The Field Trip

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Nov 19, 2011



This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further.

Comments are always welcome, email me and let me know what you think at

The Field Trip

"All set for your fieldtrip tomorrow, Dash?" asked Dad.

"Yes dad," I grumped.

"I don't see why you're being such a snob about this sweetheart," said Mom. "University of Connecticut is an excellent school, your father and I loved our time there."

"It's a great school mom, but I'm going to Yale," I replied.

"If you get in," mom reminded me.

"Like that's going to be a problem," I said, with a sarcastic roll of my eyes.

"It never hurts to have a safety school," said dad.

"Look, I signed up for the fieldtrip, like you wanted. I'm going. Can we just drop it? Geez," I moaned.

That put an end to the discussion and we were able to get through the rest of our dinner without any more complaints from me, or my parents. My name's Dash, as you probably guessed already. I was named after my mom's favorite mystery writer, Dashiell Hammet. He wrote all these old mysteries that she's in love with. Anyway, I really have nothing against UConn, it is a good school and I would be happy to go there but, Yale has the pre-med program I'm interested in.

I probably sounded a little arrogant when I told my parents that getting into Yale wasn't going to be a problem but at that point, I was just trying to get under their skin, like they were mine. I know that getting into an Ivy League school is no easy task but I'm ready for it. I have a 4.0 GPA, I'm taking all the right Advanced Placement courses, I'm first cello with the Connecticut Youth Symphony, I row crew and I'm a varsity swimmer. I've got Ivy League written all over me!

With all of that studying and all of those extracurricular activities, you'd think I didn't have a social life, and that was kind of how I'd planned things. I'm 16 now and I've known I was gay since I was probably 12. I'm not out to anyone, not because I'm embarrassed or ashamed, but because I don't feel that I need to wear my sexuality on my sleeve, like some guys do. I just want to be Dash, not Dash the gay guy. I figured if I kept my self busy, with school and all of my activities, no one would question why I didn't have a girlfriend, they'd just assume I didn't have time.

After dinner, I excused myself and went back to my room. I was reading Crime and Punishment for my AP Lit. class and wanted to get a few chapters under my belt before my parents went to bed. Once mom and dad shut their door, they may as well be dead to the world. They are such sound sleepers that if the house caught on fire, they'd probably just lie in bed and roast. When I heard their door close, I put my book away, stripped down to my boxerbriefs, flipped on my laptop and flopped down on my bed.

I'm very well versed in sex, academically speaking. The only gay boy's I know are the kind I wouldn't want to be with and all the boy's I am interested in, well, let's just say that I wouldn't want to proposition one of them just to end up spitting out my teeth. As a result, I've read just about everything posted in the nifty archive and have spent many a happy night beating my dick like it owes me money.

I found a story that had a decent plot and a really hot sex scene. Tonight I wouldn't even need my hand. The story got me so turned on that I mounted my body pillow and humped it aggressively, while the boy's in the story had sex. By the time they had finished, I was cumming in my undies. Don't judge, if you're reading this story, that's probably happened to you more than once too.

Once I recovered from my, uh, ride on the information superhighway, I tossed my soiled underpants into the hamper and headed for the shower. I smiled when I looked in the mirror, as I waited for the water to heat up. I'm 5'9" inches tall and I weigh roughly 135 pounds. I've got short brown hair, the color of dark chocolate, with natural reddish highlights to it, and bright, green eyes. I dress conservatively and I'm known as the campus preppy and I'm also sporting a nice six-pack of abs, that are the result of all that swimming and rowing. My friend Holly has seen me in my Speedo hundreds of times and says that if her girlfriends saw me with my shirt off, they'd swoon like 12 year olds at a Justin Bieber concert. Yeah, she has a real way with words.

I stepped into the shower and let the warm water wash over me. It had been a long day and the water felt like it just rinsed the stress away. By the time I was finished, I was definitely ready for bed. I put on my pajamas, climbed under the covers and was asleep in no time. I normally wake up to the music on my alarm clock but this morning my mom was pounding on the door.

"Dash, honey, wake up. The power went out last night and we're running late," Mom exclaimed.

I put on my glasses then grabbed my watch off the nightstand and swore when I realized I was half an hour behind schedule. Fortunately I had showered the night before and I was able to dress quickly. I put on clean undies and a white undershirt, then selected a charcoal grey polo to go over it. I grabbed a pair of jeans and topped off my ensemble with a black cardigan and my brown penny loafers, told you I was kind of preppy.

Mom and dad were racing around the kitchen when I joined them downstairs. Dad was trying to drink his coffee and tie his necktie at the same time. Mom was running back and forth between the kitchen and the nearest mirror, while trying to cook breakfast and do her makeup, simultaneously. I sat there and quietly watched my parents scramble around the kitchen. I would have been happy with a bowl of cereal but my mom insists on feeding me a healthy breakfast every morning.

Dad tried to make up some of the time we'd lost by coasting through stop signs and speeding, when he didn't think he'd get caught. A police cruiser spotted us, followed him into the school parking lot and flashed its lights at my dad as he screeched to a halt.

"Have a good day son, and try to be objective about UConn, ok?" said dad.

"I will dad, you have a good day too," I smiled, as the police officer knocked on the driver side window.

"Thanks son. Oh and Dash, don't tell your mother," said dad, gesturing to the cop as he rolled down his window.

I left dad to get his ticket and entered the school. Normally I'd stop by my locker, then head to homeroom but since I wouldn't' be attending classes today, I went to the vice principals office. Mr. Hinton would be leading our field trip, he was a UConn alum, and the ten of us who would be going to Storrs, gathered outside his door. I didn't know any of the other kids, they were a mixture of jocks, academic types and a couple of slackers who just wanted to be out of school for the day, not my typical crowd.

One boy nodded at me and smiled as though he knew me. I couldn't remember his name but his face was familiar. I thought he might be in my trig class and tried to remember his name as he walked towards me. I was drawing a blank but fortunately he was wearing his letter jacket and the name, Timmy, was printed over the varsity block S, over his chest.

"Hi, you're Dashiell, right?" asked Timmy.

"Dash, but yeah. You're in my trig class, aren't you?" I replied with my own question.

"Yeah, I was afraid I wouldn't know anyone on this trip," said Timmy.

Technically you don't, I thought, as this was the first conversation we had ever had, but Timmy was pleasant, kinda cute, and I didn't want to come off as a prick. I made small talk with Timmy and decided he was a pretty nice guy, I was wondering why I'd never talked to him before, when Mr. Hinton came out of his office and went over the rules for the field trip. I won't bore you with the details, it was typical be good boys and girls, kinda stuff. Mr. Hinton took attendance for our small group then led us out to the parking lot to board the van for our drive to Storrs.

It's about an hour drive from Sheehan High School, in Wallingford, to the University of Connecticut, in Storrs, and I hoped to sleep most of the way. Timmy sat next to me in the van but fortunately, he had the same idea. It was a cloudy spring morning with the threat of rain later in the day and as we wound through the countryside, my eyelids got heavy. By the time we arrived at UConn, I was sound asleep, as was Timmy, who was resting his head on my shoulder.

We shook off the sleep and stretched our legs, once we got out of the van, then we met our guide and began the tour. UConn has a beautiful campus and it was a pleasant walk, but since I'd already made up my mind about where I was going to college, I was only half paying attention.

Our docent took us through a typical day in a student's life. We began in one of the dorms then proceeded to an academic building where we sat in on a lecture to a freshman history class. When that was over, we went through the student union and as luck would have it, it was club day. On the quad outside the union, all of the university's student organizations had booth's set up to recruit new members and most of them were more than happy to be speaking to perspective freshmen.

There were booths for all of the fraternities and sororities and there were clubs for every interest. When we got to the Gay, Lesbian, Transgender booth, I had trouble concentrating. The boy running the booth was so cute, he had unruly brown hair, bright blue eyes and an infectious smile. He was friendly and animated as he spoke but what impressed me most was he didn't act gay. I know it's an unfair stereotype to assume that every gay guy is seconds away from bursting into flames or dresses like Willy Wonka on a work day, especially since, being gay myself, I don't act that way. I blame my upbringing, my parents are great and accepting people but we don't really know any gay people and I've never been exposed to anything other than the stereotype. The only other gay guy I know, in Wallingford, is Jeff Ryan and he's so uncomfortably camp that I don't really have much to do with him, we're definitely not friends.

The boy had just finished speaking, when he caught me staring at him. He looked me right in the eyes and smiled.

"Do any of you have any questions?" asked the boy.

No one answered.

"How about you, in the back," he said, looking directly at me.

My mouth flopped open for a couple of seconds, like a fish out of water, then I just shook my head no.

"Well, UConn is a great school, I hope you all enjoy your visit and maybe I'll see some of you here when you graduate. GO HUSKIES!" said the boy, with his big bright smile.

We stopped at a couple more booths then went back to the student union for lunch. I was only picking at the orange chicken I'd grabbed from the Panda Express kiosk, I kept thinking about the boy from the booth. He had such beautiful eyes and that smile was so captivating. Not to mention, I have the world's worst, or at least, most untrained gaydar, this was a guy who seemed a lot like me and I'd never have known that he was gay had he not been at that both. It was cool knowing that someone I thought was so cute and well, normal, for lack of a better word, was actually obtainable. I'm sure there are boys like this at school but I've always been too afraid to take the risk to find out.

When lunch was over, we went to the library and split up. Mr. Hinton trusted us to explore the library on our own for the next hour, before we continued our tour. We'd be spending all day on the campus and if anyone got lost, we all knew that the van would be meeting us where we'd been dropped off at 5:00pm. I hadn't worried too much about getting lost until I found myself alone in the cavernous library.

When I looked at my watch and saw that the hour was almost up, I tried to find my way back to the lobby. After several twists and turns I came to a door and walked through it, straight outside. I was obviously in the wrong place and turned to go back the way I'd come, only to discover that the door had locked behind me. Great I thought, as if on cue, the storm that had been threatening to break all day, hit. I had to walk all the way around the building with the rain pouring down on me. It's a big building and it took me a while to get around it, when I did, I was dripping wet and unable to find my group.

I searched high and low but it quickly became clear that my absence hadn't been noticed and the group had moved on to the next leg of the tour. The problem with that was I didn't know where they were headed next. My first instinct was to reach for my cell and call my school. I figured they could give me Mr. Hinton's number and though he'd probably be pissed, he could tell me where to meet up with the others. I reached into my pocket and felt nothing but my own leg. I reached into the other pocket, just my house keys. We aren't allowed to use our phones on our campus, so I usually just toss it in my backpack but because I wasn't in classes today, I'd left my backpack at home. This is just great; now what the hell was I going to do?

I stood there for a moment, cursing my own stupidity, than resigned myself to the obvious. I would have to go back out in the rain and see if I could find my group. It was down pouring and I instantly regretted my decision not to wear a coat today. It had been a nice morning and though there had been the threat of rain, I'd overlooked it. Now I was paying the price as the torrent quickly soaked my sweater and the shirts I had on. I was shivering, drenched to the bone and wishing I had wipers attached to the wire rims of my glasses, when I ran smack dab into someone and got knocked flat on my ass.

"Are you ok," he asked, as he extended his hand and helped me to my feet.

"I'm fine thanks," I stated as I struggled to get the water off of my glasses.

"Hey I know you," he said, "you're with that high school group that stopped by my booth earlier."

I put my glasses back on and found myself starring into the smiling face of the boy from the GLBTG booth.

"My names Brad Cartwright," he smiled and put out his hand to shake.

"Dash, Dash Maxwell," I replied as I took his hand in mine.

"That's a cool name," said Brad.

"Not really," I blushed, "It's short for Dashiell."

"Well, you have to admit, it's original," smiled Brad. "What happened to your group, you're soaked."

"I got separated from them and I've been trying to find them," I replied.

"Well you're never going to find them now," said Brad, "They'll be inside with this rain and there are hundreds of places they could be. Do you know where you're supposed to meet them when you leave?"

"Yeah, our van leaves at 5:00," I answered.

"It's only 1:30 now," said Brad, "I'm just going back to my dorm room to study, you're welcome to come with me."

"Thanks, but I don't want to bother you," I replied.

"It's no bother, you're drenched," Brad smiled. "Come on, I'd feel bad if you got pneumonia and died out here."

I was shivering in my soaked clothes and Brad was not only friendly, but was making a lot of sense. I didn't want to catch pneumonia and die either.

"Well, if you're sure I won't be in the way..." I started.

"Don't worry about it, I could use the company," said Brad as he flashed his dazzling smile.

Brad was pretty talkative as we walked to his dorm. In the short span of five minutes, I learned that he was 18, from Rhode Island, a freshman, an engineering major and treasurer of the GLBTG club whose booth he had been running that morning. I enjoyed listening to him speak, his voice had an almost musical quality to it and I was hanging on every word.

When we got into his small room, Brad took off his wet hoodie to reveal a blue jersey with his name and number, 12, in white.

"You're on the lacrosse team?" I asked, through my chattering teeth.

"Yeah, we were supposed to have practice this afternoon, but the rain kind of ruined that," said Brad.

"I'm sorry, you must be freezing," said Brad as he turned and looked at me.

I must have looked pretty pathetic, I was so wet that I was dripping and leaving a puddle on the floor, not to mention my teeth were chattering like an old windup toy.

"Gimme your clothes and put this on," said Brad as he handed me a terrycloth bathrobe. "I'll take your stuff down to the laundry room and toss everything in the dryer."

"It's ok," I chattered, "They'll dry eventually."

"Don't be so modest," smiled Brad, "You don't have anything I haven't seen before and if you stay dressed like that, you're going to get sick."

"Ok, you win," I complied.

I took off my sweater and then slowly peeled off my shirts. I kicked off my shoes and paused for a moment.

"Come on, jeans too," Brad ordered.

I took a deep breath then thought, screw it, and took my pants off. My socks and underpants were damp but not drenched, so I kept them on and handed everything else to Brad.

"Socks and undies too," Brad instructed.

"It's ok, they're pretty dry," I replied, as I put on his robe and tied it tightly around me.

"Alright," said Brad.

He then surprised me by taking off his jersey and his own jeans. He stood there in his t-shirt, tighty whities and socks, then gathered up all of our wet clothes and headed for the door.

"Aren't you going to put anything on?" I asked, somewhat taken aback.

"Nah, the laundry room is just down the hall and its all boys on this floor," Brad smiled, "you'd be surprised how often people forget to wear pants around here."

It was only a few minutes and then he was back.

"Ok, you're stuff will be all nice and toasty in about an hour," Brad smiled when he came back into the room.

"Thanks, you didn't have to go to all that trouble," I stated.

"Hey, my little brother, Evan, is your age. I'd like to think that if he was ever in your situation, someone would help him out," said Brad.

He didn't put any clothes on, he just went over to his bed, lay down on his tummy, then flashed that smile at me again. I was glad for the opportunity to check him out, he had a tight little apple of a hinny and the cute 2xist briefs he had on hugged it perfectly. We stared at each other for a few moments, then I broke the silence.

"I think it's cool that you're on the lacrosse team," I stated.

"Thanks, but why?" asked Brad, with a puzzled expression.

"It's so normal," I blurted out.

"You mean normal for a gay guy?" Brad replied.

"Yeah, I mean no, I mean..." I stuttered.

"You know Dash, not all gay guys watch the E! network and sing along with Glee," said Brad.

"I know, I don't act like that, I've just never met anyone else who..." I stammered before I caught myself.

Uh oh, I thought, as my mouth ran ahead of my brain.

"Are you gay, Dash?" asked Brad.

"No, but my penis is," I blushed.

Brad started laughing; at least he thought my corny joke was funny.

"Why didn't you say anything?" asked Brad, when he'd stopped laughing.

"I don't know, I guess it's because I've never said it out loud before," I answered.

"So I take it you're not out?" asked Brad.

"No, I don't feel that I need to be out. Why does everyone else need to know who I want to sleep with? Straight people don't have to announce their heterosexuality to everyone," I stated, somewhat defensively.

"Whoa, down boy, no need to get upset," said Brad. "I'm kind of the same way."

"You're not out then?" I asked.

"Well, if someone asks if I'm gay, I won't lie about it," smiled Brad, "but I don't advertise it either."

"Cool," I smiled back.

"You know, there was a moment, when you guys where at the booth, I thought you might be gay," said Brad.

"Really, what did I do?" I asked.

"It wasn't anything you did really, just a vibe I got when you looked at me," said Brad.

"Well, I couldn't help it, I thought you were cute," I blushed.

"Aww, I thought you were cute too," said Brad.

It was quiet for a few minutes then it was Brad's turn to break the silence.

"You know, it's pretty cold, if you wanted to come over here and uh, get under the covers, that would be ok," Brad blushed.

I couldn't believe what he'd just offered. I'd never done anything with a boy before and now, here, this total cutie was asking me to snuggle with him in our underwear. Naturally I jumped at the chance. I shed my robe and climbed into the twin bed, then Brad climbed under the covers with me. We lie there, on our backs with our heads resting on the pillow, side by side. It was another awkward moment as neither of us was sure what was going to happen next.

"Hey Dash," said Brad as he rolled over on his side so he could look down at me, "I just want you to know I didn't plan this."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I just don't want you to think that I was only trying to help you so that I could get you in my bed," said Brad. "I really was just trying to help you out."

"You are helping me out," I replied, "I've never been in bed with a boy before, this is awesome!"

"Ok," laughed Brad, "What do you want to do?"

"Can, can I touch you?" I asked timidly.

"Sure," smiled Brad, as he peeled back the blankets.

I started by drinking him in with my eyes. I looked him over from head to toe, then I reached over and ran my hand through his silky mop of hair.

"That feels nice," purred Brad, as I stroked his hair.

His encouragement made me a little bolder and I moved my hand down to his neck, caressed his chest, feeling up his pectorals, then moving down to his soft, firm belly. My stomach was tighter then his but only because the sports I play focus more attention on the abs. My fingers dipped into his belly button then came to rest just above his waistline, when I looked at him with my eyes seeking permission to go lower.

"It's ok, if you want to keep exploring," Brad smiled.

I ran my fingers back and forth over the waistband of his briefs then moved south. My fingers caressed the head of his hardon, tentatively at first, then more aggressively as I rubbed it. Playing with his cock was fascinating to me, I'd never touched another boy's dick before and I explored its girth and firmness.

"Can I see it?" I asked.

Brad smiled at me then tucked the waistband of his undies under his balls, exposing his treasures for my probing hand. Brads cock was between 6 and 7 inches and reasonably thick. It had a spongy, pink, circumcised head and I couldn't help but think that it was cute. I'd never thought of a dick as cute before but Brad's was, for lack of a better word, charming.

I played with Brad's dick for several minutes, I rubbed the sensitive head with my thumb, stroked the shaft, then juggled his balls in my palm. Throughout my examination, Brad lie there content as could be.

"Would it be alright if I touched you?" he asked.

"Sure," I nodded.

Brad repeated the steps I'd taken with him. He stroked my hair, just above my ear and I understood why that made him purr. He had a gentle touch and it just felt so intimate. I should have known it would feel good, the girl that cuts my hair is only a few years older than me and sometimes she'll stroke my hair like that. It always sends a shiver up my spine, even if she is a girl.

"Damn dude, your stomach is like rock," Brad exclaimed, when his hand found its way to my tummy. "How did you get such nice abs?"

"I'm a swimmer and I row crew," I explained. "Think they are my best feature?"

"Nah," Brad smiled, "Definitely the eyes."

His fingers moved down and hooked in the waistband of my boxerbriefs.

"Can I see?" Brad asked.

I nodded in the affirmative then felt him tug my underwear down to my hips. My cock slapped against my belly before Brad took it in his warm hand and tugged it gently. I'm pretty happy with my cock, it's about the same size as Brad's with a similar pink, circumcised head. I was watching Brad masturbate me and I was so intent on what he was doing that I didn't notice him leaning in for a kiss until his lips were pressed against mine.

Once I realized what he was doing, I pressed back and when I felt his tongue, I parted my lips to invite it in. I've kissed girls before, most recently my prom date. She practically rapped my mouth with her tongue, she was so aggressive. Brad probed gently, as if testing the waters. When I pushed my tongue back against his, he got a little more aggressive and the battle was on. Our tongues wrestled for dominance, pushing back and forth from my mouth to his. While we kissed, I rubbed up and down Brad's back and eventually brought my hands to rest on his rump. His undies were still up around his butt, so I pushed them down and kneaded the soft flesh coving the firm muscles.

"I want to suck you," Brad panted, when we came up for air.

"Well, I want to suck you too," I admitted.

"Let me show you how, then we can 69," Brad offered.

"Awesome," I smiled.

Brad kissed and sucked on my neck for a moment then moved lower. He licked all over my abs, I think he really liked them because he spent a lot of time working on them. I thought he would be more tentative when he got to my dick but that was not the case. He took the head of my cock into his mouth and ran his tongue over the head, causing me to let out a loud moan. Brad smiled around my cock then began to go down on me. He bobbed up and down on my cock and every now and then, he'd swallow me to the hilt, when he went down. I wasn't as loud as when he first took me in his mouth, but I continued to moan while he blew me.

He must have sensed that I was ready because just as I started to wonder what his dick would taste like, he moved us into a 69 position. He continued to suck me with abandon while I jerked him off and looked at his head. I was nervous but finally stuck my tongue out and placed it against the cute pink knob. It was salty and a little sweet, but not bad at all, in fact it tasted good. I licked at it like a lollipop, savoring the flavor, then started to suck it up and down just like he was doing to me.

I was on my back and Brad was on top of me, he was careful not to use his weight to force his dick down my throat but the more I tasted him and the more he grunted and moaned, the more I wanted it. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him tight, forcing his cock deeper in my mouth. I choked a little when his cock reached the barrier of my gag reflex and Brad pulled back to make sure I was ok. Once I assured him that I was fine, we eagerly continued to suck each other.

As I lie there with the cutest boy I'd ever met, gently humping my mouth, I couldn't help but think, this entire situation was so random. If I had planned to come on this trip today with the intent of meeting a boy and having sex, it wouldn't have happened in a million years. It also made me think, when could this ever happen again? I sensed that I had an opportunity, there was something I wanted and I hoped Brad would give it to me.

I stopped sucking on him and patted him on the butt as a single to stop.

"Is something the matter," asked Brad.

"No, it feels amazing," I panted.

"Yeah, I'm loving it too," Brad smiled, "So why did we stop?"

"I want to try something else," I stated.

"Oh, what did you have in mind?" asked Brad.

"I want you to um, you know, fuck me," I admitted.

"Wow, are you sure?" Brad asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Don't feel like you have to just to make me happy, or anything," said Brad.

"No, I really want it," I confirmed. "You're so cute and I don't know when I'll get another chance, will you do it? Please?"

"Hell yeah, you don't have to ask me twice," Brad laughed. "Just lay back."

I have read enough sex stories to expect that this was going to hurt a little, at first, so I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I felt Brad spreading my legs and pushing them up, then putting another pillow under my lower back. He surprised me when I felt his tongue licking at my hole. I knew all about rimming, I'd just expected him to stick his cock in me while it was still slick from my blow job. He lapped at my hole then started to probe me with his tongue. He licked and fucked my anus with his tongue and I was soon moaning and squirming on his bed.

He started to work his finger into me. The first digit went in easily, and he worked it in and out. He worked me with his tongue some more then went back to fingering me but this time with two fingers. He alternated between fingering me and rimming me and eventually worked a third finger into the mix. When he thought I was ready, he put on a condom, put my legs over his shoulders, then placed the head of his cock against my hole.

"If this hurts, or you want to stop, just tell me, ok?" said Brad.

"Ok, I will," I nodded.

I felt his cock pressing into me, pushing me back into the bed then with a subtle pop, the head pushed past my anal ring. I twitched and squirmed under him, it didn't hurt but it wasn't exactly comfortable either and I was trying to adjust to the invasion.

"Are you alright?" asked Brad.

"Yeah, just need a sec to get used to it," I whimpered.

"Ok, go ahead," I stated after a moment.

Brad began pushing into me again, slipping in a millimeter at a time. I winced a few times, causing Brad to stop and check on me, but he resumed and eventually I felt his pubes tickling my bottom. I felt all of Brad's weight on me, pressing my knees to my chest, but it was far from uncomfortable. I liked the feel of him, there, between my legs. After a period of adjustment, I gave him the green light and he began a slow, rhythmic fucking.

He pulled out slowly, then pushed back in gently. It felt empty when he pulled out then tight when he pushed in. It was rough at first but as his cock worked against the muscles in my ass, they relaxed and he slipped in and out easier. I ran my hands up and down Brad's back as his hips rocked back and forth, faster and harder.

"Mmmm, fuck me," I moaned.

"Ohhh you like that?" Brad cooed.

"Mmmm hmmm," I nodded. "Fuck me."

He fucked harder and faster, driven on by my grunting and moaning. I was so wrapped up in what was happening, it was like I was intoxicated. All I cared about was the rhythmic slapping of his balls against my ass, as he fucked me. My cock was rubbing between our bellies, our bodies were glistening with sweat and then I felt this amazing sensation coming from my butt.

The harder he fucked me the deeper his cock drove inside of me and I knew he must be hitting my prostate. Every time he hit my inner button, I shivered with pleasure. Eventually his cock came into contact with my prostate one last time and my cock started to spray cum all over our bellies, uncontrollably. My butt muscles clenched as I came and the sensation, on his dick, caused Brad to fire load after load. He had to be exhausted after his athletic performance and he collapsed against me to rest.

I wrapped my arms around Brad and held him. As his cock softened and slipped out of my ass, I couldn't remember ever having felt more content.

"So what did you think?" panted Brad, as he looked up at me.

"You were amazing," I smiled, then leaned down to kiss him on the forehead.

He rested his head against my chest and continued to catch his breath. I looked over at his bedside alarm clock, it was only 3:00 so we settled in for a nap.

I woke up stuck to Brad, my cum holding us together like glue. He was still asleep in my arms and I would have loved to hold him like that for the rest of the day but looking at the clock, it was a quarter to 5:00.

"Shit," I exclaimed, "Brad, wake up."

"What is it?" Brad asked groggily.

"I've gotta be back at the van in 15 minutes," I exclaimed.

"Oh crap, you have to hurry," said Brad.

It sounded like Velcro pulling apart when Brad got off of me, but there was no time for me to shower. Brad threw on some shorts and his t-shirt, then ran to the laundry room to get my clothes. I spotted his undies on the ground and picked them up. I dressed quickly then Brad grabbed me and kissed me hard, while I slipped his briefs into my pocket, unnoticed.

"I'm so glad I ran into you today," Brad smiled.

"Me to," I smiled back, "thank you for, you know, everything?"

"Call me or email me anytime you want," said Brad, "Not just for sex, even if you just want to hang out or need someone to talk to."

"Thanks Brad, I will," I smiled, then kissed him again.

We stood there, grinning at each other for a moment then I had to leave. I didn't want to say goodbye but I had no choice. I gave Brad one last hug and kiss, then he swatted me on the butt and told me to get going. I had to run, but fortunately the rain had stopped and I made it back just as the rest of my group was taking their seats for the trip home.

"Maxwell, where the hell have you been?" asked Mr. Hinton.

"I got lost sir," I answered truthfully, "I took a wrong turn and ended up outside the library, the door locked behind me and I had to walk all the way around the building. By the time I got back, you guys were gone."

"You might have called my cell phone," said Mr. Hinton.

"I couldn't sir, I left mine at home," I stated.

"Alright, it's been a long day, you didn't get hurt, no one molested you or anything, right?" said Mr. Hinton.

"No sir, I'm fine," I chuckled.

"Ok then, take your seat and let's go home," winked Mr. Hinton.

I sat next to Timmy again, he asked what had happened to me so I told him the same story I'd given Mr. Hinton. The van got quiet after that, it had been a long day for everyone and they rested on the drive home. When we got back to our school, I spotted my dad's car waiting for me in the same spot I'd left him to get his ticket this morning.

"Hi dad," I greeted as I slide into the passenger seat.

"Hey kid," said dad, cheerfully. "How was the trip?"

"It was fun," I answered.

"Just fun?" he asked.

I absentmindedly stuck my hand under my shirt and felt some of the dry cum on my tummy.

"It was a lot of fun and I really liked the campus," I stated, "I might have to reconsider UConn, as a safety school."

"That's great," said dad, "Your mom and I know that you really want to go to Yale, we just want you to have options if that doesn't work out."

"I know dad, I'm glad you guys made me go," I smiled.

"Good, how did you like the students?" asked dad.

"They were very friendly," I smiled.

I chatted with dad until we got home. When we walked in, mom informed us that dinner would be ready soon, so I went to my room to clean up. I took my keys out of my pocket then remembered Brad's undies and pulled them out of my pocket, least mom find them on laundry day.

"Dash, dinner's ready," Mom yelled.

"Coming mom," I shouted back.

I held Brad's briefs up to my nose and inhaled deeply, then suck them under my pillow for later, I was hungry after all.


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