The Gradual Bloomer

By John Black

Published on Mar 22, 2018


The Gradual Bloomer

Chapter 4

At the Italian restaurant that I'd chosen for dinner that evening (Sunday), I asked John if he'd made any arrangements with his two callers who wanted to play with us.

"It's not gonna happen unless you want it to," he practically snarled.

"Why's that?"

"They made it abundantly clear that they wanted you and weren't interested in a repeat performance from me," he glared.

"That's cold," I said agreeably. "You're not my pimp, so I'm not interested in them. You aren't a dating service for them, either. Fuck `em!"

"I left them with the idea that you'd call them if you were interested," John smiled smugly.

"Besides," I smiled back at him, "I have a guy from the gym that I think you might be interested in. He's really built like you are, has a wickedly curved dick, and loves to get fucked. I don't know yet if he's negative, but I'll find that out the next time I see him and insist on a current blood test."

"Is he that hot?"

"Totally! And he took me easily at the gym this afternoon. Well, sorta easily after I applied a lot of lube and went slowly," I clarified. "Good looking guy, about your age I'd guess, a sweet ass with a deeply recessed hole, and he nutts hard when he gets a big dick up his ass. I don't know if that last part is good or bad, but he sure made me squirt when his ass tunnel chewed my dick to a big climax. I, uh, hope that you don't think I'm ungrateful for all that you've shown me and done for me this weekend. But, now that I've tasted the forbidden fruit, I had to see if what you said was true about the gym. And was it EVER!"

"No offense of any kind taken," John smiled. "With more experience, you'll be even better at what we've been doing this weekend when we do it."

"Good!" I said. "Now, I'm gonna talk to this guy at the gym about getting it on with us, but I don't know when he'll be back. Meanwhile, that means you'll been entertaining my ass and big, black dick."

"The pleasure will be all mine," he smiled agreeably. "And some pleasure for you, of course."

"Let's blow this joint and head for your estate," I urged. "I need to get fucked hard and deep and only you got the equipment to make that happen." I paid for the dinner as I'd promised and we drove to John's place. He ushered me into the master bedroom and hopped into the shower. I tagged along after I'd cleaned myself out. I joined him in the shower and he immediately set upon me. His lips closed over my hard dick and sucked away like I was dessert. A few moments later, he'd turned me around and was eating my ass out. That lasted only a few seconds before he stood up and pushed his fat dick up my deep ass tunnel. "Oh, yeah! I've wanted this all day long," I sighed, backing on to his manhood. "Fucking is good, but getting fucked is superb when it's a big dick."

"Feels pretty good from this angle, too," he whispered in my ear. "I needed some action this afternoon, but wanted to wait for you. I knew you'd want a butt-load of jizz in your black ass from me."

"Your assumption was correct," I said over my shoulder. "Breed me, John. You gotta fuck and fill me up with your cream. Get way up in there and flood my love tunnel."

I could hear John strain, like he was trying to delay his climax, but couldn't stop himself. He went deep again and again, grinding that monster into me. I chewed his phallus as best I could, begging repeatedly for his jizz. With one final deep push, he climaxed inside me. FUCK! That felt so good to get a monster load buried up my ass again. He felt like a steel pole, juicing me deep.

"Fuck!" John moaned as his climax peaked. "Fuck! Fuck!" He drove deeper, trying to breed me so deep that I'd be leaking his babies for a week. I held on to his ass with both hands. I really needed this load! Each time he sprayed, I felt his dick jerk inside me and warm sperm spread.

"You da Man!" I smiled over my shoulder. "I'm never gonna be satisfied by anyone else. You got the moves, the monster, hard dick, and the big loads. All perfect for breeding my black ass."

He mumbled his thanks, barely able to stand after a debilitating climax. I continued to hold him against my ass until his big dick slipped out. He rinsed off and headed out to clean his ass out for my deep plunge. "I'll meet you in bed," he smiled as I dried off. "Just be ready to breed me deep after you sit on my face and I eat some of my load out."

My dick had bricked just thinking about what would happen next. This is my kinda sex!

A few minutes later, he made good on his promise and made me sit on his face. It wasn't a struggle to get me to do that! Moments later, he was on his back, his knees pressed into his chest, and an evil grin on his face. "Breed me!" he commanded, his asshole winking at me. Yeah, that was another instance where I quickly obeyed.

I did my best to hold back, but it was pointless. Besides, I knew this wasn't going to be my only attempt at filling his pleasure tunnel with my cream. His sweet butt chewed and massaged my dick like he always did. I was at his mercy. It was only a matter of time until he got my nutt. With a roar of pleasure, I plunged deep and pressed my firing dick hard into his welcoming hole. He bellowed with as much joy as I did. I wondered if any of the men at the gym could possibly be as good as he is at getting me to climax at his skillful discretion.

A blissful evening ended too soon, but I did have to work the next day. I left shortly after 10 p.m. with John as my driver. He kissed me deeply in front of my apartment door and fondled my rising dick through my pants. I seriously considered inviting him in to fuck some more, but knew I needed sleep to be any good at work tomorrow.

Monday at the gym was busy, but I did have one guy suck me off. He was pretty good at it, but we were interrupted twice before he swallowed my cream. The guy with the beautifully deep ass and scimitar dick wasn't there Monday. But, Tuesday, he did show up. Once more, I fucked him and he blasted out his load at the same time. I asked if he'd gotten tested, but he said he hadn't done it yet. I was beginning to think he wasn't negative and I'd never ride his dick. Well, I'd just have to have John pump an extra load up my manhole this weekend.

Wednesday, John called me at work. "Do you have plans for the Friday evening in two weeks?" he asked. I replied that I didn't think I did. "Come to dinner at my place tonight," he suggested. "I have a proposition for you for that evening."

"I'll take a bus and I'll be there shortly after 5:30," I agreed. "But, I will need to work out there before we have dinner. Is that okay?"

"Of course," he replied. "I'll join you."

We worked out together, fucking each other once apiece. After a shower, we had a dinner of chicken piccata, lemon spaghetti, and a salad. After the dinner dishes were in the dishwasher, he pulled me into the library and sat me down in a plush, leather chair. "There is a museum fund-raiser in two week being held at the museum where you work," he began. I nodded. I knew about it, but I didn't know what that had to do with me. "I'd like you to be my date for the event."

I was astonished that he'd want to be seen with a big, black guy at such a prestigious soiree. "Are you sure you want to be seen with me in a place like that?" I wondered aloud.

"Very sure," he beamed. "Everyone there will be so jealous. The women will wish you were with them, the men will wonder how I could know such a stud like you, and all the gay men will be green with envy."

"But, it's a fancy dress affair," I cautioned.

"Got that covered," John smiled mysteriously. "The museum has agreed to the cost of renting a tuxedo for you. Has your boss told you of the focus of the showing?" I shook my head to the negative. "They will be showing off a number of paintings and sculptures that the restoration department has cleaned and repaired. You and your boss will the feted!"

"I had no idea," I admitted. "How did you know about the fund-raiser?"

"I'm on the board of directors. And you'll be the star of the show. I know your boss and he's a nice enough guy, but you are so astonishingly handsome and charismatic that you'll steal the show, just like you did at the gay bar last weekend."

I smiled. "Well, of course, I'll be your date, if you're sure you won't be trashed by your rich friends for being with a big, black man," I cautioned.

"Fuck `em!" he said. "They're gonna be jealous and they can't touch me. I have my own money and they can resign from the board if they don't like it. They'll all think that I'm with you because you have a monster dick that fucks me all the time. Little do they know the truth of it," he laughed.

I smiled again. "So, where should I go to get fitted for my rental tux?"

"There are a couple of places not far from the museum. I'll call both of them to see when they can fit you. I'll let you know tomorrow where and when."

"Meanwhile, I think I need to get fucked and bred again," I suggested with a smirk.

He obliged me by pumping two more loads up my ass. I fed his ass three loads before he took me home.

Thursday at the gym was a bust. The place was too busy to get anything going. I did have three men who expressed an interest in taking a ride on my baloney pony, but we agreed that would have to happen at a later date. I urged all three to get tested, having showed them my results. All were eager to get fucked raw.

Immediately after work on Friday, I joined John at a formal wear rental store three blocks away. I tried on several pants and coats, but all of them fit me like a sack. They couldn't let the shoulders and arms out enough to accommodate my size, nor could they take in the waist enough to not make the jacket look like a very bad tailoring job. John shook his head. "This will never work." We had the same result at the next store that was four blocks away. "The only way this is going to work is if we get you a tuxedo that's tailor-made for your magnificent body. And I know just the man to accomplish that," he smiled knowingly.

We returned to his car and drove back toward his estate in Holmby Hills. He pulled to the curb in front of a menswear shop and indicated that the proprietor was a master tailor who could do wonders with material for any man. "It looks expensive," I observed. "I don't think the museum will pay for a one-off tuxedo for me."

"And if they did pay for it, it would be considered income to you or they would own it. And that's pretty ridiculous. What would they do with a tuxedo that only fits you?" he laughed. "So, I'm gonna pay for the cost over what the museum offered to pay for a rental."

"But," I blustered, "you can't do that John! You hardly know me. I could be a gigolo out to take you for an expensive ride!"

"I'm a better judge of character than you give me credit," he assured me.

"I wasn't doubting your judgment," I quickly responded, "I'm trying to ask you to think about what you're throwing money away on."

"I'm not throwing it away," he bristled slightly. "Besides, I'm going to get it all back in trade," he smiled evilly.

"You're a pig!" I laughed.

"Thank you," he smiled sweetly, "so kind of you to notice." He looked into the shop windows. "Alex is still there. Let's go in and get you fitted."

A good-looking, white gentleman in his mid-30s looked up from a counter near the back of the store. He was sharply dressed and wore a welcoming smile. "Good evening, John," he said, looking first at John and then toward me. His gaze lingered hungrily on me, looking me up and down like a lion about to feast on a gazelle. "And what may I do for you this evening," he added, moving his eyes back to John.

John introduced me to Alex, and then added, "This young man needs a tuxedo with all the trimmings," John nodded toward me. "What do you recommend for someone of his stature and obvious style?"

"White tie and tails or a standard tux?" Alex asked.

"A regular tux," John replied.

"Step over here to the mirrors and let me see what I'm working with," Alex smiled innocently at me. I walked back to where he's been standing when we entered the store. "Your height and weight, Sir?" he asked. I told him. "Any idea of your measurements for a jacket and pants that you'd regularly wear?" I answered as best I could. "I'll confirm those with my own measurements. And when do you need this?" he asked.

"Two weeks from today," I said.

"Depending on the material you select, that's very possible," Alex smiled. "I'll be asking some very personal questions to get the correct measurements and I'll be touching you near some very private places. Objections?" I shook my head to the negative. "Okay then. Let's look at materials first. Check out the tuxedo jackets that are hanging over there. Let me know if any of the material interests you."

I looked at John and shrugged slightly. I had no idea what I was looking for or at. "I could use some assistance," I sighed. "And I think you should give me some pointers, Alex."

"I'd be happy to," Alex responded gleefully. He showed me several jackets and related their pros and cons. "In this climate, you'll want something light, yet durable. So, that leaves out these four. What about the lapels? Do you have a preference on wide or narrow?"

"Something that will last the ages and always look in fashion," John suggested. Alex nodded. I'm glad he understood what that vague statement meant. I surely didn't. "Do any of the remaining ones catch your eye, Adam?"

I looked and saw some I didn't like and pointed them out. That left four. "I don't recommend these two," Alex indicated two more. "They don't drape well on a big man like you. I'm afraid it would look like you're wearing a sack."

"We already had that experience in the rental shops," I revealed.

"No doubt," Alex sniffed. "Then, I'm going to recommend this one," he smiled and pulled a jacket off the rack. "And your opinion, John?"

"That'll do. Adam?"

I shrugged slightly. "No objections."

"Okay, then," Alex beamed. "Let's get some measurements. I'll need you to take off your shirt, shoes, stockings, and pants. I assume you have an undergarment under your pants?" I nodded. "Good." Alex glanced up at the clock. "This is going to take a while and I don't want us to be interrupted. Let me close the place up and I'll return when you're ready to be measured."

I whispered to John as Alex walked away, "Gay?"

"As a goose," he smirked. "But, every inch the professional, unless you spring a boner. If that happens, I wouldn't put it past him to cop a feel when he measures your inseam."

"I hope I don't bone up while he's measuring," I said, as I pulled off my shirt and shoes. I let my pants slip to the floor and placed them on the counter.

"You're so oversexed that a slight breeze hardens your dick," he smiled mischievously. He grabbed my dick through my briefs and squeezed lightly.

"You're not helping," I frowned, batting his hand away. But, the damage had been done. I tried to adjust myself, but that only made the bulge bigger. With my stiffening dick pointing to the right, I waited for Alex to finish closing up. I hoped he took some time to allow my dick to soften. He did take another three or four minutes, but that barely helped my situation. I thought it might help if I faced away from Alex, but that only displayed my big dick in the mirrors. The situation was hopelessly obvious to anyone with eyes.

"I see that you're ready for me," he smiled and tried not to drool. "Magnificent!" he sighed, as he pulled a fabric measuring tape from a nearby drawer. "Let's start with the neck, shoulders and arms. Turn your back to me," he directed after he measured my neck. He measured across my shoulders and entered the numbers in an electronic pad. "To get an accurate measurement of your chest, I'll need to measure you with and without a shirt on. You did say the works, right John?" John nodded. "Okay, so I'm thinking a plain white shirt, and a pleated or ruffled one. Maybe all three, but we'll decide that later." He went around the counter and pulled a shirt off a rack. "This should fit you well enough so I can get a measurement with a shirt on. Face me, please."

I turned and faced him as I put the shirt on. I fastened up the top four buttons. Again, he measured and made notations. "And again with your chest inflated. I don't want you to burst the buttons or studs on the shirts when you inhale," he smirked. I puffed up as directed and he measured again. "And now with the shirt off, please," Alex directed. I complied. He reached around my chest and pulled the tape together at the front. His fingers purposefully touched my nipples, making them stand up. My nips have a direct line to my dick. Any hope of making my dick relax was shattered. It quickly gained girth and length. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. That didn't help, either.

Alex measured my waist and then my hips. He had me turn, so he could measure my hips twice. It was obvious he was enjoying the sight. His hands caressed my black melons through the cloth of my briefs. I liked his light touch. He had me turn around again. On his knees, he started to measure my inseam, but my dick was hard as steel and leaking precum like an old faucet. Alex lost his focus and stared at my pulsing dick instead of measuring. But, his left hand never left my heavy balls.

I noticed his fixation and smiled. "I know of only two ways to fix this problem," I began, squeezing my hard dick with one hand. "Suck me off or take a load up your ass. The choice is yours." I released my dick from its cloth prison. It sprang up and slapped my abs wetly. Settling in a 90 degree angle to my abs, it drooled more precum.

Alex swooped in and engulfed half of my thick phallus with his warm mouth. I signed contentedly. A minute or so later, he pulled off. "Your precum is delicious, Adam," he said admiringly. "And your dick is enormous. It's far too big for my ass, so I'll have to suck you off," he grinned.

Meanwhile, John hadn't been idle. With my briefs in a puddle on the floor, he'd used some lube that he carried with him to grease up his big dick and my winking back door. When Alex went down on me again, John pushed his dick slowly into me. I pushed back into him and with my hands on his head, pulled Alex along. From all the pleasure sounds filling the room, all of us were enjoying this. And I had discovered that I loved being in the middle of a good three-way.

Alex's left hand massaged my big nuts as his right hand stroked my dick and his mouth moved in sync with it. I was getting beat off and sucked off at the same time. Alex knew what he was doing. For my boiling nuts, he was doing it a little too well. "I hope you swallow, Alex," I moaned. "I don't want to coat your shirt with my load. It could stain." He acknowledged my words with a moan and sucked harder.

John was balls deep inside me and his fingers were working my nipples. His dick strokes gained in speed with more time spent on shallow fucking motions than deep ones. He knew that hitting my prostate that hard and that frequent was going to make me blast a load very soon.

"Here it comes," I warned. I was probably late with my warning. My dick had jerked once already and that was quickly followed by many rapid surges. I felt Alex swallow three times as I nutted in his mouth. John smashed my ass in a fucking frenzy and unloaded into me only seconds later. Damn! This was good!

"You're a fucking stallion," Alex breathed when he pulled off my dick a couple of minutes later. He sat back on his heels, but didn't release my slowly softening dick. "I gotta take this up my ass," he mused. "Maybe by your final fitting, I'll be open enough to attempt it," he hoped.

"I'm willing to give your ass a shot," I smiled down at him. "I'm negative, so we can bareback if you like." Alex thought about my suggestion. "Hand me my pants, John," I asked. With pants in hand, I found my recent test results and handed the paper over to Alex. He quickly read through the page and handed it back with a smile.

"My pleasure," he beamed. "I sure hope I can take you. I'll practice with a giant dildo every day, several times a day. I know you'll be worth it. Where did you find this magnificent specimen, John?" he asked, finally resuming the measurement of my inseam.

"Trolling one of the gay bars downtown," John smiled. "I took his virgin ass home and introduced him to the joys of man-to-man sex. He took to it like a duck to water."

"Virgin ass? Really?" John & I nodded and smiled. "You totally scored," Alex allowed. "And have you been sampling elsewhere, Adam?"

"At the gym and here," he smiled back.

"How long again was this introduction?" Alex pressed.

"Just a week," I answered.

"As you can see," John volunteered, "Adam's made a lot of progress."

"What about you, Adam? What do you think about all this sex with men?"

"I had no idea it could this enjoyable with the right man, of course," I added.

"Some disappointments at the gym, perhaps?" Alex asked.

"A couple," I revealed.

"Patent leather shoes for Adam?" Alex asked, getting back to the task at hand. John nodded. "He's got big feet to go with that tall, muscular frame and big dick. I'll need to get a good measurement of his feet. Stand over here, Adam and I'll see what I can do for you in a shoe."

I complied with his wishes and stood on a foot measuring scale. John moved over with us and knelt behind me. I felt his tongue slide up my back door. I bent over to give him better access. "You guys are freaks!" Alex laughed. "And you have a very long, wide foot, Adam. But, I have a couple of companies that make shoes in your size. I'll ask them to send two, just in case the 14.5 doesn't fit and the 15 fits better." Even though I was bent over, Alex could still get to my dick. I assumed I was dripping cum from my dick, so he swooped in and licked it off. Of course, my black mamba started to brick up again. "You need another blow job?" he asked.

"I've never turned one down," I replied. "And aren't you about ready to pop?"

"Yeah, probably," he answered.

"Shed your pants and we'll blow each other," I directed. "John can eat his load out of my ass, or fuck me again, if he can get it up again so soon after flooding my hungry hole."

"I'd better lie on my back or I'll spray your throat before you stick your dick in mouth, again," Alex suggested. Alex shed his clothes and got down on the carpet on his back. His dick was hard as steel, uncut, and of average length and girth. But, his balls were big. I hoped that meant he was about to feed me a big load.

I straddled his head and fed him my hard, precum-dripping dick. Moving back slightly so that I wouldn't block his air passage and so I could reach his dick with my mouth (his body length much shorter than mine), I engulfed his dick, the foreskin pulled back snugly behind the head of his leaking dick. Knowing he was close to a climax, I sucked his dick gently, not applying too much pressure with my lips and tongue. He wasn't as careful, assuming correctly that a second climax would take longer than my first one.

John had knelt behind me and was eating his load out of my well-fucked ass while he stroked his dick. "You ready for another load up your sweet, black ass, Adam?" he whispered. I mumbled around Alex's dick that I was always eager for his load.

Alex's oral skills were working well on my hard dick. My nuts were beginning to send signals that a climax wasn't very far away. I pulled my dick out of Alex's mouth to slow the progression. At that moment, John slowly pushed his hard dick up my ass. I backed on to him hungrily.

"That's so fuckin' hot to watch a big dick slide up your beautiful bubble butt, Adam!" Alex moaned before he went back to sucking my dick. I felt his dick swell in my mouth. I knew he was getting very close to his nutt. His signal was unmistakable now. With one massive jerk, his dick began flooding my mouth with his ball gravy. I swallowed and swallowed his cream. His big nuts were full and needed to be emptied. I was eager to help its journey to my stomach.

I sucked Alex to completion, never allowing his dick to leave my mouth. The length of it allowed me to munch on his pubes as his dick convulsed and sprayed baby batter down my throat. My dick worked deeper into his mouth, enjoying the lingual stimulation his tongue and lips gave my precum-leaking obsidian phallus.

John's fucking motions in and out of my ass were pushing me closer and closer to a climax. I pulled off Alex just long enough to warn him of my impending flood. He merely sucked harder. I pushed back into each thrust of John's hips, as he buried his fat, long dick deeper and deeper into me. With my warning to Alex, John increased his pace. He wanted to nutt in my butt at the same time I fed Alex my load. With a howl of joy, I announced my second climax of the evening. Once again, I marveled at how much I enjoyed three-ways.

When we parted a few moments later and John had withdrawn from my ass, Alex took John's dick's place with his tongue. I didn't know that Alex liked to felch, but I'm sure glad I found out. He's every bit as talented with his tongue on my hole as John is. I settled back on Alex's face and spread my ebony cakes. His tongue worked inside me, scooping out as much of John's cream as he could find. John moved around and pushed his cum-dripping dick into my welcoming mouth.

About five minutes elapsed before we finally separated. "That was the best sex I've had in many moons," Alex sighed.

"I loved it. A three-way is becoming my favorite sex," I admitted.

"I wouldn't turn down another opportunity," John agreed. He glanced over at me and I nodded. We seemed to be reading each other's mind. "How would you like to spend an evening in our bed, Alex? You'd be well fucked and bred, I can promise you."

"I have to sit on my dildo a lot before then, so I can take on both of you," he smiled readily, "but, one at a time, please."

"How about after our event at the museum in two weeks which is after you finish with Adam's tuxedo?" John suggested. I nodded happily. And so did Alex.

We returned to John's estate, worked out for about 90 minutes, and decided we needed to breed each other more than we needed to fix dinner. After another session of swapping cum, John barbequed a couple of steaks, made a salad and grilled sweet corn.

"Do you think you could handle another night in bed with me, demanding frequent breeding?" John smiled over the last morsels of dinner.

"Only if you promise to breed me several times, too."

We were true to our word, filling and eating out each other's butt. It was after midnight when we finally went to sleep. However, that didn't stop another hot session in the middle of the night and again in the morning. Both of us had sore buttholes, but a warm tongue helped tamp down the sting.

We went out for breakfast and then he took me home. He promised to pick me up later for a concert of baroque music, dinner, and another creamy cum-swapping session. Of course, I agreed.

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Next: Chapter 5

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