The Guild


Published on Mar 30, 2005


Well folks only one more chapter after this one. I hope you've enjoyed it.


The final chp and preview of the sequel "The Son" is now up on the yahoo group.

"Lord Van'sol... we have captured a dozen of the Brotherhood," An iron-masked man reported to John.

"Only twelve... I thought there were thousands."

"There were," the man replied nervously.

"Would you like to tell me what happened?"

"We moved into the city to restore order but the Brotherhood seemed more interested in killing each other than paying attention to us."

"Do you know what their conflict was about?"

"I am not sure that I understood it my lord but they seemed to be divided into two factions... one wore the black leather uniforms of the Brotherhood of Gerick, while the others wore this," the man said as he took out a tunic.

Taking it from the soldier, John spread it out on the table. It was a simple piece of fabric except for the symbol in the middle that was in the shape of a bird. "Take me to the prisoners," John ordered, still not understanding the nature of the conflict.

Led outside the mountain John saw a dozen young men in chains, many of them bruised and bloody but with wide smiles on their faces.

"Birth kin!" one of them shouted on seeing John.

"What side are you on?" another asked.

"I am on neither side," John said honestly. "I don't even understand why you were killing each other."

"He must serve the counterpart," the first man said in awe.

"Do you... do you serve Joshua?" A third youth asked.

"Yes... yes I do," John said and was relieved to see the dozen men relax.

"See I told you... we kill all of them!" a man said with a wide smile.

"All of who?" John asked worried.

"All those who followed Gerick," the same man said proudly.

"You killed all those in the Brotherhood?"

"No... only those who follow Gerick," the first man replied.

"And whom do you follow?" John asked.

"We follow the great bird!" one shouted.

"The Protector!" another declared.

"The Father!" A third said.

"You seem to follow three different people," John said confused.

"No... they are one and the same. For he is the Prelate."

"The Prelate!" John jumped.

"He is the Falcon," one said, displaying the bird on his chest with pride.

Soon all dozen men were pounding their chests shouting Falcon's name over and over, leaving John more confused than ever before. A deep voice then spoke. "What is this!" Vard demanded.

"Vard!" John jumped... still nervous around the tall man.

"Why are they shouting Falcon's name?"

"You mean you know a person named Falcon?" John asked hoping Vard would shed some light on what was going on.

"That is Joshua's father's name. Why are they chanting it?"

"They seem to think he is the Prelate," John replied.

"But that's impossible!" Vard shouted before going suddenly quiet.

"Vard...are you alright?

"No... no I'm not. I think Joshua is in more danger than he has been in his entire life."

"Then we got to do something," John said before he realized it.

"That we do," Vard said with a wolfish grin. "Assemble the fleet, we leave for Earth now."

"But the revolt... I have barely restored order!" John groaned, wishing he had not said what he did.

"Barely will have to do. We have to go and now!"

"But..." John tried to protest but was silenced by Vard's lips against his.

"Do this for me, John," Vard said with pleading eyes.

"Fine..." John relented. "I'll order the ships back into orbit. I might as well come with you as nothing will be left when I come home."

"I'll be sure to lock the door before we leave," Vard promised.

After weeks of endless meetings Joshua had finally had enough. So against Falcon's insistence he do otherwise, Joshua declared a planet-wide holiday. This of course made Clive very happy as it too gave him a break from the endless lessons and boring conferences and instead gave Joshua and him some time to enjoy one another's company.

"Mmmmm..." Clive moaned after Joshua had made love to him for the second time that day. "You are amazing, Joshua."

"Thank you," Joshua chuckled as he nuzzled himself against the other man.

"Do you two think you are finally ready to get out of bed?" Flacon grumbled.

"Are you, Joshua?" Clive winked.

"No I don't think I'm done with you yet." Joshua grinned as he began sucking on Clive's neck.

"Oh Joshua..." Clive moaned.

Falcon was about to give up and leave the two when the voice spoke in his head again. "Why don't you join them?"

"Leave me alone."

"You know Joshua wants you."

"I do not want to give you the pleasure."

"So you are saying you will never sleep with Joshua again... just out of spite."

"If I have to I will."

"Liar... do not think you can fool me, let alone yourself. You are already getting hard just watching him make love to another man."

"Leave me alone," Falcon begged.

"No," the voice laughed.

"Leave me alone!" Falcon shouted... not realizing until it was too late that he was screaming.

"Falcon?" Joshua jumped, running to his father's side.

"Take him... take him into your arms!" the voice laughed inside Falcon's head.

"Stay away from me!" Falcon said, pushing Joshua so hard that he fell to the ground.


"Take him, Falcon... take him."

"Joshua I'm..." Falcon said as he felt his resistance weaken.

"Falcon?" Joshua replied as he crawled over to his father.

Falcon could no longer hold himself back. He took Joshua into his arms, embracing him tightly, his lips making contact with his son's mouth, letting his tongue slide inside. Joshua responded by wrapping his legs around his father's waist. Both men, wearing grins on their faces, returned to the bed, leaving a trail of clothes behind them. Clive rolled out of the way as both men fell down on the mattress laughing. They rolled around for a while, each on struggling to see who would end up on top.

Joshua knew who he wanted to win... but did not give up without a fight. By the time Falcon had him pinned, both men were breathing heavily, their bodies coated with sweat. Joshua took hold of Falcon's manhood, guiding it till it was almost inside him.

"You want me in you?" Falcon chuckled.

"Yes." Joshua nodded eagerly.

Falcon and the voice inside his head were more than eager to oblige, making love to Joshua with the passion of two men. Falcon felt the exact moment he touched the power... at the peak of his climax inside Joshua. It was as if his blood was alit with fire... his body burning with energy. It overwhelmed Falcon like a tidal wave as all the power of the void came under his control.

"Falcon..." Joshua called out. "Falcon..."

"Yes Joshua..." Falcon moaned, enraptured by his new found strength.

"Your eyes..." Joshua whispered.

"My eyes?" Falcon said confused, Raising his head up from Joshua to see his reflection in the mirror. "My eyes..."

What Falcon saw were not the fiery red eyes of a Protector but the black of a Prelate. "What has happened to me..." he whispered why the voice inside his head laughed.

Joshua pounded on the bathroom door, begging his father to let him in." "Please Falcon... let me in!"

"Stay away from me, Joshua!" Falcon's anguished voice came from the other side.


"Stay away!"

"Come, Joshua... we should go," Clive said as he put a comforting hand on Joshua's shoulder.

"No... Falcon is hurting... I can feel it," Joshua said as he tried to shrug Clive off.

"Clive... take Joshua away!" Falcon ordered before letting out a wild scream.

Clive looked at Joshua, who was the much larger and stronger man by far. "Please, Joshua... let's go."

"No," Joshua insisted as he pounded even harder against the door, the wood cracking from the force of his blows.

"Joshua stay away!" Falcon cried as the door began to break.

"No..." Joshua replied as he took a foot to the door, making a large hole in it.

Seeing he had no choice Falcon gathered his will... his and Gerick's, and pushed it against Joshua, knocking the door off its hinges.

"Falcon... what did you do?" Clive's head poked through the broken frame of the door.

"Stay away from me, Clive."

"But Joshua... he's hurt."

"Take him to the hospital but keep him away from me."

"But..." Clive protested.

"Get him away from me!"

Once he was sure both Clive and Joshua was gone, Falcon stumbled back into the bedroom, curling himself up on the bed as he tried to block out Gerick's voice from his head.

"You can't fight me forever, Falcon."

"I won't let you win."

"Who said anything about winning, my dear bird? I am only here to help you."

"Then go away."

"Sorry I can't do that. I like being in your body. I think you like it as well."

Falcon felt a surge of power fill his body... giving him an almost sexual thrill. "Stop doing that!"

"No," Gerick's voice laughed. "Not until you accept me as a part of yourself."


"Why, Falcon... why do you fight me so? I've seen into your soul. I've know your past. You view me as a villain... but look at yourself, the crimes you have committed... the men you have murdered... the lives you have destroyed. There is only one thing that has made your life redeemable and that has been Joshua... my Joshua."

"You will never have him!"

"But I already do... through you."

"I will kill myself then."

"I would like to see you try that. Look at the table... there is a knife there. Take it and kill yourself if you can."

Falcon's eyes fell on the knife. It was just within arm's reach. Grabbing it, he brought it to his throat, ready to make the fatal cut. He could not make it, however, for the moment the blade touched his skin his body froze as if turned to stone.

"Hahahahahaha..." Gerick's voice laughed.

"Why can't I kill myself?"

"Because you really don't want to die."

"But I do," Falcon cried.

"No... you don't. You love Joshua too much to end your life."

"Joshua..." Falcon wept... what Gerick said was true. He could not end his life if only for the sole reason that it would mean losing Joshua. Giving up killing himself he let the knife go.

"Good... I see you are starting to understand."

"I am." Falcon nodded.

"Then you must know that Vard must never arrive on Earth. He would take Joshua away from you... take away your reason for living."

"Yes he would." Falcon nodded... feeling his anger rise. "He would take my son away from me."

"We can't allow that... can we."

"No we can't."

"Then take the throne away from Joshua... bring order to humanity... restore the Guild to its former glory!"

"Yes," Falcon hissed. He would have been happy leaving Joshua on the throne but it was now clear that what humanity needed to be led by a Prelate... a strong Prelate... not some barbarian from a dark world.

Next: Chapter 36

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