The Gradual Bloomer

By John Black

Published on May 5, 2018


The Gradual Bloomer

Chapter 8

I did my best to delay my climax, but his ass was attuned to my thrusts and was sucking me off with his ass muscles as we kissed. Cal's need to get fucked and bred weren't about to be delayed by my false need to delay the inevitable. Reducing the speed of my thrusts, I delayed my climax for a few more seconds, but Cal was not to be denied. "Fuck and BREED me!" he insisted, holding on to my ass with both hands and pulled me deeply into him. "Mel has a big dick, but you have a bigger one and I love it! And I've always wanted a big, black dick up my ass, but going at it bareback is a huge bonus. I love it when I get seeded."

"I'm right on the edge," I whispered hoarsely. "You're gonna get it deep and plentiful. I haven't nutted in three days!"

"Fill me up, Adam! I really want to make babies with you!" he nearly shouted.

That pushed me over the edge. With a howl, I pumped warm nutt in rapid jets deep inside him. He wiggled his ass and tried to get me to go even deeper as my dick fired again and again. My climax hit me hard and I struggled to maintain any kind of control of my actions. But, my hips knew what to do as did my heavy, full balls. I flooded his deep tunnel with man gravy. The pleasure was so intense that I couldn't stop fucking even after my climax began to slow. And Cal didn't want me to, either. His grip on my chocolate, ass cheeks never wavered.

But, my dick wilted eventually and I slipped out. "Have you ever eaten Mel's ass out after you nutted in him?" I asked. He shook his head to the negative. "Have you ever wanted to?" He thought for a moment and then blushed.

"I've seen it done in porno films, but never thought that Mel would go for it."

"Why not?"

"He's kinda vanilla," Cal responded.

"You want me to eat your hole out now?" I asked. "Or would you rather eat your load out of my black ass?"

"Oh! I wanna eat your ass," he immediately answered. "I love your ass." So, he got busy after I sat on his face. He was hesitant at first. I'm sure he was fearful that there could be some other "organic" matter in there that would taste nasty. But, I'd fixed that with a good douche before I walked over. I wasn't sure whether he had or not, but with my long dick, I didn't feel anything untoward, nor did I see or smell anything on my dick when I pulled out. Once Cal knew that I was gonna be clean, he really went to town on my hole. He licked, sucked, and rimmed me with more joy and determination than he had when he was just rimming me before he fucked me.

After several minutes, we swapped roles. His ass was clean and my nutt was delicious. I asked him afterwards if he cleaned out before he got fucked. He said that he always did when he was with Mel because he didn't want Mel to be "surprised" when he got inside Cal. He assumed the same would especially be true for me, because I had a bigger dick.

And because I had eaten out Cal's bred hole, my dick was hard as stone, again. Cal was eager to take another load, so he got it after another good fuck that only took five minutes. Before I could talk him into fucking me again, he wanted to sit on my face and feel my tongue work his hole again. I wasn't about to tell him that I'd rather he fuck me first. I do love eating my cream from a manhole.

But, he did get another shot at my ass and fucked and bred me a second time. This time, he begged me to sit on his face and let him felch me as long as he wanted. After many piggy noises and the deep thud of my hard dick on his chest, he decided that I needed to fuck him a third time. I wasn't about to turn him down. He has a really nice, deep, tight ass that rips the sperm right out of me. He's an excellent bottom who knows how to please a big dick and get his nutt.

Thursday at work was a lot of last minute details, including mounting and lighting the exhibits correctly, checking for last minute flaws, and the confirming with the catering service that they were ready for us with their selection of bubbly from France, Italy, Spain, and the United States. Also confirmed was the quantity and nature of the finger food that was served alongside the drinks. John had assured me that the catering service had been used many times before and they were always excellent. And they always made extra food and drink, because estimates were always too low for these kinds of functions.

I tried to get rid of last minute nerves by going to the gym and getting my rocks off, but the only benefit I got was a hard workout. There wasn't anyone there that I was interested in playing with. If I hadn't fucked Cal several times last night, I probably would have settled for any man who looked like he wanted my dick or ass. But, I didn't.

Friday wasn't nearly as frantic as Thursday had been. I left the museum at noon and met John at the tailor shop. With one last fitting, John remarked how dazzling I looked. "You'll be the main attraction," he gushed. Alex beamed with pride. He nodded as I turned for his inspection.

"You look amazing," Alex smiled. "They say the clothes make the man, but not in this case. The man makes the clothes. They are merely the icing on the cake. And you have amazing cakes," he nearly swooned patting my round ass. "With the jacket off, you look even better!"

We walked out of the shop with garment bags for the suits, the tuxedo, and the custom-made shirts and shoes. "You are so good to me, John," I smiled over at him as he drove us to his estate. "I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"Just look relaxed and beautiful as you did in the shop. Everyone will love what you've done with the restorations as well as how spectacular the artisan is who fixed them," he beamed, holding my hand. "You're the best. And I think I've created a work of art with you in the tuxedo. That's all the thanks I need." He paused and got a really evil grin on his face. "Of course, you could fuck me to death tonight after this extravaganza is over!"

"You know you'll get that no matter what the patrons of the museum think about me or the restorations. Besides," I added, "we have a couple of hours to kill before we have to get dressed for the benefit tonight. I think we should spend it wisely. Specifically, I need to nutt several times, so my dick won't try to make an appearance during the festivities. If you help me drain the monster a few times, he may be too tired to show up later."

"An excellent idea," he agreed. He parked the car and pulled me into the master bedroom. Without preamble, we fucked and bred and felched each other for more than two hours. We did take a couple of breaks, but got back to business right away. With a final shower, we dressed carefully. John helped me with the studs and tie. He moved me to a full-length mirror and smiled. "You look even better than you did in the shop. It's probably the sexual glow that all men get after they've fucked and nutted," he laughed.

I turned and looked him over. "You clean up really good, too," I smiled at him. "And you also have that after-sex glow. It makes me want to rip your tux off and fuck you crazy!"

"That's for afterwards. Meanwhile, cool your jets and let's get going. We need to be there before the doors open for the benefit," he reminded me.

John drove us to the museum and left the car with the valets that had been hired specifically for the event. We went in through the employee entrance and headed for the director's office. John knocked lightly on the door, which was open. "All good?" he asked.

The director looked up and looked us over. His smile got huge when he saw me. "Wow! You look magnificent, Adam. You'll be more popular than all of the exhibits combined."

"That's what I told him," John beamed at me. "Where do you want us, Director?"

"Pick one of the restorations that you're most proud of, Adam," he said, almost ignoring John. Stand near it, but not so much that you get in the way of our patrons trying to see what you've done. The `before and after pictures' will tell the story better than any doyen could. But, be ready to add more explanation if questions are asked. We want them to have the full experience tonight and open their wallets even farther."

We turned and left the office after I thanked the director for his faith in me. I already knew which one I was most proud of. It wasn't the most colorful or most valuable. But, it was the one piece of art that I thought showed how poor the condition was before I restored it. It was really quite remarkable. It was a painting that was only about one foot on each side. However, the pictures on the wall beneath it magnified the piece by a factor of two. That way, the patrons could see the details better.

The event was supposed to start at 5 p.m., but as is usual for this crowd, everyone was fashionably late. A few straggled in about 5:15, but the real spenders strolled in about half an hour later. The string quartet was playing softly. The catering staff stayed unobtrusive, increasing their numbers only when more people arrived. John and I stayed away from the Prosecco until later in the evening. However, we did partake as the canapé trays circulated.

John warmly greeted the heavy donors and showed them the pieces I'd restored. I tagged along to lend my technical answers to any questions that were asked. John gave them the sales pitch about the one I liked the most. They all agreed it was the most changed and beautifully done. I was introduced to all of them as the master restorer. They were complimentary and said that they saw with this exhibit where their donations were going. All were pleased. The men were cordial and some of the women were very friendly, nearly rubbing up against me as I towered over them. Their husbands came to my rescue. I wanted to thank them, but knew I shouldn't acknowledge that I knew what their wives were doing.

I was introduced to the Arts Editor of the local newspaper. He said he was writing an article for the Sunday paper and wanted to ask me some questions as well as take pictures. I answered every question with a smile and a few technical procedures that he knew enough about to be impressed. He asked how long I'd been working there and why. I told him about my best professor in college who had inspired me to go into this line of work. With a great number of photos taken as well as the recorded interview that he said he might include as quotes in the article, we parted.

Nearly all of the patrons had cellphones with them and took pictures of nearly all of the restorations. And they insisted that I stand with the restorations, so I could take credit for the work I'd done. The ladies and some men focused their cellphone cameras on me, more than the art work. I smiled dutifully, but couldn't help thinking that they'd rather see me with the tux off than on. However, if that opened their wallets farther, I might get a nice pay increase out of this.

There were gay couples and singles that hovered around us for most of the evening. John kept most of them at bay. However, there were a few with whom he openly conversed in animated tones. I didn't know if they were particularly generous with their donations or he knew they were good for a roll in the hay. I took my cues from him and flirted where I thought it might do the museum and us some good.

When most of them drifted off, John told me which ones wanted to bed with us, which ones were monogamous and wanted to get to know us for social reasons, and a few of the couples and singles who were available and he'd already fucked with more than once. Even though he was animated with other couples, he whispered that they had drug or alcohol issues that we didn't want any part of. However, they were generous to the museum, so he needed to show them more than ordinary courtesy. And a few were just jerks that he had to tolerate for the sake of the museum, but he never wanted to be near them socially.

I was surprised how quickly the evening moved to a close. We ushered out the last of the patrons at 9:30 and sat down to relax. The servers brought us a tray of assorted canapés and filled our glasses with Prosecco. One in particular was someone John knew. John introduced us and I found out this guy's name was Anthony. "Only my mother calls me Antonio," he mimicked her with a strong Italian accent. He had no discernible accent.

"Why are you catering this evening, Anthony?" John asked. "I thought you'd gone into full-time modeling."

"I have, but Gordon was short-handed tonight and I used to work for him. I was in town, so he pleaded with me to help him out. I agreed," he revealed.

"And how is your career going?" John asked.

"Better than I'd have hoped," he beamed. "I've spent most of the year in Europe, so you know that was fun. And I've met some very interesting people who would have loved this exhibit tonight. You truly are very talented, Adam," he beamed at me.

"Thank you," I smiled self-consciously. The man was stunning and if John hadn't been by my side, I'd have made a play for him. "I had a lot of help."

"Yet, your talent still shows," Anthony repeated. "And this one in particular is my favorite. You restored this painting to perfection."

I'm sure I blushed, but with my dark skin, I know it wasn't obvious. "And who are you fucking these days?" John whispered.

"A few new friends in Europe," he blushed. "They seem to like what I can bring to the party."

"I'm sure they do," John smirked. "No one is marriage material, yet?"

"Nothing yet," he sighed. "I thought I had a really good one, but he was two-timing me with another man that he had at home. What a pig!"

"Maybe, you should look closer to home," John observed.

"I don't get that many gigs in the States," he sighed. "And the time off that I do get is taken up by preparations for the next trip. But, I am thinking about my future. I know this modeling gig won't last more than a few more years. I need to start thinking seriously about a new career."

"What have you considered so far?" I asked.

"I've taken the real estate exam to be an agent, but I'm not sure how to break into the business. I'm not sure who'd hire a former model," he replied with a smile. "I could always be a sales clerk, I suppose."

"You won't be able to live in the style to which you've become accustomed," John pointed out, "unless you're on a commission basis. And that makes your monthly income too varied to really plan a life. You could sell cars, but that's not what I'd recommend. It's far too cutthroat."

"Do you have any trade skills, like carpenter, plumber, electrician, or construction of houses or buildings?" I offered.

"I can change batteries in a flashlight, light bulbs in a fixture, and drive a car," he laughed. "No. I'm not at all skilled or handy with tools, other than the obvious one that all men have."

"I'm familiar with that," John laughed. "And you handle it very well."

"Have you always wanted to be an art restorer?" Anthony asked me, changing the subject away from him.

"I've always been interested in the fine art, but only fell into it when I went to college and had a gifted professor who showed me how restorations can be a good future job. As it turns out, I have a modest gift for it."

"You have more than a modest gift for this work," Anthony allowed. "These are wonderfully done." He paused for a moment and looked me over. "Could you take your jacket off for me, Adam?" I shrugged and complied with his request. "Turn around, please." Again, I complied. "As I suspected," he smiled. "You're a naturally handsome man with an amazing body who wears his clothes like they are gild on a lily. On you, clothes simply are covering, nothing more. As some wise person said, clothes make the man, but in your case, you make the clothes look good."

"That's what his tailor said, too," John observed.

"A wise man, your tailor," Anthony agreed. "You could be a model, you know, Adam, and a very successful one."

"I thank you for your compliment, but I never considered a career in modeling," I replied. "As you pointed out, it is a short career, and I do love what I do in restorations."

"Would you consider it as a part-time gig, if it didn't interfere with your restoration work?" he pressed.

I shrugged. "Perhaps."

"Let me call a guy who has an eye for models and knows what the market is demanding these days. A smokin' hot man like you could do very well," he observed.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with my real job, I'd consider it."

"Excellent. I'll set it up." I gave him my phone number and e-mail address. I doubted anything would come of it, but it could be fun. Besides, John hadn't said anything negative about the idea. In fact, he had nodded at the idea when Anthony suggested it.

John and I headed home. "You should give this a chance," he said as we neared his estate. "This modeling thing isn't a reason to quit your job at the museum, of course. As Anthony pointed out, it is a short-term thing. It won't last for more than a few years. But, someone like you could make a lot of bucks at it."

"If they think I'm the right person for their modeling needs and it doesn't interfere with my work at the museum, I'll consider it. But, it sounds flakey to me," I said.

"Why is it flakey?" John asked.

"It just doesn't seem like a real profession," I replied. "And I didn't want to say that in front of Anthony."

"The really good models can make a lot of money," John reminded me. "I handle Anthony's investment portfolio and he's doing very nicely with frequent and hefty contributions to the capital. At his level, the companies that want him pay for his travel and lodging while on the photo shoots, plus a big payment for his time. In many cases, he gets to keep the clothes, if he wants them."

"It's something to think about," I shrugged. I really didn't see the point when I had such a great job already.

We shed our formal clothes as soon as we got in the house. John had a small jewelry case that I put all the tuxedo hardware into and then hung up the tuxedo in his closet. He put the shoes away with his dress shoes. The shirt, underwear, and socks went into the laundry. "I think we'll have to send the shirt out to be properly pressed and cleaned," he admitted, pulling both shirts out of the laundry basket. "And I'm keeping your formal wear here. And it isn't because I paid for it, but it's because you really don't have the room for it in that small closet in your apartment. Should you ever need it, just say the word and I'll bring everything over to you."

"I think we had a very successful evening," I smiled changing the subject. We were naked and our dicks were rising. "But, we need to cap it off with some personal time." I massaged his ass and stroked his hard dick. "I do love how big you are and how good you are at fucking my black ass."

"I can think of several men and most of the women who wanted to get into your pants tonight. I'm gratified that you were able to keep that monster under control," he added, stroking my dick lightly. He kissed me and licked a nipple. I didn't tell him that I had boned up several times during the evening. My dick gets hard whenever it wants to, for no reason I've ever been able to fathom. But, I had been thinking of some of the men we'd met at the nude beach.

"And I think Anthony was one of the people who wanted into my pants," I moaned as his lips on my erect left nipple were sending signals to my precum oozing dick. "I'll nutt in your hand if you keep that up," I warned.

"You could do much worse than Anthony sharing our bed. And we can't have your beautiful dick going off in my hand now, can we," he smiled and began working on the other nipple. But, at least, he had the good sense to release my pulsing dick. "I think we'd better do something about this," he added. He released my nipple and sucked my hard dick into his mouth. Again, I warned him that I was going to fill his mouth, if he didn't pull off.

Heeding my warning, he pushed me on to the bed. On my back, my dick stood up, throbbing and leaking. He straddled my hips, added a little lube to his ass and my organ, and sat down slowly until the full length of my obsidian ass spreader had disappeared inside him. "You always know what I need," I sighed. He rode the full length several times, never squeezing too tightly. Leaning in for a kiss, he wiggled his ass as he swallowed it all and held steady at full depth. "I can feel your dick jerk inside me. Are you close?"

"Dangerously," I wheezed. "I'm right on the edge."

I looked at his swollen dick and noted the precum leaking from the dark pink head. He looked like he was about to bust, too. John leaned back and his dick soared into the air. "Don't fuck me, yet," he breathed. "I'm about to dump my load all over your chest. Let me see if I can get you off without moving." I had no idea how he was going to accomplish that, but he did. His amazing internal ass muscles chewed on my dick. That's all it took for me to breech the dam that held back my huge climax. Even though we'd fucked that afternoon several times, I was as eager as if I hadn't shot a load in days. My climax hit me hard and I couldn't stop myself. I held him down and pounded my load into him in quick, creamy jets of baby batter. His dick jerked and leaking more precum, but didn't explode yet.

With a sigh, my climax ended and I relaxed under him. He wiggled his ass, moving up and down to stimulate his prostate. It worked too well. "OH, FUCK!" he roared. I raised my head and captured his wet dickhead and sucked. I was instantly rewarded with his sweet cream, jets and jets of it.

My dick slipped out of his ass, but neither of us cared. We'd nutted and life was good. However, there is always the clean-up; and with John, it's always a good, delicious time. He sat on my face while he sucked my dick back to life. My load tasted better from John's ass than it had from Cal's ass on Wednesday. I have no idea why.

After I delivered my second load up his ass, he decided that my ass needed some sperm in it. I wasn't going to turn down another chance to sit on his fat dick and get bred. He knew how to make my ass very happy. He never disappoints me.

Early Saturday morning, I got a call from Anthony. He said that an agent wanted to talk to me later this morning, if I were available. I checked with John to be sure that he didn't have something planned for us to do. Nothing was on John's calendar, but he suggested that we meet at one of the local coffee shops at the appointed hour. "Wear something that shows off that magnificent body, but not too risqué to be seen in public," Anthony suggested. "My agent is really hot to meet you." I looked at John and he smiled. He knew just the outfit. It was going to be hot today, so John suggested a muscle shirt that showed off my shoulders, arms, and chest, and board shorts that had a mess lining at the crotch.

At the appropriate hour, we arrived at the designated coffee shop. Anthony and another man greeted us. The other man whose name was George watched me carefully as we walked toward the table they were sharing. "Yes, he's everything you said, and more," George smiled. "Let's go outside, so I can see you in natural light," he suggested. We followed him out to the sidewalk. "Oh, yes, he looks very good from the back, too. And those beautiful eyes are hypnotic! He's everything my clients want: black, handsome, and has a magnificent body. They'll go nuts for him."

"And Anthony explained to you that this will be a part-time gig," I reminded him. "I'm keeping my restoration job and I'm not jeopardizing it with a modeling thing. Demands for my time when I'm supposed to be restoring fine art will be ignored. Are we clear?"

"You drive a hard bargain," Gordon smiled. "But, I think we can work around your requirements."

"This is not bargaining. This is reality and non-negotiable," I repeated firmly.

"You may change your mind after my clients put offers on the table about what they're willing to pay for your time," he said with an oily smile.

"Very doubtful," I insisted. "I don't think they have that kind of money just for me. Handsome, black men are a dime a dozen in any ghetto in America. Tell them to go look there."

"That may be true, but you're a known quantity," George said in a serious tone. "Don't sell yourself short. You'd be surprised how eager my clients can be for the right man. You've stated your position clearly. I'll impart that to them as part of the bargain to get you to model for them. Do you have a preference for an exclusive contract or would you prefer to be available to the highest bidders on your schedule?"

I looked at John. He said, "I think Adam would like to be available to anyone with the right attitude about his career and enough money to make it worth his while. Remember, he doesn't have to do this at all. So, he's in the driver's seat here."

"Noted," George said. "Now, we need to schedule you for a photo shoot to get the clients interested."

I bristled at the suggestion. I've heard of those photo shoots that were nothing more than an attempt to get my clothes off. John saw my discomfort and suggested, "I have a number of candid pictures of him that I've transferred from my cellphone to my i-pad. I just happened to bring it with me." John is always prepared for any eventuality. And he can read me so well that he knows what reactions I'll probably have to future situations. He paged through a number of pictures of me in his house, working out in his private gym, walking around the grounds of his estate, and several picture of me at the fundraiser last night.

None of them showed too much dick bulge. I was relieved, because I knew he had pictures of us fucking and felching as well as naked in the shower in another file folder. He'd promised never to show them to anyone. They were strictly for his own enjoyment when I wasn't there and he wanted to jack off slowly.

"Can you send all of those to me, so I can show them to my clients?" George asked after he'd seen all of them twice. He'd asked John to expand the pictures to get greater detail of my face and body in nearly all of the pictures.

John looked over at me and I nodded. This would be easier than doing a photo shoot. "I'll send them right away," John said. George gave him an e-mail address. George checked to be sure that he received them. He forwarded those pictures to a group of people with a short text about his new discovery. He added my terms as non-negotiable.

"And now we wait," George grinned.

"But, we have other things to do," John said and pulled me toward the car. When we'd put some distance between us and Anthony and George, he whispered, "I didn't tell you earlier, because I wanted you to be focused on what they had to say. But, Larry sent me a text last night, hoping that we might be available for some action this afternoon. I knew how much you wanted to get down with him, so I accepted for both of us. I hope that's okay."

"Very much so," I grinned broadly. "I was thinking about him last night at the fundraiser, so I have to admit that I did stiffen up a few times at the museum last night. I was disappointed that we hadn't heard from him, yet. And you know me so well. What time did he want to do the deed?"

"I haven't called him back with a time," John said. "Do you have a preference?"

"As soon as he can get here, I'm ready for him and his beautiful ass and horsedick. Are okay with fucking at your place?" I asked.

"Sure," John smiled. "And I'll remind him to bring his test results." He made the call and I could tell by the grin on his face that Larry was eager to get here. After he hung up, John revealed the answer. "He'll be here in less than an hour. He wants to prep and drive over. He doesn't live very close."

"Does that mean that we should prep, too, with butts full of baby batter?" I smiled evilly.

"You bet it does!"

I pounded two loads into John's ass and he gave me the same number. Just as we rinsed off from the second round, the buzzer at the front gate sounded. "That'll be Larry," I smiled, and headed naked for the door. I buzzed him through and stood in the doorway as Larry's car pulled around the driveway and parked. He exited and raced to the front door. Larry bounded up the steps and planted a big kiss on me, while groping my growing dick.

John pulled us inside and shut the door. Quickly, we helped Larry out of his clothes (cutoff shorts that left nothing to the imagination and sandals), leaving them in a pile by the door. Three hard dicks pointed the way to the master bedroom. I gripped Larry's horsedick, marveling at how huge it was. I thought my memory had failed me, because his dick was bigger than I'd remembered. This whopper was destined to go up my ass and I was wondering if I really could take it all.

"I need your dick in my ass, John, and Adam sitting on my face," Larry directed from the bed. We assumed our positions. Immediately, I found out that Larry was a master ass eater. "Oh, yeah, pre-bred and full of jizz," he moaned. "Is this yours, John?" John admitted that it was, but his next load was for Larry's ass.

"By the way, where are your test results?" I asked.

"In the hallway, in my shorts," Larry revealed.

"I'll go get them. John seems to be busier than I am," I laughed. I'd been facing John as I sat on Larry's face. John's dick was already half way up Larry's manhole.

"Hurry back," Larry begged. "I need more time eating out that beautiful, black ass with John's cum in it."

I rushed back with his test results in hand. I found mine and John's and shared them with Larry. I waved Larry's results in front of John. He smiled and resumed his deep fucking. I was about to resume my seat on Larry's face, but I couldn't stop looking at Larry's enormous dick. I grabbed the lube and applied it appropriately. Sitting slowly and gingerly on the massive phallus, I breathed a sigh of relief when I discovered that my black ass had completely gobbled up his baby-maker. It took time, but it was sure worth it. I'd never had anything so thick and long up my hole. This was amazing.

"Watch out, Adam! I'm gonna nutt!" Larry bellowed. John fucked him faster, hoping to ride Larry's climax wave. In unison, they shouted out their pleasure. I could feel John bucking against my back as he emptied his nuts into Larry's black hole. And I squeezed and pulled on Larry's nipples to give him an even bigger climax as he exploded in my ass. He was deep and his big dick was jerking out of control. I hoped all those jerks meant a big load for my hungry love tunnel.

Larry was pumping my ass with abandon and trying to sit back on John's pounding dick. His hands were on John's ass, trying to hold him against his needy butt. At the same time, Larry was holding my hips down against his pistoning dick, trying to get his load deeper with each squirt. I was enjoying the ride and worked my ass muscles to get as much of Larry's nutt inside me as I could manage. This was one of the best rides I'd ever been on. And I didn't want to get off. The dick in my ass was enormous and the amount of jizz he'd jetted into me had to be one of the biggest I'd ever experienced. I knew that because when he climaxed and his dick jerked, I could feel his jets of man cream hit my ass walls hard.

When John pulled out, I pulled off of Larry's big dick. Even partially deflated, it was huge. John leaned down and started eating out Larry's ass. I thought that was a great idea, so I turned around and sat on Larry's face. He made a series of loud piggy noises. I didn't need an interpreter to tell me what that was all about. I leaned down and wrestled Larry's fat dick into my mouth and sucked off errant cum dribbles. John pulled away from Larry's ass just long enough to kiss me and share the loads that he'd delivered and I'd taken. "A good time," John smiled, before he went back to felching his load out of Larry's eager hole.

"I think I need to take a turn at his ass," I pronounced.

"Fuck, yeah!" Larry beamed. "I want your big, black dick up my hole, but take it easy on me. I don't think I've ever had one that big."

I slowly entered him, but paused several times to allow him to adjust. Within a minute though, I was deep inside him, beginning a nice, slow deep fuck. John had moved around to a position where he could sit on Larry's face. That muffled the sound of Larry's voice, begging me to fuck him fast and hard. I ignored his pleas.

A few moments later, John moved down Larry's body and sucked that big, black dick into another erection. John turned around and sat on that ass ripper far easier than I did. "I've had a little more practice than you have Adam, and you've been servicing me with that huge horsedick of yours. So, it's easier for me to take him that you did," John smiled. I thought Larry was bigger than me, but maybe he wasn't that much bigger, so John had little trouble taking him.

Larry had no problem maintaining that giant erection as he fucked up into John's pink ass. I continued to slowly impale Larry on my dick, enjoying John's cum that was lubing up Larry's deep tunnel so well. With the combination of getting his butt fucked and his dick pleasured by a tight ass, Larry was near another climax. His moans and quick breaths were telling everyone that he was close again.

"Can't hold back," he cried. John sat hard on Larry's crotch as Larry held him down and fucked upwards. I sped up my thrusts into Larry's ass, but I was not very close to my nutt. However, when Larry's ass quickly spasmed as his climax hit him, I couldn't hold out if I'd wanted to. Even as Larry's climax waned, I roared out my big nutt. I leaned against John's back as my dick jerked and sprayed my cream into Larry's well-fucked hole.

This experience is one that needed to be repeated, I concluded. And it was. We spent the rest of the evening fucking, felching, blowing, and kissing. We stopped briefly for food and drink and then went right back at it. Larry left the estate immensely satisfied about 10 p.m.

"An evening well spent," John sighed as he pulled me into his arms. I nodded and kissed him. It could only get better from here on.

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Next: Chapter 9

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