The Ghost My Lover and Me

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 18, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply; this is a story that evolves sex between guys and a supernatural entity. If you age underage or do not find this subject matter to your liking, please navigate away from this page.

This story and all its previous submissions are the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced in any form without prior author permission

The warmth of the morning sun, shining through my window, was warm and comforting. I looked to my left and saw I was alone. I rose and walked into my bathroom, straddling the bowl, I let loose a forceful torrent of piss, which not only helped to relieve my morning woody, but also eased the pain in my side. Turning my head, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Dark circles had appeared under my eyes and I had an ashen color to my skin. Leaning closer, I used my free hand to pull down my lower eye lids, looking closely at my eyes. I really don't know what I expected to see, but have seen several buddies performing this act the morning after a big party. I shrugged my shoulders and returned my full attention to my piss. After shaking the last few drops, I headed to the kitchen for some coffee I could now smell on the air. As I walked, I noticed that my ever present companion, Yoda, was nowhere to be seen. I called his name several times, yet he did not come. "That's strange", I mumbled, reaching for a cup and pouring my coffee.

From where I stood, I could see into my driveway. Something there was reflecting the sun back at me. Moving to the window, I flicked several of the blinds wider so I could see what was making this obnoxious glare. What I found was the sun shining off of the tiny windscreen on Cody's motorcycle. My day became instantly brighter with the thought that Cody was here. I retraced my steps back to the living room and found the tell tale sign of Cody's presence: A pile of clothes which he had stripped off to go surfing. Sliding open the door, I stepped out onto the deck, the bright morning sun instantly blinding me. Pain shot through my eyes directly into my brain. I ducked back into the house, nearly spilling my coffee in the process. Inside, I was soon able to open my eyes, and the pain disappeared. "God damn, must have been one hell of a binge last night", I muttered as I reached for my sunglasses on the little table next to the door, where I always left my keys and wallet. Stopping to think, all I seemed to remember from last night was watching Cody leave, and drinking a beer. Giving a small chuckle, I thought to myself that I must have had a lot more than one. Shaking my head, I again stepped out onto the deck, into the bright sunshine. My sunglasses helped a bit, but not completely, forcing me to squint to be able to see.

I crossed the deck and stepped down the three stairs onto the sand that made up this little private beach. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have scored such an awesome pad. I shared this private beach with about ten other homes, none very close to mine. Even better, most were privately owned and rented as summer homes, lucky for me, I moved in on the off season. Moving around, I settled into my chaise lounge, and picked up the binoculars that sat on a table between my chair and another just like it. Peering through the binoculars, I scanned the surf for signs of Cody. Soon I was able to focus in on him, sitting on his board, waiting for the next set of waves. I guess he saw me, because he raised his arms and waved at me. Waving back I watched as he lay prone on his board and paddled his way towards shore. From the bottom of the viewing scope, I saw a huge bundle of fur running full bore at me. Dropping the binoculars to the table I got up and ran towards Yoda, who seemed excited as always.

We met up, the force of him running into me knocking me flat on my ass. Taking this opportunity, Yoda Jumped on top of me, and began bathing my face with his slimy tongue. We wrestled back and forth a bit, and then I got up and made him chase me to the ocean. I ran across the sand, jumping through the water, and dove into the first wave I met. The shock of the cold water zapped the sleepiness from me and I now felt fully awake. I swam under the water a few strokes, coming to the surface just as Cody made his approach. Hopping from his surf board, he jumped on top of me and we fell back into the water. Our lips met and we surfaced locked in a tight embrace.

"I missed you", Cody said, his eyes looking into mine. Thrusting is arm around me we walked like this, back to the house. Sticking his board in the sand, we walked up onto the deck, where Cody grabbed my coffee and drank it down. I stepped behind him and slowly helped him remove his wet suit. Opening the long zipper, that ran down his back. I began peeling the rubber suit from around his shoulders, pulling as he removed his arms. He was soon naked, and I began to towel him off, as he stood enjoying the sun.

We talked while I dried, Cody told me about his dad's condition. Seems he'd had a small heart attack, but the doctors had been able to save him, and had put in a stint to help alleviate further problems. He told me he had stayed at the hospital all night, sleeping in his dad's room, until his dad made him leave. Cody said he came directly here and found me sleeping, so he decided to hit the waves. Then came the question I had been dreading, what had I done last night?

I quickly decided to be honest, and told him exactly what I remembered, which was little to nothing. Cody looked at me and commented that it looked to him like I had drunk too much. He reached out and placed his hands on my shoulders, I fell to the floor writhing in pain, clutching the area around my left neck and shoulder.

"Brad, what's wrong," Cody's said dropping to his knees beside me. "Here let me see," he said as he pried my hands from my neck. Gently touching the area I felt pain, I watched as his eyes grew big, and his mouth opened.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I demanded to know. Helping me to stand, Cody told me to come with him to the bathroom. He positioned me in front of him, sideways to the mirror, as he directed my attention to a bruise that was continuing to form right before our eyes.

"Look at that," he commented to me. "What the fuck happened there?" He gently touched the center of the area, and I saw his fingers push the skin down, like there was nothing under it. Once again a searing hot pain shot through my body as if I had been stabbed with a white hot metal poker. Cody, suck in his breath, asking for forgiveness, pulling his hands away from the bruise. "Brad, I think you need to see a doctor about this, it looks serious." Taking me to the bedroom, he set me on the bed and quickly gathered some clothes for me to wear. As I dressed, he ran and gathered his clothes from the living room, and dressed alongside me. Picking up my wallet and things and went out the door.

The ride to the local hospital was fast, Cody weaving us in and out of traffic on his bike. Arriving in record time, Cody got me in to the nurses' station, and told her of my symptoms. I was finding it more and more difficult to remain focused. I had become light headed on the bike ride here, leading him to have to hold my arms which were wrapped around his waist. The nurse, slid a thermometer under my tongue, and in a few second, declared I had a fever. She then took my blood pressure, not once, but twice. First with this computer operated system, then the old fashion way with the gauge hung on the wall. Picking up a radio, she said:

"Code blue, ER admitting, Code blue ER admitting. Transport needed stat, Dr's Willoughby and Smith, report to trauma bay four STAT!" She pushed Cody out of the way as a gurney was wheeled in the tiny area. Two orderlies helped me up and they quickly wheeled me out into the hall and down a few doors into this large operating looking room.....

The nurse in admitting began to question Cory. He detailed to her how he had last seen me the evening prior at about nine thirty. He explained that he returned around seven this morning to find me sleeping. He told her that I had come out of the house about an hour and a half later, and said I seemed fine. He told her he thought I looked like I had too much to drink, and just had a huge hangover. He explained that I had no memory of the night, and that it was soon after that he noticed the bruise appear, growing larger as he watched. Telling her of the pain I experienced when he touched the area and that he brought me right here. The nurse told Cody to remain there, and she darted from the room in a full run.

I was laying on the gurney, while a mass of nurses and doctors began hooking me up to a multitude of machines. Everyone was talking at once. Asking me questions; barking out orders and yelling for supplies. One nurse was having trouble getting an IV started, commenting that my veins kept collapsing. Another nurse came and took over, finally getting the needle in the right place. A clear fluid held in a bag on a pole attached to the bed, began flowing into my arm. I kept hearing my temperature and blood pressure being called out, but not until this fluid began entering me, did I remember any change.

The nurse that had admitted me, burst into the room and I could hear her telling the doctor what Cody had just told her. The doctor, came by my head, and in this trying to be sincere voice, began asking me questions about last night, as he felt my head. As I answered his questions, he would cut me off, barking out orders for test and scans. Then he moved to my neck and started to examine the bruise. His touch was tender, but I still felt the searing hot pain. He told me to relax, and then told the nurse beside him to prepare a number two blade and suture tray. The nurse bustled off and the doctor assured me I would be fine. Before I could respond, this burley black orderly was shoving an oxygen mask over my face telling me to breath deep and slow.

The nurse arrived with the tray the doctor asked for, and he came to my side telling me I was going to have a cat scan, and that this kit was just a precaution. With that they wheeled me out into the hall and through a maze of corridors. After the scan and some x-rays, I was admitted to a room, where to my relief Cody was pacing. I am not sure who was more relieved, him or me, but you could feel the relief we shared.

Cody sat on the edge of my bed and I shared with him what I knew, which was not much at all. Holding my hand with his, tears began to stream from his eyes. I took a tissue from the box on my stand and dried his face. Cody leaned down and I held him against me. We lay there for several minutes, when there was a light knock on the door, and the doctor for the ER came in. Cody got up and mumbling his apology, back away into a corner. The doctor told him to come back, that he had some results to tell us about.

It seemed that I was suffering from an extreme loss of blood, hence the high temp and low blood pressure. He was not sure how this occurred. He thought that perhaps I had slipped and in falling, had somehow hit my neck, damaging the blood supply. He went into detail about several small holes that they found in my artery, explaining that they seemed to be healing. He told us that it is the only way he knew how to explain the injuries and bruising. Somehow, I must have been hit while rough housing or something and that the holes were created then.

"So then the bruise was a result of the blood leaking out into the body?" Cody asked quietly.

"Yes." The doctor replied. "We did multilayered cat scans, and body imaging scans, and can find no other injuries." Looking to me now, he said; "I want to keep you here over night, just as a precaution. If you continue to improve as you are now, I don't see any reason to keep you past tomorrow. Does that sound OK to you?"

I nodded my head, and after telling me he'd have a food tray sent up, he left, closing the door behind him.

Cody again came and lay beside me resting my head on his shoulder. He used a cool cloth to wipe my head and face, as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke, to the sounds of voices softly speaking near my bed. The room was dimly lit, but I could clearly make out who was there. Cody stood talking to Paul and Leo, who were listening and looking at me. "Look," Leo exclaimed, "he's awake!" They all rushed closer and began a barrage of questions about how I felt and what had happened. I let Cody do most of the talking, as I was still feeling weak. I could smell food and spotted a covered tray on my bed table. Pulling it closer, I lifted the cover to expose a plethora of fresh fruits, a salad and a plate with steak and potatoes. Cody took the lid from me and told me the doctor had left instructions for me to eat everything. I did my best, sampling some of all that was there. I was finally able to finish about half of it, and then pushed the table away. Paul and Leo told Cody that they would stay with me, so he could get a break. Cody refused, saying that he would stay by my side until I was better.

I looked at Cody; "Actually I was hoping you'd go take care of Yoda for me. I'm sure he worried, and probably very hungry." Cody agreed and said that as soon as Yoda was settled, he'd be back. Giving me a hug and a long kiss, he turned and sternly told Paul and Leo he would hold them responsible if anything happened to me. He took his coat and helmet and as he left, he turned and said; "I'll be back," Using a very bad terminator voice. We all laughed though and he went out into the hall.

It was pitch black outside when Cody arrived at Brad's house. Parking his bike in the normal spot, he began to approach the house, and then noticed the front door was open. He thought back and remembered perfectly that he had closed and locked the door. Trying to be safe, Cody hopped the fence separating the front and back yards. Doing his best to be sneaky, he moved around back and along the deck, trying to peer inside the house. Finding that he couldn't see into the darkness, he again moved to the front. Being as quiet as he could, he pushed his bike out of the driveway and away from the house. Then taking his cell phone, he called 911 and told them of the situation. The operator had him remain on the phone until officers could arrive, but his batteries were dying.

I opened my eyes, hoping this was just a dream, but seeing Leo and Paul sitting there watching me, I knew it was real. An announcement came over the speakers in the hall, telling all that visiting hours were over. Paul and Leo stood and came to stand by me to say their goodbyes. As we talked, my nurse came in to check my IV.

"We were just leaving," Paul said to her, as she manipulated the plastic bag of fluid.

"Don't worry about it, stay as long as you'd like." She finished with the IV and turned her attention to me. "Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?" She asked, straightening my table and adjusting the sheet covering my lower body.

"No, I am ok," I told her

She turned to leave and said to the boys; "Like I said, stay as long as you'd like, but please remember he needs his rest." She smiled a genuine smile and then walked off to her next patient.

"Well," Paul began, "I do have to go. I have opening shift at the restaurant tomorrow and need my beauty sleep." He patted my shoulder and wished me well, turning he left.

"I would like to stay, if you are not too tired." Leo softly spoke.

I smiled and told him I had hoped he'd stay. His face changed, taking on a more serious look; "I promise we'll find out what happened, and if someone caused this, we'll make the pay."

The nurse appeared at the doorway holding two Cokes. "I thought you guys might me thirsty." She came in and placed my can on my table and handed Leo his. "Don't forget to ring if you need anything," and she happily went about her duties.

Leo moved his chair next to my bed and sat back, flipping through the TV channels. I watched him sip his soda, his eyes fixed on the TV. I again closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Cody had been waiting for almost twenty minutes now for the cops to arrive. He feared that anyone there might leave before they got there. So, parking his bike, he quickly crept up to the house to sneak another look. Again hopping over the fence, he moved around to the back, and positioned himself by the steps leading to the deck. He heard no sounds, and detected no movement. He assumed the robbers had left, and slowly moved up onto the deck, the stairs creaking under him. Making his way to the slider, his head moved side to side, looking for anything or anyone. Even with all his caution, Cody did not see the figure gliding up fast, from behind him.

Before he could react, someone had an arm around his neck, and thrust him against the wall between the house and the back garage door; the force of the hit, stunning him briefly. Cody's head instantly cleared and he jammed his elbow back into his attacker's ribs, but the person did not even flinch. Cody was then pulled from the wall and thrust against it again, with even more force this time. He felt the wind leave his lungs, as his attacker roughly pressed Cody's head against the wall, making it hard for him to move.

"Where is he?" Came the voice from behind him. "What have you done with Bradford ? So help any God you worship, if any harm has come to him because of you, I will see to it that you live not one more day." Cody felt his attacker shove his knee in between his legs, and felt as he was lifted up off the deck.

"Fuck you, asshole;" Cody croaked. "It's you who are dead. I called the cops; they'll be here any minute, so go ahead and do whatever you want to me. I'll never tell you where he is."

Cody was flung to the deck with such force he blacked out momentarily. When he woke, he found his attacker on top of him, pinning him to the deck. It was too dark to see his face clearly, but he could tell the guy was about his size and age. "Get off me fucker;" Cody yelled, trying in vain to gain his release.

"What is it about you that Bradford finds so alluring? What can you offer him that I cannot better? What have you done to blind him of me? Is it what you have here;" the attacker said slamming his hand into Cody's crotch hard enough to make him wince with pain. Is this the magic you seduce him with?" Cody felt his jeans being opened and his boxer briefs being lowered, the night air cold against his now exposed cock. "It is so pitiful that you should resort to such animalistic ways to steal his heart." Cody felt the grip the attacker held on him lessen, but found he could still not move, as if a giant weight was holding him down. The attacker continued to play and manipulate Cody's cock and balls.

"Who are you asshole;" Cody demanded. "Show me your face, or are you too scared?"

"You want to see my face? You want to know who I am. Here, take a good look." And the attacker spun around and thrust himself face to face with Cody. Before Cody's eyes appeared a grey skinned demon. Sharp pointed ears, jagged teeth, horrifying yellow - cat like eyes - devoid of hair, its grey skin covered in a sickly slime. "There, now you see me."

Cody drew back as best he could, closing his eyes, not wanting to see the beast above him. In the distance, Cody could hear the whine of a siren, and he began to chuckle. "There you, I told you I called the cops."

The demon raised his head, cocking his ear to hear better. Then uttering a low growl, he grabbed Cody's jacket by the chest. Cody felt his body being lifted into the night sky, then descending back to the ground, near where he had left his bike. The demon stood before Cody. He could see the lights from several cop cars moving towards them. Cody began to laugh with thoughts of this, whatever he was would soon be in cuffs. Cody felt his bike behind him, and looked to see the keys in the ignition. Turning back, he was surprised to see that his attacker was gone, vanished into the darkness. Grabbing his helmet he got his bike started, and when the cops passed him, he roared out onto the road to follow them.

Suddenly he heard a voice mumble in his head, distracting him, forcing him to take his eyes from the road. While he tried to hear the voice, a large cross breeze hit his side causing him to almost lose control. Shifting gears again, Cody looked back up almost running into a concrete post supporting the upper levels of the parking structure. Swerving, he missed it in time, and slowed his bike, finding a parking space near the elevator. Wait, what just happened to me? I was just at Brad's following the cops. How did I get here? As he removed his helmet, a voice spoke in his mind. It was the mumbling voice from just seconds ago: "So, you said you'd never tell me where he was." Laughter echoed in Cody's mind, as the voice continued to speak; "Your thoughts betray you. Now I know where he is, and just how I shall take him from you."

Part 7 is on the way! Stay tuned for more. Email me and I'll put you on my story list, emailing you each time I submit a new post. I also love to get mail telling me how much you liked or disliked my story.

Next: Chapter 7

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