The Gymnast and the Coach

By Ibtow

Published on Feb 12, 2023


Thanks for all the comments and sorry it has taken so long to get part 8 completed. I hope you enjoy and any comments please send to Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved.

Part 8

I slept the best I have slept in years that night, I am not sure I moved as when I woke up I was still wrapped in Sir's body. His arms wrapped around my body holding me tight. It was around 9 AM when the door opened and as I opened my eyes two servants were stood by the bed. Dressed in nothing but white briefs both stood 6ft tall a were athletic in build.

"Good morning Sir the Manager would like to inform you that breakfast will be served in 15 minutes in the hall." One of the servants said directing to Sir rather than me.

Sir responded with a moan, "fine, fine, get my Boy ready."

"Sir Yes Sir" they both answered before grabbing my arms and pulling me out of the bed. The pulled me into the bedrooms on-suite bathroom and motioned me into the shower. Two handcuffs were dangling from the ceiling of the shower cubical. They attached both my arms to the handcuffs and I was now standing necked in the shower almost on tiptoes. They left the room and Sir entered. "Morning Boy, sleep well?" he asked and he walked to the mirror.

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir" I replied.

"How are you feeling boy?" He asked and he turned to face me, he body on full show his cock dangling between his thick legs.

"I ache a little Sir but only like I would after a day of training Sir, better than I thought I would Sir."

"Good, the training in the gym helps. You went down like a house on fire last night Boy. Everyone commented how impressed they were, several asked if they could have private sessions with you boy! Perhaps that will be possible at some point boy." He talked as he moved to the toilet and took a piss.

"If it pleased you Sir then Yes Sir." I replied

"Good boy, I need to speak to Premiership as well boy he knew my rules last night and broke those rules, he may have been topping you but he is still a sub and I think he did what he did to get my attention. Perhaps you can get some revenge on him boy?" He looked at me as he said this, moving towards me.

"Sir really Sir? I...I would love to Sir!" I replied unable to keep my excitement at the prospect down.

Sir walked into the shower "I knew you would boy!" he said as he kissed me deeply. He turned the shower on and continued to kiss his property as the warm water flowed over us. I longed to put my arms around him but they were secured in the cuffs. Sir washed me all over from head to toe. Once he had finished washing me he washed himself, I watched as the water and soap covered his body, my cock pushing against the metal spiked cock cage. When he was finished he grabbed a towel wrapped it around his lower body and walked out the bathroom, leaving me hanging by my wrists in the shower. The two servants entered again and started to dry me off, once they had finished they guided me out of the bathroom.

"Follow me boy," one of the servants said. I walked out of the bedroom naked and followed the servant downstairs into the same room we were in last night, now however it contained a large table ready for service.

Sir was sat at the table and motioned to me take the seat next to him, the servant pull the seat out for me and I sat down, also sat at the table was Rugby Player, Diver and Swimmer. Soon after breakfast was served and what a breakfast. Everything you could want was brought out.

"You can have what you want boy," Sir said.

We sat and eat one of the best breakfasts I had ever had, we talked shop with the other guests, discussing the upcoming events we would all compete in the coming year. I talked to Diver about his relationship with Swimmer but we did not talk about last night, it reminded me about the film Fight Club!

When we had finished breakfast Sir told me to return to the room and put on the clothes laid out and meet him in the garage ready for the drive back to his house.

When I returned to the bedroom, on the bed neatly folded was a pair of Under Armour shorts and vest and a pair of trainers nothing else. I pulled on the figure-hugging clothes and looked in the mirror, every muscle in body was showing and by caged cock bulged in the shorts. It left nothing to the imagination and I felt my cock twitch at the reflection in the mirror. It was as good as being naked! I left the bedroom and bounded down the stairs, stood at the bottom was The Manager.

"Gymnast, well done on last night and welcome to the club. You are welcome to call me anytime for any advice. Coach will put my number in your phone when you get it back. We can help with any situation you might find yourself in. You have someone looking after you in Coach and he will look after his property" he pointed to my new tattoo when he said that "We run a closed club but you are now a full member and that brings all the benefits with it. Coach will explain that to you at some point. For now, Coach is waiting for you through that door." He pointed to a closed-door at the end of the room. He shock my hand, nodded and walk up the stairs.

"Thank you Sir" I said as I hurried to the door.

As I walked through the door Sir was sat in his Range Rover with the window to the passenger side down.

"Get in the front boy," Sir said, I opened the door and as I got in I saw Premiership in the back seat, he a leather hood over his head and a jock strap on. His hands were behind his back I presume handcuffed. His thick footballer legs were on fine display. I smiled and looked at Coach.

"He can't hear us boy, he thinks I will be using him as a reward for what he did to you last night boy, what he doesn't know is revenge can be a bitch boy! He is your reward for last night, however, boy, I have not forgotten you disobeyed me yesterday. You will be punished for that boy but for now, you get your reward when we get back home." He leaned over kissed me deeply again and squeezed my balls and cock cage. "Fuck you look good in that boy!"

"Sir thank you again Sir" I replied my mind starting to think what I would do to him. "Anything I can't do to him, Sir?" I asked.

"No boy, he has no limits and as he is not in training marks will not matter boy, you want to fuck him boy?" he asked.

"Yes Sir, if I am allowed Sir, I would love to!" My cock growing hard at the thought.

"I thought you might, we will see how you get on boy." Sir pressed a button and garage boy opened, he reversed out and I got a view of the house. It was massive, set in archers of land, the drive to the road was almost a mile. As we pulled off the estate onto the road, Sir told me my phone was in the glove box and I could have it until we got back to his place and I should message my parents. I pulled it out and unlocked the phone, I checked my message. I had several unread messages and replied to each, saying I was enjoying the course and will speak to them in the next few days. I locked the phone and put it back in the glove box.

"Done Sir, don't want anything else distracting me Sir."

"Good boy, what I like to hear. Arh Shit, need fuel!"

Sir pulled into the petrol station and pulled up to the pump. He handed me £100 in cash. I looked at him puzzled.

"To pay for the fuel and get some drinks boy, go on off you go into the shop!" an evil grin on his face.

"But....Sir...." I said, he just looked at me. I could feel my face getting redder and I knew I had no choice but to follow the orders.

I got out of the car and walked to the shop entrance. Inside there were 2 staff and 2 customers. One customer was at the drinks fridge when I went over and picked up two bottles of water, she was early twenties and looked me up and down as I stood next to her. He eyes worked over my body and stopped right at my crotch, I am not sure who was more embarrassed me or her. I smile grabbed the bottles of water and walked to the counter. I might as well have been wearing nothing at all for the amount of body I was showing but I felt proud and embarrassed in equal levels. The second customer was a middle-age man who didn't even look at me as he turned around from the counter. The young man behind the counter could do nothing but look at me, his name badge said Tim, early twenties and cute.

"Morning Tim" I smiled as I stood in front of him "these and the fuel from pump 3 please," I said.

He was looking at me and going as red as I was, I could tell he liked what he was looking at.


£85.79 please."

I handed him the money and waited for the change. As he handed me the money I smile and winked, I had no idea why I winked but I did! I laugh turned and walked out of the shop and I am not going to lie I almost strutted out of that shop. As I climbed into the car I couldn't help but laugh.

"Enjoy that boy?" Sir asked trying not to laugh as well.

"Ha, strangely Yes Sir, embarrassed yes but I did Sir and I am not sure I could have said that a few days ago Sir." I replied.

Sir laughed pulled out of the garage and we carried on the drive back home. When we arrived back at Sir's place he park the car in the garage and closed the garage door.

"Right boy time to get our guest to the basement. You get him out of the car and take him downstairs and I will follow you soon and no talking to him Boy."

"Sir yes Sir".

I opened the back door of the car and unbuckled the seatbelt. I placed my arms on Premierships shoulders and helped him out of the car. I could hear a moan through the hood and what must be his gagged mouth. He had sweat running down between his impressive chest. When he was out of the car I looked him over. His body was that or a footballer, lean and muscular, his legs were double the size of mine and his jockstrap hung nicely between his legs. I walked him through the house and towards the door I had entered a few nights ago. I opened the door and guided him down the steps, the lights were already on in the basement.

I stopped him at the bottom of the steps and turned him around to face the door. I then took up next to him and kneeled down hands behind my head.

Sir walked down the stairs a few minutes later. He was now just dressed in shorts, his body on display.

"Right boy, here is how this will work, you are now in control of what happens to our guest. At the moment he thinks it is me that will be using him, but as a reward, you will be using him. He has no limits boy, I will be watching you boy but unless I feel something is unsafe I will not stop you. Understand?" He asked as he handed me the key to the handcuffs.

"Sir, Yes Sir, Thank You Sir!" I said.

I stood for a minute and thought about what to start with. I walked over to the wall and picked up another pair of steel leg cuffs. I pushed Premiership round and walked him into the cell area of the basement where I had to spend my first night. I uncuffed one hand and pushing him against the bars, he groaned and he felt the steel cell bars on his body. I pulled his cuffed hand up high and cuffed it to the top of the steel bars and then placed the second pair of cuffs on his other arm and pulled that high up and cuffed it on. He was now on tiptoes hands cuffed out wide to the steel cell. I threaded the ankle cuffs through the bars and cuffed his legs.

I walked out of the cell room and picked up some more toys, a bag of plastic hard grip pegs, a riding paddle, leather flogger and some rope. Sir watched me the whole time. When I went back into the cell he followed me in and stood in the doorway.

I went back to Premiership and started to remove the hood, As I pulled the hood off I could see that he was indeed gagged with a leather gag. As his eyes got used to the light he realized who was in front of him, expecting to see Sir his eyes widened when he saw my face in front of him. He started to shout in the gag and Sir walked up to him.

"I told you my rules last night slut, you could play with my property as long as you didn't make him cum, you did and he will be punished for that at some point but now you will need to be punished and what better way to do it than to have your victim fulfil you punishment. You begged me last night for a no limits session well this is it!" Sir said with a harsh tone to his voice. He turned towards me, "Carry on boy!"

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