The Guild


Published on Mar 20, 2008


Clive was on his knees as he placed a carvedbox on Joshua's lap. "The Dagger ofChange my lord."

"How did you get this?" Joshua asked, as he slowly removed thedecorative lid, revealing the gold dagger inside.

"Your father gave it to me. He wants this nightmare to end."

"I don't understand?"

Clive stood back onto his feet. "Do you truly not understand, or are yourefusing to?"

"I can not kill my own father."

"So you do understand. Joshua... your father is desperate. He has been trying his best to protect you,but every day Gerick gets stronger while your father gets weaker."

Feeling as if the very touch of the daggerwas burning his skin, Joshua threw the blade where it became embedded in thewood frame of a wall. "You can not askme to do this."

It was at that moment that Robert entered theroom. "You have no choice."

Joshua turned his eyes toward the stargeneral.

"There is always a choice."

"So Drake has told me." Robert replied. "That does not change the fact that there isonly one `sane' option left to you, counterpart."

"Don't call me that." Joshua glared.

"Forgive me... Drake warned me that you did notlike that name but that does not change the fact that you are thecounterpart." Robert said as he drew agun.

Clive, seeing the star general aim the gun atJoshua, jumped to block the man. "Whatdo you think you are doing?"

"If Joshua will not do what needs to be donethen I will end things."

"By killing Joshua?" Clive demanded.

"By destroying the key to the Void. Regardless of your personal feelings, Joshuais the counterpart... the source of the Prelate's power. How do you think most Prelates have beendethroned? It has always been mucheasier to assassinate the counterpart than to fight directly against aPrelate."

"Then you must kill me... for I will not killmy father."

"I will... after I tell you one morething. Your husband, Vard, is travelingthrough the Void right now to rescue you. Do you understand what that means?"

"No," Joshua replied honestly.

"It means that if I were to kill you beforehe arrives, he will find himself trapped in the Void forever... his power to open the doorway gone. Is that a fate you are willing to doom yourhusband to?"

"You are not being fair!" Joshua accused, tears starting to run downhis face.

Robert went to where the dagger was stickingin the wall and pulled it free. "Life isnot meant to be fair and sometimes there is only one choice Joshua. For the sake of your son and husband... for thefuture of humanity you must kill your father."

Joshua took back the dagger from Robert. "How can my son love a man like you?"

"In truth he doesn't. I have been fooling myself for too long thatI can be loyal to two men. Drake willnot forgive me for threatening your life but more is at stake than myhappiness. In a way I understand thechoice you must make better than you think. You are going to lose a father. I'm going to lose a lover."

At that moment Tidal ran into the room. "Joshua... Gerick has taken Drake!"

Gerick sat on the black Guild Throne waitingfor Joshua to arrive as he knew he would. He had even taken off his obsidian mask so that the first thing Joshuawould see would be his father's face. When he heard the sound of explosions and of guns being fired he knewthe time was fast approaching. Still,Gerick jumped when the doors to the throne room burst opened, several squads ofiron masked men pouring in followed by the traitor Robert Van'tol, Tidal, andfinally Joshua.

Gerick, clapping Falcon's hands as ifapplauding a well performed play, stood up and smiled at the people he had sowell manipulated. "So Robert, you choseDrake over your Prelate... how admirable of you."

"No Prelate... I gave Drake up, so that I mightbetray you," Robert replied aiming a gun at Gerick.

"Really... now that is surprising." Gerick chuckled.

"It's over Gerick... the army, the fleet, eventhe Inquisitors have turned against you. It is time you gave up my brother's body," Tidal demanded.

"Yes... I agree. This body is pretty much used up. I think I will take a new one." Gerick replied as he pulled on a rope next tothe throne, pulling back the curtain behind him... showing Drake tied to achair. "How about this one?"

Joshuapushed his way through the crowd. "Youwould not dare!"

Gerick let out a deep laugh. "Pick Joshua... whom do you want more. If I leave your father's body, Falcon willfinally be free of me... but poor Drake. Ido not think you will recognize your son when I am done with him. Or I can stay here in Falcon's body... if you doa few certain things for me."

Joshua closed his eyes in defeat. "What do you want?"

"I see you have the Dagger of Change in yourhands... good. You can use it to meet myfirst demand... killing Vard."

"No." Joshua refused.

"Then you better say goodbye to Drake whileyou still can."

"Wait!" Joshua shouted, his arms raised in protest. How do I know you will keep your word?"

"Simple... just promise me you will kill Vardand I will let Drake go."

For a long while Joshua was silent. He then whispered..."Let Drake go."

"What was that Joshua?" Gerick snickered as he raised a hand to hisear.

"Let Drake go." Joshua said louder.

"Will you kill Vard?"

Joshua nodded his head silently.

"Joshua... you are not doing a good job ofconvincing me of your sincerity. I amafraid I will need some proof that you will keep your word."

"What proof do you need?"

"Kill Tidal." Gerick demanded.

"What?" Joshua said shocked.

"If you can't bring yourself to kill yourProtector, how am I going to believe you have it in you to kill yourhusband?" Gerick snickered.

"I..." Joshua stammered.

Gerick stood up from the throne and took afew steps forward. "Don't say I can't... say I will. You have two minutes to do it."

Gerick watched with pleasure as the Dagger ofChange shook in Joshua's hand while Tidal went over to Joshua and beganwhispering into his ear. Gerick couldnot hear what was being said between the two men... he believed he did not needto. Tidal was a Protector... if Joshuaneeded his life then Tidal should be willing to give it.

"You have one minute left." Gerick said as he looked as his watch.

"Do it Joshua." Gerick heard Tidal demand. "For the sake of your son you must do it."

Joshua lifted the blade to point it at Tidalbut did not move to strike. "I can't dothis."

"You must." The Protector insisted.

"No." Joshua refused."

"Thirty seconds." Gerick grinned as he moved closer.

"Joshua..." Tidal said in a threatening tone.

"I can't"

"Fifteen seconds."

"Then I must do this..." Tidal said as he rushed forward embracingJoshua in a tight hug.

For a moment Gerick was confused, not able tosee what had just happened, but as he walked closer he saw that Tidal hadimpaled himself on the dagger. SlowlyTidal slumped to the ground, the blade still stuck in him, Joshua walkingbackwards, his clothes stained with blood.

"Now that is not what I had in mind but worksall the same... You think Vard will be so kind to you Joshua, killing himselfwhen you can't do it?" Gerick laughed ashe danced around Tidal's body even as Falcon screamed inside his possessedbody.

"Takea good look Falcon... watch as your brother dies... just like your sister." Gericksaid to his host body.

"Damn you Gerick." Falcon said, not for the first time.

As everyone had taken several steps away fromthe body, Gerick felt no fear coming closer so that Falcon could watch the lastmoments of his brother. That was themoment Tidal struck, pulling the Dagger of Change from his body and throwingit. The dagger flew through the air... andalmost missed its target, hitting low in Falcon's left thigh. It was enough however.

The effect was instant... the blade acting likea magnet sucked away Gerick's powers, stripping him of his will and with it hiscontrol over Falcon's body. As he grewweaker and weaker, the power of the dagger took effect. Gerick felt his soul being expelled by hishost, evaporating into nothing.

The last thing Gerick registered was the lowchuckle of Falcon's laugh.

As Robert worked to free Drake, Joshuastumbled towards his father, falling down onto his knees besides him. "Is it over?" He whispered.

Falcon, his hands shaking... not out of joy orpain but the sudden rush of his drug addiction nodded his head. "Yes... Gerick is gone... for good thistime. I'm sorry Joshua... sorry foreverything. I was just not strong enoughto control Gerick."

"It's not your fault," Joshua said as hestroked his father's black hair.

"Son, I know my own sins... many of the thingsI did as Prelate were Gerick's... but not all. Some of the evils committed were my own. I have never been a good man."

"Don't say that... not right now atleast." Joshua insisted.

"I wish my brother's aim had been better. I do not deserve to be alive. It would have been better if I died."

"But you didn't," Robert spoke up. "You will stand trial for the crimes you havecommitted... the people will demand it."

"No," Joshua protested.

"Joshua, Robert is right. The people deserve some justice after allthat has happened." Falcon said.

Hearing the sound of Drake crying behind himJoshua turned around to see his son crying over Tidal's body.

"Get a doctor over here!" Joshua shouted as he went over to Drake'sside. Looking down at Tidal, Joshua sawat once his Protector was in bad shape, his face pale, blood sputtering fromhis mouth and the deep gash in his stomach. "Tidal... why did you do it?"

"Is it over?" Tidal coughed blood, ignoring Joshua's question.

Joshua took hold of Tidal's hand, finding itcold. "Yes, Gerick is gone. You saved us. You saved us all."

"Even my brother? Is he ok?"

"Yes." Joshua nodded as he tried to warm his Protector's hand in his. "Falcon is going to be alright."

"Good." Tidal sighed, his breathing becoming shallow.

"Whydid you do it Tidal?" Joshua askedagain.

"It was the only way this nightmare could end,Joshua. Gerick was right... if you couldnot bring yourself to kill me there was no way you could ever kill Vard, let aloneyour father."

"But you're dying."

"I know... but what is the purpose of aProtector if he is not willing to die for the man he is to protect. Now go... I need to talk with Drake alone."


Tidal closed his eyes. "Robert take Joshua."

"No." Joshua struggled as he was dragged away.

Lifting Joshua up, Robert sat him on theobsidian throne. "Now you stay there mylord," he said as he kept watch.

Being forced to watch from a distance, Joshuasaw but could not hear as Tidal whispered into his son's ear even as a medicalteam arrived. Tidal waved them offhowever and pulled Drake closer so that his ear was against his lips.

At the moment of Tidal's death, Joshua heardDrake let out a deep wail. Joshua stoodup, only to be pushed back down onto the chair by Robert. "Let me go to Tidal," Joshua demanded.

"You didn't know... did you?" Robert laughed sarcastically.

"Know what?"

"Tidal was your son's lover. So... why don't you just sit still for a while,and give him some time to mourn his loss."

Embarrassed, Joshua sank back on the thronewhile Robert glared at him, as if daring the counterpart to try and getby. His vision blurred with tears,Joshua did not notice Drake approach him until he felt his son's hands takehold of his.

"Papa?" Drake whispered.

"Yes son." Joshua said, blinking his eyes clear of water to see Drake's blotchedface.

"Tidal made me make a promise before... beforehe died."

"Then you should try and keep it."

"I know... and I want to, but I need yourpermission first."

Joshua reached over and touched his son'sdamp face. "Tell me."

"He made me promise that I would become hisreplacement, to ask you to make me your Protector."

Joshua removed his hand in shock. "I am your father... it is I who should beprotecting you. I can not let you riskyour life to save mine."

"It is what Tidal wanted." Drake insisted.

"Drake, it is not just that I don't want toput your life in danger. There is moreto being a Protector than just acting as a bodyguard. If I were to make you my Protector... thingswould change between us. Your feelingsfor me would change."

"I know... Tidal told me about that. I think I already have those feelings foryou. I think I always have."

"Drake," Joshua sighed.

"Papa... I know you hated Gerick for all thethings he did to you, but you were still able to love me when my own mother anduncle could not. It might be that thereis more of Gerick in me than either of us suspected, because I love you."

"So much that it hurts," Joshua sighed.

"Yes... I know that in your mind I am still thechild you would take out of the crib and hold but look at me papa. Take a real good look at me. I'm a man now who has known love, happiness,sadness and now death."

"You're right... I guess I have not stoppedseeing you as my baby."

Drake reached over and brushed the tips ofhis fingers against Joshua's stomach. "Why have you not had another child?"

Joshua looked down to where Drake wastouching him. "Probably because I can'tget pregnant."

"I know that papa," Drake laughed softly. "But there are many women who are birthkin. Why have you not taken one as amate?"

"I do have a husband."

"But you also have Clive."

"Yes." Joshua nodded.

"So why haven't you?"

"I don't know... I have never consideredit. Why do you ask?"

"Because of what Tidal told me... that if youmake me your Protector I would not be able to call you papa anymore."

"Tidal was right."

"That is why I think you need to have a need someone to call you papa."

"You do?" Joshua laughed. "I promise I'llthink about it."

"Does that mean you will let me become yourProtector?"

"Is it really what you want Drake? You are not asking just because Tidal wantedyou to?"

Drake leaned down and placed a light kiss onJoshua's lips. "I want this Joshua... morethan anything."

Joshua sat up from the throne and wrapped hisstrong miner arms around Drake. Drake responded by resting his head on Joshua'schest. It did not remain there longbefore Joshua raised Drake's head up to kiss him deeply. Drake responded as Joshua knew he would,opening his mouth, letting Joshua slip his warm tongue inside him. Before Drake knew it, however, it wasover. Joshua looked down at him with a small smile.

"Am I a Protector now?" Drake whispered.

Joshua nodded his head silently, lettingDrake see his own reflection in his eyes.

Looking into Joshua's white eyes, Drake sawthat his own eyes now glowed with red fire... just as Tidal's had. "Thank you Joshua."

"You're welcome Drake." Joshua said as he stroked his new Protector'sback.

"Can we?" Drake said, unfinished, a deep longing on his face.

"We will but not today. Today we will honor a friend." Joshua said as he watched Tidal's body beingcarried out of the room.

Well I hope you all enjoyed this latest chapter as much as I did writing it. The entire Son series can be found on the yahoo group. Also two of my other Sci-fi books have managed to get published and are now for sale on Amazon. I hope you enjoy these and the other stories I've written. Take care.


Next: Chapter 57: The Son 21

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