The Guardsman

By Hans Berger

Published on Nov 28, 2023


Many have asked mehow it came so far. What happened that Europe got a rubber clad mind controlledgay police force?

Well this is as any social development not so easy todetermine.

One of the reasons was the increase in terrorism in themiddle of the early 20s of the 21s century. With this came not only anexpansion of the state power to suppress terrorism and increased security butalso with an increase in police powers and numbers of policeman and securityforces.

Slowly people realized that if you need more security you need more cops. But paying for morecops is expensive. Thus the idea of conscript police was done. But who shouldbe conscripted? How do you balance the pay and cost of security measures with athriving economy?

However more police costs money to train, equip and paythem. Especially if you send people into a highly dangerous and possible deadlysituation. However citizen demanded a more robust approach to policing.

With a more robust approach to policing being a demand andwith the rise of terrorism SWAT style and military police tacticsbecame more common. Also police needed better protection and more weapons.

As those were directed against "the other" many citizen werequite eager to see a robust form of policing. In the same time a clear presencesends crime numbers down. At the same time the cash strapped European governments,especially in the south had to find ways or reducing cost. A largesecurity apparatus is costly and binds especially young fit males to aunproductive profession. At the same time you face the issue of corruption,sleaze and patronism.

At the same time, something had to be done to the people whodo not want to have children and are gay. So gay men had to be given a role insociety.

So the politicians turned to social scientists to developand construct a new kind of police force

One of the remedies that was promoted against this was more discipline and easy to control. Inthe beginning it was though to supplement national police forces and also dothe things where you need many people but not necessary so many intelligentstaff, such as protecting endangered objects, crowd control, riot police ingeneral things where a physical aspect was important.

With some of the policeman young guys that were conscripted– in order to save money – but also to stop them from rebelling, it lead to further militarization ofpolice culture and work.

Meaning living in barracks, some policeman especiallyin the larger cities actually preferred this because barrack accommodating wasfree of charge and cheaper then an apartment in the overcrowded cities. It alsomeant often a free meal and access to recreational facilities, that werecheaper then commercial offers. Living in barracks also prevented policepersonnel from having to many close friends in the civilian population andimproved their safety.

In the same time the employers tried to encourage theworkforce to live by simpler means and to improve training and education withknowledge gained from the neurosciences. Similar strategies where employedfor the security forces.

At the same time we also saw the rise of a new kind ofpolitical party: The radical feminist party, those platform included theestablishment of primacy of woman as the first gender (over men), strictlycontrolling male sexual desires and acts, harsher punishment on gender crimes,such as rape or sexual assault and a control of public media to censor allsexist speech. This party together with the Greens who shared part of theirfeminist ideals but at time also with right-authoritarian parties was able toimpose its agenda.

So we can say our stories takeplace in a feminist state where men are controlled by their wives.

Because gay men are less prone to this kind of control, they willbe recruited for the Guard, a kind of police that should protect againstsupposed threats such as terrorist attacks, child molesters or refugees. Through constant controls as well as propagandathe population is kept in state of constant fear and anxiety. The media arecensored.

The securityapparatus is extremely large: there are frequent roadblocks wherecitizens can be controlled, most of the citizens find that great because they feelsafe, and intimidates thieves and stuff. One of the ironic items actually is,that the crime rate is very low.

The Guardies are present before many important buildings asguards, they also perform tasks that in our time not done by the Police: Check Airlinepassengers or check on Trains, Air Traffic Control, Prison Guard, Body Guard,Enviromental protection... Due to the vow of poverty and the strict work regimethey are very cheap and effective employees.

FutureGuardsman – young gay man, about to leave school - are lured with concessions, as well asideology and propaganda to the service of the Guard. It isofficially banned to "program" civilians or to make them undergo brainwashing. Butfor the security forces but that is allowed.

Officially it is argued that in the normal education in school ortraining of the police or the military men's minds were also changed or theworld of thought enhanced.

SoNeuroscience based condition as it is done in the Guard is only a veryefficient form of education. In addition, it helps against a possiblecoup d'etat or the loss of control over the security apparatus. Lack of controlof the state security apparatus is something the leaders of society reallyfear.

In the Guardthe "natural" tendencies of most gay men are reinforced:submissiveness, obedience, love of muscular, athletic men, esprit de corps,hygiene and very short or shaved hair, body hair will not be allowed ingeneral. But the joy of sports, of enjoying their bodies and of course punishmentdrive and motivate them.

Motivation is done by rewards, mostly the permission of littlethings we take for granted, but are doled out in the guard as rewards for goodand proper behavior. Such as leisure time, cumming, sex, leave or specialtreatment.

In addition, the body of the guardsman gets modified, due to thenature of the R-class suit nothing is hidden, so the guardsman need asufficiently muscular and impressive, slender body structure – this is also aprominent recruitment tool.

The penises are circumcised and are taken to guard standard,meaning they get to have a certain minimum size. Refractive errors of the eyesare corrected. All Guardsman get anidentification chip implanted into the hand, it serves to activate theirweapons, opens doors and so on. In addition, the Guardsman get their "tagnumber" tattooed on the chest.

The TagNumber - Guardsman drop their name. In many European countries it wasalready normal for police to always display a number, so they could beidentified. Later only the number was shown, so that Guardsman can not beassociated with his family. The dropping of the name is also used to signal that a new chapter in life has begunand to accept the new identity. Similar to the change of name when you joina religious order. In most units, only the last three digits are used to toaddress.

Some Guardies have nicknames due to their number: Bond for about007.

This numbering remains the same during the whole period ofservice. If they use of civil name they will be punished.

Gums or Guardsman Management System - The system monitors each Guardy and speaks tohim through a small silver button in the ear. He can rely on this system to bealways connected and cared for and to never feel alone. The system is friendlyand has a deep soothing voice. It is connected to a central computer, that hasmild AI properties. On the one hand, it also measures constantly the vitalfunctions of Guardies, checks and controls their interaction, has a recordwhere they are and they can talk back to it. He can always contact a verbalinterface. In addition, the system is used to give him tasks. It can also controldifferent `states of consciousness' like sleep, conditioning, alertness, beingawake. Since it also knows when guardies need food, water or shit it can directthem to get the necessary supplies. And it controls the calorie intake.

The small button in the ear is made from a silvery material andis charged every evening, for the night, there is a night headset, that helpsto condition the guardies in their sleep.

GUMS serves for monitoring and performance control, which canalso be monitored at all times what the Guardsman is doing and how he feels. Inaddition, to improve efficiency of the Guard unit.

Calorieintake occurs in the form of slimeor gruel, the suck this directly from Dildo-shaped nozzles in thefacilities. GUMS directs the guardies there and then a prescribed amount ispumped or sucked to their stomach.

Guardies neverspeak of themselves in the first person. At most, a group of Guardieswould use the expression WE. When they speak of themselves they say: thisGuardsman or this or use the 3rd person and mention their tag number. This isdone to emphasize that they are part of a group and not individuals.

The uniformof the Guardsman is a matt black body suit made of a rubber-like special materialthat has all kinds of protective functions and is actually several layers ofvery advanced nano material: This regulates body temperature, sweat, itprotects against stabbing, small caliber shots, is flame resistan, acids andtoxins. However the suits are very expensive to manufacture and so everyguardsman more or less has only this as a uniform. Wearing it feels really goodon the skin. To work properly the suit has to be one piece and have minimalseams or openings. Therefore, he goes from the neck to toe, incorporatingsocks, most suits also incorporate gloves. During training, the material getsmittens to reinforce the impression of losing control.

For training there is a skull cap which connects to the earplugand can monitor brain activity through the shaven skull, thus mind control ismade easier.

On the chest of the suit is the tagnumber of Guardies, his rank and hisfunction. This is all decoration that the suit has.

The zipper of the suit is in back together with a seal controlledby GUMS. To put on the , the Guardies use a nice smelling lotion, so that thetight-fitting suit gets on better. The suit can only be put on and off by twopeople, so to emphasize the need for cooperation in the guard.

To suit include matt black boots.

The chestinformation contains the rank, tag number and a function designation:Material for guardies in training, Guardsman for a normal Guardy , Guardmedicfor a Medic, etc ... Otherwise see all black suits alike. The letters are insilver writing.

Guardsman, who have finishedtheir training a Beret. This is available in different colors. Drillinstructors and internal audit wear red. Prisongaurd orange, others havedifferent colours to denote their function.

The suitalso includes underwear. It consists of a black rubber band, a rubber tube sheathing the penis andtesticles and a dildo-like anal plug, this anal plug closes the anus and isexpanding it thus controlling the ass..

It has several functions:1. control over body function: Theguardsmen surrender control over their body function shitting, peeing (and evensleeping) to GUMS. The plug blocks the butt so they can't shit. Shitting isonly possible on the sanitary saddles that evacuate waste from their bodies. Italso inforces the feeling of being controlled.

  1. stimulation: the Guardies ass gets stimulated when theydo something they should like.

  2. plugging the butt: once they wear it, they can't shit intheir pants. Helps if they have to confront a difficult situation. And ofcourse they cannot remove their uniform, so this so much better.

  3. widening the butt, so that gay sex is easier.

Married Guardsman get anal plugs in the shape of penises of theirhusbands.

With the underwear you walk first a bit strange, the feeling youget used to but then it is pleasant.

SanitarySaddle – To empty the bladder and colon, there are the so-calledsanitary saddles. They are installed in all Guard facilities. Each family unitarea for example has one. The Guardsman sits down on the saddle, the feet arehooked into restraints. The saddle connects via openings into the underwear andthen empties and cleans the Colon. This procedure must be performed once a day,it takes two minutes and is very efficient. A diode on the saddle indicateswhen it is finished. The procedure is seen by many as a mild stimulant. At thesame time also the bladder is emptied.

Food Dildo – food intakeis done by the Guardies in the group on a dildo-shaped device. They go there,identify with the chip implanted in their hand, then start sucking. Apredescribed quantity is pumped into the stomach. This always tastes a bitdifferent and a bit artificial or vegetables. Knife, fork and normal eating isonly used on special occasions. The idea is to make cleaning, feeding asefficient as possible in order to have more time free for necessary activitiessuch as training and working.

Body care – everymorning the Guardies wash each other thoroughly. During training this iscontrolled by their instructors. In each case a Guardy washes the other, sothat owns body is not touched. Body hair is shaved. For Material statusGuardies (in training) the skull is shaved and must be bare. For Guardies whohave completed their training hair on head is allowed if it does not interferewith their duties. Whether it is allowed and how much and how it should looklike, decides their superiors. To have them show their faces and bedistinguishable while wearing the normal uniform is beneficial to the contactwith the public.

Before putting on the rubber suit the whole body is creamed sothat it fits better.

Sleep / Beds – To savemoney, but also to rehearse the gay lifestyle, two gaurdies sleep in one bed.They share the duvet and pillow. The cover is made of the similar material astheir suits. In the morning they usually wake up cuddled to each other. For thenight the day headset is replaced, so that it can be charged and cleaned by itscradle. Before the light is turned off, the Big Brother comes along and speakswith all of of his brothers. Some Big Brothers also give their Family Unit agoodnight kiss as a sign of compassion towards their brethren. The beds have tobe made cleanly after leaving them.

Due to the strong control of the Guard (15h service, proteinfood, no vacation, no wages, two-person beds, no possession) it is the cheapestpolice force one could think of.. Poverty ideology and duty virtues help tokeep the gay men in the Guard and under control and prevent them form revoltingor even taking power.

Armor suitor tank suits – Guardies with dangerous jobs wear an armor suit. Which haseven better armoring and protection against attacks than the rubber uniform. Thiscan be worn for several days without taking it off. For sleeping, they go intoa sort of alcove which connects with the suit so that the bladder and the coloncan be emptied and the suit can recharge. It will also pump fresh food liquidin and fill up the water tanks.

Which allows them to operate for around one week. After 1 week,the suit must be pulled out and cleaned. The suit also has a helmet with amirrored visor and an integrated display with voice control. It can detectsfaces, show the environment and upcoming tasks. The display can also be used toselectively hide or block parts of the environment. So that the banners ondemonstration are not visible or street and place names hidden. Other functionsinclude navigation, control to Gums. The armor also protects aganinst radiationand air borne toxins.

The Power Armor or Tank suit is also matte black. Designationsand ranks can be attached but it depends on the situation.

Guardstations – are the places from where the Guardies operate from and alsolive in. Most of the buildings are gray concrete with high walls and heavysteel doors. The public can come in to report crime and talk to guardsman butthere are also detention cells and other facilities included. Size of thestation depends from the function.

Ranks – thelowest rank in the Guard is o A, it then goes through the alphabet to guide afamily unit is at least one has the rank C.

Big Brother – in anyfamily unit, there is a big brother. He is an experienced Guardsman, who caresabout the younger Guardies and helps them find their way into and through theGuard. It need not necessarily be the highest ranking Guardy of the familyunits, but is sort of a father figure. He embodies the gentle and good side ofthe Guard.

Family unit – 6Guardies are summarized in a family unit. This is also the smallest unit thatis always posted and used together. In the family unit room the Guardies livetogether. the head is The big brother. The Guardies are selected so that theyare well suited to each other. It is also the group and in which the dailyleisure time is spent.

Dressuniform – for festive occasions, the family visits, parades,appointments in the public, Guardies wear a dress uniform. It consists of therubber suit is worn below, white gloves, black shiny polished boots, blacktrousers, a black, mao-collar uniform jacket with 12 gold buttons with stars, aBeret. For this purpose, a belt with golden buckle. Golden applications and accessorieslike their number plate, special strap buckles of medals or badges. The wholelooks very festive and well. It is the only uniform in the Guardies are allowedto leave the station for leisure.

Leisure – EachGuardy hast one hour of leisure time every day. He may s move freely within the Guard Station, do some exercises he likes,visits another Guardy for hanging or even sex if he has collected enough rewardpoints. He can also use this time to write an e-mail to his family (there arealso precomposed messages, he just has to give his personal touch) to playsports, to talk to his friends or to chill out. During this period the state ofconsciousness is not controlled or changed by gums. With a permit from hissuperiors he is even allowed to leave the Guard Station. He is allowed to leavethe Guard Station for important family events, if this is approved by thesuperiors as well. Generally, no more than a few days a year. But in that timehe hast to live in the nearest Guardstation. The other 15 h of his day is spendserving and working, receiving instructions or conditioning.

personalproperty – is not for the allowed for the time of service in the Guard.Accounts are frozen. Ownership of physical objects is transferred over to arelative. In the Guard the Guardies have only stuff they get from the Guard.They also do not make money. Accept any gifts. In the sense of the law they aredead and cannot own property.

Meditation – whenGuardsman are not in use or used and are idle they are to repeat their beliefs:I like my rubber suit, I Obey the commands, the Guard is my mother, and so on.For this they close their eyes and concentrate on meditation.

Sport – TheGuardies are regulary made to do sports. The goal is for them to have analethic, muscular and impressive body. That makes people fear or repsect them. Dependingon the area of responsibility, different sports are made: Guardies are to workon patrol have to have broad shoulders and do Martial Arts, drone pilots haveto be alert and agile, Guardmedic have to carry a lot and have good hands.

Contact withthe family – After training each Guardy has the right to regular contactwith his family. This is done by email. The text is checked by GUMS and onoccasiosn by his superiors. The Guardies write these emails in their free timeand it is to report from a carefree life and happy working life in the Guard,so that the family does not to worry. Details of operations or about the buttplugs, gay sex are to be omitted..

Guardreservists – If Guardies are no longer needed, there are two possibilities:They are sent to a preparation center where they are preparing for normal life(eating normal food, wearing clothes, personal care, life without a voice whichone says what one has to do, manners, conduct, ...). From this they may beassigned a wife. From there, they can if they are needed to be called againback to the Guard. Some are stored as to have reserve for fast escalation.

InternalAudit – These Guardies wear a Red Beret, are the internal controllersand enforcers of guard standards. They are 110% when it comes to laws andprocedures. They are also incapable of stepping outside their mentallimitations. Inside the guard they are not very popular.

Pain sticks – Standardarmament of the Guardies for close combat or for maintaining order, for examplein riots or demonstrations. The normal Guard uniform is immune to the painsticks (except the one for material and cadets, as it is one of the controlmethods). The stick is worn on the belt (when on patrol or ordered), and may beextended in lenth. The part of the body which comes into contact with it hurts badly. The severity of the pain canbe controlled. At maximum pain is a good chance that people lose consciousness.

Checkpoints– areinstalled by the Guard regularly on normal roads and in normal times for noparticular reason. They are used to control flows of people, train passengers,pedestrians, cars. This is the remedy for the loss of border controls. Peopleare also checked on prohibited substances like drugs,. As a rule, the blood ofthe people is controlled to these substances. Most middle class people do notlike these controls but the Guardies are friendly and very polite. In addition,they have told that these are for their own safety.

Ideology – The mostimportant terms in the ideology of the Guard are: unity and uniformity, discipline and self-discipline. Service andsubordination, obedience.

The Guard is an expression of a movement that began as a youthmovement in the crisis in Europe and then ideology was dominant along with the Feminism.Just as in the 1990s, neoliberalism.

Unity is to be symbolized by the Uniform clothing. Everyone wearsthe same black rubber suits, and the hairstyles are standardized and havelittle variation.

The bodies are brought to the same level through targetedtraining "normalized". Very important is the approximation of the penises,through circumcision and surgical normalization. In addition, the anus arestandardisced as well.

As they are mostly smooth most Guardies look like big babies.

The strongest expression of this uniformity when they wear thearmor suits and helmets with mirrored visors. Then they can no longer bedistinguished except by their numbers from outside.

An expression of self-discipline is the renunciation of all theneeds. Food is pumped directly into the stomach, shit evacuated.

As a sign that one is not part of your own body itself, care istaken when washing from another person.

That's life should be dedicated as fully as possible to theservice of the security of the people of Europe, but it is necessary to rulewith much discipline and self-control especially over their own bodies.

Even thoughts and feelings are standardized and unified, for thisthey use GUMS, the mantras but also constant statements.

Needleweapon – one could call them handguns which shoot tiny needles. Thesehollow needles are usually no longer than one centimeter. They may containdifferent charges, for example, toxins, drugs or explosive substances. For usein normal times the GUARD uses needles with tranquilizer. So that the victimwill be paralyzed and can be taken to the guard station. This is usuallysufficient against civilians. The actual projectiles possess virtually no breakthroughcapacity and can even be stopped by minimal armor. But they want to reform thethinking of their victims not to kill them. A very humane weapon.

Support - you can support the guard by donating to or by writing to the author at: you find more stories at: A Blog from a Guardsman

Next: Chapter 2

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