The Hanson Apartment

By Spike Meyers

Published on Sep 25, 2023


Notice: This story is a work of fiction and may contain explicit sexual material. It may also include, incest, sex between minor(s) and adult male(s), sex between minors, and sexual fetish. If you are offended by such material, do not read this work of fiction.

The character(s) in this story are not based on any known events/person. Donate: Please consider donating to this website. Whatever you can donate will help keep this site up and running for your reading pleasure.

The Hanson Apartment 01 -- 04

After my four-and-a-half-year relationship went tits-up for the last time, I moved out of our Philadelphia apartment. I was kind of at a loss in terms of what I wanted to do so my best friend, Leo, who goes by Bo, suggested that I stay with him for a while until I sorted myself out. Without hesitation, I gladly accepted Bo's kind offer since I really did not want to be alone with nothing but my own thoughts to keep me company. Bo never really cared much for my ex and warned me about him when we first started dating.

In hindsight, I should have listened to him but Peter, my ex, was so charming, attentive, and affectionate with me, I didn't listen. It didn't help the situation that Peter's good looks and beautiful, sexy body blinded me. In my eyes, Peter was not the same man Bo warned me about. It's not that Peter was a bad person, he wasn't, he just had a serious drinking problem. He was a high-functioning alcoholic most of the time. He held a job, for the most part, although honestly, in part that was because of me I must admit. I covered for him on numerous occasions. He was educated, articulate, well read, and well-versed in politics. He was quite the charmer when he wasn't wasted.

We were together about six months before I really acknowledged that there was a serious problem. However, I truly believed that with my help and support, he would prevail over the booze; I could help him get better. I had no clue at the time how ignorant I was about alcoholism. I started attending Alanon meetings because I truly believed that I would learn (in the meetings) how to help him and therefore, "fix" him. I was so naïve I thought Alanon would teach me how to "cure" him. I was absolutely devastated when I learned that Alanon had no magical, step-by-step instruction book on how to cure this evil disease.

After numerous issues, DUI's, me calling out of work on his behalf so he wouldn't lose his job, or me calming the waters with his boss, not to mention a host of other issues, it dawned on me that Peter's issue with booze was beyond my power to heal. The last straw for me was when I came home a little early from work and walked into an apartment full of smoke.

I found him in the kitchen; the smoke alarm was going off, a frying pan on the stove, and whatever was left of the burnt offering in the frying pan. Peter was out cold on the kitchen floor, a vodka bottle lying beside him. I decided right then and there I had had enough. I just couldn't live like this anymore.

I'm just so glad that I got home when I did and intervened. That was the last straw for me. I told Peter that if he didn't get some help, we were done and I refuse to live like this anymore. When he told me to suit myself, that told me what I so desperately needed to hear.

For the first couple of months after I left, I was a total basket-case, not that I wasn't a basket case with what he put me through when we were together. I was a different kind of basket case after I left him. I was so worried about Peter; I would pass by the apartment just to make sure it hadn't burned down or to perhaps get a quick glimpse of him to make sure he was OK. It was incredibly difficult for me not to "check-up" on him to make sure he was OK. I would sneak into his favorite bars trying to be inconspicuous, hoping that I would perhaps see him and know that he was at least, still breathing and standing upright.

Bo finally gave me the kick-in-the-ass that I needed to realize that I was obsessing over Peter and being ridiculous. Bo was quite harsh and very blunt with me. He hurt my feelings but he helped me snap out my codependent ways. With Bo's help and the support of my Alanon group, I eventually learned that I can no longer take responsibility for Peter's actions. It wasn't my job to "fix" Peter or to "watch over" him to make sure he was OK. Peter was a grown man; whatever was going to happen was going to happen and there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it. It was the most difficult lesson of my life. I still loved him, alcoholic or not.

When I left Peter, I took my clothes and my laptop leaving everything else behind. Now that I was no longer "looking over him" I was feeling kind of lost. I needed to make a real change in my life. I was certainly not married to my job, nor Philadelphia for that matter. I discussed the situation with Bo and decided to move to Ogunquit, Maine. I know, right; kind of drastic. At first, Bo thought that I had gone stark-raving-mad. I explained to him that I chose Maine because I know absolutely no one there. It would be totally different and a fresh start for me. I had enough money to coax for a while and get my head screwed back on straight. If it did not work out for me in Maine or if I just didn't like it there, it's only a drive back to Philly.

I booked an accommodation and ten days later, I was on my way up to Maine.

I pulled into the parking lot of the real estate office to get the keys to my accommodations for the next two weeks. When I stepped out of my car, the cool, fresh air was a pleasant surprise. I closed the car door and inhaled deeply. I took a quick look around my surroundings enjoying the cool air and all of the greenery around me. It was so different than the city smells and noise of Philadelphia. The air smelled so fresh and clean in comparison.

I stepped up onto the porch of the building which resembled a private home. It was a small, single-story, wooden structure; a little bungalow really. It looked as if it had been there for decades and decades and more decades. It was very well maintained, however. The window in the door read, "Open, please come in". I wrapped my hand around the doorknob, turned the knob, and forced the door open. As I opened the door to step through, I heard the bell jingle attached to the top of the door. I stepped in and closed the door behind me.

"Good morning," I heard a voice from across the room behind me. "May I help you?"

"Good morning," I replied with a smile as I turned to face the voice, "My name is Roman Teale. I just stopped by to pick up the keys to my rental." I answered her.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Teale. I have been expecting you. If you would be so kind as to have a seat, I have the paperwork right here," she said as she pointed with open-palm to one of the well-worn leather chairs sitting in front of her desk.

I stepped across the hard-wood floor and took a seat in the chair she gestured to. Although it was well-worn, it was quite comfortable to my surprise and in pretty, good shape. She extended her hand across the desk in greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Teale. My name is Audrey Jennings. If you have any issues or questions during your stay, please do not hesitate to call me," she said as she released my hand and with the other, handed me her business card.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Jennings," I said with a smile assuming she was married, "I appreciate that." I gently took the card from her hand and asked, "How long of a drive is the place from here?"

"Oh, not far, Mr. Teale. It takes me about seventeen minutes to get there from here. It's very convenient. I have been managing that property for years. It's quite nice; I think you will be very pleased. It has everything you can possibly think of," she added. "Maid service is included each Tuesday and Friday. The cleaning service will call you and arrange a time that is convenient for you. If for some reason you need to change the schedule, just give them a call. Their number is located on the first page of your rental agreement."

She pressed a couple of buttons on the keyboard and the printer on her desk came to life. "All I need, Mr. Teale, is your John Hancock at the bottom of the page," she stated as she grabbed the paper the printer just ejected.

As I signed the rental agreement, she opened the top drawer of her desk and grabbed a ring of keys. She got up from her desk, walked over the metal cabinet attached to the wall behind her desk, and unlocked it. She opened the cabinet door and studied the keys for just a second before making her selection.

"As I said, if for any reason, Mr. Teale, you need to get a hold of me, you have my card; my number is also on the contract and the key chain," she announced as she held the keys up showing me her number on the tag. "I can give you a map of the area if you'd like. It depicts the major streets, gas stations, supermarket, convenience stores, and some of the tourist spots in the surrounding areas."

"Thank you, Mrs. Jennings, I would very much appreciate that since this is my first time visiting the area," I responded.

"Are you on vacation, Mr. Teale?" she asked.

"No, not really of; you see I am up from Philadelphia and I'm sort of interested in making some changes in my life. I thought that I would check-out this area of the planet since I have never been up this far before," I volunteered. "Well, Maine is very different than Philadelphia. It's bitter cold here in the winter, but it is a beautiful place to live in my opinion. I'm not much of a city-girl, Mr. Teale; I have lived here most of my life. Perhaps I am biased so don't take my word for it. We all have to make our own decisions in life; don't we?" she asked rhetorically.

"Indeed, we do," Mrs. Jennings. I have been reminded of that fact very recently."

"Let me get that map for you, Mr. Teale," she said as she stepped out from behind her desk and walked towards the front of the office. She stood in front of the floor-rack next to the front door that held several different pamphlets and brochures. She selected two from the rack, walked back, and handed them to me. "These should be very useful, Mr. Teale. I do hope you enjoy your stay."

"Thank you, Mrs. Jennings, I'm sure I will.

Just as Mrs. Jennings said, my GPS took me right to the house in seventeen minutes. I stopped before pulling onto the driveway. The house set at the top of a small hill about 150 feet from the road. It was a cute little, off-white bungalow. The front lawn was beautifully landscaped with a luscious, green lawn, seasonal flowers, shrubs, and a few trees scattered about. It was absolutely charming. I slowly pulled into the driveway and made my way up the hill towards the house.

I put the car in park, set the emergency brake, and turned off the engine. I exited the vehicle, walked around to the back of the car, and grabbed my luggage out of the hatch. There was a wide walkway that led from the driveway to the front porch of the house. Everything was at ground-level; no stairs to manage. The walkway was made of these beautiful, rectangular bricks that were mostly earth-tones in color; various shades of brown, beige, and kind of an orangey, reddish copper. It was quite beautiful. They were arranged in a pattern that I have never seen before. It was very well done in my personal opinion.

As I slowly made my way to the front door, pulling my roller behind me, I could not help but enjoy the cool, fresh air against my face. It was so refreshing and different than the city. I detected a slight whiff of the flowers planted around the house but it was very subtle and not overpowering in the least. I had no clue what they were; I'm a city-boy, what do I know about flowers and fauna?

I unlocked the front door and stepped into the house leaving the roller on the front porch. The house was completely open-architecture; it had obviously been remodeled. Entering the house, you stepped into the foyer area, which was open, no walls at all, with a beautiful entry medallion on the floor. With the exception of the polished stone medallion, the floors were hardwood, dark oak in color, and beautifully waxed. It was lovely.

To the right of that was the dining area, and to the left, the spacious living room. Over towards the back right corner of the big, open room, was the kitchen. The house was beautifully staged but not like a showroom. It was meant to be used and lived in. It was so beautifully furnished. It put my Philadelphia apartment with Peter to shame.

Off to the right and left sides of the room, were large, arched doorways. I know that the place has two bedrooms. I assumed the arched doorways led into each bedroom. I strolled across the floor to the right and stuck my head into the room to take a look around. It was a bedroom alright; equipped with a beautiful four-poster bed. It was a queen, but that was perfectly fine. The bedroom was carpeted with a large picture-window that gave a beautiful view of the side garden, a sufficiently sized walk-in closet, and its own bathroom. I decided to see what the second bedroom was like so I walked across the big, open room to the other side of the house to check it out. The second bedroom was similarly attired, the furniture was different but similar in style.

I was more than pleased with my accommodations. It was everything and more than I expected based on the website when I registered. I suddenly remembered that I left my roller on the front porch. I had to smile inwardly because that is something that I would never do in Philly. It would be gone in a nanosecond. I pulled my luggage in and closed the front door. I decided that I would take the bedroom on the right.

It took me all of about twelve minutes to put my belongings away. I stashed my roller in the walk-in and made my way into the kitchen. I checked out every single drawer, door, and cabinet in the kitchen. Since the only things I brought with me from Philadelphia were my clothes, laptop, wallet, and dopp-kit, I had better get to the market so I can stock the house with groceries for the next couple of days. I remembered that Mrs. Jennings gave me those two pamphlets from her office. I retrieved them from the car and perused through them looking for the local market. I quickly found one on the map called the Village Food Market. Perfect, I thought to myself figuring that the "locals probably shopped there.

As I approached the check-out, I noticed the handsome man standing behind the register. Immediately my gaydar went off and I knew he was gay. He was handsome with salt-n-pepper hair. I'd place him in his early to mid-fifties or so. What I was especially impressed with was his arms. His arm muscles were so sexy. He wasn't overly muscled as if he lifted weights all day, they just looked so beautifully proportionate; natural if you will but muscly if that makes any sense. I immediately imagined what he looked like naked. He was at least twenty years my senior but given the chance, I would do anything he wanted.

As I stood there in the queue, I could hardly take my eyes off of him. As I stood there, probably slobbering all over myself, I suddenly lurched sideways and it caught me off guard. I was so enraptured looking at the cashier that I didn't realize that I was leaning on the conveyor belt. When it started moving, it threw me off balance and I started to fall. The cashier quickly reached across and grabbed me by the forearm stopping my complete descent to the floor. Instead, I simply fell to one knee.

"Woah, Buddy!", the cashier said as he held onto my arm with both hands, "Are you OK?"

"Yes, thank you," I answered as I looked up at him, my chin just about resting on the counter. "I'm such a clutz. How embarrassing!" I said out loud feeling the hot flush in my face. I'd love to be on my knees in front of this man but not like this.

"Don't be embarrassed," he said, "it could have happened to anyone. I placed my hand on the rim of the counter and with the help of the cashier, I pulled myself up an on my feet.

"Are you sure you're, OK?" the cashier asked as he continued to hold my arm in his hands.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you, Craig," I said reading the name tag attached to his shirt, which depicted a set of very nice pecs behind the shirt. I took a deep breath feeling like a fool in front of him. "What a way to make an impression asshole!" I said to myself.

He gave me a kind smile and released his grip on my arm. Immediately, I felt my cock begin to stir in my pants. "God, this man is so freaking sexy I could just faint. I wonder if he knows how fucking sexy, he his?" I asked myself.

"I haven't seen you around before; what's your name," he asked with a smile looking directly into my eyes.

Fuck, I just wanted to pounce on him. "No, I'm, I'm Roman. I'm new to town. I arrived today in fact," I answered.

"Oh? From where?" was his next question.

"Um, Philadelphia," I stammered looking back directly in his eyes.

"Really; I have been there a few times," he volunteered as he scanned my items. "My favorite bar there is called Key West. I found it to be quite friendly."

"Really, not Woodies?" I asked.

"No, I prefer Key West. Woodies was a bit too busy for me. Nothing against Woodies, I just prefer Key West." he answered. You should stop by the Front Porch tonight. I'll buy you a cocktail. My shift starts at 10PM."

"Your work there too?" I asked thrilled at the invitation.

"I do; I tend bar there," he answered flashing that beautiful, sexy smile of his.

"I'd love to," I responded my heart beating so fast I thought it would leap out of my chest. He stepped out from behind the counter, grabbed my bags and placed them in my cart. I finally got a better look at him. He had just a bit of a belly and a nice butt. As he lifted the bags into the cart, I could see the lateral muscles flex down his side under his shirt. It made my dick jerk.

He quickly looked down at my crotch and smiled. He raised his hand and said, "I hope I see you later, Roman." I shook his hand and then he stepped back behind the counter. My head was spinning and my cock was so hard I thought it would burst through my pants. As I made my way back to the car, I made sure to keep the cart in front of me so my very obvious hardon was not on display to the world.

I quickly stowed by bags in the back of the car and jumped in behind the wheel. I took a deep breath and reached into my pants to adjust my cock to find a more comfortable position. As soon as I touched my cock, I felt it oozing. I looked down at my crotch and saw a small wet spot begin to show through the fabric of my pants. I took a quick look around the parking lot and lowered my zipper. I spread my pants apart and lowered the front of my underwear setting my cock free. It was such a relief to release it from its confines. I wrapped my hand around my dick and gave it a few strokes. As I slowly stroked the top of my dick, I could feel more precum ooze out and onto my fingers.

I brought my hand to my mouth and licked the sweet nectar off my fingers. I grabbed my cock, pulled up with a gentle squeeze, collected the results and eagerly licked it off my hand once again. I love the taste of precum; it makes me so hard. I grabbed my dick again and with just a few strokes, I shot my load up the steering wheel imagining that it was the cashier's precum, Craig, that I was rolling around in my mouth.

As my orgasm subsided, I sat in the car for a few seconds, still holding onto my hard cock and prayed that I would have the opportunity to at the very least, suck Craig's cock until he unloaded in my mouth. I would so love to suck him off if opportunity permits. I released my cock, licked the residual from my fingers, stuffed myself back into my pants, and zipped up. I wiped the cum off the steering wheel with the tail-end of my shirt and started the car.

I pulled into the parking lot at the Front Porch a little after 10:00 PM. I was a little surprised that I found a parking space right away. "It is a bit early though," I said to myself. In Philly, I wouldn't even leave that house before 10:30 so I'd arrive at the bar around 11 PM. I parked the car and walked up to the building. It did indeed have a front porch. It was aptly named. "Perhaps all of the buildings in Maine have a front porch," I wondered to myself.

I walked across the porch to the front door and could hear the music within. I did not recognize the tune but it was enjoyable; very upbeat and fun. I opened the door and walked in. It was a relatively large open room with various tables of four appropriately spaced. To the left of the room, was a baby grand piano with the musician on the keyboard and a very large, robust woman sitting on a stool blaring out the song. Boy, did she have a set of pipes on her. I loved her voice immediately and found myself bopping to the music. In front of the piano, was a small dance floor which was occupied by several couples. All of whom appeared to be straight.

"That's cool," I said to myself, "perhaps it's a mixed crowd."

I stood there, just inside the door for a few seconds to get my bearings when I noticed the long bar on the other side of the room. Immediately, I saw Mr. Sexy Pants, Craig, pouring drinks. I couldn't help myself and smiled. He looked so damn good I felt weak in the knees. "God, this man just makes me stupid!" I commented to myself.

As I started to walk across the floor, Craig just happened to look up and spot me approaching. I smiled as soon as I saw his big smile plastered across his handsome face. "Hey, your big hunk-of-stud," he said, "you made it. I trust you had no problem finding the place?"

"No, not at all," I answered him as I attempted to plant myself on the bar stool and nearly fell on my ass in the process. I was looking at him instead of watching what I was doing.

"So, Roman, are you always this incredibly graceful?" he asked giggling.

"Um, well, ah, I'm, I'm just a little nervous, I guess," I responded as I felt the flush in my face. "I'm gifted, what can I say. It takes a lot of training and self-discipline to be so graceful and so light on my feet. It's not as easy as I make it look; I assure you" I joked back.

"Oh, I see, so not only are you graceful, you're funny too. Perhaps you should be up on that stage instead of Carol and Gil," he giggled.

"No, that's OK, really. That stage is a little small in comparison to what I'm used to. You know how it is: Broadway, Chicago, New York, London. You get used to a big stage and a big crowd quickly. This is just not my style; I'm spoiled."

"I'll be right back, Roman, I just need to go get my boots. The shit is getting a little deep in here," he giggled. "So, what is your flavor of choice stud?" he asked as he turned to me and leaned on the bar. His face was so close to mine I could have easily leaned in with no effort at all and planted one on him right there.

I looked directly in his eyes, smiled, and paused for a second before I answered him. "I'll have a Cosmo," I said softly.

"Does Belvedere work for you handsome?" he asked next with a sexy smile.

"What do you have on well?" I asked him not wanting to pay a fortune for a call cocktail.

"Don't worry, sexy, I got you covered," he said giving me a wink as he stepped back.

"Fuck, I wish! You can cover me anytime!" I heard myself say out loud.

"That can easily be arranged," he said as he grabbed the Belvedere from the back shelf.

"Sorry," I apologized. "It just slipped out."

"Don't be," he said as he grabbed a glass. "I'm flattered; I'd love to cover you or do you prefer to swallow instead?"

"Fuck! Is he serious or is he just fucking with me?" I asked myself. My dick was rising by the second. I had to be careful because I didn't wear underwear tonight. The way I leak, I'd wind up with a huge wet spot in my pants.

"Are you teasing me, Craig?" I asked.

"I can if that makes your nipples perky," he answered.

"Fuck! He's not going to give me a straight (for the lack of a better word at the moment) answer. He has to be fucking with me. He'll get my juices flowing and then back off when the time comes and I'll wind of cumming all over the steering wheel again. The sexy fucker!" All of these things went thru my head in the split second I heard myself say, "Yes, yes, and fuck, yes."

"I thought so. That's what I wanted to hear," he smiled. "My husband would love to see that. Too bad he's out of town. I know him like the back of my hand; he'd love to feed you too." "What? You're married?" I asked completely surprised.

"Yes, sixteen years now that Tom and I have been together. No worries, Roman. We have an understanding. When he gets back, you'll meet him if you are still in town. Tom and I have no secrets. Why do you think we have been together for so long?" he asked rhetorically.

"Wow, I'm just surprised, I guess. I mean, I shouldn't be; a handsome, sexy guy like you, I shouldn't be surprised you have a partner. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Look who's talking. Have you looked in the mirror lately? I take it you're single?" he asked.

"Recently single; yes" I responded.

"Oh, sorry to hear that. I'm glad you are at least putting yourself out there again. Good for you, Roman. That's a good thing. I have to warn you though, I may be fifty-three, but I still cum like I'm twenty. I'm not bragging; I'm just saying."

"There you go teasing me again," I chuckled and took a sip on my cocktail sitting on the bar in front of me.

"Duty calls, but I look forward to seeing those sensuous lips wrapped around the head of my cock later," he whispered and walked away to attend to the waitress at the end of the bar.

I decided to just sit there on the bar stool and nurse my cocktail until my dick deflated sufficiently to start circulating around the bar. If I'm going to live here, I need to meet some of the locals and feel them out.

After my dick went down sufficiently to stand up, I decided to pop into the men's room and see if I had a wet spot in my pants. I found the bathroom and walked in to find it completely empty. To the very left, was a short row of two full-length urinals; the kind that sat on the floor. There were no dividers. On the back wall, were two stalls; one standard-sized if you will, and one handicap.

To the right of the stalls, was an old-fashioned bathtub; the kind that sits on legs. I must admit, I found it rather curious and started to walk over to the tub. Across from the stalls, were two sinks and a large mirror on the wall above the sinks. I checked my crotch in the mirror and was pleased to see no wet spot on my pants.

I walked over to the tub and peeked down into it. It was obviously a piss-troth. My dick started twitching again. I have enjoyed water sports off and on in my life and it reminded me of some of the leather, sleezy bars in New York. It kind of smelled of stale piss but it was not overpowering. I immediately imagined that I was in the tub and Peter, my ex, was standing there spraying me down. We engaged in that kind of fun a few times.

While I was standing there, I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled my dick out. It felt good to free it. I pulled down gently on the shaft and ran my index finger over the knob for any seepage that may be in the tube. Thanks to Craig, I got a nice dollop and licked it from my finger relieved that it didn't go to waste on my jeans. I tried one more time and got nothing. I heard the door open but did not bother to turn around to see who had walked in. I just assumed that whomever it was, would saddle up to the urinal most likely.

I heard the footsteps on the floor approaching behind me. I turned my head to the right as an older gentlemen took his place beside me. I nodded and returned my gaze downward still holding my soft dick in my hand.

"Um" I heard a soft moan from the man standing beside me. "Nice. Are you going to piss or are you finished already?" he asked.

I looked at him like he was an alien from outer space. "Excuse me," I said somewhat taken aback. I was not offended, he just surprised that hell out of me.

"Don't play coy. It's a simple question. I saw you and Craig making googly-eyes at each other. Look, all I want is your piss if that's OK with you?"

"You want my piss?" I asked surprised. "You want me to piss in your mouth?" I asked again.

"Yeah, a hot guy like you; it's probably fucking good as hell!" he answered me and had no shame about it whatsoever.

I just stood there and stared at him for a second or two. This fucking guy has some brass balls. Who would walk up to a complete stranger and ask them to piss in their mouth? It's fucking unbelievable. I was gob smacked for a second or two. I didn't know what to do or what to say. As soon as I found my voice and was about to respond to him, the bathroom door opened again.

I turned around immediately, still holding my dick in my hand and tried to act naturally. "Please don't let whoever came in, walk over here. Please, please, please, God, don't do that to me," I prayed silently.

"Wally, is that you down there?" I heard a voice call out from across the bathroom behind me.

"Yeah, Chester, how ya doing tonight you old fuck?" Wally answered him without looking behind him.

"You know; same old, same old." Just one fuckin beer and I gotta piss already. It's hell getting old!"

"Don't I fuckin know it," my side companion responded. "See ya out there Chester?"

I had to giggle to myself. This was so unreal. No one would ever believe me if I told them what was happening. This guy standing next to me, this Wally, was cool as a cucumber. I got the feeling that he couldn't have cared less if we did get caught. I must admit, in a way, he impressed the hell out of me. Personally, I was just about ready to hyperventilate, but this guy didn't appear to have a concern in the world.

"So, what do you say, you sexy fucker. You gonna let me drink your piss or not?" he asked as the guy across the room flushed and walked out of the bathroom.

I turned to face him, and pointed my dick up at him. "Have at it but you better not make a fucking mess!" I told him sternly.

"For fuck sakes, chill out, this is not my first time around the block. Let it go full blast too; none to that pussy starting and stopping shit!"

He bent over and took the head of my cock in his mouth. I must admit, his mouth felt really good on my cock. He pulled back a little so just his lips surrounded the tip of my cock. He patted me on the leg and I let lose. In three seconds flat, he was taking my full, hot stream like a pro. He was gulping it down as if there wasn't going to be a tomorrow. After about twenty seconds, it felt like an hour because I was so nervous, my flow stopped and he ran his tongue over my piss slit and released my dick.

"Thanks man; that was fuckin awesome! I just knew you would fuckin taste good; I'm always right," he said, punched me lightly on the arm, and walked away. I stood there, my dick in hand, and watched him walk out of the bathroom. I suddenly popped back to reality and walked over to the sink and washed up. I went back to the bar and Craig walked over and greeted me with a smile.

"I take it you met Wally?" he smiled.

"Oh yes, I met Wally. He's a bit different, isn't he?" I asked.

"That he is, but he's a good guy. He's a bit gruff and rough around the edges, but he is a good person once you get to know him. He'd do anything for anyone. He's not the warmest and fuzziest guy around, but he's OK in my book. I saw him follow you across the room. I hope you gave him what he wanted."

"Yes, I did in fact. He was quite forward and very blunt I must say, but there is something about him that I like; I'm just not sure what it is. He has brass balls, that's for damn sure. So, what just happened in there, is that a common practice in these parts?" I asked.

"Common, I'd have to say no, but for Wally, it's normal. I don't know how often it happens, but I can tell you that both Tom and myself have helped him out on more than one occasion. He's a local and a regular here at the bar. It's just his quirk; it makes him happy and being happy is all that matters as far as I'm concerned."

"Ordering!" I heard the waitress call from down the bar.

"Gotta go; now, don't you go and disappear on me," Craig said and off he went.

I turned around on the bar stool and noticed an arm waving through the air. It was Wally trying to get my attention. He was waving me over to the crowd of people he was conversing with. I slid off of the bar stool and made my way across the floor.

Before I knew it, it was 1:30 AM and Craig announced last call. I excused myself from the group of folks I was chatting with and ambled up to the bar. Craig approached me with a smile and said, "Aren't you the sexy, social butterfly. I see you have been making the rounds. Are you having a nice time?" he asked.

"You know, I really am. I have met some nice folks tonight. I'm really glad I ran into you today. Thank you so much for inviting me; I think I just might like it here."

"The bar will clear out soon, stick around. I'll make it worth your while," Craig said from behind the bar.

I sat at the bar until everyone cleared out. After the last person left, the floor waitress, Angela, I learned her name was, locked the door. She walked over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me on the bar stool.

"Hey Craig!" she called out down the bar. "How about some service around here," she laughed.

"Hold onto your titties, Missy, I'll be right there!" he called back.

"It's not like I have much of a choice in the matter; most of the available men around here are fags and the others are married, old, or both. What's a hot straight girl to do but play with her own tits!" she giggled. "I take it you're waiting on Craig?" she turned to ask me.

"Affirmative," I said with a smile.

"It figures; he always gets the hot, cute ones," she mumbled.

"Thank you for the compliment," I responded. "I'm gleaning you are having problems finding a guy to date?" I asked.

"Date? Hell, it's hard enough to get laid around her let alone dating. Let's just say the guys that are of interest to me usually turn out to be gay. At least, that has been my experience; especially around here. I need to find an emotionally gay guy that likes to have sex with women. Let me know if you find a guy like that will ya?"

"Oh, Ange, please. Don't exaggerate," Craig said placing a drink on the bar in front of her. "You get laid more than I do and I'm married. Don't feel sorry for her Roman; she's pulling your leg."

"Oh, shush, you big fag. Don't listen to him, Roman. He always has guys falling all over him. You'd think he gives great head or has a big dick. Care to enlighten us Craigy-boy and share your secret with men?" she smiled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Ange. Besides, I can't help it if I'm a man-magnet," he giggled. "I have to finish the receipts; I won't be long, Ro. You two entertain each other until I get back. Roman couldn't help but smile inwardly; Peter used to call him Ro, so does Bo.

Angela and Roman continued to chit-chat until she finished her drink. "I better get out of here so you and Mr. Sexy over there can do your thing. It was nice meeting you Roman. I'll see you around."

"Have a good night, Angela. See ya next time."

She gave me a bright smile and slid off the bar stool. I had to pee again so I made my way back to the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom I thought of Wally and felt a little charge run down the length of my dick. Watching him drink my piss was exciting. I walked up to the urinal and pulled my dick out. I could still feel the tingle as I released my stream. As it came to an end, I ran my finger tip over the tip of my knob and licked it off.

I walked back into the bar and headed to my bar stool. I scanned down the bar as I approached the stool but didn't see Craig. "He must be in the back," I said to myself just before I heard a faint noise behind me. I placed one hand on the bar and turned around to look behind me. It was much darker in the place since the lights, or most of the lights had been turned off by now.

There was, however, one light on across the room very close to the ceiling. It kind of looked like a small version of a spot light of some kind. It wasn't a spot light but it reminded me of one and it was shining in my face. It dimly illuminated much of the center of the bar in fact.

I squinted to see across the room and then I saw him. He was sitting on a chair on the far side of the room. He was facing me, his legs spread wide. I could not really see much of his face so I said, "Oh, there you are," and started walking towards him.

As I got closer to him, his face came into focus a little more. He was looking at me intently, his hands resting on his inner thighs. I got about six feet from him and he said, "Stop right there!"

I stopped immediately thinking that perhaps I was going to walk into something; something that I couldn't see; that's why he stopped me. I stood there for several seconds, not moving.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Turn around!" he commanded in a husky voice.

I did as I was ordered. I didn't question him. I turned around and said, "Do I have something on me? Did I sit in something?" I asked.

"Shhhhhh," he said in loud whisper. "Now turn sideways and raise your arms to the side!"

Again, I did as he asked. I turned to my right and raised my arms out to the side. After a few seconds of deafening silence, I said, "Craig, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong stud. I just wanted to get a good look at you. I've been watching you all night long but I only get glimpses of you here and there. I want to look at all of you." "How can you see anything in this light?" I asked.

"Trust me," he said, "I can see you just fine. Face me and take your shirt off!"

When he said that, the light bulb went on. I couldn't help but smile. I turned to face him and slowly slipped out of my shirt, taking my sweet, old time. I was suddenly very much enjoying the little show and tell game we were playing. I lifted my right arm to the side and dropped my shirt to the floor.

"That's my boy. That's what I wanted to see. You have a beautiful body, Ro. Turn around and let me see your back."

I immediately complied with his request and enjoyed displaying my upper body to this hot, hunk of man stud. My dick started tingling like crazy. I could feel it growing in my pants.

"Turn around, stud!" he ordered.

I kept my arms up and out to the side as I turned to face him.

"Drop the pants!" he ordered.

With both hands, I reached down and unbuttoned my jeans. Slowly, I made my way down the front of my well-worn jeans unbuttoning by 501's. When I finished the last one, I slowly slid the flaps of my jeans open, exposing the top of my bush and stopped.

"You are one sexy fucker, Ro!" he panted.

I slowly lowered my jeans down to the base of my cock and turned around. I continued, and slowly lowered the back of my jeans until I reached the bottom of my ass.

"Damn, just look at the nice, round ass!" he growled.

I turned around to face him and continued to lower my jeans until half of my cock was exposed. I stopped and waited for a couple of seconds.

"Keep going fucker!" he ordered. "Show Daddy the rest of that pretty cock of yours!"

My cock was growing by the nanosecond. I was so excited and turned on by this man that I was literally afraid of my cock firing off before I got it out of my pants. Between the pressure from the jeans forcing my cock into my ball sack and the thrill of putting on a little show for this man, my entire body was a tingle.

I continued to lower my jeans and set my cock free. It bounced right up and pointed directly at him.

"Yeah, that's my boy. Just look at that big, hard dick. I just knew you were a big boy. Look at the big dick!"

I smiled widely, proud, and ecstatic to hear his praise. I lowered my jeans down to my knees and stood back up; my cock continuing to rise to the occasion. For a few seconds, I wiggled my hips slightly, my cock swaying side-to-side. I then bent over and removed my jeans completely. Now, standing naked before him from six feet away, I could feel his desire for me. It made me feel so good; empowered even. I knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

"You like what you see, Daddy?" I asked him.

"You are so fucking gorgeous, Roman! I hope you know that. Turn around, show me that sweet, hole," he growled.

Immediately, I turned, bent over, grabbed my ass cheeks, and spread them wide open. I heard a low moan behind me and suddenly, I felt his hand run across my left ass cheek.

"Fuck you are so beautiful, Ro!" he hissed.

Suddenly, I felt his tongue between my cheeks. I gasped, and fell forward at the surprise. I quickly placed my hands on the floor in front of me to brace myself so I did not topple over. He grabbed my ass cheeks hard, pulled me back, and buried his face in my ass. He started groaning profusely as he devoured my ass. He repeatedly forced his tongue up my chute as he pulled me back against his face. It was as if he was in a kind of rimming frenzy. Even Peter didn't eat me so intensely. I was in fucking heaven. My dick was leaking like a sieve. He ate me so hard I was constantly on the verge of shooting my load.

Suddenly, he withdrew his face from my ass and took a deep breath. "Fuck, I could eat your ass all fucking night. I had to stop or I would have cum in my pants," he panted loudly.

He stood up and helped me to my feet. He literally spun me around and laid a lip-lock on me before I knew what was happening. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight as he kissed me. His tongue exploring every millimeter of my mouth. He kissed me passionately and deeply. My cock which was as hard as an iron pipe now, pressed between our bodies. Once again, I was on the verge of cumming so I forcefully pushed him back, breaking our kiss and relieving the pressure against my cock.

"Sorry, you were going to make me cum already," I said panting. He smiled at me, reached down, and grabbed my dick. I gasped feeling his hand on my hard cock. He gently and lightly pulled up on my cock gathering the slickness off the surface and licked his palm clean. He then, dropped to his knees and took the head of my cock in his mouth. For a few seconds, he did not move. He just held my dick head in his mouth. Slowly, I felt his tongue circling around my knob.

I placed my hands on his shoulders for support fearful that any second now, I was going to cum in his mouth without warning. He has brought me so close to cumming so many times it concerned me. I did not want to take any shortcuts to the finish line with him. I heard him moan as I felt him stick the tip of his tongue in my piss slit. I placed my hand on the back of his head as he slowly descended the length of my cock until it was resting comfortably in his throat. I felt the vibration on cock as he continued to groan.

He grabbed my other hand and placed it forcefully on his head. Initially, I was reluctant to fuck his face as he wanted because I didn't want to cum so fast. I started to slowly pull out of his mouth and slowly descend down his throat once again without stopping. He had absolutely no gag reflex. Now, I'm not the biggest boy on the block, but I'm not exactly average either. He handled my dick as if it was second nature to him. This man could suck cock like I have never experienced before.

"Fuck, Daddy! Take that cock. Show me how much you love your boys big dick down your throat!" I heard myself call out. Suddenly, the fear of cumming too fast faded away. Now, I wanted to dominate him. I became confident and held onto his head as I increased speed and began to fuck his face. As I increased my efforts, I heard him moan loudly. He reached up and cupped my ass hard in his hands. I held onto his head and I forced my dick down his throat repeatedly.

I pulled one hand off his head and reached for the chair closest to me. I stopped fucking his face and held still. I pulled him down hard on my cock and held him there as I sat down on the chair. I spread my legs wide and placed both hands on his head again.

"Let's go, Daddy. Suck your boy's cock. Show me how much you fuckin love my big dick. You want my fucking load don't you, Daddy? You want me to shoot my sweet jizz in your mouth?" I growled. As I continued my verbal onslaught, his moans and groans increased in volume. They sounded urgent.

"I want to cum in your mouth, Daddy! I want you to eat my cum. Would you like that? Do you want me to cum in your mouth, Daddy?" He grabbed a hold of my thighs and squeezed hard. It was almost painful he squeezed so hard. As soon as I felt the pain in my thighs, I felt my balls start to churn.

I started to pant audibly. "Fuck! You're gonna make me cum, Daddy. I'm going to shoot my load in your mouth. "Eat it, Daddy. Eat my cum!" I yelled out as my cock erupted. I felt light-headed as I emptied by balls down his throat. He pulled up on my cock as my dick filled his mouth with cock juice. He swallowed repeatedly, groaning loudly and profusely between swallows.

After the final shot and the wave of orgasm started fading away, he wrapped his arms around my waist and swallowed my spent cock. I released his head, let my arms fall to the side, and my head fell backwards. I was panting heavily. For a couple of minutes, Craig held my spent dick in his mouth. Periodically, I could feel his tongue brush across the tip of my dick searching for any residual drops of cum left behind.

I reached up with my right hand and ran my fingers thru his hair. I pulled up on his head and looked down to see half of my cock still in his mouth. He looked up at me and winked before swallowing my entire cock once again.

"You can suck my cock any time you want, Daddy," I whispered down. He moaned lightly and started bobbing up and down on my now softening cock.

"You want more?" I asked softly. He squeezed my waist and moaned lightly as he bobbed slowly and gently up and down on my cock. I was pretty sensitive but there was no way I was going to stop him from sucking my dick. After a few seconds, I was getting super, super sensitive and started to squirm about on the chair. He stopped bobbing and held my now totally spent dick stationary in his mouth.

I scooted back on the chair expecting him to release his grip on my cock. He didn't and stuck his tongue back in my piss slit. For some reason, when he did that, it made me feel that I needed to pee. I gently pulled up on his head for him to release me but he held steadfast. I made one more attempt and it, too, failed. Feeling the urge to piss, I let a small amount go. He moaned loudly and increased his grip around my waist.

"Is that what you want, Daddy?" I asked. In response, I got a low moan with a mumbled "ah-hah."

I smiled to myself, excited to hear his response and let my stream flood into his mouth. He moaned softly as his mouth filled to capacity before he started swallowing. I held onto his head and ran my fingers thru his hair as he drank from my tap. I was so enamored with this man it surprised me. My stream came to an end but he continued to hold my dick in his mouth. After a minute or so, I grabbed his head and pulled up more forcefully. This time he released me and my dick fell out of his mouth. He released his grip around my waist and leaned back on his heels. I cupped his handsome face in my hands and kissed him passionately.

I pulled back from our kiss and stood up. He immediately cupped my ass in his hands and pulled me to him, burying his face in my pubes. I heard him inhale deeply as a low moan escaped him. He pulled back and took my cock back in his mouth giving it a final suck before releasing me once again and standing up.

I reached up and immediately started to unbutton his shirt. As I took my time working my way down his torso, little-by-little, I could see and feel his chest hair. It was silky smooth and felt so good. As I reached his waistline, I unbuckled his belt, and released the clip on his slacks. I slowly pulled down his zipper and opened his pants wide. I reached back up to his shirt and unfastened the last button. I pulled his shirt fully open to expose his muscular torso.

His chest was big and strong. Just like a man of his caliber should be. I slipped the shirt off his broad shoulders and let it drop to the floor. I reached up and ran my hand down his torso. I could feel the goose-bumps pop up on the surface of his skin. I couldn't resist and bent over and took his right nipple into my mouth. Immediately, he gasped and placed his hand on the back of my head. He pressed hard on the back of my head forcing my face against his pec. I grabbed his waist and held on as I nibbled and sucked on his nipple. After a few seconds, he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me off the right nipple and onto the left.

Eventually I released his nipple and buried my face between his pecs. I could feel his silky-smooth chest hair against my face. It has been a long time since I felt chest hair. Peter was smooth all over his body except for his bush which he kept cropped short. I ran my tongue down his body tasting his flesh, stopping along the way to plant little kisses. I dropped to my knees before him and inserted my tongue into his belly button.

There is just something so sexy about an in-shape man's belly button. Again, he grabbed my head in both hands and pulled my face against his body. He released me and I licked my way down his happy trail stopping at his hips. I looked up at him and smiled prolonging opening my present contained in his pants. I grabbed his pants and slowly lowered them to his thighs. He was wearing tightly-whites and the mound in his pants was unmistakable. Immediately, I pushed my face against the front of his underwear and took a deep breath inhaling his scent. I could feel his growing cock on my face. I pulled back and wrapped my mouth around his appendage hidden behind the cotton fabric. He moaned softly as he felt my hot breath on his cock. I wanted so intensely to pull down his underwear immediately and take him into my mouth but I fought the urge. I leaned forward on my knees, grabbed a hold of his waist, and kissed him on the belly repeatedly just above the waistline of his underwear.

My cock was rising once again. I have thought of this moment almost constantly since I laid eyes on this man and now the moment has arrived. I leaned back on my heels, slipped my fingers under the elastic waistline of his underwear, and slowly pulled down. As soon as the top of his pubes came into view, I stopped and forced my nose into the top of his patch. I took a deep breath reveling in his clean, manly fragrance. I pulled back and continued to lower his underwear to the base of his cock.

His cock was fully engorged and pointing to his right side. It tented his underwear, at the head a visible, large wet spot. Without hesitation, I wrapped my mouth over the wet spot in his underwear and ran my tongue over it repeatedly. I wanted everything that came out of this man's cock. I needed it as much as I need to breathe. I pulled back, leaving a much larger wet spot, and continued to lower his underwear. I carefully pulled forward on the underwear and over the head of his cock, stopping as soon as his knob came into view. I couldn't help myself and growled loudly.

"Fuck!" I cussed out loud, "Look at the fucking knob. It's perfect!"

I could see the drool oozing from the slit. I quickly stuck out my tongue and ran it over the underside of his cock head. When I tasted his precum, a shiver ran down my spine. Oh, how I have wanted this so badly. As I worked his dick head with my tongue, he placed a hand on the back of my head and with the other, gently brushed his fingers thru my hair.

"You like that baby, don't you?" he whispered down.

I pulled back and looked up at him. "I more than like it, Daddy; I fuckin love it; it's perfect."

I leaned back on my heels and continued to lower his underwear down to his balls. His dick immediately swung out slapping me across the face. It was hard not to pounce on him. I wanted him desperately. Instead, I continued to slowly lower his underwear down to his ankles. He placed one hand on my shoulder to balance himself, slipped out of his shoes and kicked them to the side. He lifted one leg at a time as I removed his underwear completely.

Now, here is this fucking hot, hunk of man-stud standing before me, naked, except for a pair of socks, his beautiful hardon staring me right in the face. Life couldn't get any better. Thank you, God! I looked up at him in awe. God, he was such a walking wet dream. I would have absorbed him into me if possible.

"Not too bad for an old man; wouldn't you say?" he whispered down softly with a smile.

"Old my ass. You're a fucking God!" I responded completely full of lust as I continued to look up and down his beautiful, manly body. He placed his hand on the top of my head and guided it to his glorious cock. He was about average in size, but his dick was a work of art. It was perfect in shape with a big, bulbous head. Personally, I couldn't care less how big it was or wasn't. I wanted this man in the worst way. I opened and took his perfect cock in my mouth. With my tongue, I applied pressure to the underside of his shaft. I pulled back forcing his nectar out through the opening at the end of his piss-slit. I got my reward; a copious about of sweet precum. I savored it on my tongue before swallowing it down.

I couldn't help but moan loudly with pleasure. I grabbed his waist and started to suck his cock with intense desire. I have dreamed about this from the second I saw him. Now it was happening. My dick was so hard it hurt. After just a minute or so, he placed his hand on my head and held me still. I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me. Suddenly, my mouth started to fill quickly with his hot piss. What a pleasant surprise that was. I moaned loudly just before swallowing and he cut his stream off. I swallowed his entire cock and applied pressure as I pulled back forcing any remaining drops from the tube.

He continued to hold my head stationary and slowly pulled out of my mouth. As he did to me earlier, I resisted at first, but somehow, I just knew instinctively what he was going to do. I willingly let him take control. He pushed back on my head and said, "Open your mouth."

I gladly complied. Without touching himself, he placed his cock about an inch from my open mouth and within two seconds, he released his stream again. I felt his stream against my tongue and splash around in my mouth. My mouth filled quickly and he stopped. I swallowed and opened my mouth for another round. We did this repeatedly until he shoved his dick back in my mouth. I wrapped my lips tightly around his cock and he starting pissing again. This time, he left his dick in my mouth until there was nothing left. He let me suck him for a few seconds before pulling out of my mouth.

He bent down and kissed me passionately. I am sure he was able to taste his own piss on my tongue. He groaned as he kissed me and then pulled away. He stood back up and grabbed my head in both hands. He pulled my head towards him and stuck his cock back in my mouth.

"Suck Daddy's cock," he whispered down to me as he started face-fucking me. I was loving every second of it. "Daddy's gonna fill your mouth with his cum. You want to taste Daddy's cum don't you, boy?" he asked.

With his beautiful, hard cock in my mouth, I immediately moaned out my response in pleasure.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. "You liked Daddy's piss too. You're just a dirty, nasty little fucker aren't you boy. You like sucking a man's cock; I can tell."

I reached up and took his firm ass in my hands. I pulled him too me tight burying my face in his pubs as I took his cock down my throat.

"Yeah, you like that hard man cock; don't you? Suck it! Suck it good and it will feed you well."

Suddenly, from deep down, he started to moan. I knew he was about to blast off any second in my mouth. He pulled me tighter against him and I felt him squirting down my throat. I wanted to taste his cum so I pulled back on his cock so just the head of his dick was in my mouth. I could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing in my mouth. He quickly filled my mouth and I had to swallow quickly. I barely got the chance to taste him when I had to swallow again. When the squirts started to diminish in volume and intensity, I was finally able to taste him and savor his bountiful offering. I was in absolute heaven. I loved having his dick in my mouth and held him there as long as I could.

He let me continue to suckle him for about two minutes before starting to pull back. My dick was raging hard again and leaking down my shaft. I stood up and took myself in hand. I started stroking my cock, hearing the slickness of my wet strokes. He immediately bent over and took the head of my cock in his mouth. As soon as I felt his hot, wet mouth on my cock, I came again. I continued to stroke as he swallowed my cum for the second time. He held my dick in his mouth after I stopped shooting and scooped out every last drop from the slit with his tongue. He stood up, looked me in the eyes, and kissed me softly sharing the remainder of my own cock juice with me.

He pulled back from our kiss, reached up and brushed the hair from my face. "I'd very much like to do that again, Roman. How about you?" he asked.

"Oh, God, yes!" I immediately responded. "I haven't had sex like that since, well, I can't remember when. That was fucking awesome, Craig. I'd love to do it again. The sooner the better. Can you cum again now?" I asked.

"Honestly, I could cum again, however, it is now 3:30 in the morning. My shift at the market starts at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, I have to get home and get some sleep. I'm not a spring chicken anymore."

"Can I at least have another taste before we go?" I pleaded.

"Now, how could I refuse a request like that from such a handsome, sexy boy?" he grinned.

I got up late the next morning and had my coffee on the front porch. It was a little cool, but it felt good in just my robe. I was quite pleased when I found it in the walk-in because I certainly didn't bring one with me. I decided to call Bo and fill him in on the current events since I arrived. We talked for about thirty-five minutes and of course, I told him everything; a blow-by-blow if you will. Before we hung up, he asked if I was still planning on staying in Maine.

"At this point, having had such a pleasant and welcomed arrival, I would be crazy not to stick around for a while," I told him. "If for no other reason, just to see if my luck holds out."

"In that case my friend, you should go check out the Hanson Apartments," he suggested. "I have been doing a little internet searching on your behalf. The Hanson Apartments look so nice online. You should stop by and check them out. They supposedly have a vacancy. The complex looks quite charming. It probably won't last long if it's still available. It may even be gone by now. So, jump in the shower and get yourself cleaned up, then get your plump, round ass over there toot-sweet!"

Having nothing else to do at the moment, I took Bo's advice. After I got dressed, I googled the Hanson Apartments and it came right up. Bo was right; the complex was quite charming and well maintained. I decided to call first but it went to voicemail. I didn't bother leaving a message and decided to just drive over there to see it for myself; up close and personal.

It took me about forty minutes to get there. The front of the complex had a four-foot wall, but you could see some of the property over the wall. I parked the car on the street in front of the complex, and made my way up the walkway to the front gate. It appeared that there were multiple buildings that made up the complex. From what I could tell from looking over the gate, I assumed the bungalow type buildings were duplex units, all of which appeared to be single story. To my surprise, they were all brown-brick buildings but a more muted color of brown. It was quite attractive I thought. The front of the wall along the street was beautifully landscaped and maintained as well as the courtyard inside the gate. It was quite pretty.

I grabbed a hold of the lever handle on the gate and pressed down. I swung the gate open and stepped into the courtyard. I did not see a single no trespassing sign anywhere so I cautiously made my way up the walkway towards the buildings. I saw no one around and it was perfectly quiet. Again, it was so, so different than Philadelphia. It was so quiet, peaceful, and calm. It was about 1 PM and the weather had warmed up to a pleasant temperature. I made my way up to the buildings and stopped. There were indeed multiple buildings and paver walkways between the buildings. I also noticed between each building, a trellis or pergola. It was quite nice and provided at least some protection from the weather but still let the natural light come through. I was very favorably impressed so far.

I ambled down the paved walkway and confirmed my assumption. The buildings were indeed duplexes. I saw the front doors of each unit as I walked down the path. They were not very big units, which was fine with me since I will be living alone. The plantings along the path were green as green can be and had walkway lighting that complemented the vegetation. As I reached the end of the first set of buildings, one on either side of me, I came to yet another set of buildings, just like the first two. I stopped and looked to the right and saw a young guy on a six-foot ladder changing a light bulb on the trellis.

I made my way towards the guy on the ladder and noticed he was wearing a pair of jeans that had been cut into shorts. The leg openings were frayed and as a result, there were a few strings that hung down about two or three inches from each leg. He had nice legs and a very, firm, round little butt. The kind you could eat for days. He was also wearing just a pair of flip-flops on his feet, and the kind of tank-top that was just about cut down the side to his waist. He was also wearing a baseball cap so I could not see much of his hair. He was slender and very nicely put together.

"Excuse me," I called to him as I approached.

I startled him when I spoke and he jumped, the ladder swaying a little. I rushed to him and grabbed the ladder so it would not topple over.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you," I apologized as I looked up at him. I then realized that he was young. He couldn't be more than fifteen at the very most I guessed. He was also drop-dead gorgeous. He looked down on me holding the ladder and said, "Thanks, I think you can let go now. You surprised me, I did not hear you walk up behind me." "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you like that," I repeated myself.

"How can I help you?" he asked looking down at me from the ladder.

"My Name is Roman Teale. I noticed online that you have a vacancy. Is that true?" I asked.

"It will be as of the first of the month. Are you interested in the unit?" he asked as he turned towards me on the ladder. He gripped the top of the ladder and let himself kind of hang holding on with one hand, his other arm hanging freely in the air. I could see his arm pit and longed to run my tongue through it.

"Yes sir, I am. May I see it; is that possible?" I asked.

"Um, the unit is not vacant yet. I'll have to see if the tenant will let you in. It's unit number 4 in the back around the corner," he pointed still hanging from the ladder.

This boy is just too pretty for words. He has beautiful, dark blue eyes, and from the looks of his hair sticking out from under this ball cap, he has jet black hair. I wanted him to take his hat off so I could get a proper look at him.

"I would appreciate it if you could check on that for me, Mr. ah," I said pausing for him to give me his name.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Tyler, Tyler Hanson. My friends call be Ty," he answered as he climbed down from the ladder and extended his hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet you, Ty," I said as I shook his hand. As soon as I came in contact with his flesh, I felt a little tingle in my cock. Immediately, I pictured him naked in my head. I probably held onto his hand a little longer than necessary. He is just so damn cute I did not want to release his hand.

I noticed he looked directly in my eyes and smiled from the corner of his mouth. The kind of smile that says, "I know what you want; I can see it in your face."

"If you'll wait here, I'll go check with the tenant. Be right back," he said as he released my hand.

Without delay, he walked away from me. I couldn't help but watch his beautiful, round, little ass jiggle as he walked. "Damn! I would I love, love, love to bury my face in his sweet ass. I heard myself groan out loud as he approached the corner. He suddenly stopped and looked back at me. "Did he hear what I said?" I asked myself. I raised my hand and nodded my head saying, "thanks for checking."

He nodded back in my direction and continued on down the walkway to unit number 4. As soon as he disappeared from sight, I reached down and cupped my dick. I felt it twitch under my grasp but it wasn't out of control yet. I just had to make sure it stayed under control. This boy was definitely going to be a test in self-control.

While waiting for him to return, I took the opportunity to walk down past the ladder and check out the back or side of the building out of curiosity. Again, nicely maintained with a few plantings, trees, and shrubs. Whomever maintains the landscape does a really nice job. No doubt about it.

As I walked back up to where Ty disappeared around the corner, I stopped and waited. In just a minute, I saw him walking up the pathway towards me. I noticed the bump in the front of his shorts. He dresses to the right. I wear my cock on the right too. "We at least have that in common," I said to myself.

He checked the time on his watch, and with his right hand, he reached down and scratched his balls. When I saw him do that, I think my heart actually skipped a beat or two. Immediately, I felt the tingle in my pants again.

I gave him a big smile as he approached, "So, what's the verdict?" I asked as he approached.

"Sorry, he didn't answer the door. I thought he was home but I guess not. I can call him if you'd like," Ty offered. `Perhaps he just went to the market or something."

"That's OK, handsome. I don't want to put you out but that's very kind of you to offer. Do you mind if I take a look around? I promise not to be too nosy."

"Well, my brother Will usually handles that kind of thing. He's not here right now," he answered.

"Will he be back soon?" I asked.

"No, not until this weekend. He's at SMCC. He's working on a degree in Hotel Management. He's only here every other weekend. But I can show you around, I guess. I'm sure he won't mind," he offered.

"I would certainly appreciate that, Ty. That's very kind of you to offer. I really appreciate it. You said your last name is Hanson; does your family own the complex?"

"My grandmother; she owns it. She's no longer physically able to manage it anymore so my brother, Wilson, and I take care of it for her. We live in the only two-bedroom unit in the complex. All of the other units are 1 bedroom. Grandma has one bedroom and Will and I share the other one."

"I see, that seems like a lot of responsibility for you guys. Is will much older than you are?" I asked trying to get as much information as possible without sounding too creepy.

"Will is nineteen; four years older than me," he answered.

"This must take a lot of your time. What about school?" I asked.

"I go to school online. I stay home to help take care of my grandmother. She has people to come in and bathe her and stuff like that. I just help her take her meds, help her to the bathroom and make sure she eats on time. Stuff like that." "So, you and your brother live with your grandmother. What about your parents if you don't mind be asking; where are they?"

"The short story is my dad left shortly after I was born. I really don't remember him. Mom was a CPA. When I was about five, she was arrested for embezzlement. She's been in prison for ten years now. She has another five to go before she gets out. She's doing her time in Oregon. We write from time-to-time, but we don't have much of a relationship. My brother and grandmother are my only family really.

"Wow, Ty, I'm so sorry to hear that. You certainly have a lot of responsibility for such a young man. I commend you and your brother for taking care of your grandmother. Not only are you incredibly handsome, but you have a big heart too," I heard myself tell him. It was out of my mouth before I realized I said it.

He started to giggle.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh, that's the second time you've told me I'm handsome. Are you gay?"

"Well, in all honesty, Ty, yes, I am gay. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable in any way. I apologize if I did."

"No, no, it's OK. I'm perfectly OK with that. I'm bi so it's not a problem," he answered.

"You're bi? That's cool; you have the best of both worlds that way. I kind of wish I was but I love men far too much to be bi."

"So, you like really young guys then?" he asked next.

"Um, not as a rule, no. It just depends on the guy. I don't put those kinds of restrictions on myself, Ty. I take each guy individually. Take you for example, I think you are incredibly handsome; beautiful even. You have a gorgeous face, beautiful, blue eyes, a nice smile, including slight dimples when you smile, nice, smooth skin, beautiful legs, and from what I can see, a very nice, proportioned body, not to mention, a fantastic ass. You're beautiful, Ty; you're the whole package, and in my opinion, incredibly sexy."

Ty's face got super red he was blushing so much. He started to laugh nervously. "Oh, come on; seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. If I were a few years younger, I'd ask you out. I'm very serious. I could eat you up with a spoon and still want more."

"You crack me up," he blushed again. "Come on, I'll show you around the place."

Shortly after I finished dinner, my phone rang. I could see that it was Bo on the caller ID.

"Hey," my friend, "What's up?"

"I just had to call to see if you checked out that apartment I told you about? I've been so curious."

"I did check it out. You were right, Bo, the complex is very nicely maintained and quite charming. The best part about it is that there is this gorgeous fifteen-year-old kid that showed me around the place. His name is Ty, and he is absolutely gorgeous. You should see his ass; it's to die for, Bo."

"You know, Ro, you're beginning to get on my last, fucking nerve. All of a sudden, you're single, in a new town, and you've magically become a fucking man magnet. Don't tell me you shagged this kid too. What the fuck is happening with you, Ro? Whatever it is, I want some."

"No, I haven't done him yet. He knows I'm gay and interested though. He told me that he's bi. We had a good talk while he was showing me around. I'm just going to be patient with him. It's his call as to how he wants to deal with it. I didn't get to see the unit though. The existing tenant was not home and Ty was not comfortable letting me see the place without the tenant's consent."

"So how did you leave it with him then?"

"Ty will call me after he sets it up with the current tenant. I'm just waiting on him to call me. He said he would call his brother, who takes care of the rental agreement and office stuff, and let him know of my interest in the place. I want to thank you, Bo for finding this place for me. I owe you big-time."

"Yeah, well, if this Ty is as gorgeous as you say he is, perhaps you can convince him to sit on my face when I come up to visit," Bo laughed.

"First, I have to convince him to sit on my face," I quipped back. "Hopefully he'll fill my mouth with his sweet, teen cum too," I giggled.

"So, have you seen Peter around since I left town?" I asked.

"No, you just left, Ro; I haven't seen him nor have I heard anything. I'm sure he's fine though. He's a big boy, he has to figure this out for himself; you know that."

"Yeah, I know. I still care about him. I always will, Bo.

"So, are you going over to see Craig, the stud man?"

"I was thinking about it. I just don't want to give him the impression that I am wanting more than he is willing to give. He is married after all. Plus, although I would love to go another round with him, I'm not interested in getting overly involved with him on a regular basis; other than just sex I mean. I am interested in his friendship though. I would love that if we could become friends."

"It seems that Maine is working out for you so far. Let's hope the momentum continues forward. I'm on my way over to Rene's tonight for cocktails. I think she's in line for a promotion at work and wants to tell me all about it. She sends her love by the way."

"Give her a hug for me, Bo. Have fun and I'll talk to you later in the week."

"Call me as soon as you hear something about the apartment."

"I will; I promise you'll be the first to know."

Next: Chapter 2

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