The Fan

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 10, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

The Fan

By Chris

Lana was sitting at her computer surfing the net. She knew that she should be grading her freshmen English class's papers but her heart wasn't into that right now, besides she had the weekend to get that done. Soon she found herself at her favorite site, She had read every lesbian story listed and now she was going back reading them again. Tonight as she read the stories, feeling herself getting excited as she always did, a thought came into her head, "Why don't I write a story." She wasn't sure that she could but she spent all day long encouraging her students to do things they had never done before. She knew she had to do her research so she went to the better authors and read their stories, this time not for sexual excitement but to see how they wrote their stories. As she read them, she quickly realized that writing stories might be harder to do than she originally thought. She took notes as she read trying to gleam the best from each author. It was about two in the morning before her eyes gave out and she went to bed.

The next morning Lana got up and fixed a cup of coffee before sitting down at the computer. She opened up Word and sat back a minute to think. She had several story ideas in her head but as she went through them, she realized that they were all different versions of stories that she had read the night before. She wanted her story to be different. After a while of just sitting, she got up and wandered around the house trying to think of something, anything that would be different. She fixed another cup of coffee and put on her robe. She stepped outside and lit the first of the ten cigarettes that she allowed herself every day. She was becoming frustrated when an idea began to form. She let it slowly develop in her head and when she was ready; she went back to her computer and started to type. The words came slowly at first but soon they began to flow. She got into a rhythm where she would write for a couple of hours then get up and stretch allowing the story to develop in her head. She would then return to the computer and start writing again. She spent all of Saturday writing and was up again early Sunday morning writing more. By Sunday afternoon, she had her story finished. She wanted to edit it right then and post it but she still had her class's papers to grade so she saved her story and graded her student's papers. Monday and Tuesday evening she edited her story, not believing how many errors that she found. She was an English teacher and she made errors that even her students would know better than making. Wednesday evening she submitted her story to The next morning she checked the site and found her story there. She could not believe that she had actually written a story. No one had read it yet and suddenly she was fearful that no one would like what she had written.

As soon as she got home that night, she checked her Hotmail address and found three responses. The same fear that she felt that morning came rushing back to her. She took a deep breath and opened the first one. The first reader liked the story but felt it was too long, the second one told her in explicit terms how hot the story made her. That response made her feel good as it showed that she had at least touch an emotion in the reader. It was the third response that got her attention. It simple said, "I loved your story, I cried, I laughed, and I got more than a little wet if you know what I mean. Please write more stories." The email was signed, LadyLove. Lana wrote back that she appreciated the response to her story and was glad that the reader got everything she was trying to say.

By Friday night, Lana had another story in mind and she started to write. This one she had to think harder on to get what she wanted to say out, plus she put a little more sex into it so she had to take more breaks to cool off. It was Tuesday evening before she finished this story but she did not get to edit the story until the weekend and thus she did not get her first response until Sunday. Again, she got mostly good responses about her story. It was Tuesday that she got an email from LadyLove. This email was longer and more personal than the first one.

"I cannot put into words how much your story meant to me. It described everything I would want love to be. I long to find someone like your character Vickie did in your story. Someone to show me what love can really be. You are a great writer and I hope you will continue to write."

Lana wrote the LadyLove back telling her again how much she appreciated the email and wished her well in finding someone. LadyLove wrote a couple of days later her again. Again, LadyLove told Lana how much she loved her stories and that she hoped that she was writing another story as she was anxiously waiting. This time LadyLove signed it Jennifer. Lana wrote Jennifer back letting her know that there was indeed another story coming and a little of what it was about. The following day Lana found another email from Jennifer; this was even more personal than the first two. Lana thought long and hard about starting an online friendship with a stranger but Jennifer seemed nice and legit. So Lana wrote her back. From then on, they exchanged daily emails. Over time, Lana learned that Jennifer was divorced and had a teenage daughter. She had only been married a few months when she found out that her husband was cheating on her but by then she was already pregnant. She toughed it out for ten more years before her husband left one morning never to return. She realized shortly thereafter that she was much happier with him gone. She also realized over the next couple of years that men did not interest her and probably never had but she had been brought up with the thinking that homosexually was wrong. She bought into that idea back then but recently she found herself thinking about women. That is when she started surfing the Internet. It was there that she discovered

Lana found herself telling Jennifer things about herself that she would normally not do with a stranger. She told her that she was a lesbian and had known it for most of her life. Because of her job, which she left unexplained, she could not come out in the open, but that did not change who or what she was. She also went into other areas of her personal life, like her past loves and that she was currently unattached. Over the next couple of months, they became friends sharing their day-to-day lives and of course Lana's stories. Lana even had Jennifer describe one of her fantasies and she made the fantasy into a story.

It was only when Jennifer mentioned a shopping center near her that Lana realized that she was talking to someone that lived in the same city as she did. She did not let on that she knew this at first, as she was not sure that she wanted Jennifer to know where she lived but as the next month passed by she rethought that decision. When Jennifer mentioned the area of the state that she lived in, Lana decided to take a chance. Lana replied back that she also lived in that area of the state. Jennifer answered back which city she lived in and Lana replied that she lived there also. Lana left it there and waited to see if Jennifer would mention meeting sometime. It took Jennifer a week to make the suggestion. Lana said that she was willing but it would have to be in an out of the way place and Jennifer would have to promise never to tell who she was meeting. Jennifer agreed but only if Lana made the same promise, which she readily agreed to do. They decided to meet on Friday night and Lana gave Jennifer instructions to a restaurant on the outskirts of the city.

When school let out Friday, Lana hurried home to take a shower, put on her makeup, and get dressed in the clothes she had laid out the night before. She wanted to make sure she got to the restaurant first. When she arrived at the restaurant, she chose a table in the rear where she could see the parking lot but would have her back to Jennifer once she entered the restaurant. She had picked this restaurant with this in mind plus the fact that they had great food.

Lana only had to wait about fifteen minutes before she saw a dark haired lady getting out of her car. The woman was vaguely familiar and then it hit her. The woman was one of her best student's mother. She had actually met her a few weeks ago at a parent-student conference. She remembered thinking back then that there was something about the woman that was familiar and now she knew why. They had been talking via email for the past few months but neither knew that at the time. At first, Lana thought about sneaking out the back door but decided to stay and see what happened. The woman was very attractive plus they had built up a close relationship and now that relationship would be tested. Lana watched Jennifer enter the restaurant and waited for her to approach her table.

"Are you La...." Jennifer started to say before she recognized her daughter Sarah's English teacher.

"Lana, and yes I am, Mrs. White. Go ahead and have a seat, I am just as surprised as you are."

Lana noticed that Jennifer's hands were shaking as she pulled her chair out and sat down. Neither spoke as the waiter came over taking Jennifer's drink order and bringing a refill for Lana.

"Now you know why I have never come out as being a lesbian. There are not that many parents that would allow a lesbian to teach their kids. Are you going to tell anyone?"

"Oh God no I won't say anything and I trust that you won't either."

"You secret is safe with me. Can I call you Jennifer? Mrs. White seems a little formal after all we have already told each other."

"Of course, it is stupid to start being formal now. So what do we do now?"

"Go on as we meant to do. Let us have a nice dinner and get to know each other a little better. When the dinner is over we can decide where to go from there."

That was just what they did and by the end of the dinner, they found that they liked each other just as much in person as they did on-line. They had quickly forgotten that one of them taught the daughter of the other. After dinner, they walked outside and Lana lit up a cigarette and offered one to Jennifer. Lana was surprised when Jennifer took her up on the offer.

"Would you like to come back to my place for a drink?" Lana asked as she inhaled deeply on her cigarette.

Jennifer took a drag off her cigarette and stated simply, "A drink would be nice about now."

Lana pulled into her driveway and as she waited for Jennifer to pull in behind her she wondered if this was such a good idea. Jennifer was the mother of one of her best students but as she watched Jennifer get out of her car, she knew that she would take this as far as Jennifer wanted it to go.

Once inside the house Lana fixed them both a drink as Jennifer went to the stereo and put on a CD. Lana felt the hairs raise on the back of her neck when she heard the music start, it was as if Jennifer was reading her mind. The CD was the one that she had burned. It was the CD that she played when she was in a romantic mood as it was old love songs she had grown up listening to. She finished making the drinks and brought them into the living room where Jennifer was sitting on the sofa. Lana folded one leg under the other as she sat down facing Jennifer.

"To what may be." Lana said as a toast. Jennifer smiled and touched her glass, repeating the toast. They sat quietly for a few minutes sipping their drinks and listening to the songs of love. Lana started to say something a couple of times but she sensed that Jennifer was content to sit and listen to the music. She did make sure that she made eye contact with Jennifer but never holding it for too long. As they neared the end of their drinks, Lana decided it was now or never. She slowly put her glass on the coffee table, took Jennifer's glass, and placed it with her own glass. Lana slid closer to Jennifer and put her hand to the side of Jennifer's face lightly caressing her cheek. Jennifer lowered her head but did not move to stop her. Lana ran her finger down Jennifer's face to her chin lifting it so that Jennifer was looking at her. Lana moved slowly forward and at the last second turned her head to kiss her. It was a soft but long kiss. Jennifer did not respond at first but then Lana felt Jennifer's lips open up and she was kissing her back. Lana opened her mouth a little more and slipped her tongue into Jennifer's mouth. Jennifer pushed her tongue against Lana's and their tongues did a dance of their own. Lana ended the kiss a couple of minutes later to let them catch their breaths. Lana leaned back to see how Jennifer reacted to a kiss from another woman. She found that her face was flushed and she saw in Jennifer's eyes that she wanted more.

Lana moved back in for another kiss and this time Jennifer met her half way. As they kissed, Lana put her hands around Jennifer and started to run them up and down Jennifer's back. Lana heard a slight moan come from Jennifer. Lana got a little more aggressive moving her hands down to Jennifer's ass taking a cheek in each hand. Another moan came from Jennifer.

Lana knew it was time to see just how far Jennifer was willing to go with this. She eased herself away from Jennifer giving her a last peck on the lips. Lana gave Jennifer a smile as she put her hands to the top button of Jennifer's blouse. Jennifer took in a deep breath and held it as Lana began to unbutton her blouse. When she got to the third button, she got her first glimpse of Jennifer's black lacy bra. When she got to the last button she opened the blouse and took in Jennifer's C cup breasts held tightly in by her bra. Lana placed her hands on those breasts feeling the soft flesh and the nipples that were trying to poke through the material of the bra. Jennifer let out her breath and then took another deep breath. There was a moan as Jennifer expelled this breath. Lana leaned in and began to kiss Jennifer's lips before going to her neck. Jennifer raised her head exposing her full neck to Lana. Lana's hands were not idle as she kissed Jennifer. She pulled the blouse off Jennifer's shoulders and reached behind her to unhook her bra. She slipped the bra off and leaned back to see what Jennifer's breasts looked like. Her areoles were about a silver dollar in size and her nipples were about a half-inch long. Lana cupped the breasts in her hands and bent down taking a nipple into her mouth. She sucked gently at first then harder. Lana felt Jennifer's hand on the back of her neck holding her in place. Lana sucked and licked this nipple and then went over to the other nipple. She noticed that Jennifer's breathing had changed to short quick breaths. She squeezed and caressed the breasts as she went from one to the other with her mouth. After a few minutes, Lana placed a hand on Jennifer's thigh and started to move it toward Jennifer's body when Jennifer pushed her back.

Lana thought that Jennifer had second thoughts about doing this but instead Jennifer put her hands to Lana's back unzipping her dress. Jennifer pulled the dress forward and Lana helped her to pull it off her arms. Jennifer let the dress fall to Lana waist leaving her breasts covered in only her red sheer bra. Jennifer started moving her hands toward Lana's breasts but stopped halfway there. She looked at Lana who gave her a nod of encouragement. Jennifer hesitated another second then placed her hands on Lana's breasts. Lana felt the first tentative touch that became more sure as they pressed against her breasts. Jennifer caressed her breasts then went to the nipples and she ran her fingers across them giving Lana a sexual shiver. Lana reached behind her back to unclasp her bra and then pulled it off. Jennifer put her hands back to Lana's B cup breasts. She ran her hands all around them before going back to the nipples pinching them gently. Lana let out a moan and shut her eyes. The next thing she felt was Jennifer's mouth on her right nipple. Jennifer sucked softly at first then took more of Lana's breast into her mouth. Jennifer began to suck hungrily on the breast as she caressed the other one with her hand. Lana moved her hands to Jennifer's breasts and caressing them with her fingers. Jennifer switched her mouth over to the other breast sucking and licking on the nipple. Lana let Jennifer suck a couple of minutes before she pushed Jennifer away.

Lana stood up letting her dress drop to the floor leaving her clad only in her sheer red panties. Jennifer's eyes traveled from Lana's face down her body to Lana's panty clad pussy. Lana had always shaved herself completely so she knew that Jennifer could see the swollen lips of her pussy. Lana put her hands to the waistband of her panties and pushed them down over her hips revealing her clean pussy. Lana finished taking her panties off then stood in front of Jennifer with her legs slightly parted. Jennifer stared at her clean-shaven pussy for a second then her hand came from her lap up to Lana's pussy. Her hand cupped Lana's pussy and she just held it there for a moment. Lana felt her pussy oozing juices that she knew was now coating Jennifer's hand. Jennifer finally began to move her hand up and down stroking her. Lana let out a loud moan and an even louder one when Jennifer eased a finger inside her. She moved the finger in and out and then used her thumb to tease Lana's clit. For someone who had never done this before, Jennifer was doing a great job. But then Lana realized that Jennifer had been doing a lot of reading and she of course was a woman herself. Lana felt her orgasm coming on and she did not try to stop it from arriving. The orgasm was a small one but felt good all the same. As it ended, she saw Jennifer remove her hand and move it toward her mouth but Lana stopped her. She took the hand and brought it to her own mouth licking off all of her juices. She was not ready for Jennifer to taste her yet; she was saving that for later. Lana took each of Jennifer's fingers into her mouth sucking them clean then licked the palm of the remaining juices.

Lana dropped to her knees between Jennifer's legs. She placed her hands on Jennifer's knees and slid them forward caressing and squeezing the top of Jennifer's thighs. When she got near Jennifer's pussy she slid her hand toward her pussy but at the last moment she lifted them and moved them on up to the top of Jennifer's slacks. She slowly unbuttoned the slacks and began to pull them down. Jennifer lifted her hips helping Lana to get them off. As Lana looked back up, she saw the telltale signs of a woman aroused. There was a large wet spot on the center of Jennifer's panties. Lana placed a finger at the top of Jennifer's panties and moved it down. She could feel the pubic hair give way to the beginning of Jennifer's pussy. As she finger went across the little nub of Jennifer's clit she heard Jennifer gasp. She went on down and felt the juices that had leaked on Jennifer's panties. She took her finger and placed it in her mouth getting her first taste of Jennifer. She definitely liked the taste. Lana placed her hands at Jennifer's hips and pulled them toward the edge of the sofa. She then put her hands back to Jennifer's waist and began to pull her panties down. As the panties came down she saw that Jennifer's bush was full and only trimmed at her panty line. The panties came on down and Lana saw the pink slit that was glistening with juices. Lana pulled the panties on off. She placed her hands on Jennifer's knees and crawled between her legs. Lana inhaled Jennifer's aroma and then lowered her head to Jennifer's pussy. Lana nuzzled her head in Jennifer's bush and began to lick her slit. Jennifer immediately began to moan and she pushed her hips forward. Lana took her time as she licked up and down the slit. Lana's tongue worked its way into and around every cranny of Jennifer's pussy. After a minute or two, she moved to the center and pushed her tongue in as deep as she could. As she did this, she moved her nose back and forth across Jennifer's clit. Jennifer rewarded her with fresh girlcum and Lana sucked that up. She then moved upwards to Jennifer's clit and gave it a short lick. Jennifer let out a loud moan. Lana sucked the clit into her mouth and began to lick the bud. As she did this, she brought a finger and placed it at the entrance of Jennifer's pussy. She pressed it in just a short way and then began to tease Jennifer who placed her hands at the back of Lana's head holding her in place. Lana's tongue went to Jennifer's clit and started to lick it with short hard strokes as she continued to suck. It did not take long for Jennifer to reach an orgasm and she came hard. Lana licked on the clit for a moment more, then she went to Jennifer's pussy and sucked up the girlcum flowing out of her.

Lana wanted Jennifer's first time with a woman to be very memorable so when Jennifer came down from her orgasm she started to lick again only this time she used her fingers to spread Jennifer's pussy lips open. She stuck her tongue even deeper into Jennifer's pussy and moved it around. Lana glanced up and she saw that Jennifer's eyes were closed and her hands were pulling and pinching her own nipples. Lana moved her tongue up to the clit and licked it a few seconds before going back to the entrance and pushing it back inside. She licked and sucked some more getting Jennifer to moaning and groaning. The next time when she went to the clit, she moved two fingers to the entrance. She pushed her fingers inside until they were buried deep inside her warm moist pussy. She moved them back out and pushed them in a little harder. She began to fuck Jennifer with her fingers as she licked and sucked on her clit. Jennifer pushed back with her hips and Lana had a hard time keeping her mouth on Jennifer's clit but she managed to do so. She worked Jennifer's pussy hard and soon she felt Jennifer's pussy muscles clamp down on her fingers as she came. Lana continued to lick and fuck Jennifer until Jennifer finally pushed her away. Lana licked her fingers clean as she looked at Jennifer who had a peaceful smile on her lips. Lana got up and sat beside Jennifer enclosing her in her arms.

"I have never had orgasms that good in all my life. You blew me away." Jennifer said as she snuggled down in Lana's arms.

"Thank you, I was hoping you would enjoy your first time with a woman."

"Enjoy is not the word for it, I am not sure what the right word is but 'enjoy' does not come close."

Jennifer sat up and she took Lana's head in her hands and kissed her. She kissed her with her lips at first then opened her mouth to introduce her tongue into Lana's mouth. Lana relaxed and allowed Jennifer to do what she wanted to do. Slowly Jennifer pushed her onto her back. Jennifer went down with her, kissed her lips, and worked her way on down to Lana's neck and then her breasts. Jennifer kissed each nipple before taking the left nipple into her mouth. Lana put her hand to the side of Jennifer's face and caressed it as she sucked on her breasts. Lana could not believe how easily Jennifer took to this; it seemed that she was born to it. Jennifer went back and forth between her breasts sucking and licking on them. Lana heard herself moaning and she pushed her chest upward into Jennifer's mouth. Jennifer worked Lana's breasts a few minutes more before she eased her way on down Lana's body.

Lana opened her legs for Jennifer when she got down to her pussy. Jennifer hesitated for a second then she dipped her head down and began to lick at Lana's pussy. Lana let out a loud moan both from what Jennifer was doing and because she knew that her pussy was the first pussy that Jennifer had ever licked. After the first few hesitant licks, Jennifer went at it hard. Her tongue was covering every part of Lana's pussy that she could find. She covered the outer lips then slid her tongue into Lana's slit licking and sucking up her juices. She was like a kitten going at a bowl of milk, licking and slurping away. She moved her way up to Lana's clit and sucked it into her mouth. As she did, this she pushed a couple of fingers into Lana's pussy and started fucking her. Lana pushed her hips up to Jennifer's mouth while pushing back against her fingers. Lana wanted to make this last as long as possible but she was losing the battle. Soon she felt the first wave of an orgasm hit her. That was followed by the second and main wave. She gripped Jennifer's head in her hands and held her in place as she came.

When the orgasm ended, she pulled Jennifer up to her. She wrapped her arms around Jennifer as they kissed. Lana tasted her juices on Jennifer's mouth and she kissed them off. Jennifer then laid her head on Lana's chest and after only a few minutes, they were both asleep.

The next morning Lana woke up alone on the sofa and she figured that Jennifer had left sometime during the night but then she heard a noise from the kitchen. When she entered the kitchen, she found Jennifer sitting at the table sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Well, I see you finally got up."

"I thought you might have gone home when I woke up alone. I figured you had to get back before Sarah got up."

"No, she is at her father's this weekend so we have until Sunday evening." Jennifer said, and then realized that she was making an assumption.

"I think that we can find something to do." Lana said with a wicked smile on her face.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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