The Gymnast and the Coach

By Ibtow

Published on Jan 30, 2018


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The story is copyright 2019 ibtow and should not be re-published without permission. This story contains content which is for over 18s only and features gay bondage, sex and consensual BDSM. Right enjoy part 4 of the story.

Part 4

I don't know how long I had slept for but I was awakened by a crackle in my ear. "Time to get up boy, kneel boy!" it was Sir, can it be morning already, this thick hood on I had no idea. I lead against the wall and pushed myself up. I rubber suit was still sticking to my body but I could feel the sweat dripping down my body as I sat up straight. I shuffled forward and managed to get on my knees as I heard the cell door click open. My cock was hard and my arms cried out to be stretched away from the straight jacket. My mouth was dry and my jaw aches but I felt good my muscles not as sore as I had expected. I felt Sir's presence behind me and he pulled me up by the buckles on the jacket and I stood. Now I could feel the stiffness in my legs but no more than I would after a hard gym session. I could feel the padlocks being unlocked and the hood slowly being removed. The blindfold was next and the bright lights of the cell blinded me for a minute. When my vision returned SIr was stood in front of me. He was wearing shorts and a vest, his hair was all bed hair and he looked more beautiful than I remembered. He smiled at me, and my cock started to grow in the cage. God this man has a power over me like no one else. "Morning boy, did you sleep well?" he asked "SIR YES SIR!" tried to say through the gag. He laughed and unbuckled the gag and pulled it out of my mouth. I groaned as I moved my jaw around. Sir leaned in and kissed me deeply, a full passionate snog. By now my cock was straining against the cage, I felt like I could cum there and then but I am not sure when I will be able to cum next. "Right boy the morning routine. When you are let out of the cell you will have a liquid meal breakfast and some multivitamins. You will also have the normal supplements you take, we will do a workout and then you will have a shower. Understand Boy?" "Yes, Sir." He started to unbuckle the straight jacket and when I came off I moved my arms. It felt good to stretch out. He left the rubber suit and hood on and handed me a bottle of water. I took the whole bottle down whilst taking the vitamins. He then handed me a shaker of protein. I drank that down, it tasted nice and it was gone in minutes. The leg irons were removed and Sir told me to walk out the cage and into the dungeon. All of the lights were on and I followed Sir to one corner. It had a bench press, weights and a treadmill and was mirrored. I stood in front of the mirrors seeing the rubber suit for the first time in all its glory. It looked like it had been painted on. The black rubber was showing off my body in every detail. "Right boy we are going to do our normal weights routine, you are staying in the rubber suit to really work up a sweat. 10 minutes on the treadmill then we hit the weights." I got on the treadmill and Sir started a ten-minute programme. The first minute was walking and then the speed started to increase along with the incline. My caged cock was bouncing up and down as I run. After the ten minutes was up I was given another bottle of water and we moved onto the weights. The routine went on for almost an hour Sir lost his vest after the first few minutes but I was sealed in the rubber suit. I am sure the hotter I got the tighter the suit gripped my body. By the end, we were both pumped and breathing heavily. "Right boy into the showers, remove the suit and run it under the shower, then hang it up to dry. Then shower yourself and return to the centre of the room and follow the instructions you will find waiting for you. Go BOY!" he commanded. As he pointed to an archway by the main entrance door. I walked into the room and one shower was coming down from the ceiling. I pulled the zip to the suit and peeled it off me. It felt amazing as the air hit my skin. I ran it under the shower and hung it up as instructed. I got under the shower and the warm water felt great. I looked at my stomach and chest and was surprised how little marks were showing. My nipples were still sore. I used the shower gel and cleaned myself off. I dried myself off and walked back out into the room. The only lights in the room were the single spotlight in the same position I had been in last night and on the floor were 4 leather cuffs and a note. "Boy, your next training is starting shortly. We talked about this a lot and you send me the video. You talked how you wanted to be tied to a rack and tortured boy. Well, you will be, I will show you no mercy boy. Place the cuffs on your ankles and wrists and knell in the position once done." I did as instructed and when I had kneeled on the floor Sir walked out of the darkness and grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up. He spun me around and pushed me towards a table now lit up. He spun me around at the foot of the table and pushed me back. I lost my balance and slammed on the table. He moves quickly and grabbed my arms and pulled me toward the top of the table. He attached the wrist cuffs to hooked attached to a rope on each corner, he then moved to my feet and hooked them to metal eye hooks bolted into the table. I was already stretched out. "WHAT ARE YOU FUCKER" he shouted "Sir?" I questioned back "I SAID WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BOY!" his voice sounded angry. "I AM YOUR PROPERTY SIR" I shouted back "YES YOU FUCKING ARE BOY. MIND TO DO WHAT I WANT TO BOY." His voice now making me nervous. He moves to the top of the table and started to wind a winch. Click, click, click my arms started to be pulled towards the corner of the table, he carried on turning the winch until I was pulled tight. I groaned as the tension on my body sunk in. "I want you gagged for this boy. I want to hear your muffled screams but I want to see your eye tell me how you are feeling boy!" He showed me a jock strap. "I have been wearing this for a week boy, during our training sessions, just for you boy. Open up." I opened my mouth and he pushed the jock into my mouth. The taste hit me straight away, it tasted like him. I almost sucked on in it to get more of the taste. I let out a long groan as he lifted my head and wound thick black duct tape around my head holding the gag in place. He clicked the winch another half dozen times pulling my body even more. "I am leaving you now boy. I need to go out and make some arrangements for later but before I do a little taster of what is to come!". He showed me the leather flogger and moved to the side of the table, he lifted his arm and swung the flogger down over my chest, the sharp pain fast-tracking through my body. He lifted his arm again and brought the leather down again this time on my abs. He carried on for another 13 strokes of the flogger. I was thrashing on the table but the force of the bondage allowed little movement. Without saying a word he disappeared into the darkness and as I shouted into the gag, pleading with him not to leave me like this I heard the click of the door and I was alone again. I tried to relieve the pressure on my shoulders but nothing I did would work. The table had me held tight, I could do nothing but wait pulled to almost breaking point for the second day running. The taste of Sir's jock strap in my mouth was reminding me of my position. Reminding what I had become. I wait for what felt like hours in this position, getting more and more uncomfortable. I had no idea if Sir was still in the house or had gone out. I had no idea what he meant by arrangements for later. Suddenly I heard the door open and close and what sounded like two people were now in the room. I light flicked on above where I had been hanging the day before and in front of me was a Sir, now dressed in only underwear. He walked up to the table and started to run his hands over my body. "Fuck boy, my coaching has made you an impressive fucker hasn't it boy! When I first spotted you on Grindr I almost didn't message you boy but fuck I am glad I did and when you started talking about your kinks I could not believe my luck. This has taken a lot of planning getting you here boy and now you are I get to act out all those stories you send me in person. What do you say, boy?" "Thank you Sir" I tried to say through the gag. Sir moved behind the table and turned the winch handle another few click. "AAARRRHHHHHH" I shouted at the tabled pulled me further apart. He moved to my caged cock and unlocked it. Removing the tube from my dick it sprung to free and landed on my stomach. He left the ring in place and attached a leather cuff around my balls, pushing them down. The cuff had a ring on each side and rope was tied through the rings. Sir unhooked a rope and dangled above my now tied and stretched balls. He attached the rope to the cuff and tied it off my balls now pointing to the ceiling. Sir moved out of sight and returned with the leather flogger and another flogger with on a single strand. Fuck I know what that is from videos I have watched. A single hit leaves long red line over the victim's body! He also had a remote control in his hand and pressed the button. The familiar hum of a motor sounded and my balls started to lift up. "NNNNNNNNOOOO PLEASE SIR" I shouted into the gag. But he did not stop. Still, the motor hummed as the slack was taken out and my balls started to be stretched out. It stopped just as started to arch my back to try and take the pressure off. "Nice boy!" The winch on the table was clicked one more time putting more and more pressure on my body. Every fibre was screaming inside but I knew this was on the start. He picked up the leather flogger and started work again on my body. The position I was in stretched out tightly and pulled up by my balls meant there was no way I could absorb the blows. Over and over again he hit me with the flogger. Each strike sending shockwaves through my body. He would focus on one area for a while, my stomach, then my chest, then my lower abs, then move onto my legs. In-between he would just randomly hit different parts. I have no idea how long this went on for but it must have been almost an hour no stop. I was thrashing around the table as much as I could my bollocks being pull and stretched. I was like a wild animal caught in a trap. I screamed and shouted into my jock filled gagged mouth. My cock, however, remained hard. My body was covered in sweat. When he stopped the abuse he walked over to the table and stood at the side of me, he was breathing hard and his fur covered body was also dripping with sweat. He looked at me. "Fuck boy, that is for keeping me waiting when you back out of meeting me all those times on Grindr."

He clicked the winch 4 more times and lifted the ball up higher. My ass was now lifted off the table. "Please Sir, no more Sir" I mumbled into the gag. "WHAT WAS THAT BOY?" he shouted, I stayed silent. He presses a button and the winch on my balls went higher. My arse was not pulled off the table. He also clicked the winch twice more. My eyes went wide again and I let out a groan from deep within my body. Sir removed his shorts and his cock sprang out. I looked at his cock and groan again. "I know you want this boy, this is what you worship isn't it boy?" I nodded in agreement. He picked up the single tail whip and started to gently remove it from my body. "I remember when you sent me the video this was in boy. You said how hard it made you and how much you wanted to be feeling what it was like. You said if anyone showed you this whip you would be theirs. You remember boy?!"

The first hit landed on my stomach, I could feel the air parting as it swings close to my body and connected. It felt like it ripped my skin the pain was instant. My whole body lifted off the table and I cried into the gag. My body dropped back on to the table and I lifted my head. The mark had already started to show on my body. The next again on my stomach but slightly up, the third lower and the fourth right on my V-shaped lower abs. He then hit me 3 times across my chest. I was trying everything to escape the bondage but I had no way. I was an open target, I was his property to do what he wanted. Sir stopped the abuse and I lifted my head up. My body was covered in 9 strips. Sir moved to the top of the table and turned the winch slowly. Click, Click, Click. I didn't think my body could stretch anymore. I didn't see the next hit coming until it was flying past my face. It hit my chest down to my abs. He carried this on for another 10 hits. I was breathing fast, the endorphins in my body were running wild. I was in that high state again a mixture of pain, fear and excitement all mixed together. "Last one boy!" This was the hardest yet it landed tip first right above my cock and continues up my body. I could not control my body's attempt to get loose so much so that the table shacked. My balls felt like they were being pulled off. He left me for a few minutes to calm down and slow my breathing slowed down and started to relax into the bondage again. I heard the motor hum and started to shout into the gag when I realised it was lowering me down. The pressure on my balls decreased and Sir removed the leather cuff. My bollocks almost retreated. My cock was now semi hard and Sir showed me another cock cage. "This one is special boy, it has spikes at the tip so you get hard and the spike will dig into you boy." He rolled back my foreskin and pushed my cock into the tube. I could feel the spike pushing in already to the tip of my cock and as he locked the cage closed my cock started to go hard. The spikes dug in sending a throbbing pain into my cock. Sir moved to the top of the table removed the tap and gag from my mouth. I was still stretched out wide when he offered me some water. When he took away the bottle he clicks the winch but this time it span round and suddenly the tension had gone in the rope. It felt amazing and I brought my arms into my body. I could do nothing but groan as Sir unhooked the cuffs. He unhooked my legs and I pulled myself into a ball on the table. On my side I felt Sir climb onto the table, he started to spoon me and I opened up my body. I could feel his cock against my back and he started to kiss my neck and rub his cock across my back. My cock was pushing into the cage and the spike. It felt like needles where being pushed in but this just made me more and more aroused. We didn't speak at all but as he pushed his cock into my hole I lifted my leg slightly and he entered me fully. Sir started to gently fuck me, long slow thrusts of his cock filled my hole. The feeling was amazing, minutes earlier I had been in pure pain now I was in pure pleasure. He carried on fucking me like this for a long time, kissing my neck and back. He then pushed me onto my stomach. Now on top of me, his thrusts felt like they were going deeper. He pushed my arms out to the corner of the tables and connected them to hooks on the side. My caged cock was under my body pushing my cock more into my body. I was now tied down again and his fucking started to get harder. Sir was fucking me raw and getting rougher and rougher. As Sir speed up he started to groan. Sir was now pounding my arse full force. He pushed his hand on my head pushing my face into the table. "DON'T YOU FUCKING CUM BOY!" He shouted as the pounding continued. I felt his cock almost expand in my hole as he let out a cry. His cum flooded my hole and he collapsed onto of me. He breathing heavy and rapid. I could feel his sweat-soaked hair on my back. He stopped onto of me saying nothing (and I knew better than saying anything). His cock staying my hard for a long time. When he pulled out of me I felt empty. "Don't lose any of my cum boys." He got off the table and quickly filled my hole with a metal plug and reattached my legs to the hooked on the table. He said nothing but I heard the door to the dungeon open and close and the lights went off and I was suddenly plunged into darkness.

Next: Chapter 5

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