The Guild


Published on Mar 24, 2005


Well only two more chps till the end. Enjoy.


Night had fallen on the Guild Palace and as Joshua still had not returned, Gerick and Falcon went looking for him... finding him in the center of a hedge maze, his pale limbs entangled around Clive's.

"Look at them, Falcon... see the peaceful smiles on their faces... smell their essence in the air."

Falcon took in a deep breath and nodded his head.

Going down on his knees, Gerick stroked Joshua's wavy brown hair. "Why can't Joshua be so free with his love when it comes to me?"

"He is scared of you," Falcon replied flatly.

"But he knows I would never harm him," Gerick protested.

"Yes he knows that... but he has seen what you have done to his friends."

"Such as you, my lovely Falcon."

"Yes... such as myself," Falcon said as he looked at the ruptured veins in his arm.

"You love your son... don't you?"

"More than anything."

"And Joshua loves you?"

"He does."

"Of course he does... you would not have been able to return Joshua back to his body if he did not love you." Gerick grinned as he waved Falcon closer to him.

Joining Gerick on the cool grass next to the sleeping youths, Falcon felt the power radiating from Gerick... the terrible power Joshua was so afraid would consume him. "I see you can feel it... you can feel the power of a Prelate."

"Yes..." Falcon sighed... lusting after the power of Gerick's will.

Gerick reached into Falcon's pants and took hold of the other man's sex. "You want it, don't you... you think all your problems would go away if you were only stronger."

Falcon let out a deep moan. "Yes."

"What if I were to tell you I was willing to share my power with you... make you my equal."

"I would say there has to be a catch." Falcon grunted as a long finger slipped inside him.

"And there is one," Gerick said as he wiggled the digit.

"Tell me!" Falcon moaned.

"I merge my soul with yours."

"No... that is an abomination!"

"It is either you or Joshua," Gerick said as he pushed in another finger.

"You would not dare... you are too strong for Joshua. Merging with him would drive him insane."

"It is a risk I am willing to take if left with no other choice."


"If there is one thing that has impressed me about you, Falcon, it is your power. You must be the strongest Protector in generations. Now you tell me... who do you think will be the better vessel for my power... you or your son?"

"But why... why do you want me."

"You gave me the answer yourself... Joshua loves you. If the only way I can experience Joshua's love is through you, then I am willing to live a shared existence."

"I won't do it."

"Fine... remain a drug addict who is willing to sell his body for a few precious drops of heroin... it will only kill you in the end. Then who would be left to protect Joshua? Clive? He is dedicated to Joshua but against me... he is not even a gnat."

"Damn you, Gerick," Falcon cursed even as his body was sent into ecstasy as Gerick's fingers pressed against his prostate.

"Give yourself to me, Falcon... it is the only way you can protect your son."

Falcon felt his resolve weaken. "No..."

"Do you think you are not strong enough? When I merge with you, my soul will be at your mercy... all you have to do is expel me and I will be destroyed and you, my dear Falcon, will have all the power of my Prelacy."

Falcon knew he was indeed strong of will... it had been that power by which he had seduced old king Leopold. But was he strong enough to not be possessed by Gerick? If he failed to expel Gerick from his soul, he would be doomed to living a shared existence... one body... two souls, each fighting for dominance.

Falcon felt his back pushed down on the grass, his legs raised up into the air as Gerick prepared to penetrate him.

"Open yourself up to me, Falcon."

"No," Falcon said even as he felt the door open.

"That's it, Falcon... open up a little wider." Gerick grinned as he pushed his sex deep inside Joshua's Protector even as he started to pour his soul into the other man.

Then by a miracle, Joshua awoke. "Falcon?"

The door that had been pushed open slammed shut, Falcon diving on top of Gerick, his hands around the other man's throat.

"Falcon!" Joshua said louder as he started to become aware of what was happening.

For the next several moments Joshua and Clive watched as Falcon and Gerick wrestled on the grass, hands choking at the life of both men. It was Falcon who ended up on top however, pinning Gerick to the ground.

"Die, die, die!" Falcon shouted as everyone heard the snapping sound of breaking bone.

"Falcon?" Joshua whispered as he touched his father's shoulder.

Falcon's red eyes were alight with fire. "Joshua... I..."

"You killed him," Clive said shocked.

"Falcon?" Joshua called out again.

Finally Falcon turned his gaze on his son. "Joshua?"

Joshua wrapped his arms around his father and began to cry. The nightmare was over. Falcon... his father... had kept his promise by protecting him.

"It's ok Joshua... It's ok," Falcon cooed as he tried to comfort his son.

"Are you alright?" Joshua asked as he examined his father for injuries.

"I am more than alright," Falcon chuckled. "In fact I feel better than I have in a long time."

Joshua looked into his father's red eyes, love and adoration on his face. "I love you, Falcon."

"I love you too." Falcon nodded as he hugged Joshua close to him.

"So do I," another voice said but from where Falcon could not determine. It did not matter, Joshua was safe now... Joshua was his.

"Something has happened, brother," Clare said in a soft voice.

"What?" John jumped on seeing the pale expression on his sister's face.

"The Brotherhood of Gerick... they are killing each other."

"You can't be serious."

"I am... the fighting started at one of their chapter houses but it has now spread all over Aquarius. Things are getting out of control."

Tomorrow had been the day John and the others had been waiting for. In orbit around Aquarius were hundreds of recently heavily armed trade vessels loaded with men and woman dedicated to bring down the Prelate even at the cost of their own lives. But now with chaos on his home world, John was going to make the most difficult decision yet as the Assemblyman of Aquarius.

"Bring the fleet down and unload the troops. We need to restore order."

"But Joshua!" Clare said shocked that her brother would change plans so quickly.

"The safety of my own people must come first."

"Very well, brother, but may I suggest you tell Vard of your decision personally."

"You're right... I better," John sighed as he stood up from his desk.

It was not hard for him to find Vard... he was where he always was this time of day... in the grand hall practicing with his sword.

"You know a gun would be a lot more practical," John chuckled.

"Your guns are for lazy cowards afraid of getting blood on their tidy uniforms," Vard grunted as his muscular arms swung a heavy two-handed sword.

John nodded in agreement... if wielding such primitive weapons gave Vard his chiseled body, then John might make all his soldiers take up the practice.

"Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?" Vard asked when John did not leave.

"Yes... but would you mind putting away that weapon of yours?" If he was going to give Vard bad news, John did not want the man to be armed.

"Why... you scared?" Vard laughed, pointing the tip of the blade at John.

"Just a little." John nodded, as he felt his forehead perspire.

"You must have bad news then," Vard grunted as he swung the sword into the stone floor, burying the blade half into it, causing John to jump with fright.

"Vard, I don't know how to tell you but..."

"But you are going to tell me anyway."

Seeing he could not delay any longer John told Vard the truth. "I had to cancel the invasion."

"What? Why?" Vard demanded.

"Please don't get angry but I had no choice..."

"You always have a choice!"

"Not when it comes to the lives of my own people! I am facing a civil war... the Brotherhood has gone into a killing frenzy."

"One ship John... that's all I need. One ship to take me back to Earth!"

"No Vard... and that is not because I can't afford to send one it is because I will not have you throw away your life."

Vard, out of frustration let out a deep howl before picking up his sword and hacking away at the stone.

"Vard... please stop," John begged. "Give me some time. I only need to stabilize things here on Aquarius.

"Three weeks," Vard shouted as he broke off another chunk of white stone.


"You have three weeks to end the revolt. Otherwise you give me my ship... fleet or no fleet."


Vard let his sword fall out of his hands with a clatter. "Swear John... swear you will keep this promise to me!"

"I... I promise," John finally nodded.

"Good... birth kin or no I would have killed had you refused," Vard said as he pushed his way past the Assemblyman.

For a moment John just stood there stunned... his eyes frozen on the large gash Vard had made in the floor. "Joshua... what do you see in this man," he whispered before returning to his office.

Joshua had wanted to leave Earth for Aquarius at once but Falcon had insisted he remain. "You are now the government Joshua... the lives of billons of people now depend on you."

So it was on the third day since Gerick's demise that Joshua was installed on the Guild Throne... the first counterpart to do so in the history of humanity.

Joshua had help of course... Falcon was ever by his side, whispering advice into his ear while Clive began teaching Joshua how to read the long reports the poured in from every corner of the Assembly of Worlds.

It soon became apparent that humanity was in chaos...with the death of two Prelates within a year of each other... the Guild looked weak... fragile. Once loyal worlds that had served the Guild out of fear were now declaring their independence while the remaining worlds were demanding greater freedoms.

With the remainder of the Brotherhood stirring up trouble Joshua found his days filled with war councils, emergency conferences, and talks with unhappy Assemblymen. During it all Joshua did his best to express concern for the problems facing the Guild and no one who heard him talk left without feeling increased hope in the future. In truth Joshua had only one concern... when was Vard going to come back and claim his position as Prelate.

It had been long day... everyone was exhausted, especially Joshua, who was weighed down by his new responsibilities. Falcon was proud of his son, however... proud how his son gave his all to help the people who looked toward him for leadership.

Falcon watched his Joshua sleeping Clive hugging his son's body. Their clothes were still in place as both had fallen asleep almost as soon as they touched the bed.

"Beautiful, isn't he."

"Who said that!" Falcon jumped, spinning around to find the voice's source.

"Look in the mirror, Falcon."

"But I see no one," Falcon said confused.

"You see yourself, don't you?" the voice laughed.

"Yes." Falcon nodded.

"Well, I am you... or at least a part of you. You killed my body before the transfer was completed."

"Gerick?" Falcon said as he saw his face go pale.

"Oh don't act so surprised, Falcon... why do you think you were able to break your drug habit... why do you think you have been feeling so good?"

"But I killed you."

"Yes you did... but not before a part of me... as small as it might be, merged with your soul."

"Then you are not strong enough to take me over," Falcon said confidently.

"True, but remember it was never me that Joshua feared... but my power, which you have all of, Prelate Falcon."

"I will never use it the way you did."

"You say that now only because you don't know how strong you really are. As the old saying goes... absolute power corrupts absolutely."

"Damn you, Gerick!"

"Curse me all you like. I have what I always wanted... Joshua's love."

"No you don't... Joshua loves me, not you."

"Have you already forgotten what I told you... I am now a part of you. Whenever Joshua touches you, I feel it. When he tells you he loves you, sending your heart into the clouds... I come along for the ride. And you know what the great part is... you dare not tell Joshua the truth lest he turn you away." The voice laughed.

"Damn you, Gerick!"

With the rays of the morning sun pouring through the bedroom window, Joshua slowly opened his eyes, finding Clive looking right back at him.

"Morning, beloved." Clive yawned.

"Morning, beloved," Joshua said as he moved in for a kiss, catching Clive with his mouth open.

"Mmmmm..." Clive hummed as he sucked on Joshua's long tongue.

"Come on you two... you can't stay in bed all day." Falcon's voice interrupted the two men from the chair he was sitting in.

"Come on... we worked our tails off yesterday!" Clive protested. It had been over three days since Joshua and he had any time to be intimate with each other.

"And you will work them off today... and tomorrow. We have a busy schedule to keep up.

"Morning, Falcon," Joshua sighed as he moved away from Clive and out of the bed.

"I'm sorry, Joshua, but civil war has broken out on Thrillo and Gavlon... the Assemblymen are waiting to meet with you now to ask for your aid."

"More bad news," Clive sighed as he watched Joshua's shoulders slump.

"There is more... five more worlds have gone dark. The light of the Guild extinguished."

"Why am I working so hard to save a way of life no one wants to be a part of?"

"Plenty of people benefit from the Guild. It is the people who thirst for power that are causing all the problems," Falcon said defensively.

"Only because the Guild has not let people live their own lives," Clive grunted only to receive a hard glare from Falcon.

"Joshua... for thousands of years, the Guild has been the light of the universe. It is through the Guild that travel through the Void is possible. Without the Guild millions of people would die. Without the Guild civilization would end."

"It was the power of the Guild that corrupted Gerick," Joshua pointed out. "It was the Guild that killed Thomas, and Brail. It was the Guild that brought war to Wor. It was the Guild that destroyed Vard's home."

"All of those were Gerick's sins. You will not make the same mistakes," Falcon said.

"I will not make them because I will not be in a position to. I want a ship sent to Aquarius to bring Vard here. He would know better than I what to do. He was a clan chief after all."

"That is why he would not make a good leader," Falcon said coldly.


"I know you love Vard, Joshua... but he is still a barbarian... raised on the darkest of dark worlds."

"So I was a slave who grew up in the darkness of the mines."

"But you are willing to take council... Vard is used to being in command and so will listen to no one."

"He would listen to me," Joshua replied.

"Yes he would." Falcon nodded.

"So I don't see the problem. I will advise Vard and you will advise me."

"Very well," Falcon relented. "I will see that a ship is sent for him at once."

"That ship must never land!" the voice shouted in Falcon's head.

"Shut up!" Falcon shouted as he took hold of his head.

"Falcon, are you alright?" Joshua asked concerned.

"Yes... just a headache. I'll be right back," he excused himself to the bathroom.

"You can't let Vard come to Earth. He will take the Guild Throne away from you... away from us!"

"And he can have it... Joshua was never meant to be the head of the Guild!" Falcon thought as he splashed cold water on his face.

"But you, Falcon... you were meant to rule. You have the power of a Prelate inside you. Why not use it?"

"No... it would corrupt me till it drives me mad."

"Only if you let it. I can show you how to control it... if you will let me."

"No... I don't want you to gain more control of my life."

"But you know I am, Falcon... you can feel it. I was only a seed to begin with but now I have sprouted. Every second that passes my roots dig deeper into your soul."

"Stay out of my mind!"


"What!" Falcon shouted, turning quickly to see his son standing there.

"I'm sorry... I was just worried about you."

"Forgive me, Joshua... I guess the stress is getting to me."

"Then you should rest," Joshua said. "I can talk to the Assemblymen by myself."

"No Joshua... you will need my help."

"Father, you are no good to me in the shape you are in. Rest... I'll be fine."

"If only I dare grasp the power," Falcon thought to himself. "Very well, son... I will take your advice." Once he was alone, however, Falcon found he could not rest for the power called out to him... begging him to touch it. "I mustn't... I can't let Gerick win."

Next: Chapter 35

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