The Gymnast and the Coach

By Ibtow

Published on Jun 13, 2018


Thanks for all the comments and sorry it has taken so long to get part 7 completed. I hope you enjoy and any comments please send to Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved.

Part 7

As the counter ticked to 20 second Premiership walked out of the crowd and stood in front of me, he was holding a leather flogger and a single tail bullwhip. I pulled myself up putting pressure shoulders and back. I looked forward and there was Sir stood front and centre watching me. I had been hanging on the cross for an hour as the timer hit zero and then started counting up. Premiership said nothing as he put the bullwhip on the floor. He stood to the side of me and lifted the flogger high. I tensed my body as the flogger hit square across my chest. The marks from my time on the table earlier in the day were still showing and the pain from the flogger shot through my body. Some pegs from my chest flow off as well. My cock responded getting as hard as it could with the pegs attached to it. Another hard blow hit my abs sending pegs fly, the crowd were silent as I shouted out, another hit across my body, blow after blow hit me as Premiership carried on his abuse. I could do nothing to protect myself and nothing to stop it. Most of the pegs were off my body now, I looked down as another blow hit just above my cock. The marks from the pegs were like little teeth biting my skin. My breathing was rapid and I could not control the shouts and groans coming out of my mouth. I lifted my head and looked out into the crowd. People were openly wanking themselves and each other. Getting off at the torture of the gymnast. I was so horny and turned on by what was happening to me then Premiership started targeting my cock his first hit not so hard but causing my cock to bounce down and then spring up and hit my abs. Pegs pinged off as I was hit again the final peg on my body was the one on the end of my cock. Digging into my bellend, Premiership targeted this and hit it with the first attempt, like scoring one of his many goals it was a perfect shot as the leather tails of the flogger hit the peg and it flicked off flying into the crowd. The rush of blood into my cock felt like fire and I started to leak precum.

Premiership put down flogged and walked up to me and started stroking my body. "Fuck Gymnast you take a lot, but we have the bullwhip to go, I see Coach has marked your body already and I will add to that. I also know Coach told you not to cum or you will be punished, well boy I like the idea of me causing you to be punished. So I'm going to whip you until you shoot your load boy!"

Fuck, I can't cum Sir said he will punish me, I have never cum without touching my cock before, was this a test from Sir or Premiership's sadistic game? Premiership started to wank my cock, I was so close already having been turned on and feeling high being on display in front of all these people. I closed my eyes as Premiership started to suck my cock, taking all my cock in his mouth, it was like the best blow job ever. I started to fuck his mouth and was so close to cumming when Premiership let go of my cock and picked up the bullwhip.

I looked at Sir and almost pleaded with him to stop, let me cum but he just watched. Others in the crowd were enjoying the show as well and as the first hit from bullwhip connected with my body I saw Diver shoot a load of cum all over the floor, as Swimmer pinched his nipples. The blows from the bullwhip kept landing on my body as I watched myself on the screen, the timer was showing 30 minutes, I watched as each blow of the bullwhip hit my body and left a sharp red mark on my body. He showed no mercy like the videos I had watched. I was so turned on I again felt like I was spaced out, riding the high as the endorphins ran through my body. I felt my cock getting harder as the blows continued to land. I had lost count at how many hits I had taken, I had zoned out of the room. My body fighting against the cross, taking strength from places I did not know I had. I pushed my legs down and lifted my body up, Premiership was increasing the strength of the whipping, I couldn't control it any longer I arched my back and felt my body spasm as the most amazing orgasm of my life spread throughout my body. I held it as long as possible until my cock let out a massive shot of cum as another blow hit my body. I screamed as my cum shot out of my cock and landed at the feet of people in front of me. I must of shot 5 or 6 times, Premiership not stopping the beating, the bullwhip connecting with my chest, stomach, legs. I looked directly at Sir as the last of the cum shot out of my cock and the group of men were cheering and clapping, he looked back at me and shook his head. I had disobeyed him.

As the rush started to stop, Premiership moved back to the flogger, the pain now almost unbearable spread around my body like hot pokers being ran across my body. I could hold myself up no longer and slumped down into the cross, hanging by my wrists. Premiership stopped and walked up to me again.

"Fucking amazing, you fucking animal!" He was wanking himself off and within a few moments he was sucking my still hard cock, cleaning me off as he wanked himself off. He shot his load all over my legs as his carried on sucking me off. Suddenly Sir was behind, and pulled him off.

"Fucking leave him alone now! You have had your fun!" Sir shouted as he pushed him away.

He looked up at me. "Your fucker I told you not to cum!"

"Sir I am sorry Sir, I couldn't stop it Sir. SIR SORRY SIR!" my voice now horse.

"You fucking will be boy! You will hang here until every last guest has left boy and no one will touch you, I will then decide if to let you down!"

He turned and walked away, the crowd now going back to drinking and playing with each other. I looked at the screen and it showed sixty minutes. I had been on the cross for 2 hours and had no idea how long I had left.

I hung on the cross for the next 3 hours, it felt like more as the guest were slowly departing. I could no longer hold myself up and just hung by my wrists, I would try to lift my legs to take pressure off but could only last a few seconds before I dropping back down. I tried to concentrate on what was happening in the room, but my mind and body was drained. I dropped my head forward and sank into the bondage, my body dripping with sweat.

Suddenly the cross started to lower. Two servants guided it down, it was rested on a box and one of the servants put the cage back on my cock, the tube smaller than before and I felt something going down the centre of my cock. I looked down and watched as a tube was pushed down my cock as the new metal cage was pushed on, the spikes at the end dug in as the cage was locked tight. Still tied to the cross they started rubbing cream into my body, the cooling sensation felt good, they worked the cream into my body from neck to legs before the un tied me. I tried to move but just collapsed onto the floor, my body had no strength left in it at all. One of the servants lifted me up into his arms and carried me out of the room. We walked through a door and up some stairs. A door opened up to a bedroom, and I was laid out on the bed. I could hardly move and was positioned on to my side. I looked toward the door as Sir entered the room, the servants bowed their heads and walked out shutting the door behind them. Sir said nothing on as he removed the robe he was wearing and climbed into the bed next to me. He moved against me his furry body feeling so good against me sore abused boy. His cock hard moved between my ass cheeks and he pushed himself inside of me. He cock felt amazing inside me. He wrapped his arms around my body as he slowly thrust his cock deep inside me.

"Boy you please me today, but you also disobeyed an order not to cum, so this metal cock cage will stay locked for a long time boy. You will wear this 24/7, you will wear this in the gym, when you shower wherever you are you will be locked. The metal cage means you can clean easy and the tube inside you cock means you can piss without problem. The spikes at the end are a constant reminder that this is belongs to me boy. Understand?"

"Sir, Yes Sir, Sorry Sir." I started to feel emotional as I said it my voice breaking. I had upset my Master. He carried on fucking my arse slowly and gentle.

"Good boy, but you will be punished in the dungeon for disobeying me boy and it will be harsh. You need to learn that failure will result in punishment boy! Tell me how you feel about tonight boy." He spoke quietly at me all the time fucking my arse. My cock again hard and being spiked by the cage.

"I, I am grateful Sir that you put me on display Sir. I am sore all over Sir but I like the feeling Sir. I don't know how I will go back to normal life Sir, after just two days I feel this is what I meant to do Sir. To serve you and only you Sir. I want to take punishment everyday Sir. I love being your Slave Sir, I...." I stopped myself saying the next part, I felt Sir drive deeper into me as I spoke.

"Go on boy finishes what you were going to say."

"I....erh.....I love you Sir" I whispered it out and was amazed I said it. I had never felt this connection with another person and I had never said those words to anyone other than my family.

Sir pulled my head to the side and kissed me deeper than ever before. His cock filling my hole his rhythm quickened as he kissed me.

"Fuck boy, you're special you are what I have been looking for. I want a slave boy that will follow my orders, take whatever I say as the law and take whatever punishment I give. Is that you boy, is that 100% you? Do I own you boy, body mind and soul?" He was fucking me harder and faster now.

"You do Sir, 100% you own me Sir"

Sir twisted my around his cock still inside me so I was now on my back, he pulled my legs up and pushed me down by my shoulders into the bed and fucked my hole harder than before. His body sweating and dripping on my face. He cock so deep it felt like it would burst out my stomach as his thrust got harder still. He chest puffed out and his stomach muscles tensed as he shouted out and cum deep inside me. He carried on fucking me as he pumped his cum into his property. He looked at me and started to kiss me again. His cock still hard as his trusts slowed. We kissed deeply for a long time, Sirs cock still inside me, sir still on top of me he reached for the draw and pulled out some rope, he lifted my arms above my head, I groaned my body still sore from the punishment earlier. He quickly and tightly tied my hands to the head rest, he pulled out of me and brought he cock to my mouth.

"Clean my cock boy!" I opened my mouth and took his cock eagerly, I ran my tongue over the head of Sirs cock and he pushed his hardening cock deep into my throat making me gag. He started to face fuck my mouth, I couldn't believe he was getting hard again. His cock tasted wonderful and the smell of him was sending me wild. I was groaning and moaning losing myself in his cock and smell when he pulled out of me. I opened my eyes as Sir jumped off the bed his cock again rock hard. He moved to the draw and pulled out more rope.

He moved to my feet and tied each foot to the end of the bed spreading my legs wide. He pulled from under the bed a leather flogger.

"I have not had my fun yet tonight boy, you body is marked from your earlier punishment but I am going to add mine!" With that Sir lifted his arm and with full force landed the flogger up my body, the pain yet again flooding my body. Sir moved round my body hitting every inch of my body, I shouted out in pain and this made Sir intensify the flogger, not stopping he carried on abusing his property. I could nothing but scream, shout, my body trying to move away from the flogger, I lost count of the number of time the flogger connected with my body. The whole front of my body was on fire. Then it stopped, I was panting and sweaty again. Sir moved to my face kissed me deeply he started to untie me from the bed. Once I was untied Sir pulled the bed sheets away and I lifted my body up and slide into the bed. Sir got in and pulled me close to him. He spooned me and I felt his hard cock pushing against my body.

"Boy, you have done well, you need you rest now boy for the next few days. Incase you have been wondering boy, your family are aware the course you are on does not allow phones so the last text you sent them and by you I mean me Boy, said you loved them and will speak to them when you are back, had you even thought about your normal life boy?"

Shit I hadn't even though once about my family or friends, I had been so focused on what was happening.

"Erh, no Sir. I was so involved in what was happening and in pleasing you you Sir. I should of Sir, but the last two days have been so intense Sir."

"They have been boy that is why I unlocked your phone with your fingerprint and added mine boy. I have also password protected it so you won't be able to remove my fingerprint without the password. I own you now boy, you have no secrets from me boy you understand?" He wrapped his legs around mine as he spoke.

"I do Sir and thank you Sir, thank you for taking me on Sir."

"Good boy" he whispered in my ear and then we fell silent. I pushed my body into Sir, I felt his powerful frame push against mine, I relaxed and fell asleep in his arms within minutes.

Next: Chapter 8

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