The Gay baseball League

By Hank

Published on Jan 25, 2024



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The Gay Baseball League

I'm not your stereotypical gay man. I'm a jock, and inclined to be very masculine. I moved to New York when I was eighteen. It wasn't for the usual reasons. My folks didn't disown me, when I came out to them. I didn't move to New York, so that I would be free to be me, gay that is It wasn't a job which enticed me there. The reason was obvious and very simple. I was an entering freshman at Columbia University. At the time, I never dreamed that the move would be permanent. After all, I grew up in a small rural town in Ohio.

I had intended on trying out for the university's baseball team, but fate had other plans for me. Orientation day fell on the Friday before classes officially began the following Monday. Before orientation ended, we were advised to go to the gym. I couldn't imagine why, until I sauntered in.

The gym was overloaded with bridge tables, and each table represented every fraternity, sorority, club, and organization the university had to offer. The tables were loaded with literature, and were manned by one or two of those club members. Their intention was to interest you sufficiently in their organization, so that you would be tempted to join.

I had little interest in most of the clubs and organizations, but then I spotted it I guess it caught my attention because it was being manned by a real hunky, hottie, and an attractive young woman. The placard on the table read, "Gay and Lesbian Coalition." Now, I was interested. I sauntered over and introduced myself. Both the guy and the girl shook my hand.

"Hi," I said, "I'm Jim Taylor.

"Marian Foster," the young woman said.

"Carl Morrison," the hunk said, "and I gotta tell you, man, my gaydar failed me totally."

"Don't sweat it," I said. "Nobody knows I'm gay unless I out myself. Tell me about the organization," I requested.

"Well," Carl said. "We try not to be too militant. We're a college group after all. It's comfortable to be with our own kind, so very few of us join frats or sororities. We make our own fun. We have lots of private parties among ourselves, but we also have theater parties, skating parties, museum parties, and the like. You look like an athlete. Several of us guys belong to a gay baseball league"

I screamed out, "I was going to try out for the university's baseball team, but this sounds like more fun, and less pressure."

"Don't be fooled," Carl said, "our games are hard fought."

"All the better," I said. "When's the next Coalition meeting?"

"We've reserved meeting room three in The Student Union for every Wednesday at 5:30. You can have an early or a late dinner. It's your choice."

"What about the baseball team?" I asked.

"We meet in Central Park every Sunday at 10 A.M. I'll take you there the first time. Just tell me how I can reach you this Sunday."

I didn't have calling cards, so I gave Carl my number, and he entered it into the contact list on his phone.

"I'd really like to play with you guys," I said, "baseball, that is."

Carl smiled and my heart melted. My mind didn't blow until he said, "What are you doing tomorrow night? A bunch of us are hanging out at a gay bar in Greenwich Village. If you care to join us, I'll introduce you to many brotherly souls. We're all too young to drink, but the management doesn't mind as long as we keep buying sodas. Sometimes, an older guy will come on to us, and buy us drinks. That doesn't happen too often. Everyone is so young there, that it's practically a malt shop."

"I'd love to go," I said, a little too eagerly. "Where can we meet?"

"Fantastic," he grinned again, and my knees got week. "I live off campus, but not far from here. Meet me at the main gate at 6 PM. I drive a beat up old Chevy We'll grab a hamburger, or a hot dog, or something, and then go to the bar."

"You're on," I said.

I wanted to hug him, but I shook his and Marian's hands, and left to get ready for dinner in the school cafeteria.

I had never been in a gay bar. There weren`t any within hundreds of miles from my rural home. I was truly greatful and excited to be going with Carl. I never would have had the nerve to go alone. We entered the premises, and headed right to the bar. We were greeted by three of Carl's friends. They were all members of The Coalition. Better yet, they were the only Coalition members who played with Carl in the gay baseball league.

Carl introduced me as an incoming member, and a new player with their baseball team. They were all so happy to meet me, they were all over me.

They were all good-looking, friendly, and huggy. One of them, Bob, said to me, "You're hot man. Maybe you can attract some of those nerds, who are too closeted and scared to come out. I don't mean only to The Coalition, but to the baseball team as well."

I didn't think I'd be a magnet for all that, but I was extremely flattered.

I had a ball that night. I was truly happy. I was in a safe environment at last For the first time I could remember, I was among my brothers, and I wasn't afraid of being outed. It was the very reason that I chose a distant university. l I wanted desperately to get out of `Smallville.'

I drank coke after coke, and kept running to the bathroom. On one trip, a young man came onto me. I was friendly. I thanked him, and said I was here with someone.

"If we run into each other again," he said, "give me a rain check. My name is David."

All I could say was, "My name is Jim. I hope we do run into each other another time."

Then he shocked me. He kissed me on the cheek, and left the john.

Finally, now that I had broken the ice, I became savvy enough to realize that Carl was flirting with me all night, It was crowded at the bar, and he kept pretending to get pushed up against me. I could feel his erection, and that didn't do much for my own erection to subside.

A rare table for four became available. We grabbed it. There was no need to squeeze in an extra chair. Bob had left with a much older guy, who was probably in his late twenties. Carl could no longer rub against me, but under the table, he had his hand on my thigh and was rubbing gently. He kept coming closer and closer to my boiling point, and I almost grabbed his hand to place it there.

The other two baseball players, Daniel and Jordan, were a couple. "It's getting late," Danny said, "and we have a game tomorrow. We want to be rested, so we're going home now. You guys should do the same.

As soon as they left, Carl dropped all pretense. "Come home with me tonight, and sleep over," he said. I should say he pleaded. "I'll be able to show you where we meet in the park for the game. We're about the same size. I can give you an outfit to wear, and I have plenty of bats and mitts you can use,"

"There's something else you can do for me, rather for us," I said. "Carl, I'm a virgin and I don't want to be one anymore. All you've talked about is making it convenient for me to find the game tomorrow. Please don't say that's the only reason you want me to sleep over.".

Carl started to laugh hysterically. "Of course not," he said. "I suspected that you were a virgin, and I had every intention of seducing you, and having sex with you tonight. For your information, I only have one bed. Fuck the ball game tomorrow. Who cares if we don't play our best? Tonight, I want to show you what paradise is like."

"I grabbed his hand, and stood up. I didn't care if my erection showed

"I had great fun here tonight," I said, "but let's go."

We ran out of the bar. Carl retrieved his car from a parking ramp, and led me to my first gay encounter. I could hardly breathe.

As soon as we entered his apartment, Carl let loose. He was all over me with hugs and kisses. At first, I didn't know what to make of it, but soon, I began to reciprocate. We kissed so hard, my lips and tongue were sore. After he calmed down a bit, Carl began to undress me. The process was too slow. I began to undress myself. Carl did the same. In seconds, we stood facing each other, completely nude. I was glad to note that we were about the same size and girth. We both had erections, and we were about seven to seven and a half inches. The only difference was that Carl was circumcised, and I wasn't. Neither of us cared.

Carl grabbed my hand and led me into his bathroom.

"We're going to take a real cleansing shower," he said "I'll teach you a few basics, but I want to have sex in bed. It'll be a lot more sensual and relaxing."

Who was I to disagree?

Carl gave me quite an education that night. He taught me how to give a sensual trip around the world, and how to give good head so that my partner would get maximum pleasure. He taught me how to prepare an ass for fucking, and how to receive a cock up my ass when someone fucked me. We both came twice that night, once in our mouths and once in our asses.

Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, Carl said, "Let's shower and hit the hay. After all we have a baseball game tomorrow."

The final lesson of the night occurred in the shower. Carl taught me all about golden showers.

I wanted to sleep wrapped up in Carl's arms, but he turned from me and moved to the far end of the bed.

The next day we played a decent game, considering how little sleep we got. Most of the rest of our team were men in their late twenties, and early thirties. We had quite a cheering section. Most of the players were partnered or married, and their significant others were there cheering us on.

After the game, as we were packing our gear, Carl put my stuff in his gym bag, and asked for the sweat suit, I had borrowed.. My bag already contained the clothes I had worn the day before. I was wearing underwear, so I put my clothes on in the field. I had an eerie feeling. I felt strongly that Carl was giving me the brush off. It was perfectly evident when he asked Bob to take me back to the campus. Danny and Jordie had their own apartment off campus.

Bob and I were very quiet heading back to campus, and he felt my distress. "Look," he said. "I know that you're upset that Carl took off, but don't feel bad. You're not alone. Carl refuses to get involved. He fucks once, and then takes off. He's the prime example of a love em and leave em kind of guy. You might as well find out early on that there are plenty of guys out there just like him. It comes with the territory."

Bob parked his car and we walked to the dorms together. As we parted, Bob said, "I'll see you at the next Coalition meeting, at our Saturday night get together, and at next Sunday's game. I'll look for you in the dining room also. Promise me to get over your hurt. I guarantee this is only the first time."

I heeded Bob's advice. I went to The Coalition meeting on Wednesday afternoon, and joined Bob and a few other guys and gals for dinner. On Saturday, I went to the gay bar to socialize, and on Sunday, I went to the ball field. At all these events, Carl greeted me warmly, friend to friend. It was obvious that we would never be more than that.

The next Saturday evening, some good looking guy approached me at the bar, and said, "Hello."

At first I didn't recognize him, and he could tell, so he identified himself. "I'm David," he said, "we met in the men's room a couple of weeks ago." The light dawned.

"Of course, "I said. "It's nice to see you again."

"I'm over twenty-one. Can I buy you a proper drink?"

"Sure," I said. "That's very nice of you, but I haven't ever had a hard drink before. What would you recommend?"

He took my hand and led me to the bar.

"Let's stick to beer tonight, but next time I'll buy you a White Russian. I warn you though, as tasty as they are, and despite how easily they go down, they're deadly, so drink slowly, and milk one drink for as long as possible. If not, you can get stinking drunk."

"If I did get drunk, what would you do to me?" I asked in jest.

"There's lots I'd like to do with you, but I would never take advantage of a drunk man."

"You're very much a gentleman, and I'm interested in everything you proposed. Do you live far from here?" I asked boldly.

"Not at all," David smiled. "We can walk. How about tonight?"

"I'd like that," I said.

"Then let's blow this joint, and come home with me now."

"Yes, but you must let me get some sleep I'm playing baseball tomorrow morning. Can you drive me home early tomorrow morning, so I can get my gym bag, and put on my baseball outfit?"

"Of course. "I'll do whatever you ask me to do. Let's get out of here. My hormones are boiling over."

"In that case, I'd like to invite you to come watch the game," I said.

We smiled, and gave each other a chaste, closed-mouth kiss on our lips.

"I just want to say goodnight to my friends, and assure them that I'll be at the game tomorrow. Come with me. I'll introduce you."

I had an ulterior motive. I wanted to stick it to Carl. I think it worked. I introduced David to my fellow baseball players, told them I was going home with him, and assured them that I would be at tomorrow's game.

From the look on Carl's face, I knew that he was very surprised that I was acting more like him, than he was.

David had landed his first job with an advertising firm, and he was doing quite well. He had a lovely one bedroom apartment. It was a real apartment, not a furnished flat.

Sex with David was ten times better than with Carl. He was a much better lover, and he turned me on to the nth degree. It struck me that his goal was to give me pleasure. Carl's goal had been to use me for his own pleasure. I awoke from my euphoria, and realized that David didn't have sex with me. He made love to me.

A strange feeling came over me. I began to make love to him also. I knew that I was succeeding from the way David was wriggling, moaning, and groaning. I was receiving as much pleasure as he was, and that made me very happy. We fell asleep in each other's arms. Our cocks rubbed together, and I can't remember ever sleeping so soundly before.

It was David who woke me in the morning to get ready for the game. He found his car about a street away. That was as close as he could find a parking space, the last time he used his car. He took me home to get ready for the game. When we arrived in the park, my friends, including Carl, greeted him warmly.

"Do you play?" Danny asked him.

"No. I came to watch my honey play."

I was shocked. David called me his honey, and I loved the idea. I knew for a fact that I would see more of him, and make love with him again. He would never turn his back on me as Carl had done.

After the game, Carl disappeared, but Bob, Jordan, Danny, David and I went to a malt shop, and indulged ourselves. Now, I learned something new. They make malts much better in New York than in Ohio.

When we broke up, everyone scattered, and David drove me to his home.

"Would you like to spend the afternoon with me?" he asked.

"That would give me great pleasure."

"Me too," he said, and kissed me on the lips."

"But, I need to shower first," I said. "I'm all sweaty from the game."

"Let me shower with you," he said, and of course, I was happy to allow it.

This shower was different than the one I had with Carl. We made love in the shower. We soaped each other generously, played with our ass holes, fucked each other, and went down on one another. The only reason we finally left the shower, was because the running water had become ice cold.

David insisted on taking me to dinner, and then he begged me to sleep over. There was nothing I wanted more.

A short while later, we were cuddling in bed, and David whispered in my ear, "I don't want to scare you away," he murmured, "but I have to tell you that I fell in love with you the moment I saw you in the men's room at the gay bar. I know it's been a very short time, but can you love me a little too?"

"Jerk," I said. "Couldn't you tell how much I loved you when we were making love? I didn't fake anything. I meant every act of love I did with you. I want to do it again and again, forever and a day."

David started to sob loudly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said. "These are tears of joy."

Within a week, I moved out of the dorm, and David and I were living together. He came to Coalition meetings with me, socialized with me and my friends every Saturday night. He never missed a baseball game that I was playing in.

One time, I asked him if he didn't have better things to do than to watch me play ball.

"Never," he said adamantly. "During our leisure hours, I never want to be so far from you that you're out of my sight."

I grabbed him, kissed him passionately, and said, "Fucking romantic."

And that's why I never went back to the Midwest again.

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