The Ghost My Lover and Me

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Sep 24, 2008


This is a work of fiction, containing sexual encounters between men. If this type of story does not appeal to you, navagate away from this page. Also if you are under 18 leave this page. This work is copywrited and may not be used or reprinted with out the authors concent

Morning came, and the three of us made our escape from the confines of our hospital prison. Although it was morning, there was no sun shining, the low clouds diffusing the suns rays, casting a gray gloom on the world around us. The decision had been made, that we would split up, Leo going to my house to fetch the dog, and clothes for me, while Cody and I gathered things for him and secured lodgings for the next night. We agreed to meet at Menace Park at three PM and then make our way to the Lair. I know, a stupid name, but it does seem to fit. Cody maneuvered his motorcycle through the moody streets to his house; doubling back several times to be sure we were not being followed. Once there, we made quick work of gathering a few things and were again on our way. Time seemed to fly by and it was soon time to meet Leo at the park.

We were parked in a secluded area of the parking lot, Cody taking care to conceal his bike behind a large pine tree with low hanging branches. We didn't wait to long until Leo pulled in. Cody stepped forward, signaling to him, where we were. Parking next to Cody's bike, Leo sat in his car before slowly getting out. It was obvious from his actions that something was wrong, then I noticed he was alone. As soon as the door to his car opened, I bombarded him with questions. Leo put up his hands to stop me and I fell silent, waiting for him to speak. It was then that I noticed darkening bruises under his eyes and on his face.

"They have Yoda," he began. "They took him before I got there;" his voice trailing off. I stepped up to him and with my face to his; I spoke in a low gruff tone;

"Who has him? What are you talking about?" Cody's hands resting on my shoulders, he gently pulled me back, signaling for me to calm down.

Leo, seemingly un-phased by my aggressiveness started in again; "Paul and a couple of guys I don't know, Brad. They wanted to know where you were and where you were going. I didn't tell them anything, so they jumped me and tried to make me talk. All I remember is getting knocked down and hearing Paul tell the other guys to take the mutt to the cabin and wait for instructions. I also remembered Paul telling me to watch my back, as he left. I waited a while until I knew they were gone, and got the stuff you said to get." Handing me a small duffel, he fell silent, eyes cast to the ground by my feet.

I handed the bag to Cody, and took Leo in my arms hugging him as he began to softly weep. "I'm so sorry, Brad. I am so confused and mixed up inside; I don't know what to think. Why is Paul involved in this, why are you involved in this, why are any of us involved."

He had valid questions, for which I had no good answers. His revelation that Paul was some how mixed up in this mess was puzzling to say the least. Paul always seemed like a good person and until this very moment, a good friend. We stood there contemplating our next move, when I began to feel as if we were being watched. I told my companions of this feeling, each of us scanning our surroundings for the perpetrator, Cody spotting him first.

A black SUV was parked just outside the park entrance. Upon careful inspection, its sole occupant could be seen sitting in the drivers' seat, his binoculars raised to his eyes, scanning the groups of people mingling around the large lake and surrounding grassy areas. "I don't think he's spotted us yet," Cody commented, using his arms to direct us more out of sight. "I think we should get out of here and find a better place to hide."

Leo suggested that I go with him this time, but Cody observed that the only way Leo could leave was directly in the path of the observer. Then went on to say that with his bike, we could ride out one of the near by bike paths, then easily slipping onto a side street, leaving our on looker in the dust. It was then decided to pay someone to ride shotgun with Leo, to make it look like I was with him, further drawing the driver of the SUV off Cody's and my tail.

It wasn't very hard to find a willing participant, who for the price of two twenties, was willing to ride with Leo for a while. The plan was for them to head down the coastal highway, and head up to the old boy scout camp. There they'd to wait until we contacted them that we were safely hidden away. The plan worked great. I snuck off into the woods near a bike trail, as Cody made a quick circle of the parking lot, while Leo and his new friend, who was hiding under a low fitting baseball hat. Cody slowly made his way back to the tree where we had been, as Leo drove out of the park, the SUV quickly turning to follow as he headed to the highway. I donned the duffle like a back pack and when Cody approached I jumped on, grabbing his firm waist, digging my feet into the foot pegs, as he twisted the throttle and we sped off down the tree lined path.

We drove for about an hour, making sure we were not followed, and when we were positive of that, we stopped just long enough for me to make a phone call to arrange our hiding place. I called a friend, Steve, who was the night manager of the local emissary suites, and asked if he would rent me a suite, in his name & using his credit card, for which, I would repay him when he arrived that night. Steve was understandably concerned as to why I wanted to do this, but as I was not forthcoming with any good reasons, agreed with the stipulation that I explain it to him when we met that evening. Cody and I again sped off, in an attempt to kill time until Steve could make the reservation.

When we arrived, Cody paid the valet to hide his bike in a fenced in area on the sub level of the parking structure, giving him a bit extra to keep his mouth shut about it. Once inside, we learned at the front desk that Steve had made the reservations, and that we were in a corner unit on the 15th floor. Excusing the bellhop from his duties, Cody and I proceeded to make our way to our room using the stairs. Exiting from the stairwell, we were hit with the cool breeze, which was circulating through open atrium, which the hotel surrounded. Moving along the wide corridor, we made our way to our assigned room.

Stunning views of the Pacific Ocean, greeted us on two sides. The spacious room was aptly decorated in Spanish style, and sported a gas fireplace, large living room setting, kitchenette, and separate bedroom. We stowed our gear and tried to call Leo to let him know the situation, but his phone just went to voice mail. Not concerned, because we knew the area was known for bad cell reception, I resigned to try again in a while. Cody's strong arms snaked over my shoulders and crossed my chest, enveloping me in a tight embrace. "I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, even if that means giving up my life to save yours." His lips pressed to my neck as he began to kiss me. His arms loosened, allowing me to turn to face this man I had come to love so much so fast. I looked deeply into his eyes, trying to search his soul. The kiss that was inevitable was one of deep and longing passion. It was a kiss of love, a kiss of eternal promises. Cody's lifted me in his arms and carried me to the bedroom, kneeling on the bed as he set me down. The setting sun casting it's orange reddish hues throughout the room, bathing us in the light of it's dying rays. Cody lay by my side, his left leg nestled in between mine, his thigh pressing into my crotch. Looking at me, he began to run his fingers through my hair, stroking my face and neck. His lips barely moving as he spoke; "I can not explain why I have come to love you as I do. I just know I do, and can feel it deep in my heart." Lowering his head, he began to kiss me with renewed passion, his hand slowly caressing me lower, opening my shirt as he went. Cody's thigh began to work up and down against my crotch, causing my penis to swell and harden. His hand was soon working the leather of my belt, releasing it, moving on to open my jeans.

Cody's lips were now working down my neck, onto my chest, seeking out my erect nipples. His lips surrounded them one at a time and he began to suckle me as if he were an infant at it's mothers breast. I could feel his teeth gently nibbling them; driving me to new heights of sensual awareness. His hands had succeeded in opening my jeans and now with his legs straddling mine, were sliding my jeans off, as i quickly kicked off my sneakers. I could feel the last remnants of the sun's heat as i was slowly stripped, and my naked body was released from the confines of my clothing. Now naked, I began to remove the clothes from my lover, who was kneeling over me. Moving up, Cody slid his manhood into my waiting mouth, sliding it deep on the initial thrust until he was buried in my throat. A deep moan rolled from his throat, as he slowly withdrew, paused and thrust forward again. His weight heavy on my chest was an added erotic feeling. My mind drifted to thoughts of passion as I continued to take Cody into me.

I soon was to realize that he was moving. Repositioning himself between my legs that were now wrapped around his shapely waist. I could feel his member as it rubbed my hole, and as he pushed forward, entering me. Falling forward onto his arms, his face now above mine, his eyes looking into my eyes, as his entire length burrowed into my tight ass. His teeth clenched, muscled in his back and legs tightened, sweat beading on his face as he quickly picked up pace, thrusting into me like the piston on an engine. His sweat dripping off his chest and face, landing like a hot rain on my body. His mouth opened, showing his clenched teeth, lips drawn back, his breath heavy and hot. His eyes, although focused on me, were distant. Something was different. He was different, more like a wild animal in his actions. Though through it all, I could sense him, feel his love for me; somehow knowing he was in there somewhere. Suddenly grabbing my legs, Cody manipulated me in such a way that I was forced to turn over. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me back to him, his hardness seeming to know where to go, slide effortlessly back inside me.

On my hands and knees now, I opened my eyes to see a dark shape forming beneath me. I realized this was Billy. Even before he had fully formed, I could feel his tender hands caressing my body; my legs and hips, my abdomen and chest. Feeling his fingers encircling my shaft and sac, pulling hard on the skin surrounding my balls. I tried to look around at Cody, he seemed oblivious to Billy's presence, and seemed more content with the animal he had become. I looked back to see the full form of Billy below me. Moving his hands to my face, his mouth to my ear, I felt his cold breath as he whispered to me; "Relax my darling, Relax. Let yourself feel the passion I now give to you. Surrender yourself to me and I shall give to you a life matched by no other." With that, he pulled his face back and from the corner of my eye I could see his mouth open, two razor sharp fangs extending from his upper gums, his teeth shining. In an almost unseen movement, his teeth bit into my neck; the intense pain an initial shock, causing me to tense.

I could feel my blood rushing into his mouth, as he greedily drank my life; his hands caressing my back and head. I could only feel him drinking from me. My head became light and I felt consciousness slipping from me. Just as I realized I was dying, my life teetering on a kite string of life or death, Billy pulled his teeth from my neck. His bloody mouth issuing a growl, as slowly my life fell from the string. I was barely conscious enough to know Billy had pushed Cody from me and the bed, and with no effort, flipped me onto my back, my head resting in his lap, my dead eyes staring up to his fading face. "Now take from me that which I took from you." Lifting his wrist to his mouth, my eyes closing, my life slipping away. I saw not bright light, no one came to greet me with wings and halos, just darkness - complete and utter.... darkness.

A noise. Somewhere around me, a noise; growing louder, as a thick wetness began to flow over me. I rubbed my hands on my body, feeling the slick liquid between my hands and my skin. The noise, GOD the noise, was deafening. Pain, deep pain in my gut, ripping at my insides, I clawed at my abdomen, fingernails digging into my flesh, searching to relieve the pain. I opened my mouth to scream, but the wetness poured in, almost choking me. I felt it painting my throat, slowly, heating me as it went, and taking with it the pain that had overcome me, slowly numbing me inside. FUCK the noise, so many voices, so many thoughts; my mind is awash in scattered images, the pain, clutching my head, and then nothing, just the quiet sounds of breathing.

Opening my eyes, the darkness fading, I was able to focus on my surroundings. I could see I was where I last remembered before I, died. I felt a soft warm hand stroking my face, turning my gaze up I saw Cody looking at me, tears staining his cheeks. Sniffling; "Oh my god, I thought I'd lost you," he sobbed. Turning his body, tenderly laying my head on the pillow, he brought his face to mine, kissing me hard. "I thought you had died." He began speaking in between his kisses. "I don't remember anything, I must have passed out. Then just now, I woke up to find you laying here, covered in blood." His kissing stopped long enough to show the palms of his hands, red with blood. "You're covered in it, Brad, covered." Cody fell silent and slowly backed away, crouching on the beds edge. Sitting, I looked down at my naked form. Cody was right; blood smeared almost all of my body. All around me the stench of death. I stood, amazed at the ease at which I moved, lifting my hands in front of my face, I preformed a dexterous exercise, swiftly moving my fingers up and down, in and out. I was amazed at the speed I was able to perform this task. Looking past my finger exercise, my eyes took in the view through the windows. I Left Cody where he crouched, and walked with a new confidence to the balcony. I remember feeling like the terminator when he emerged from his time travel bubble. I was naked and confident; uncaring and very powerful. I slid open the glass door and stepped out onto the narrow concrete slab, which made my landing. Clutching the rail, I stood feet spread, the warm night air drifting across my body, as the blood red sun faded below the horizon.

Continuing to gaze into the night sky, where the sun had just been. I stretched out my left arm behind me. With my mind I called for Cody to come to me. Before I could finish my thought, I felt his warm body come up under my arm. His naked flesh next to mine, I relaxed my arm, cradling him in my embrace. "I am alive," I spoke to him softly. Cody's arms encircling my waist his head against my hip. Thrusting my hands into the night sky, I shouted; "I... AM...ALIVE!"

Next: Chapter 9

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