The Guild


Published on Apr 16, 2005


Well folks we are now halfway through the introduction section of The Son. I've hoped you've enjoyed it so far. Tell me what you think...ok.


All eight chps that make up the 'prelude' section of The Son are now up on the yahoo group. Enjoy.

Falcon looked down at the Star General bowed before him. "Were you successful, General Robert?"

"Yes... the Baron was more than willing to play the role of assassin."

"Good... then it won't be long now," Falcon chuckled.

"No, it won't be my Lord Prelate," Robert nodded.

Falcon stroked the smooth face of the young general. "Do you have anything else to report? Any news of Joshua?"

"He is well My Lord... there was a meeting between him and a treacherous Assemblyman on his birthday. I was not able to find out what they are scheming however."

"The Assemblyman... was he not John Van'sol?"

"He was My Lord," The Star General said surprised.

"Do not worry general... I know what the young Assemblyman is up to. He thinks he can lead his people to a world beyond the power of the Guild. Foolishness really... there is nowhere they can go that I can't reach them through the Void."

"But why not crush them now?"

"We have a special interest in the Van'sol's... particularly a very small member of that family," Falcon chuckled.

"Guild Mistress Clare's son?" Robert guessed, remembering the Prelate's orders that the child was to never leave the watchful eyes of the Inquisitor spies.

"Yes," Falcon chuckled... "We think that boy will grow up to be an extraordinary man. What do our Inquisitors have to say about him? Does he still torment his mother and uncle?"

Robert took in a deep breath before replying. "He is no longer living with them My Lord."

"What? Explain please."

"The mother and uncle took the boy with them to Wor but he was not with them when they returned."

"So, as far are you are aware he's still on Wor..." Falcon said... his mood darkening.

"Yes. According to the Baron, the counterpart has adopted the boy."

"The child is living in the floating palace, eating their food, drinking their... water?"

"My lord..." Robert's face paled as he realized the ramifications. "But I though the poison would not affect those of Guild blood."

"A fully grown Guild's man, yes... but not a child barely able to walk," Falcon said as he wrapped his finger's slowly around the Star General's throat.

"Please My Lord... I didn't know."

"No... you wouldn't have," Falcon agreed as he removed his hand. Reaching into his coat pocket he took out a crystal vial. "This is the antidote... see that the son of Gerick... our son... receives it."

Taking the vial with his shaking hand, Robert nodded before standing up to leave.

"And Star General... no more misunderstandings. We will not be so forgiving next time," Falcon warned.

For several days Vard did not make his usual wolfish grin; not with his concern over his husband.

Drake was one of the first to fall ill, but he was not the last. Soon most of the palace servants and many of the nobles were bedridden. It was not until the third day that the source of the malady was discovered... a slow but potent poison put into the cisterns. After that, it did not take Vard long for his suspicions to fall on the Baron of Dralor... especially after Broken Claw told him he had taken the man below the palace the same day people started becoming sick. Still, Vard had no time for revenge... not while Joshua spent day and night caring for Drake, going without sleep and food.

As Vard watched Joshua care for the child, he was confused. His lover had only just agreed to adopt the child, but already Joshua had a deep love for the boy as if Drake was indeed his own child. The same seemed to be true of the child... for never once did he ask for his mother or uncle... only for Joshua and Clive.

"Papa..." Vard heard Drake say weakly while Joshua and Clive hovered over him.

"We're here, Drake," Clive said reassuringly, as he took the boy's small hand in his.

"It hurts," the boy cried.

"I know it does," Joshua said as tears ran down his face. "You keep being strong though... ok?"

Tidal, Joshua's red-eyed Protector, came in the room and walked over to Vard. "Any improvement?"

"None," Vard sighed. "Can you make Joshua rest... he's exhausting himself."

"I can try," Tidal nodded, walking over to where Joshua was crying.

"Tidal..." Joshua wept as he felt the man wrap his protective arms around him.

"Shhhh, Joshua... relax. Everything is going to be ok."

"But Drake... he's hurting."

"So are you Joshua... which is not good. You can't abuse yourself like this. I want you to come with me."

"But I can't leave Drake..." Joshua protested.

"Joshua," Vard stepped in. "The doctors have done all they can. You need to rest."

"No," Joshua struggled weakly as Tidal began to lead him away. He was exhausted from several days without sleep, weakened by not taking the time to even eat. He wanted to stay... stay until the end he knew was coming. He was not strong enough, however, to escape Tidal's firm hold as he was lifted off his feet.

Joshua was taken back to his bed, sandwiched between Tidal and his husband, their limbs wrapped around his body so he might not leave. The fight out of him, Joshua soon fell asleep.

"Thank you, Tidal." Vard whispered after he heard Joshua's breathing take on a slow and steady pace.

"I am Joshua's Protector... it's my purpose in life to make sure no harm comes to him... even if it comes from himself.

"What am I going to do, Tidal? I know I will never be a father. I don't know understand why Joshua is reacting this way."

"I think Joshua does not understand it himself. All I know is that, from the first time he saw Drake, he has loved the boy unconditionally. I wish I could say I had been the same to my own son," Tidal replied.

"I just wish I could take away Joshua's pain."

"You can't... No one can. Nor should you try. Joshua is stronger than he looks. If the worst does happen, and the boy dies, Joshua will be heartbroken but he will recover... eventually."

"If I ever get my hands on the Baron... I will make Drake's suffering seem like mercy," Vard swore.

With so many of the servants sick and dying, it had proved exceptionally easy for anyone to enter the service of the palace. One man... by the name of Adam, was such a person.

Entering a small room, Adam found a redheaded man crying over a crib from which an infant's soft moans were emanating. "Sir... may I feed the child?" he asked as he held up the tray he was carrying.

Clive looked up and nodded his head. "I'll take care of it. Put the tray down on the table."

Seeing the man's exhausted face, Adam shook his head. "Sir... you're tired and should rest. I can take care of the infant."

"No... Joshua would not forgive me if the child were to die without one of his parents by his side," Clive refused.

"Then I will stay and help you," Adam insisted.

"Very well, I will hold Drake while you feed him," Clive nodded.

As Adam fed the infant he could feel Clive's eyes on him. "I don't recognize you... are you new here?"

"Yes... I just arrived here today." Adam nodded.

"Then I should thank you for coming. Ever since this illness has gripped the palace we have been in desperate need of help. Very few people have been willing to come, however. They think this place is cursed."

"You can't blame them," Adam said as he cooled some soup with his breath before feeding it to Drake.

"It's just silly superstition," Clive complained. "I should not be surprised."


"Never mind," Clive sighed. He did not want to go into the fact that he was not from Wor, as very few people had that information.

For the rest of the time the two men were silent as Adam fed the rest of the soup to the boy. His orders were clear... Drake was to drink every last drop. By the time the bowl was empty, some color had returned to the boy's face.

"Papa?" Drake whispered without the pain that had marked his voice before.

"Yes, Drake?" Clive asked, hope growing in his eyes.

Drake did not say a word but sat up and tried to wrap his small arms around Clive's neck.

Clive put a hand to Drake's forehead and was relieved to find that the fever had broken. "What was in that soup?" He laughed.

"Should I bring some more?" Adam chuckled.

"If it is really a panacea we should be giving it to everyone."

"I don't think we're that lucky." Adam said sadly.

Next: Chapter 41: The Son 5

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