The Good Knight's Sleep

By J. A. Lapeer

Published on Sep 8, 2024


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Chapter 8 - Descent into Shadows

The morning sun barely breached the dense canopy above as Jace and Connor stood at the entrance of the cave atop Motund Nest. The air was thick with anticipation, their shared determination almost palpable as they prepared to enter the depths of the mountain in search of the dragon egg. The knowledge that an ancient treasure lay within fueled their resolve, but the uncertainty of what else might await them inside was a persistent shadow in their minds.

The cave's mouth yawned before them, a dark and foreboding opening that led into the unknown. Jace took the lead, his hand on the hilt of his sword, while Connor followed closely. He tucked the scrolls that had guided them thus far safely in his satchel. The air grew cooler and dampier as they ventured deeper, the light from the entrance fading until only the dim glow of the torches they carried illuminated their path.

The walls of the cave were rough and jagged, with ancient carvings barely visible beneath the layers of time. The further they descended, the more they could feel the weight of the earth pressing in around them, the silence only broken by the distant sound of dripping water. Their footsteps echoed, a constant reminder of how alone they were in this dark place.

After some time, they encountered a narrow passageway. Up until this point, they had walked almost silently, rarely speaking to each other in order to stay aware of their surroundings. Jace paused, his instincts alerting him that something wasn't right. He scanned the ground and noticed the faint outline, creating a grid-like pattern on the floor.

"Wait," Jace whispered, holding up a hand to stop Connor. "I think this is some sort of trap. We need to be careful."

Connor nodded, his eyes narrowing as he studied the passage. Jace crouched down, examining the stone plates that formed the grid more closely. He took a heavy goblet from his pack and tossed it into the grid. The vessel landed on a stone plate and bounced to the left, landing on a second plate. Immediately, the stone disintegrated, and the goblet fell into the dark depths beneath them. They barely heard it when it finally landed, most likely in a pit hundreds of feet below.

"The scrolls!" Connor exclaimed as he reached into his satchel. "I remember seeing something about a pattern when I was reading about Motund Nest's protection for the egg." Jace brought his torch close to Connor so he could have more light to scan through his texts. "Here it is! There is a pattern we have to follow in order to only step on the secured stones.

"You're brilliant," Jace squeezed his shoulder, knowing he had made no mistake in choosing Connor as his partner for this journey. All his time at the Claust would prove invaluable.

"The pattern appears to correspond to the nine original Venamages and the original great houses they came from." Connor was beaming with excitement. He truly felt worthy of accompanying Jace now. "Here, follow my steps exactly," he said as he squeezed Jace's hand.

Connor carefully led the way, with Jace moving one step behind him at each point. Jace peered down into the hole left from the broken plate, but could see nothing. It appeared to just keep going. They made it across and continued deeper into the cave. Finally, after what felt like hours of navigating the cave, their narrow patch opened into a massive chamber. The ceiling soared above them, and the walls of the cave seemed to glow in an iridescent blue-green hue. Running through the center of the room was a narrow stream that also seemed to glow. It was unlike anything either man had ever seen--vast and echoing with the sounds of the water. In the center of the room, the stream encircled a sort of stage with a pedestal, and on that pedestal was the treasure--a lone dragon egg.

As they drew near the egg, Jace's eyes darted past it, noticing movement from behind the pedestal. A figure came into view. The man, or rather something beyond a man, stood tall and proud. His naked body was illuminated by the glow of the egg. His skin was flawless, like white marble that seemed to shimmer with an unnatural light. His hair flowed like dark silk, framing a face that was both beautiful and commanding. His eyes, a piercing green, held a wisdom and power that made the two men feel as though they were mere children before him.

Jace and Connor exchanged a glance, both stunned by the sight before them. He looked each of them in the eyes, and suddenly they were filled with an unexplainable understanding. It was as if he was inside their minds, speaking to them without saying any words. Connor inhaled sharply, hardly able to comprehend what he was learning. This man was one of the nine original Venamages, an ancient protector of the dragon egg.

"Yes, it is true," the Venamage spoke. His voice was calming, yet strong. "Over a century ago, we devised a security plan to protect the last of the eggs. We each vowed to protect an egg from falling into the wrong hands. I have waited so long."

Jace took a small step forward. "My liege, how is it possible?" he asked, noticing the perfect form of the Venamage's muscled body.

"Magic of course!" his voice roared, causing both men to take a step back. "My robes have disintegrated, but my body has remained unchanged. It was possibly our greatest spell. We sacrificed everything to become protectors of these eggs. It is our job to discern the good from the evil. I will only allow a pure soul to take the egg."

The Venamage was now standing in between them and the egg, and Jace realized just how intimidating the man was. His arms were massive, with veins bulging like roots from a tree. His legs were thick, strongly planting him in his current position, and his large chest was puffed out in a way that let the two men know they had no desire.

"Come," he said, and Jace and Connor felt a pull inside them. They were drawn nearer to him, and felt the ground pull them to their knees. The Venamage reached for them, touching Jace and Connor's foreheads with each of his strong hands.

Jace closed his eyes, feeling the Venamage's presence as he moved through his thoughts, memories, and desires. He feared what might be found--his doubts, his fears, his lust--but as the Venamage's power touched upon those dark corners, there was no judgment, only understanding.

Connor felt the same, his own insecurities laid bare before the ancient being. His past, his love for his brother, his pain, and his burgeoning feelings for Jace were all revealed, but the Venamage did not recoil. Instead, he seemed to accept every part of them, acknowledging the complex nature of their humanity.

After what felt like an eternity, the Venamage stepped back, the light in his eyes dimming. "You are both pure of heart," he said, a soft smile gracing his lips. "You seek the egg not for power, but for protection, and for that, you are worthy."

Relief flooded over Jace as they stood up, but before he could speak, the Venamage continued. "My purpose is now complete. I have guarded this egg, but it is now time for me to pass on. My body will evaporate, and I will cease to exist."

A profound sadness settled over the two men. The thought of this beautiful, ancient being fading from existence weighed heavily on them. But there was also something else--an undeniable attraction that had been simmering beneath the surface since they first laid eyes on the Venamage. His perfection, his timelessness, stirred something deep within them.

The air between them grew charged, and their unspoken desires were hanging in the atmosphere between them. The Venamage, still able to see inside their minds, realized the longing desire in their eyes, and a knowing smile drew across his lips.

"If this is to be my last moment," he said, his voice soft yet filled with intent, "let it be one of connection and meaning. I wish to feel again, to experience the warmth of life before I fade away."

Jace and Connor exchanged a glance, their desire now too overwhelming to ignore. They had been through so much together, and now, in the presence of this extraordinary being, they felt the urge to express their connection in the most primal way. The Venamage stepped closer, his hands gently caressing their faces as he pulled them into a kiss, first with Jace and then drawing Connor in as well. His touch was electric, sending shivers down their spines, and they responded eagerly. Their hands roamed over his naked body, exploring the contours of his chest and back.

The three of them moved together as one, their breaths quickening as clothing was removed in between moments of lip-locked pleasure. Jace held Connor's right hand with his left, and together their other hands grabbed onto the Venamage's muscular body, gripping him as he moved back and forth between them, sucking on their necks, shoulders, and chests.

They found themselves standing, holding tightly onto each other as the Venamage sank to his knees and took Jace's massive cock in his mouth. Jace gasped at the sudden feeling of pleasure, but his open mouth was quickly met with Connor's as they shared a deep kiss. The Venamage then moved to Connor's thick cock, his lips traced it to the root, and his tongue danced over it teasingly. Connor's mouth moved to Jace's chest, biting onto a nipple and eliciting a deep moan.

The Venamage stood again, turned Connor around so that he was facing Jace. He lined his long cock up with Connor's ass and began to push it into Connor's tight, eager hole. A wave of pleasure exploded throughout Connor's body, and he threw his head back in ecstasy. Jace gripped him tightly, keeping him balanced as the Venamage's cock fully invaded him. Connor reached around Jace and clawed at his back, pulling him in tightly before connecting in a passionate kiss. Their tongues battled for dominance as the Venamage continued to fuck Connor relentlessly.

Connor finally broke the kiss with Jace and leaned his head back, looking into his eyes. "Your turn," he said with a devilish grin. He pulled himself off the Venamage's turgid cock and moved so that Jace could now experience the magical fucking. Connor's hands moved down Jace's back until he was gripping the two round globes of Jace's ass. He pulled them apart, giving the Venamage access to Jace's pulsing hole.

Jace felt the thick cock push past the ring of his hole, then the Venamage pulled it out and pushed it in again. He repeated the motions, teasing Jace with pleasure. Jace realized that this man had access to all his deepest desires and therefore knew exactly how he liked to be fucked. After being teased relentlessly, the Venamage shoved his entire cock deep into Jace, sending shivers across his skin.

"Give it to me!" Jace roared before biting down on Connor's neck. The pleasure was too much for him. The Venamage continued to thrust, harder and harder. He wrapped his hands around Jace's neck, and Jace arched his back as the Venamage began to kiss his throat. With a final thrust, he exploded inside of Jace, filling him with years of pent-up passion.

Jace, overcome with passion, began to shoot ropes of cum onto Connor's torso. Connor looked down and saw the spurts of Jace's essence dripping down his own torso. Seeing Jace so overcome with pleasure was too much for Connor, and he too shot his own load.

In an almost inhuman speed, the Venamage pulled out of Jace and managed to sink to his knees in front of Connor. He took Connor's cock in his mouth and swallowed the remaining cum. He then slowly licked Connor's abs, feasting on Jace's cum that had been spilled moments earlier.

The Venamage was now standing between the two men, and he drew them close to him, sharing a passionate three-way kiss. When they finally separated, he stood back. Their bodies were now coated in a glistening sweat, and their chests heaved with each breath.

"Thank you," the Venamage whispered, his voice barely audible, "for giving me this final moment of life." He turned and removed the egg from the pedestal, and placed it in Jace's hands. "Do be careful with this," he said as he stepped back.

Jace and Connor watched as the Venamage indeed began to disintegrate, turning to a shimmering dust and scattering into a faint breeze that swept through the chamber. Connor looked at Jace, mystified by what he had just witnessed, and smiled.

"If this is how we retrieve each dragon egg, I think we're in for quite a raucous time," he said with a smile.

Jace couldn't help but smile as they began to dress. "What will retrieving the other eggs be like?" Jace thought to himself. Whatever lay ahead, he was happy that he would explore it with Connor.

Next: Chapter 9

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