The Girls Only Club

Published on Apr 19, 1998


The Girls-Only Club by Pamela

(c) 1997 "peter bernard"

  1. Chapter

Saturday morning finally came, and Blake awoke feeling more excited than he had ever felt in his life. This was going to be the most perfect day in history he thought! He imagined himself and the other girls standing together in their bridesmaid dresses waiting to march down the aisle: their pink lacy gowns, white arms, pink high-heeled shoes and their long hair perfectly set and resting lightly on their shoulders. As much beauty as they would radiate, however, it wouldn't compare to that of Beth who was certainly the most beautiful bride ever. The scene up on the dais: how it must look to the guests with the pretty girls and the masses of flowers and the handsome groom and the escorts standing on the ends. These thoughts raced through Blake's mind as he stretched and got out of bed. He couldn't stop smiling, he felt so giddy. Taking off the panties he had slept in, he put on a fresh pair. It didn't really matter though which ones he wore today anyway, since he had a special bra, panty and slip set waiting for him at Kathy's house. Mrs. O'Connor had specially picked out the girls underwear for the wedding day. It was made of a pure ivory colored silk blend with a delicate pink floral lace pattern similar to that of the dress itself. Though it wasn't absolutely necessary to have done that, Mrs. O'Connor had thought it a perfect touch in view of how special the day was.

Blake was especially excited because the Girls-Only Club members had decided that he was grown up enough now to increase his breast size. Waiting for him at Kathy's house were size B forms with a similarly sized bra. The idea of having a larger chest thrilled Blake so much that he couldn't imagine how he would ever be able to wait until noon time to see how it looked and felt.

On Saturday mornings his family ate together: cheese omelletes cooked by Blake's dad. Sundays the family ate French toast cooked by his mom. As was the case every Saturday morning, Blake's dad was in a very good mood. ``So Ann, do you think your going to win a trophy today?" he said. She was entered in a weight lifting competition as part of the yearly sports festival held downtown. It had been the talk of the family for weeks, since it had required some special petitioning of the event organizers to get Ann permission to compete in an event which was supposed to be for boys only.

``You bet, dad. None of those geeks is gonna stand a chance against me!"

Blake shuddered thinking of Ann's huge biceps, and how she probably would win seeing how much she hated boys and had something to prove. Luckily his mom had already told him that he wouldn't have to watch Ann compete since he needed to prepare for the wedding.

I can't wait to see their faces when you do your first lift," Blake's dad continued. He was clearly very proud of Ann. We're all going to be rooting for you, aren't we?"

``You bet!" Barry said.

Before Blake could say anything, his dad looked at him saying, ``Maybe this time next year you'll enter the competition and give Ann a run for her money! How are your workouts coming along?"

``Just fine dad," he lied. He had no intention of ever developing biceps.

``You watch Ann do her lifting today and I'm sure you'll get inspired to work out even harder!"

Alarmed, Blake said, ``I think its really great and all, but you know that I have to get ready for the wedding. I already discussed it with mom and she said I wouldn't have to go downtown, not that I don't really want to see Ann and all." He tried to phrase it so as not to give Ann the impression that he was actually quite happy he didn't have to go. He was looking forward to taking a delicious bubble bath once everyone had left.

``What time is the wedding?" his dad said.

``About 1:30, but I have to be at Kathy's house at noon time sharp to get ready."

``Well, the weight lifting competition runs only until noon. We could easily get you to Kathy's before 12:30. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you were a half hour late."

``But I wouldn't be able to get dressed in time."

``Jesus, Blake, how long does it take you to put on a suit?"

``Just a few minutes, but..."

``C'mon, Blake, your sister has worked really hard for this, and its important that the whole family be there to cheer her on. Ain't that right Ann?"

``Yes, dad. I think it'll be really good for Blake to watch me so he could learn better how to develop his physique. Don't you agree, Blake?" she said it threateningly and drilled him with her eyes. Blake knew better than to protest any further, but he still hoped his mom would intervene.

``I'm sure it will be Ann, but..." he looked at his mom imploringly.

Blake's mother had a worried expression on her face as she said, ``Mrs. O'Connor is expecting him at noon, and it does take a lot of time to get ready for a wedding."

``Maybe for the bride and bridesmaids, with all their makeup and skirts and everything," his dad said, but for a guy, I remember at our wedding I got dressed in a minute. Two minutes, if you count the time I had to spend trying to get my Windsor knot correct."

Blake's mom smiled, ``you never did get it right, dear. An extra half-hour might have done the trick. Anyway, it would cause them a lot of unwanted concern if Blake was late."

``Then we'll have him call her up and let her know. I'm sure Mrs. O'Connor won't mind at all."

Blake felt his heart sag. He tried to smile and think positive thoughts, but he knew he better not protest any more or Ann would take it out on him later.

``It's OK, I guess, so long as we really do leave at noon."

Don't worry," his dad said, we'll get you to your precious wedding. Now, lets leave right after breakfast so we have some time to catch some of the other sporting events. I think the kick boxing competition is on at ten."

We don't have to rush down there," Janice said, these sports days are so boring, at least for the girls."

``Speak for yourself," Ann said, irritated.

``This year they're having a special fashion show or something in the auditorium to keep the girls interested," Blake's mom said.

``Yuck," Ann said.

``Its going to be a Jessica McClintock fashion show. I think it'll be mainly prom dresses."

``Sounds neat," Janice added.

Blake barely caught himself agreeing with Janice. Under the glare of Ann he tried to act like he didn't care at all.

``Could we leave a little before twelve?" Blake said changing the subject back to their departure time. He tried not to sound too insistent.

``Don't you worry, Blake, we'll give you plenty of time to get ready. Then its all settled, we'll leave as soon as we finish breakfast."

Blake felt a stab of anxiety and disappointment. A bubble bath would have been just absolutely perfect for this special day. Maybe he would still have time to take a quick shower at Kathy's house. If they left for Kathy's house at noon, he would only be fifteen minutes late.

``OK, Dad. It'll be fun to watch Ann," Blake said as cheerfully as possible.

Blake's family drove downtown to the sports festival in their minivan. As soon as they were parked, Blake's dad suggested they go watch the kick-boxing competition. Barry and Ann immediately seconded the idea, but Janice and Blake's mom protested.

I hate kick boxing," Janice said, I can't stand to watch the fighters kick and punch each other."

I agree with Janice," his mom spoke up. Its not a civilized sport and we shouldn't encourage it by attending."

Jesus, mom, kick boxing is the greatest," Ann said, can't we go dad?"

``Honey, the kids really want to see it. Why don't we split up. You and Janice do whatever you want, like go to your fashion show, and I'll take the kids to the boxing. Then we can meet at 11:15 for the weight-lifting exhibition."

``Splendid idea," Janice said.

But, dad!" Blake broke in, I don't want to see the kick boxing either."

``Why not Blake?" his father said with exasperation.

``Its like Janice said. It's too violent for me. I can't stand to see the people getting hurt."

``They wear protective helmets."

``Still it really frightens me," Blake said.

Ann began laughing and pretended to be a kick boxer fighting him. After a few fake kicks she landed one in his stomach which partially knocked the air out of him and he yelled in pain and had to fight to hold back tears.

Ann!" his mother yelled and put herself in between them. How many time have I told you to stop picking on Blake. You could have killed him with that kick."

Addressing her husband she said, ``dear, let Blake come with me and Janice. It won't do any good to keep him together with Ann."

``Jesus, honey, whatever you want, but I don't see how you can possibly take Blake to your fashion show. He'll be the only guy there."

``What are you talking about? Lot's of men love fashion shows, especially sophisticated men."

``Yeah right. OK, you three do whatever you want. We'll meet you later."

As Blake, Janice and his mom walked toward the pavilion, his mom said, ``are you sure you won't mind the fashion show?"

Blake looked at her funny and then realized that she was saying that for Janice's benefit, since she wasn't supposed to know about his secret." Of course not, mom. In fact, I'm very excited about it."

Janice gave a worried look at Blake and then rolled her eyes up when their gazes met. She moved a finger to her mouth as if to say, ``ssshh." Clearly, Janice was afraid that his mom would find out his secret as well. Blake realized that something had to be done to let them each know that the other knew, but before he could decide what to do, they ran into Valerie and group of girls from his school.

``Hi, Pam! I-mean-Blake!," Valerie called out and Blake turned beet red.

His mother turned to him saying, ``Pam?"

``Oh, my God!" Janice exclaimed.

``Janice!" his mom exclaimed.

``Mom!" Janice exclaimed.

``I'm sorry Blake!" Valerie exclaimed.

``Blake, say something!" Janice exclaimed.

``It's OK Janice!" Blake cried.

``Janice, is it really OK!?" his mom said.

``Really? You know?"

``I know! You know?"

``Yes, mom!"

They both turned to Blake and he said, ``I want you to meet Valerie. She's in my class."

``Blake!" his mom and Janice said together.

``Nice to meet you," Valerie said and then introduced the other girls.

There was an extended silence in which everyone smiled, and Blake's mom and Janice looked back and forth at each other and then at Blake. Finally, Blake's mom said, ``are we all going to the fashion show?"

``Yes!" said Valerie and the girls.

Pamela," Blake's mom said, why don't you, Valerie and the other girls run ahead to the show. Janice and I will join you there later. In fact, you go sit with your friends and we'll meet you outside the theater at 11:15. Do you have a watch?"

``No, but Valerie does."

``OK, just keep track of time and we'll see you later."

``Thanks mom," Blake said, and he and the other girls went on ahead laughing and giggling amongst themselves.

Janice and Blake's mom, walking slowly together looked at each other and at the same moment said, ``I'm not even going to ask!"

``But really, mom, when did you find out about Blake?"

``Just the other day; it was such a trying experience! Do you remember when Blake and I went out together that night?"


``Well it was to meet Mrs. O'Connor. I was going to give her hell, even threaten her with a law suit, but then something happened and I got this vision that there was no use pretending that my son Blake was a boy. He really is so girlish and I could see that it would probably make him happy for the rest of his life if I could just accept him as the Pamela he so desperately wants to be!"

``That's sweet of you mom. I saw the same thing in Blake a few weeks ago and I also didn't have the heart to reject him. He is so innocent and there is something so feminine about him, it makes me want to buy pretty things for him, just to see how happy it makes him. You know how some girls just gravitate to pretty flowery dresses and heels and look so delicate. I am afraid that Blake is that sort of girl."

``Me too Janice. Its just a crazy thing, and whats even more bizarre is how Ann is turning into a muscle man. She's so strong and so hates her female side its frightening!"

``She really terrorizes Pamela, too, and I'm getting more and more afraid to stop her bullying. I know she could kill me, so just imagine how fast she could kill Pamela!"

``She's made him into some sort of servant. Whatever she tells him to do, he runs to do it. And he never contradicts anything she says. In the past, he used to stand up to her. I wonder if she blackmailing him or he's just afraid of getting hurt."

``Maybe she knows about him wearing bras and panties?" Janice said.

``It could be. She could be threatening to tell his father or me. I guess it means that I shouldn't delay letting your father know about Pamela, though I don't relish it one bit. He's going to have a heart attack, besides maybe killing Blake on the spot!"

``I know, mom. I'm really terrified about dad finding out. How exactly did you find out?"

``It was completely by accident. The little dear hadn't realized that after you wear a bra all day, it leaves a red indentation in your skin that stays for quite some time. I was delivering some clean towels to the bathroom while he was in there and when he opened the door to let me in, I could see plain as day the outline of a bra across his chest and sides. You can imagine how I almost died. Though now it sort of seems funny."

I can't wait until he really becomes my sister," Janice said, Ann was never ever really feminine. With Pamela I'll be able to help her pick out dresses and shoes, you know, do girl type things together. Go to the mall or beauty parlor with her. Help her discover more and more of her feminine self. Maybe even double date one day."

``That will be nice. Another interesting thing will be to see how his grandparents take the news."

``And all our aunts and cousins! It's going to be an incredible period of time!"

``But the hardest part will be his dad. I hope once he accepts that Blake is a girl, everything else will fall into place."

As they joined the line of girls entering the pavilion, it was obvious that Blake was the only boy intending to see the fashion show. When they got up to the front, a stout women guarding the door said sharply, ``I'm sorry young man, but the fashion show is for girls only. Can't you read the sign." She pointed to a small sign on the wall nearby which Blake hadn't noticed.

``But I'm a girl," Blake protested.

`Yes, he is," Valerie added for emphasis.

``Don't be ridiculous. No boys! Now step aside so I can let the rest of girls in."

``But I am a girl!" Blake said with some agitation as he moved over.

``Give me a break. Do you want me to call the manager?" the woman said testily.

Valerie said, ``why don't you! Pamela is my girl friend and its really insulting to call her a boy! Isn't it Pamela!"

Seeing the commotion, a short matronly woman walked over to the group to find out what was happening. Addressing her, the stout woman said, ``Mrs. Parker, this boy is trying to get into the show."

``I am sorry young man but this show is just for us ladies. You have all the wonderful sport events going on outside just for you. This is a show strictly for women and girls to be enjoyed without the interference provided by men!"

Blake was completely distraught. ``Mrs. Parker, please. I am a girl. My name is Pamela. I wear girls underwear. Every day now. I mean I never wear boy's underwear anymore. And my mom knows all about it. In fact I'll be wearing dresses all the time next fall." He started to fight back tears.

``You're wearing boys clothes, you have a boys hairdo and for someone your age you are completely flat chested. Do you want me to inspect inside your jeans?"

Look Ms. Parker," Valerie spoke up, Pamela is still transitioning to being a girl full time. Look inside her blouse." Valerie lifted up the front of Blake's shirt and showed off his white bra. Mrs. Parker gasped slightly at the sight. ``And she is wearing panties also, do I need to show you?"

You kids are just trying to play a practical joke on us!" Mrs. Parker said, and I'm not going to stand for it."

Just then a voice called out, ``what's the commotion?" Blake recognized Brenda from the girdle shop.

Hi Brenda." Blake said, they won't let me into the fashion show cause they don't believe I'm a girl!"

How ridiculous!" Brenda said, and turning to Mrs. Parker, Pamela is as feminine as any girl I know. She bought like 6 girdles from the shop where I work."

Blake blushed as Valerie and the other girls laughed. Mrs. Parker couldn't suppress a chuckle also and then said, ``well, that may be the case but it would be disruptive to the other girls to have her in the hall looking like a boy."

``Can't you make an exception?" one of the girls asked.

Just then Blake's mom and Janice entered the lobby and approached Blake and the others. Mom, am I glad to see you," Blake said. Could you and Janice tell Mrs. Parker that I'm a girl. She won't let me in the show cause its supposed to be girls only."

Before Blake's mom could speak, Mrs. Parker said, ``all right, all right. I'll let Pamela in, but she must first change into a dress, so no one complains to me later."

``Where am I going to get a dress?"

``We don't have time to drive her home to get one," his mom said.

``Don't worry. Everyone else go on in and enjoy the show while I find Pamela a dress. I know I saw an old dress lying around the office. Come with me!" and Mrs. Parker led Blake to her office adjacent to the lobby. She went through a couple of closets until she found what she was looking for: a pink sun dress with a wide skirt and sunflowers embroidered on the bodice. She had Blake take off his shirt and jeans and slipped the dress over his head, and then zipped up the back.

``Not too bad a fit. I think it'll do!" Blake said.

Now you run along and take your seat! Wait! first let me brush your hair so you look more feminine." After a minute of changing the style to `Pamela's' she said, all done. Now hurry up, the show is about to begin!"

``I can't thank you enough, Mrs. Parker."

``The pleasure is all mine."

Blake ran back to the lobby and then into the pavilion and looked around for Valerie and the other girls. Row after row of women filled up the large hall. A long runway had been constructed out over the center aisle for the models to show off the dresses. Blake saw Valerie and the other girls waving at him from a row halfway down the orchestra level. Getting there, he had to maneuver past an entire row of 20 girls, excusing himself as he passed each one. Finally, he took his seat next to the runway with Valerie to his right.

``That's a pretty dress they found for you," Valerie said.

``Aren't I lucky! I guess it could have been too big or too small or too weird!"

Looking at the girls seated near him, Blake was aware of how flat chested he was. ``I should have stuffed something in my bra!" he said.

``Put your socks in it; you can wear your sneakers barefooted, lots of girls do that. Then let me put some lipstick on you."


When she was done, he felt a lot better, except he wished he was wearing pantyhose. ``I don't suppose you have any pantyhose Valerie?" he whispered to her.

``Fraid not!" she said. She was going to ask the other girls if they happened to have an extra pair in their purses, when the lights suddenly went out and the show began. A spotlight lit up the center curtain and an announcer came out smiling and waving at the audience. Blake almost fell out of his seat when he realized that it was Mr. Morris.

Oh my God!" he said under his breath, it's Mr. Morris!"

``Who's he?" Valerie whispered.

``He made me give him a blow job!"

``You must be kidding!"

``No! The other girls will tell you."

``God, how disgusting!"

``I'll tell you about it later!"

Mr. Morris was just like Blake remembered him. Poised and self possessed, he described what the show was about, the kinds of dresses they would be seeing. His many jokes got the audience to relax.

As he spoke, he sidled out onto the runway, dragging a long cable attached to the microphone. When he reached a point opposite Blake, the cord wouldn't extend any further so he stood there, swiveling around looking in all directions while joking with the audience. Blake was too stunned to listen carefully to what he was saying, but he perceived that Mr. Morris was looking for someone from the audience to answer some questions and to assist him up on the stage. The girls around him raised their hands trying to get Mr. Morris to pick them. By bizarre accident Mr. Morris picked Blake, even though he hadn't raised his hand. In a booming voice, he asked ``how about this young lady? Come on up and lets find out what you think about Jessica McClintock." The spotlight was turned directly on Blake who saw that Mr. Morris had leaned toward him offering his hand to help him step up onto the runway.

Blake shook his head and whispered, ``please take someone else!"

No, no, no!" Mr. Morris's loudly intoned, don't be shy, you're too lovely to pass up! We all want to see you, now come on up!" Mr. Morris obviously found Blake's reluctance amusing and was not going to take no for an answer. Finally, Blake stood and reluctantly had himself led up onto the runaway. He had to first jump up so that he was sitting on it and then tuck his legs to the side and get onto his knees. Mr. Morris then took his hand and helped him onto his feet.

Looking down on him while Blake stood shyly holding his bare arms across his stomach, Mr. Morris grinned broadly as he kept up his banter with the audience. To avoid the blinding spotlight, Blake looked down toward Mr. Morris' feet.

``So what's your name young lady?"


Pamela, a very pretty name." Looking up, Blake saw a sudden confusion in Mr. Morris's eyes, and then heard him say, don't I know you from somewhere?"

Lying, Blake said, I don't think so." Mr. Morris' expression suddenly changed, as if he had seen a ghost, and Blake had the impression that he had mumbled some epithet under his breath. Holding the mike away from the two of them, he whispered, of all the girls in this place, how in heaven's name did I end up picking you?" Then putting the mike to his lips he said, ``So tell me Pamela, are you a local girl?"

``Yes, Mr. Morris"

``Are you going to your prom next month?"

``I don't know yet. No boys have asked me." The audience laughed.

I can't imagine a girl as pretty as you not going. Maybe someone has a brother who could ask Pamela?" There was a smattering of laughter and a shout of yes!" followed by more laughter.

``What kind of dress would you want to wear to the prom, assuming you were going?"

``I don't know, something with a full skirt. Maybe pink, or light blue or yellow. I know! I'm sure I'd want a Jessica McClintock dress!"

This was greeted by much laughter and some applause. ``Tell you what Pamela. Its time to see our first dress. Come over here with me and help Mimi, describe it, will you?."

Without waiting for a reply he led Blake to a lectern off to one side of the stage where they were joined by a middle aged women in a long sequined gown.

Hi, Pamela! and all you girls!" Mimi intoned in a syrupy voice, have we got dresses for you! Now, Pamela why don't you kick things off by telling everyone about our first gown."

Startled by the attention, Blake nonetheless found his composure and recited into the microphone from a card Mimi had handed him:

``Our first number from the new 1997 Jessica McClintock

collection, worn by lovely Dolores, is a Magenta duchess satin

dress with skinny strap bodice and fitted shaw jacket."

To large applause, a beautiful raven-haired woman came sweeping out onto the runway wearing the gorgeous dress. Blake excitedly joined in the clapping. While Dolores began her trip up the runway, Mr. Morris tapped Blake on the shoulder and whispered to him, ``Mimi can handle the rest. Come with me." He indicated a passageway through the curtain to the backstage area. Not knowing what he was supposed to be doing next, Blake followed Mr. Morris and found himself among a scattered assortment of stage props including a large overstuffed arm chair.

Alone with Blake, Mr. Morris said, ``just as pretty as I remember you Pamela. I've been thinking a lot about you."

``Mr. Morris don't you start up your seduction routine on me."


``No, let me finish! You took advantage of me and made me do a disgusting act which I could have you put in prison for."

``Pamela, Pamela, why are you talking so cruelly? I did you a big favor that day. I made you come to terms with yourself, didn't I?"

This was an unexpected bit of logic which Blake tried to digest before he continued his scolding.

``Preying upon a young girl like myself is really horrible. You could have caused me all kinds of emotional trauma!"

``You watch too many movies Pamela. While I admit that I did sort of take advantage of your innocence, you were awfully innocent, and if it wasn't me then certainly some other guy would have had you in the same position. I'll bet that I helped you grow up much faster and start to behave more like a real girl. In fact, just look at yourself today. No one would ever know that you're a guy underneath that pretty sundress."

Blake found his anger waning by the flattery. It was very hard to know if Mr. Morris had been bad or not. There seemed to be some truth in what he was saying.

``Look, Pamela, here comes Dolores, watch what she thinks about me."

Blake turned around to see Dolores quickly walking towards them in the magenta gown.

Hi Dolores," Jim said, do you know Pamela?"

She did a great job introducing me," Dolores said, now sit down and spread your legs, I've got to get to work!"

While Mr. Morris sat in the armchair, Dolores fell quickly to the ground in front of him and with his help opened his fly and removed his penis. ``Let me make sure Jim. This is still the one hundred/one thousand deal?" Dolores said.

``Same as last week, honey. Better luck this time!"

``You fucker," she said, and she began avidly sucking on Mr. Morris's cock. It had happened so fast and seemed so incompatible with the show going on just outside the curtain that Blake was dumbstruck.

Seeing his confusion, Mr. Morris said, ``let me explain, Pamela. The girls and I have a little contest which we do at each of these shows. They take turns sucking on me after they come off the runway and until the next girl shows up. Then they run to the dressing room to switch dresses and wait their turn until they're back on the runway, and then they get another shot at my prick. The one who is sucking on me when I cum wins a thousand bucks. To make it fair, I give them each a hundred bucks just for participating."

What a bizarre thing,.." Blake couldn't think of a word to describe his surprise. Dolores, who was working steadily on the cock, stopped for a second to say, Jim, your gonna have to raise the stakes. I'm not sure all this work is worth a hundred bucks." She resumed using her mouth to go over and around every part of Mr. Morris's balls and penis. Her long fingernails rested lightly on the scrotum as she rhythmically slid her mouth up and down the cock. She stopped again to say, ``its not as easy as you might think and its definitely not luck. In the early rounds, we all just do a basic job to get Jim aroused. Later, we have to be very careful not to get him to the point where he will easily cum for the next girl. You see, you have to decide whether to go all the way or not, and if you start an all out effort and you see its not going to happen, then you had better cool him down real fast before the next girl comes, and then hope you get another chance in the next round. You have to be very quick and skillful since you only have about a minute until the next girl shows up."

As she finished saying this another model came up to them wearing a lilac crepe dress with braided trim at the neckline and empire waist. ``Move over Dolores, let me at him."

He's all yours Sylvia," Dolores said, now I've got to run and get changed!"

Sylvia had wrapped her hands around Mr. Morris's penis and lifted it up to her face. You're such a pig Jim, letting Pamela watch this," she said, let her go back to her seat."

``Sylvia, don't worry about Pamela. She's already joined the club."

Pulling the penis out of her mouth, Sylvia asked, ``no shit! Pamela, he got you to suck him off already?"

``He made me do it a few weeks ago," Blake said.

``Man alive, he spends half his time with his cock in some girls mouth!" She plunged her mouth down on the cock and took a mighty suck and then remained with just the sensitive head in her mouth. She must have been doing something really special with her tongue and lips, because Blake could see the organ start to pulse out to a full erection. Jim even let out a slight moan. In what seemed like just seconds, however, another woman appeared behind Sylvia and tapped her on the shoulder. Sylvia immediately let go of the cock and stood up.

``A thousand bucks is a thousand bucks. Jim knows how to motivate us girls. The pay for modeling this show is shit."

``Now, now Sylvia don't give Pamela the wrong impression. Someday she might want to do some modeling," Mr. Morris said.

As Sylvia ran off to get changed, Mr. Morris continued to explain to Blake what was happening.

``You see its part of the rules that you have to let go the moment you get tagged. If you hesitate just a second you're disqualified." Mr. Morris was talking calmly to Blake, who wondered how he could concentrate since the next woman was vigorously sliding her head up and down on the shaft. She was wearing a black Shantung bodice dress, white full organza ballet length skirt, with black embroidered floral motif.

Stopping for a second she said, ``we're definitely starting to get somewhere Jim, but its going to be a while yet!" She resumed her sliding motion, not too fast or too slow, evidently trying to get him aroused but not explosive.

In a minute a beautiful blonde woman appeared in a red Dupioni silk 2 pc. outfit with V neckline blouse, silk flower pin, bodice pleat details, and full floor length skirt. She tapped the kneeling woman on the shoulder who let Jim's cock slide out of her mouth and then jumped up quickly to her feet.

The blonde gracefully lifted her skirt and settled in between Jim's legs. She began kissing the penis and started sucking it very gently while running her hands over Mr. Morris's balls. The penis seemed to be getting very much solidly erect now.

Over the next few minutes, several more women appeared, and then Dolores was there again, now wearing a melon ice Dupioni silk 2 pc. jacket with softly dipped neckline, knotted buttons down the front and short petal sleeves with full skirt. Blake had lost the exact count, but figured that there were about ten women altogether.

``Well how are we doing?" Dolores asked to the penis as she kneeled in front of it.

``Its really cookin!" Jim said. His face was flushed and he evidently was very much enjoying the action.

``Well, from the looks of it, your not going to blow off until the third round. I think I'll just stoke the fires a little bit, right now." She resumed her sucking very much as she had done during her first round, only this time the penis was staying fully erect and Jim appeared to be moaning almost continuously.

``Jesus, Dottie, you're the best!"

Fuck you, Jim," she said as Sylvia came up to her wearing a lustrous pink satin gown, sprinkled with alluring rum-pink floral and ribbon accents. It had a fitted bodice decorated with hand-beaded and sequined Venise-lace appliques at the square neckline and waistline, and sheer satin-trimmed front straps leading to a striking, ribbon-striped illusion back. He says the same thing to everybody," Sylvia said looking at Blake.

Sylvia examined Jim's swelled organ, ``looking good, but I ain't going for the gold just yet. I think next round will just about be it."

``That's what Dolores said!" Blake exclaimed. He was getting excited by the action. It even crossed his mind that he would like to join in.

As if reading his mind, Mr. Morris said, ``I'm sorry you can't join in, Pamela, but I would be happy to give you a private opportunity some time."

Blake blushed and tried to protest, but Mr. Morris said, ``come, come Pamela, you know you'd really like it."

Another women had appeared wearing an A-line dress with softly curved neckline, short sleeves and white silk chiffon ballet length skirt. Mr. Morris," Blake said, you're awfully conceited. Actually I find this whole thing to be preposterous!"

When Blake started to say something more, Mr. Morris indicated for him to be silent, ``we're getting close to blast off, you better just watch from now on, so we don't shortchange anybody."

The newest woman was clearly undecided what strategy to take at this transitional phase, as she alternately sucked very hard and then stopped, trying to sense its reaction. ``With a little bit of luck Jim, I'll get you the next round. You better save it for me or I'll cut it off."

Mr. Morris said, ``you know I can't do that even if I wanted to!"

The woman then squeezed the penis hard and Blake saw a drop of precum rise up on the end. The woman licked it up saying, ``OK Jim, I meant what I said!"

As the next woman came, she got up and said, ``he's only just started to precum. It's still gonna be a while."

``Yeah, it takes awhile after the first precum before he starts oozing constantly. When he does, we know that we have to start thinking about the end game."

Mr. Morris was clearly no longer in a position to talk. His cock was bright red and extended, with each girl squeezing it hard to see if they could get some pre-cum from it. Blake could see the women getting more involved with each detail of their manipulation of the cock. The woman just ahead of Dolores came in a black satin dress with empire waistline. Taking stock of the situation as the model ahead of her was getting up, she said, ``OK its bingo time. You better shoot off for me!"

Jim couldn't mutter a reply. He was slumped back in the chair, with legs spread apart under the control of his enflammed penis which pointed like a spear toward the rafters of the theater. This time as the woman positioned herself at Jim's feet, she had her head turned so one eye could look towards the direction where the next woman would come from. She began a powerful display of sucking, putting the full penis deep in her throat and using both hands to vigorously squeeze and roll the balls while slapping Jim's buttocks. Her head went up and down in a series of motions leaving her an extra second or two to manipulate the sensitive end. Just as it seemed that Jim's cock was convulsing toward an orgasm, the woman could see the curtain rustling where Dolores would be coming from. Instantly, she grabbed the base of the penis and gave a sharp bite to the soft flesh on Jim's abdomen. She then spanked him hard on his behind and growled, ``you better save it for me you fucker!"

``Ouch!" he yelled, as Dolores came up and without wasting a word began plowing into the penis. Where the bite of the previous model had caused a slight sagging in the erection, Dolores' mouth caused it to rigidly snap back to attention. As she worked the cock like a machine, she kept one eye toward the curtain. As Jim moaned more and more deeply, she began licking the underside of the penis near the end, forcing the phallus down hard against her tongue. Suddenly, with the first dance of the curtain she repeated the tactic of the previous woman and viciously grabbed the base of the cock and gave Jim a nasty pinch on the buttocks. He yelled in pain and as she got up she gave the cock a parting squeeze just as Sylvia came up to them. She got down between his legs and frantically worked the cock with her tongue, while her hands kneaded the balls. The spectacle had Blake mesmerized as he got caught up in the tension as to which of the women would win the thousand dollars. From the looks of Jim, he couldn't imagine that he wouldn't cum immediately and he found himself inwardly rooting for Sylvia to get the winning orgasm. Inside his dress he realized that he had an erection which luckily wouldn't show under the wide skirt of the sundress. He wished he could help Sylvia somehow, but stayed away so as not to risk disqualifying her.

Once again, he saw Sylvia stop suddenly when her sharp eyes picked up movement in the curtain. She gave Jim a vicious squeeze on his balls causing him to shriek and then put a viselike lock on the base of his prick until the exact second when the next woman came. Blake couldn't see how Jim could last any longer, he was nearly in a dead faint, alternating between intense moans and sudden cries of pain. In fact, six more girls came and went, until it was the turn of a blonde model named Audrey who was two before Dolores in the rotation. While standing over Jim, she placed her mouth over his cock and fell down all the way to the shaft and then rapidly back up again. She repeated this motion again and again as if her face was a vagina. By the tenth time it was clear that Jim was done for. His body began convulsing and his penis thrust out anticipating Audrey's next swallow. As she bore down on him, Jim screamed with pleasure, so loud that it would certainly have been heard in the auditorium, if it weren't for the music accompanying the show. Jim's cock began squirting semen up onto Audrey's mouth, on her face and in the air. Blake let out a small cheer of excitement and congratulations to Audrey, who quickly got up and said, that'll be a thousand big ones Jim." They were then joined by the next model who said, shit, Audrey, you're too damn good!"

``Sorry dear, maybe next week. I think I just drew a good position."

``Jim, you've got to raise the booby prizes. A hundred bucks is hardly worth the effort," the losing model said.

Jim, who was just coming to his senses after his explosive orgasms was covered by a huge puddle of cum. ``How about I give you fifty bucks if you clean me up with your mouth?"

``What a shit you are! Make it a hundred."

``OK," he said and the woman got down next to him and began lapping up the cum. Just then Dolores reappeared and after Audrey explained what was happening, she too got Jim to agree to an extra hundred dollars for cleaning him off. Blake watched the two women licking Jim's stomach and genitals and in an odd way he felt jealous. His mind told him it was the worst sort of sexism, but his instinct felt excited by the purely animalistic behavior of the women.

The models finished their job and got up. When they had all left to change into their last dresses, Blake said, ``I don't know how you can get away with treating women like you do."

``Come help me get dressed," Jim said ignoring his remark. Blake felt a twinge of anger and humiliation but also felt like his womanhood was being challenged, so, while Mr. Morris pulled his underwear up his leg, Blake guided the soft penis into it and then pulled up Mr. Morris' pants as he stood up.

``As I said, Pamela, you can suck on it any time you want. Just give me a call."

``Mr. Morris, you just spent like two thousand dollars for that blow job, how much will you pay me?"

``Pamela, you're not a whore. Why are you talking like that?"

``I could really use the money, that's why! You remember you told me that you might help me become truly Pamela?"

``Yes, of course."

``Well, since I first met you I've decided to really become a girl. Even my mom knows about me and is OK about it."

``I'm glad to hear that."

``But you know, my family isn't very rich or anything and I would really like to, you know, become a lot more like Pamela."

Mr. Morris looked puzzled and Blake blurted out, I would really love it if you could pay for my having some breasts implanted. Like maybe B or C cups I think would be nice with my figure. They cost about five thousand dollars I think. If I couldn't get them from you I might have to wait years until I could afford them. And of course I would let you feel them or kiss them if you wanted to, I guess as long as I wasn't married or going steady." There was a pleading tone to Blake's voice as he realized how honest he had been with Mr. Morris. Mr. Morris seemed deeply touched and came over and put his arms around him. My dear Pamela, I would love nothing more than to help you out. Five thousand is chump change for me. Jesus, I think I earn that in one hour at the TV station. Look, I'll even get my secretary to research the best plastic surgeon in town, and as soon as you want, you go get it done, on me!"

Crying, Blake put his arms around Mr. Morris and hugged him tight. ``Oh Mr. Morris you're too wonderful. Just as soon as my Dad knows and everything is OK I'll contact you. My mom and I are hoping I can go to school in the fall as a girl, so maybe this summer I could have the surgery!"

``Only too glad to help out. However, I really hope you'll be able to visit me at the station every so often, if you know what I mean. Here's my card." Blake knew exactly what he meant but didn't mind. It wasn't much work giving Mr. Morris blow jobs and he stood to benefit a lot.

Mr. Morris stood up and looked at his watch. ``A little after twelve, I have to get ready to finish up the show."

Not believing his ears, Blake cried out, ``after twelve? Did you say its after twelve?"


``My God! I can't believe the time! I've got to run! How can I get to the main lobby from here?" he implored Mr. Morris.

``I'm not sure. There must be a way through the dressing room. Go through there." He pointed to the door through which the models had been going after leaving Mr. Morris.

Without looking back, Blake ran to the door which led to a corridor. Following it, he ended up in a large dressing room where the models where in various stages of dressing. Dolores was standing in front of a mirror taking off her bra, when Blake ran up to her asking, ``how can I get to the main lobby from here?"

``I don't know, Pamela. All I know is that that door leads outside," she said pointing to a door with an exit light over it.

Blake ran to it, pushed it open and found himself on the street on the side of the theater. After getting his orientation, he ran up the block toward the main entrance hoping to find his mom and Janice waiting for him, but they were nowhere in sight. He ran into the theater lobby and knocked on the door of the managers office. It was locked and no one answered. ``Mrs. Parker must be watching the show," he thought to himself.

He had to pee terribly and decided to use the ladies room hoping that someone would return by the time he was done. He entered a stall, lifted the sundress, pulled down his panties and sat on the seat trying to pee. Nothing would come out. He tried and tried, and though his bladder ached, he was so nervous he couldn't go. He got up, got dressed and ran out back into the lobby. Looking around he still saw no one. A large clock in the lobby showed that it was 12:15. He ran to the back of the theater and squinted around in the dark looking for an usher. Up on the runway the pretty blonde model was strutting around in a gorgeous white dress and he could see that Mr. Morris had rejoined Mimi at the podium.

Blake's agitation caused a woman seated nearby to get up and approach him. It was the ticket taker. Blake excitedly whispered to her that he had to change back to his clothes and the managers office was locked. The woman told him to wait a minute while she went down the aisle into the dark and kneeled down to speak to someone sitting in an aisle seat. After what seemed an eternity Blake saw the manager come walking towards him.

Out in the lobby, he said, ``I'm terribly sorry, but I've got to meet someone and I'm late."

``You could keep the sundress, dear, if you want it."

``Thank you, I do love it, but I've got to be back to being a boy I'm afraid."

``OK, whatever," and she led him back to the office. Blake ran inside and quickly changed back into his jeans and shirt while the woman watched.

I'll come back for the dress sometime, I really like it," Blake said. He was about to rush out the door, when the woman said, I don't suppose you would want to take off your lipstick, would you?"

``Oh my God!" Blake said, and he began wiping it furiously with his fingers.

You're just smearing it around your face. Here, let me help you." She came over and using a tissue found in a desk drawer, helped him get the lipstick off. OK, I think you're all set."

``I can't thank you enough," Blake said as he ran off. Crossing the lobby he saw that it was 12:20.

Outside again, he was again disappointed to not find Janice or his mom. He couldn't imagine that they wouldn't wait for him; on the other hand it was so late, that they might have already gone to see Ann. Unable to make up his mind he ran back and forth up the block hoping to catch a glimpse of them. A sharp pang of anxiety shot through the pit of his stomach and enflammed his already swollen bladder. Every step he felt it would burst. He ran down another block and still couldn't decide what to do.

At Kathy's house, the Girls-Only Club members were almost all fully dressed. They had been helping each other put their bridesmaid dresses on, fastening the back zip and making sure the skirts rested correctly on the layers of crinolines. As they congregated in Kathy's room taking turns in front of the mirror touching up their make-up and hair, Kathy said, ``where in the world is Pamela? It's already almost twenty past. How is she ever going to get ready in time?"

I'm really starting to worry," Penny said, it's so unlike her to be late."

``And especially for the wedding day. She has been just dying to wear her bridesmaid dress!" Janet added.

It's still a little early to worry that much," Amy said trying to sound confident. I'm sure its just some minor problem."

``You don't think we should call her home?" Kathy said.

``Let's give her five more minutes," Karen said.

While they continued to get ready, they couldn't get the thought of Blake being in some sort of trouble out of their minds. After a few minutes, Mrs. O"Connor came across the hall from her room. She was still in her slip, and her make-up was partially completed. ``Any sign of Pamela?" she asked the girls.

``None, mom!" Kathy said with obvious alarm.

``Mrs. O'Connor, I think we ought to call her house and find out what's happening."

``Good idea," Mrs. O'Connor said, and she walked over to the extension in Kathy's room and dialed Blake's number.

The girls gathered around her to listen to the conversation. After a minute Mrs. O'Connor hung up the receiver saying, ``No answer. I suppose that's a good sign, it could mean that he's on his way. When she comes in, however, we'll have to help her get dressed as fast as possible."

With each step jarring his overloaded bladder, Blake walked and ran back and forth up the blocks surrounding the theater. There was no sign of his mom and he was in a state of panic. In the distance the clock on top of the bank building tower said that it was almost 12:30. Behind him he saw the girls were starting to exit the McClintock show. ``I should have just run to the weight lifting event," he thought as he agonized over the situation. Tears started filling his eyes and he felt anxious thinking about how the girls must be worried to death about him, or maybe even furiously angry.

He finally decided to just go to the weight lifting arena and started toward it and then realized that he had better relieve his bladder or he would have an accident. He turned around and headed against the current of girls back into the pavilion and without thinking headed to the ladies room. As he stepped inside, he saw that there was a long line waiting for the stalls. The women ahead of him seemed to be staring at him with surprise. Blake couldn't figure out what the problem was until he realized that he wasn't wearing the sundress anymore. Turning to leave he ran right into Valerie.

``Pamela, what happened to you?"

``I can't explain, Valerie, I've got to run, I'm late for the wedding. I'll tell you in school!" With that he ran out of the ladies room and into the men's room next door. It was empty, but he still went to a stall to pee, not feeling comfortable standing up anymore. The pressure was so intense on his bladder that it was accompanied by a huge erection as he sat trying to pee. He tried to think of various mundane subjects to soften it a bit and finally a little pee came out. Just when it was about to turn into a flood, his penis hardened again and then he had to again turn his mind away from his anxiety at being late. This caused some more pee to come out and then abruptly it stopped. He was now absolutely beside himself with panic and began crying. Through his tears he looked down on his panties, his penis stiffened again and then, as had happened at Kathy's house a few weeks earlier, it began uncontrollably spurting semen. It would now take several minutes until he could pee again, so he pulled up his panties and jeans and decided to just run to the weight lifting exhibit and worry about finishing his peeing later.

Working his way outside for the third time, he walked and ran as fast as he could to the weight lifting exhibit. To his overwhelming relief he saw his mom and Janice standing with his dad, Barry and Ann at the back of the hall. When his mom saw him she said, ``where in the world were you?"

``You missed seeing Ann win the competition!" his dad said.

``You're going to be late for the wedding!" Janice added.

I know, I know, I know," Blake exclaimed, I'll explain it all in the car! Can we go now?"

``Thanks a lot for rooting for me," Ann said sarcastically.

I'm sorry Ann, I was intending to come, I mean I really wanted to come, but it wasn't my fault I missed it." He was lying now, but he would say anything just to get everyone walking toward the car. I'm so sorry, there was no clock in the hall and I was sitting with Valerie and some friends from school and I kept asking them for the time, and I guess their wrist watch was an hour off. You know the time changed last weekend and I guess Valerie forgot to change it. I did think the show was kind of long, but she kept assuring me she had the right time. Can we go now to the car."

``It sounds like a lot of BS to me," Ann said.

I'm really disappointed in you, Blake, his dad said. ``Besides the fact that you lost all track of time watching a fashion show, this competition really meant a lot to your sister and you missed her incredible performance."

``I know dad, I feel just awful. If there was anything I could do to make it up to her, I'd be happy to."

``Well, to tell you the truth, they're going to have the award ceremony where they present Ann with a trophy in a few minutes. Let us stay for this and then we'll get you to Kathy's house."

``But that'll push the time to after 1 O'clock!"

``Blake, you'll still be able to get ready, and it will be a nice gesture to Ann."

``Yeah, Blake, it's about time you did something nice for me, instead of thinking of your self all the time."

``Ask me to do anything else except this! All the girls and Mrs. O'Connor and Beth are all going to be worrying to death about me! Please, please, Ann, let us go now!"

``Screw you, Blake," Ann said, and Blake began to fight back tears welling up in his eyes.

``Blake!" his dad said, shaking his head.

His mom rushed over and put her arm around him causing him to start sobbing. People sitting nearby in the stands turned their heads to observe Blake. His mom then said, ``dear, we promised Blake we'd get him to Kathy's by 12:30, and its now getting on to one. While we're all proud of Ann, we really should get moving for Blake's sake. I'm sure Mrs. O'Connor must be frantic wondering where he is."

Oh, Jesus in heaven!" his dad said, c'mon Ann, I guess we do have to go, even if Blake screwed up. We should have taken two cars. Anyway, we can come back to pick up the trophy after we drop Blake off."

``But dad if I leave now, they'll give the trophy to someone else."

``They'll hold it for you, I'm sure."

``They won't dad."

``I'm sorry, Ann, but we have to go."

With obvious resentment, Ann turned and followed the rest of her family out the door heading to the car. Blake was glad that Ann didn't put up a bigger fight. Hopefully, once he got to Kathy's house, he would be able to get his dress on in just a minute or two so the wedding party would not have to wait long for him. Blake tried not to show his impatience, at the snail's pace with which they walked to the car. Clearly, Ann was slowing them down on purpose, but there was nothing he could do about it.

When they got to the car Blake quickly took a seat in the back, while Ann seemed to take forever getting her stuff together and finally getting in. His dad started the engine and they took off in the direction of Kathy's house.

Ann sat sulking in the back looking out the window. Suddenly she turned to Blake saying, ``so Blake, did you find a nice dress to wear to the prom?"

Barry laughed and even Blake's dad couldn't suppress a snicker.

Ann!" her mom rebuked, that's uncalled for."

``Answer me Blake!"

``There were some dresses I liked and Valerie and the other girls were very glad to hear my opinion about them," Blake said hoping that Ann would stop trying to tease him.

``How much weight do you think that you could lift Blake?" Ann said.

``I don't know."

``Ten pounds?"


``As much as me?"

``Of course not, Ann, you know that you work out and I don't."

``I can't believe my older brother is such a sissy. I bet they wouldn't even let you into a girls weight-lifting competition."

Blake was scared of the direction to which Ann was leading the conversation. ``I don't know, Ann, do they even have such contests?"

``What are you implying? That I'm some sort of freak?"

``Of course not Ann."

``No more a freak than you going to watch a fashion show, and sit there with the other girls discussing which dresses you like."

``Ann, I've told you many times to not talk that way to your brother!" her mom scolded her.

``Do you also offer advice on picking out bras and panties?"

``Ann!" her mother said sharply from the front seat.

``Ann, please stop teasing me. You know that if I didn't have the wedding I would love to see you get the trophy."

``You could have waited two more minutes."

``But I was already very late."

``I can't believe that I had to give that up so you can go off to this stupid wedding."

``It's not stupid." As soon as he said it, Blake realized that he should have held his tongue: a fundamental rule of their new relationship was that he never contradict her.

``Blake, what did I say about contradicting me?"

``I'm sorry Ann, it was stupid of me."

Overhearing this exchange, Blake's dad interrupted, ``Blake, I don't understand why you're so afraid of Ann."

There was a silence as Blake didn't know what to say. If he said he was afraid, his dad would be mad at him. If he said he wasn't Ann would kill him.

``Well, Blake, answer me. Why are you so afraid of Ann?"

He decided to take a chance that Ann would only hurt him some other time and said ``I'm not afraid of her."

As soon as he said it, the look on Ann's face told him he had made the wrong choice. Oh, yeah?" she said, and in an instant she had grabbed his arms and forced him down on the seat. In a rage she said, I'm so sick of you and your stupid little girly shit."

``Ann!" Blake's mother cut in.

``Stupid little fairy princess. I gave up that trophy for Blake and his stupid wedding."

``I don't care, Ann. You watch your language or you're going to be one sorry young lady."

Fuming, Ann released Blake and went back to her side of the seat. After a minute she said, ``I don't know why you call me the young lady, dad. Blake's the one wearing a bra and panties."

Blake froze and nearly passed out with fright and looked at Ann with pleading eyes. ``What do you mean by that remark?" his dad said, puzzled.

Looking directly at Blake with a smirk she said, ``exactly what I said. Blake's been wearing girls underwear for weeks now. Why do you think he spends so much time with those girls. They made him a member of the Girls-Only Club cause he now pretends he's a girl all the time."

Blake's mom and Janice sat still with their faces turning red. His mom was only able to muster a faint, ``Ann! Why are you making up such nonsense?"

The pace of the car was slowing and Barry turned around to look back at Blake and Ann. Blake said, ``Dad, she's lying!" but Ann reached over, grabbed his shirt and lifted it.

Oh, shit, dad!" Barry said incredulously, Ann's right. Blake's wearing a bra!" The car swerved to the side of the road and stopped suddenly as his Dad jammed on the brakes. Turning around to look for himself he said, ``holy shit Blake! What the fuck is going on?"

``Your language dear!" his mom said.

Blake started to cry and Ann said, ``see he's wearing panties too" as she pulled down the side of his pants revealing their lacy elastic band.

Through his sobs Blake said, ``Dad, I can explain," but his dad was not listening.

``The first thing I'm going to do is take you home and whip the shit out of your backside. Then you're going straight to a psychiatrist."

``But the wedding!"

``Fuck the wedding! You're not going to any fucking wedding."

``Dad!" Janice said.

Dear!" his mom said, you can't."

``Oh can't I?" his dad said, and with that, he started up the car and drove off burning rubber toward their house.

(c) Copyright 1997: "peter bernard"

If you want to post this anywhere else, please ask the author for permission first. Thank you

Next: Chapter 16

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