coming out at my birthday. He then started to tell me about himself. That he just broke up with his girlfriend because he caught her cheating on him and his friends brought him here to cheer him up.

He then told me his friends really had good intentions but could not stop telling him sorry for what happened with him and his girl and he didn't want to hear it anymore. So, he left them for a little bit while he got his thoughts together.

So, we started to talk more, and he was a nice guy, I'm sure we could have been friends if I didn't decide to be a slave. Finally, I seen Josh, Damien, Cody and Mike come back. Josh said.

"Damn fag that was fun, who is your friend Fag?"

The guy stood up and said.

"Hey, I'm Lucas, just been chatting with your slave here about his life and how he loves serving you guys."

Josh got a big smile on his face and said.

"Glad to hear that, so what's your story are you a fag also?"

Lucas said fast.

"Oh no I'm straight, in fact I'm here to try to feel better, I just caught my girl cheating on me and I'm here with some friends to feel better. I just went on my own for a little bit to clear my head and seen your slave sitting here alone and started to talk to him. By the way slave I never got your name."

Josh quickly said.

"Just call him fag or you can call him by the name we gave him slut."

Lucas said he will just call me fag. We all got up and started to walk, Damien grabbed my leash and I followed them once again as they now were talking to Lucas. Lucas told them that he felt something was wrong when his girl wouldn't have sex with him anymore and its been 6 months since he has had any and then I heard Josh say.

"Well dude if you want you can take the fag here behind one of these buildings and have him suck your dick for you."

Lucas looked at me and said to Josh.

"Seriously, you would let me get some head from your slave. I could really use it right now and that would make me feel better."

Josh told him yes and Damien handed Lucas the leash and he thanked them and took me behind a building in the park where no one could see. Lucas pushed on my shoulders to push me down to my knees. He pulled out his dick and it flopped out.

Now Lucas was 23 years old, he was about 6'2' tall and has brown hair that was right above his eyebrows and green eyes and weighed about 190 pounds. This guy was taller and had a nice build to him. When his dick flopped out, I could tell it was about 7 inch soft. I then heard Lucas say.

"You going to suck fag or not?"

I put his dick in my mouth and started to suck on him. He moaned a little and started to get hard. Once his was fully hard I could tell he was about 10 inches hard. He had a nice dick on him. I then sucked this strangers dick like a pro.

He moaned and moved his hips up and down to push his dick in there. This lasted about 30 minutes and then he finally started to cum. Lucas said.

"Oh, that's it fag suck that juice out of my dick, swallow that cum. Oh my god I needed this, holly shit this feels great, damn fag you're so good at this. Holly fuck yeah suck my dick dry bitch."

When he was finished, he put his dick away and took my leash and made me follow him back out to my Masters. Josh asked him how he liked it and Lucas said.

"Damn dude I needed that, I haven't been sucked for months and let me tell you, your fag there is so much better than my girl ever was at it. You have a real nice cock sucker there. Thanks so much for the release, can we exchange numbers so I can use the fag again sometime?"

Josh gave him his number and Lucas said that's and that he had to go find his friends now. Lucas then looked at me and told me.

"Thanks for the suck fag, I needed that, I'm so glad I decided to talk to you. Keep up the good work bitch."

He left and all four of my master's told me how proud they were of me and to keep up the good work. Then Damien took me off alone and told me.

"slut I wanted to get you alone so I can say this I don't want them to hear me say this. I want to tell you that I am so sorry for treating you so bad, I know its not your fault about my parents and I should have never taken it out on you. To show you how sorry I am tonight when we get home for a apology I will let you suck my dick and worship my body all night long even when I'm sleeping you can lick my dick all night."

He then took me by the leash back to the other guys. I thought in my head that I'm glad he said that and did feel bad but letting me suck his dick and worship his body is not my idea of making that up to me. But I will take that over being beat like the night before.

The rest of the day went ok, I never got to ride anything and was always tied to a bench like a dog. People would give me dirty looks or laugh at me and my four masters would ride the rides. I seen Lucas and his friends walk by and his friends laughed at me and Lucas just smiled.

On the way home I had to jerk off Cody and Mike once again and eat they're cum again. We finally got back to the house and Cody, and Mike left telling Josh they had a great time, I then was taken with Damien into his room and I had to strip naked once again.

Damien got changed into some shorts to sleep in and I stayed on the floor looking up at my 16 years old brothers' nude body as he changed. He got into bed and said.

"Ok slut gets up here and start sucking my dick."

I did as order and pulled his dick out of his shorts and started to suck him, Damien then told me to suck nice and slow, he wants me to enjoy my gift and didn't want to cum fast. I then went slow. Up and down on his dick as he moaned and said.

"That's it fag take your time. Make that dick feel good, enjoy your reward slut. Taste every bit of my dick, I know fags like you love the taste of a straight guys cock."

I sucked and sucked and about a hour into sucking he pulled my head off his dick and asked.

"Do you want to eat my cum faggot? Do you want to swallow every drop?"

I looked at him and said yes please. Damien got a smile on his face and said.

"Ok bitch I will give you your snack you just have to beg me first."

I thought to myself is he serous? Do I really have to beg him? I just then started to beg him, and I said.

"Please Master Damien may I suck the cum out of your sexy cock? Can this fag have the privilege of eating your cum as my snack for the night? Please Master Damien please let this pathetic slut taste your wonderful nectar and swallow every drop."

He got a big smile oh is face and said.

"Yes, bitch you may, get back down there and suck out every drop for me."

I then sucked him more until he came in my mouth, he started to moan and gasp as he shot stream after stream of hot boy cum into my mouth. I swallowed every drop and didn't stop sucking until his balls was empty.

Damien then said

"Damn fag you were hungry, great job, now I'm going to get some sleep, why don't you keep your face between my legs and lick my dick all night long while I sleep so you can take advantage you're your reward."

Damien then turned the lights off and laid down. I stayed between his legs licking on his now soft dick. I thought to myself, that I really didn't want to be between his legs all night long licking on his soft dick, I prefer to be sleeping. I was so tired.

I knew that if I didn't lick on his dick all night long and he woke up to me sleeping I would get punished most likely in the form of being beat. So, I stayed up all night ling licking his dick. But the time morning came my tongue was dry and sore from licking all night long.

Damien woke up and looked down at me with a big smile on his face and said.

"Glad to see you enjoyed yourself all night long. Bet you loved every second of being between my legs bitch. Well its time to get up why don't you go made breakfast while I take a shower."

I did as he said and went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast, Josh woke up and came into the kitchen and smacked my ass and told me good job. Then Damien came in after his shower and they both sat at the table and started to eat their breakfast when Damien then said to me.

"Slut why don't you get under this table and kiss and lick out feet while we eat to show your thanks for me letting you stay between my legs all night long licking on my dick."

Josh laughed and said

"Damn Damien you are being so nice to the fag letting him stay between your legs like at all night long, glad to see your better bro and that's a great idea to let the fag lick our feet to say thanks to you."

I got under the table and started to kiss and lick Damien's feet. And then moved over to Josh's feet and back to Damien's. this last the entire time they ate breakfast. I then seen Damien take his plate and scrap off the food he didn't eat onto the floor. Damien then told me to go ahead and eat my breakfast.

I had to put my face to the floor and eat my meal off the floor, no bowl just on the floor. As I was eating Josh came over and added his scraps to the pile of food on the floor for me to eat also.

I was so tired for being up for 24 hours now and just wanted to go to sleep when Josh told me that they had another fun filled day planed for me. When all I wanted to do was sleep.

To be continued......

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it. The votes are in and with the majority votes going to the story about two straight best friends decide to become Master slave role for money.

The story will be called The Social Experiment. This story will be posted right after I have posted this. Hope everyone enjoys the new story.

More to come soon.

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