The Ghost of 66 Pruit Lane

By Jakob "JC" Klunyk

Published on May 16, 2020


The following story contains graphic and non consensual sexual acts & language between a Ghost and underage teen. If material of this nature offends you, or it is illegal in your jurisdiction for you to view it, DO NOT READ any further.

This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real people or events is purely coincidental. As this is fiction, safe sex practises are not always followed by the characters, but should be by you.

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The Ghost of 66 Pruit Lane

Chapter 2

Tom turned towards the darkened passage to try and see who the voice belonged to, only to find the passage empty as far as he could see. Tom decided to try for the other end of the passage, he couldn't believe the extent that his new team was going too in order to scare him. Tom was about half way down the passage when he felt something pull at his arm in the darkness. Before he could react he felt something grab at the collar of his jacket and pull it down and backwards effectively pulling the jacket off of his body. The action also had the added effect of pulling Tom off his balance, the end result was that Tom ended up flat on his back on the floor. Lord Pruit tossed the jacket off into the darkness and used Tom's current position of start stripping the boy. When he wanted Lord Pruits ghostly body could weigh as much as his old human body, a power he used now as he sat down on Tom's chest securing the boy in place. Tom began to struggle but Lord Pruit used his ghostly hands to pin Toms arms to the ground by locking his fingers around the boys wrists. Tom went to scream for help but Lord Pruit just slid his ghostly hips back, placing his large ghostly rump right on Tom's face, the pressure effectively gaging the boy. Lord Pruit once again using his powers went back to stripping the boy of his clothes, starting with the boys shoes. Tom watched through the gloom as the laces on his shoes began to undo themselves, pinned to the ground as he was all he could do was watch. Once undone his shoes slid off his feet one at a time lifted into the air and hovered there for a minute. This minutes was the time Lord Pruit was taking to lift each of Toms shoes to his ghostly face and take in the scent of sweating teenage boy, a scent he loved dearly. Once finished with the boys shoes Lord Pruit tossed them off into the darkness like the boys jacket. Next Lord Pruit worked on the boys ankle socks, through his powers he could feels that both socks were damp with the boys sweat, Lord Pruit then balled both socks up and tossed them in the direction of the staircase. He intended to enjoy those later after he had the boy secured in the play room. Tom started to struggle harder feeling that he had to break free of what ever was holding him down, he'd watched as both his shoes and socks had removed themselves from his body and disappeared into the darkness. Tom also noticed that what ever was pressing down on his face was starting to emit a very familiar smell, a smell made up of the discarded clothes and undergarment that were common in a locker room, though this smell was quickly becoming far more intense.

Lord Pruit was about to start undoing the boys pants but decided he wanted to do that with his own hands instead of his powers, that would mean he would need to restrain the boys arms with something other then his hands. Luckily Lord Pruit was used to having to restrain boys and had hidden cabinets built all over the house, in which he housed various type of cuffs, manacles and ropes. There was such a cabinet right next to them in the passageway, it was one of the reasons he had decided to take the boy right here, other then the proximity to the stairs leading to the play room of course. Using his power to open the cabinet Lord Pruit spied a pair of silver wrist cuffs that locked using a bolt and nut system. He loved this type of cuff as it was so much harder for his sexual interest to get out of them, even if they managed to get help. With everything ready Lord Pruit lifted up off the boy, Tom suddenly found his wrists, chest and face freed all at once, not wanting to miss his chance at escape he scrambled to get to his now bare feet. This was exactly what Lord Pruit had been wanting however and with a quick motion he grabbed the base of Tom's and yanked it up, pulling it off over Toms head in one quick startling motion. The action once again unbalanced Tom who placed his left hand against the wall to keep from falling. Lord Pruit using his power manipulated the cuff out of the cabinet and attach it around the boy's wrist. The action was so fast that the bolt had secured the cuff in place before Tom had a chance to react. The cuff then yanked the boys arm behind his back and lord Pruit using his own hands secured Tom's right wrist into the remaining cuff though he used his power to secure the bolt in place. Tom found himself standing there in the dark with his hands cuffed behind his back and both his chest and feet bare. Lord Pruit, unable to contain his sexual desire, stood behind the boy, he wrapped his arms around him and began running his hands up and down the boys taught chest and abdomen. With the fingers of one hand he was tracing the six pack abs that was beginning to develop, while the fingers of the other hand were tracing lines from the boys pits across to his nipples and back again. The hair in the boys pits was still in development and Lord Pruit noticed it was still soft and not wirery which would happen as he went from boy to man. Tom couldn't see that hands that were running over his body, but he could definitely feel what they were doing to him, he couldn't help the moans that escaped his lips as the unseen fingers played with his stiffened nipples. He also couldn't ignore the fact that those nipple caresses had a direct connection to his dick, which had started to stiffen itself. Lord Pruit hands now began to descend and in one decisive motion both hands cupped Tom's crotch and lengthening dick.

Disembodied Voice: "Mine all mine".

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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