The Fetish

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 6, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


[Caution: This story has a rather disturbing ending to it. Be forewarned!]

It was only a small statuette sitting on a table in the thrift shop. At first look, Mike thought it was a miniature gargoyle. Maybe five inches tall and about that wide, it showed what Mike realized was a sort of squat, evilly grinning man, sitting on his buttocks but with his feet flat on the floor, his arms around his knees so that he was cubic in shape, his head was large and distorted, his eyes were rectangular and his lips were thick and forming a capsule-shape around his teeth which were regular squares. Ugly as hell!

Only...there was something about it that kept his eyes returning to it. Mike found that he'd go to the other side of the store and wander about, looking, and end up back next to it. Looking at it.

Finally, on the fourth trip to it, Mike picked it up and when he did, he felt a sort of...quivering...feel to it. Not quite a vibration, but that it was trying to move so hard, and couldn't. And it was warm, like it had been sitting in a hot vent's airflow. But he didn't feel one on it now.

"Would you like to buy that, sir?" the clerk was suddenly at his elbow.

"I don't know." Mike said. "What is it?"

"A fetish." the clerk explained. And stopped.

"And what exactly is a fetish?" Mike asked, because the clerk expected him to. Mike knew what a fetish was, but it wasn't a statuette Mike was thinking of when he thought of a fetish...

"An item of magic and power. This fetish will watch over you while you sleep and prevent you from having bad dreams, warding off the evil spirits that cause them. Place it by your bed and see how much more pleasant your nights become."

"I don't know." Mike said.

"You don't understand." the clerk pressed Mike. "The fetish has chosen you."

"Huh?" Mike said, an intelligent sound given the statement.

"Didn't you notice how whenever you would get distracted, you ended up back beside the fetish?"

Mike had to nod at that. He would be looking around and thinking about nothing and suddenly he'd be looking that fetish in the face, so to speak.

The fetish was warmer than before. Now Mike was sure it was generating the heat itself.

"It is saying that it should belong to you. Your nights must be disturbed indeed for it to call you to it."

"My nights are totally undisturbed." Mike said wryly, and this was true. He hadn't had a lover in over a year, so the silence in his bedroom was downright deafening. Mike had his nighttime masturbations, but due to their unending repetition, those had gotten rather unsatisfying. He'd go to sleep and dream about a lover, wake up just as he was getting happy, and have a hell of a time getting back to sleep.

Now he thought about it, Mike WAS having nightmares of the worst sort. He kept losing lovers!

"How much?" Mike asked.

"Twelve ninety-five." the clerk said.

Mike pulled out a twenty. "You just sold yourself a fetish." He said. What the hell, if it worked, terrific, if not, it was only a few bucks.

He put the fetish on the nightstand beside his bed. When he turned out the light, Mike saw it was glowing very, very faintly. Radioactive? Nah! Some glow-in-the-dark shit. "Okay, fetish, you do your thing, okay?" Mike said, yawning hard. "Daddy needs to get some sleep awful bad." The time was 10:45pm.

An hour later, Mike decided he'd wasted his money, because he wasn't sleeping worth a damn! Mike looked at his clock. 11:59pm. Damned near midnight and he was still turning and to top it off, his cock was throbbing like hell! Better whack it off, get it over with. Damn it!

He kicked the covers off himself and over against the wall. That left him wearing only a pair of briefs, and he skinned out of them. Looked back at the fetish next to his bed. The clock beside it had just turned over to midnight....

Mike saw the room lighten, not as in a light shining in the window, but more like everything was glowing from within. But the brightest point was coming from his nightstand and he turned his head to look at it.

The fetish was growing in size! Getting larger, the feet extended out over the edge of the nightstand and the legs snaked out from their curled-up position as the arms released them and the feet landed on the floor with a splat-like sound. Now the figure was expanding into a full-sized adult and as it expanded, the dimensions of it changed and the color brightened from its dark-brown original color. It went from being a grotesquerie into a quite-handsome, completely naked, well-muscled man with body of soft golden-brown tones, the eyes were now normal-sized and glinted at Mike with the tiniest sparkles from within their depths, the smile vanished as the lips closed, then re-opened to show a friendly demeanor.

Not that Mike was feeling friendly. "What the hell?" he yelped, as he grabbed for the covers, ineffectually. His problem with kicking the covers aside is that they had ended up against the wall in a jumbled roll-like cylinder, when he grabbed for them again, all Mike pulled was the central area of the covers over and the rest came with it and Mike covered himself hardly at all.

The man the fetish had become reached for the cylinder of covers and tossed it back away from Mike's body, one knee resting on the bed beside Mike. Then he lifted the other leg up and tossed it easily up over Mike's body and was on top of him, breath was hot upon Mike's face as the fetish leaned in.

As the fetish laid himself upon Mike's body, Mike felt the hotness of the erect cock as it pressed on his right thigh. The fetish's lips touched his and with the touch of that body, that cock, those lips, his resistance faded away into nothingness. His kiss was passion incarnate, Mike felt his prick snub against the fetish's taut stomach, demanding attention.

The fetish lifted his left leg up and Mike's own leg slid out as the fetish's came inside, then the fetish lifted his right leg up and Mike complied again; now both legs were inside Mike's, his legs wafted upwards to clamp upon the fetish's lower back and his arms wrapped that big chest barrel and his hands touched fingertip-ends on the muscled back, and Mike's fingers convulsed, clamped nails into the smooth flesh.

The head of the fetish's glans found his anus unerringly, and Mike moaned as the hard shaft shoved inside. Mike couldn't explain the sensation, there was no lubrication, but there wasn't any tearing of his body's tissues, it was like the smoothness of the stone of the statuette was retained and made the surface of the fetish's cock as slick as any smooth surface can be.

Mike turned his clawed nails in the fetish's back back into his fingers, and Mike stroked the skin. Yes, smooth, so smooth! his fingers glided seamlessly over the fetish's body, the skin was warm, soft, real, but Mike's fingertips encountered no resistance at all as his hands moved.

The fetish was inside him now, the dong was buried to the very hilt. The fetish's breath was pockets of hard exhalations on Mike's cheek as he hovered over Mike supported on his elbows. Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!

In smooth motions, lithe and graceful, the fetish began to fuck Mike. Mike was treated to a gentle stroking of his prostate that drove his passions into high gear, Mike began to grunt and fuck himself back at that wonderful prod.

And the fetish sped up, now his motions were harder, faster, more imperious. Mike was pliable and totally within his dominion now, letting himself be fucked as the fetish wanted. The fetish's actions became more feral, more aggressive. His mouth went down onto Mike's shoulder and his teeth bit into Mike's flesh, not tearing his skin but painful and dominating. Mike cried out in hurt and ecstasy and his cock exploded its seed against the fetish's stomach and chest, his own body was sopped when the spunk dripped from the fetish's sleek form down onto his own coarser flesh.

As Mike climaxed, the fetish's body tensed, he arced his back upwards and drove his dong deep, his thrusts turned into wriggles as he sprayed his jizz far inside Mike's body, Mike felt only the heat of the shaft as it pulsed in its shots, writhing like a small animal inside his bowels and it was done.

The fetish dropped heavily onto Mike and he grunted, this time an "oof"-like sound. The fetish didn't shift, until his breaths eased and then he stood up. "Now you will sleep and well." he said to Mike.

"I guess so." Mike said.

The fetish only nodded, and as his body shone this time the body shrunk, the fetish went back to sitting on the nightstand, then raised up his legs, clasping his knees as he shrank further, and the light dimmed.

And the fetish was only a statuette once again.

Mike lay upon his bed, sated, sweat cooling on his body. Yeah, he could sleep. He'd been out of the sex game for so long, he'd half-forgotten how completely satisfying sex was. Even when it was mindless, sex was pretty damned good!

The next night was more of the same, only the light began as soon as Mike entered the room and turned out the light. Mike got his loving and horny man, an energetic bout of sex (the fetish...whatever his name was, they never talked...was versatile, if dominating. He'd let Mike fuck him if the fetish was the one on top and doing most of the motion, or he'd suck Mike's cock if Mike sucked him at the same time, that sort of thing), and after that, Mike would drop off to sleep, his hormones quiet and his body at peace.

After about ten days of this, there was a small gathering after work, to say a farewell to a co-worker. Mike ended up homebound a couple of hours later than usual, and on the way, he saw a bar he'd always wanted to go to. Well...why not? Mike turned off the road and worked his way around to the parking lot behind the bar, and into it.

Nice place. Half the place was a dance floor, and the guys there would actually ask you to dance with them! Mike couldn't count how many places he'd been (before that relationship Mike was only just getting over) where if you didn't dance with the one who brought you, you didn't get to dance! Period! But this place was different, you could dance with a guy just to be dancing. Even some really ugly guys were out there on the floor, dancing with one guy after another.

Mike had three dances with one guy, named Paul. They hit it off well enough, shared a few drinks, and Mike got Paul's phone number and gave Paul his. Not a bad night at all. Mike got home about eleven o'clock at night. Now for a little bit of fetish-love and he'd be out like a light, and loaded with ammunition for a beautiful dream!

As Mike turned out the light, it was like unleashing a maelstrom! Mike was buffeted by a strong wind that shoved him side-to-side, barely keeping his feet, while the light that usually presaged the appearance of the fetish was strobing like lightning.

When the fetish appeared, his countenance was angry. Furious! "I do not like to be kept waiting!" he snarled at Mike.

"I'm sorry!" Mike said. "I didn't know!"

"You know it now." the fetish said. "Now get out of your clothing." Mike was still wearing his briefs.

"Sure." Mike said and he peeled them over his thighs, bent over to push them down his body.

And the fetish grabbed him and threw Mike over the bed, fucked him like that, with his feet still on the floor and his briefs stretched taut at his ankles, bent over the bed, resting his weight on his forearms. The fetish still entered Mike easily, his cock still avoided any tearing of Mike's bowels...but there was nothing gentle about it. The fetish wasn't loving Mike...he was asserting his domination over him.

The fetish's hand grabbed Mike's cock and pumped him, hard. It hurt, the fetish skinned back so hard and snarled in Mike's ear. "You are mine. I won't let you go, ever."

After some unknown amount of time, Mike felt his body struggle up into climax and he gasped, shot his load onto the sheets. As always, the fetish took Mike's orgasm for his own, drove his cock deep inside Mike's body and shot it there.

"You are mine." the fetish whispered huskily in Mike's ear. "I will never let you go. Never forget that."

And the light worked its magic, turning the fetish back into a small statuette on the nightstand.

Mike fell into bed, his brain working feverishly. What was he going to do?

But he didn't think long. A side effect of the fetish's power, Mike's sleep was always long, deep and without nightmares. This was the first time Mike found out it wasn't just having good sex letting him sleep!

But he awoke to the horns of a dilemma. Having a fetish for a lover wasn't all roses and kittens! And to top it off, he had a message on his answering machine. Paul had called. When a guy calls you right after you finish seeing him an hour before, he's ready to get serious!

Mike dithered, didn't return the call. Heck, it happened, a guy gives you his phone number and then doesn't call you back. Paul would understand...wouldn't he?

The next evening was Friday and at around the time Mike was planning to go to bed, there came a knock at the door. Mike opened it to find Paul standing there. A smile on his face. "I looked up your address using your phone number." he explained. "Can I come in?"

"Uh...yeah." Mike said.

When Paul got inside, he basically grabbed Mike, began kissing him, hard. Mike knew he should resist, knew he shouldn't do this, he shouldn't....

They ended up on the couch, Paul on top of Mike and rubbing his body against Mike's. Mike felt that hard pole, God, he wanted it, he wanted it!

"Oh, oh, we can't do this, we can't." he muttered as Paul nibbled at his neck. "You don't know what you're doing, oh, God, oh, God!"

There came a rumbling from his bedroom. The lights in his apartment all exploded at once, burst into shards and plunged them into twilight. That was all the fetish needed to appear, Mike knew, could it come out of the bedroom?

"Run, Paul, run!" Mike shouted. "You have to get out of here, now!"

There came a bright light from his bedroom through the open door.

"What is that?" Paul asked. Shadows showed that the fetish was forming up.

"Paul, get out of here." Mike cried.

The fetish stood in the doorway, a beautiful naked man. Angry!

Paul let discretion be the better part of valor. "I didn't know you had a lover!" he yelped, and beat a retreat from the apartment.

The fetish stood before Mike, blazing with fury, his eyes fiery red irises. "You are mine! You will always be mine!" The fetish grabbed Mike, picking him up bodily with his arms around Mike, and Mike's legs went up to wrap around the fetish's body, as if they weren't under his own control.

And there was a massive wind, a blinding light that felt like it was permeating every atom of Mike's being....

Jeffrey was looking about the thrift shop. Stopped at one item. The clerk suddenly appeared at his elbow. "What is that?"

"It is a fetish." The clerk explained.

"What's a fetish?" Jeffrey asked, picking up the statuette. "Hey, it's warm." Looked at the item closer.

Two men, one sitting with his knees up and hands holding the knees so that his feet were flat on the table. The second one sitting in the first one's lap, legs wrapped around the first and his head thrown back in a position of eternal, magnificent ecstasy on the broad, angular face....

"Place it by your bed and it will ward off bad dreams. Buy it, and see how pleasant your nights will become."

"I don't think these two need me." Jeffrey said, and he placed the fetish back on the table. "Looks like they have each other already. How much for that lamp over there?"


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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