The Forgotten Love

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 20, 2021


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The Forgotten Love II

Authors Note: I wrote The Forgotten Love in 2020. It is available on this website. It was one of those stories I couldn't get out of my mind. I began to wonder what would happen to the two couples if Jordie suddenly regained his memory from before the accident, and completely lost his memory from after the accident. Would he and Cappy remain with their spouses or return to their former happy lives? (Read on.)


The Saturday evening following Jordie's chance meeting with Cappy, Jordie and Mike celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. They were able to rent the private dining room of their favorite gay bar and restaurant. The entire celebration meal was catered by the restaurant. The food was plentiful, and the booze overflowed.

Most of the guests were Jordie and Mike's shared friends, whom they met after the accident, and whom Mike called post traumatic friends. A handful of the guests were Mike's buddies from before he met Jordie. Jordie couldn't invite any of his `old' friends, because he didn't remember any of them, not even Cappy.

Jordie hardly ever drank anything stronger than Coke, so in a very short time, he whispered to Mike, "I'm going to the men's room. I gotta piss out all of this booze."

"Are you sure that you're sober enough to find your way back?" Mike quipped.

"Very funny!" Jordie answered back snidely.

As he was entering the men's room, Jordie literally ran into a man who was exiting. The man looked at him, and said, "Jordie, Jordie Gordon. Is that you? I haven't seen you in years. Where have you been, and is Cappy out there? I'd like to say hello to him too."

Jordie had long ago stopped being belligerent when someone from his past encountered him, but when the man asked about Cappy, he froze. The guy he met in the bakery the other day was named Cappy. He had remarked about how odd the name was, and Cappy told him it was just a nickname. He never asked him what his real name was. When he asked Cappy how well they had known each other, Cappy indicated that they were merely passing acquaintances. If that were true, why would this guy ask about him?

"I have no idea where he is, and please let me in before I pee in my pants," Jordie answered curtly.

The man stood aside, and Jordie went into the rest room. The man followed him in. "I can't believe this," he said. "Are you telling me that you and Cappy split?"

Jordie didn't answer. He was stunned, so the pest kept on prattling. "The last time I saw you two guys together, we needed a crow bar to pull you apart. I never met two guys who loved each other more."

Now, Jordie was getting belligerent. The old frustrations were coming back to him, and giving him a headache. He wanted to get rid of this guy.

"Look," he said, "we did split and I don't know where he is. I've been married for five years to a great guy. We're celebrating our anniversary tonight, and we've been together for seven years. Please leave me alone, and let me pee."

"Alright, alright," the man said. "Excuse me for asking." He turned and ran out of the rest room.

Jordie had intended to use a urinal, but his head was reeling and he had developed a terrible headache. He took a stall instead, and sat down to pee. While he was peeing, he nearly passed out from vertigo. He stood up, leaned over the commode, and vomited. Suddenly, he knew where he was. He was rolling down a ravine. He had lost control of his bike, and he was wondering if it was damaged.

Why would he care about the bike, when he was certain that he was about to die? It was surrealistic. He sat down again on the commode, and shut his eyes. Slowly, his stomach was feeling better. He wasn't rolling downhill anymore, and the migraine headache was clearing. When all these terrible things left him, and he felt human again, he opened his eyes.

"Where the fuck am I?" he said to nobody in particular. He realized that he was sitting on a toilet, and his trousers and boxers were down around his ankle. He got himself together, and he discovered that he wasn't steady on his feet. He was aware that he was slightly drunk. He had a crazy thought. It must be April Fool's Day. Cappy got me drunk and abandoned me in a strange place. That's a pretty sick joke. I'll fix his sorry ass when I get home.

He ran out of the bar, and onto the street, where he hailed a cab. He directed the cabbie to take him home. When he reached his apartment building, he felt in his pocket for the key to the front door. Shit, I must have lost it, he thought. I'll have to ring Cappy and ask him to buzz me in. He better be home, the fucking practical joker.

He went to the resident listing on the right side of the front door. He couldn't find either his name or Cappy's. His eyes scrolled down to his old apartment number, 202. More confusion. The name on the board said, Mark Brandt. What was happening? Am I going crazy? He thought.

Just then someone left the building and Jordie went in. Rather than use the elevator, he climbed the stairs to the second floor and went to 202. He rang the bell. The door was opened by a rather portly middle-aged man. "Can I help you?" he asked politely.

"Yes, I'm looking for Cappy Cook. He lives here."

"You must have the wrong apartment," Mr. Brandt said. "My wife and I have lived here for nearly three years, and I assure you, there's no Cappy Cook here. I'm sorry I can't help you."

The man remained polite even though Jordie had interrupted his favorite TV show. He closed the door, leaving Jordie shaking and more confused than ever. He pounded his head, and wished this nightmare would end. He left the building and sat down on the front steps, where he allowed himself a moment to think.

The last thing he remembered was rolling down a steep ravine. Maybe he hurt himself and this was a nightmare after all. If he was lying at the bottom of a ravine, maybe he should call 911, and where the fuck was Cappy to help him? He reached into his pocket to get his cell phone, but he hesitated.

How could he call 911? He wasn't at the bottom of a ravine. He was on a street in Manhattan, and he wasn't hurt a bit. What could he tell them? With his cell phone in his hand, he got a bright idea. He would scroll down his contact list and see if he could find Cappy. He looked at the phone and didn't recognize it at all. It had no flip cover. How was he to turn it on? He finally figured it out. There was no cappy on the list, and he came up empty handed. He was really beginning to panic big time.

Suddenly, his phone rang. His caller ID said that he was getting a call from Mike. He didn't know any Mike, and he didn't feel like talking to strangers at this scary moment, so he didn't answer it. He wasn't quite sure how to answer it anyhow.

Then he got another bright idea. There was an internet café around the corner. He would go there and Google Captain Cook. There could only be one Captain Cook. He ran to the café. This time he was luckier. He found a Captain Cook on East 84th Street, but he was more confused than ever. Cappy lived with someone named Leo Harte. I'm either in the twilight zone, or a parallel universe, he thought, and he wasted no time leaving the café. He headed for East 84th Street. It was walking distance.

Jordie lucked out. He found a Cappy Cook on the resident board. He lived in 504. Then he looked for Leo Harte, only to discover that he lived in 504 also. This was all too weird. He waited for someone to enter or exit the building. He slithered in after a man who was entering. The man he followed in went to the bank of mail boxes in the lobby. After he retrieved his mail, Jordie glanced at the name on the box he had just emptied. The name on the box read, Cook/Harte. Good God, the man he followed in was Leo Harte.

Jordie had reached a point where he accepted everything that was happening to him, no matter how weird. He decided not to ride up with Leo. He took the elevator after Leo's. When he stood in front of 504, he began to shake, but if his Cappy was on the other side, surely, he would make everything okay. Please God, he thought, let Cappy wake me up from this nightmare. Leo had gone into the bedroom to freshen up and dress down from wherever he was coming from, so when Jordie rang the bell, it was Cappy who answered.

The poor man stood still, unable to move. Disbelief was written all over his face. Jordie grabbed him, and started hugging him so hard, he might have broken a rib.

"Help me," Jordie yelled. "I'm going crazy."

Leo heard the commotion and ran out of the bedroom. He was naked. He could only wonder who the stranger was that was hugging his husband. His first conclusion was that the guy was a long lost relative. He ran back into the bedroom and put on a warm up suit.

The front door was still open when Leo came back into the living room, so he shut it. He tapped both men on the shoulder and said, "Ahem." The men continued to hug each other and now Leo was beginning to get upset. He physically started to separate them, and had some success.

"Please," Jordie said. "I think I'm a little drunk, and I'm hallucinating. Could I have a cup of coffee?"

Cappy spoke at last. "I just put up a fresh pot for Leo and me. We'll have some coffee, and you'll tell us what's happening. Help me set the table, Leo honey."

Who is this Leo? Jordie thought. Cappy just called him honey.


When Jordie failed to come out of the men's room, Mike went to look for him. There was only one guy in the john. He was peeing into a urinal, but he was swaying back and forth. He was obviously drunk. Mike checked the stalls, but could not find Jordie. Now, it was his turn to panic. He ran out to the restaurant, and enlisted his friends to help him look for Jordie. He was nowhere to be found.

Mike took out his cell phone and called his husband. When he didn't answer, Mike began to go a little bit crazy. He paid the restaurant bill, and went home. He figured that eventually Jordie would come home. If he wasn't home in an hour or so, he would call 911. He didn't put much faith in that. He had read once that nobody was considered missing until he had been gone for at least forty-eight hours.

When he got home, he called Jordie every fifteen minutes, but he got no answer.

In his belligerent state of mind, Jordie was pissed that someone he didn't know kept calling him, and he turned off his phone.

Jordie, Cappy and Leo were seated at the kitchen table. Cappy poured them each a cup of coffee, and asked if anybody wanted any toast or something. Everyone declined.

Cappy talked first. "After all these years, you show up at my door. Start talking, Jordie, and explain yourself."

Jordie didn't know where to b4egin. He hesitated, and collected his thoughts. "I remember rolling down a deep ravine after falling off my bike. I must have lost consciousness. The next thing I knew is that I was on a toilet seat, and peeing sitting down. I had no idea how I got there. At first, I thought you had played an April Fool's joke on me, Cappy."

It's not April 1st," Cappy interrupted.

Jordie ignored him, and continued. "I was disoriented and I panicked, so I took a cab and ran home, but a stranger was in our apartment. By this time, I was going crazy. I thought that I was out of my mind. I went to that internet café around the corner from where we live, and I Googled you. I found out that you lived here, and I came right over. What's going on Cappy. Tell me. I feel like I'm lost in a time capsule. Help me."

"No," Cappy said. "I can't tell you what's going on unless Mike is here also. Give me his telephone number. He must be going crazy wondering where you are."

"I don't know anybody named Mike. But somebody with that name has been trying to reach me all evening."

"Give me your phone," Cappy said gently.

He found Mike's name on Jordie's contact list and phoned him. When Mike saw that he was getting a call from Jordie, he screamed into the phone, "Where are you sweetheart. Are you okay?"

"Mike, this is Cappy Cook. I think Jordie has his memory back, but it stops at his accident. This time he doesn't know who you are. I'm afraid that he'll get all frustrated and belligerent again, so I think we should explain everything to him together. Get over here as soon as possible. I'm not far away." He gave Mike his address and was about to hang up, when he heard Mike say, "I was afraid that this day would come. I'm going to lose him, aren't I?"

Cappy couldn't answer. He just hung up and returned the phone to Jordie.

Leo was crying softly. "I'm going to lose you, aren't I," he sobbed, sounding like Mike did, and just as miserable. Cappy was moved at the anguish Leo and Mike were in.

"Hush, Baby," Cappy said. "You're not going to lose me. We'll work it out. Mike doesn't want to lose Jordie either."

Cappy walked over to Leo and gave him a reassuring hug. Jordie was appalled that Cappy could hug anyone but him, in such a loving manner, but he was confused about everything, and he didn't say anything.

Jordie began to cry non-stop. "What's happening to me?" he wailed.

"Please stop sobbing, Jordie," Cappy said very gently. He didn't want to upset Jordie any more than he already was. "Clear your head, so that when Mike gets here, we can explain what happened to you about seven years ago. He should be here any minute."

When Mike arrived, he instinctively held out his arms, inviting Jordie in for a hug. Jordie was reverting to the same place he was in when he woke up from his original coma. He started to yell at Mike, "I don't know you. I don't know who you are. Please get out of here and leave me alone."

"Jordie," Cappy scolded. "Mike is here to help you. Calm down."

"How can I be calm, when you hugged another man, and didn't mind that another man wanted to hug me. I thought you loved me. When did you stop loving me?"

"I've never stopped loving you. I'll love you until the day I die," Cappy said. He grabbed Leo's hand to let him know that he loved him also. All he could think was, what a mess.

"Jordie," Mike sighed. "Let's all go into the living room and get comfortable. Then Cappy and I will fill you in." Jordie concluded that he had to stop his outbursts and remain calm or he'd never know what was going on.

Mike started. "Seven years ago, you were in a terrible bicycle accident. You lost control of your bike and tumbled down a steep ravine."

"What do you mean seven years ago? It happened just this morning."

"Please, Jordie, "Cappy said, "don't keep interrupting Mike. Let him finish."

Jordie nodded, and Mike continued. "You were in a coma for seven weeks. When you awakened, you couldn't remember anything before the moment you came to. You were frightened and very frustrated. You didn't know any of your close relatives or your friends. Because of your fear and your frustration, you told everyone to get out of your hospital room, and leave you alone. That included your parents and Cappy. Your parents were devastated, but Cappy was suicidal."

Jordie looked at Cappy, and blurted out, "You're all lying to me. Why?"

"We're not lying. Now just be quiet and let us go on with it," Cappy said, and he continued Mike's story. "You wouldn't let me visit you in the hospital. I was a stranger to you, but you and Mike fell in love. He was your nurse. When you left the hospital, you went to live with him. He patiently nursed you back to health, and got you functioning in the world again. I saw how much progress you were making, and how happy you and Mike were. I loved you so much, I decided to leave you both to your happiness. I was afraid that if I made waves, Jordie, you might hate me. You and Mike got married five years ago. He's your husband."

"We were celebrating our anniversary tonight with friends when you disappeared from the restaurant," Mike said. "Now I know why. I always feared that this day might come."

"And I always prayed that it would," Cappy said. "I flitted around like a feather in a breeze for a couple of years, and then I met Leo. He makes me so happy. He made me want to live again. We're married also, Jordie."

"I can't believe any of this," Jordie said. "What kind of conspiracy is this?"

"It's true, I swear," Mike said. `I'm your husband. Please come home with me tonight."

"I can't. I don't know you. I want to stay here with Cappy."

"That's not possible," Leo said. "Cappy and I are married. We only have one bedroom and one bed."

Jordie gave out a banshee like wail. "I want to kill myself," he said.

"Please, Jordie," Cappy said, "maybe in time, you'll remember the past seven years."

"Let's go into the bathroom, and let's wash away your tears," Mike said.

He took Jordie's hand and led him into the bathroom. Jordie looked in the mirror. "It's true," he said. "I can see that I've aged. I can't go home with you, Mike. Please take me to my parents."

"I can't. They're retired and live in Jupiter, Florida."

"Then please take me to a hotel. I'll stay there until I figure out what to do."

"No," Cappy said with authority. "When you asked me not to see you again, you told me that you had no room in your life for me. I'm telling you the same thing now. I'm never going to leave Leo. I urge you to go home with Mike. Learn to love him all over again. You'll discover what a great guy he is. He's the one who saved your life."

"Okay Mike, I'll go home with you. I don't seem to have much choice, but I intend to look for a place of my own as soon as possible. If I can't have Cappy, I don't want you either."

Mike started to blubber, as he led Jordie out of Cappy's apartment. He looked at Cappy as if to say, now I know how you felt.


As soon as Jordie and Mike left, Leo collapsed on the sofa. He was crying, so Cappy put his arms around him and held him tight.

"Please don't cry," Cappy said. "I love you. I'll always be your guy. I realized tonight that I still love Cappy, but not in the same way. It's more like a guy love's a brother. I want to make love with you tonight. I think I have to prove something to you, and I need it badly myself."

Leo smiled at last. "That sounds like a plan to me," he said. "Let's take a shower together."

They didn't linger long under the cascading water. Neither of them liked to have foreplay in the shower. They preferred to make love in a soft, dry bed.

"Just lie back and enjoy," Leo said. "I'm going to do all the work tonight."

Cappy smiled at Leo, and gave him a closed mouth kiss on the lips. He lay down in bed on his back, and instinctively spread his legs. Leo fell on top of him and started rubbing their cocks together. Cappy started purring like a kitten. Then he felt Leo's lips on his, and he opened his mouth. They began to kiss with so much tongue and with so much passion, that Leo knew that Cappy was his. He let out a little sob, which Cappy didn't even notice. Leo spent the next hour bathing Cappy's entire body with his tongue.

Finally, when Cappy cried for mercy, Leo took his seven inch uncut cock into his mouth, and began to run his tongue gently up and down the shaft.

Cappy yelled out. "I wanted to fuck you, but I can't hold back. I'm cumming." He unloaded ferociously in Leo's mouth. Leo swallowed everything, and left not a single bead for his husband.

"I know you wanted to do all the work tonight," Cappy said, "but if I don't do all that to you, I won't be satisfied, and I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Leo rolled off Cappy, lay on the bed flat on his back, and the love making began anew.

When Jordie and Mike entered their apartment, Jordie asked, "Is this where we live?"

Mike was thrilled. It sounded like Jordie had accepted the fact that they lived together.

"Are there two bedrooms?" Jordie asked.

"There's just one bedroom, and one bed."

"I'll sleep on the couch then."

"No. Mike said. "Listen to what I have to say, and then indulge me. "I'm going to fill the tub and see to it that you take a nice long bath. Then we are going to bed, and you're going to make love with me. Don't get yourself all worked up. It's just an experiment. Maybe making love will jog your memory. If we are really lucky, you'll remember everything, from birth to today."

The last thing Jordie wanted to do was sleep with this stranger, but his idea was a good one. If he never remembered everything, he knew that he would never be a complete person. He needed that knowledge for closure to his dilemma.

"Okay," Jordie said meekly, but could I still soak in the tub."

"Absolutely," Mike said.

He took Jordie's hand and led him into their bedroom. "We have two walk in closets." He pointed to one. "That one's yours. Get undressed while I fill the tub."

Fortunately, Jordie was never shy about nudity. He had no reason to be. Aroused, he was six and a half solid, cut inches. Besides, even though he couldn't remember, he was becoming aware that he and Mike slept together, and Mike must have seen him naked hundreds of times.

Mike helped Jordie into the tub, and told him that he would be right back. He returned in a few minutes and he was naked. Wow, Jordie thought. He's even bigger and fatter than Cappy is. Jordie was surprised when Mike fell to his knees. He soaped up a wash cloth, and began to bathe Jordie like a babe in a bassinet. Mike made sure not to touch Jordie's cock or balls until he heard Jordie sigh contentedly. He soaped up his palm and began to stroke Jordie's cock. To his utter delight, Jordie was as hard as he had ever gotten.

When Jordie was beginning to look like a prune, Mike helped him out of the tub, and began to towel dry him. Suddenly, Mike dropped to his knees and gobbled Jordie's cock down his throat. Jordie was surprised to realize that he was hard. Even more surprising, he was enjoying the experience even if it wasn't with Cappy.

"Let's take this to the bedroom," he said. Mike was ecstatic, or at least, he was cautiously optimistic.

They lay down in bed facing each other. Their lips moved toward each other, and they kissed. With that kiss, Mike relaxed. It was committed with such passion that he knew that Jordie would come around and be his again. To seal the bargain, he leaned over and took Jordie's cock into his mouth. It didn't take very long for him to cum. Then he returned the favor.

While they were basking in the afterglow, Jordie said, "Mike, honey, while you were down on me, I remembered the last seven years. They were the happiest of my life. I love you. I'll never leave you. Promise me the same." Mike buried his face in Jordie's chest, and cried softly.

"Tomorrow morning," Mike said. "I'm calling Cappy and Leo. I'm going to ask them to have lunch with us. I want us to be friends. I don't want you and Cappy separated for one more minute. Seven years is long enough."

They met at a neighborhood restaurant convenient to both couples. They all shook hands politely, but Cappy and Jordie looked at each other and fell into each other's arms.

"I remember the past seven years, Cappy," he said.

"I'm glad," Cappy muttered.

"I love you Cappy. I always will, but I love you differently now. I love you like a brother. I don't want us ever to drift apart. I want the four of us to be friends, so we can be in each other's lives forever."

"Oh Jordie," Cappy sobbed. "That's just what I said to Leo."

"Let's celebrate," Mike said. "Let's all meet at Julius in The Village tonight,"

"That's a great idea," Leo said.

They sat down, and ordered lunch. Now that Leo and Mike were no longer haunted by what might happen if Jordie regained his memory, it was the happiest lunch any of the four had ever experienced. After that they became best friends forever.

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