The Guild


Published on Feb 8, 2005


Well foks here is chp 2... I hope the first one caught your intrest. There is some 'straight' seduction in this chp just as a warning. These first chps are meant to only be a prelude to the main story which starts in chp 4. As a reminder this is a gay story so for those offended or too young for such material... there are many other places you can go. All right reserved.


Chapter #2

"He's here, Guild Mistress." Falcon grinned as he watched the images displayed from inside his mask while his sister, her mask off, soaked in a large sunken tub.

"Does he look at least half civilized?" Terra asked with a soured expression on her lips. Her tanned face framed by her long black hair and her violet eyes that seemed to glow.

"I will have to see him without his mask but I do not think Leopold is one to waste our time with half measures."

"Very well... have an apprentice escort him here."

"Are you sure, Mistress?" Falcon asked, bemused by his sister's lack of concern over her own nudity.

How else am I to see if he now appropriate. Unless you can think of a better way, I believe inviting him into my bath would be the quickest solution.

"As you say, sister," Falcon replied as he let the bronze mask fall from his face, revealing the high cheek bones of a narrow, but muscular face. It was a handsome face but for his bright red eyes that gave the Protector an almost demonic look. While his sister watched he continued to undress, revealing the hard sinewy muscles of his arms, chest and legs, his darkly tanned skin was completely smooth, the only hair on him being on his head. Flexing his body he took several deep breaths even as blood gorged the muscle of his sex.

"We have never seduced a groundling before," Falcon chuckled as he stepped into the warm water of the bath, leaning over Terra for a kiss.

"They are barbarians, my brother. It should not be so difficult," Terra said between the pressing of lips.

"No more difficult than when I seduced you?" Falcon asked as he massaged Terra's breasts in his hands.

"He's here," Terra mentally said as her eyes caught the glint of a gold mask.

"Good." Falcon smiled hungry as he let go of his sister and stepped out of the pool.

Falcon... walked over toward the masked King of Wor, the water running off his body in rivulets down the groves of his body. As was the tradition, no man or woman, Guild's man or groundling could approach a Guild Mistress without going through the bed of her Protector. The seduction of Leopold was to be a joint effort and to that aim Falcon probed the mind of the king, searching for ways to inflame the man's lust.

In memories of the king, Falcon found that Leopold had in fact had once a male lover. It had been a young man around the king's own age, his best friend really and now captain of his personal guard. Taking those memories, Falcon brought them back into the King's conscious mind, filling the man with lust.

At the sound of Leopold's heavy breathing from behind his mask, Falcon knew he was having the desired effect. He reached over and removed the king's smiling face, to show one with yellow eyes, blue hair and lips that trembled in bewilderment.

Reaching a hand behind the king's neck, Falcon leaned down and pressed his lips hard against Leopold's, pushing his tongue into the fear paralyzed man's open mouth. From his mouth, Falcon let a capsule he had hidden there be guided by his tongue down the king's throat.

As the pill dissolved inside the king, it released a potent hypnotic drug into his bloodstream. It molded the king's mind, changing it. No longer did he care that his people would see him as a Guild's man, as a traitor. He stopped fearing the control the Protector seemed to have over him, in fact all that seemed to matter now was pleasing the man he now felt compelled to serve.

Soon both men were a tangle of bare limbs, their sex pressed against each other's bodies, mouths locked together. They ended up on the hard marble floor, the Protector on top of the king, pressing his manhood inside Leopold's bowels, planting his seed deep inside. When Falcon was done ravishing the king, he looked deep into Leopold's yellow stained eyes and saw that the king was now his, body and soul... like any lesser Guild man was.

Now that Leopold was now indeed a Guild's man, Falcon lifted the man back up onto his feet and guided him to the pool where Terra waited.

Standing up from the water Terra covered her breasts with a crossed arm reaching over to her opposite shoulder. "Has he been purified?"

"Yes my Mistress," Falcon replied while Leopold remained silent, his eyes vacant.

"Has he been tamed?" Terra asked with deeper formality.

Letting his right thumb slip inside the king where his sex had just been, Falcon reached to press against Leopold's prostate sending a jolt through the king. "He has," Falcon chuckled.

"Shall he become our husband, brother?"

"Yes." The Protector laughed louder.

With that Terra stepped out of the pool and joined her brother by Leopold's side where both took their turns claiming the king.

For a fortnight the king was not seen outside the south wing as Terra and Falcon worked in reshaping Leopold's mind in the image of the Guild. When he did finally return to the throne room he was not the same man had had been before. His first act as a Guild's man was to dismiss Prime Minister Toran and replace him with his new wife's Protector, Falcon. The council of nobles was also disbanded, the king's old advisors sent into exile, away from the floating palace to the ground below. Within a week, less than a third of the king's men remained, replaced by Guild priests or Terra's own people, the palace filled with men and women behind smiling masks.

Estelle remained, however, even as Toran begged her to join him in exile. One reason she did not was the rumors that the former Prime Minster and the other nobles were now scheming to revolt. The main reason, however, was she still had hope that she could save her former husband from the madness that Terra and the Guild were guiding the kingdom towards.

Part of her hope was based on the fact that out of all the groundlings still left in the floating palace Leopold still seemed to care for her... even letting her see him without his gold mask. He even promised to give her a child. Little did she know that all this was under the orders of Falcon.

"So sister... when will we be having a baby?" Falcon asked as he stretched out his long body across the silk sheets of his sister's bed. On the bed with him ^Ö asleep ^Ö was Leopold.

"Why the rush, dear brother?" Terra asked, curious as she looked at her own reflection while she dressed.

"The conversion of the king is complete. Should we not continue the process with the others?"

Terra snorted. She knew well what her brother wanted. "I have never known you to go after a groundling so tenaciously as the Lady Estelle."

"She intrigues me... the way she remains so polite and calm, even though I can feel rage and fear radiating from her like an exploding sun. I am curious to see what sort of child she will produce."

"Why not entertain yourself with Captain Gerick... I think that would make Leopold happy."

"The king's childhood friend? It would be interesting to see if I can make him into a proper Protector, but that would not be as adventuresome as having a child. It is time for me to become a father and well over time for you to become a mother."

"Such are the Prelate's orders," Terra said with disgust.

Knowing what his sister really wanted, Falcon jumped off the bed and sauntered over to her, letting his limbs wrap around her. "We have tried sister so you know I cannot give you a child."

"Damn our blood."

"Nay sister, we should consider it an honor... our blood is so pure that no one child can hold it."

"If it were not for our pure blood we would not have been forced to come here."

"But we have been sent... by the words of the Prelate himself. Think of it... the very eyes of the Guild personified is watching what we do. Yes, our children will be half-bloods, but the Prelate has promised us a grand future for them."

After a moment of silence Terra spoke. "How long will you need to..."

Laughing Falcon replied. "To convert a woman such as Estelle... not long at all, sister."

"Your vanity will be your undoing, brother."

"So be it, but at least I will go with a smile," Falcon said as he covered his face with his grinning bronze mask.

Falcon found Estelle where she usually was, hiding in the old quarters of her former husband, crying. Being so occupied by her grief she did not even notice the Protector entering the room till he laid a hand on her shoulder, triggering her to jump with a scream.

"Shhhhh..." Falcon whispered calmly as he reached over to hold her up.

"Please let me go," Estelle begged.

"Now now, dear... if I were to that with you in your present state you would be sure to fall."

Seeing the truth in this, Estelle let the strength slowly return to her legs. Once Falcon was sure she would not collapse, he let go of her.

"There now... all better?" Falcon asked cheerfully behind his wide grin.

"Yes... thank you," Estelle replied, now recognizing the bronze mask of the newly appointed Prime Minister. "How may I serve you, my lord?"

"By telling me how I may serve you, my lady," Falcon said with a bow.

"I do not understand."

"Simple... his majesty, as busy as he is, asked me to look after you personally," the Protector lied.

"Then leave..." Estelle commanded, feeling a little more assured.

"As your lady wishes." Falcon bowed making for the door.

"No... you don't understand. I want all of you to leave... you, the Mistress, the entire Guild... even the priests. I want you to leave Wor and never come back."

Stopping by the door handle, Falcon turned to reply to the spirited young woman. "Unfortunately, my lady, I cannot do that."

"Then give me back my husband!"

"I cannot do that either," Falcon replied, feigning sympathy.

Estelle ran over and began pounding against the tall man's chest. "Then what can you do!"

Not making a move to defend himself, Falcon took off his mask and looked down on the woman. Over the weeks since the Guild had arrived, Estelle's world had been turned upside down. She was both angry and frightened, but more than anything lonely. Her husband was now a stranger to her, all her friends at court were all gone. For a woman used to being the center of attention, the cold, masked faces of the Guild had offered no comfort.

That is why Falcon, against all custom, removed his mask in front of one not purified, letting the muscles of his face form a warm, welcoming smile. He then embraced her while he entered her mind, shifting it from panic to a tired calmness. As a result she melted into his arms, letting him guide her to the king's bed. He could have then and there ravished her... but he wanted more than to control her... he wanted her honest devotion. So he left her on the bed, undisturbed but for a soft kiss on her forehead.

The next day Estelle awoke to find herself alone... but for a single red rose left on her bed. Picking it up she breathed in its sweet aroma just as the door to the king's bedchamber opened.

"Leopold!" She jumped on seeing the gold mask of her king.

"Estelle..." he nodded, raising a hand to stop her from leaving the bed.

"I see you had a gentleman caller." Leopold grinned as he took the rose from her hand.

"It is not what it seems," Estelle said defensively.

"Is it not?" the king laughed. "Falcon would make a good match."


"Is he not my Prime Minister... is he not the second most powerful person on Wor.

"Yes." Estelle nodded.

"Is he not handsome... even charming. Do you not find yourself attracted to him?"

"He is all those things... but he is also a Guild's man."

"And is that such a crime these days, considering your king is now a Guild's man as well."

"What are you suggesting... that I take this man to my bed?"

"Don't you want to?"

"All I want is you, my lord."

"And you will have me, my Lady Estelle," Leopold promised as he laid himself down on top of her.

A shadow then fell on both their bodies as Falcon's towering frame stood before them. "Will she agree to be my wife?" he asked Leopold.

"We were just about to broach that subject, my love."

"Wife?" Estelle asked confused.

"Yes... wouldn't you like that, Estelle?" Leopold asked. "You would be one of the most important women on Wor again."

"Take a Guild's man as my husband?

"A Protector," Leopold corrected. "And a Prime Minister."

"But Leopold...," Estelle protested.

"Maybe I should talk to her myself," Falcon said, taping Leopold on the shoulder.

"Yes my love," Leopold agreed, giving the Guild's man a parting kiss before going, to Estelle's great shock.

"What have you done to my husband?" Estelle demanded once she was alone with the red-eyed Protector.

"Your former husband," Falcon corrected, letting the bronze mask fall from his face.

"What have you done to him," Estelle repeated.

"I have made him happy... very happy in fact. He no longer has to worry about the burden of leadership and the stress of making his own decisions. Instead, he now spends his days making love to his wife... and worshiping me."

"You are a monster," Estelle said even as she felt her resolve weaken.

"Nay... Estelle... nay. How can you call your future husband a monster?"

"I will never marry you," Estelle said, her voice at a near whisper.

"I will let a kiss decide that," Falcon said as he pressed his lips ever so gently against Estelle's mouth.

Estelle let out a soft moan as the Guild's man wrapped his arms around her, lowering her back onto the bed.

"Will you marry me," Falcon asked... already knowing what her answer would be.

Estelle looked into the Protector's red glowing eyes and saw power in them... the power to rule over all of Wor, and like all power, she was attracted to it, let alone that just looking at Falcon made her feel weak inside. "I will."

"Good... very good, my dear." Falcon grinned as he moved down for another kiss.

That night millions of new souls were conceived.

Within a month, Estelle knew she was pregnant. And instead of feeling fear she was filled with joy. It was well known now that she was the Prime Minister's wife, and within the walls of the palace that placed her high indeed, especially after she went through the rites of purification and donned the clay mask. Now she was a Guild's woman, no longer an outsider in her own home.

Of course she heard the rumors that her name was now cursed as much as Leopold's by the people of Wor... but it no longer mattered to her, for she was now again of the elite.

With great joy, therefore, Estelle ran into the Prime Minister's office to tell Falcon the good news, tearing off her mask as soon as she closed the door. "Falcon..." she giggled.

"Yes my dear?" Falcon asked as he too removed his mask, his red eyes staring not at Estelle's face but at her abdomen. He knew why she was here, for he had known the moment of conception.

"I have something to tell you," she said coyly, skipping over to fall into Falcon's welcoming lap.

"And what would that be?" he asked as he let his right hand rub her belly.

Frowning, Estelle sat back up. Something was amiss. "You already know," she pouted.

"Of course I know... I know everything."

"But..." Estelle's lips trembled.

"Dear... all you need to know is that I am very happy for you. But there are some things you need to understand," he said as he too stood up, taking firm hold of her wrists.

"Ouch... you are hurting me."

"Sorry...," Falcon apologized but did not let go. "The Guild Mistress is also pregnant."

"She is?" Estelle asked knowing full well who the father had to be.

"Yes. You must also know that your child and hers were conceived at the same moment and will be born on the same day... most likely the same hour."

"I don't understand."

"I know you don't... you have just been purified so you do not understand the ways of the Guild. So I will explain it to you. Children of the Guild are always born in pairs... so it has been since the beginning. My sister will give birth to a daughter while you will give me a son."

"Your sister?"

"Yes... Did I forgot to tell the Guild Mistress is my..."

Falcon never finished that statement for Estelle quickly jerked up her right knee, hitting the Protector in the groin. "Damn you!" she cried as she ran out of his office, not even bothering to put on her mask.

Even while in pain, Falcon laughed. "If only our child grows to be as spirited as you, my dear."

The third chp is already up on my yahoo group... with three more chps going up later this week.

Next: Chapter 3

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