The Guild


Published on Mar 22, 2005


Well folks only four more chps after this one. Depending on the response I get and how much free time I have I hope to have the follow up story written soon. Of course if not many people are still reading then I might stop and work in a differnt story. I have just finished writing the "character and terms" index for The Guild, and it's follow up The Son. For those interested please email me and I will send a copy to you. Enjoy.


The index and final chps to the Guild are already posted on the yahoo group.

Joshua and Vard left each other from the dungeon, Vard to be inspected by Gerick, Joshua off to a more pleasant task. Going to the medical ward, Joshua knocked on one of the doors.

"Come in Joshua," a familiar voice called out.

Opening the door Joshua saw the haggard, but smiling face of Falcon. It had been a long recovery, at times Joshua almost wishing he had not asked Gerick to cleanse his father of the drugs he was addicted to. Falcon, however, was almost back to his old self now... making everything worth it.

"How are you feeling, Falcon?" Joshua asked, concern on his face.

"Better... each day I get better." Falcon grinned as he patted a spot next to him on the bed.

"Good," Joshua replied as he sat next to his father.

Falcon wrapped an arm around his son. "I feel so good in fact that I am ready to have a serious talk with you."


"Yes... about the body you are now in."

"What about it?"

"You know that Gerick had your old body preserved so that you can return to it any time you want," Falcon said.

"I know, but..."

"Yes Joshua?"

"What will happen to Thomas's body if my soul leaves it?"

"It will die," Falcon replied honestly.

"That is what I was afraid of," Joshua sighed.

"Joshua... the man you knew as Thomas is long dead. All that remains is his shell. Leaving it would not kill Thomas twice."

"But that is how I feel about it."

"I know." Falcon nodded, hugging Joshua close to him before changing the subject. "How's Vard?"

"Vard is with Gerick."

"Were you able to hurt him this time?"

"No... I couldn't."

"Joshua... you need to... lest Vard suffer worse by Gerick's hand."

"I know."

"It is just like when we sparred... remember back when we were on the prison world? I would give you few good bruises but that was so you would learn to better defend yourself."

"Yes... I miss those days."

"So do I, Joshua... that was a simpler time."

Joshua rolled on top of Falcon, curling up into a ball on the man's lap.

Falcon smiled down on Joshua, letting his hands rub his son's back. He wished he had the power to take Joshua away from this place but just like Vard, his conflict with Gerick had left him weak.

"Are you to spend the night with Gerick?"

"No... Gerick will be teaching Matt tonight." Joshua shuddered. "Vard is to help."

"You will be alone then?" Falcon chuckled.

"I don't have to be." Joshua grinned, knowing what Falcon was hinting at.

"No... you don't," Falcon agreed.

"Can we make love tonight?" Joshua asked hopefully after a long silence.

"If we are carefully I think I might have the strength."

"Good," Joshua replied as he sat up on Falcon's lap, his ass rubbing up against the other man's manhood.

"I thought we were going to wait for tonight," Falcon moaned as he felt himself harden.

"It has to be night somewhere on Earth," Joshua said before planting a kiss.

Not able to argue against Joshua's logic, Falcon let himself be seduced all over again.

"John, there is a man here who insists on see you," Clare said as she entered the conference room.

"Now? Sis I am in the middle of trying to start a civil war."

"I know dear and you make a fine general but I think you will want to meet him."

"Fine," John sighed, excusing himself from the meeting to follow Clare out of the room.

Led into the cavernous grand hall, John's eyes fell on a man, about his age with brown hair and blue eyes, fidgeting nervously. "Hello... you wanted to see me?"

"Are you John Van'sol?" the man asked hopefully.

"Yes... and you are?"

"Austin... Austin Windvale."

"Alright... how can I help you."

`You can help me by saving Vard."

"Vard? How do you know Vard?" John said surprised.

"He is my..." Austin almost said lover but stopped mid-sentence. "He is my oath brother."

"I see..." John nodded. He had to admit that Austin was indeed cute. It must have shown on his face because the other man's face turned bright red.

"Who is this, John?" Ryan, now wearing the red eyes of a Protector, asked.

"Ryan... this is Austin Windvale, Vard's oath brother," John chuckled.

"Nice to meet you." Ryan smiled as he shook the young man's hand.

"Nice to meet you too," Austin agreed as he watched Ryan put a possessive arm around John's waist. "You two are..."

"He is my Protector," John explained.

"And his lover," Ryan laughed.

"So tell me... what can we do to save Vard?" John asked.

So Austin told them... told them what he had seen on Earth, how Joshua was being made to hurt Vard. When finished Austin gave them a warning; "Joshua also wanted me to warn you... Gerick knows you're likely to betray him."

"He does?" John gulped.

"I don't see how that changes matters," Ryan said reassuringly.

"But..." Austin protested.

"Both you calm down... yes Gerick suspects we are up to something. That does not mean he knows our plans, however. We will just have to be more careful."

"What is it you are planning?" Austin asked curiously.

"Should we tell him?" John asked his protector.

"Yes... I think we can trust him" Ryan nodded.

Looking around to make sure no one else was within earshot, John leaned over and whispered into Austin's ear, the man's eyes opening wide. "You can't be serious."

"I am very serious... all we lack is a military vessel."

"I think I can help you with that," Austin said after thinking about it.

Joshua woke in Gerick's bed, sandwiched between Vard and the Prelate. No matter what body Gerick picked, no matter how handsome it might be, Joshua could not love the man even when he let his lust get the better of him. It was Vard whom Joshua felt he belonged to. After the years of yearning for the clansman, Joshua finally had the missing piece of his life filled. Even while Gerick terrorized them both, Joshua had never been happier.

Wanting to climb on top of Vard, Joshua tried to roll over but was held back by Gerick's strong arms, which pulled him closer.

"Why do you pull away from me?" Gerick asked with a hurt expression on his face.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I never sleep, Joshua," Gerick chided.

"Oh..." Joshua said.

"Come with me, Joshua... we need to talk," Gerick commanded as he left the bed.

Following after Gerick, Joshua walked toward the balcony window, the open door letting in a cool breeze which prickled his skin.

"You are cold... let me warm you," Gerick said when he saw Joshua shiver, wrapping his body around his counterpart. Once Joshua stopped shivering, Gerick continued. "I need you, Joshua... I need you to love me."

Joshua let out a deep breath. "I know."

"I thought I could trick you... force you to love me but I see it has only pushed you further away."


"Joshua, can't my love be enough for both of us."

Joshua shook is head, even as he could feel Gerick's overpowering desire for him filling him up.

"I see..." Gerick sighed. "Then I guess I will have to bargain my way into your heart."

"There is nothing you can give me that will change my feelings for you."

"Joshua... why do you hate me so?"

"I don't hate you, Gerick," Joshua replied honestly. "But you want what I can't give you. I belong to Vard and Vard belongs to me."

"But Joshua!" Gerick protested.

"No, Gerick... I once cared about you... even loved you but after all the things you have done..."

"I can change... With you by my side, how could I not become a good man?" Gerick said almost childishly.

"Gerick..." Joshua sighed.

"Please Joshua... give me another chance."

By the tone of Gerick's voice, Joshua knew the Prelate would give him whatever he wanted... free Vard, Falcon, Clive, and Matt. All Joshua had to do was give up any chance of escape. "Alright, Gerick... I will stay with you."

"You will?" Gerick said in disbelief.

"Yes..." Joshua nodded.

Gerick lifted Joshua up and spun him around. "You have made me the happiest man in the world!" he laughed.

"Gerick... there are conditions," Joshua said when his feet touched the ground again.

"Whatever you want, my love."

"You must let the others go."

"Fine..." Gerick readily agreed. "But I am not sure they would leave your side willingly."

"You must make them leave. You must also agree to leave them alone."

"Why would I bother with them if I have you?"


"Yes my love... I agree to leave them alone."

"I also want the dungeons sealed off... You are never to hurt another man for pleasure again."

"Joshua..." Gerick protested.

"No, Gerick... if I ever find you hurting someone like you did Thomas I will leave you even if the only way I can is by taking my own life."

"You wouldn't dare!"

Joshua gave Gerick a hardened stare that proved he did indeed dared.

"So be it... I do have my own price however. You have agreed to remain with me... to become my husband... no?"

"I have." Joshua nodded.

"Then I will have you back in your own body... where you belong."

"But Thomas..." Joshua protested.

"I will give Thomas's body a proper burial."

Seeing that Gerick would not negotiate this point... Joshua nodded his head.

"Do not fear Joshua I will keep my word... so long as you stay by my side. If you ever leave me, however, I can't be held responsible for what kind of monster I might become."

Joshua nodded his head again even as tears ran down his face.

Vard woke with a jump to the sharp pain of a needle being stabbed in his arm, only to find himself quickly relaxing.

"I'm sorry, Vard... please forgive me," Joshua said as he hovered over his lover.

"Joshua... what is going on?" Vard whispered.

"Gerick has agreed to let you and the others go."

"And what about you?"

"I have agreed to stay... the cost of your freedom."

"No... I won't let you," Vard said as he struggled to sit up, only for the effect of the drug to knock him back down.

"Vard... this is for the best. I can't watch you being hurt anymore."

"But what about our agreement.... that we would leave here together or die together?"

"I can't have your death be my fault..." Joshua, who was now crying, wailed.

"Joshua, don't do this. We will find away out of this... together."

"I'm sorry, Vard, but it is too late. I've already given my word. If you think Gerick is dangerous now... imagine what madness he would commit if I betray him."

"Joshua..." Vard sighed as the drug started lulling him to sleep.

"Please forgive me, Vard," Joshua said as he watched his lover's eyes close.

When next Vard awoke it was in a war-linear in high orbit around Aquarius... Austin's concerned face looking down at him. "Vard... you ok?" Austin asked.

"Where am I?" Vard asked as he shook the cloudiness out of his head.

"On Felix's flagship above Aquarius," Austin replied.

"Then Joshua...?"

"He is still on Earth, about to marry that bastard."

Vard tried to stand up but failed. "We have to stop him."

"Rest, Vard... the effects of the drug have not worn off yet."

"But we have to save Joshua!"

"And we will... the wedding won't take place for a while."

"Where's Clive and Falcon?"

"Falcon is still on Earth... Gerick will not let him go until he helps transfers Joshua's soul back into his original body."

"And Clive?"

"Clive got wind of what was happening and fled before the guards had a chance to capture him."

"So only I was taken away," Vard grumbled.

There was a moment of silence before Austin spoke again. "Vard... you're safe now. Isn't that what Joshua wants."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Can't you be happy with what you have?"

"Austin..." Vard said with a warning glare.


"Austin, I love you dearly but what is between Joshua and myself is deeper than love. It might be disturbing to say this but the only man who might understand how deep my feelings for Joshua are is my rival."

"All the reason to stay away from Gerick... he is a madman."

Vard pounded his fists against the bed. "I can't!"


"Austin... if you love me you will help me get Joshua back."

"I do love you, Vard... I only wish I was enough," Austin said as he ran away, his face wet with tears.

"Austin," Vard called out as he tried to follow, only to fall out of the bed, his body still too weak.

Next: Chapter 33

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