The Ghost of 66 Pruit Lane

By Jakob "JC" Klunyk

Published on May 10, 2020


The following story contains graphic and non consensual sexual acts & language between a Ghost and underage teen. If material of this nature offends you, or it is illegal in your jurisdiction for you to view it, DO NOT READ any further.

This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real people or events is purely coincidental. As this is fiction, safe sex practises are not always followed by the characters, but should be by you.

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The Ghost of 66 Pruit Lane

Chapter 1

Tom had heard the stories about 66 Pruit Lane all his life. They were the kind of stories kids told each other at sleep overs, around campfires and when older siblings wanted to scare the younger ones. Yes, Tom had heard all the stories, not that he believed them. Tom was standing out front of 66 Pruit Lane on a dare. He was joining the School Baseball team and this was their initiation for him. According to the dare he had to walk through the abandoned house taking selfies in the various rooms of the dilapidated old mansion. All things considered it was a pretty easy dare compared to some of the other and Tom was counting himself lucky. Pruit Lane was an abandoned area of the town. Standing in front of the house and looking around Tom couldn't even see another building let alone another person. Tom was now up on the old veranda and had to admit that the overall feel of the place was spooky, no wonder all those stories had been created about this place. Tom slowly walked the length of the veranda until he found the front door. He pulled out his cell phone and used it to take the first selfie.

What Tom couldn't see was that from inside the house he was being watched. If he could have seen the eyes, Tom would have seen they were the deepest of green and almost hypnotic. The owner of the eyes was the last owner of the house, Lord Henry Pruit, a man who had a reputation for liking young males. Back when he was alive he had used his power, money and influence to have his sordid way with every boy who lived in the area. The man was 30 when the fathers of the area finally had enough and got together and lynched the man in his own home. From that day on 66 Pruit lane had been empty, anyone trying to purchase the property had met with accidents, even people living in the vicinity of the house was forced to move away due to untimely accidents or illness. Over the years all the nearby houses had fallen into ruin and collapsed but 66, apart from a coating of dust, looked well maintained and almost new. Another reason stories had cropped up about the place.

Tom laid his hand on the handle of the front door, expecting to find it locked he nonetheless gave it a twist. To Tom's surprise the latch released with ease and the door glided open on silent hinges revealing the mansions entry hall. Leaving the front door open Tom walked in and looked around, directly opposite the door Tom noticed a large ornate mirror. The mirror was at least 8 feet tall and was wider then Toms outstretched arms, it made the entry hall look even larger then it already was. Tom figured this would be perfect for taking his second selfie so he made his way across the large hall. Standing in front of the huge mirror Tom posed and took the picture. On inspection of his latest snap Tom noticed something odd in the picture. The front door which Tom had left wide open was closed. Tom turned to look at the actual door, and just like the picture it was closed. That was weird he hadn't heard anything, if the wind had blown the door closed he would have heard it, even with the silent hinges he should have heard the latch catch when the door closed, but he had heard nothing. Tom made his way across the hall and grabbed the door handle, the door wouldn't budge. He tried several times to get the door to open but failed every time. Finally looking down at the handle he saw that it was an old Key lock and bolt, looking at the crack between the door and its frame he could see the bolt had been engaged. Tom began to suspect that this wasn't going to be as easy a dare as he had thought, he figured that some of the guys on the team were here to prank him as part of the dare.

What Tom Hadn't seen, couldn't have seen, was that it was Lord Pruit who had closed the door, using his ghostly powers, and had engaged the lock. Lord Pruit didn't want this delectable looking young man to get away before he had some fun. Lord Pruit had been standing in the corner of the entry hall taking in the view of this young Jock to be. He admired that Tom was five foot tall with glorious raven black hair which framed his face and attracted the sight to his exotic almost golden colour eyes. Moving his eyes down Tom's face Lord Pruit was wondering to himself if Tom's soft looking lips were naturally that pink or if the boy used something to accentuate the colour. Taking in the rest of the boy Lord Pruit saw that the boy was dressed casually, with a denim jacket over a skin tight T-shrit. Skinny Denim Jeans clung to the boys athletic looking legs, holes worn through the fabric in just the right places leading down to a ratty pair of brand name sneakers. Even though the fashions had changed over the years Lord Pruit could see that the boy was just his type.

Tom had come to the conclusion that it was the guys on the baseball team, had to be, since there was no such things as ghosts. So it was the guys just trying to scare him as part of the dare. With that firmly in mind Tom turned back to look into the house, there were 3 choices open to him for his next selfie. Off to the left of the main entry hall there looked to be a large conservatory, to the right looked to be a large dining hall and behind the mirror rose the steps that would take him to the second story of the mansion. Tom decided to start out in the conservatory, he figured there would be a way for him to get into the back rooms of the house to the kitchen, then through to the dining room. From there he could come back into the entry hall and up the stairs, so with his plan of action Tom began to wander off into the conservatory. As he entered the room Tom looked around wanting to find a good place to take his next photo. Over against the far way was a big fireplace, big comfy looking chairs placed around it so that people could enjoy the warmth and their company at the same time. Above the fireplace was a Portrait of a man standing with his hand on the shoulder of a boy. Tom figured it must have been father and son, though the boy resembled him more then the man in the painting.

Lord Pruit's sight, following Tom's gaze, fell upon the portrait. His own handsome visage looking back at him with his hand clutching the shoulder of the glorious, 14 year old, bakers son. One of his favourite boys in the whole village. He was the first boy to take Lord Pruit's cock down his throat all the way to the root. The three or four other boys that had been before him hadn't even gotten passed the halfway mark of Lord Pruit's thick ten inches. Lord Pruit had commissioned the portrait to commemorate the boys success.

After a brief look around Tom decided that a selfie in front of the portrait would be the best place since the location was unmistakable. So Tom set his phone up in one of the chairs with the screen facing him so he could line himself up in the picture. Once he had his sport sorted out he went and set the timer on the camera, clicked the button and stepped back into place. What Tom didn't see was that Lord Pruit using his ghostly powers morphed the face of the boy in the painting to match that of Tom. After taking the picture Tom collected his phone and look once again around the room. That is when he saw one of the book cases along the back wall was slightly ajar. He walked over to it and saw that it was on hinges. And on pulling at the case he saw the whole thing move to reveal a passage behind. The book case acting as a hidden door to one of the servants passages, Tom figured this would lead him to the back part of the house. Lord Pruit decided that this is where he was going to strike, he knew that there was a stair case in this hall that lead down to the basement of the house and to his play room. Tom was about five steps into the passage when he felt the first fleeting touch, gentle fingers stroking his cheek. He spun around expecting to see on of his new team mates behind him but all his saw was the book case sliding back into place. Tom rushed through the darkened passage only to find that like the front door the book case door was sealed shut. It was then Tom heard the whisper of a masculine voice.

Disembodied Voice: "Beautiful, so very beautiful and soon to be all mine".

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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