The Ghost My Lover and Me

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 23, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply; this is a story that evolves sex between guys and a supernatural entity. If you age underage or do not find this subject matter to your liking, please navigate away from this page.

This story and all its previous submissions are the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced in any form without prior author permission

I was awake. I had been for hours, just not wanting to open my eyes. I was not alone; I could feel Leo's presence near me. I could hear his soft relaxed breathing, the occasional rustling as he moved. I didn't know what time it was, but knew it was late. I wanted to go home; I did not want to lie here any longer.

I felt a cold touch to my face, and knew at once Billy was there. I cannot explain the feelings of familiarity I had for him. I mean my conscious memories were few, yet, I could sense him, felt comfort in his presence, somehow we seemed connected on some sort of mental connection. There was also this underlying physical connection of lust that I could not explain. I opened my eyes to see him standing there, his soft hand upon my cheek. His face softened as a broad smile appeared on his lips, and slight color flushed his skin. "Good morning, Mon Cheri';" he whispered. "What's a good looking guy like you doing in a scary place like this?" His touch was familiar. Almost as if I had known him all of my life, yet this I knew to be not true. I had to force myself to concentrate on the present, as mental pictures kept coming to me. Visions of places I have never seen, yet seemed strangely familiar.

I turned my eyes quickly towards Billy, who was still sleeping. One part of me wanted him awake, so I could have validation to Billy's presence, and another part was glad he was sleeping. Looking back at Billy, I reached up and touched his hand. "I'm glad you're here," Looking at the clock on the wall below the TV, I confirmed my thoughts of the early hour, 3:45 am. "How did you get in here? Visiting hours ended hours ago."

Billy laughed softly; "the power of persuasion will get you the world. Enough about me, what about you, why are you in the hospital?" Billy moved his hands to my neck, and gently pulled the collar of my gown from my shoulder, a look of panic crossed his face. "How did this happen? Who did this to you?" His voice filled with rage. Looking closer at the area, I felt his breath on the tender skin, heard him sniffing, felt his tongue against me. Rearing back, his face hardened, his eyes seemed to blaze in anger, his lips pulled tight against his teeth. "Putain de merde;" he said, his words spilling out of a non moving mouth. "When did this happen? Notre son est un vrai fil de pute!" Billy growled with a heavy French accent. It has been several years since I was in French class, and these words were strange to me. I knew they were words of anger and hate, but the dialect I could not place.

I watched him raise his wrist to his mouth, and witnessed him biting into his flesh. A small trickle of blood ran from where he was biting himself. Before I knew it, his bleeding wrist was pressed upon my lips, his hot blood filling my mouth.

"Quickly my love, take this that I offer to you." A look of ecstasy etched on his face, as I took his wrist, holding it firm to my mouth, drinking down the thick fluid that was his blood. Billy moaned softly, seeming to become light headed, as I drank. Slowly, more memories began coming back to me of the last few nights. I remembered now last night and what had happened. I fully remember now. I Then memories beyond what passed between Billy and I came into view. "Ca va mon Che'ri," Billy said, pulling his arm from me. "Do not take more from me than you can accept. That is enough to heal you, and make you well enough to leave this place." Leaning over, he licked my lips, picking up any stray drops of blood that lingered on my mouth. Pausing for a moment, looking into my eyes, we began to kiss passionately. As we kissed, my mind continued to clear, more memories returned. I remember waking up while it was still dark. Remember realizing someone was with me, not Cody, someone else. I felt a touch, a hand sliding over me, opening my shirt. Continuing down, releasing the button on my jeans. Forcefully removing them from me and tearing my underwear off. I turned to face this person, but the darkness hid his features, I was uncomfortable not knowing who he was. I would be lying though if I said his manipulations of my body were not pleasant and exciting. My cock throbbed as his hands pinched and rubbed my nipples. Climbing in between my legs, I felt as he pressed his slick member against me, forcing it into my tightness. I went to scream with pain from the size, but his hand covered my mouth. I remember his coldness, his lack of compassion as he bred me. His manhood, thrusting deep into me. Deeper than anyone ever had. I knew this was someone I did not know. Even more, someone I wished had never come to me. I tried with every ounce of my strength, my spirit, to try and block out what was happening to me. Somehow my attacker was able to prevent me from doing this, and forced his thoughts to mine.

I could see, through his eyes, vast rural farm lands, from centuries ago, and the peasants that worked the land. I felt power over them. I watched as they ran from him in terror. I witnessed him scooping up young men and imprisoning them in a stone room. I could feel their terror, as he stripped them much as he had done to me. Then I observed as he sexually tortured them, until at long last, he struck them, and drank of their blood. Through all this horror his voice was a constant dialogue in my mind; Detailing to me that these peasants were nothing to him. That his true love was me. I was to be his prince, the heir to his kingdom, ruler of him realm. As he fed these thoughts to my mind, I envisioned hundreds nay, thousands of young boys and men in varying states of undress, waiting on my every need. I saw large men, dragging boys who were chained, before me. Tossing their bodies to the floor, where I could see myself grabbing them and taking their life force. I fought these images, this was not who I was. I would never conform to this way of life. My last thought before losing consciousness was my attacker's voice snickering that I would do that and more as time progressed.

Coming back to the present, I told Billy of my visions and he became outraged. "Putain de Merde!" Billy said through clenched teeth. "I cannot believe his is back amongst us."

"Who are you talking about," I asked, reaching out and taking his hand in mine. "Do you know the person in my dreams? Who is he?" I demanded. Billy's eyes softened slightly as a little chuckle escaped him.

"Yes I know the one invading your thoughts and causing you much pain and suffering. His name, at least when I knew him was Degare', I am not sure what he goes by now."

"How do you know him," I asked. Billy lowered his head;

"Knowing that you will not understand, I say this to you. I came to know Degare' a very long time ago in France. At our first meeting, it was much like ours is now; sweet, loving, promising. Over many years, he began to change, and not for the better. Others I knew like us said he was sick, but I did not understand. I did not listen to their warnings, did not heed their advice, and I remained, until it was too late. I finally made my escape, and left him to die. I thought it was done, that I was free at last, but soon learned of his survival. At first it was just whispers I thought meant to scare me. Then he found me. I did my best to avoid him, but his lust for me was too strong and one night he came to me with a warning. I was to come back to him or die. I told him I choose the latter, and he became enraged. We fought, neither one holding the upper hand, for hours. He then tricked me, and was able to subdue me. In my despair, I begged for my life, pleaded with him to let me live. He laughed at me, made me feel shame at my request, but told me that for me to live; I needed to take my place at his side, as his Prince." Billy was trembling now, a tiny red tear rolled down his cheek. I reached up to wipe it, but he pulled back from me. "No! This is my shame to bear. You have no right to take it from me." I pulled Billy to me, surprised at my strength.

"Shh;" I cooed. "Nobody, that I call my friend, is allowed to hide their feelings from me. I do not care what went on in your life before we met, for that is not part of our life. What matters is what happens now." I again reached up and wiped the red tear from his face, drawing my finger across my lips. Your pain is less now because I take the worries from you."

Billy, still trembling began shaking his head, continued his story. "Degare' pulled out his gun, and pointed the barrel at me. I now knew what was to be my fate. I lowered my hands and lifted my head. I heard the gun go off, and could actually see the bullet coming at me." Taking a deep breath, he went on. "I felt the bullet tear into my chest, and felt my heart explode. Knocked back, I fell to the ground against the fence. Degare' came to me and placed the gun beneath my chin firing one last shot to end my life."

I nodded to Billy, "Yes I know this story. Your thoughts showed it to me the other night. Only now I understand why it happened. There is a lot I do not understand but..."

Billy cut me off, saying; "Yes there is much you need to know, but this is not the time or the place for that. Your life is in danger, the lives of all your friends to be correct;" gesturing to Leo, who was now waking up.

I pulled him closer to me; "I am not scared, Billy."

Billy embraced me, kissing my lips as he did. I felt safe in his arms, wait don't get me wrong; I felt very safe in Cody's arms also. Yet somehow Billy seemed confidant in a way I can't describe. Looking into my eyes, Billy assured me all was well. "Fear not, Mon che'ri, I will not let the beast come to you again." He took my face in his hand and bent to kiss my forehead. Just as his lips were about to touch me, we heard a voice say;

"Take your filthy hands off him right now, you asshole." Turning, I saw a bruised and battered Cody pull Billy off of me, tossing him like an old rag doll to the floor. "I don't know who you are or wha..." Cody's voice trailed off as his eyes and Billy's eyes focused on one another. Looking down, I saw Billy's mouth open, two large razor sharp fangs jutting from his upper jaw, a low evil hiss coming from his throat as he rose. I leapt from my bed and ran to them. I pulled Cody off of Billy, and then stepped in between them, one of my hands on each of their chests.

"Back off Brad," Cody scolded, "this asshole is monster, look at my face, look what he did to me." My head snapped to Billy with a questioning look. "Look at him," Cody continued, his fingers flicking at his own teeth in reference to Billy's. "That's some fucked up shit right there." Cody began backing away, pulling me with him.

Billy shook his head no; "I have been with you for over an hour now Bradford. I did not, nor do I want to hurt you Cory. I do however know who did," Billy fell silent. Cody stopped backing up to look at Billy.

Wondering, I Look at Cody and his beaten face, and then over to Leo, standing there in shock, finally back to Billy; "Degare'," I said, Billy nodding in silence.

"Who the fuck is Degare'" Cody stammered, "And holy shit, who and what the fuck are you? Wait," Cody said suddenly grabbing his head. "Billy? Brad did you call him Billy? Billy as in the dude that killed himself and we had a s‚ance for, Billy?" Cody looked to Leo, who just nodded yes. "No way, no f'ing way you are him. Man you're dead for Christ's sake!" Cody backed up and fell onto the bed, his upper body raised by the elevated portion. He continued to grasp his head, rolling it from side to side; "I'm going crazy, that's it. I mean first Brad gets sick, massive loss of blood they say. Then, I get the shit kicked out of me by some slimy lizard looking thing at the house. Oh yea, then I find the cops and try to follow them, and somehow end up back here and almost kill myself on that post. OK and like then I am heading up here and I hear the lizards voice, must have been in my head, cuz there was no one around. He like tells me that I told him where he could find you;" Pointing at me. So I get up here and find you seducing my boy friend, not to mention the fact that you grow fangs, and are like already dead." Cody stood and paced the floor for a second, "Well I will save them the time, where the padded room?"

I walked to Cody, and placed my hands on his shoulders; "You are no crazier than me, or Leo. Remember, we're here going through the same thing you are. I promise I'll fill you in on everything, but not right now."

"Yes," Billy spoke up. "You need to understand what is happening, but we need to figure out what to do about Degare' first. If what he said to you is truth, than Bradford is not safe here any longer. Since Degare' knows of his house that will not be safe either. We will need to find a better place.

The door to the room swung open and the four of us each drew in a sharp breath, Billy and Cody striking up defensive poses. From the brightly lit hall a form appeared in the door way. Ready to fight, and flee the four of us prepared for the worst.

"YES," came an eerie deep voice. "I caught you!" The form entered and suddenly realizing the situation, stopped. "Now Brad," my nurse began, "You might feel stronger, but the doctor ordered complete bed rest". We all relaxed, I actually chuckled a bit. "I see nothing funny with what I said, the nurse said, "and there are entirely too many people in here." Then setting her tray on my stand, she got her first good look at Cody's face. "Good lord, what happened to you?" She moved to Cody and began examining his face. "Let me finish with your friend, and I'll come back and we'll clean you up. She then busied herself checking my vitals and adjusting my IV. Her pager went off, and after looking at it, she ran from the room.

"Something is not right," Billy said, almost sniffing the air. "Something is just not... Degare' is here," Billy whispered. Turning to Cody; "Take brad and find a place to hide until I come back," he turned to leave.

"Wait," Cody called out, "how will you find us?" Billy moved to Cody, placing his hand on Cody's chest.

"Trust that I will. Our hearts beat as one now. I am connected to you both through our blood." Without another word, he vanished from the room.

Stay tuned - the next part is in the works. As always, I love getting email from you guys telling me if you like the story or not, keep them coming. The more mail I get the better I feel, the faster I write. Write to me @

Next: Chapter 8

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