The Gymnast and the Coach

By Ibtow

Published on Mar 5, 2018


Thanks for the continued comments and emails. Part Six is below. Copyright 2018 ibtow All rights reserved

Part 6

As the crowd started to move around the room most of the men had their shirts off already. In front of me were some of the fittest men in the country. Most woman and a lot of men would be in heaven. Some of the guys started to strip naked including the rugby international and he walked towards me his body was amazing he was smooth and thick muscles were on show. His cock must have been 9 inches soft and as he walked towards it started to grow by the time he stepped onto the platform he was at full strength and must of 11 inches of thick cock. He did not speak but grabbed and twisted my nipple. He dug his fingers in deep. I tried to pull away but he just twisted more. I shouted into the gag as his whole face filled the screen in front of me. He let go of my nipple and walked behind me. I heard a click of fingers and watched as one of the servants walked to the podium with a covered tray. He stood in front of me and removed the cover. On the tray was a selection of pegs all held together with rope and a thick leather flogger. I was to be the rugby players first entertainment of the evening. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my body. He pulled and rubbed my nipples and ran his hands over my chest. He was groaning as he did and I felt his large cock rubbing up against my back. His hands explored my body. I could not see him behind me but only what was happening in front of me. I had a crowd watching me and Sir was stood dead centre. Watching me and the rugby player. Suddenly my view was covered by the chest of the rugby player, he stepped back slightly and picked up the pegs from the tray still held by the servant. I could see that the pegs were attached to a rope and there must have been twenty pegs on the rope. He started by placing a peg on each nipple. They dug in sharply and I took a deep breath in. He carried on attaching the pegs one on either side of my nipples and then running down my stomach and across the bottom of my abs. It felt like I was being bitten all over. I focused on Sir watching his boy getting abused, I could see other guys rubbing their cocks through trousers and shorts. It seemed like I had the whole room watching me. The rugby player enjoying the attention picked up the flogger from the tray, the servant stepped aside and to the side the room. He waved the flogger in the air. "How many times should I use this on this stud of a man gentleman?" He asked the crowd. The crowd shouted out number 10, 20, 40 times. Sir said calmly "30 as hard as you like!" "His owner has spoken" shouted the rugby player. Fuck! He disappeared and THWACK the first his landed on my arse, THWACK another landed in the same spot, THWACK, THWACK, THWACK all on my arse cheeks. Each hit moving me forward. I was tensing every muscle in my body now. He carried on flogging my back as the crowd counted the hits. By the 20th hit, he had moved all over my back which now felt on fire. Along with the pegs I was burning all over. My cock, however, was still as hard as it could be, the spikes in the cage digging into my bellend. He increased the strength of the hits for the final 10, the last one along my shoulder blades made my legs buckle and I slumped. The rugby player hugged me again his body pressed against my flogged back. I could feel his cock was wet and was rubbing his cock on the top of my arse. Sir stepped up to the platform. "Nice Rugby, you may fuck the slave!" That is all he said he stepped back picking up the rope attached to the pegs. "FUCK YES" I servant quickly jumped on the platform and handed the rugby play a condom and lube. I heard the rip of the condom packet and then felt lube being rubbed up to my arse. He pushed his fingers up my arse and I could feel the wet lube being pushed up. He grabbed my body and slide the tip of this cock into my hole. I tried to relax but he pushed in, he slid his whole cock inside my body and then started fucking me hard. His strong arms were wrapped my chest. I looked at Sir through the screen and could see he was hard watching his slave being fucked by a world class rugby player. Sir pulled the rope tight and the pegs pulled my skin and increased the pain. Everyone was watching me being fucked, the Diver and Swimmer were now naked and the Swimmer was stood behind the Diver wanking him off. The premiership players were rubbing themselves as well. Rugby players fucking was getting harder how he was groaning and crawly down my ears and my cock felt like it was about to burst. He released his grip on my body and started to let out a long deep groan, he fucking getting quicker. "Fuck, fuck I'm cumming" he shouted. This must of been Sirs queue he suddenly yanked the rope to the pegs in one quick movement. They all popped off and a feeling like no other rushed over my body. My arse clenched Rugby's cock as he thrust inside and shot his load, the sensation was overwhelming. I felt like I was having the best orgasm of all time as the pain vibrated around my body. Rugby carried on fucking me as his body shock. He slid out of me my arse, now feeling empty. He walked in front me his cock still covered in the condom. He walked up to Sir, gave him a kiss and walked to the back of the room. My body was trembling from the rush and I fixed my eyes on Sir. He stared straight at me and walked up onto the platform. He grabbed my cuffed hand and leaned into the side of my head. "Well done boy, you were stunning up there. Squeeze my hand boy to let me know you are okay. I know how overwhelming this is." I squeezed his hand tight. I could not believe what was happening but I knew I wanted more. My mind was spinning from the comedown. "Good boy, you are more impressive looking than any of the guys here boy. You are doing me proud!". He let go of my hand and put his hand on my caged cock. He squeezed my balls. "But don't you dare cum boy otherwise you will be punished!" He walked off the platform and lifted his hand to the premiership footballer as if to say, wait. He did he stood at the platform edge watching me. He had played and won the league numerous times and had a few England caps there had been rumours about his sexuality but here he is waiting to use me! I scanned the room, the Diver had the Swimmer tied to the St Andrews Cross and was sucking him off as well a cropping him, I wondered if they were a couple. The TV star was fucking an athlete on the fuck bench and the Gymnast I had meet at the world championships was currently tied to the bondage chair. He mouth gagged a group of men around him. Sir was watching the room as well and after a few minutes he walked up to the Premiership player and whispered in his ear. Premiership smiled and walked up to the platform. He was tall, well built and legs like thunder. He had a sleeve tattoo down his right arm and his body was covered with fine dark hair. He pulled his shorts down as he stood on the platform and his cock sprang up to his stomach, he must have been a good 10 inches long thick and circumcised. The bulge pictures online I had seen was true! He walked to my ankles and unhooked them from the floor, he unhooked the hood from the chain and clicked his fingers at a servant who pressed a button on the wall and the chains attaching my hands to the wall started to slacken. He unhooked the leather cuffs and I could, at last, bring my arms down to my side. My shoulders ache from the position I had been in but before I could start to move my arms around Premiership clipped them behind my back. I was escorted down from the platform and into the centre of the room. The noise in the room went down, others were still playing but those that didn't turn to watch me walk across the room. "Gentlemen, the Coach has decided it is time to start his slave's test," said the manager "and he has given Premiership here the honour of preparing the slave!" The room erupted into cheers at this. I was walked to the end of the room and towards a curtained off area. Before we went through the curtain the screen went off in my hood and the speakers went quiet. I was now blind again and I had no idea what was behind the curtain. I suddenly felt the hood padlocks being unlocked and the hood removed. The air hitting my face felt cold against my sweaty skin. As my vision returned Sir was in front of me. "Boy, you are doing well but the next part will be tough but it is the fantasy you have talked about most!" Sir stepped aside and in front of me was a full wood cross! I had talked to Sir about this a lot, each time a new video was released featuring the cross I would show Sir and it was about to become reality. I felt a hand touch my back and Premiership walked from behind me and stood next to Sir. "Boy, it looks like you have an online admirer of your body. Premiership here asked if it was you and asked if he could honour me for getting you ready for the cross. You see I have trained Premiership in the dungeon as well." "Correct Sir, it would be an honour Sir! I don't think the others know who you are boy but it does not matter, we are all into this and in the years this club has been running nothing has ever got out. I think they will be very happy when they see you tied to the cross boy!" As the Premiership talk, my mind went crazy, I was about to be displayed in front of all these men. They would know who I was. Sir spoke "Boy I can see in your eyes you are concerned but don't be, you trust me and I trust this club and what it stands for but on this one occasion boy I will ask if you are happy to do this. Are you boy?" I didn't even give it a second thought, "SIR, YES SIR" "Excellent boy I knew you would be! Right Premiership carries on." I was turned around and slowly moved backwards and guided down by Premiership until my body was on the wooden cross. He moved me up the pole until my shoulder blades were against the cross. He removed the wrist cuffs and pulled my left arm out to the end of the cross and buckled the attached cuff, he repeated the same with my right arm. I could not get out now if I tried. Sir now leant down and started to unlock the chastity cage. "Remember boy do not cum tonight or you will be punished!" My cock now released from the cage sprung up hitting my lower abs. "Fuck very nice Sir, he is amazing, perhaps one day I can be in his position Sir!" said Premiership, as he pulled my body down slightly and hooked my ankle cuffs to a bar running through the bottom of the cross. I was now fully attached to the cross. Both Premiership and Sir walked out behind the curtain. "Gentlemen, my slave has talked of this fantasy for a long time and although he is only in his second day of training he has proven himself to me already. He is a, as you witnessed earlier, a true slave, willing and wanting to please me. I have today had him tattooed by our friend and he is now ready" Sir was building this up and I could hear the voices behind the curtain lower. The curtains slowly started to open. I looked up and out into the crowd, everyone was now watching. As the curtain opened the cross started to be lifted up, it didn't take long for the weight to feeling in my wrists and the cross lifted off the floor to a fully vertical position. I was now on full display to a room of guys, my identity no longer hidden from this group of men. I looked at Sir noticed the strain in his trousers as he cock showed his delight. My cock still rock hard, I looked at the other men, their faces were a mix of shock and smiles. The gymnast I knew looked the most shocked but his hardon showed he was enjoying this. I watched as he walked over to Sir and they started to whisper to each other. I felt the power of the cross after only a few minutes and went from pulling my body up with my upper body muscles and taking the strain off by lowering my weight onto my ankles hooked to the bottom of the cross. I was left on display for a few minutes before Sir walked up to me. "Boy, you are the star of the party and all these men now know who you are. This famous Gymnast a gay pain slave. Well, your fellow competitor is fascinated and has asked to play with you while you are on the cross and I have allowed it, boy. You will spend the rest of the party crucified on the cross boy. You once said you wanted to spend hours on the cross boy. Well here is your chance!" His voice was stern and I knew he meant it. My cock was leaking precum and reminded me not to cum or you will regret it. Gymnast walked up to me and rubbed his hands over my body, stretched tight and covered in a film of sweat. "Fuck lad, I had no idea. I had a suspicion you were gay when you looked at me in the changing rooms at the Championships, but I had no idea you were into this. Well, lad now I know you are I am going to make you suffer lad!" His northern accent sounded excited and my cock twitched at his words. I was felt like a single touch to my cock and I would shoot my load. "Lad your Sir has told me what you have talked about and how this is your fantasy. Well, I am going to cover your chest, nipples and cock with pegs boy and then leave you for an hour. No one else will touch you. I will then come back and whip your body with the single tail bullwhip! Judging by the marks already on your body you are familiar with that already boy! You will then be left on display boy for the rest of the night!" A servant moved beside him holding a large box, he lifted a large plastic peg out the box and quickly applied it to my left nipple, its teeth dug in deep, I gasped sharply, he repeated the same with my right nipple, they were both now on fire. He then placed another for on each of my already tight chests. I now had 10 bitting pegs attached to my body but he was not finished. He then started placing more pegs down the middle of my abs, right where it sucked in as I breathed. Two at each point. He then fanned out the pegs tracing my V line. I had lost count how many he had now put on. Still, he carried on placing 4 on each side of my body. "You now have 40 pegs biting into your tight, muscular body lad but we are not done yet." He showed me the next pegs they were bright colours plastic pegs but with metal teeth. He placed the first on my balls. I screamed in pain which rattled around the room, although I knew I was was in a crowded room it felt like I was more alone than ever before. He placed pegs all around my balls and then moved to my still hard cock. He placed pegs on the underneath of my cock. He stopped and showed me the last peg. He pulled my foreskin back and bit the peg into my bellend. I shouted out and struggled as much as I could on suspended on the cross. Then he simply turned and walked away from me. I lifted my head up and notice a projection screen at the other end of the room and on that screen was a live broadcast of me. The camera was full on and only showed me tied and suspended on the cross, the pegs covering my body and in the corner a countdown timer. I could see the tattoo for the first time. It was about 5 centimetres across and looking like a barcode and numbers. It was like the many videos I had watched but I knew through the pain in my body that this was really very very real. The counter was at 55 minutes. The pegs were biting into my flesh and my muscles were starting to protest at the position they were in and how much they were working to hold my body up. My cock the betrayal of my situation was still throbbing even with nasty pegs digging into it. I scanned the room and saw Sir standing in front of the soap star his hands not tied high above his head and him feet on tiptoes. Sir was slapping his ass and pinching his nipples paying no attention to me. During the next hour, I was largely ignoring people would walk past me and look at me Diver and Swimmer stood drinking and talking to each other pointing at me like I was a work of art on display in a museum. I struggled against the bounds trying everything to find a position that I could stand but nothing helped. The position was more difficult than I could have imagined, the throb of the pegs continued building. Towards the end of that first hour, I had started to slump my head down having no idea how long I had left tied to this cross after this hour was up. As the timer reached a minute left I noticed the room hush and people all started to walk towards me. I was again to be the show and I knew what was coming!

Next: Chapter 7

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