The Guild


Published on Oct 21, 2008


"Where are all these ships coming from?" Vard demanded as he slammed his fist against the display monitor.

"They are not coming from the Void that is clear." Robert replied, sitting down in the chair exhausted. "Our sensors would have detected them."

"But we were able to hold them off... weren't we?" Joshua asked.

"Yes... our newly armed assault ships decimated them. Still the battle lasted longer then it should have. Many of our smaller ships had to go back to the carriers to be refueled and rearmed." Felix replied.

"I am starting to worry they are learning not to ignore our smaller ships. Did you not notice that near the end of the battle they switched from releasing acid clouds to the heating chemicals and projectile weapons?" Robert said.

"What has me more worried is that they were able to send ten times the number of ships as before in such a short time." Vard said.

"Maybe they brought in more ships during the first attack and our scanners just missed them." Clive suggested.

"Maybe... maybe they have set up a large staging area near one of our gas giants or in the asteroid field where we would have trouble finding them." Robert offered.

"Regardless of the truth, we can't keep fighting blind. Send out as many scout ships as we have to the outer planets. If it is not from the Void, they must be coming from somewhere in our solar system," Vard ordered.

"What of the other invaders... the Chimera?" Joshua asked.

"Four of our outer worlds have fallen to them," Felix sighed.

"And the people?" Joshua asked.

The reports from our Guild Mistresses still in hiding on those worlds are unclear. All we know is that on all four worlds almost the entire population was captured and taken aboard their ships. The planets were then colonized by creatures that look both human and insect... different from the large spider like creatures we assume are the Chimera's primary form. From what the Guild Mistresses have guessed, the Chimera appear to be breeding with humans," Vard said.

"How soon until their ships join in the chaos?" Clive asked.

"Soon," Robert replied.

"It's not fair... how are we expected to win a war against two races at the same time." Drake said.

"We can't... we can't win. Against both, our forces will be worn down but it will not be from a lack of ships. Our factories and shipyards are working nonstop as it is. No... the day Earth falls it will be the day we run out of pilots and soldiers. At the rate they are dying we will run out of men before we run out of equipment." Felix said just as there was a knock on the door.

"Enter," Joshua called out.

Stepping into the room were the jeweled mask faces of the three other Legates who served on the ruling council with Clive. "Counterpart, Prelate, we need to talk to both of you in private." Legate Harper, the one wearing the ruby mask, insisted.

"Can it not wait... we are in the middle of a meeting of our own." Vard demanded.

"No, Prelate, we are afraid it can not." Harper insisted.

"Very well, but please be quick." Joshua sighed as all the others but Clive stood up and left. "What is this all about?" Joshua asked once the six of them were alone.

"We are concerned by the way this war is headed," Harper began.

"We are all concerned," Clive agreed.

"But we have beaten off their latest attack," Joshua said defensively.

"What direction do you think we are headed?" Vard asked.

"Defeat... is that not what all of you were talking about?" Harper asked.

"Defeat is a possibility we are looking at... it would be foolish for us not to," Vard replied.

"Yes... that is why action must be taken now to ensure that humanity will continue to survive if Earth falls." Clive spoke up.

"What is all this about Clive... you seem to know?" Joshua asked.

"The other Legates and I met and voted in secret, and decided for the good of the Guild and the rest of humanity that you and Vard must not end up trapped here on Earth when it falls."

"There is no certainty that Earth will fall," Vard replied.

"Vard do not play the odds with me... we all know what the end game will be," Clive demanded.

"But if Earth falls, where in the Assembly of Worlds will we be safe?"

"We don't want you to go to an Assembly World. We want you to flee away from human space into the unknown. It might take years of travel through the Void but there has to be some place in the galaxy free and unknown to our enemies," Clive said.

"But what's the point... what's the point of continuing if the rest of humanity is gone," Joshua asked.

"You are the counterpart... Vard is the Prelate, that is all humanity needs to survive," Harper said.

"I don't understand," Joshua said.

"No new Prelates or counterparts have been found since you two. If either one of you were to die humanity's access to the Void would be cut off. If that were to happen mankind would be truly doomed, with no means of escaping when the enemy comes," Harper said.

"But who would lead the war?" Vard asked even as the truth of the Legate's statement sunk in.

"You have dozens of Star Generals more than capable of fighting a losing war," Clive laughed nervously.

"But none whose lives I am willing to sacrifice to save my own," Vard grumbled.

"That's their job Prelate. Yours, whether you like it or not, is to live until a new Prelate comes to replace you," Harper insisted.

Joshua, knowing his husband would not agree to abandon Earth on his own, closed his eyes and made the decision for him. "How will we break through the Fungi blockade?"

"Joshua?" Vard said surprised.

"Vard, we both know Earth will fall... it is only a matter of time. The only reason we decided to make our stand here was to give the rest of humanity a chance to escape. The Legates are right... if we die, any chance of escape, of hope, dies with us."

Vard's shoulders slumped. "So be it husband. Your answer, Harper? How do you plan on us escaping?"

"The Santor," Harper replied.

"I am glad you are impressed by my flagship, but I think it will take more than one ship to break through the blockade," Vard chuckled.

"We know... the Santor is only meant as bait. We have read your reports on how the Fungi ships tend to swarm around large vessels. The Santor, as the largest vessel in the fleet, should be a prime target for the Fungi."

"What are you trying to say?" Vard frowned.

"Vard..." Clive sighed, hating that the man was being difficult. "We are going to send the Santor through the gateway where the enemy fleet is waiting. When the maximum numbers of enemy ships have surrounded your pretty ship we will detonate the thousand bombs we will have stored aboard her."

Vard stood up. "You are going to destroy my ship!"

"And blast a hole in the enemy lines large enough for you and Joshua to escape," Harper said.

"And that is supposed to make me feel better?" Vard said as he slumped back in his chair.

"It is what we have decided," Clive said, as he patted Vard on the shoulder. "So unless you want to overthrow your own government, you have no choice."

Unlike the Inquisitors, the Star General left Falcon alone... to the point that he often wondered if he had been forgotten.

On this night however, the thick steel door to his cell opened, revealing Joshua, Drake, and a small black dog.

"Father," Joshua said with a weak smile.

"Joshua, so you have not forgotten me."

"How could I ever forget you?" Joshua said accusatorily.

"After all the things I have done... not easily." Falcon nodded. "Has the Assembly decided what is to become of me? Is that why you are here?"

Joshua looked down on the floor. "Yes..."

"And what is to be my punishment?"

"They have forbidden me from taking you with me."

"Forbidden you from taking me where?"

"Away from Earth."

"The war is going that bad?"

Joshua wiped the tears from his face. "Yes."

"Then you do need to leave... for the good of mankind."

"But if I leave you here..."

"I will face the punishment I rightly deserve. Is that not why the Assembly made this decision?"

Joshua nodded his head silently.

Falcon walked over and wrapped his arms around Joshua. "Don't worry about me son... so long as you are safe, I will be happy."

"But I just got you back." Joshua said as he cried, his chin resting on his father's shoulder.

"And you don't know how grateful I am to you. Now you need saving Joshua... you need to go."

Joshua wrapped his arms around Falcon's neck. "Not without giving gifts first."

"Gifts?" Falcon chuckled.

"Yes," Joshua nodded, as he reached behind him and pulled out his worn out baseball cap from his pants.

"You are giving me the hat I bought for you?"

"Yes... it is a little worn after I let Drake borrow it, but I want you to have it."

Falcon took the hat and held it in his hands for a while before placing it on Joshua's head. "But it belongs with you. It fits you perfectly."

"I want you to have something to remember me by." Joshua insisted.

Falcon pushed Joshua back so he could stare into his son's white eyes. "Seeing you now without a look of fear on your face is all I need to remember.

Joshua leaned forward and brushed his nose against Falcon's cheek. Falcon responded by puckering his lips to touch Joshua's. Joshua opened his mouth, letting Falcon's tongue enter him. Lifted off his feet in his father's arms, Joshua was lowered onto the bed, Falcon lying on top.

"One night Joshua... can we have that, one night to forget the past?" Falcon said between kisses, as his finger's busied with buttons.

"I wish I could give you more."

When it was over, after his father had fallen asleep, Joshua remained for a while, watching the peaceful expression on Falcon's face. All the pain, hatred, and anger were gone.

Drake, who had watched everything in silence, placed a hand on Joshua's shoulder. "It's time. The fleet is ready."

"Have they brought the things I asked for?" Joshua asked.

"Yes," Drake said as he lifted up a heavy trunk. "Are you sure you want to give this to your father?"

Joshua slipped out of Falcon's arms and stood up. "I don't want him to suffer... not after all he's been through."

"I understand," Drake replied, placing the trunk down.

Joshua reached down and picked up Puppy. "What about you... are you sure you want to leave her behind?"

"No... but I think your papa needs her. It would not be right for him to be alone."

"Thank you Drake." Joshua said as he placed Puppy on the bed where she snuggled against Falcon. Leaning down Joshua gave his father one final kiss.

When Falcon woke up, it was to the touch of Puppy's soft wet tongue licking his face. "So I guess it is just you and me my dear," he chuckled.

His eyes seeing the large metal trunk in the middle of the room, Falcon walked over and opened it. Inside were dozens of small clear vials. Picking one up, Falcon held it to the light his hand shaking.

"So... this is how Joshua still sees me," he chuckled. He was just going to have to live long enough to prove his son wrong.

Hey folks, hope all's well with everyone. Been a bit busy which is why there's not been an update until now. The Centurion is now 30% off on Amazon for those interested in a good read. Another good writer I know has just published Earth Reborn which is also for sale so snatch that one up while you can. As always the Entire Son series can be found on the yahoo group as well as several other interesting tales. Take care.


Next: Chapter 67: The Son 31

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