The Girl

By maria adams

Published on Oct 24, 2007




This story is a work of fiction it does not resemble to the events that happened in my life or in anyone else if it does, you cannot sue me.

E-mail me any comments good or bad any that you have for me. I would be most grateful. Thank you.

This story contains adult material and may be unsuitable for anyone under the age of 18. It involves sexual and romantic acts between females; if this offends you, then do not read it or if it is illegal in your state / country to read it, please do not read on ;)


As the sunlight creeps through the window, it sweeps the coolness with its warmth waking me with a smile. I wake up slowly taking in every sight of my room. Stretch my hands, as I go to the bathroom.

After an hour and a half, I am in the kitchen for breakfast. Once at the kitchen, I was in for a surprise. The butler had laid down a breakfast feast on the table for me. I looked at him, and said, "Call everyone to have breakfast with me because I don't think I can finish it. Go on."

He rushed and called everyone the drivers, house cleaners, gardener everyone who worked in my house gifted by my parents. I invited all of them to have breakfast with me. At first, they refused, but I ordered them to, with a smile. I already knew them, but I got to know them better. I thought why I hadn't done this before, now I knew I wasn't alone in my house I had people who cared. However, all these beautiful people were there, I still felt emptiness in my heart. I didn't know what it was waiting for, but it felt that I should still wait.

After breakfast, took my car keys and drove to college. The college was an hour from my house. At full speed, I reached it. Parked it and headed for my classes.

Greeted all my friends on the way hugged everyone. My buddy, Sabrina (Sab) called me, "Hey! Girl how you doing have any plans for today?"

"Hi! No, you made any," I asked.

She said, "Good! Well, Julie after college I am going to a newly opened music shop and no buts you are coming with me."

"Do I have a choice as it is you will drag me there even if I refuse?" I said.

She said in a mischievous tone, "That's my girl," hitting me on my arm.

We went to our classes and decided to meet in the parking lot.

At 4:00 pm we drove, to the music shop. It was huge, seeing it for the first moment a wow exclamation escaped our mouth. I wondered how many records it might be having from the oldest to the newest. When we entered, what I was wondering changed into reality. It had all the records. Name it and you would get it. It took us 2 hours to survey the whole place, before we could even decide which CD to buy. I was already confused and Sabrina was confusing me even more.

Atlast we decided on an RnB, Pop album and went to pay for it. As we were approaching the counter, I saw a beautiful girl checking out the rock n roll collection. Standing 5'5 tall, shoulder length light brown hair, a fit body and hazel brown eyes that would mesmerize anyone at one sight. I didn't realize where I was going, until Sabrina pulled me from falling down the stairs.

"Hello girl." She said waving her hand at my face.

I came back to my senses. "Yes," I said dreamingly.

She said looking at the direction of the girl whom I was looking at, "I can see where you were lost you can continue getting lost."

I denied, "No! I wasn't lost I just have too much in my mind."

"I wonder what this too much stuff would be," she said with a smirk.

"Okay enough with it can we go now," I said.

"I didn't stop you, you are the one who's glued," she said.

We went to the counter. As Sab was paying, I looked away from her and searched for the girl who wasn't seen anywhere and my heart sank.

We exited the music shop and headed home. Sab was going to spend the night at my place as her parents were going to have some visitors who annoyed Sab extremely.

Once home, we freshened up had supper and went to my room to do some studying. We were solving a Math problem together when she asked me, "You liked her didn't you, I saw it in your eyes."

I knew what she was asking me, but I denied it, "Whom are you talking about."

She started tickling me, "You know exactly who I am talking about, don't play dumb with me."

"Okay, okay, I liked her she was beautiful. Stop tickling me," I said while giggling.

After finishing our work, we went to sleep. Sab went to the guest room. I cleaned my study, brushed my teeth, washed my face and was off to bed when Sab knocked. When I opened the door, she pinned me to the wall holding me tightly. I tried to move but with no avail.

She whispered in my ear, "Forgot to say sweet dreams, though I know you will be sleeping very less tonight. Hmmmm, I wonder what will be going on in your head. Hehe."

She loosened her grip kissed me on my cheeks wished goodnight and left. I wanted to make her pay for what she did, but let it go. I went to bed, but she was right, I was going to have a sleepless night. The whole night, I twisted and turned hugging my pillow. Sat up a million times and slept again, but the moment I closed my eyes the girl would pop up in my head. Atlast early in the morning sleep took over me and I was sound asleep.

I felt sprinkle of water on my face, when I opened my eyes the sunrays made me close it pulling my blanket over my face. The blanket was pulled away and slowly I opened my eyes to see Sab with a glass of water.

She said, "Hey, sleepy head I told you will have a sleepless night. Okay get up now or we will be late for our class."

I looked at the clock on my bedside and truly, I had overslept. I woke up and hurriedly did everything while Sab waited for me in the car. Within 15 minutes, I was out and did my hair in the car as Sab drove the car.

We reached in a nip of time, rushed to the class and settled down. The principal came to our class and announced, "The Math professor had some personal problem so he left for the time being to replace him temporarily we have a new teacher. Be in your best behavior. Mrs. Smith."

I was in for the shock of my life, mouth wide open as Sab covered it with her hand when the new teacher walked in. I looked at Sab and moved my head left to right meaning no.

She was a great teacher, she taught the hardest sums the easiest way, but for me the day was getting worse by the minute coz even the simplest sums like addition and subtraction were hard to solve.

After class, Sab took me to the restroom. "What's wrong Julie, you're behaving weird. Isn't she the same girl, okay lady in the music shop?"

I looked at her angrily, "You are in the mood of teasing me and I am in a state of confusion over here coz the girl that I saw in the music shop is not her. She was younger, like us."

"So what isn't she beautiful," She said.

I said banging my fist on the basin, "Its' not the matter of being beautiful by the way everyone on this planet is beautiful and our new teacher is beautiful, I am just confused that how come my eyes deceived me when they never have till today."

"Then, I think you should go to an eye specialist to check it out, as you're so keen on it," Sab said while laughing heartily.

"Never mind, but I will find out what the mystery is and get to the core of it." I said.

Sab said, "You do that, solve the mystery in James Bond style and once you find your mystery girl you make her your secretary. Wow! Then I am sure that you two could make a great movie and MY! Will it be a super duper hit and you might get an Oscar for it too."

I didn't laugh at her sense of humor, coz there was nothing sensible to laugh at. We came out of the restroom and my day was less confusing and relaxed after talking with Sabrina.

After college, Sab went her way and I went to the music shop. I was disappointed coz I didn't find the girl and when I asked about her nobody knew. I left and headed home.

The next day, during Math class I had decided to ask Mrs. Smith, "Excuse me ma'am, I would like to ask you something." She nodded her head to let me proceed. "Its not related to the subject I am just curious."

Sabrina pulled me giving me a look of, if I knew what I was doing; I pulled away from her grip.

Stood up and asked her, "Ma'am do you have a look a like coz I had seen someone who looked the exact same as you."

Everyone was laughing at me, including Mrs. Smith. I told myself to sit down and be the joke of the day.

"Well! You might have seen my daughter many people get confused between us," she said.

I was relieved to know and apologized for asking such a question. She was cool with it and didn't get bother by it. We resumed with our class. I looked at Sab with a grin as I winked at her and pointed to my eyes describing her in sign language that they were perfectly fine. She smiled back and showed me a thumb's up.

Days passed and our finals were coming nearer. All of us were busy with revision and my mind was occupied that I didn't remember the girl even when I saw her mother. Five of us were having a problem in understanding a Math topic. We decided to go to Mrs. Smith for help.

Now, she couldn't help us coz she was in a hurry, but invited us to her house at 6 pm and handed us her address. She would gladly assist us with our difficulties. We all decided to meet at Sab's place, as it was five blocks away.

At 5:30 pm, we met at Sab's place and headed to Mrs. Smith's house. As I was stepping out of the car, Sab pulled me back and waited as everyone else walked past us.

Sab held my hand, walking slowly towards the door and I didn't know why she was acting weird. Until she whispered, "You ready to meet the girl."

I stopped; I hadn't realized that, until she mentioned it. I didn't know what to do. Sab understood my sudden change. She pulled me and we entered the house.

We were welcome warmly, and though I was nervous, at the same time I was anxious to see her. Mrs. Smith welcomed us, "Everyone be seated comfortably and I will get my daughter even she wanted some help with the same topic."

I didn't look at Sabrina, coz I knew what kind of stare was awaiting me.

Mrs. Smith came down with her daughter; everyone was amazed to see that the two looked so alike. Mrs. Smith introduced her daughter to everyone, when she came to me.

The girl said, "So, it's you, Julie right, who asked my mom if she had a twin. I am impressed by your guts. Where did you see me, which got you the idea to ask my mom?"

I said stammering in between, "I... saw y...ou at the music... sh...op."

The girl suddenly said, "Yeah! I remember you now."

I asked more confidently, "You do!"

The girl said, "Yeah! I saw somebody pull you back as you were about to fall down the stairs."

Sab said, "I was her savior of the day."

Everyone laughed, including me.

The girl sat next to me and asked, "What were you staring at that you got so lost. I thought you were staring at me coz when I looked behind me I didn't see anyone."

I denied and said, "Ummm! I was looking at the CD rack behind you."

The girl said, "Okayyy! Hey, my name is Liz full name Elizabeth, but I prefer the shorter version."

Mrs. Smith interrupted, "Enough talks Liz, let us start with the topic."

After 2 hours of intense understanding, we got it atlast. We were invited for supper, and complimented Mrs. Smith for the delicious food and thanked her for the hospitality and help.

As we were leaving, Liz called me; I stopped while others went ahead including Sabrina, "Hey! Julie can I borrow your notebook; I wanted to copy some notes on Probability as I saw you have a brief explanation on it. I will send it back tomorrow with my mom."

I said, "Sure, take your time."

Liz replied, "Thanks girl you saved me, seems like you became my savior today."

We laughed, shook hands, said goodbyes, and left.

Everyone had left except for Sabrina, with a want to know all look. She asked, "Well!"

"Well! What?" I said.

Sab said, "Never mind seems like nothing happened."

I left her at her place and headed home feeling so happy that it flashed on my face during the darkness of the night.

The next day, during Math class, Mrs. Smith gave my book and thanked me. When I opened my book, a note fell down. Before I could get hold of it, Sabrina snatched it and started reading. After reading it, she handed it to me with a wink.

The note read, "Hi! Julie thanks for your notebook it helped me lots, but somewhere I couldn't understand what you had written. If you wouldn't mind could you come to my place today at 5 pm to brush me on what I don't understand? I would appreciate your help. Take care. Thanks. Liz."

Sabrina shook me out of my thoughts as I read the note the tenth time. She said, "Well! Well! Someone's going to get lucky tonight."

"Yeah! In your dreams." I said.

She said with a grin, "So you do dream about her. Bingo."

At 5 pm, I was at Liz's doorstep. I knocked on the door, but found the door open. I entered and called out, but didn't get a reply. I called out again, but still no reply. I searched the house and found Mrs. Smith crying at the kitchen table.

I walked up to her and patted on her shoulder gently as she looked up. She tried to hide her tears quickly, but it was too late. I tried to comfort her as she cried harder. After a while, without a warning she spoke, "My daughter is gay and I can't bear that she is different and in the future she might be outcaste when people will know about her sexuality."

I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet as she continued, "Could you help me please."

With a lot of courage I said, "Ma'am you love your daughter don't you."

She said, "Yes, very dearly."

I said, "I know it's hard to accept something different, but accept it for her good. I know she loves you dearly too and she must be trying very hard to not be different, but if you breakdown then what will happen to her. Just think will she remain happy being what she isn't or what she is. You decide ma'am. I have gone through the same situation with my parents so I know how you feel and I know you will think the best for your daughter."

As I turned around, I saw Liz standing at the kitchen door with tears in her eyes. I thought it was better for me to leave, as they would need some time alone to sort out the matter. I excused myself and left without wasting time.

From that day, I decided to stop thinking about Liz and locked her thoughts deep into my heart. It was hard, but I didn't have a choice and after what her mom said how could I be her lover. It was better that I remain a friend to her and never let her know my true feelings.

Once again, emptiness filled my heart. I burst into tears once I locked the door to my room. The night passed terribly, but what made it bearable was that I could still be a friend to her. I promised myself that I would always be with her and help her whenever she needed it as a FRIEND.

Everything was happening so fast, our finals came and went, Sabrina never asked what happened that night which was weird, Liz and her mom thanked me and most of all the three of us Liz, Sabrina and me became great friends.

One day unexpectedly, Sabrina called me up late at night asking me, "Hey girl, I want to ask you something, it's killing me."

"At this time of the night, okay, shoot," I said while yawning.

Sab said, "Are you ever going to tell her how you feel about her coz I know what happened that night, Liz told me, but I didn't tell her about your feelings for her."

"Good you didn't I never had any feelings for her I was just infatuated by her beauty," I said.

She asked, "I hope you know what you are doing?"

We hung up. I tried to go back to sleep, but my mind refused to close my eyes and my heart wanted it to close so that I could dream about her.

The next day, Sab called to tell me that Mrs. Smith wanted to see me at the college regarding something.

After an hour, I was at the college compound. Mrs. Smith called me into her office, as her desk was full with marked examination papers; she decided to take a walk around the ground.

We walked around the ground, sat on the bench near the goal post. She started speaking, "Julie, Sabrina told me what you feel for my daughter."

I denied thinking that she might feel bad after what she had confide in me, "No! No! I don't, Sabrina is just kidding she like teasing me."

"You don't need to hide your feelings, I know you are worried that I wouldn't agree and disown Liz coz I am against her being different, but after what you said my whole attitude has changed," she said.

"I am just a friend to Liz," still denying.

"Shhh! I would be less worried about Liz, if you're more than a friend to her. I mean it, sometimes youngsters can teach elders a lot and I know you love her a lot, that is why you locked your feelings for her to respect mine. I would be proud to have you as Liz's girl and in the future maybe more," she said.

"Thank you a ton Mrs. Smith, you lifted a burden off my heart," I hugged her.

I left, went to see Sabrina and thanked her for what she did. I wanted to go and tell Liz what I felt for her, but didn't want to rush into things. As we were going to meet in the evening for a movie, I decided to tell her then.

At the movie, Sabrina went on hitting me to tell her now, but I couldn't get the guts. Once the movie was over Sabrina pulled me aside, "You better tell her girl or I'll do it for you."

I refused, "I'll do it myself, thank you very much."

After the movie, we went to grab a pizza. At the pizzateria, Sabrina went to the restroom to give me some time alone and confess my feelings to Liz.

I started, "Liz, I want to tell you something."

Liz said, "I want to tell you something too."

I said, "Go on I am listening."

She said, "You first."

I said, "No! You first."

She said, "Okay! I am in love with someone and I don't know how to say I Love You to her could you help me out."

I felt lighting strike my heart. I said weakly, "Yeah sure, I will help you what are friends for."

"Well how do I say it to her," she asked.

I told her, "Okay, go to her, and sit or stand infront of her facing each other the way we are now. Look into her eyes, take a deep breath, open your mouth, carefully take out the words and say it slowly, she will feel it as you say it."

She asked with a smile, "Say what?"

"You know what I mean, by what you need to say it," I said.

"Nope, I don't tell me," she pleaded naughtily.

I repeated the procedure to her and the words slipped out, "I Love You, Elizabeth Mackenzie Smith."

"You do," she asked.

I stammered, "Ooops! I... was just..."

Before I could say anything, she kissed me. The emptiness in my heart disappeared suddenly at just her one touch.

Cough, cough, "Excuse me!"

We pulled away and saw Sabrina standing infront of us with some odd stares from others too.

Sab smiled saying, "Girls you are shattering my straight image into pieces so if you could continue later."

We exited the pizzateria, dropped Sabrina home. Before she left she sang, "This is your night," leaving us blushing and nervous.

"Well!" I asked driving the car to her place, parking it infront of her house.

She winked at me and got out of the car. I thought she was leaving without saying anything, but she went and sat at the back of the car pulling me behind from the front to the backseat. Without a second calling, we moved closer to each other.

I took her face in my hands, moved my face closer and kissed her. The kiss started out slow, speeding up as we explored each other and growing hotter.

Something interrupted us, our cells started ringing without looking who it might be, we switched it off and continued.

We undressed each other slowly, touching and kissing every part of flesh, as it was expose. She straightened the seats lay me down as she pressed her body on top of me, kissing on my neck traveling down as I moaned at her every touch.

Squeezing, licking, sucking and pleasuring me.

She was pleasuring me in the most effective way, laying me down on my back and approaching from the front. I moved back to give her more space as she lay between my legs. Parting my thighs with kisses.

Kissing, nibbling and licking her way down my thighs.

"Enjoying baby," she asked.

"Mmmmmm... yeah!" I said as I moaned.

Teasing me as she took her time and making me feel cherished.

"I am delighted baby, you don't know how much I am enjoying you," she said winking at me.

We changed into a 69 position, as the space in the car was limiting us from stretching. Nuzzling into my trimmed mound, running her tongue between my pussy lips, slowly making her way to my clit.

While she was busy enjoying me, I lowered my head to her pussy and smelled her aroma, licking her juice and feeling her spasm as she moaned. Both our hot zone on the clit were on fire.

Exploring together and finding each other wonderful little pleasure zone made us hornier. The spot that needed to be rubbed, licked and stimulated to bring about the clitoral orgasm.

Sliding my tongue back and forth or up and down. Starting out slowly and then increase pressure and speed. Getting her very excited and then sliding my tongue down between her vagina lips again and explore the depths of her cavern with my tongue while rubbing her clit with my finger. Doing the same too me.

Bringing my tongue back up to her clit and resumed licking. Then, she slid her finger inside my vagina locating my G-spot, pressing and rubbing it simultaneously as I continued to lick her clit. This drove us wild, creating earth-shaking orgasms. I increased her pleasure even more, by slipping a finger inside her as she approached an orgasm.

We both screamed aloud, "Yes... ," as our orgasm released our love juice.

After the wild ride, I fell on top of her breathing heavily. She moved from under me sitting back, pulled me towards her and gave me a deep kiss.

We dressed up, opened the foggy car windows to change our sexy air into fresh air. After a while, I walked her to the doorstep with hands on the side of each other waist. Her mom was already waiting for us at the doorstep; we quickly moved our hands away and acted normal.

Mrs. Smith asked, "Where were you two it's 3 am.

Liz said, "Dearest Mom, we kind of got lost," winking at me.

Her mother replied smiling, "I just wonder where."

We all entered the house, went straight to bed as Mrs. Smith refused to let me go home so late. I spend the night with Liz. Just as we hit the bed, we were not fast asleep.

Next day as I woke up, Liz was sitting besides me. We kissed each other good morning. She said, "We have the whole day together, mom has gone out and won't be coming until late."

I asked with a grin, "What do you plan to do?"

"I plan to love you, care to join in, but before that get freshened up and let's have something to eat. All that exercise yesterday has made me hungry," she said teasingly pinching me.

"Ouch! That hurt," I said making a crying face.

Liz replied grinning, pinching me again and moving away, "Baby, that's for all the marks that you have left on me."

"Oooo! I can repeat that process all over again," I said pinning her to the wall.

We kissed deeply, when I separated from her she pushed me to the bathroom, I freshened up and joined her. We had breakfast that her mother had prepared for us. After eating, we cleared everything and decided to see a movie.

As she was searching for a nice movie from her collection, I was busy staring at her, thinking, making up a poem in my head for her. She shook me out of my world asking, "Where you lost, Julie?"

"I was making up a poem for you, like to hear it," I told her.

"Sure Julie, hurry I can't wait to hear it, I have heard from Sab that you make good poems," she replied kissing me.

"Sab is just saying that for the sake of saying anyways here goes nothing. It's about how your "illegal" kisses make me feel,

The way you kiss Is a mortal sin, You make me want it Again and again. You hold me so tight And kiss me so deep, For days on end I can't eat or sleep. All I think about Are your sweet lips, Bare skin caressed By your warm fingertips.

Mmmmmm Baby, I'm so hot for you If there's a way to get over it, I wish I knew. I think about your eyes I drool over your lips, I lust for your body I think about the sweet wet spot Under your jeans, Just thinking about... it Can make me scream.

I don't know why You have to be So sweet and hot, Until I wanna give you Everything I got. So here it is...

Just come and get it Darlin' if you do, You'll never regret it. Baby, they should Lock you in jail, "Cause the kisses you give COULD SEND AN ANGEL TO HELL!!


"So sweet, I plan on giving an illegal kiss right now," she said pulling me towards her.

We kissed each other.

"By the way the girl at the music shop. I was staring at was you and only you." I said, in between, as we got back to our illegal kissing.

E-mail me any comments good or bad any that you have for me. I would be most grateful. Thank you.

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