The Frog Finds Out

By Hank

Published on Oct 10, 2023



The Frog Finds Out


Freddie Karlin was a runt. He was at least a foot shorter than anyone else in his class. Worse yet, when he was just starting high school, he broke out with the worst case of acne anyone had ever seen. The cruel bullies began to call him Freddie the Frog. There was no physical abuse. Freddie was so short, even his abusers wouldn't have felt right about harming him.

Freddie's dad, Larry, was a big, tough, guy. He stood 6'2" tall and made his living as a detective for the NYPD. His mother, Barbara, was a gym teacher, and she was 5'6" tall. Freddie's parents could not understand his diminished size. Their pediatrician had assured them many times that based on Freddie's foot size, he would grow to a very respectable height. When he didn't grow, and he was still the runt of his class, his parents began to have severe misgivings.

They took Freddie to an endocrinologist. The doctor agreed with the pediatrician, but his parents insisted that Freddie be started on a regimen of growth hormones. The doctor tried to discourage the procedure, but they insisted, and Freddie's treatment began.

Apparently, Mother Nature needed the hormones, not to assure Freddie's growth, but to accelerate it. By his junior year in high school, he was at least as tall as most of his classmates, and in his senior year, he grew to his full height of 6'1". Barbara was pleased, but Larry was ecstatic. Another miracle occurred along with his growth. Freddie's skin began to clear up.

Det. Karlin had unpredictable hours of duty, but he enrolled Freddie in a gym, got him a personal trainer, and made him promise to work out regularly. The boy had grown so rapidly, he was a bean pole, and Larry wanted to put some muscle on him. The personal trainer put him on a high protein diet, as well as a strenuous exercise regime. By the time high school graduation rolled around, Freddie was a handsome hunk and a BMOC. He was the star of his track team.

Better than everything else, which resulted from his transformation, Freddie got laid regularly. The girls were all over him, and he gladly obliged them. The first time it happened, Freddie was unprepared. He raided his father's bedside table, and confiscated some condoms and a started tube of lubricant. Unfortunately, his dad walked in on him, and demanded to know what he was doing.

Freddie was sure his father would be pleased, and he told him that he was about to lose his virginity, and he had to get to the girl's house before she changed her mind. Larry grinned, and embraced his son. Indeed, he was pleased, and he sent Freddie on his way.

There was only one thing that never changed. Despite his transformation, his nickname, The Frog, did not go away, but it morphed. Everyone called Freddie, "Froggie." There was nothing Freddie could do about it, and in time, his classmates thought it was a cute corruption of his name. It became a term of endearment.

The nickname stuck even in college. Freddie went to CCNY, as did many of his high school classmates. His old high school chums continued to call him Froggie, and fortunately, nobody remembered the source of the once terrible slur.

CCNY is one of the many colleges which make up The City University of New York, CUNY. Practically every student at the college lived at home, and so did Froggie. If he had gone to an out-of-town university, the angst that he was about to suffer, might never have happened.


Larry and Froggie continued to use the gym, but not usually at the same time. Because of his crazy hours, Larry rarely came home before 11 PM. He left work between 8:30 and 9:30 PM, and rushed right over to the gym, which was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. He worked out for a while and then showered and went home. It was necessary for him to keep his body in top-notch condition. On his days off, and when he got out at a decent hour, he always checked with Froggie to find out when he'd be at the gym. If it could be arranged they worked out together. It was always a pleasure for them both.

When Larry went to the gym on his late nights, he didn't bother to check with Froggie, and they never ran into each other. One night, Froggie was just leaving the house of a girl he had made very happy by fucking her, slowly, steadily, and sensuously. He decided to stop by the gym, work out, and then shower there, instead of at home. He was very sweaty, and he was afraid that his father would recognize the smell of pussy on him. In fact, his father was so macho, he was positive he would detect the odor.

He stripped, and put his clothes in his locker. He put on a jock strap and his gym shorts. He went out to the gym, and began his workout by lifting weights. He usually worked out at least an hour, but it was very late. He quit after half an hour, and headed for the showers.

The gym was almost deserted at this hour, and he didn't expect anyone to be in the showers, so, when he approached the room, he was surprised that he heard voices. The light dawned, and he stopped short. What he thought were voices, was something else, and he knew the sound well. It was the moaning, sighing, and whimpering of love making. Froggie couldn't believe it,. He heard two male voices. He wanted to run but he needed to shower. He wasn't quite sure how to handle this enigma.

Finally, he reasoned that if two guys were going at it in a public place, they didn't give a shit if they were caught. They didn't. They assumed that at that late hour, if there were any men in the gym, they were cruising for a hook-up. Froggie assumed the same, and admitted to himself that he was curious, so he decided to take his shower, and pretend to ignore the two guys who were so busy having sex.

Of course, when he entered the showers, he had to look. A middle-aged man was standing with his eyes closed, and he was moaning softly. A man, about Froggie's age, was on his knees, and giving a blow job to the older man.

When he viewed the scene, Froggie wanted to run and hide, but his feet wouldn't move. Instead, he gave out an involuntary, eerie, shriek. When he heard the shriek, the young man ran away. The older man opened his eyes, and shrieked even louder. Larry stared at his son in disbelief.

Finally, Froggie's legs started to move, but Larry grabbed him by the arm.

"Please," he said, "don't go. Let's talk about this. Let me explain."

Two things kept Froggie from leaving. He did want an explanation, and he did love his father enough to hear him out.

"Okay," Froggie said, "but I need to shower. Then I'll get dressed, and we'll go somewhere to talk."

"I'll do the same," Larry said, "and then we'll talk."

The two men showered together as they had done often when Froggie was young, and then in the gym. All during the shower, they tried not to look at each other, and neither said a single word. They didn't have to check each other out. They had showered together at the gym on many occasions, and they were very familiar with their dimensions.

There was a coffee shop next door to the gym. It was open 24/7 because the gym was also. Both businesses did a hefty business at strange hours. Larry and Froggie went there for a cup of coffee, and a very uncomfortable chat.

When they were seated, and their coffee and a Danish pastry were served, Froggie said, "Dad, if you don't want to talk about it, I'm willing to forget that I ever found out."

"No. I need to talk about it. I've been bottled up so long, I'm ready to explode. I need to unburden myself to you."

"Okay then. I love you, Dad, so unburden yourself, as you put it."

"I have to call your mother first."

Larry dialed his home, and explained to his wife that he ran into Freddie at the gym, and they were enjoying a cup of coffee together, so he wasn't sure when they would get home, and she shouldn't wait up for them.

"What a wonderful surprise," she said. "Enjoy your time together, and I'll see you in the morning."

"How did you get here?" Larry asked his son.

"By subway," Froggie answered.

"Good. I don't want to talk here. Let's finish our coffee, and we'll talk in my car. We'll have more privacy."

"Good idea."

When they got into Larry's car there was utter silence. The big macho cop didn't know what to say, and he was shivering.

"Please, say something," Froggie pleaded, "or I'm getting out of this car."

Larry put his arm on his son's shoulder, and started to talk at last.

"Freddie, Son, I'm gay. I have been all my life. According to Dr. Kinsey, homosexuality can be measure on a scale, and I guess I'm not all the way to the gay side, because I've always been able to function with women. As a cop, I need to stay in the closet. I made a foolish decision to get married, and cover up my true desires. Thank God, I did, or you wouldn't be here."

Larry stopped to gather his thoughts, so Froggie asked, "Does Mom know."

"Let me continue, and I'll get to your mother in a minute. Your mom and I didn't satisfy each other in the bedroom, and after a while we stopped trying. One day she came to me, and confessed that she was having an affair, and thought it best that we divorced. I was all for it, and then she admitted that her affair was with a woman, another gym teacher. That's when I told her about me. We laughed and hugged each other, but then we came to a monumental decision. For your sake, and for the sake of our careers, we agreed to stay together.

"Freddie, your mom and I sleep together, but no sex. I never question her when she comes home late, and she never questions me. The crazy thing is that it's an ideal arrangement. We're both very happy."

The car was bathed once again in an eerie silence. At last, Larry asked, "Have you nothing to say? You're an adult. Surely you know what a human urge is like. It can consume you. Your mother and I found a solution. Now you know, so please, Freddie, don't hate us, or judge us."

"Geez, Dad," Froggie said. "I could never hate either of you, but this is quite a shock. I need some time for it to sink in."

"Of course, take all the time you need. If you want to get your own apartment, I'll help you."

"No, I'd prefer that nothing change for the time being. There's one exception. Do you think I should tell Mom that I know?"

"Yes, but we'll tell her together, or if you prefer, I'll tell her."

"All of this can wait a few days," Froggie decided. "Let me think about what's the best way to handle it."


A few days later, the family met in the living room, and all secrets were revealed. Everyone, even Froggie, was relieved. They acted very adult, and Larry said, "Freddie, I've decided to occupy the guest room. This way if your mother or I wish to bring someone home, we'll have privacy. And, Freddie, if you want to bring a girl home it'll be fine with me."

"Me too," Barbara added.

Despite the civility, the dynamics in the Karlin household changed dramatically. At least, they changed for Froggie. He was no longer comfortable in the only home he had ever known. He seriously considered his father's tempting offer to get his own apartment, but he didn't want Larry to spend all that money, so he stayed put.

He made sure that he and his dad were never in the gym at the same time. To avoid another accidental meeting, he joined a different gym. If either of his parents had a guest over, he called one of his girlfriends, who was happy to put him up for the night. The problem was that this altered life-style bugged him, and made him quite uncomfortable. He came home less and less, until one day, he decided that he was being foolish.

Froggie wanted his life back. He decided to live in the same manner as he had before he found out about his parents. He vowed to be big about. He had a private room, so he had a place to lie low, during awkward moment. Besides, his parents didn't "entertain" all that much, and most of the time they went to the "friends" house.

Before all this heavy stuff hit him between the eyes, Froggie never once wondered what it would be like to make love with another man. He had no trouble envisioning his mother making love with another woman. In fact, he got so turned on, he often masturbated to that vision.

Froggie's mother's bedroom was across the hall, but his father's was adjacent to his. Oftentimes he heard his father's orgasmic squeal, when he whacked off. That little bit of information made him want to hear noises from his father's room when he had a guest over. Somehow, that wasn't happening, and Froggie stopped listening. He realized that his dad never brought anyone home, and sometimes, he was out all night.

He started to live, as he had before the day he accidently ran into his dad at the gym, being serviced by a twinkie. In fact, he tried to block the incident from his memory.

One day there was another family pow-wow in the living room.

"Freddie," Larry began, "I have some great news. It's great for me and your mother, but I don't know how you'll take it."

"Am I going to get another shock, like you're both going straight," Froggie said facetiously. He saw the hurt look on his parents' faces, and he was sorry.

"No, it's nothing like that," Barbara said. "Let your dad finish."

Froggie nodded, and Larry went on.

"Freddie, he said. "Both your mother and I have met someone. She has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. We don't want to be part-time lovers. We deserve happiness, so we're divorcing and vacating this apartment. I'm moving in with Tom, and your mother is moving in with Carla. Before you say anything, we have no desire to see you out on the street, so we have several ideas to propose to you."

"I'm not as shocked as you think, Dad," Froggie said. "Once you both came out to me, I envisioned this scenario happening one day. I'm happy for both of you."

"Freddie," Barbara said, "I want you to discuss your options with your father man to man, so I'm going over to Carla's."

When they were alone, Froggie asked, "What proposals did you have in mind, Dad?"

Well, only two. The first is you can have that apartment, which I said I'd help you with until you finished school. By the way, if you want to go for graduate degrees, I'll continue to help you."

"I don't know, Dad. I don't want you spending all that money."

"Drop it. If you went to an out-of-town college, I'd be paying a housing fee, so it doesn't matter,"

"What's the other proposal?"

"Tom has a spare bedroom. He's agreed that you're more than welcome to stay there, if it won't be too uncomfortable."

"It was uncomfortable for me with you and mom at first, but I got used to it. I'm leaning toward that alternative, but I'd like to meet Tom first."

"Of course, I'll call him, and tell him to meet us Friday evening at Smitty's on Second Avenue."

Larry made the call, and announced that Tom would meet them Friday at 6 PM at Smitty's bar.

"Let's talk some more," Froggie said.

"Sure, what about?"

"You, Dad. You've slept with men and women. I can't fathom why you would prefer men."

"I can't explain it to you, but I assure you, male sex is infinitely more satisfying. A man knows how to give another man extreme pleasure. When I was sleeping around in my early days, it would take me forever to arouse a woman, even if she was dying to have sex with me. A man is always aroused, and he knows what another man finds erotic. Since I've slept with women, and I know which road I like better, you should try it just once with a man. Words can't adequately describe it. You must find out for yourself."

"Ugh," Froggie grunted. "I could never."

"It'd just be an experiment."



They met Tom at the bar, and were surprised that there was a young man with him. The young man appeared to be two or three years older than Froggie.

Froggie blushed when Tom and Larry greeted each other with a very wet kiss.

Tom spoke first. "Since I was meeting your son for the first time, Honey, I thought you should meet mine. His name is Daniel."

Everybody introduced themselves with hearty handshakes. Freddie almost introduced himself as Froggie, but said Freddie, just in time.

"I didn't even know you had a son," Larry said, slightly chagrined.

"He goes to Fordham Law school. In case you're wondering, he's rooming with two other men. Occasionally, when he visits me, and we stay out late, he stays over with me at my apartment. There are twin beds in my guest room, Freddie, so if you chose to live with us, you'd have a roommate every so often. Would that be a problem?"

Both men said, "Not at all."

Are you debating living options?" Daniel asked. I've been there and done that. Let me complicate things even further. My friends and I have a two-bedroom, two bath apartment. Each bedroom is furnished with twin beds. If you would consider sharing a bedroom with me, the upkeep would be so much easier. Keep in mind also, that we're going to be quasi-stepbrothers.

Froggie liked Tom and Daniel. He didn't say yes immediately, but he asked, "Can I see the apartment, and give you an answer tomorrow? I want to weigh all my options. He knew that he'd rather live with three contemporaries, and his mind was made up.

"Sure thing," Daniel said. "Come home with me after dinner. You can even sleep over. It'll give you a feel for how it will be. You'll meet my two roommates also. They're great friends and roommates. You guys will like each other. I'm certain."

The dinner was intended for Tom and Froggie to get acquainted, but Damiel and Froggie gave themselves all their attention. They conversed non-stop all evening. Freddie even told Daniel that everyone he knew called him Froggie. He avoided revealing the source of the nickname.

Froggie couldn't resist, he asked Daniel, "How did you take the news, when you learned that your father was gay?"

"It didn't bother me at all. Why should it? How did you take it?"

"I was upset because of the way I found out," Froggie said, "but I got over it quickly. I love my father, and I want him to be happy."

"Observing our two dads tonight, I'd say they make each other very happy."

"My dad's a detective. What does your dad do?"

"He's a lawyer. That's how they met. Your dad testified against one of my dad's clients, but the two love birds couldn't take their eyes off each other, and the rest is history."

It irked Froggie that he didn't know that, and Daniel did, but he got over it quickly enough. He was feeling good about his father's union with Tom, and as a bonus, his son, Daniel.

Daniel was old enough to order a drink, but Froggie was underage, so they didn't linger after dinner. Froggie was interested in seeing the living arrangements Daniel had offered him, and he was hoping to meet the other two roommates. He was afraid they might be out clubbing on a Friday evening. It was important that he meet them before making his final decision.

In the cab going home, Daniel filled Froggie in. He even called him Froggie. He thought it was cool.

Their names are Michael and Robert, Mike and Bob to their friends. All three of us are Law 1 at Fordham. They'll embarrass you, if you let them?"

"How so?"

"Well, they're just off their honeymoon. They get very intimate in public, and I know our friends are embarrassed, even the gay ones. They're not too quiet at night either."

Froggie was shocked. He knew he wouldn't move in with these guys, but he vowed to be polite, even if he had to sleep over. It'd be okay, because Daniel wasn't gay, or was he? Even if he was gay, they were brothers, Froggie rationalized.

The only gay person Froggie had ever socialized with was his father. He was shocked at how much he was enjoying Mike and Bob's company. They were full of stories about their honeymoon. They related their tales like stand-up comics. Froggie and Daniel couldn't stop laughing. Froggie even told them about Freddie, the Frog, and they couldn't believe that there had ever been a time when he wasn't a hunk.

"Stay over tonight," Mike said. "We'll have brunch together tomorrow, and we can hang out all day. We'll take you to a gay bar tomorrow evening. It'll be a lot of fun."

"Yes," Bob said, "and on Sunday, we can all go to your dad's place, and move your stuff over here."

"This is going to be the happiest, funniest, household in America," Daniel added. "I'm so glad I met you, and we're going to be brothers."

Daniel stood up, and hugged Froggie. Froggie hugged back without any reticence.

About two in the morning, Bob and Mike could not keep their eyes open, and everyone agreed to call it a night.

"I'll give you clean underwear tomorrow morning," Daniel said. "I usually shower in the morning, but I always shower at night if I'm going to have sex. I want to have sex with you tonight, Froggie, so let's shower together now."

Froggie woke up from his euphoria. He was about to yell, "No way, I'm straight," but his father's advice popped into his head.

"Why not experiment?" he thought. He knew Daniel, he liked him, and they were brothers. He said instead, "Sure, let's go, Bro, but I have to tell you that I'm a virgin to male sex."

"I suspected that you were straight, and had fucked every pretty woman at CCNY, but I'm going to teach you how to make love to a man, and you'll drop women like hot ingots."

"What makes you so sure?"

"My dad had a guest over one night. In the middle of the night, the cheating bastard came into my room, and crept into my bed. I was only seventeen at the time, but I wasn't a virgin to gay sex. He taught me how to make love that night, real love. Sometimes, I wonder if my dad didn't tell him to seduce me."

"It doesn't matter. Just teach me how to have sex with a man."

"I'll teach you how to make love with a man. You see, Froggie, I'm madly in love with you."

Daniel grabbed Froggie, encircled him with his arms, and began to kiss him. His tongue found its way into Froggie's open mouth, and Froggie had no trouble kissing Daniel back, with passion."

They stripped, and threw their clothes on a chair. Then they checked each other out. They could indeed have been brothers. They were both uncut, and about four inches flaccid, but as they stared at each other, they both grew to about seven inches. They were both very hefty. Daniel started the water flowing, and when he was satisfied with the temperature, he took Froggie's hand and stepped into the shower.

Daniel started his lessons. He taught Froggie how to bathe him, play with his cock and balls, and get his partner all worked up. He taught Froggie how to suck and rim. Froggie mastered everything he was taught in record time. Daniel made sure that neither of them came. They were in the shower a long time, but eventually they came out, dried off, and fell into Daniel's twin-sized bed. It was a very tight fit.

"How do you like it so far?" Daniel asked.

"I'm not sure, but I can tell you, I'm having fun. I need to cum before I decide."

"Fair enough," Daniel said. "I'm going to fuck you first. You'll beg for more, but it's a no-no until after you fuck me."

He reached into his bedside dresser and removed a packet of condoms and a tube of lube. The sight of it scared Froggie, but he vowed to see the "experiment" through to the end.

"I've only been with girls, and most of them were virgins," Froggie said. "Do we really need rubbers?"

"Of course, we do. I've been fucking my brains out with guys ever since I was sixteen, If you feel like I do, I'll get tested, and we can dump the condoms."

"That's a bit premature. I haven't made any decisions yet," Froggie pouted.

"Relax. I know the outcome, I've been there. Now suck my cock like you did in the shower, and when I'm as hard as a steel rod, I'll fuck you."

Froggie loved the taste of Daniel's cock in the shower, so he dove right down. He was a quick learner, and was doing a great job. Daniel pulled away to avoid cumming. He rolled a condom down his cock, lubed it good, lubed Froggie's ass generously, had his new love straddle him, and he guided his cock into Froggie's frightened ass.

Initially, Froggie screamed with pain, but Daniel kept shushing him, and assuring him that the pain would turn to pleasure. Daniel began to stroke lightly. His cock massaged, Froggie's prostate, and all the pain was gone quickly.

"Work with me," Daniel whispered, and Froggie pushed up when Daniel pushed down and vice versa.

Daniel couldn't hold back. He came after just a few strokes. The condom caught his semen. He screamed loud and clear. When he got his breath back, he started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Froggie asked.

"I'm crying because I'm so fucking happy. I told you; I love you. Now, my prayers are that you'll love me back just a little. Okay. Here's the fun part. You're going to fuck me in the missionary position."

When Froggie entered Daniel's ass, he never felt a receptacle so tight and so well lubricated. He too came quickly with a sound that resembled a wolf's cry. In that moment, he knew that he wanted more from Daniel, and he did love him.

From across the hall, they heard Bob yell, "Quiet you two. We're trying to sleep."

Froggie was too amazed to sleep.


Daniel and Froggie woke up in the morning wrapped up together. They smiled, and Froggie murmured, "You win, Handsome. I love you too. Let's wake the honeymooners, and start the day. I'm starving."

Bob and Mike were awake. They were showering in the master bathroom. Froggie used Daniel's tooth brush and razor. He also borrowed some clean clothes from his new brother. When everyone was showered squeaky clean, they went out to brunch.

The four men spent the whole day bonding, and planning their futures. They went to Bob and Mike's favorite bar that evening. It was where they had first met. They all introduced Froggie to a slew of friends, and everyone commented on his name.

"It's a nickname," was his standard explanation.

Daniel and Froggie held hands all day long, and didn't realize it. When finally, they left to go home, Froggie said, "Why didn't anyone ever tell me how much fun gay bars are?"

"We love each other, and we're together. That's what makes it so great," Daniel said.

"For whatever reason, I had a blast," Froggie said. "I have never had so much fun in bed either."

On Sunday, they had brunch out again, and they all went to Froggie's house in two cars to get Froggie's stuff. Tom had met Daniel's roommates, but Froggie introduced them to Larry.

"So, I guess you made your decision," Larry observed.

"It was really easy, Dads," Froggie said. Daniel and I are madly in love. We're a couple. We could shack up in my old room, but we want to be with our friends, so I'm moving in with them."

Pandemonium broke out as the fathers slobbered their boys with kisses.

The following Friday evening, the six of them went to the gay bar. The boys told a little white lie. They introduced the fathers as visiting cousins from Pittsburgh, and everyone believed them.

Froggie kept wondering out loud, how he could have been converted so quickly. Daniel insisted that no conversion occurred. He had to have been gay all along, and was just fooling himself. He took credit for helping Froggie see the light.

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