The Gathering

By ude.iupui.xavydni@hsramn

Published on Dec 17, 1994



Newsgroups: rec.arts.erotica Followup-To: Organization: rec.arts.erotica immoderation Lines: 734 Message-ID: 3ctbk3$ NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: mf mm ff group X-Moderator-Review: 7: some truly hot material

Archive-name: gathering

I know it's been a while since I have posted, but some of you will remember me. This story is a little different from my others. I hope this slight tangent from my style doesn't shock some of you.




I have to recount this particular adventure as probably the most pleasant of my experiences. It was certainly the most surprising.

Kathryn's visit was, of course, a welcome event. It seemed like a year since I had gone to Hartford to be with my love, though it had only been two months. I had picked her up at the airport and brought her back home on Thursday night, where we noshed on fresh shrimp and dry grape soda. After that, we made passionate love and fell asleep in each other's arms. All in all, a pleasant reunion. But it was only the beginning...

After spending Friday at work, meeting my co-workers and watching us put on our afternoon show, we went out for pizza with the gang. Everyone seemed to like Kathryn a lot and we all had a good time - not to mention great pizza - and then we headed back home. Once again we made love, hotter and more passionate then Thursday night's loving. I came inside her twice before we curled up to sleep. As I drifted off, she was still shuddering from her own orgasms.

The next morning, someone knocked on the door at 9:00. I struggled to pull my sweats and a t-shirt on and staggered to the door. Kathryn had exhausted me. I looked through the eyepiece and was surprised to see my friends Kevin and Nancy from Bloomfield. I unlocked the door and invited them in.

"Thanks for the warning." I said, smiling as I hugged them. It had been quite a while since I had seen them.

"You told us Kathryn was coming this weekend, remember?"

I admitted that I didn't remember. Then again, I did have other things on my mind.

I asked them to make themselves at home while I woke Kathryn up and we got ready. I shut the bedroom door and slipped over to the mattress on the floor. I looked at Kathryn's nude form laying there. Her long reddish brown hair, full, beautiful breasts, smooth silky bottom and the thick, dark forest between her legs. I began kissing her cheek and moved down to her neck. She stirred and turned her chest into mine, brushing her bosoms against it. She opened her mouth and drew mine to it in a deep, passionate kiss. She urged me on top of her and my growing erection slipped into her mound. I pumped slowly in and out of her as she opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"What a way to wake up."

"I'd keep it down a little if I were you. Nancy and Kevin are out there."

Her eyes opened wide in surprise, but I coaxed her mind back on to what we were doing with a deep thrust inside her loins. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as her passion built towards a crescendo inside her hips. I felt her tightening up around my penis and I began to concentrate on my pleasure. Kathryn's was obviously intense enough and she started to buck. I thought about how deep I was inside her and how it might look when I come inside her. Then, as she let out a passionate gasp and I exploded. I began to spurt inside her and her vagina clasped me tightly. We both shuddered as our climaxes overtook us. Only after we collapsed against each other did I begin to wonder if Nancy and Kevin had heard anything. Nah, probably not. The TV was on, after all.

I should have known better. They told me later they were listening at the door. What friends.

Kathryn and I showered and dressed. I brought her out and introduced her to them. They had already seen her picture some time ago and had both told me how beautiful they thought she was. I guess shouldn't have been surprised when Kevin and Nancy both hugged her warmly. Kathryn blushed. I'm sure she wasn't used to their style at all.

I'd known Kevin for almost six years and Nancy for about one. Kevin had an unusual style, which put a lot of people off, but he was the kind of guy who would be there before you even knew you needed help. He was taller than me, about 6'4", with a strong build. He had shaggy, long brown hair and sported an equally scraggly beard. Despite this, though, he had a penetrating stare and I found him, well, sexy. Of course, that isn't the sort of thing I spread around.

Nancy was such a contrast to Kevin, being very small in stature. She was about 5'2" or so, long brown hair, sensual eyes, a nice medium chest and a fine bottom. Aside from getting me hard whenever she was around, she had this perfectly arousing purr. Oh, what a woman.

The four of us decided to hit China Coast for lunch, then headed for Kevin and Nancy's favorite place, the City Zoo. Kathryn seemed to be having the best time. I noticed that both of my friends were spending a lot of time with her as we went around. I caught Kevin giving her light shoulder rubs from time to time (I had forgotten to tell Kathryn that he was a professional masseuse and that Nancy was his student - facts which would be the start of our surprising, yet exciting weekend).

After we left the zoo we decided to see a movie, so I suggested the Hollywood Bar and Filmworks. We first went to Union Station and had a good dinner, then walked over to the Hollywood and got our tickets for "Color of Night." God, what a sexy film. During the first lovemaking scenes, I felt Kathryn's hand wandering along my leg and up along my crotch. She felt how hard I was and winked at me, then smiled sexily. I let my hand explore her legs as well, then up between them, where she was hot from all the action on the screen. She let out a soft moan and I noticed Kevin and Nancy watching her.

Later on I was paying more attention to the movie when Nancy slipped into the seat next to me. Kevin moved next to Kathryn and was rubbing her shoulders - she was in good hands. We talked a little bit until another of the passionate sex scenes came up. I was getting really hot and so, apparently, was Nancy. She reached under the table and stroked my hand. Her skin was so soft and her touch was so sensual. I wanted so much to grab her and kiss her, but no, not there - though the desire was hard to resist. Then Nancy didn't make it any easier. Her hand slipped from my hand and slid up my leg. I stiffened as she began to explore the front of my pants and clasped my erection in her little hand. I gently moved my hips. On the screen was a hot and steamy shower scene and I imagined Nancy in the shower with me, her body soaked with moisture, stroking my member with her hands, then her body, and finally with her mouth. I almost came in my pants when I heard Kathryn moan quietly. I turned my head quickly and saw that Kevin's hand was under the table, cupping the hot bulge between her legs. He was rubbing her firmly and she was moving her hips slightly. I could see that distant look on her face as she closed her eyes and imagined something wonderful. We were all hot by the time the movie ended, so it's probably best that it ended when it did. We had to get out of there.

On the way home Kevin sat in front and Kathryn sat in back with Nancy. Nan had seemed really tired after the movie and it was about 16th and Lafayette when I looked in the rearview and saw something beautiful. Nancy lay sleeping in Kathryn's arms, curled up against my lover's ample chest. Kathryn's arm was draped around the small woman and she herself lay back into the corner of the back seat and was snoozing. I nudged Kevin and he looked in back, then turned to me with a smile. It was such a lovely, sexy sight.

When we reached the apartment we piled in and everyone crashed. I turned the air conditioning back on, went to the bathroom, then went into the bedroom to change into a cooler shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror as I took off my shirt and wondered about what had happened at the bar. I realized I was getting hard and took off my pants. I grabbed a pair of my sweats and started to put them on, but stopped as I saw my penis poking out of my boxers. I slipped my underwear down and looked at myself fully in the mirror. I tried to imagine Nancy on her knees in front of me, taking my erection lovingly in her hands and stroking it from base to tip and back. Then kissing it as she would reach back to stroke my testicles, finally slipping the head into her hot, wet mouth. I shuddered at the though of this happening with Kathryn watching and growing hot herself. I quickly pulled my boxers back on and climbed into my sweats and t-shirt, then tucked my erection down and headed for the living room.

I had intended to sit and cuddle with Kathryn, but I was rather astonished to find the coffee table moved away, the cushions from the couch scattered around, and my sweet Kathryn lying on her stomach on the couch. Kevin sat next to her and was in the midst of a rather aggressive massage of her back and shoulders, while Nancy was working on the calves of her bare legs. I knelt on the floor next to Nancy and observed her administrations to my girl. Nancy looked at me, smiled, and winked, then went back to work. I got up, moved around to the front of the couch, and knelt next to Kathryn's head. Her eyes were closed and her mouth open, allowing soft moans of pleasure and relaxation to come out.

"Enjoying yourself, are we?"

Her eyes blinked open and she smiled.

"Absolutely. You didn't tell me they were so talented."

"I didn't think you would be interested."

"In what? A massage?" she asked.

"Never mind." I responded, leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Kevin's hands had reached her hips and he proceeded to rub her behind, which shocked her and caused her to lift her head, so her lips met mine and I grabbed her head to hold it for the length of the kiss. Kevin's attentions to her bottom continued as Nancy moved up to join him. Four hands explored and caressed her ass through her shorts. I continued to kiss her and let my hand wander down towards her breast, squeezing it until she gasped in pleasure. Kevin and Nancy watched and smiled as I pleasured my lover's chest. Her nipple was hard as a rock. Pinching it made Kathryn buck her hips and shove her tongue into my mouth. I pulled my mouth away from hers and began to ravage her face, then her throat, then the back of her neck, working down her back. I stopped at the top of her bottom, where my friends were still caressing her gently. I slipped my own hand into the fray and stroked the crease between her cheeks. She moaned as I slipped it further down, brushing her anus through her clothing. She wiggled her hips while I rubbed her. Nancy smiled as I took her hand and guided her fingers to my lover's sensitive spot. The young woman took delight in her new job and continued to rub Kathryn's anus while I slid my fingers down into the cleft of her buttocks. My lover continued squirming as my fingers probed her hot spot. She spread her legs and I pushed harder against her mound. She began to moan and she was getting wetter by the second. I took Kevin's hand and placed it against Kathryn's sex and he took over for me. My friends were always so helpful.

I kissed my way up Kathryn's ass and started to lick the bit of bare skin exposed by her shirt slipping from her shorts. She jumped and gasped. Her hips began to move around even more. Kevin and Nancy continued their pleasuring of her body while I tugged on my lover's shirt. Kathryn lifted her chest and allowed me to pull it free from her shorts, then slip it up past her breasts and over her head. She lay back on her stomach and I went back to licking her skin up along her spine and rubbing her shoulder blades. When my mouth reached it, I unhooked her bra and let the straps lay beside her, then went about all the kissing, licking, and caressing that I had to do.

Meanwhile, Nancy and Kevin were experimenting with their new jobs. I watched as Nancy nuzzled against Kathryn's ass, kissing it through the fabric of her shorts. Kevin pressed into Kathryn's mound even harder, causing my girl to make her crotch even wetter. His fingers found the slight bud of her clitoris and began to press there. She squealed as the first waves of orgasm began to make themselves known. Nancy smiled at Kevin and they switched jobs. Kevin began kissing her anus through her shorts as Nancy rubbed her mound furiously.

I started to bite my lover's neck as I heard her breathing building up. Kathryn started to turn. She rolled onto her back and clutched her bra to her breasts. Kevin didn't miss a beat and dropped his head between her open legs, pressing his face into her crotch and making her thrust up against it. Nancy caressed Kevin's head and neck while he feasted on my girl's sex, then reached up and started to undo her shorts. I pulled Kathryn's hands away from her breasts and slowly slipped her bra cups down off her chest. She blushed furiously as her bare breasts were exposed to my friends. Kevin didn't break, but Nancy oooo'ed at the sight of her full chest and taught nipples. She reached up a hand after unzipping Kathryn's shorts and caressed her right breast. I kissed my lover and reached a hand down to join Nancy. We both massaged her breast, squeezing her bosom, tugging the nipple, and generally making Kathryn moan. I pulled my mouth from hers and moved down to her breast, kissing all around Nancy's diligent fingers on my lover's chest. Kat was pumping her hips now and our attention was drawn to Kevin as he pulled Kathryn's shorts down and off. We all looked and admired the thick bulge in her panties and the small tufts of pubic hair the poked out along the inside of her thighs. We could all smell her scent of arousal and realized that we, too, were as aroused as she was. Kevin began to lower his head back between her legs, but I nudged him back. I knew Kathryn was still nervous and I wanted to be the first one to attend to her, to put her at ease.

Nancy moved up to Kathryn's chest and Kevin knelt beside her hips. I lowered my head between her legs and began nuzzling her sex through her panties. I smelled her hot, desiring scent and could no longer resist the urge to remove the last obstruction between my passion and hers. I slid my hands down under her ass and grabbed the elastic of her panties and pulled. They came down quickly in back, but moved slowly in front as they revealed the forest of hair covering her mound. Finally I pulled them past her knees and off her feet. Kevin and Nancy looked admiringly at her hair, lips, and the tip of her pink clitoris. I pushed her legs open and parted her labia with my hands. Her sex opened to me, allowing me to see up into my lover's body. It was so wet and pink and dark inside. I was so moved my her beauty that I dove down on her and she screamed in pleasure as my tongue plunged into her. I grabbed her hips as she began bucking against me. It wasn't long now.

Kevin reached in and began to stroke my lover's clitoris while I ate her sex and Nancy started caressing Kathryn's breasts. My friend's small mouth moved toward my lover's bosom. It was such an exciting sight to witness Nancy suckling Kathryn's breasts like an infant. Kat's hand reached up to caress Nancy's hair and back while she sucked. Her gasps came quicker and she exploded suddenly when my finger began to probe her anus. Kathryn gasped my name as I shoved everything into her as deep as I could. Kevin rubbed her clitoris faster and faster and Nancy began to tug at her nipples. My lover bucked and bucked as she came. A torrent of her juices flowed down my face. It was the most powerful orgasm she had ever had.

Nancy caressed Kathryn's face as she began to calm down. One hand remained on Kathryn's breast, massaging it. Kat smiled at Nancy and my friend leaned over and softly kissed my lover on the mouth. The two exchanged the kiss for only a few moments, but it was like forever I was later told. Her chest continued to rise and fall deeply as she sat up on her elbow and reached out for me. I moved up between her legs and leaned over her to kiss her deeply. She grabbed me and shoved her tongue in my mouth. As we kissed she tugged at my shirt, removing it. Then her hands went for my sweats, but she couldn't get them down. As I started to sit up to pull them down, someone was already doing it. Kevin pulled them down, boxers too, past my ass and to my knees. With help from Nancy, who looked with a smile at my erection, he completely removed them from me. Kathryn looked at Nancy, who reached out and touched my penis, and reached out her own hand as well. The two women caressed my sex. Kathryn stroked it back and forth and Nancy reached back and caressed my testicles. I moaned softly. Kevin reached down between Kat's legs and caressed her still-wet sex, spreading her lips open. Nancy pulled my penis away from Kathryn's hand and pointed it down towards my lover's mound. She rubbed the head against Kat's clitoris. My erection tingled in Nancy's grip, her soft hands arousing me immensely. Then she pushed it down into my lover's sex. Kevin reached in and grabbed my cock. It felt so good to have his hand gripping me. He put the head all the way inside Kathryn and caressed me back and forth a little bit. Then, on my own, I pushed forward into her and slid in all the way up to my balls. Kat and I gasped at the same time. Kevin and Nancy looked at each other and grinned.

"Looks like they're going to have fun."

I began thrusting in and out of Kathryn steadily. We moved into a rhythm of passion, which was already heated up by our experience with my friends. I felt hands caressing my back as I moved. Nancy was working her way down my back as Kevin worked his way up Kathryn's chest. His mouth clamped to her breast and Kat groaned. Nancy's fingers explored the valley between my buttocks, stroking down towards my anus. My buttocks shook with each thrust of my phallus into my lover's canal of passion. Nancy's touch aroused me all the more and I grunted when I felt her finger begin to penetrate my ass. I must have felt very tight around her finger because I gripped her with my anus as soon as I felt her enter me. Then her mouth found its way to my bottom and she began licking me all over. Soon her finger was joined by her tongue. It was such a strange feeling having her tongue inside my ass, so warm and pleasant. So fiery. Her other hand wandered down to my balls, squeezing them in time to my thrusts. Oh God, I was so close to exploding.

Kevin's explorations and caresses had brought Kathryn equally far. His mouth had been on every inch of her bosoms and now it worked its way up to her throat, biting her gently. One hand slid around her neck and held her head while the other slid from her breast towards our joining. When it arrived it began stroking her clitoris. He was kissing her neck now and working up to her mouth. Kat opened wide and took Kevin's tongue hotly inside. Watching them kiss made me thrust faster and deeper. Nancy's finger wriggled around inside me and her mouth soaked my balls. I was about to climax.

The two of us were bucking hard together. Kevin's tongue was deep in Kat's mouth and his fingers dance roughly over her clitoris. Two of Nancy's fingers were buried deep in my ass and her mouth was sucking on my balls. My cock was throbbing inside my lover and her vagina was squeezing me tightly. Finally I let go and began to come.

"Oh God, Kathryn! Oh, oh, oh! God, I'm coming! Uhhhhnnn! Oh, I love you!"

Nancy felt me pulsing inside my loins and her mouth tightened around my balls. I bucked passionately inside of Kathryn until the tip of my cock hit her cervix. She moaned into Kevin's mouth and they broke from the kiss so she could scream her ecstasy.

"Oh Patrick, oh God. Yes! God it's so good!"

I pounded into Kathryn, grinding my pelvis against hers as I came. Nancy squeezed my balls and shoved her finger as deep as she could inside me. My whole member swelled and semen squirted out of me against the entrance to Kat's womb. Wave after wave of white liquid gushed out and splattered against her cervix. Nancy felt it all through my anus and wriggled her finger around as it passed. My pleasure endured for long minutes, even after every drop of my cum was spent inside Kathryn. Finally we collapsed, my chest pressed against her breasts. Nancy pulled her finger from my bottom and Kevin pulled his hand out from between us. He caressed my back and hips and Nancy began to caress Kathryn's face and arms. I remained inside my lover for quite a long time until we were both calm enough to move. We shifted around on the couch so that I lay beside her on my side and Kathryn lay on her back. I wrapped my arm around her just below her breasts and lay my head on her shoulder. Kevin and Nancy looked at us. Nancy leaned over Kathryn and kissed her on the mouth, then moved her mouth to mine. It was such a warm feeling. Then Kevin kissed Kathryn passionately. When they broke, he lifted his mouth to mine. I hesitated for a moment, then gave in to desire and kissed him warmly as well. It was a very pleasant feeling. I lay my head back down and rested, brushing my hand lightly against Kat's breast. Then we watched as Nancy and Kevin decided to entertain us...

They removed their clothes quickly, wasting no time because they were so hot. When they were down to their underwear they grabbed each other and kissed passionately. Kevin deftly removed Nancy's bra, which fell to the ground when they broke. Kathryn and I both expressed our admiration for her beauty by moaning softly and smiling at her. She had the most gorgeous round breasts I have ever seen. Kevin's hands covered them and squeezed them firmly. She moaned loudly. Kevin kneaded them as her hands went to his briefs and pulled. He released her breasts and allowed her to kneel down and remove his shorts. Again we gasped in admiration as Kevin's huge erection sprang out from its restraint. The rumors I had heard were true. At least nine inches. I couldn't believe the sudden urge I had to have it in my mouth. Almost as strong was my urge to guide it into Kathryn's waiting sex. What Kathryn thought of it, I don't know, but her eyes were drawn to it the whole time that Nancy pleasured him.

Nancy's mouth encircled the head of his cock and worked it down towards the base. Her hand clutched at his thick, hairy scrotum, rubbing his testicles to make him moan. All along she slid her mouth back and forth on his penis, making him buck his hips. We were wondering when he was going to burst, but Nancy stopped sucking him and drew her mouth slowly away, licking the underside of his glans as she did so. Then Nancy lay back onto the shag rug, spreading her legs to reveal the moist front of her panties. We could see the darkness of her pubic hair through them, especially where they were soaked. Kevin lay down and put his head between them, kissing her inner thighs, her tummy, the elastic, then he planted a big kiss on the front panel and she moaned, then he removed her underwear, sliding his hands over her ass as he did so. I was finally seeing her hot sex, the one I had dreamed of for so long. Her lips were already parted in her excitement and we could both see her inner pinkness. I leaned over and whispered to Kathryn.

"God, she's so beautiful."

Kathryn turned her head to me. "I've never really thought about another woman's body until today. She's so beautiful. I can't believe I'm getting wet just thinking about it."

"I'm glad you're thinking about it." I told her and kissed her warmly just as Kevin was burying his face into Nancy's pelt.

Kevin licked his girlfriend deep inside her sex, stroking her clitoris with his thumb and fingering her tiny asshole with his finger. Nancy was bucking like mad when she exploded, showering his face with her cum. She was gasping his name, begging him to screw her. As Kevin mounted her my hand slipped down to Kat's hot steamy sex. Two of my fingers entered her as Kevin's cock penetrated Nancy's tight sex. He held himself above her with his strong, muscular arms. His pelvis moved back and forth firmly and aggressively as he screwed Nancy. Kathryn shifted her hips and moved against my hand as we watched Kevin's penis, long and hard and wet with Nancy's juices, sliding in and out of her wet, dark forest of hair. Her ass thrust against him and her small breasts shook every time his balls impacted with her anus. My cock grew hard against Kathryn's thigh while we watched them. Her hand came down to caress me as I thrust lightly against her flesh. I continued massaging her sex while my friends made love.

Kevin and Nancy moved to a crescendo of passion. Nancy climaxed under him, her small sex clasping his erection like a vice. Her moans and cries moved to a deep sensual purr. Kevin's balls tightened and his member burned inside Nancy's sex until, finally, he let out a howl of ecstasy and exploded inside of her. His hips and buttocks jerked with each spasm he felt and cum spurt out of his cock into his lover. He kept pumping into her as he continued coming. I could imagine his juice spurting out from the tip of that huge, beautiful cock, and hitting the walls of Nancy's vagina, filling her totally. They both must have been in heaven.

They stayed joined for a while, then slowly parted. Kevin's penis, even limp, was still an impressive sight. He lay next to Nancy and caressed her and kissed for a while. I had stopped masturbating Kathryn, as she had come when Kevin did, but her hips and thighs and sex were still quivering with passion. When she finally caught a breath, she gasped.

"That was beautiful." she managed to say. The rest of us smiled and I leaned over and kissed her. It was proving to be a night for fantasies coming true. If I was lucky, my deepest fantasy would rear its head before the night was done.

I fixed some drinks for everyone and passed them out. It felt strange walking around my apartment nude with more than Kathryn around, but I was getting used to it. Kevin was sitting back in one corner of the couch with Nancy sitting back between his legs and I sat at the other end with Kathryn nestled between mine. It seems modesty was no longer a concern for Kat.

We talked for a half-hour or so while we relaxed, then things began to heat up again when Nancy began talking about how beautiful Kathryn was and how wonderful it was to watch us making love. We both blushed and told them the same thing. Then Kathryn mentioned how beautiful she thought Nancy was and how she found it so strange that she was only beginning to think about being intimate with another woman. Nancy smiled and thanked Kathryn for the double compliment, then leaned forward and touched her cheek, turning her blushing face. Kathryn worked up her nerve again (she had kissed Nancy in the heat of passion before, but now she felt a little ill-at-ease) and tried to accept Nancy's warm mouth with pleasure. Their mouths touched lightly for a second, then Kathryn pressed more firmly. Their hands held each other's heads as the kiss grew deeper. Nancy began to press her chest against Kathryn's, so I moved out from behind my girl and let her fall back into the cushions. Nancy fell on top of her, hardly seeming a weight to Kat, and pressed her lovely breasts into my lover's own. Kevin slipped off the couch as Nancy moved completely between Kathryn's legs. The two women were suddenly lost in their own world and Kevin and I slipped away into our own.

As we watched Nancy moving back and forth against Kat, Kevin and I began pleasuring ourselves, stroking our cocks to hardness. I watched him squeezing himself up and down the full length of his member, admiring its tremendous size. In turn, he began watching me caress my own. Then our gazes drifted back to the women, who had begun exploring. Nancy's mouth moved down to where her hand had been kneading Kat's bosom. Her mouth opened and she clamped it down on the nipple, sucking and tugging at my lover's flesh. I began to beat myself faster. Nancy felt Kathryn's wet sex pressing against her stomach and her moans drove Nancy downward. She came to Kat's pubic hair and began nuzzling it. The scent of sex began to fill the living room as Kathryn anticipated the touch of Nancy's mouth. Seconds later she felt Nancy's tiny, hot tongue drawing circles around her clitoris. Kat raised her hips against Kevin's girlfriend and felt the tongue drop down into her deep canal. Nancy's thumb moved to Kat's clitoris while her tongue slid up and down her slit. Occasionally she would dip down to stick it into the pucker of Kat's anus, roll it around, then slide it back into her sex. She bobbed her head up and down, licking faster and faster. She clasped Kathryn's hips and Kat clasped Nancy's head and held it between her legs. She was pumping rhythmically against her new lover.

Kevin and I were getting pretty far along now, stroking ourselves, when I relaxed my grip and reached slowly towards Kevin. He released his cock and I gently reached my hand out for it. I wrapped my fingers around it and began stroking up and down. It was so warm and firm in my hand. I was finally holding a man's cock in my grip and it was wonderful. Kevin lay back and let me stroke him full out. I reached over with my other hand and caressed his big balls. He spread his legs and began to pump his hips. I kept on beating him up and down and he moaned. The girls broke for a moment and watched just as I was positioning myself between his legs and lowering my mouth toward his cock. I anticipated the moment that I was to first taste a man's penis. I flicked my tongue along his testicles and they tightened. I drew my tongue up along the underside of his erection, going up and down, then drew it around the head. Finally, I opened my mouth and dropped in onto his cock. Kevin groaned deeply as I began to suck his member. I massaged his balls more firmly and he bucked, shoving his cock deeper into my mouth. It was so unreal, my fantasy coming true. His cock was like a part of me. It was such an experience and I don't think it could have been with a better person. I had always felt this act would have to be with a person I cared for, and there were few that I cared for as much as Nancy and Kevin.

We heard Kathryn's cries as she climaxed in Nancy's mouth. She pulled Nancy's face deep into her muff and cried out as she bucked. Then she collapsed, spent, in front of Nancy. I pulled my mouth from Kevin and he took the opportunity to stand up. He turned to face me and put his hand on my head and pulled it back towards his cock. It was still wet with my saliva and it slid back in easily and pleasantly. I grabbed his ass and began sucking on it passionately.

Kathryn had sat up and was cuddling with Nancy, exchanging soft kisses and exploring a little, when Nancy guided Kat`s mouth towards her own breast. Kathryn opened her mouth in anticipation of a new experience and plunged it over Nancy's soft bosom. She groaned loudly and clutched Kat's head as they went back, my girlfriend falling between her legs. Kathryn had become very aggressive now and was ravaging Nancy's breasts, sucking hard on her nipples and biting them. Nancy was purring loudly and wrapped her legs around Kat. Once again they began gyrating together.

Kevin's hips thrust back and forth, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth. My hand wandered back from his balls toward his ass. I parted his cheeks and worked my finger up into his anus. He was hot inside and I could feel him tightening his muscle around me. I gave him more intense pleasure by shoving my finger in as far as I could, then he growled passionately and I felt his cock swell in my mouth. Mmmmm. He was so close.

I glanced over to see that Kathryn was lowering her face between Nancy's legs. I wondered how she had worked up the courage. She had a hard time just going down on me. But Kathryn nuzzled Nancy's pubic hair, taking in the scent of her partner's arousal, then gently licked her clitoris. She tried it again and, apparently liking it, she lowered her tongue into Nancy's delicate sex. The passion built from there and Nancy's purrs could be heard throughout the room. Kat grabbed her lover's bottom and squeezed and Nancy flew into an ecstatic frenzy as she came. She meowed as she exploded into an incredible orgasm, showering Kathryn's face with her juices. A glow of pure passion and caring filled the area around the couch. And that is what sent Kevin over the edge.

I fingered Kevin's anus deeper and squeezed his balls. He howled with pleasure and released his load. I slipped my hand from his balls and started pumping his cock as he climaxed. I let it slip from my mouth as the head of his dick swelled and exploded. I felt him pulsing in his ass and suddenly cum squirted out from the tip of his member and splattered on my face. The second spurt shot into my mouth and more and more of it came out, either into my mouth or on my face and chin. It was pure heaven to me, knowing I had made Kevin come. He continued to buck as the droplets ceased, though his anus still pulsed with pleasure. He finally relaxed and knelt down. Nancy got up from the couch and came over to me, presenting her sex for my administrations. Kevin stood up and dragged his spent body over to where Kathryn was and crashed beside her. He wrapped his arm around her and nuzzled her neck while I buried my semen-covered mouth and chin into Nancy's waiting sex. It looked like the evening was going to continue to be interesting and surprising.

Nancy groaned as I ate her burning, wet sex. I clutched her ass, kneaded her buttocks, and fingered her anus. She ground her pussy into my face. Kevin coaxed Kathryn to spread her legs. She sank down against the back of the couch and opened herself wide to his mouth and tongue, which he plunged into her. She grabbed his head and held it there as her already burning sex began to quiver. Kevin licked and fingered everything so hard and fast that she burst within just a few seconds, drawing our attention to them. Kevin coaxed Kat off the couch and on to her hands and knees, leaning her over the seat of the couch. Kevin began kissing, licking, and biting her ass. His tongue slid down the valley between her buttocks and stopped to explore her wet anus. He parted her buttocks and slid his tongue deep inside. Kathryn groaned and moved her hips. Kevin plunged fingers into my girlfriend's sex and pumped in and out of her. Kathryn's head was spinning from all the pleasure she was receiving that night.

Nancy pushed me back and straddled me. She moved her sex over my cock and began to lower herself onto it. I grasped her hips and helped lower her down. It was incredible feeling her tight vagina surrounding me. She began to move up and down while I reached up and massaged her bosoms. Then she lowered them so I could feast passionately on her soft fruit. Our gyrations became more intense. We were sweating so much from all our activity. I felt my cock growing and the pressure building inside my balls. I was going to burst within Nancy.

Kevin rubbed the head of his cock around Kat's ass. She felt it push partway inside her anus, just the head, and she moaned, but it was obvious that he was much too big for her ass and he withdrew. He slid it down another inch to her moist and heated sex and plunged it into her. Kathryn had never felt anything so big inside her before and she cried out in shock and pleasure. Kevin grasped her hips and began pumping her from behind, his balls stroking her clitoris. Kat felt the bomb ticking inside her sex.

I felt a twinge coming on as I started to lift Nancy off the ground. I clutched her buttocks as the moment began. I was starting to throb and Nancy was already pulsing. Her juices flowed down over my balls as she came and I began to erupt inside her. Semen spewed out of me and into her hot sex. She felt me spurting inside her, my seed mixing with Kevin's. She tightened her vagina around me during my final pulses and fell forward to thrust her mouth against mine. We kissed passionately as my cock grew limp inside her. I knew Kathryn and Kevin had to have been watching and I was desperately wondering what Kat was thinking about seeing me screw this beautiful young woman. Eventually Nancy slipped from me and we lay watching Kevin pump in and out of my girlfriend. It was a beautiful sight, seeing Kathryn pleasured by such an enormous cock. Her cries aroused my cock once again. I stirred to move over to them, but Nancy had beaten me and was already there, licking and kissing Kevin's ass. Her tongue danced over his balls and she was sucking them when I got there. I began kissing Kevin's ass as well, dropping my tongue to his anus. I licked around his hole, then pulled him open wider and slid my tongue up inside him. He moaned and pushed deeper into Kathryn. I slid a finger inside his bottom and began driving it in and out. Nancy gripped my cock and guided it towards Kevin's anus. I pulled my finger from him and held his hips. Nancy worked the head of my penis inside her boyfriend and I pushed forward. He ceased his thrusting until I was all the way inside his hot ass, then he renewed his assault on Kat's pussy. I helped him fuck my girlfriend, driving his dick into her mound while deriving my dick inside him. It was incredible making love to my friend like this. He was so warm and wet inside and I felt pleasure building inside me. Nancy was fingering my ass and playing with my balls as I screwed Kevin. We all pumped together. Then Kevin stopped.

I pulled out of him and he moved away from Kathryn. She slipped away from the couch and collapsed on her back, smiling at me so passionately. As if she had been waiting for me to come back to her. She spread herself wide open to me and Nancy, after cleaning me thoroughly, guided me into my lover's sex. It was such a warmth of passion and love that I felt when I entered Kat's body that I grabbed her for a deep kiss as I began my thrusts. Oh, it was so good to be back inside her again. We ground together, moaning our passion to each other and going on about how wonderful our partners had been. Suddenly, I felt Nancy's fingers spreading my anus open. I felt the tip of Kevin's cock as it began to push up into me. I raised my ass to him and he plunged himself all the way inside my ass. I almost screamed at the sheer size of his erection inside me. He pumped in and out of me, giving me such incredible pleasure. I began to feel my own pleasure coming on and he seemed to be building himself. Nancy stuck her hand between me and Kathryn and started to stroke her stiff clitoris. Kathryn stroked Nancy's pussy in return, slipping fingers in and out of her sex. I let Kevin thrust me into Kat as he thrust his own cock into me. I felt him, so hard and hot inside my rectum. I felt so close to both my my friends. I know now that I could never have done it with anyone else, it had to be them. I began moaning.

"Oh God, Kathryn. God, it feels so good. Oh, Kevin, fuck me. Make love to me. Oh!"

Kevin stiffened up and began thrusting deeper and more passionately. Kathryn began bucking against me as my cock and Nancy's hand made her come. Her lubricant spilled out all over my balls as she came and Nancy did the same as she came into Kathryn's hand. I felt my prostate contracting with Kevin's cock pressing against it inside my ass. Kevin could feel me pulsing inside as I bucked into my lover and started coming. What little semen I had left started shooting out of my cock and into Kathryn's love canal.

"Kath-ryn! I love you!" I screamed.

Kevin let go inside me and I felt warmth spreading throughout my rectum. His cum shot all around the walls inside my ass. He squeezed my hips as he came, his balls throbbing and his cock spurting. His eyes were closed as he came and there was a look of intense satisfaction on his face. It was the closest I have ever felt to anyone save Kathryn. When it was done, and every drop of semen was spent from Kevin's cock, we didn't want to part. It was quite some time before we did and when we did, we knew we were too tired for more and crawled into the bedroom and collapsed on the mattress and fell asleep.

I woke the next morning, Kathryn in my arms and Nancy in Kevin's. I staggered to the bathroom and started the shower. As I began to climb in, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked around in I saw Kathryn. She smiled and tacitly followed me into the shower. We cleaned each other thoroughly and talked a lot about the night before. We were both aching from all the sex, but the experience had been incredible. She told me how close she felt to my friends, especially Nancy, and that she was very moved by the whole experience.

"The only thing is, I would never want any of it without you. After all that we did, the best part was having you back inside me."

I smiled and leaned in to her for a kiss. "That's exactly how I felt."

We finished our shower and dried each other off. Nancy and Kevin were up and we let them shower while Kathryn and I made breakfast. After a filling breakfast they had to go. We took a long time hugging and kissing good-bye. I told them both how much I loved them and they returned the sentiment about both of us. We all parted with the memories of an incredible experience and new feelings in our hearts. It was a night that Kathryn and I will always remember and long treasure. Hopefully they will come and visit us in our new home soon. I am sure we can find time to make another exciting and pleasurable weekend.

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