The Forceps Mark

Published on May 1, 2022




"THE FORCEPS MARK" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
written on September 3rd 1994
translated by the Author
English text kindly revised
by Anonymous 2thenth°

5 - The odd prophecies of the Brett

The Brett continued: "That appearances deceive, Knight. Every star doth shimmer until the sun doth rise."

"Thy words I ken not... What dost thou mean?"

"Thy star will waxeth greater than thy wants and upon thy days the sun will smile upon thee... and thou, boy, when thy brother rebelleth against thee, be magnanimous and the gods will look with favor upon thee, for the God Niel protecteth thee in his curious way."

"Wherefore dost thou say that? I have no brothers... Wilt thou explain..." Olaf was disconcerted.

"And, what dost thou see about the two of us?" Guntar asked, interrupting Olaf.

"The love that binds ye is blessed by the Gods and will become perfect on the day when the lesser doth offer himself unto the greater."

"Yes in just a few weeks, right, my Olaf?" the knight smiled. The boy smiled too and nodded happily.

"Nay, eight months will pass until that time. It will be a sunny morn, and ye shalst be nigh a fall. Forget ye not these words. Now get ye hence, I have no more to tell ye."

They bid farewell to the old man and started their way back to the next village.

"I don't feel the old man had clear ideas... he said I have a brother!" Olaf mused.

"And it will for sure not be in eight months that thou will be mine, right?" Guntar answered with a smile.

"I would be thine even here, immediately, thou know that. I will not wait eight months -- the few weeks I have to wait to the end of thy investiture service, seems long to me!"

"They are long to me too, my sweet boy..." Guntar said pulling him close in a hug.

Their lips touched and their bodies longed for each other. Guntar started caressing the boy.

Olaf ached with desire but tore himself from Guntar: "Do not break thy vows. We waited for, lo, these many months, we can still await the few days that remain."

"Here the god Niel took his Brett and loved him." the young man murmured, his eyes filled with desire.

"But then he left him, do you remember? I don't want you to leave me!"

"This place is enchanted." the knight sighed. "Thou are stronger than me and I am blessed. I love thee more than ever."

"I love thee too, my liege Lord!" as the spell of Brett's presence faded.

They continued their way. Guntar rode deep in thought. Olaf watched him while walking by the side of his horse, and wondered what his beloved's thoughts were. He would have liked to be able to read his mind and not have to be told through words. He wondered why two lovers couldn't read each other's minds, hearts and souls?

Guntar looked at Olaf and saw his intent eyes and smiled. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked with a gentle voice.

"I was wondering what you were thinking."

"Strange and mysterious thoughts. I was thinking that we are just three little ants on this wide land you, Thunderbolt and me; a land where the sun rises and sets not knowing we exist. And yet I ride a horse and you are afoot, I am the king's knight, and you my servant. Why? Who decided all that? I love you, you love me -- are we not then equals?"

"You, for me, are more than the sun, of that I am sure. And I am overjoyed being your beloved servant. I am happy to be yours."

"What about me? I am in love with you; does not that mean I belong to you too?"

"You... belonging to me?" the boy gasped.

"I am certain it is so. Isn't love belonging completely to the other? This is why I know I am in love with you; I want to give all of my being to you. I want to possess you but Love wants to give of himself, and I love you. Isn't it extraordinary and mysterious?"

"Yes, I see what you mean. Yes, it really is something beyond my ken. How one wants to own another and give of oneself at the same time..." Olaf mused.

They reached the town and Guntar asked shelter at a castle of a noble man. They were given a room and a hot bath was drawn for him. The tub was vide, oval, made from oak. Guntar wanted to bathe with Olaf and they washed each other. The long caresses of the soaped hands aroused their desires.

"The temptation to break my vow is quite strong, Olaf." the knight murmured while intimately caressing the beautiful body of the boy, "... I want you more and more..."

"But we will resist," Olaf sighed.

"Yes, but it is wonderful feeling your desire in your hands, reading it in your eyes, feeling it in the shivering of your skin, hearing it in the tone of your voice..."

"How many days until your oath ceremony?" Olaf asked caressing Guntar's wide chest.

"Eight days. On that day I will present myself to the King. I will tell him my deeds. He will bestow me my shield with my coat of arms and then I can choose my squire, and I will be freed from my vow and I will make you mine!"

"The eight days will pass quickly."

"Never fast enough..."

The noble man offered a supper in honor of Guntar, so Olaf, for his first time, could serve him at table, excelling at it. Olaf was looking at all the aristocrats gathered at the banquet, wearing precious clothes. He saw how the young ladies were looking coyly at Guntar, and how he was courteous with the ladies, and was filled with pride -- Guntar was by far the most handsome in that hall, the most admired. His knight!

Then the musicians started to play and the dances started. Olaf had never seen Guntar dance and watched him -- enthralled -- Guntar was elegant, beautiful, refined. Olaf was sitting in a corner, his heart filled with love for his man, when a young servant girl approached him.

"What's your name?" she asked.


"Do you know that I never saw a servant as beautiful as you are?" the girl flirted.

"Thank you."

"Where you dressed in their clothes, I would have believed you to be a noble man. How old are you?"

"Nineteen, anon."

"Do you already have a beloved girl waiting for you?"

"I have already sworn my love."

"Oh... well, she's a lucky girl who you have given your heart. Do you miss her? When will you meet her again?"

"Yes, I miss my beloved. We will meet in eight days."

"If you... if you feel lonely, I'd be glad to keep you company." the girl murmured, blushing.

"Thank you, but I do not feel lonely."

"Your knight is truly handsome, and the young lady I serve is captivated by him. She is sure to meet him, once free of his vow, and I'm sure she will invite him here again. So... we too may meet again."

"It is not only your mistress who is fascinated by him." Olaf said merrily, looking at the girl with laughter in his eyes.

"'Tis true that other ladies want him, but she is the daughter of our Lord, and so she comes before all the others. See, how beautiful they are, when they dance together? And if your knight courted my mistress..."

"The servants could imitate their masters?" Olaf smiled. "But I forsworn my love, and I am true to my word. Therefore..."

"You are not being courteous!" the girl surly said.

"I am but a servant." Olaf said lightly.

That night they went to sleep. In Guntar's room there was the bunk for Olaf, set at the foot of Guntar's bed, as tradition demanded. Olaf carefully folded Guntar's clothes, then stripped and was about to get in his bunk.

But Guntar said him: "Snuff the candle and come lie with me."

"Yes, Sir." the boy said gladly.

Guntar held him tight against himself: "The servant girls were flocking around you, weren't they?" he asked.

"As the ladies were to you."

"I was dancing with them, but I was dancing for you."

"You were so handsome -- I had never seen you dance!"

"I saw that you never moved your eyes from me."

"I felt that you never looked at me..."

"Quite the contrary; I was impatient for the party to be over, so I could hold you like this."

"Seven more days..."

"... and I can give you all my love..."

"... and make me yours."

"Yes, make you mine..." Guntar murmured and kissed him with tenderness and passion.

Olaf quivered and whispered: "But if you do so, it will be difficult to resist for seven more days."

"How many times have I been close to breaking my oath? You always made me keep it, and I am grateful to you for that. As soon as the King frees me from my vow, the first thing I will do will be to make you my squire; you can sew on your clothes my coat of arms and then I shall make you mine."

"Can't you do the opposite?" the boy asked holding him close.

"No. I cannot take you in the throne hall!" Guntar laughed while caressing him.

"What will your coat of arms be?"

"I am yet to choose it. If Herald finds it meet it shall be painted on my shield."

"Haven't you picked one out yet?"

"Before I met you I thought it would be a silver sword on my colors, but now..."


"A red rose on my colors."

"A red rose?"

"It is said that in the Southern Countries it is the symbol of love. So, I will wear my heart on my sleeve when it is on my coat of arms --- it will be my sign."

"So my livery will be embroidered the red rose. But that will be the symbol of your love for me, isn't it?"

"Yes, certainly. As soon as we arrive at the King's castle I shall meet the Herald right away so that everything will be ready the day the King bestows on me a seat in the Knights Hall."

"The ceremony will be for you and you alone?"

"No, there were four of us; all four of us should be back. That is my hope."

"The three other knights are your friends?"

"Yes, but one more than the others. His name is Kim, We almost grew up together. He is my best friend."

"Did you ever have sex with him?"

"For a while when we were squires."

"Do you love him?" Olaf inquired.

"No, we like each other very much, but we didn't have true love. We trust each other in everything which is why the King sent us on different paths, he to the south and I to the north. He is more than a brother; I can tell him that I love you, I know he understands me; even if he prefers women."

"And you?" Olaf asked slyly.

"Me? I always preferred men."

"You preferred?" Olaf asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, I preferred. Now I have no preferences -- I know I am in love with you." Guntar said tenderly, tightening his hold and gently kissing Olaf.

Finally they took the road to the Capital. Olaf saw that the city, large it may have been, was dominated by the King's castle. They crossed it and Olaf was fascinated. It was wider than all the towns they had crossed; it was lively, full of fine buildings, workshops, and stores. They reached the lower portcullis of the castle and Guntar announced himself. The chief guard came out and recognized him and escorted him to the middle gate. Here the gatekeeper was a knight who was Guntar's friend who heartily welcomed him and asked about his service year. While Guntar spoke with his friend, Olaf took Thunderbolt by his reins and followed them, looking in awe at the system of fortifications, and the soldiers wearing the Kings colors -- argent and crimson. They reached the inner gate and here another knight welcomed Guntar and brought him through the castle gate to the courtyard where he entrusted Guntar to the knight on duty there. The last took Guntar to the reserved quarters where Kim and another knight were already waiting.

Olaf was lead to the stables where he curry combed Thunderbolt and then they took him to a room where he had to sleep the days he was to wait. It was a large room with a wide pallet on one side. Here he met the servants of the two other knights. One was a twenty three years old man named Kuno; he was the servant of Kim. The other was named Weis who was twenty years old, servant of the knight Erich. Kuno was once a fisherman, a stout youth with clean brown hair. Weis was slender and tall, his hair ash blond, and was the youngest son of a knight. Weis and Kuno had already become friends and they welcomed Olaf with simple camaraderie. Weis was sure he'd be Erich's squire, then a knight in his own right. Kuno, on the other hand, knew he would remain a servant, as Kim already had another in mind to be his squire after the Rite of the Giving of the Shield. Weis, coming from a knight's family, knew much more than his companions and explained what would happen.

"Is it true that the knights have sex with their servants or squires?" Kuno asked at one point.

"Yes, it happens at times; certainly when they are on the road or at war. It is like the Lords with their pages. A man needs to have sex, and when he does not have his woman, he beds a boy or a youth, it's perfectly normal. Because a servant, squire, or page sleeps in their lord or master's room it happens..."

"Weis, have you already been bedded by a man?" Kuno asked him.

"Of course, more than once and with more than one. Why?"

"Me... I have done it a few times with a fisherman in my village, before becoming the knight's servant. What about you, Olaf?"

"Many times, and with several men."

"I don't know... My friend, the fisherman, at times took me during the night, when we were alone. He just come to my pallet, loosened my breeches, fuck me then leave without saying a word. During the day he didn't want to talk about it. Well... I liked it, and disliked it, so I wanted to know if you liked it or not."

"I presume I wouldn't have liked it that way." Weis said, "Some men are like that with their women -- they take them in the dark of night, then they don't want to talk about it. However, I believe that both between men or with a woman, the art of making love has to be different. My first man was when I was fourteen year old; he courted me, he didn't simply fuck me. He made me want to make love with him."

"And you, Olaf?" Kuno then asked.

"My first time? I was raped by my master's two sons. They talked the whole time but I'd have rather they were silent." Olaf answered ruefully.

"I would like to try it with one of you." Kuno said, looking at his two companions.

"Why not," Weis smiled. "Tonight we three will be here. We might even do a goodly threesome."

"No, you do it. I'd rather not." Olaf said.

"I presume that after your experience you dislike bedding men," Weis understanding said.

"No, no, it is not that. I just don't feel like it," Olaf winked. "But you two may."

That night Olaf heard them beside him, making love, murmuring, and he heard Kuno whisper, "Oh, yes, I like it, in this way!" and heard them moan with their orgasm.

Olaf was aroused because he fancied being with Guntar -- just a couple of days until that moment.

The next day they were summoned to rehearse for the ceremony. There was no news about the fourth knight. Olaf saw Guntar again and he felt that he was the most handsome of all the knights. They were not able to talk to each other alone, but Guntar said to Olaf that the Herald had found meet adding the red rose to his coat of arms and emblem. They then went their separate ways.

That night Kuno and Weis made again love. Then Olaf heard the ex-fisherman say to Weis: "I'm sorry that we part tomorrow. I like you so very much."

"Yes, Kuno, I do like you too. But our lives will not allow us to be together. I shall become a squire tomorrow and one day I will become a knight. I will marry, and you will, too."

"Yes, I know but... Who knows why two men cannot marry?" Kuno asked.

"Don't talk nonsense! One marries to have children; two men cannot, true? Two men can only have sex for fun." Weis retorted.

Then, from the darkness, Olaf said: "No, they can also do it out of love. Two men can be in love."

"Are you still awake? Love each other, two men? Now come on! They can be very close friends, fit wonderfully together, have good sex together, but love is a different thing. A man can only love a woman, everybody knows that!"

"I am not so sure about it. I believe that two men can fall in love for each other and really love each other." Olaf insisted.

"I think like Olaf." Kuno said, "Even though I haven't ever fallen in love with a man, I think it could happen. I don't think it is about sex, but of being with the right person."

"But the man is made for woman and woman for man; it is obvious," Weis insisted.

"If you are talking about making children, I agree. But as to the rest, no. I think that Kuno is right, if you find the right person, you fall in love, be it man or woman."

"So, you both think that two men should be allowed to marry?" Weis asked in amazement.

"If they love each other, why not?"

"But one marries to have children." Weis insisted.

"That's not true. My father and my mother were not married, and yet I was born as were my three brothers and two sisters." Kuno said.

"Well, that is true..." Weis said thoughtful.

"Having children, being in love and marrying are three completely different things." Olaf said. He hadn't given it much thought about that but now, thanks to his companion's argument, he was considering the idea.

"But were you to have all three together, wouldn't it be perfect?" Weis grinned.

"Sure, but just look around you, it's great if there are just two of them! Perfection is not to be in this world. There are those who love and have children, without the benefit of marriage, like Kuno's parents. There are those who marry and have children, but without love. And there are those who love and marry, but can't have children..."

"And probably also who loves one, marries with another, and has children with a third," Weis said wryly.

The next day a great ceremony and the rites were held. For the first time Olaf saw the King, the Queen and the Crown Prince Bjorn in their splendor. Bjorn was fifteen year old, and was handsome in his array. Olaf admired him; but he was particularly impressed by King Harold; majestic and serene face tinted by a light veil of sadness.

The three knights received their shields painted with the coat of arms they had picked, then Weis and Olaf were given the rank of squire. Then the three knights withdrew, each to the room assigned to him, followed by their squire or servant. When finally Guntar and Olaf were together again, and they were alone.

"Tomorrow there will be a feast and joust in our honor. Come here, Olaf, the King freed us from our vow of chastity at long last. Come, beloved. This is the hour we have dreamed about for almost a year. At last I can give you my love."

"Let me undress you..." Olaf said bending to remove the sollerets and jambs from his man.

He undressed him little by little, slowly savoring the act he had done many a time, but it was now filled with new meaning. Guntar let him do it, his heart full of desire, and he then undressed his squire. When they both were nude Olaf admired Guntar's glorious erection, knelt in front of it in near worship, and held it by his lips.

"You are so handsome," Olaf murmured kissing the flesh scepter he was about to welcome into himself.

"You already have seen and touched me hundreds of times." Guntar murmured, quivering as he caressed Olaf's hair.

"But never like now. You have never been so handsome."

"And you are more desirable than ever, Olaf."

"Make me yours..."

"Yes... come..." Guntar said pulling Olaf towards himself and onto the bed, "You are more handsome than ever."

Guntar made the boy lie on his bed and laid on top of him, rubbing against him his hard erection, warmly holding him between his arms and legs, and kissed him.

Olaf felt to be in paradise: "Make love to me." he begged.

"Yes, soon. I have dreamt of this moment, Olaf, when I finally make you mine!"

"I am thine!" the boy murmured.

Guntar knelt between Olaf's legs and lowered to suck the boy's member.

Olaf quivered like tall grass in the June wind: "Oh... do you like doing that?" he queried.

"Of course. Do you like it, my love?" Guntar asked, starting again to suck, to kiss, to lick it.

"Oh, it is a beautiful feeling your lips like that... But... make love to me, please... make me yours..."

"Do you want me inside you?"

"Yes, so much..."

"So much... how much?" Guntar asked taking the boy's legs and resting them against his chest and shoulders as he caressed his thighs, sides, and chest with pleasure.

"So very much... please take me..."

Guntar took a flasket he had filled with a scented oil, he poured some out and started to carefully lubricate his squire hole, it quivered and pulsed at his finger's touch.

"Oh, take me... please..." the boy begged.

"Yes, now..." Guntar panted as he started to spread oil on his long and hard rod. He re-corked the flasket and put it to the side and spread Olaf's small, firm buttocks and guided the tip of his love rod on the hot hole: "... here I am... I finally make thee mine..." he murmured starting to push.

"Oh, yes... I feel you... how good... you are... entering me... oh, yes, yes, yes... I'm yours... all yours..."

"Yes, my love... I like you... you're mine... aaah... I love you... you are mine at last... aaah, how good it is..." Guntar panted slipping inside his beloved Olaf in a steady continuous push.

Olaf felt the pubes and the swollen balls of his man pressed firmly against his nates, and the hard and firm rod was all inside him, hot, palpitating.

Olaf made a sweet and grateful smile: "You are inside me, finally..."

"I adore you... it's beautiful being in you... making you mine..." Guntar whispered with delight as he started to pump in and out with decidedly gentle rhythm in an erotic and passionate dance. Olaf was shivering all over each push and was enjoying that pole driven deep inside him, finally taking him with virile vigor.

Guntar was enjoying the blissful expression that lit up the boy's face and smiled: "Do you like it?"

"It's wonderful feeling you so deep inside me. I have never felt anything so wonderful. You are taking me to paradise!"

"I have never experienced something so great. I adore you, and I am happy having you!"

While Guntar continued to make love to Olaf with his passionate strokes, they were caressing all over each other's bodies as they traded words full of love and passion, and happily drowned in the overjoyed eyes of their lover.

"Oooh, Olaf... oooh... I'm about... to give you... my seed..."

"Oh yes... yes, I feel it... go on... make me feel it... feel it hard... push it all the way inside me... oh, so... oh, that's great..." the boy panted making his love chute pulse while pushing himself against his man and lightly twisting his small ass to better feel the strength of Guntar's beautiful pole that was about to unload in his depths.

This stirred up the Guntar's orgasm. He pushed his rod all the way inside Olaf and pulled him to his body, burying him in kisses, moaning and squirting jets of his hot lava inside him. They both shook as one, victims of intense pleasure. Then Guntar pulled away out of Olaf and moved himself so he could take Olaf's member between his lips. Olaf was already more than excited and that sweet, hot contact made him cum at once; arching his back and trembling and loudly moaning all his pleasure, and shot directly into the throat of his man, who drank it all in big eager gulps.

When Olaf started to relax from his shuddering, sweating, panting; Guntar again laid on top of him, while kissing him and murmured: "You taste delicious. Now my seed is in you, and yours is in me. So, you really are part of me and I a part of you. And I love you, yes, you really are all mine, now. It is delightful, isn't it?"

Olaf nodded his assent as tears flowed from his eyes.

Guntar was worried: "What's up? Did I do or say something that..."

"No... one can also cry with joy, you know; and I feel so happy that... I am sorry that it is over... It was so beautiful!"

"Oh, my sweet love! This was but the beginning. You will always sleep in my bed, in my arms."

"And you will make me yours every night?"

"Why, just at night?" Guntar asked sweetly.

"Of course what ever time you wish." Olaf sighed, slavishly kissing the hand caressing his cheek, "I belong to you, you know it. I really am all yours!"

"Yes, I know it. And I thank you."

"You thank me? It's I who am so grateful!"

"I thank you because you gave all of yourself to me. I have to thank you for the joy with which you welcomed me into you. I have to thank you for your fidelity and love."

The next day there was the joust, then a great dinner in the Court to honor the new knights.

Soon thereafter, Guntar, bought a fine colt for Olaf, returned to his home, with him. He introduced Olaf to his family and, as was the custom, a bed was placed for the squire at the foot of Guntar's bed. But from the first night, they only used Guntar's bed, and Guntar never let a day pass without making love with his beloved Olaf.

They were more and more united, more and more deeply in love. They trained together in long, arduous sessions, hunted, took long rides and never skipped a chance to make love, amidst nature, at high noon, and they dearly these occasions.

Olaf's nineteenth birthday came and went. One fine sunny morning, after a good ride in the woods, they were bathing under a cascade in the rocks, Guntar took Olaf in his arms and took him into a small meadow near some bushes and started to kiss and caress the boy with passion. Olaf abandoned himself and prepared himself to be taken. As usual Guntar started with sucking Olaf's beautiful, erect member. Then Olaf offered himself to Guntar, lusting for more.

But Guntar caressed him and said, "No, today I don't want to take you."

"No? Why? Are you tired with me?" Olaf was disappointed and alarmed. He looked into Guntar's eyes.

"Not at all, but I don't want to take you... For quite some time I have felt a new desire, so..."

"Tell me what you want, anything, and I will do it for you, for your pleasure, for your happiness!" the boy said happily.

"Today I want you to..." Guntar said tenderly caressing the boy's beautiful, shuddering member.

"You want me to... tell me..."

"I want you to take me."

"Me? Take you? But I am but your squire!" Olaf was surprised.

"No, you are first of all my Beloved, and for many days I have wanted to feel you inside me. You promised me you will do anything I ask of you... didn't you?"

"If... if you really want to..."


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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 6

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