The Ghost My Lover and Me

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 17, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply; this is a story that evolves sex between guys and a supernatural entity. If you age underage or do not find this subject matter to your liking, please navigate away from this page.

Work today was difficult at best. We were busy; the Chef was in his normal foul mood. Nothing anyone did was to his satisfaction. He ranted, raved and threw stuff around, all shift long. I can't speak for my friends, but I know I was extremely happy to walk out the door at the end of my shift. Cody and I walked the short distance from the restaurant to my house. As we walked, he told me his dad had become ill and that he needed to go see him. Cody promised he'd see me in the morning, and when we arrived at the house, we stood in the driveway next to his motorcycle saying our goodnights. After a long and much needed kiss goodnight, I watched him as he put on his helmet and gloves. Tipping the bike upright, he swung his leg over the seat, pushing the ignition, his death rocket roared to life. I reached over and took hold of his helmeted head. "Promise me you'll be safe," I said over the roar of the motor.

Cody nodded, and by the way his eyes wrinkled at me I knew he gave me a kiss. I in turn kissed my finger, and touched the tip of his nose, and then I lowered his visor. I was sad to see him go, but knew how important his family was to him. The engine revved, and Cody slowly backed his bike out into the street. With a wave of his gloved hand, and a motioned blown kiss, he put the bike in gear and rode off into the darkness. The red glow from his tail light growing fainter the further he got from me, until there was nothing.

I stood there staring off into the night, thinking I could still here the whine of his bike, but I couldn't. I was alone. I turned and headed to the house, stopping briefly to pick up the mail. Inside, I tossed the few letters and junk mail on the hall tree, and made my way to the kitchen for a beer. I was met by my dog, Yoda, who was always happy to see me. He took my greeting in his usual way, and gave me kisses as I rubbed under his chin. He looked past me, as if to say where's Cody? I scratched his ears and told him that it was just him and I tonight. Calling for him to follow, I led him to the kitchen, where I prepared his dinner, and got my beer.

I walked out onto my deck and fell onto one of the chairs. Yoda, seemingly content with his bowl of food and my presence, munched away happily in the corner. I sat sipping my beer, sitting in complete moonless darkness, going over in my mind the events of the last couple of days. The crash of the surf on the beach was soothing, as was the occasional KAW of a seagull over head. My dreamy state of mind was shattered by a voice speaking to me from the far corner of the deck.

"What an absolutely perfect night," the voice said, the words almost drifting on the breeze.

I jumped, knocking over my beer, the bottle hitting the deck with an almost deafening thud. I spun my head peering into the darkness, straining to see to whom the voice belonged.

"I am sorry friend, I did not mean to startle you," again the soft words filling the air around me.

"Who is there," I demanded to know. Standing up, I began backing away, moving slowly towards the door of the house, Yoda, now at my side, began to growl menacingly.

Slowly, from out of the darkness, a form began to emerge, almost as if it was appearing out of nothingness. As I watched, the form began to take shape and its features became clear. I saw the person I had come to know as Billy, standing ten feet from me.

"Do not be afraid of me Bradford, I mean you no harm," his hands extended in a peaceful gesture. "I have come to you at your request. Although not in the form I think you expected." A broad smile extended over his lips.

Shaking my head, I again looked hard at this - vision - before me. "I don't understand," I whispered, "This can't be real." I tried to move but found my feet frozen to the ground. Looking up I watched as this - vision - this spirit of Billy walked towards me. I watched in horror as he reached out and took my hands in his. I felt the coldness of his fingers, as they wrapped around my hands. He placed my right hand on his chest and pressed it there.

"You see, I am real. You can touch me, hear me, and feel me." His hand, moving, was causing my hand to stroke his chest, his face. He was cold, not like shivering cold, more like... death cold. Yet his skin was pliable and soft to the touch. His eyes where a dark seductive hazel color that seemed to swirl and mesmerize. "You see, I am here before you as a friend, nothing more. Come, sit and relax. Allow me to get you another beer." I watched as he released my hands, then using his hand, he motioned at Yoda, who stopped growling and lay by my feet, seemingly completely relaxed. When I looked up, Billy was gone. He seemed to have vanished right before my eyes. Looking about nervously, I could not find him anywhere on the deck. I walked hesitantly to the railing, looking keenly into the darkness.

"Why are you so nervous," Billy's voice again broke the silence from behind me.

"Jesus fucking Christ," I yelled. "Where did you come from?" My voice, trembling, was proclaiming to him, my nervousness and fear. "You we just here one second and then you were gone." Grasping the railing for stability, I felt his hands upon my shoulders. A feeling of calm began to wash over me as a quiet chuckle escaped his lips. Feeling a slight nudge to my forearm caused me to notice the cold beer he was offering me.

"As I told you, I went to get you another beer. Why are you so nervous, I already told you I mean you no harm." His hand began moving slowly, softly rubbing my shoulder. I broke away and took several steps back from him.

"Why am I so nervous? Oh I don't know," my sarcastic tone lashing out at him. "Maybe it's the fact that I am standing here talking to a ghost. Maybe it's because I know you had something to do with the dream I had about Leo last night. And just maybe it's because you fucking raped me while Cody was in the shower." Lifting the beer, I chugged several large gulps in quick succession. Lowering the bottle, some of the beer splashed and ran down my chin. Slamming the bottle on the railing, the beer foamed and began pouring out the top, running down over my hand and onto the railing. "Shit," I whispered, as I wiped my hands on my pants. "Then now, you appear out of the darkness, scaring me to death, only to disappear again and show back up with a beer. Maybe that's why?" I was shaking now, almost uncontrollably. I felt Billy press himself against my back. I felt his hands sliding over my shoulders, down my arms, clasping my hands. His lips pressed to my ear;

"Bradford, believe me, I never intended to scare, or upset you. If you wish me to, I will leave. I will even leave and never come back if you so desire. You have only to ask, and it shall be done." His presence now was somehow soothing. The feel of his body, although cold, was warming to me. "Just remember, it was you who welcomed me here, no one else."

Turning my head, I whispered; "The s‚ance? That's what you mean, right? That's when I welcomed you here?" I turned my body to face him, a small smile on his face, his hands again holding mine.

"Yes and no," he began. "Your words that night invited me to come to you, not the s‚ance. The s‚ance and the others played no part in allowing me to be here, just you."

"But, I saw the candle and what about the light falling, the bullet?" I asked.

"Yes that was all me I am afraid, but as I said I was not called forth by the s‚ance, I was already here. I have always been here, waiting. I used the s‚ance as an opportunity to gain your trust, to finally make my presence here, known to you, for you to ask me to come to you. There was no magic and no spirits involved. Just me, alone, coming to you."

I was confused, to say the least. My head was swimming with questions. The only fact that was clear was the calm I felt by his touch. His energy flowed into me and through me. "I don't know," I said. "I can't understand what is going on." I bowed my head, and allowed him to hold me. My thoughts were running the gambit from Billy to Cody and back. I was lost for what to do. Then, as if reading my thoughts, Billy spoke;

"I am jealous of the feelings you hold for Cody. He cares deeply for you, more than he admits to you or even to himself. It is not my intention to come between the two of you; I hope maybe I can add to what you have. To bring closure to the circle, that is your spirits." His hands caressed my head, pulling it to the side. Last night I came to you, made myself known to you. Then in a moment of lost control, I violated you. I took from you something I need to continue my life, and for that I am truly sorry. I had hoped you would give to me willingly. Bradford, I will never violate you, or your trust, like that again. On that you have my solemn vow."

I could feel his face next to mine. Felt his cold breath on the skin of my neck. Felt his icy lips brushing my flesh as he spoke. His arms tenderly holding me as his hands caressed my head, his icy fingers gliding through my hair. There was a brief silence, a moment of no sound. I felt light, weightless, as if I was floating. I opened my eyes, and looking past Billy's strong chest, and saw that I was indeed floating, we both were. I am not sure how high, maybe mere inches from the deck, but there I was, suspended, held by this, this spirit, this demon. Yet, for some reason I was not afraid.

Billy's voice spoke to my mind; "I would very much like to kiss you."

I lifted my eyes up to his, and said; "I would like you to kiss me. I want you to kiss me as you did last night. I want you to take from me what you need." I did not understand what I was saying; I just knew it was right. I knew it was my desire, not his, that willed the words to my mouth. Then in my mind, I heard his voice again, asking me if I was sure. Allowing myself to go limp in his arms, my face to his chest, I spoke to his heart; "take me."

I could feel his head lift up as he softly moaned. Soon his head was lowered back to my neck. I felt a quick sharp pain, shooting through my entire body. As I tensed with the shock, I felt his grasp on me tighten, forcing me to relax. I felt his mouth suckle my neck as intense visions flooded my mind. It was as if my life was flashing before my eyes, yet not only my own, I saw flashes of Billy's life also. Brief terrifying glimpses into the past. I saw him arguing with someone, I couldn't see who. I saw a fight with this same person. Then I saw through Billy's eyes a figure holding a gun, a rifle. I could see Billy's hands, as if I was him, outstretched as if to say no, stop. Then in slow motion I saw the rifle barrel flash and watched as a small bullet moved towards me. I felt nothing as the bullet ripped into my chest. Falling back, I saw this figure moving closer; laughing as he did. Wait, I knew that laugh. I then felt the cold barrel of the gun under my chin. Lifting my head, I was almost able to see this animals face. As my eyes began to focus, I heard the rifle fire and then all was darkness.

I became aware of a pulling sensation. Something was tugging on my spirit, pulling me somewhere. I struggled to open my eyes, remembering now where I was and who was with me. Calm washed over me and I again went limp in Billy's arms. Billy suddenly pulled his mouth from my neck; a feeling of intense passion filled my body. I could feel his hardness pressing against me. A dire feeling of loss encompassed me. He was breathing hard, his heart was pounding in his chest, and wet smacking sounds came from his mouth. In a daze, I looked upon his sweet face. His mouth agape, his head tilted back, eyes closed, fresh blood dripping from teeth, which jutted from his upper gums. Then slowly, ever so slowly, these teeth receded back into his mouth. I watched as he licked his lips and teeth, and again, I was not afraid. I raised my hand to stroke his face. Warmth, his skin was no longer cold to my touch. Looking into his eyes we locked gazes.

I could feel a trickle of warm liquid running down from my neck. Billy lowered his head, and as he did last night, proceeded to lick the area where his mouth had been. His arms moved and scooped me up, carrying me into the house, to my bedroom. I was quickly losing consciousness, as Billy pulled the comforter over me, kissing me on the forehead saying; "Pleasant dreams my darling".

The last thing my mind focused on was the face of the person that shot Billy. I could finally see him clearly. I knew this person, worked with this person. I looked again through Billy's memories, through his eyes, and there standing before him was.......

Well that's part 5, what did you think? Email me and let me know! More to come!

Next: Chapter 6

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