The Gymnast and the Coach

By Ibtow

Published on Jan 6, 2018


The following story contains scenes of heavy bondage and abuse between two adult men. Comments welcome to _______________________________________________________________

The gymnast and the coach.

I had just turned 18 and had been doing gymnastics from the age of 4 or 5 years old. Gymnastics builds the body up you use every muscle in training and competition and as a result your body is lean but all muscle. When I started I was a skinny kid but years of training every day in the gym had turned me into a 13 stone slab of muscle. The girls at school would throw themselves at me but I always turned them down, some of boys did as well but I would turn them down as well for fear of being outed.

You see I am surrounded by guy in the best of physical fitness and being gay it was very hard sometimes to hide my attraction to them when in the gym and in the showers after. One man had all my fascination and that was my coach. He was an ex world champion and at only the age of 2 he retired due to injury and now was a world glass coach. He was 6ft and still looked as good as he did when I watched him (very closely) on at the 2012 Olympics. His body was that of someone who the greek gods would worship. He legs were like pillars of marble and he upper body was perfect, big pecs 8 pack stomach and arms like you have never seen before. His face was like a movie star and the added beard made me hard just looking at him. He had been my coach for 12 months and had taken me from local champion to national finals. I was an all rounder but my speciality was the Still Rings, the two circles hanging by ropes. I was on course to compete for my country at the next Olympics and my coach was pushing me to be my best.

It started one cold morning and looking back at it this was when my coaches special training started. I was in the changing rooms getting ready for my morning session. I was in nothing but my Aussiebum underwear and was standing in front of the mirror. I looked at myself my legs were hairy and covered the muscle well, my bulge showed off my 7 inch cock well and being in the showers with others of my age I knew my cock and balls were bigger than most. My treasure trail was showing above the low slung underwear and my chest had a covering of hair. I thought I looked older body wise than most guys my age, something to do with the genes I think. I put my gym shorts on which did nothing to hide what I was packing. I looked in the mirror again and that's when I noticed my coach standing at the entrance of the changing rooms looking at me.

I turned around and smiled at him.

"Morning coach" I said

"Morning, enjoying the years of work in the mirror I see. Looking good lad, I know a lot of guys that would kill to have a body like you."

He had always called me lad, never by name always lad.

"Yes coach, I know" I replied.

I could feel my face redden and I could also feel my cock starting to twitch and his voice. I had idolised this man for years and had a collection of his pictures on my phone and computer, I would look and think of those when I was wanking. I had often fantasize about being with him. I knew he wasn't married but never suspected he was into men as well.

"Right come on then on the floor let's get this training started" he said, he turned and walked out onto the gym floor.

I put my vest top on and followed him out. The session followed the normal routine of cardio, weights, gymnastics and some more weights work. By the end of the 3 hour session I was knackered, sweating and pumped. It was normal for me to have lost the vest about 10 minutes into the training session so I returned to the changing rooms in just my shorts. As it was a week day I was the only one at the club this morning so I was in the changing rooms on my own, I stripped off and stood naked at my locker getting my towel the sweat dripping off me. I turned to head to the shower the towel over my shoulder and noticed my coach at the door again. He wasn't looking at my face but was looking down at my cock, he starred a little to long and must of realised and quickly changed his gaze to me my face.

"Erh, good session meet me in my office after your shower want to have a talk" he said somewhat sheepish.

"Sure coach" I replied.

I showered and changed into my grey trackie bottoms and tight fitting t-shirt. I liked the grey tracksuit bottoms and they didn't hide what you were packing and I would see people looking girls and guys!

I walked up to coaches office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" he said

I entered and he was sat behind his desk. He had his body armour top on which showed every muscle of his upper body and his arms were bulging. He had done the final weights session with me so he was an pumped as I was.

"Sit down lad, right you know the trails are coming up for the national team and while I think you are ready the competition is really tuff at the moment. I would like you to do some extra training so if you are up for it I would like you to come round mine this evening to discuss your new training schedule!" he said, his voice was a little sturner than normal.

"Okay coach, I have nothing on tonight, what times good?"

"7pm sharp boy....erh lad. We can have a drink and discuss. But I want to warn you lad, the training will be hard and I would like to start as soon as so might want to stop over as we have a lot to discuss. You can stay in the spare bedroom"

"Yea that would be cool, coach. See you later" I replied already looking forward to seeing his house.

He raised his hand and waved me out of the office. I left the gym, it was around midday so I jumped in the car and headed into town to get some new clothes. I picked up some tight low cut jeans and a new top, one size two small, hugged the body good. I arrived home and as normal the house was empty my parents were at work and brother at school. I went to my room and fired up the laptop. I logged got my phone out and checked Grindr, I had a new message from a really cute lad I had been chatting to, we hadn't meet but we had shared pictures although nothing with my face just incase. He was in his twentys and worked in a gym, he had an amazing body and cock and we had discussed what turned us on. He was into the same as me, he got turned on talking about tying me up, making me helpless and abusing me. He wanted to push my body to limit, I had tried to meet him but the timings never worked out. The message got me hard in an instant.

"Morning boy, how was the training session? I had a dream about you last night boy! Your hands where tied to the hanging bars and I slowly winched you up until your feet were off the ground, I then tied your feet wide apart and started whipping your body! Fuck would love to get you like that!"

Fuck, I would love to be like that. My cock was straining against my clothes now. I pulled off my t-shirt and pulled down my trackie bottoms and underwear. I replied to the message.

"Sir I would do anything to be like that. No limits for you Sir! I want to be yours to use and abuse Sir!"

I opened up the browser and logged onto Tumblr. Along with the gay porn was a post about my coach, it was him training for the Olympics, he was topless and downing weights, I started to stroke my cock and now it was fully hard it was 8 inches at least and thick, as I watched the video I started to fantasize about my coach tying me up as punishment for not doing well at the trials. The video ended and I scrolled down, I scrolled down and found a video of a guy on a cross, it started with him lying on the cross and being tied to it and slowly winched up so he was fully crucified. As he hung at the cross his captor put pegs on his nipples and cock, he was nowhere near as big as me but this video tipped me over the edge, I shot my load over my stomach and closed my eyes thinking what it must be like being tied to that cross.

I walked naked to the bathroom to clean myself up and heard the door open downstairs. Fuck!

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and walked out. My Mum was coming up the stairs.

"Alright love, good session?" she asked

"Yea not bad, oh the coach wants to discuss a new training programme with me tonight, he has invited me and other guys from gym to his house tonight to go over it. I might stop over as he said we have a lot to discuss that okay?" I had no idea why I said he had invited others over!

"Yea of course son just let me know. Your an adult now not like I can stop you is it son!" she laugh as she walked past me and into her bedroom.

I went back into my room and slumped on the bed. I picked up my phone and had a reply on Grindr.

"Soon boy we will make it happen."

Fuck I was hard again!

Coach texted me mid afternoon, to check everything was okay for later and that he would get some food in. He said as it was a social meeting and I was now 18 were could have a beer or two. He gave me his address. I looked on Google maps at the address and checked street view and was surprised how nice the house looks, being Olympic champion must have its perks! A nice detached house in a good area.

I arrived outside and parked the car on the road and walked to the gate just before 7PM that evening. For some reason I had butterflies in my stomach and felt nervous to enter the house of my coach. I pressed the bell and waited, looking at my reflection in the glass door the new jeans and tight tshirt fitted well showing off my body well.

The door opened and there he was stood in front of me, he had shorts and tshirt on. I could smell food cooking and it smelled good.

"Come in, good to see you. Like the top lad shows you off well!" He moved out the way and I stepped in. I look around the whole lower floor was open plan. I nice large tv on one wall with large sofas in front of, a kitchen towards the back of the house and looking out into the garden was easy with the full length mirrors.

"Nice place coach" I said

"Glad you like it, want a beer?" he replied walking to the kitchen.

"Please, I told my Mum I wouldn't be home tonight so don't need to drive" I have no idea why I said that so early!

"Good glad to hear it, we have a lot of stuff to talk about and I have a VERY fun night planned".

We chatted over dinner about competitions and new training programmes, and I was on my fourth beer when he said lets sit on the sofas. He was still in the kitchen as I sat down and I noticed his phone and picked it up to move it. The screen came on and the background picture was a shirtless guy in tight shorts!

"Like that lad?" he asked me from behind.

"Erh" is all I could reply putting the phone down quickly.

"I know it is lad, and its nothing to be ashamed of. You could be a role model for other lads, I never had the courage to come out but someone like you would do a lot for the sport, but that's up to you." He talked as he sat down opposite me.

"I, erh, I'm not, erh... How did you know coach?" I asked nervous and confused about how he knew.

"Pass me my phone lad I will show you" He replied.

I handed him his phone, he logged on and started tapping on the screen. My phone vibrated. I took the phone out of my pocket and the notification was from Grindr! I looked up at Coach my heart was pounding in my chest but at the same time my cock started to twitch. Fuck, could this be real. He was gay, he had found me on Grindr, I was so careful, or so I thought not give anything away on Grindr.

"Look at the message boy!" he commanded.

No it can't be, only one person has ever called me that! I unlocked my phone, my hands trembling, I am sure you could see my heart beating under my tight tshirt! I opened Grindr and took a deep intake of air as I saw one new message from him, who I thought was a cute 20 year old! I opened the message.

"Yes boy, it is me! Your coach! I know your darkest fantasies boy, I know after our long chats what gets you hard! I know what you want boy. Now stand up, put your phone down and strip to your underwear boy. My special training programme starts now!"

I looked up and he was just staring at me, I looked again at the message. My cock was hard now, I had dreamt about being with him. My mind was buzzing, I looked again at the message. Fuck it I thought. I put my phone down and stood up. I looked at him across the room and noticed his bulge in the shorts, he was just looking at. I took off my trainers and socks and peeled my top off. I unbuttoned the jeans the pulled them down. I could not hide the hardness of my cock in my underwear. I stood in front of him nervous and sweating but I felt myself push my already firm chest out and suck my stomach in showing off my 8 pack stomach.

He looked at me with a smile and then went for his phone. He typed again and my phone pinged. He looked at me and then nodded to the phone. I picked it open and read the message.

"Good boy, now we have all night boy, it's 9pm now you are due back in the gym at 10am tomorrow. We have 12 hours boy. I know your mind and I know your body. I know what you can take and how strong your are. I now have control over you. You will submit to me for the next 12 hours boy. A test you need to pass for me to continue as your coach! You give over all options to back out. Your do this by putting your phone down and saying "I'm am yours Sir". As soon as you say those words the training will begin."

Fuck and fuck again! This was my dream and this was now my reality. I could back out now but I would lose the coach who has done more for my gymnastics than anyone else. I could back out now and never have the opportunity again to live out my dreams of being abused. Fuck!

I dropped the phone and before I even knew the words had come out my mouth I heard myself say.


Next: Chapter 2

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