The Guild


Published on Mar 5, 2005


Sorry for the delays. Have been sick as a dog the last few days. Chps up to 27 are now on the yahoo group. Enjoy.


Gerick and Thomas stood alone on the landing platform watching the skies for the first sign of the shuttle bringing Joshua.

"There it is!" Thomas pointed excitedly at the glint of metal in the sky.

"I think you're right." Gerick grinned. He knew Thomas was right. With Joshua so close he could practically feel his counterpart's presence.

Ten minutes later the shuttle landed, the side door opening. The first to step off was Joshua... his face poorly covered with makeup to hide his bruises. The next was a tall red eyed man... the Protector Falcon that Felix had talked about. The last to step off was the General... a cold stern expression on his face.

Thomas, on seeing Joshua ran towards him, pulling him into a tight hug. Joshua though did not even recognize him "Who are you." He asked as he continued as he slowly strode forward, leaving Thomas with a pained look on his face.

Doing exactly as Falcon had told him to do... Joshua walked towards his destiny... without protest... without tears. He walked till he was just beyond the Prelate's arm reach going down to his knees, bowing his head.

"Joshua... my Joshua." Gerick sighed as he took a step forward to touch the prize he had long sought after.

"Gerick." Joshua whispered.

"Rise counterpart and come into my arms so that we may become one."

Slowly Joshua rose back onto his feet and took the final steps towards a man he saw as a monster.

Gerick was blind however to the fear he was triggering in the young man, embracing him even as every inch of Joshua body shook.

Letting his arms return to his side, Gerick stared into Joshua's white on white eyes. "Shall I take you home?"

Joshua nodded his head.

"Good. I think you will be happy here." Gerick said as he took Joshua's hand in his, leading him to the nearby hover car, leaving Thomas and Falcon behind.

"He did not recognize me." Thomas exhaled as he stroked his chemically bleached skin.

"What was that?" Falcon asked as he approached the young man.

"Joshua... he did not recognize me." Thomas repeated.

"Ahhh... you must be Thomas."

"Yes... and you are?"

"I am Falcon Van'dar... Joshua's father and Protector."

"I read about you... you are supposed to be dead."

"I get that a lot." Falcon chuckled as he studied the young man. While there was an aura of innocence coming from Thomas... Falcon suspected it was all veneer, that underneath it was a twisted soul.

"Would you like to play with my toys?" Thomas asked with an innocent smile.

Once arriving at the Guild Palace, Joshua made the excuse of needing to refresh himself to gain a brief respite from Gerick. On entering the bathroom Joshua locked the doors, sat himself on the toilet and began to cry, smearing the makeup Felix had labored so hard to put on his face. "Falcon... where are you?"

"I'm a little occupied with your friend Thomas," Falcon sent back.


"Yes... he was that pale man who was with Gerick."


"Joshua... he's been twisted by his time with Gerick. Be careful. I am afraid the same might happen to you."

"What are you doing right now?"

"Thomas is going to show me his toys... I do not think it is going to be a pleasant experience."

"Be careful." Joshua warned.

"I will." Falcon replied.

Joshua was about to tell Falcon he loved him when there was a loud knock on the door. "Joshua?" Gerick voice came from the other side of the door.

"Coming," Joshua replied as he went to the sink and washed the makeup off his face.

When Joshua came out Gerick took hold of Joshua's bruised face. "My love... what has happened to you?"

For a brief moment Joshua thought of having his revenge on General Felix... but knowing that it would result in the man's death... he could not bring himself to do it. So he told Gerick the truth. "My Protector had been teaching me how to defend myself."

"Is that not the Protector's job?"

"Yes... but there might be a time when I might have to protect myself."

"True... very wise of him," Gerick nodded as his hands caressed Joshua's face. "You must me tired from your journey. Shall we retire to the bedroom."

That comment sent a shiver down Joshua's spine. The last place he wanted to be was in Gerick's bedchamber. "May we eat first?"

Disappointed Gerick let out a sigh... "Very well but right after it is straight to bed for you."

"Alright," Joshua nodded. At least it would give Falcon time to come back to him.

Following Thomas, Falcon entered into the `playroom', which looked less like a child's toy room then something of out of one's nightmares. It was filled with different devices... some to give pain... some to give pleasure... most of them looked like they would do both.

"What would you like to play with." Thomas asked eagerly as he let his clothes fall from his body.

It was then that Falcon saw it... the mass of red angry scars on Thomas' back... just like Joshua had. He then realized what Gerick had done to the boy... the Prelate was trying to mold him into a twisted image of Joshua... pale skin, with scars on his back but where Joshua would do almost anything to avoid pain... Thomas however was a masochist.

Thomas was now naked, on his knees and holding up the cat of nine tales in his hands... offering it to Falcon. "Can we play now?" The youth asked hopefully.

Joshua ate his soup in silence... face down while Gerick watched his every move. He ate slowly, trying to stretch out this moment of peace for as long as possible in hope that Falcon would come and save him. He did not come.

"Did you like it?" The man asked eagerly when Joshua had scraped the bowl clean of the now cold soup.

"Yes." Joshua replied. "May I have some more?"

"And ruin your appetite for our wedding feast! I will not hear of it." Gerick laughed.

"Wedding?" Joshua asked confused. "But we are both men."

Gerick... maddened by Joshua's lack of enthusiasm flipped the long dinning room table over... sending the dishing crashing down. "Am I not the Prelate! If I say you and I will be wed we will!"

Joshua closed his eyes so as not to see the rage on Gerick's face. "As you say my lord."

Joshua kept his eyes closed as he heard the cracking sound of Gerick's feet as they walked over the broken dishes. He then felt the man's hot breath on his face.

"It's time Joshua... time for you to become mine." Gerick said as he lifted Joshua out of his chair, and carried him toward the bedroom.

As a Protector, Falcon had long ago mastered the art of interrogation, a necessary evil of his trade. So this was not the first time his hands hand gripped the leather handle of a whip. He had never used on a man quite like Thomas however. The harder Falcon struck... the wider the grin would grow on the boy's face. At first Falcon thought Thomas was mocking him but then out of curiosity he entered the boy's mind... and what he found disturbed him. The youth's nervous system had been altered... twisted... the pain receptors cross wired with those of pleasure. Looking deeper, Falcon saw a jealousy fueled hatred... a hatred of Joshua that was only balanced out by his conflicting love for him. Falcon would have to warn Joshua. This boy was dangerous.

Falcon saw a sliver of hope however... a man broken was never quite the same... they were more malleable, soft, easier to mold. Now that Gerick had Joshua, Falcon was certain the man would not be keeping as close an eye on his protégée.

Dropping the whip, Falcon undid the ropes tying Thomas to the table. He then helped the young man sit up, Falcon's eyes grimacing on seeing the boy's wide grin even as tears stained his face.

Falcon placed a kiss on top of the young man's forehead. "You did very well Thomas."

"Thank you sir." Thomas chuckled.

Falcon began undoing the buckle of his belt. "Are you ready now for another game?"

Thomas... his eyes glued to the leather strap as it slipped off Falcon's waist, nodded his head eagerly while he wet his lips.

Joshua sat on the edge of the bed nervously as he watched Gerick undress in front of a mirror.

"Shall we play with one of Thomas's toys? He enjoys them so much." Gerick asked as the robe fell off his body, revealing his erect sex.

"No thank you." Joshua whispered.

Turning around and to that Joshua was still dressed, Gerick frowned. "Joshua... why are you not preparing for bed?"

"I'm not tried."

"Neither am I." Gerick laughed. "I was not thinking that we would take a nap but do something a little"

"I think I want to go for a walk." Joshua said as he stood up.

"You are not going anywhere!" Gerick said as he grabbed hold of Joshua's arm, pushing him back onto the bed before pinning him to the mattress with his body. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm... I'm scared." Joshua confessed.

"Of me?" Gerick said in disbelief. "How can you say such a thing? Have I ever harmed you? Do you not feel my love for you?"

"That is what frightens me."

"You are scared of my love? How can you be afraid of something so beautiful?"

"Because I can feel your love in me... eating away at my mind. It is too powerful... like you are too powerful. I am afraid that if I let myself love you I will become lost."

Not during all the time he had been running away from Gerick had Joshua feared the man would physically hurt him... not intentionally at least. No... it had been Gerick's love that had scared the counterpart... his illogical, maddening feelings for him.

When Gerick had taken away Vard's birth kin, he had taken a part of Vard with him. Joshua knew it was that part of Vard which was calling out to him... wanting to drown Joshua in his love. Joshua knew however that if he did so... a part of him would be lost... a part of him would become part of Gerick and even more frightening, a part of Gerick would become a part of him

"I am a Prelate Joshua, I can not get rid of this power I have. Every day it grows stronger... What I can do... all I can do is share myself with you.

With that Gerick gathered all his strength, all the power from the millions of birth kin scattered throughout the cosmos. He then put all that power to his lips while Joshua's eyes went wide with fright.

After the game with the belt... Falcon had taken out a soothing cream and was massaging it into Thomas's red ass. The time was fast approaching when he would be able to steal the boy from Gerick.

"You're a fun playmate." Thomas giggled when Falcon pushed a slippery finger inside him.

"I'm glad you approve." Falcon grinned. Pulling his finger out so that start removing his clothes.

"What game are we going to play now?" Thomas asked, sitting up so he may watch Falcon undress.

"How about we play... fuck the Thomas?'

"Yes... I would like that game!" Thomas clapped.

"Good." Falcon grinned. Now naked, he took Thomas in his arms even as his thoughts entered the young man's mind. Lowering Thomas back down on the table, Falcon slipped his long slippery tongue into the boy's mouth. He heard Thomas let out a deep moan even as Falcon reached down and shoved two fingering into the young man's ass.

"Fuck me Falcon... fuck me." Thomas begged.

"Do you give yourself to me willingly?" Falcon asked as he added a third finger.

"Yes." Thomas moaned.

"Will you do whatever I say?" Flacon asked as he moved his fingers in and out of Thomas.


"Do you surrender yourself to me?"

Thomas did not respond right away. Gerick hold on Thomas... was almost gone, the Prelate's attention completely focused on Joshua while Falcon used his own dominating to leash the young man to him. Still it was a struggle but eventually Thomas nodded his head. "Yes... I surrender. My life is yours."

On hearing those words Falcon pushed his sex inside the young man and began riding him as he used his power to reshape Thomas's mind. "You belong to me now Thomas..."

"You belong to me now Joshua..." Gerick whispered as his mouth entered Joshua's parted lips.

Joshua... his eyes wide, his body rippling with Gerick's power could only give his head a faint nod. As Gerick ravished his body, Joshua tried to quiet the storm that was his mind. He could feel Gerick, Vard... all the millions of birth kin in his head... all of them singing to joy for his physical union with the Prelate. Joshua felt himself drowning in the cacophony.

"Falcon... please save me."

"I'm here Joshua."

"It is too much for me... too much power."

"I know... Joshua, do you remember when I asked you to trust me?"


"This is the time when I need you to trust me most of all."

"I do trust you!"

"I know you do... but what I am about to do will be very difficult. It will hurt."

"I'm ready."

"Alright... now this is what I want you to do..."

Next: Chapter 20

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