The Grand Teton

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 25, 2019



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The Grand Teton

Chapter One

Mark Robinson clung tightly to his only son, seventeen-year-old Peyton. Nobody could measure their grief except themselves. Mike was burying his beloved wife, and Peyton was burying his beautiful mother. Loreen had succumbed to ovarian cancer after a valiant battle. The fact of the matter was that Peyton, who was called Tippie ever since he was born, was taking it much harder than his father. Mark had to support his son so that he wouldn't fall.

The weather was bleak and very overcast. Even though it was March, the late winter winds chilled their bones and added to their miseries. The simple graveside service seemed never-ending.

Finally, the service was over. Loreen's casket was lowered, and the two men threw a shovelful of dirt into the pit. Mark remained quiet, but Tippie gave out a pitiful wail. They and most of the other mourners went back to Mark's house, where a caterer had put out a delicious spread.

The mourners stayed for a respectable amount of time and started to leave one at a time or a couple at a time. They all expressed their condolences. Once outside the door they forgot about Mark and Tippie and began to brood on their own troubles again.

After three days, Mark and Tippie resumed their old lives. Mark got heavily involved in his work and was managing quite well. Tippie, however, was in a deep funk and couldn't seem to rise above it. Mark did what he could. They went out for dinner almost every night. He took his son to sporting events, and even to a rock concert, but Tippie remained in sullen mourning.

Mark came home one night and found Tippie absorbed in his homework.

"Stop for a moment," Mark said. "I want to talk to you."

Tippie didn't say a word, but he looked at his father expectantly.

"I have a two-week vacation coming up," Mark began. "How'd you like to go on a camping trip with me?"

For the first time since Loreen died, a smile came to Tippie's face.

"I'd love that, Dad; just the two of us. It'll be great. Where did you have in mind?"

"Well, I've been doing a little research, and I've zeroed in on Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. They have over two hundred miles of hiking trails, and we can rent canoes and glide peacefully down the Snake River. There are also plenty of lakes and mountains. We'll be alone and we can commune with nature. Sorry if I sound corny."

"You don't sound corny at all. I'd love to go with you, Dad. When does your vacation begin?"

"Exactly two weeks from this coming Monday. I've coincided it with your spring break."

There was a reason that Tippie was so anxious to be alone with his father. He knew from the time he started middle school that he was gay. There was no doubt in his mind. He and a schoolmate had been fuck buddies now for a little more than a year.

Even before that, when he was very young, his father took him into the shower with him. The little boy was fascinated by his dad's extremely hefty, uncut cock. He was to find out later that he was not cut either. Standing in the shower, under the cascading water, he would stare at his father's cock and marvel. It always seemed to be changing its size. He wanted his dad to explain this phenomenon, but he was afraid to ask. Mark knew what was going on with his toddler, and it made him smile. He would never hide an erection from him. As he grew older, Tippie began to desire to make love to his father. He knew it was wrong, and it greatly disturbed him.

He had lots of plans for this trip. He had intended on coming out to his father on his eighteenth birthday, only ten months away. But this trip changed things. He was not only going to come out, he was going to attempt to seduce his father. Unfortunately his lust and his hormones were getting out of hand. In all fairness to Mark, when he planned the trip, he had no idea about Tippie's sexual orientation or his plans to seduce him. Sex with his son, was the last thing on his mind. Mark's erotic fantasies revolved around his best friend, David.

Mark had a secret of his own. His status in life was fast becoming a stereotype in modern society. He was a gay man, who found out that he could function with a woman. Most of his fuck buddies could not. He got married basically to avoid the stigma associated with being gay. He had sex with men before and during his marriage. For the past five years he had been seeing a gay man. The two had developed strong feelings for each other, and they hadn't been having sex anymore; more recently they had been making love. Ever since they met, his friend, David, had been begging Mark to divorce his wife so that they could live together.

Mark promised David that he would do that when Tippie was eighteen, but David kept pressuring him. When Loreen got sick, they both agreed that Mark would have to wait.

Chapter Two

Mark and Tippie arrived at the park and checked in at the Visitors' Center. They were given a map of the park. A forest ranger pointed out the hiking trails.

"These shaded lines," he informed them, "are roadways where you can drive your car. Along the way, you will see signs that say, `campgrounds'. You can pitch your tent at any of those locations, but no place else. If you do, we'll be forced to move you."

Father and son got back in the car and onto one of the roadways. In a short while they came across a sign indicating that they were in a campground.

"Let's go to one further out," Tippie suggested. "It'll be more private."

Mark couldn't imagine why Tippie was so obsessed with privacy, but he thought it was a good idea. They finally stopped at the third campground they encountered. There was only one other tent that they could see. They pitched their tent as far from the other as possible, and still remained within the confines of the allowable space.

They had come supplied with plenty of canned goods which could be eaten cold. The day was waning, but neither was tired. They shared a can of pork and baked beans, and just sat under a full sky of shimmering stars. The stars at home looked nothing like these, but they were the same stars.

Finally, Mark said, "Let's turn in and get some sleep, so we'll be well rested to take one of the hiking trails tomorrow."

"I'm all for that," Tippie agreed.

Mark took his son's hand and led him into the tent. They laid their sleeping bags on the floor, but Mark said, "It's way too warm to use the sleeping bags. I think I'll just lie down on mine, and use it as a mattress."

He stripped to his boxers, and lay down. Not so, Tippie. He stripped completely; allowed his father to have a good look, and slowly put his ass on the sleeping bag. Mark did two things. He decided not to comment on Tippie's nudity, and he gasped when he saw his son in the buff. He was at least five hefty inches and he was flaccid. Mark could only imagine how big he got when he masturbated. He assumed that at seventeen, Tippie whacked off regularly. He certainly had. For the first time, he saw his son as a sexual being, and he was getting aroused. He tried to knock the thought right out of his head.

Mark secured the flap in the tent, and lay down beside his son. Tippie pretended to fall asleep quickly, but he stayed wide awake. He waited until Mark turned on his side, and he hunkered up to his dad. His erect seven inch cock was nesting in Mark's crack. Mark froze. He didn't know what to do, but he believed that Tippie was asleep, so he did nothing. He actually started to doze off. Neither man was moving.

About a half hour later, Tippie threw an arm around Mark's waist. Mark remained rigid, but after a little time, Tippie's hand started to move downward and came to rest on Mark's pubic area, inches from his cock. Mark couldn't take any more.

"Are you awake?" he whispered to Tippie.

"I am now, but you woke me up," Tippie lied. They both sat up.

"What's going on here?" Mark asked. "If the idea weren't so outrageous, I'd swear you were trying to seduce me?"

"Yes, I am," Tippie answered with no hesitation. "I'm gay, Dad, and I want to make love with you. I figure you haven't had anything since Mom died, and I wanted to give you a present."

Mark started to cry. In fear, Tippie asked, "Are you going to disown me, and kick me out of the house? Am I a big disappointment to you? I'm sorry, but I can't help it."

"Relax. I'm not disowning my most precious possession and my best pal."

Suddenly Mark's sobbing turned to raucous laughter. He decided to tell Tippie his own dark secret, but still he hesitated. Instead he asked? "Are you a virgin, Tippie? Please be honest with me."

"No, Dad. I've been having steady sex with a classmate of mine for a little more than a year."

Not thinking smartly, and forgetting that his son was naked, Mark enveloped him in a bear hug.

"How could I have been so blind?"

"I did my best to hide it. I swear, I was going to tell you on my eighteenth birthday."

"Is it serious between you two?"

"Hell, no. Blake's a great guy, but he's not someone I'd want to spend my life with."

"What did you mean before when you said that I wasn't getting any nookie and you wanted to take care of it for me? FYI, my little offspring, your dad is getting plenty, but it's not sex between us, it's love."

"Oh, my God, Dad. You've met someone. It's a little soon, but I understand and I'm so happy for you. You have my blessing."

"We didn't just meet, Tippie. We've been seeing each other for five years."

"What about Mom?" Tippie asked. He was stunned.

"I loved your mother, and I took good care of her, but she wasn't enough for me. You see, Tippie, I'm gay. I've been gay all my life. I married your mother because I couldn't face the truth. Be true to yourself, Son."

Tippie was stunned. When he finally collected his thoughts, he said, "I'm glad you married Mom. Where would I be if you hadn't? ... Now tell me all about your special friend, Dad."

"You're right, Tippie. He is special, and he's going to be living with us as soon as it can be arranged. I was going to tell you everything before he moved in. Do I still have your blessing?"

"You bet. Do you know how exciting it'll be for me to live with two gay men and not have to hide anything? Can I invite Blake over for sex?"

"Sure. I'd like to meet him.

Mark was still holding Tippie in a bear hug. Instinctively, his hand wandered down to his son's cock and he started stroking it. The two men kissed each other on the lips, and their tongues snaked out seeking each other. This was not a fatherly kiss.

"Do you still want to take care of my sexual needs?" Mark asked.

"Now more than ever. If you've been gay all your life, I'll bet you can teach me a lot."

"Lie down, Sonny. Let the lessons begin. We're going to go really slow. Today we'll just give each other hand jobs. Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to give good head ... no, superior head. The next night, I'll teach you how to fuck for maximum pleasure and the least pain. After that we'll do it all, but with variations, like changing positions."

They lay down side by side, and they reached for each other's cocks. Slowly and sensually they stroked each other coming closer and closer to Nirvana. They came almost at the same time, scooped up their cum, and ate all of it.

Both men started to cry, but neither was sure if they were crying for the bliss they had just given each other, or if they were crying in shame for having committed incest together.

They made love constantly over the next two weeks, rarely leaving the tent. They never went hiking.

Cell phone reception was very poor from the campground, but Mark managed to get through to David twice. He filled his lover in on his and Tippie's coming out, but not their sexual activity. David asked to speak to him. Tippie assured David that he was happy at how happy he made his father, and they had his blessing.

Chapter Three

David moved in with the Robinsons in the middle of May, just three weeks before Tippie graduated from high school. Mark and Tippie agreed not to tell David about their sexcapades at the campgrounds. Tippie could hear his dad and David making love. They were very noisy lovers. He would get so hot, he would call Blake and beg him to come over. Blake was more than glad to comply. Both boys were very comfortable having sex in Tippie's household. It was a new experience for them not having to hide in the shadows anymore.

Tippie and David bonded quickly. The three men walked around the house naked, and there was no shame. When Blake came over, he joined them in nudity, and he, too, was comfortable.

Tippie was starting college at The State University during the last week of August. Blake's folks were loaded, and he would be starting classes at Yale right after Labor Day. They hardly saw each other after that.

Mark and David wanted him to come home as often as possible, so they bought him a low-mileage used car. He insisted on driving himself to the university. It was a long drive, and Tippie regretted that he didn't let his two fathers drive with him.

The first group Tippie joined at the university was The Gay and Lesbian Coalition. It was at his first meeting that Tippie met Roger. They fell in lust immediately. Love was to come later. They both had roommates who never left their rooms in the evening, so Roger and Tippie went into the nearby city and took a room for a few hours in a cheesy hotel.

Tippie learned early on that Roger's parents were dead. He had no family at all. His paternal grandfather had willed him a sizable trust fund, which was being well-managed by the executor of Grandpa's estate. He was very conservative, and the principal was always preserved. The trust fund was paying for his education.

Every time they had sex, it got better and better. In time they stopped having sex and began to make love. They always started by giving each other pleasure with their lips and tongue. But for a climax, they always came in the other's ass. In between all that, Tippie taught Roger some of the erotic tricks his father had taught him. Roger questioned where he had learned all these abilities, and Tippie just said he had a mentor with much experience.

Just before Thanksgiving, Tippie phoned home. His dad wasn't home from work yet, but David was. Tippie had begun to call him, Pop.

"Hey, Pop," he said. "I've got something to tell you. I'm in love with a dude named Roger. We haven't made a commitment in so many words, but we have a tacit understanding. He has no family, and I'd like to bring him home for Thanksgiving."

"By all means," David said. "You didn't have to ask. I can't wait to meet him."

"He wants to talk to you," Tippie said.

There was a slight hesitation, and Roger began to speak. "Peyton said, it would be okay to come home with him for Thanksgiving, but I wanted to make sure it was something you'd be comfortable with."

David was amused. His little boy had grown up. His college friends called him Peyton and not Tippie.

"It's more than all right," David said. "Our home is your home."

At the beginning of the long Thanksgiving weekend, Roger was very uncomfortable with the nudity in the house, and especially with the freakish love-making sounds emanating from the master bedroom. He adapted very quickly, and joined the others in marching around the house naked. As a means of revenge, he and Peyton began to make more noise than their fathers.

Just like that, Roger was a member of the household. At long last he had a family and a home filled with love. And it all traced back to a camping trip in Grand Teton National Park.

The End (of the beginning)

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