The Guild


Published on May 22, 2005


Well it's been a while folks... sorry for the delays, been feeling pretty sick as of late but no worries. Starting to feel better now. Here is the next chapter of The Son. I hope you enjoy it.


Drake held Robert's hand tightly as he stepped off the space yacht that had brought him to Earth. Except for Robert, Drake had hated everything about the journey... the gold mask he was forced to wear, the heavy white robes, and the fawning members of the Brotherhood. Most of all, however, he lived in fear of meeting the most hated man of all humanity... the one who had killed papa Clive and so many others.

On the landing port behind the Guild Palace, Drake walked with Robert down a long red carpet to a raised platform where a man wearing a black obsidian mask stood waiting,

"Our son... finally you have come home," The Prelate spoke with two voices.

Drake lowered his head in a bow even as his legs were shaking underneath him. "Father."

"Drake, what is the matter. You are not scared of me are you?" Falcon asked as if surprised.

"I am scared."

"Well there is no reason for you to be," Falcon chuckled as he reached to embrace Gerick's son only for the man to cringe away.

"Give him some time my lord Prelate," Robert apologized.

"I hear you wish to court the son of Gerick."

"I do my lord."

"And what do you think about that Drake... has this fine officer won your heart yet?"

Drake wrapped an arm around Robert's waist and pulled him close. "I like him."

"Well, that is a good start," Falcon chuckled.

"Thank you lord Prelate." Robert bowed.

Falcon turned his attention back to the son of Gerick. "Drake, I too have just come by a boyfriend. Would you like to meet him?"

Not knowing how else to respond, Drake nodded his head.

Joining them on the platform was a man whose face was covered by a green gem mask. "Drake... may I introduce you to Legate Clive Ron'sor... one of the four high ambassadors of humanity.

"Clive?" Drake asked, his lips trembling.

"Hello Drake," came Clive's familiar tenor voice.

Drake ran over to the green gem masked man. "Clive, I thought you were dead. I saw your grave and everything."

Clive embraced Drake in his arms tightly. "I did die."

"But?" Drake said confused.

"I was killed when the Inquisitors attacked the sky palace on Wor."

"Then who are you?"

"I am a clone Drake."

Drake let his hands fall back to his side as he took a few steps back away from Clive. "What is a clone?"

"I am an identical copy of the man you knew as your papa."

"But why?" Drake said, as he felt Falcon place a hand on his shoulder.

"It was my fault Drake. I let my followers kill Clive. I did not know he had become one of your papas. If I had known, I would have protected him."

The clone let the gemmed mask fall from his face showing it to be identical to the one Drake remembered. "I am not the same man who was your papa, Drake, but much of what you remember is still inside me."

Drake wanted to believe Clive's words. He wanted his papa back. Walking slowly back to the clone, Drake wrapped his arms around him again and closed his eyes. The clone might not be the man from his childhood but Drake did not care. He nuzzled his face against Clive's chest... taking in his smell.

"I missed you papa."

"I missed you too son."

Joshua went to the bridge of the Santor and sat next to Vard, who was giving orders from his throne like chair.

"Have the Guild Mistresses bring the fleet out of the Void in high orbit around Casova," Vard ordered.

"Yes Prelate," Felix bowed.

"Joshua, you're just in time," Vard said, turning his attention to his husband.

"In time for what?"

"Our attack on the industrial world of Casova. A third of Earth's processed ore comes from this one planet."

"I know... I was the one who read you the reports." Joshua chuckled.

"Yes you did," Vard grinned, as he reached over and kissed his lover.

Looking through the large central view port, Joshua and Vard watched as the blackness of the Void disappeared in a flash showing a grey-brown world with two large orbiting moons, ringed by several space stations and satellites.

"Launch all our assault ships and have them form a defense perimeter in front of our larger ships. The Mantas are to concentrate their firepower on any defending warships, the defense satellites, and battle stations. Have the War-Liners surround Casova in high orbit and begin bombarding the planet's military bases."

"At once Prelate," Felix grinned.

"Should we not offer them a chance to surrender first?" Joshua asked concerned.

"Not until we bloody them a bit," Vard insisted.

"But..." Joshua protested.

"Husband... you are gifted in so many ways, but in the art of war you are not. Your hands were never meant to be stained with the blood of others; that is my purpose."

"What purpose do I serve then?"

Vard took Joshua's hands in his. "You are to be the source of my redemption. When my hands have taken the lives of too many men for me to endure, I will turn to you to wash them clean."

Joshua lifted Vard large hands up to his mouth and kissed each of them. "I don't want you to become like my father."

"I won't Joshua... not so long as I have you."

"Sir... the attack has begun," Felix said, pointing to the large central view port.

Together Joshua and Vard turned their eyes toward the battle. Hundreds of small assault ships poured out of the larger vessels like swarms of locusts, intercepting the small defense force protecting Casova. The missile pods on the sides of the mantas spewed forth their projectiles of death, putting a ring of fire around the planet as the defense installations were destroyed.

As the massive Guild War-Liners moved into position, Joshua's nervousness grew, knowing full well what would happen once they achieved high orbit around Casova. Inside each of the War-Liners were dozens of missile tubes armed with nuclear warheads.

"Vard... please give them a chance to surrender."

"Not until I bloody them a bit more."

For a while Joshua remained silent but, as the Santor moved closer, his fear of the bloodshed that was about to occur overwhelmed him. "Please Vard, don't do this thing."

"There are over twelve thousand members of the Brotherhood on Casova. Do you think they will surrender?"

"But they are our birth kin."

Vard's face went hard. "Who have chosen to follow a false Prelate."

"They are still our birth kin," Joshua insisted.

"They killed Clive and the others."

"Only because Falcon made them."

Vard pounded his fist against his throne. "How can you forgive them?"

"They are a part of me... and you. To kill them is to kill a part of ourselves," Joshua said, stunning Vard into silence.

"Sir we are in position... shall we launch the missiles?" Felix asked.

"Vard, we can't do this," Joshua pressed.

"My lord Prelate? Felix asked when Vard did not answer.

Joshua slid out of his chair and went down on his knees to beg. "Please..."

"My lord?" Felix asked for the third time.

Vard took in a deep breath before speaking. "You are right my husband... they are our birth kin. Felix, call off the missile attack and order the Sloth transports to start sending our troops down to the planet. The members of the Brotherhood are to be captured... not killed."

"We will lose thousands of our own men my lord," Felix protested.

"I know... but at least the blood will be lost honorably."

"Death is death my lord... there is no honorable way to die."

"Spoken like a true Guild's man," Vard chuckled.

"Whether you like it or not, my lord Prelate, you too are a member of the Guild."

"That does not mean I need to fight like one."

"Not if you want to defeat Falcon. The struggle between Prelates is always a war of attrition with the victor being the one who is more ruthless in his pursuit of the Throne."

"Times change, Star General."

"No they do not... the wars between the Prelates will continue till the end of time. It is still my hope that one day you will sit on the Guild Throne and that, for a time, humanity will be at peace. I am not a fool in believing that it will last, however. As has happened since the beginning of the Guild, a new Prelate will be born. You and he will fight and all of humanity will suffer, regardless of who wins."

Vard gripped the dagger by his belt. "So you say... but that future has yet to be determined."

"True," Felix nodded. "Forgive me for my arrogance."

Vard returned to his throne. "See that my orders are carried out Star General."

"At once Prelate."

Vard turned back his attention on his husband. "Joshua, sit with me."

"No, I should be going now."


"I am going down to Casova. I want to help end the bloodshed."

"Joshua... it is too dangerous for you to go."

"That is why I must... it is the only way I know to convince the Brotherhood to surrender."

"But..." Vard tried to protest but was stopped by Joshua placing a finger on his lips.

"I must do this husband. You can not stop me."

Watching Joshua walk off the bridge, Vard was left stunned. He wanted to stop him, but he could not. It was not his role.

Joshua made his way from the bridge to the hanger which was filled with several dozen assault shuttles. Waiting for him there were John and his Protector, the navy captain Ryan.

"So, Vard is actually letting you go on this suicide mission?" Ryan chuckled as Joshua approached him.

"I did not give him a choice," Joshua replied as he went to John and hugged him. "Are you sure you want to come with me?"

"Yes Joshua... ever since I fled my home world I've felt useless. I can not sit aside while you and the others risk their lives to free humanity."

"I understand," Joshua nodded. "We'd better get going... our troops are already landing on the surface."

"I have a ship ready for us," Ryan said, as he pointed to an assault ship.

Once everyone was aboard, Ryan piloted the ship toward the planet, passing the burning hot wreckage of destroyed ships.

"Do you know where the main chapterhouse for Casova is?" Ryan asked as their ship began entering the atmosphere.

"It is located on the northern most continent at these coordinates," Joshua replied as he handed Ryan a data pad.

"So, along the sea coast... We should arrive just as the sun is rising," Ryan said, as he turned the ship.

"I know... I planned it that way." Joshua replied.

For a while they sat in silence as the ship sped toward the Brotherhood base. "Are you nervous?" John asked Joshua, breaking the silence.

"I'm terrified... I don't know what I am going to do when we arrive."

"Just tell them to lay down their arms and surrender. They have to listen to you. You are the counterpart after all."

"Falcon's grip on them is very strong. I don't know if they will listen to me. I have to try, regardless."

"I'm sure they will listen to you... what other choice do they have?" Ryan replied.

"They can always choose to die," Joshua said sadly.

"True... we are making our approach. Where would you like us to land?"

"On the beach, outside the compound."

"As you wish, counterpart," Ryan nodded, as he began landing the ship.

After the ship had landed on the beach, John and Ryan stood up to follow Joshua off the ship, only for the counterpart to stop them with a raised hand. "I want you two to stay here... what I am about to do is dangerous enough without other's risking their lives."

"But what if they try to attack you?" John said.

"They won't... I am certain of that. I can't ensure your safety though."

"Joshua... you are the counterpart... without you John and I would have never been united. Since the day we met you, our lives have not been our own," Ryan said.

"I give your lives back to you then."

"That is not something you can do," John spoke.

Joshua looked down to the floor of the ship. "I can't lose any more friends John... not after losing Clive."

"And we can't lose you Joshua," Ryan said as he moved in closer.

Joshua let himself be hugged by the other two men as tears ran down his face. "Please stay in the ship," he whispered.

"We will not let you face this trial alone, Joshua," John said.

Ryan, looking out the windows, saw that a large crowd was surrounding them. "It's time Joshua... they're waiting."

Nodding his head, Joshua opened the airlock door and with John and Ryan behind him, exited the craft. Before him were thousands of men and women on their knees, their faces covered by black clay masks.

One man, who wore a red sash across his body stood up and pointed at Joshua. "The counterpart!"

Joshua watched as the members of the Brotherhood lowered their heads to the sandy ground.

"Looks like this will be easy," John chuckled.

"I wouldn't count on it," Ryan warned.

Joshua raised a hand to silence his friends before speaking in a loud voice. "My birth kin... I have come to save your lives but you must do as I say."

"We live to serve the counterpart," the man with the red sash replied his face aimed at the sand.

"Then I command you to put down your arms and return to a peaceful life."

"That is not the will of your father, the Prelate."

"My father is not the man you should serve."

"Does he not sit on the Guild Throne? Is he not the head of the Assembly of Worlds? Is he not master of the Void, lord of the sky?"

"My father is not himself... he has become insane, possessed by the ghost of Gerick."

"He is still the Prelate," The man with the red sash insisted.

"But he does not have to be. My husband Vard is the man you were meant to follow... a true birth kin."

"Vard does not sit on the Guild throne... Vard does not lead the Assembly. Vard is a barbarian from a dark world who can not even write his own name. How can you ask us to follow such a man?"

"Because he is a good person. He would work to end the suffering of the people. He would treat his birth kin as his brothers and not as slaves. He would not ask you to do the terrible things Gerick and my father have made you do. You can become like children again."

"Nay counterpart... we can never go back to being like children... not after what we have done," The red-sashed man replied sadly, as he drew a knife from his belt.

"Please... I beg you. Falcon has not earned your loyalty."

"He never had to earn it... he has always had my loyalty and that of every member of the Brotherhood."

"But what of your loyalty to me?"

"That is the problem," the man replied as he pointed the blade of his knife to his chest.

"Don't!" Joshua jumped, trying to take the knife away from the man.

"Don't come another step forward." the man warned, pressing the knife against his chest until a spot of red blood appeared on his white robe."

Joshua froze mid-step. "Please you can't do this. I order you to not do this thing."

"I am sorry counterpart, but I have no choice. I can not betray the Prelate."

"Falcon is not the Prelate."

"He is my Prelate," The man with the red sash insisted. "My life is his."

Just at the moment Joshua saw the leader of the Brotherhood raise his dagger to strike, Joshua heard a loud humming sound coming from the ship. Turning around quickly Joshua was just in time to see a blue wave of light come from the assault ship, hitting him full in the chest. The light enveloped him, numbing his entire body. As if in slow motion, Joshua fell to the ground as did all the people around him. He did not lose consciousness but was unable to move. All Joshua could do was look up at the brightening sky till Ryan came in view.

"Joshua sorry I didn't warn you. I didn't know what else to do."

Joshua tried to talk but found he could not.

"Don't try to speak right now... I used the ship's emitters to send a half mile radius stun blast. You won't be able to move for a while, but neither can the Brotherhood."

Joshua tried to nod his head but couldn't. He did not even feel himself being lifted and carried back to the ship. It was many hours later that Joshua started to regain the feeling back in his body, but by that time Vard was sitting by his side, holding his hand tightly.

"Feeling better Joshua?" Vard asked, as he started to sit up.

"Still feel a little numb," Joshua whispered.

"Don't worry. The effects of the blast will wear off soon."

"I did not know an assault ship had a stun emitter."

Vard's face took on a wolfish grin." "They don't, usually."

Suddenly Joshua realized the truth. "You planned all this?"

"Yes... I knew you would not let me kill our birth kin, but I had to find a way of removing the threat they posed. So when Ryan told me you had asked for a ship, I made sure you took the right one," Vard chuckled.

"You used me to distract them?" Joshua accused.

"Yes I did... Ryan needed time to charge the emitter. Luckily, you were able to keep the leader of the Brotherhood talking long enough so that we stopped them from committing suicide."

"You could have told me your plan."

"Joshua... to be honest, you're a terrible liar."

"I am not," Joshua protested.

Vard leaned down and nuzzled his nose against his husband's. "Yes you are, my love."

Joshua let out a sigh as he felt his husband's lips kiss his face. "I guess everything worked out for the best."

"Yes... and all because of you, my husband," Vard nodded as he lifted Joshua back on his feet. "It's time for us to go back to the Santor."

"But what about the Brotherhood?"

"Don't worry; they are being well taken care of. It might take some time to free them from Falcon's grip, but I am sure that together you and I will be able to help them."

"I hope so," Joshua nodded.

"We can worry about that tomorrow. For now I want nothing more then to make love to you."

Chapters up to 28 are now up on the yahoo group.

Next: Chapter 49: The Son 13

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