The Gauntlet

By Sweaty Abs

Published on Jun 3, 2014



The Gauntlet

By Sweaty Abs needs your donations to provide this great free collection of stories!

This story is so full of bullshit, surely no one would ever think it really occurred. It is definitely homoerotic and should only be read by open minded legal adults who are not offended by such.

Billy was just out of college, and briefly home for the summer to visit his parents. He had heard all of the stories and been warned about going to the city park he and his friends used to play at when he was a kid. He used to go there for summer bike rides when he was in high school, and at that time it had already become a rough area that was definitely not safe at night.

This was a hot sunny summer afternoon, and it was broad daylight, and a run through the park would rekindle many good childhood memories. Billy could just not imagine any harm coming from a midday bike ride through the park. He was breathing hard an sweating buckets. He had a muscular body, but he was lean and agile from a lot of time spent running, biking, and swimming. He was not bulky and not that strong. His body was very sexy, great eye candy, but not at all intimidating as far as muscle strength and bulk. He didn't realize it, but his very sexy but vulnerable looks made him a very conspicuous and desirable target.

To Billy's surprise, even in the middle of the day, the park was full of ghetto thug types, and Billy was the only clean cut college age white boy anywhere in the park. He was biking on one of the park roads that ended in a big loop that would require him to bike out the same way he biked in. As he rode his bike, he passed a dozen or two thugs that were about his age but with hard lean muscled bodies probably experienced in street fighting. It seemed all the guys in the park noticed Billy, and stared at him hungrily as he biked back toward them. He quickly realized that every one of them greatly outmatched him. He was so obviously overmatched that he nervously cut his bike ride short before the loop at the end of the road, hoping to get back out of the park quickly without any trouble.

It was too late. Several of the thugs were now out in the middle of the road that he had to ride back out on. He tried to move toward the shoulder of the road, but the crowd only moved with him, obviously very intentionally block his way out. As Billy drew nearer to the group of thugs, he saw that all eyes were fixed on him. He now really sensed the danger that he was in. He suddenly felt very naked, only wearing his running shoes and shorts, and very vulnerable.

Many of the gang of thugs were shirtless themselves. They were all muscular with the bodies of streetfighters. "Hey college boy, yeah, you whiteboy, come over here!"

They were now just a few dozen yards away, and Billy decided that his best option was to ride his bike off the road into the woods and hope to lose them. As sweaty an exhausted as he was, he suddenly veered off the road and rode as hard as he could for the woods. The instant he did, the thugs took off after him, and within seconds they caught up to him and tackled him to the ground separating him from his bike. He tried to resist and fight, but they had him pinned, and before he knew it they had stripped him bare assed naked.

"What are we gonna do with this pretty boy?" someone asked. The answer came from one of the thugs and was repeated over and over by more of the thugs until they were quickly all chanting "gauntlet, gauntlet, gauntlet." Billy was quickly grabbed under his sweating armpits and lifted up on his bare feet. The thugs pulled his arms up and held his wrists together behind his neck so that his arms were spread wide and his hands/fists were held up and out of they way, unable to cover and defend him. His naked body was now wide open, fully exposed to everyone. A couple of the thugs had run off and were now returning with a spool of rope.

They were cruelly taunting Billy. "Look at that pretty boys abs, you sure have a cute white ass, look at that boy's dick, look at those balls, it's a shame were gonna have to fuck this pretty college boy up."

Billy said nothing, afraid he would only make things worse if he did. He was visibly trembling with fear, and the thugs all knew he was one scared shitless whiteboy.

They used the rope to lash his wrists together and ran the rope down fom his wrists that were behind his head down his back and between his legs where they tied a slip noose around the base of his flopping ball sack and dick. From his dick and ballsack, the rope was unspooled and stretched out in front of him. As if that wasn't bad enough, the sensations from the rough handling of Billy's dick was giving him a nice sized hardon.

Any attempt to lift his hands up from behind his head pulled his balls back painfully between his legs. He was forced to keep his hands behind his head and his elbows spread wide, leaving himself fully exposed and undefended. One of the thugs had mounted Billy's bike and was in front of him. They tied the far end of the rope to Billy's bike and began to line up for the gauntlet. Billy began to tear up thinking about how his unblemished body might get mutilated. "Why are you crying now, college boy? We haven't even hurt you yet. In a few minutes your pretty college boy body is going to be seriously fucked up. After we tear off that pretty pink ballsack and fuck up your dick and your pretty pecs and abs, then you'll have a reason to cry."

Billy looked at the long lines of muscled thugs that had formed on both sides in front of him. Nearly all of the thugs were now shirtless, ready to get their shots at the pretty college boy's unblemished body. The gang of thugs was made up of different races, but they were all street hardened and ready to take their anger for what they felt was their unfair bad lot in life out on this soft, spoiled, coddled college boy. They held sticks, chains, some wore dusters, and a couple of them were holding shards of glass.

Billy's dick was betraying him in the oddest way. The thoughts of the pain his naked body and exposed manhood was about to receive, and the humiliation of being totally naked in front of this gang of savage thugs had aroused his nads giving him a proud throbbing erection, in fact ropes of his precum ooze were dangling from his cock slit. Several of the thugs had spat on his chest, stomach, and nads and one of them reached out to take some of his precum ooze and then rubbed it back on his head and shaft making his chubby erection wet and shiny while the rest of the gang members laughed and taunted him.

Billy watched in horror as the guy on his bike started riding forward. There was slack in the rope, and Billy started running forward to try to avoid a hard yank on his ball sack when the slack was suddenly gone. Since the noose around his dick and balls was a slip noose, every yank cinched it tighter, but it didn't loosen. His heavy chubbed up dick flopped proudly up and down and side to side as he began to run. Billy's upraised sweaty armpits reeked of his musk, and his muscles visibly flexed and strained.

Billy knew he had no choice, so he decided to take his ass whipping like a man. Like a wild buck proving his manhood, earning the respect of the other males in the herd. His abs were steeled and rippled as they received a thrashing and whipping. They were quickly covered with cuts, marks and gashes as were his muscled legs, butt cheeks, and meaty pecs and reddish-brown nipples. The shards of glass cut up his abs and chest and back, and left his chubbed dick shaft and head marked with bloody stripes.

Some of the thugs preferred pounding him with their bare fists. Several fists pounded into his pecs and gut, only to meet his steeled muscle. Dusters left their scrapes and cuts, but his steeled abs and pecs were holding up proudly, deflecting the blows and protecting his deeper organs.

Billy was more than halfway through the gauntlet, but his swollen throbbing dick and balls were stretched out lewdly almost a foot in front of him. His large balls, his scrotal sack stretched tightly around them, were clearly defined and begging abuse which they received generously, like a speed bag at the gym invites punches.

Everything was a blur to Billy. He had his chest puffed out and flexed proudly in front of him, and he made no attempt to shield his gut which was stretched out offering an inviting target, his once flawless sculpted abs all marked up and bloodied from the beating they were taking. He was feeling no pain, only a testosterone-adrenalin rush.

He could see that the end of the gauntlet was drawing nearer. He had to reach deep inside, to push himself beyond anything he'd ever imagined himself to be capable of physically. In a flash he had mis stepped and stumbled forward about to go down, but he was literally pulled back upright by his stretched tight dick and balls. The rope had cut into the tender flesh at the base of his dick shaft and balls making a bloody ring around his nads, but Billy was oblivious to it.

The rough pulling and jostling of his nads had him aroused in a way only a wild animal, the proudest of bucks, could know. Billy was totally oblivious in a sexually mindful way of it, but deep inside him his body was aroused to the max, like the savage beast in battle for his life. Billy had a huge orgasm he'll never remember. The sexual energy of the climax combined with his adrenalin rush to carry him through the last of his ordeal. It served to block his mind to the pain and suffering he should have been feeling. The last of the thugs were also so intent on fucking up Billy's body that they also never noticed it, but they were soaked by blast after blast of Billy's hot sticky milky cum like bystanders around a firehouse that has been let go of and is flopping around wildly, spewing its stream in all directions.

Billy had made it through the gauntlet. His body was cut up, battered and scraped and bruised and beaten, but Billy was proud. He knew he had taken in the boldest most manly fashion what the gang of thugs had dished out, and he had actually now earned the respect of everyone there.

The thugs untied Billy's nads and wrists, and they gave him back his bike. Never again would Billy ever need to fear being in the park. He was now a park legend.

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