The Guild


Published on Mar 17, 2005


Welcome back folks. Here we are again... only eight chps left. Enjoy.


"Are we any closer or should we move on?" Austin asked, concerned.

"I don't know... I feel closer to Joshua... I just don't know how close," Vard replied.

"What do you see through Joshua's eyes?"

"He's back in his bedroom... talking with someone who is one of the birth kin I think."

"That does not help."

"No... but I now believe Joshua is on an island and not on the mainland."

"Well that narrows things down a bit. So where to next?" Austin asked as he took out a map they had stolen out of a store.

"Let's try here," Vard said as he pointed to three small islands.

"My lord Prelate." Star General Kemp bowed deeply.

"I thought I told you to remain on Aquarius," Gerick said darkly.

"Some news has reached me that I felt you needed to become aware of."


"We believe to have found the location of Joshua Van'dar. A birth kin who has just joined the Brotherhood described him to us."

"And what makes this birth kin a reliable source."

"He claims to be the counterpart's cousin."

"I see... I never knew that Falcon had family on Aquarius... interesting."

"Shall I have my men capture the counterpart?"

"No... Falcon is not ready yet, but have the Inquisitors move in."

"As you wish, my lord." The general bowed as he prepared to leave.

"One more thing..."

"Yes Prelate?"

"I have mourned Thomas long enough. Bring me this cousin of Joshua's... It's time I had a new pupil."

Wanting to share the sunrise with Joshua on the first morning as his Protector, Tidal woke the young man while it was still dark.

"Falcon?" Joshua asked on seeing two red circular lights over him.

"No it's me, Tidal."

"Sorry... is anything wrong?"

"No... I just wanted to spend some time with you. Will you come with me? Don't bother putting on clothes... no one will see us."

"Alright.' Joshua nodded as he slipped out of bed, leaving John behind.

Together the two men made their way to the east side of the island, wearing only their underwear, the cool air sending shivers down Joshua's back. After reaching the white sandy beach Tidal laid down, pulling Joshua into his lap.

"I called Jessica last night... told her our marriage was over. She was not surprised. I've been keeping long hours lately if you know what I mean."

"I'm sorry," Joshua sighed as he leaned back against the mat of gray hair that covered Tidal's chest.

"I'm not... just wish I came to my senses years ago... might have stopped Matt from joining the Brotherhood."

"He's with Gerick now." Joshua nodded.

"Maybe he will find happiness there... maybe the same happiness you have given me?" Tidal said not believing what he said even as he said it.

"No... no he won't."

"You know what that means?"


"It means you are the only family I have left ...and I don't mind that," Tidal said as he kissed the back of Joshua's neck.

The two made love on that beach, reaching their climax just as the sky began to lighten, both calling out Falcon's name. They then watched the sunrise before running into the ocean to wash away the sex and sand off their bodies. Afterwards, while Joshua slipped his underwear back on Tidal wrote their initials into the sand, neither seeing the watchful gaze coming from the Sunrise Bungalow.

When John awoke it was to the smell or cooking sausage coming it from the next room. Opening his eyes he at first did not remember where he was or how he had gotten there but then he saw the pile of clothes on the floor and remembered.

Letting out a soft chuckle, John began looking for his new found lover. "Joshua... where are you?"

"I'm in the bathroom," Joshua's voice replied.

"What are you doing in there?" John grinned as he got out of the bed.

"Taking a bath."

"May I join you?"

"Of course... there is plenty of room," a deeper man's voice replied.

"Joshua... are we not alone?" John asked... afraid of the answer as he entered the bathroom. Inside he found Joshua, his arms wrapped around the hotel manager's waist, his lips sucking the other man's neck. John for his part was stunned, trapped between jealousy and arousal.

"Are you all right, John?" Tidal asked when he saw the look on the young man's face.

"I don't know," John said... still in shock.

Joshua let go of his Protector and climbed out of the bathtub, rivulets of water running down his body. He went over to John and embraced him. "I am sorry if I have hurt you."

"Why should I be hurt... we're not boyfriends."

"But you want to be."


"John... you know that Joshua cares about you?" Tidal said as he too stepped out of the tub.

"I do."

Tidal went behind John, closed the bathroom door. He then wrapped his body around the younger man from behind. Well, so do I... I care about all the birth kin."

John let out a low moan, finding himself sandwiched between the two men.

"You are now part of a brotherhood, John... the brotherhood of Joshua," Tidal continued as Joshua pulled John into a kiss.

"I... I..." John stammered. Nothing would make him happier than to be loved by both men at that moment but then again nothing would feel more tragic. With Joshua and the birth kin John would never be alone... never without love but to love Joshua, knowing he would never be the most important person in his life, hurt John terribly. "I need to think about this."

"Alright..."Joshua nodded, letting John go.

John, needing to put some space between himself and Joshua, then got dressed and left, returning to the Sunrise Bungalow... to find his sister waiting for him. "What happened to you?" she asked concerned.

"I spent the night with Joshua."

"But I just saw..." Clare started to say but was cut off by her brother.

"Sis... what am I to do? I'm in love with a man who can't love me back... or at least the way I want him to."

"You want my advice... I would dump him. An hour ago I saw him fucking the hotel manager on the beach outside my bedroom."

"Why am I not surprised," John moaned as he flopped himself on a chair.

"Something tells me you're not going to dump the guy," Clare sighed.

"I can't... he's... he's too important to me," John said, not knowing how else to explain it.

"I know he's birth kin, but you've just met him."

"He's more than birth kin to me Clare. When I'm near Joshua I feel a joy I've never felt before. I've found the long lost piece to the puzzle of my life. I want to be with Joshua, serve him, be loved by him."

"Serve him... John you are a Van'sol... we don't serve people, they serve us."

"Sister you don't understand," John protested.

"I understand well enough and I think it's time we went home."

"No... I need to stay. I promised Joshua I would teach him how to read."

"Aren't you listening to yourself... you are talking like some love sick puppy."

"Maybe I am." John nodded. "But I've never been happier in my life."

"That's it... I've had enough. If you want to ruin your life that's fine with me but you're not going to have me as your audience," Clare said as she stormed off into her room to pack, leaving her brother in tears.

"Joshua... may I ask you something," Tidal said while they were eating breakfast.

"Of course you can." Joshua nodded just as there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Clive said, putting down his newspaper.

"May I move in with you... I've already decided to stop charging you for the room."

"Yes... I think I would like that." Joshua grinned.

"Wonderful." Tidal smiled as he leaned over the table and gave Joshua a peck on the cheek.

"You think I can move in here as well?" a soft voice asked.

Looking toward the door, Joshua saw John, his face wet with his tears. Joshua jumped up from the table and ran over to the young man, embracing him. "I didn't know if you would come back."

"Well I have nowhere else to go... Clare's gone."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok... it's about time I tried surviving without her," John said as he nuzzled up to Joshua.

"Shall I put him up in my room, Joshua?" Clive asked as he took John's bags.

Joshua looked into John's blue eyes and saw the longing in them. "No..." he smiled. "No... he will be with me."

"Really?" John said in disbelief.

"Yes," Joshua said as he stroked the other man's cheek, wiping away the tears.

Taking John's hand, Joshua led him back to the bedroom.

Joshua had just planted his seed deep inside John when he felt it... "Vard!"

"What?" John asked confused, still in a daze from his own orgasm.

"Vard... he's here. He's coming for me," Joshua said, pulling out of John.

"Where?" John asked... getting caught up in Joshua's excitement.

"I don't know... all I know is that he is very close."

Just then Clive and Tidal burst into the room. "Joshua we have trouble."

"What's wrong?"

"Look out the window." Clive pointed.

The moment Joshua turned around he saw it... the giant four point star of a Guild war-liner. "No..."

"We need to get you away from here," Tidal said as he took hold of Joshua.

"I can't. Vard is here. He is looking for me. If I go..." Joshua stammered.

"Joshua if you don't go... Gerick will get you."

"But," Joshua protested.

But it was already too late, for at that moment the door to the bungalow burst open, men in white masks charging in, guns raised followed by a man in a steel mask. "Joshua Van'dar?"

Remembering what had happened at the prison, Joshua did not bother remaining hidden but stepped forward, out of the bedroom. "Yes."

"You've changed your appearance... no matter. In the name of the Prelate, I am placing you under house arrest."

"House arrest?" Joshua asked confused. "You are not taking me to Gerick?

"At this time... no. The lord Prelate wishes for you to enjoy your little vacation, his gift to you. Be sure to savor it, Joshua Van'dar... for the Prelate will not let you escape him a second time."

Gerick, through the eyes of his general, saw the look of fear growing on Joshua's face. "Joshua... why do you fear me so? Do you not know all I want is your love? Why... why do you give it so freely to near strangers but not me? Was I not the first man to teach you what love was? Why then... why do you hate me so?"

Gerick was about to return his mind from the Void when he felt presence other than his own. Someone else was there with him, someone familiar. "Austin!"

"He's there... on that small island," Vard said, his eyes taken on a near mad look.

"The one with the warship hovering above it?" Austin gulped.

"Yes... Joshua is being held prisoner by men in white masks. He's scared... oh so scared."

"Inquisitors... he's with Inquisitors?" Austin said not even trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"What's wrong, Austin... all we have to do now is swim across," Vard said as he started taking off his clothes.

"Swim, but...?"

"Yes... it is only a mile or so."

"But Vard... I don't know how to swim."

"Then we will go through the void," Vard said as he wrapped his body around Austin's.

Austin really tried to open the gate to warped space but he had never done so while being so scared. He approached the door in his mind only to be confronted by the fiery red eyes and hungry smile of Gerick.

"That's it Austin... open the door. Open the door so that I may claim you," Gerick dared.

"No, this can't be happening."

"You have been causing me lots of trouble, Austin... floating through the Void. Did you think I would not notice... me the Prelate, master of the door."

"You're not the prelate... Vard is!"

"So you know that barbarian... good. By the way you just said his name you must be very close to him. You can give him a message then. Tell him to stay away from Joshua... stay away or I will destroy that pathetic planet of his, convert or kill all his birth kin, and take you away from him to make you one of my pets."

Austin, feeling Gerick's mind reach out to him through the Void, pushed back from the door, falling into unconsciousness.

"Austin... what happened?" Vard ask with concern, rocking his oath brother in his arms as his eyes opened.

"Gerick... he knows what we've been doing. He was waiting for me! I saw his face in the door in my mind, the one that takes me into the Void!"

"Shhhh... you're safe now. I won't let Gerick get you," Vard said. "As soon as we get Joshua we'll all go back home."

"But we can't get Joshua... we can't!" Austin said, remembering Gerick warning.

"But he is just on the next island."

"You don't understand!"

"What do I not understand? What has scared you, Austin?"

"Gerick said that if you go to Joshua he will destroy Santor, take away your birth kin, and steal me away from you. Please Vard... I don't want Gerick to come after me. I don't want my friends killed. All I want is you."

"Austin... I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I can't give you what you want, however. I must go to Joshua."

"Why? Why do you love him so? Are you choosing to throw everything away... me, the lives of your friends, your own world... for one man?" Austin said with an anger he did not know he possessed.

"Austin... when it comes to Joshua I do not have a choice to make. You have always known that. Go back to Santor. Save as many people as you can. With General Felix's help you might be able to save the ones who are at least dear to you."

"You are sending me away?" Austin said, shocked, the anger out of his voice.

"Joshua is on the next island and you can't swim," Vard said coldly.


"Go home, Austin."


"Go home!"

Seeing Austin cringe from the rage Vard was sure was covering his face, he watched as Austin faded away into the Void. "Please forgive me, Austin, but I have no choice."

Joshua, Tidal, Clive and John sat on the bed, talking in near whispers while the Inquisitors watched.

"What are we going to do?" John asked.

"There is not much we can do," Clive replied.

"There is plenty we could do... just none of them are very appealing to me at the moment," Tidal agreed.

"Joshua?" John asked, turning his attention to the counterpart, who had a vacant look on his face.

"Vard... he's close... so close now."

"Does he have an army with him? It's going to take one to escape so many Inquisitors," Clive asked.

"No... he is alone," Joshua sighed.

It was then that Clive noticed Joshua was sweating profusely his shirt soaked with sweat. "Joshua... are you feeling alright?"

"I feel wonderful, Tidal... absolutely wonderful," Joshua replied his chest rising with each deep breath he took.

Tidal... using his bond as Protector entered Joshua's thoughts, finding only one thing on the young man's mind... Vard. "Joshua, we need your help. Try to block Vard from your mind."

Joshua, who had now slipped a hand down his pants so that he may stroke himself, shook his head no. "But I don't want to. I want Vard here... I want him inside me. I need him inside me."

"Clive... go get some ice," Tidal ordered but when he looked at the butler he saw that he too was sweating profusely. So was John. Soon both men were crawling across the bed toward Joshua, ripping the buttons off their shirts and pants.

"What by the darkness is going on?" Tidal said as he watched the three men become consumed by passion.

Gerick watched with great curiosity when he saw Matthew Van'dar, Joshua's cousin, thrashing on the floor. "Now what has come over you?"

"Vard... Joshua... Vard..." Matthew repeated over and over."

"What?" Gerick said, confused only for the briefest of moments. "So... the pup did not believe my threats!"

With a blink of an eye Gerick passed through the Void to reappear on the bridge of Star General Kamp's flagship.

"My lord Prelate." The general bowed.

"We appear to have run out of time. Have the Inquisitors bring Joshua to Earth. I need to solidify my claim to him whether Falcon is broken or not."

"Should I now have him brought to the flagship?"

"No... I have another purpose for your ships. You are to take the fleet to Santor and destroy it."

"Destroy it, my lord?"

"Yes... I think sending one of its four moons crashing down should take care of that."

"As you wish, Prelate."

"Good..." Gerick said before fading, heading to the planet below. It was time he removed his rival for good."

The final chps should be posted on the yahoo group this sat.

Next: Chapter 29

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