The Guild


Published on Sep 19, 2008


"We won." Clive said in disbelief as the last red dot disappeared from the display.

"For now we have... how many ships did we lose?" Vard asked, turning his head to Felix.

"Twenty-three Guild War-Liners, one hundred twenty Mantas, and twelve assault ships." Felix reported.

"Why such a misbalance in numbers? Our assault ships are the weakest vessels we have after our scouts," Clive asked.

"I think it has to do with the kind of weapons the Fungi were using," Robert replied.

"What do they fight with?" Joshua asked.

"According to the science vessels we had monitoring the battle... organic weapons," Robert said.

"Such as?" Vard asked.

"From what we have been able to determine, the enemy moves into range of our ships before releasing a powerful cloud of organic acid. Slower moving vessels such as our Guild War-Liners and Manta cruisers take longer to escape the acid clouds than our faster assault shuttles. Therefore they suffer greater damage. It might be wise to at least keep our War-Liners away from the front lines until we discover a countermeasure to their attacks." Robert reported.

"You might be right, but how much damage can our smaller ships really do without the heavy firepower of the War-Liners?"

"Right now, our Assault Ships are only equipped with five quad-cannons. I suggest we remove the four tail cannons and replace them with missile tubes." Felix said.

"But with only four missiles to shoot won't they run out of ammo rather quickly. It is not like there was a shortage of targets out there," Clive pointed out.

"From what our pilots are reporting, our quad cannons were not very effective anyway," Felix said.

"How long will it take to re-equip all of our assault ships?"

"Considering we have over five thousand of them in the defense force it might take weeks," Robert replied.

Vard held a solitary finger up. "You have one week my friend to get it done."

"I don't see how that will be possible," Robert scoffed.

"Make the impossible possible Robert... I don't care what you have to do to get it done. Just do it."

"Do they have any other kinds of weapons... other than the acid clouds?" Joshua asked.

"We are still getting reports on that my lord," Felix replied. "So far the acid clouds seem to be their weapon of choice but it is not their only weapon. They also appear capable of producing a chemical which heats up on contact with metal. It caused several of our ships to explode when the temperatures ruptured their fuel tanks. They also use some sort of projectile weapon which, once it pierces the hulls of our ships, sends clouds of poison into the ship, killing the crew."

"Still, it appears that their weapons are mainly aimed at larger ships... I wonder why?" Vard asked.

"Because of what they are," Joshua replied after some thought.

"What, Joshua?" Vard said.

"Think about it... We are not fighting against armed vessels that were built by the enemy's hand, crewed by thousands of their people."

"Then how were they built... where is their crew?" Drake asked.

"The ships are grown, not built. What we just fought against are the Fungi themselves."

"I see... I think," Clive nodded.

"I understand," Vard grinned. "Each living cell of a Fungi has a soul. The larger the Fungi-ship, the more souls it is bound to have. There is no reason not to think that the Fungi believe this is true for all races. So why are their weapons designed to eliminate large ships..."

"So they can kill as many souls as possible." Joshua finished for his husband.

"Exactly," Vard nodded.

"If that is correct then the larger the ship we send against them the more likely they will mass to attack it," Felix said.

"Then they have a weakness we can exploit." Robert chuckled as his eyes focused on Vard.

Trak sat on his knees, bowed before his sisters. With near constant fighting between the human hybrids and the old ones, the situation was getting dangerous, even more so as the fleet approached the gateway to Earth.

"Brother you must gain control of these new hybrids. Their actions are baffling," Stavla demanded, her voice filled with threatening clicks.

"They are finding it difficult to merge with our greater consciousness."

"Yes, they are afraid they will lose their souls... so selfish of them, to deny all Chimera the benefit of a shared existence."

"They are still part human," Trak insisted.

"Then we will just have to breed those undesirable traits out of them. Have a few of the old ones mate with their females."

"Sister I do not think that is wise."

"That was not a request brother; it was an order... unless you are telling us you've changed your mind and have decided to mate with me?"

"No sister... I will go and pick the females myself." Trak said as he lowered his face to the floor, tasting the ooze of his sisters numerous afterbirths.

Leaving the chamber with Red Eyes by his side, Trak left the command ship for an even larger vessel that was home to three million human hybrids... including his uncle.

On boarding the ship, Trak found another riot was taking place. Once again the old ones had come to restore order and once again the hybrids had struck back. John was there... waiting for him, a proud grin on his face. "Nephew... have the Mothers sent you to beg their new children to start behaving?"

"Uncle, it is a dangerous game you are playing... my sisters want humanity to be a part of greater Chimera but they will not let you destroy us in the process."

"Then why have you come, Trak?" John asked, as he led his nephew through an angry mob.

"My sisters... they think they can breed your independence out of you. They sent me to select several of your people to become Mother's."

"To be mated with?" John asked, clicking his claws against his legs.

Trak lowered his head in shame. "With the old ones."

"My people will never agree to such a crime."

"But uncle," Trak protested.

"There are around 50 million of my people in seventeen of your world ships. If I gave the word, we could easily take them over and form our own fleet."

"My sisters would never allow it. They would hunt you down until the last one of you was dead. Then, they would wipe out the rest of humanity to prevent any more `contamination' of the Chimera over-mind."

"We will not give our women over to you, so they can be raped for the benefit of the Mothers' experiments."

"That should be their choice, not yours, uncle."

"Do you think you will be able to convince them nephew? What will you tell them?"

"I will tell them that in their sacrifice they would save not only their own lives, but the lives of all their people."

"Most of my people find their new existence nearly unbearable. Death would be seen as freedom."

Then I will tell them of the power and prestige they would gain as Mothers with millions of their offspring to serve them. Such power and influence could be used to help their people."

"Not good enough," John replied, stressing each syllable.

Trak, searching through his human side and memories of his mother, looked for a reason... any reason that would convince John that a confrontation with the Mothers was not prudent at this time. It was then that Trak touched one of his mother's more emotional memories... memories of his half brother Drake... the one his mother so hated. "Will they do it for a chance at revenge?"

"Revenge, Trak?"

"Yes... as Mothers the women would live on the command ship, in the very chamber where my sisters spend their time, laying their eggs where they are vulnerable."

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?" John grinned.

"Yes... and nothing more."

"Who would control the old ones if your sisters were to meet an unexpected end?"

"I... as last of my Mother's children would have command."

"I have to be honest Trak... I think I would prefer you in charge when your sisters are gone."

Seeing an opportunity, Trak decided to take it. "I have two demands of my own."

"And what are they nephew?"

"First... when we find him you must promise you will hand Drake over to me."


"My mother would have wanted me to remove the fruit of her shame."

"Trak I will not have you killing your own brother."

"He must die. My mother would have wanted that."

"Trak I am serious. You can't hold Drake responsible for the nature of his birth."

"Yet you want my help to kill my own sisters, how ironic," Trak clicked.

"If you want to have your revenge against an innocent man, and damn the human part of your soul in the process, that's your business."

"Then we are agreed uncle... Drake is to be mine?"

"Yes." John finally said with some difficulty. "What is your other requirement?"

"Nothing as bloody as my first. In fact I hope you find it pleasant." Trak said as he extended his white hair tendrils to touch John's face.

"You want to take me as a mate?"

"Yes... but more than that I want you to teach me how to be more human."

"First lesson... humans do not kill their own brothers."

"That lesson might take me a long while to learn. How about we start with an easier one?"

"Such as?"

Trak pressed his body against John's "Teach me about love."

John brushed his clawed hand against Trak's hard armored face. "But that is hardest lesson of all."

Thanks for all the support guys and gals. It's been a busy week so not been able to get much writing done esp. with the carpal tunnel inflammation needing to be brought down. I hope everything is going well with everyone and will be bringing you the next chapter next week. Enjoy


Next: Chapter 66: The Son 30

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