The Future Changed

By D One

Published on Aug 10, 2011



Toby yawned as he watched Sonya and Gretchen go inside. He had volunteered to drive them home. They could have used the Limo but its use was longer then they budgeted for.

Carl was dropped off first, since he wasn't feeling well.

The four had spent the night drinking champagne after they left the Prom. They ran naked into the reservoir stumbling and laughing until the cops appeared waving their flashlights.

The prom had been all the four dreamed of. Classmates dressed in tuxedos and formal dresses posed for photos, danced and eyed each other.

Graduation was on Wednesday and after that, the hundred seniors would meld into the general population seeking the life they had all been advised was difficult but worthy their best efforts.

"They get home ok?" Carl's voice on the phone inquired. "Yea Yea, you alright?"

"Puked then drank some milk, ok now" Carl said cryptically.

"Want me to come over?" Toby had no intention on going home. It was like returning to the role of a son and brother. He felt like an adult.

"Want me to?" Sonya asked as they kissed that night. Her hand was moving over his crotch threatening to unzip the fly and enter.

"Too drunk" Toby explained his softness.

He laughed at himself sitting in the car. She would tell Gretchen and Gretchen would probably tell everyone even his sister. "Shit" he muttered.

The house was dark when he arrived. Carl's bedroom was in the back and Toby entered as he did over the years, through the back door.

They were six or seven when they met on the school yard. Some larger kids were picking on Carl, calling him names like Flame Head, Ginger kid, spotty and other nicknames given to freckle faced read headed kids.

Toby moved closer and told them to "pick on someone the same size" or something thought witty at the time. He nursed the bloody nose in the Nurses room after that. Carl dripped blood sitting beside him and they became fast friends.

Toby closed the car door quietly. He shuffled up the driveway wondering if any neighbors saw his white tux coated self. He had unbuttoned his tuxedo shirt on the drive over to cool down from the lack of sleep and the heat of the night of dancing, drinking and unsatisfied sexual fantasies.

The door was locked. Toby used his key. "You might as well have one, you practically live here anyway" Carl's mother said years ago.

The kitchen was eerily quiet. A cereal box and bowl with some milk remained on the table. Toby put them away. It was like he lived there. And Carl treated his home the same way. Their families were used to the two being around all the time. Nobody minded and everyone included both boys in whatever family plans they made.

There was the vacation to California, a boating trip to a lake in Arizona, 4th of July celebrations, even family tragedies would find the other boy wearing a black suit and being good company.

Toby made sure the kitchen door was locked before going down stairs. Carl's Dad had turned part of the basement into a private bedroom for him six years earlier giving him the privacy every teenager desires.

They had played video games, watched TV, enjoyed sleepovers and used the room as their own man cave. Toby had to share his bedroom with a brother. That didn't stop Carl from coming over and hanging out there either.

Toby stretched his neck this way and that as he descended the familiar stairs. School was ending soon, very soon. It would be their last summer. Both knew that their lives would change. Neither thought their friendship would end but it would change.

Carl's parents were sending him to a college near his grandparents a thousand miles away. Toby was going to Colorado to enter the Air Force Academy.

He had talked about wanting to become a pilot since they were kids and Carl had talked about acting. Toby went to every school performance watching his best friend on stage. Carl joined Toby's perchance for model plane building and flying.

"Hey" Toby said as he opened the door. The bedside lamp cast a yellow light across the bed where Carl sat. It was bright enough to illuminate Carl's naked body as he sat on the edge of his bed.

Toby could see the freckled body head to toe. The normally red hair was darkened by the night outside and highlighted by the lamp. Carl was staring out the high window as if concentrating on some unknown and unseen object.

"What's goin on?" he asked.

Carl turned and looked at him. His face was blank. His green eyes were dark and wide. Either he was stoned or very scared. Toby and he had discussed the years past and their unknown future while dressing for the Prom the day before.

They stopped talking to avoid the frightening uncertainty after Carl suggested he would miss Toby more then anything.

Toby saw it all in his friends stare. He dropped his white coat and shirt. Removing his belt, he let the rented tuxedo pants fall to the ground. Toby chose not to talk as he used one foot to remove the shoe of the other foot.

"It's going to be ok" he said quietly as he walked naked in front of where Carl sat and knelt. His hands rested on the boys bare thighs.

They had watched each other masturbate since they were first able to do it. Their legs had pressed together now and then as they delved into the constant need to orgasm as friends.

But those years were past and those ahead were indeed uncertain.

Toby moved his head forward and lifted Carl's penis with his tongue drawing it between his lips. They had talked about it but not like this. Now he swallowed the meat knowing the warmth he'd give his friend. Toby's cousin had urged him to do it long ago but neither boy admitted to liking it then.

Toby slid his tongue under Carl's swallowed cock feeling it expand to fill his mouth. He moved his lips fucking his own mouth with Carl's cock. He was admitting he had more then bro-mantic feelings for Carl. He didn't' care. It would never be the same anyway.

Carl's hands rested on his shoulders pulling him closer. Toby felt the redheaded buddy kiss his bobbing head. He wanted what was happening.

The orgasm came quickly practically choking Toby but he swallowed every drop and licked his lips before pressing them against Carl's.

They didn't speak. Carl pulled Toby on to the bed and kissed his face, chest, belling and cock taking it into his own mouth repeating the action Toby had used until he too was swallowing the precious fluids Toby's body offered.

"Shit" Toby said as he lay on the bed.

"Fuck me" the words weren't a whisper but quiet. "It's ok" Toby turned facedown and parted his legs. Carl didn't answer but moved into position and held his cock pushing into Toby's willing butthole.

The fucking was awkward at first then Carl seemed to find a rhythm that hurt and pleased Toby's insides...the panting was so heavy Toby feared someone would hear them. But they were in the basement a long way from the prying ears of Carl's father.

Carl pulled on his hips moving Toby to his knees as the fucking continued becoming louder.

"You two ok?" Carl's father had come into the room that time they wrestled naked. Their young bodies tumbled over the bed, floor, and against the bookcases. The books fell, a bowl broke and they laughed at each other's erections.

Two years later they were making other noises now as Toby's ass sucked Carl's cock dry.

"Sheeeeeet" Carl said as his body released another prostate full into his best friend's intestines.

"Do me" Carl fell over on the bed, still panting hard

Toby didn't hesitate as he lifted his friend's legs against his chest and across his shoulders. His cock was ready and pressed into the dilated butthole Carl's upturned body offered.

He fucked him out of love, anger they would soon part and desperation to feel what his fantasies of years past longed to feel

The light revealed Carl's face, sometimes grimacing, other times smiling and eyes closed in reaction to the sensations he was feeling.

Toby wondered if this was the first time for his friend. He had felt a cock himself years ago by his aggressive cousin. But they were young experimenting teenagers. It was different then.

It was much different now. He wanted to move so deep inside Carl their bodies would become one. He wondered if Carl felt the same moments ago.

He hit Carl harder and harder with each jam even after his cock finished its job spewing all the jism his body had to offer.

They didn't speak laying there; Toby's body half across Carl's. Both boys panted until their heavy heartbeats calmed down and their panting lungs breathed normally. Neither wanted to move.

And so that's where they lay as Carl's father entered the room hours later. Seeing his naked son lying in his bed with his equally naked best friend made him smile.

He sat on the bed and lightly touched their young firm, sexually satisfied bodies.

Toby's eyes flickered open.

"Hey Dad" Carl responded awakening too.

"Hey you two, go back to sleep. I'll come get you later when everyone's gathered"

Their two families and other friends would be gathering later for a celebration barbeque. They would appear, barefoot, to the cheering groups.

Toby would be wearing some of Carl's clothes, tee shirt and shorts. Carl would be smiling blushing at the attention as usual.

Both boys wondered what Carl's father would say. Would he mention to Toby's parents what he was now aware of?

Toby felt Carl's hands on his genitals; fumbling feeling and holding before the boy slipped back to sleep. He kissed the freckled cheek nearest him and slept as well.

The future had changed already.

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