The Guild


Published on Mar 14, 2005


Here we are again folks... hope you enjoyed things so far. Chps up to 33 are now up on the yahoo group with the final chps of the story being posted later this week. Work on the follow up story is well underway... any suggestions or ideas, please email.


When Clive awoke it was to find himself still in Joshua's arms, his head resting on the muscular man's chest. Thinking back on the last three hours he still could not pinpoint what had led him to saunter into the bedroom, strip down naked and wait for Joshua to come claim him. What Clive did know was that he had no regrets. Joshua's very touch seemed to send his skin afire, make him feel safe... even loved. He did not know what was going on or how long it would last, he did not care. All he wanted was to stretch out this moment for as long as possible.

Joshua for his part was content... Clive's body was warm and strong against his own. The red head was an energetic if not enthusiastic lover. Joshua also felt something he had not felt before... the need to protect Clive. That is why as Clive snuggled up on his chest that Joshua decided to tell him the truth.

"Clive?" Joshua began.

"Yes stud... you ready for another round?"

Joshua did not know what a stud was but decided by the dreamy way Clive had said it, it had been meant as a compliment. "I want to tell you something."

"Dang it..." Clive grumbled as he rolled off Joshua thinking he knew what was about to come. "Let me guess... you're married."

"No... I'm not married."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"A boyfriend?" Joshua asked confused.

"I'll take that as a no. So you're not married and you don't have a boyfriend... can I be your boyfriend then?"

"I don't know what a boyfriend is."

"A lover."

"I see... I think we already are that," Joshua chuckled.

Clive looked down at his spent manhood. "Yeah I guess we are," He grinned.

Wanting to feel the butler's warm body up against his own again Joshua roll over on top of him, Clive responded by wrapping his arms around Joshua's back. Joshua gave Clive a deep kiss, letting his tongue slip into the other man's mouth. The kiss lasted well over a minute before Joshua continued.

"There is something I need to tell you." Joshua said in a serious tone.

"Alright." Clive nodded.

"I don't know if you will believe me..."

"I will Joshua... there is something about you that tells me that you would not lie to me."

"I'm the... I'm..." Joshua struggled to say.

"Shhhhh.... It's ok Joshua." Clive cooed as he gave Joshua several light kisses on the cheek. "You don't have to tell me."

"But I need to... You see you are my birth kin."

"Birth kin?" Clive said confused even though he knew what the word meant. "Joshua, are you saying we share the same birthday?"

Joshua nodded his head yes.

"Well that's interesting... but I don't see how that makes us birth kin. Only a Prelate has birth kin."

"A Prelate and his counterpart." Joshua corrected.

"But your eyes... they're blue, not white or black."

Just as Clive said those words he watched as the blue in Joshua eyes began to fade... to turn a glowing white.

"Joshua..." Clive said with amazement and adoration.

"Clive." Joshua grinned. He could feel the redhead's manhood hardening between their two bodies... his own sex doing the same.

"You really are the counterpart."

Joshua nodded his head as he raised Clive's legs over his head.

"And I am your birth kin?"

Joshua just smiled as he ticked the sides of Clive's thighs.

"Does this make me one of the luckiest men in the world?" Clive chucked to himself.

"I know it makes me one." Joshua replied as he pushed inside his birth kin.

"Joshua is here... I can feel him." Vard proclaimed as he and Austin explored Aquarius.

"Yes... but where is he?"

"I don't know... somewhere on this planet. I can sense his thoughts."

"And what is he thinking?"

"Well..." Vard actually blushed.

"Oh my..." Austin laughed... understanding. "So I guess he is not alone."

"No, he found himself one of the birth kin... a very attractive redhead."

"So you can see through his eyes?"

"I can."

"See if you can figure out where he is then... look for a sign or something."

"Uhmmmm Austin... I don't know how to read."

"And you are only now telling me this?" Austin laughed.

Vard gave Austin a warning glare.


"Well I do have an idea where Joshua is. Where ver he is he is near the sea."

"If we get closer to Joshua do you think you will be able to find him."

"Definitely." Vard nodded.

"Good... then we better get going." Austin said wrapping his arms around his oath brother as both of them disappeared.

Tidal watched was as Joshua and Clive left the bungalow, Joshua only dressed in a white robe and a pair of dark sunglasses. Looking at the young man Tidal could not be helped to be reminded of Falcon... by the Joshua's confident swagger, his wide smile, and his infectious laugh. Tidal also noticed by the way Clive followed Joshua like a happy puppy that Joshua had his father's talent for seduction as well.

Following the two men Tidal saw them enter one of the boutiques where Clive and one of the store clerks started pulling clothes off the rack while Joshua let his robe fall to the floor.

"By the light..." Tidal exhaled, when his saw the mass of scars on Joshua's muscular back. The store clerk mouth also fell open but Clive acted like he did not see them. Then Joshua turned around revealing his broad chest, hard chiseled stomach, strong muscular thighs and large healthy bugle in his boxers. On seeing Tidal just outside the store Joshua waved him over. Tidal, feeling as if he were being summoned by the Prelate himself slowly walked in.

"Hello Joshua." Tidal said as he took Joshua offered hand.

"Hello sir." Joshua smiled. He could feel the connection of blood between him and the older man, reminding him so much of Falcon.

"Just call me Tidal."

"Alright." Joshua said as he was handed what looked like a particular pair of underwear by Clive.

"Put this on." Clive said.

"What is it?" Joshua asked, looking confused. "It looks like half the cloth is missing."

"It's called a jockstrap." Clive smiled. He thought it would look good on Joshua.

Joshua nodded, still not understanding but bending down to take off his boxers anyway.

"Sir... we do having changing rooms." The store clerk said, embarrassed.

"Hush you." Clive said before Tidal had a chance to. Both of them were enjoying the show.

Tidal eyes froze on Joshua's pale ass now framed by the black straps of the jock. He felt his mouth water, wanting nothing more at that moment then to go down onto his knees and kiss it. Clive must have seen the longing in Tidal's eyes for he reached over and took his employer's hand, guiding it to the smooth, muscular flesh, letting Tidal's hand caress it.

"Joshua..." Tidal sighed... he too now felt the blood connection. The same one he had felt with Terra and Falcon. It called out to him... beckoned him... rushing his blood to his sex.

Joshua turned around to face Tidal only for his face to suddenly go pale. "Matt?"

"Matt?" Tidal said, taken aback, turning around himself to see his son glaring at him. "Matt!"

"You bastard," Matt fumed before turning around and walking away.

"Matt!" Tidal shouted again, running after his son.

Catching his son next to the swimming pool, Tidal took hold of him, turning him around to face him. Only for his son to close his fist and slam it into his father's face, knocking him into the pool.

"Bastard!" Matt shouted again, tears running down his face before he ran away again.

"Son..." Tidal sighed as he watched his son disappear.

Soon Joshua and Clive were helping Tidal out of the pool. "Sir, are you all right." Clive asked.

"It's only my pride," Tidal replied.

"I don't know why you put up with him." Clive grumbled as he started to pull of Tidal's wet clothes

"He's my son Clive. What else would you have me do?"

"I don't know... send him away. Let him live his own life."

"This place is his home," Tidal said defensively as he began drying himself off with a towel.

"I'm sorry," Joshua apologized.

"It is I who should be apologizing... I should not have touched you."

"But I wanted you to," Joshua replied as he moved closer to the wet man.

"You did?" Tidal said nervously.

"Yes... I did," Joshua said, his face now inches away from his uncle's.

Tidal felt the blood rushing into his manhood. His breathing became heavily, as a surge of lust almost overcame him... almost. "Joshua... will you have dinner with me tonight." Tidal asked as he fought of the urge to make love to the young man right there in the open.

"I... I would like that," Joshua smiled, a little surprised he had been sure that Tidal had been on the verge of kissing him.

"Good... I'll meet you in the lobby at nine tonight."

"Alright..." Joshua said, hoping he would eventually get that kiss.

After Tidal had left to change clothes, Clive wrapped an arm around Joshua and led him back to the boutique to finish trying on clothes. Two hours latter Joshua had selected a whole wardrobe... Five suits, two dozen shirts, half a dozen pants, three pair of shorts, two swimsuits, five pairs of shoes, a pair of sandals, plenty of socks, a assortment of different style underwear, and a new gold watch. Wearing a black t-shirt, brown shorts, and his baseball cap Joshua left the store loaded down with so many bags and boxes that it took three trips to get it all back to the bungalow.

While Clive excused himself... saying he was going to get Joshua a surprise, Joshua ate the grilled chicken and crispy steamed vegetables Miguel had prepared for him for lunch.

"So I hear you have a date with the boss." Miguel chuckled as he took away Joshua's plate when he was done with it.

"I guess I do." Joshua smiled.

"Tidal is a good man... who knows how to have a good time. I hope you have fun."

"I don't think Matt is too happy about it."

"Yeah I heard he punched his old man in the face today." Miguel said as he started to wash the dishes. "Makes no sense to me... he is just as gay as his father."

"Gay?" Joshua asked confused.

"Yeah gay."

"I heard that word yesterday and I still don't know what it means."

"Dang... well gay can mean more then one thing but the common meaning is to describe a man who prefers having sex with other men."

"I see... so I guess that makes me gay."

"Very gay from what I have seen so far." Miguel laughed.

"Are you gay?" Joshua asked curiously.

"No... I am married to a woman I love with all my heart and have three wonderful kids."

"I see." Joshua said disappointed.

"Hey... if I were gay though you would definitely be my type."

"Your type?"

"A man I would want to sleep with."

"So why don't we?" Joshua asked.

"Sleep together...? I just told you, I'm not gay."

"But you just said..." Joshua protested.

"Joshua... you are a very handsome and charming man... I am just not sexually attracted to you."

"I see." Joshua said clearly disappointed.

"Why don't you go out and sun yourself by the pool... this is a gay resort after all so there are plenty of other gay men around."

"Alright," Joshua nodded.

Going back to the pool, Joshua laid himself down on one of the chairs. Becoming hot from the tropical heat from the sun, Joshua peeled off his black shirt, showing off his muscular but pale chest. Soon he was deep asleep.

Next: Chapter 26

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