The Guild


Published on Jan 29, 2008


Drake stood on the bridge of the Eclipse, Robert's flagship in orbit around Aegis, the world that Robert had made his base when not performing hit and runs against the rebel armada.

"Your brother and the prisoners are here." The communication officer reported to Robert.

Drake watched as Robert left his command chair, faced the door to the bridge and went down on one knee. The doors then opened, showing the gold masked face of Robert's brother.

"Rise brother." Saul said as he walked into the command room.

"How fare things on Aegis?" Robert asked, standing up.

"The Prelate has demanded that we send all our crops to Earth in preparation for the expected siege. Almost nothing is to be left for our own people."

"Earth is the key to everything. It must be held at all cost."

"Including the lives of our people?" Saul demanded.

"Are you saying you will refuse to send the Sloths to Earth?"

"No... of course not brother." Saul bowed even as his eyes darted toward Drake. "But as you have a special relationship with Drake and as he is the Prelate's son, could you not intercede on our people's behalf?"

Whatever influence you think Drake has on his father... it is not as great as you think."

"I have no choice brother. The Prelate is not even leaving us enough to plant next year's crop. For over a thousand years the Van'tol's have been the Assemblymen for Aegis. During all that time our world has prospered. This Prelate however..."

Robert glared at his brother. "This Prelate is the man to whom you own your loyalty."


"Enough... I will have Drake talk to his father about your situation but I warn you Saul, your words border on the line of treason. Brother or no... I will not have our family's name sullied."

"You threaten me... your Assemblyman?"

"When it comes to picking between you and my Prelate... the choice is clear."

"I do not recognize you anymore. Have you let ambition get the better of you?"

"It was your ambition that led me down this path."

"I do not understand. What has the Prelate promised you for your loyalty?"

Robert moved to whisper in his brother's ear. "He has allowed me to remain with Drake so long as I do his will."

"You would turn against your own people... your own family."

"Drake is the only family I need now."

"I will not forget your words Robert. On day you will regret turning your back on your family."

Robert raised a hand, summoning two of his iron masked guards. "Be as that may... I have chosen my path. Guards, please escort the Assemblyman back to his ship."

The two guards saluted and took Saul by both arms, dragging him away.

"You will pay for this brother, you and you lover both!" Saul screamed

Once Saul was gone, Drake joined Robert by his side. "I'm sorry."

"Why do you say that?" Robert said as he turned to face Drake.

"You're brother... he's mad at you and it's all my fault."

"Saul had hoped giving you over to the Prelate would have earned him Falcon's favor... the fool."

"I can ask Falcon to let your brother keep more food... I'm sure he will listen to me."

"I'm sure he would, but not without asking you to pay a heavy price." Robert nodded.

"If it will stop people from suffering and make Saul and you friends again..."

"No Drake... you don't understand what the Prelate wants from you."

"What does he want?"

"What he has always wanted... the counterpart's love."

"But my papa does not like the Prelate."

"But from what I understand the counterpart does love you... very much in fact."

"I don't understand."

"The Prelate is not one man but two, possessed by the ghost of Prelate Gerick. As dangerous as Falcon is... Gerick is the true nightmare. You, Drake, have the misfortune of being the product of his seed."

"Is that why my mother and Uncle John hate me?"

"I would imagine so," Robert replied.

Drake slumped to the floor and cried. "I wish I had never been born."

Robert sat down and joined Drake. "What would the counterpart think of you saying such a thing?"

"My papa would say he loves me no matter what."

Robert kissed the top of his lover's head. "As do I Drake."

"Then please Robert... please let me go back to him."

"Is not my love enough for you?" Robert said sadly. He knew what Drake would say.

"I care about you Robert, but I really miss my papa. I'm afraid that if I don't see him soon he will forget about me."

"I don't know how anyone could forget you." Robert chuckled as he gave Drake a hug.

"Thank you Robert. Will you take me to my papa?"

Robert remained silent for a long time before answering. "Please forgive me Drake, but I can't."

Drake's face took on a hurt look. "Why?"

"For many reasons. Not every soldier is given the right to wear the steel mask of a star general. With that privilege, however, comes the price of loyalty. Falcon... even with all his faults is the head of the Guild. I can turn my back on my own brother but I can not betray my Prelate.

If I were to hand you over to the counterpart, the Prelate would not only seek his revenge against me, but also all my men and their families. There are also my own selfish reasons, but I will not go into those lest you come to hate me."

"I think I know what they are. You think if I get my papa back I will forget about you."

"Yes." Robert sighed.

Drake rested his head on Robert's shoulder. "I don't want you to hurt because of me."

"It can't be helped... I love you so much that it does hurt."

"That is how much I love my papa."

"I know, and one day I hope you two will be reunited."

"How... you won't take me back to him?"

"Drake, don't you realize why Falcon let you come with me to the war front?"

"I thought it was so we would not be separated."

"I am glad you said that Drake... it gives me hope for us."

"I do care about you Robert."

"I know. But you are wrong... the Prelate did not send you with me out of kindness. All Falcon really cares about is getting the counterpart back."

"What are you trying to say?"

"You are nothing but bait to lure your papa into a trap."

"You are not going to hurt my papa are you?"

"No... I am only to capture him and bring him to the Prelate. Don't worry Drake. Your father will not be harmed."

Drake wanted to believe Robert's words but could not help feeling this was entirely his fault.

With a crack the cocoon wrapped around Clare broke open, letting in the first rays of light Clare had seen in weeks. As the thick pink fluid that had provided her nutrition and oxygen drained away, she took her first breath as a Chimera.

Everything was different now. Sight, smell, touch... none of it was the same. Her body was protected by a mustard yellow exoskeleton, covering her body like a suit of weightless armor. Regardless of the thick skin every inch of her felt alive thanks to the tiny sensitive hairs that covered her. Brushing her breasts with the tips of her clawed fingers, she enjoyed the near musical clicking sound they produced.

Taking in another deep breath, she smelled, actually smelled the emotions of her fellow Chimeras who had kept vigil over her during her transformation. They were filled with a joy they had not known in their entire existence, having gained access to the full spectrum of human emotions through their new sister. Clare joined her new family in extending her mandibles in celebration, her two long thin antennae perking up to their maximum length.

Clare watched as the large Chimera, the one who had bitten her, joined her back on the platform. It approached her, all eight eyes focused on its creation. Letting its forelegs caress her lovingly. "What should we call our new sister?" It asked with its mixture of clicks and hisses.

"My name is Clare." She responded in the same language.

"Your name was Clare." The giant creature replied. "You are now something much more beautiful and wonderful. You should have a new name fitting your new station."

"I don't even know what it is I am."

"We do not know ourselves. You are more than human, more than Chimera. You are the future of both our species."

"What is my purpose?"

"You are to give us children."

"A mother?"

"The Mother. The one who will lead the next generation of Chimera." The leader of the Chimera said as it wrapped half its legs around Clare's body, drawing her closer.

"Then I shall be known as the Mother."

"So be it."

Clare and the creature then mated. It could not be called lovemaking. The concept of love, let alone lust was still a foreign concept to the original Chimera. They did however have an undying desire to reproduce... to expand their numbers to the limit their worlds could support. It was a desire the Mother now shared.

As the leader of the Chimera fertilized the millions of eggs inside her body, he surrendered his life to his successor and collapsed into a lifeless heap. The Mother, the new leader of the Chimera, was then overcome by an incredible hunger. With only one source of food available she opened the large maw of her mouth and buried her fangs into the dead leader. Her hollow fangs sucked up the rich blood, satisfying her hunger.

That night the Mother slept on top of the carcass of her mate, letting her fingers run through the long tendrils of her rope like hair. The next day she laid her first eggs.

Next: Chapter 51: The Son 15

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