The Guild


Published on Feb 10, 2008


Hello again folks. So far it seems you all are loving the story so far so here's another chapter. In other news The Centurion, another one of my sci-fi stories that used to be posted on Nifty has gotten published the first two books of the Centurion Cycle for now is now up for sale on Amazon. You'll find the link down below for those who are interested in seeing my best work in print. Take care and have a great week.


Joshua watched as Austin's body was removed from the cross and placed on the ground. He then lay next to the dead man, running his finger through Austin's black hair. "What am I going to tell Vard? He will never forgive me... he won't."

"Vard loves you Joshua... he will understand," a familiar voice spoke from behind.

Joshua looked up and saw a mop of red hair, a pair of shinny green eyes, and a sympathetic smile. After all the shocks of the past few days, seeing Clive alive was almost too much for Joshua to handle... leaving him stunned and speechless.

"Hello Joshua. It is good to finally meet you." Clive said as he joined Joshua on the ground.

"Clive?" Joshua stammered, becoming dizzy.

"Yes and no," Clive replied.

"I don't understand."

"I am Clive, and I am not. I am a clone... a copy of the man you knew."

"How long?"

"How long have I been around... four years? My body was matured the same way Drake's was."

"Can they clone Austin?"

"You can ask Falcon but I would not try if I were you. I am Clive, Joshua, but I am not. You will find me a fairly disappointing replacement for the real Clive, I am afraid. I do not have your friend's memories."

"But you look and talk like Clive."

"I know... and I have worked hard to create that illusion, but I am not the man you knew."

"Why did Falcon create you then?"

"As a gift to you. I am yours to do with as you see fit."

Joshua understood what the clone had told him but he didn't care. His mind said that the clone was not the Clive he knew, but Joshua's heart was too filled with joy on seeing Clive's face again for that to matter. "I want you to become my friend. I want to make love to you like we used to... I mean like I did with the real Clive."

Clive reached over and kissed Joshua pale skin cheek. "I would like the same."

"But, why?"

"Because I know you are a good man. You have to be to let yourself be captured by a man like the Prelate in order to be with your son. I also believe you must have really loved the original Clive... why else would Falcon create me?

"What do you feel?" Joshua asked, as he nuzzled his face against Clive's check, noticing that the clone even smelled like Clive.

"I know why I was created. If it were not for you I would have never been born. I owe you everything."

"That does not tell me how you feel about me."

Clive let out a sigh and showed Joshua his hand. "You see this ring... your father gave it to me... I am married to him."

"Did you want to marry him?"

"Wanting had nothing to do with it. He made me, so he has every right to do with me as he sees fit."

"You are a human being Clive."

"Thank you Joshua, but I know what I am... a clone, a copy. I was made to make you want to stay, to trick you into giving Gerick your love."

"Gerick will never have my love."

Clive nodded. "We both know that."


"Sometimes Falcon is able to break free of Gerick's control. He is left weak and powerless but his thoughts are his own. During those time he and I talk... mostly about you, of course. Joshua... your father is very sorry for the things he has done. He never wanted to hurt you. You are, and always have been, the only redeeming thing in his life."

"You love my father?"

"I love the man he could have been if Gerick had not taken him, but..."

"Yes Clive?"

Clive moved in closer, pressing his forehead against Joshua's so the tips of their noses touched. "But let's see what happens between us."

Joshua nodded his head as he brushed his lips against Clive's cheek. "Help me Clive... make me believe I never lost you."

Clive's mouth formed a small smile. "That was why I was created."

Clive helped Joshua back on his feet before leading him into the palace. They maintained constant physical contact with each other, letting their lips touch with every third step. Clive led Joshua to the closest bedroom, pulling him down on top of him on the bed. Clive chewed the buttons off Joshua's shirt while running his hands down the muscular sides of the other man's body. Joshua wrapped his arms around the back of Clive's neck while their lips met in a long passionate kiss. With groping hands they slowly removed their remaining clothing, their hard sex wet with the essence of their maleness. Joshua made love to Clive with the passion of a man several years separated from a lost lover. He took Clive's sex into his mouth, burying his face in the other man's pubes while his tongue swirled around the root. Clive ran his fingers through Joshua's brown hair, letting out a constant stream of moans as he spread his legs wide apart to let Joshua push two long digits inside his body. Once he felt Clive was ready, Joshua pulled his fingers out only to replace them with the thick muscle of his sex.

Out of both pain and pleasure Clive sat up, hugging Joshua tightly as he sucked on Joshua's left nipple. He thrust his body back and forward to impale himself more deeply on Joshua's sex. As he felt his insides being stretched, Clive bit the side of Joshua's neck, leaving small bite marks in the pale flesh. Near the moment of climax, Clive felt Joshua's strong hands take hold of his manhood, gripping it tightly as his fingers rolled the engorged flesh, triggering the release of Clive's seed over both their bodies.

With a final thrust, Joshua planted his own seed deep inside Clive before collapsing on top of the other man, kissing Clive for several minutes.

"Was it what you expected?" Clive said, his face wearing a wide grin.

Joshua let out a deep chuckle between kisses. "You were wonderful."

"Was I?" I was about to say the same thing about you."

Joshua tickled the sides of Clive's body. "I understand you are a clone and not the Clive I knew, but can I pretend for this one night that you are my oath brother... and Drake's other papa?"

Clive ran his fingers though Joshua's hair. "Why just for one night?"


"Joshua, I was created to serve only one purpose... to be whatever you want me to be."

"But you must have your own wishes and desires."

"That was not how I was designed. I was not given ambitions or secret desires. I am loyal to you Joshua, in all the ways that matter."

"My son's dog has more freedom than you."

"Yes... even Puppy has more free will than I. I can understand if you see me as nothing more than a human pet. I can accept that role."

"I told you already... you are a human being."

"And I thank you for that Joshua, but I know what I am... a biological machine meant to trigger an emotional response."

"No Clive... you are not a machine. You helped take care of Drake when he was brought here to Earth, and you have given my father your company when most people are terrified of him. You have shown a level of kindness and love that no machine, no matter how complex, could ever mimic."

"I wish I could believe you Joshua... I really do."

Joshua wrapped his arms around Clive and held him tight. "One day you will. I promise."

Joshua then rolled both of them onto their side so that he was spooning against Clive's backside, his arms around the other man's bare waist before closing his eyes. When Clive was sure Joshua was asleep, he slipped out of the bed and made his way naked through the palace toward the Prelate's throne room.

Sitting on the black granite throne was Falcon, his black mask resting on an arm rest, next to an empty syringe. "Thank you for coming quickly Clive. The injections do not work like they used to.

I don't know how much time I have before Gerick awakes."

"Can you not increase the dose?"

"Not without risk of killing myself. Even though I yearn to end this cursed shared existence, there is only one sane way for my life to end."

"I wish there was another way my lord."

"So do I Clive," Falcon said before changing the subject. "How is my son... was he everything you hoped for?"

"He is more... more than I deserve."

"I hope he brings you the happiness for which you have been searching."

"He already has."

"Good..." Falcon nodded before moving on to the hard part. "Will you be able to convince him to do what must be done?"

"It will not be easy... Losing my predecessor was hard enough on him, I see that now. To ask him to do what you want might destroy him."

"If there was any other way Clive, I would take it but I am running out of time. Gerick is beginning to become immune to the drugs. These brief precious moments where I am free of him will soon be gone."

"Hang in there Falcon. All I need is a few weeks. I am sure I can convince Joshua to..."

"I do not have a few weeks Clive, I have days at most. That is why I must give you the object now." Falcon said as he pointed to an ornamental case sitting on the throne room floor.

"But won't Gerick notice it missing."

"He most certainly will. That is why you must hide it till Joshua is ready."

"And yourself?"

"I can still hide things from Gerick... for the moment at least."

Clive went and picked up the box from the floor, carrying it under his arm. "Whatever happens, Falcon, good or bad, Joshua will be the loser."

"I know... but, when all is said and done, I hope you will still be around to help him through it."

"I will try Falcon."

Falcon let out a deep breath as his entire body shuddered. "You better be going now... the drugs are starting to wear off."

After Clive had bowed and left the throne room, Falcon slumped in his chair trying to enjoy his remaining moments as a free man. Then, with a sudden jerk Falcon straightened back up, a twisted smile growing on his face.

"Enjoy yourself?" Gerick's voice laughed in Falcon's head.

"I was, until you came back."

"You will never get rid of me Falcon... I am too much a part of you."

"So you say..."

"Good... you are in a mood to listen to reason. It is time we talked about the future."

"What future... humanity doesn't have one with you on the throne."

"Tell me what do you think of Clive?" Gerick changed the subject.

"Clive is a good man... he's loyal."

"Very loyal, just like every man and woman in the Guild should be."

"What are you suggesting?"

"I never suggest... I only act." Gerick said menacingly.

"What are you going to do Gerick?"

"What `we' are going to do, Falcon, is change the course of mankind. Would it not be better if the troublesome trait of free will was bred out of man, ending rebellion, war, and crime? Every person would be loyal and happy, knowing they have a purpose in life."

"You want to replace mankind with engineered clones... biological machines," Falcon suddenly realized.

"I have already given the orders... beneath your very feet are over ten thousand cloning tanks... the first of a new generation of mankind. In three days they will reach maturity... then and only then will you be free of me."

"Free?" Falcon thought in disbelief.

"Yes Falcon... once the clones are ready I will have no need for you... can you guess why?"

Falcon looked deep into Gerick's soul... searching for whatever twisted plan the man was following. He finally saw it. "You have cloned yourself and when they are ready you will send your soul into each and every one of them."

"Yes... making me immortal."

"And what of Joshua? Will ten thousand copies of yourself be willing to share one man."

Gerick only chuckled in response.

"You are going to clone Joshua as well, aren't you?" Falcon realized.

"Yes... with a few extra alterations. Nothing major mind you."

"You will only make sure he has no choice but to love you." Falcon accused.

"Did you not do that to Clive... made sure he would love your son."

"That was different. The original Clive loved Joshua."

"No Falcon... it is not different. If people like you had not poisoned Joshua's mind against me..."

"You mean you are not really the monster we have all come to know?"

"If I am a monster, then it was your Guild that made me one. It was they who tortured and killed my counterpart and slaughtered my birth kin."

"So you get your revenge on the Guild by doing the same to Joshua and Vard?"

"Vard does not deserve Joshua."

"Neither do you."

"The new Joshuas won't think so..."

"But they will not be real."

"I'm no fool Falcon... the present Joshua will never love me no matter what skin I wear, even if I took Drake. The clone will not be the Joshua I truly want... but as you have seen for yourself, Joshua has accepted your clone of Clive. I am sure my clones will come to love the new Joshua's just as much as the original."

"What will happen to Joshua and me when all is done?"

"I will give Joshua the Dagger of Change and give him a choice... kill Vard or watch me torture and kill Drake and Clive. I think we both know what decision Joshua will make."

"But Vard is Joshua's Prelate. If he were to kill him with the Dagger of Change..."

"He would die at the same moment Vard does... Since Joshua loves Vard so much, is that not a merciful death?"

"I won't let you. I will warn Joshua."

"No you won't... you are no match for me. Even your sneaking around has all been according to my plan."

"I don't believe you."

"Did you not just hand Clive the Dagger of Change to give to Joshua? Can you even remember whose idea it was to clone Clive in the first place?"

"But the drugs... they kept you out of my mind."

"That is what I wanted you to think. You have always been under my control... letting you think you were free of me only so you would not fight my suggestions. I will take pleasure in knowing that when I do leave your body you will be nothing more than a broken drug addict.

"Damn you Gerick."

"There, there, now Falcon... you won't have me to torment you for much longer."

Next: Chapter 54: The Son 18

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