The Guild


Published on Feb 18, 2005


Well folks we have reached the 1/3 mark. I hope you have enjoyed things so far. There are many more twists and turns left before we reach the end.


Kentor look at the blue green world of Wor from high orbit, searching intensely as if his eyes could find the missing counterpart from such great heights. From the moment the Armada had left warped space into the Wor system Kentor has sensed the madding presence of an out of control Prelate. The wild nature of the man's power radiated from Wor even beckoning to Kentor. How the young counterpart had resisted such power... Kentor could not fathom. Such were his thoughts until he felt the warm, naked body of General Felix wrap around his own.

"How may I serve you my lord?" The infatuated general asked.

"Send in the Armada. I want us to have full control of the sky's in three days time."

"As you wish."

"And General... be careful. This Abomination would steal your soul if he could."

"You already have my lord."

"I know," Kentor smiled. "Why do you think I seduced you... it was to protect you."

"Hmmm." Felix hummed happily as he grinned himself again up against the pale but firm skin of the counterpart's backside.

Kentor chuckled... it had been so long since anyone other than the Prelate had paid so much attention to him. It was a good change from the centuries of guarded isolation he had been forced to endure.

As he felt the general's sex enter him, Kentor let out a sharp cry of both pain and lust. Military men had always been rougher but Kentor did not mind. The maddening lust coming from the planet feed his passions and covered any discomfort.

"Guild Mistress Elaine the Armada has arrived." A bronze masked Protector bowed to the leader of the Guild on Wor.

"Thank the light... we have barely been able to hold back the Abomination." The Guild Mistress sighed with relief.

"There is more my lady... Kentor is here."

"The counterpart? Where is he?"

"In high orbit my lady... he has sent Star General Felix however."

"Bring him here at once."

"Yes..." The Protector bowed.

Moments latter the general was led into the room but instead of bowing to the Guild Mistress as her station demanded, he remained upright. Elaine was about to summon her Protector back to teach the general proper respect but then her eyes fell on the patch on the man's left shoulder... the one showing the mark of the white mask... a sign of the counterpart's favor.

Without hesitation Elaine went down on one knee, bowing her head low. "How fairs the counterpart?"

"He is well." Felix grinned. "Remarkably well."

"May he live a thousand years."

"Yes, now rise Elaine. I could never talk to a person whose eyes I could not see."

"Thank you general." The Guild Mistress replied as she stood back onto her feet. "Did you have a pleasant journey?"

"More than pleasant." Felix replied as he took off his steel mask revealing his wide grin. "Have you ever made love in the Void?"

"You are not serious." Elaine said shocked as she removed her own silver mask.

"I am very serious... one moment I was sharing my bed with the counterpart... the next I was sharing the entire cosmos with him."

"It must have been quiet the experience." Elaine replied, not able to hide the jealousy in her voice.

"But down to business... what have you found out about this Abomination."

"The more we learn the less we are sure of." Elaine sighed.

Tell me what you do know."

"The Abomination is a man named Gerick. He is most famous for being the captain of old king Leopold bodyguards... or so we thought."

"What else have you found out about him?"

"Looking deeper into his past we found out that before he was known as Gerick he was known as Admiral Fowler and before that the Viscount of Ravenclaw and before that..."

"I understand... he has many identities. But who is he really?"

"That we do not know... only that this Gerick has been alive for well over five hundred years."

"But that's impossible! That would make him older than the Prelate Lorien."

"As I said the more we learn the less certain we are of things."

"And what of the counterpart?"

"That makes even less sense."

"Oh... do you not know who it is?"

"We do know... he is Joshua... son of Estelle the traitor."

"And how old is he?"

"Twenty one years old."

"How can a Prelate who is over five hundred years old have a counterpart who is only in his twenties?"

"As I said... it does not make sense."

"Could it be possible that there are two Prelates on Wor?"

"Possible but unlikely for Gerick's constant demand is for Joshua to be handed over to him."

"I see... do we know where this Joshua is then?"


"Then I suggest we send our resources on finding him and fast."

"As you wish general." Elaine bowed.

"Joshua... I thought you had made your decision." Austin asked confused.

"So had I... but something has happened. I now hear two men calling for me."

"Who is the other man..."

"He calls himself Kentor. He says he is like me... a counterpart."

"He is from the Guild then... Joshua you know the Guild wants to kill you."

"I know... but he promises he can fix everything. Turn everything back to normal at least."

"Joshua... don't believe him."

"Who am I to trust then?"

"You can trust me... and Vard. Gerick might be a monster but he would never hurt you. The Guild on the other hand..."

"Listen to him Joshua." Thomas's voice rang in his head. "Gerick loves you more than any other."

"No, no, no!" Joshua yelled as he fought to block Thomas' thoughts from his mind.

"Gerick?" Austin asked as he put a comforting hand on Joshua's shoulder.

"No Thomas... Gerick is using him to get to me."

"I know... Thomas has been in my head as well."

"Is that why you want me to go back to Gerick?"

"Yes Joshua, I am sorry. Gerick is to powerful for me to continue to resist. You should no longer trust me."

For a long moment Joshua was silent as Austin stood, waiting for his birth kin's decision. "I can not lose you to Gerick as well Austin. Go back to Santor... back to Vard, and never come back. You should be safe with him."

"But Joshua!"

"Go Austin." Joshua said offering his hands to Austin.

"But I don't want to leave you!"

"But you said it yourself... you are barely able to resist Gerick. Right now you are in more danger than I am."

"Joshua..." Austin started to cry.

Joshua took hold of Austin's hands, leaning forward to rest his head on the other man's forehead. "Please tell Vard that regardless of what happens I love him and always will, my only regret being that I never held him in my arms."

"Joshua..." Austin whimpered as the key to the door to the Void was turned.

Only when he was alone did Joshua let his own tears fall on his face.

Prime Minster Toran disembarked his manta class sky warship not believe matters had reached this point. A fleet of only fifty cruisers and sever battleship had defeated the entire royal navy of over two hundred vessels. It had been as if an invisible force had been protecting the ships led by the rebel Gerick. Not for the first time did Toran regret letting the old king's bodyguard live.

"Prime Minister Toran. I am Baron Prince Thomas of Dralor. I am here to welcome you in the name of the Prelate." Thomas said from behind a grinning copper mask.

"So he sends a traitor to great me... how appropriate." Toran spat.

"Who betrayed whom first?" Thomas replied.

"Lets get this over with."

"As you wish prime minister."

Going from the port, Thomas took the Prime Minister into what had been old king Leopold's summer palace, passing by rank after rank of bronze masked men with red eyes. "How did you come by so man Protectors?"

"The seed of Gerick is both strong and plentiful." Thomas chuckled.

"Guild perversion!"

"Yes... if you wish to call it that. I don't think you will for long however."

"What do you mean?" Toran demanded.

"You'll see." Thomas grinned as he stopped at a pair of large doors. "If you will step this way prime minister... Gerick is inside."

Once the Prime Minister was past the door, Thomas closed the heavy door tight but it did little to stop the sound of the screams that soon came from inside.

For another of my scifi storys look at

Next: Chapter 13

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