The Good Knight's Sleep

By J. A. Lapeer

Published on Jul 22, 2024


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The morning sun filtered through the heavy drapes, casting a glow over the king's private chamber. Jace stirred, the warmth of the bed and the familiar scent of Nicholas surrounding him. For a moment, he felt a sense of peace he hadn't known in years. The events of the previous night replayed in his mind: the king's urgent request, their passionate reunion. He turned his head to find Nicholas still asleep beside him, his gentle face relaxed and untroubled in sleep.

Careful not to wake him, Jace slipped out of bed and began to dress quietly. He had a mission to prepare for, and he had decided his first step was to find someone he could trust to aide him on his journey. The venamage may have found the scrolls, but Jace knew he couldn't bring the king's mystical advisor along with him.

Nicholas stirred in the bed, and stretched his muscular arms up above his head. Jace's eyes darted from the king's exposed torso, his taut abs, up to his face and drowsy eyes.

"I was trying not to wake you," Jace said, smiling at the rested king.

"No matter," Nicholas replied, following a great yawn. "I need to ready the scrolls for you, and you'll need supplies, I'm sure."

"Right you are, my king," Jace replied through a wide smile. "I'll need a second set of weapons, as well."

"You have an assistant, then? Should I be jealous?" Nicholas winked at the knight, knowing that jealousy had no place in their relationship.

"Currently? No. But I think a second set of eyes, and a second sword, would be a smart decision." Jace was now fully dressed, and he knew he must be going if he were to make himself ready before midday.

"I trust your judgement, Jace," the king replied. "And I know you'll do what is best for the realm. I can ready everything for your journey, and have it delivered to you. Are you staying at the Queen's Rest?"

"You know me too well, Nicholas," Jace said, smiling still. The two men had shared many nights together at the inn, drinking until the previous tavern keeper ran out of ale.

"Well, I am quite sure you best be off, then," Nicholas said as he stepped closer to the handsome knight. He was fully naked, his nearly hairless body shone in the morning light like a polished, ornate sculpture. Jace drew him even closer, until their bodies were touching.

"Leaving will be the hardest part of the journey, thus far," Jace said as he looked up into Nicholas's eyes.

He leaned in for a kiss, savoring their last few moments together. This would be a treacherous journey--there was no guarantee he would return. Nicholas kissed him back tenderly, yet with fervor. Jace did not know how often the king entertained the company of other men, but it seemed as though it had been quite some time. There was a sense of urgency, of deep longing, though it could have been because of their shared history.

"Do be careful Jace--not just for me, but for the kingdom." Though Nicholas cared for Jace personally, he knew deep down that the security of the dragon eggs was important above all else.

Jace nodded and made his way to the heavy doors, turning back to steal one last look at Nicholas's naked body. As he made his way down the winding hallways of the castle, his mind began to shift from thoughts of lust to determined plans.

As the sun began to climb higher in the sky, Jace arrived back at the inn to find it bustling snd noisy. He was surprised at how many patrons had nothing better to do than sit in the tavern and drink. If only they knew how easily the Veiled Shadow could upend their way of life by seizing control of dragons. He noticed Connor behind the large bar, though this time he was flanked by men on each side, also pouring drinks and making merry.

"I was worried you had been kidnapped," Connor said with a twinkle in his eye as he poured a cup of Dragon's Breath for the knight.

"You worry for me?" Jace replied as he issued a warm smile in return. "It seems I can't stay away for too long." He took a sip from the cup before setting it aside. "I need to talk to you, privately," he said. "It's important." Jace darted his eyes toward an empty table in the corner, hoping Connor would catch on and follow him.

At the table, Connor leaned in closely, his face only a short distance from Jace's. "Well what is it, Ser?" he asked, his expression now shifting to that of concern.

Jace took another sip from his cup and lowered his voice. "I have a mission from the king, and I think you can help me. You mentioned that you studied with a venamage in Delladown, did you not?"

Connor was intrigued, and surprised that the knight remembered this detail from the many stories he had shared with Jace the night they met. "Aye, I did indeed," he said. "But that was when I was a young boy. I was not as diligent as the calling required."

"Still, you can read the ancient texts?" Jace asked, hoping Connor would prove to be up for the task of joining him on his quest.

"The written word was my favorite concentration. It was the commitment to remaining chaste to which I finally pushed me out, if you catch my drift." Connor smiled as he said this last part. Jace thought about how attractive this man's ability to be both serious and disarming all at once.

"I will be receiving supplies from the king shortly, I'd like for you to meet me in my room when they arrive, and I can explain further." Jace squeezed Connor's shoulder as he stood and made his way up the stairs towards his quarters, Connor nodded in acknowledgement.

Once in his room, Jace's mind filled with thoughts of Connor--his sharp wit, his quick smile, and the way his eyes had sparkled with excitement during their last conversation. The way Connor had looked at him was fueling a fire inside of Jace.

A heavy, rhythmic thud echoed through his room. Jace opened the door and saw Connor, holding a large, ornate box.

"A guard just delivered this, along with a horse, and a rather nice set of weapons, if I do say so myself," Connor said quietly, so as not to be overheard by any other patrons. "I stowed them all downstairs, out of sight."

"I appreciate your discretion," Jace replied. "Come in, and we'll shall see how much of those studies with the venamages you've retained."

Connor brushed past Jace and sat down on his bed, gesturing for Jace to join him. As they sat together, Jace opened the box and began removing its contents.

"Scrolls?" Connor stared in bewilderment. "This entire box is just full of scrolls?"

"Aye," Jace nodded. "An important vessel for important words." And with that, he began to open the parchments and hand them to Connor. "What do you make of these?"

"These are not just old-- `ancient' would barely describe them." Connor stared at the page, his eyes squinting as he scanned over the document.

Jace continued to pull scrolls from the box, being careful to unravel them so as not to damage the antique papers. There were several scrolls, but it appeared that each contained one of five phrases scribed across the tops.

"This here," Jace pointed to the top of a page, "what does this say?" He assumed the scrolls could be divided into five sets based off the phrases.

"Let me see," Connor said as he furrowed his brow, staring at the papers. "The first words are simple--well, they are at least common words: Wings, Flame, Earth, Sea, and Frost." Connor brought a scroll closer for further inspection. "This second word though, I do not understand. It appears to be something about an egg--ovi--but the second part, I believe it means...dragon?"

Connor looked up at Jace somberly, recognition beginning to pour over his face. "That would mean that these phrases are describing...dragon eggs?" His voice conveyed his doubts at his own translating skills. "A `Winged Ovidraco' would mean a dragon hatchling with wings? Is this correct?"

Jace looked into Connor's eyes, sensing his bewilderment. "I believe so," he said softly. "You see, the mission from the king is to track down...dragon eggs. His venamage uncovered the scrolls and one egg some time ago, but the Veiled Shadow intercepted the egg. It is my task to secure the remaining eggs, and I would very much like you to join me."

With these last words, Jace lay a hand on Connor's thigh, feeling his muscular leg tense slightly before relaxing again. Connor turned towards him, staring deeply into his eyes. Jace could sense that he was contemplating the weight of the request, the danger involved, and the importance of the mission.

Connor began to understand how life-altering this question was. Should he accept, he could help this handsome knight safeguard dragon eggs, which had been assumed extinct for the last several hundred years. On the other hand, should he reject the offer, the Veiled Shadow could gain control of the most powerful creatures in the known world.

"Of course I'll join you, Jace," he replied sincerely.

For the next several hours, Jace and Connor poured over the scrolls, making notes on blank pieces of parchment. Finally, Jace thought they had deciphered enough to at least point them in the right direction.

"Xylon Gate?" Connor looked to Jace, questioning his own translating skills.

"I have heard of it--a great wooded region to the east, along the Halsken River," Jace said." Not many make the trek, too desolate along the river.

"A perfect place to stow a precious egg that could change the world," Connor interjected. "If we plan on heading there, I will need to make preparations here tonight. Bogan will surely try his best, but the whole inn may be burned down by the time we return." He laughed as he thought of the lumbering dwarf running things while he was traveling with Jace.

"Make yourself ready for a long journey then," Jace replied. "I cannot say how long we'll be gone, but take care not to give him any details other than the absolute necessary ones. We can depart in the morning at first light." And with that, Jace shook Connor's hand as he walked out the door. He was tired, and it had been quite an eventful day. He knew the journey to Xylon Gate would be a great test of strength for both men, but he had confidence in Connor.

"Connor," Jace thought as he disrobed and lay back down in his bed, his hand drifting below his waist. He gripped his stiffening cock and exhaled deeply. He closed his eyes, remembering Connor's touch, the feel of his strong hands, imagining the taste of the man's lips. He began stroking himself slowly, his breath coming in short, heated bursts. The thought of Connor's hands on him, Connor's voice whispering in his ear, it drove him closer to the edge. He gripped his swollen cock even tighter, feeling the veins as they throbbed with excitement. His thoughts turned to Connor's strong legs, and he fantasized about the muscular ass that lay just beneath the fabric of his fitted pants. He imagined entering Connor, feeling him tightly grip his cock as he pumped into him passionately.

It was this last mental image that pushed him over the edge. He arched his back and let out a muffled moan, his body shuddering with pleasure. His load splattered upon his chest as his heart began to return to a normal rhythm. Though the image of Connor was still in his mind, an air of determination settled over him. Tomorrow, they would embark together on a journey that would change everything.

Next: Chapter 4

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