The Hard Life

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Feb 12, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Hard Life

I always thought that I had a hard life growing up but something happened that showed me how wrong I really was. While my life had not been easy, it was a lot easier that someone I was to meet. My father was a janitor at the elementary school and my mother worked cleaning other people's homes. Most of the homes my mom cleaned were from the well to do section of the town that we lived in. You would think that those people would pay well but they had made their money by hanging on to it and not giving it away. Therefore, between my mother and father's income they were barely able to support my little sister and me. We lived in a trailer park just outside of town so of course at school I was known as that white trailer trash.

Between my sister and I she was the smart and I only had my good dose of common sense to keep me out of trouble. As the older child, I was the one my mom took to help her clean houses and thus I was able to see how the other half lived. Some of those homes that I had to help her clean were those of my classmates and that made my life a living hell. There is nothing worse for a teenage girl than to have the clean your classmate's house and even their rooms.

Another thing my mom always made me do was to read. She and my farther never finish high school so she wanted to make sure that I did. Even over the summer vacation, I was force to go once a week with her and get more books to read. When I was young that was not as bad as I enjoyed reading but as I grew older I began to hate her for it. All I seem to be doing was cleaning houses or reading, both of which I grew to hate. However, one day when we went to the library to get more books I picked up a historical romance novel. I knew mom hated those trashy novels so that is probably why I chose it, just to piss her off. Since it was historical, she let me read it and after the first few pages, I was hooked. I did do one thing when I read those books, that I did not tell my mother was that I turned the male hero into a female hero. I had discovered shortly after puberty that I was interested not in males but females. I was a lesbian. I had no experiences with any females but with my romance novels, I knew how I wanted any future romances to go.

When I turned 18 and I had actually graduated from high school I was allowed to move out and start a live on my own. My parents wanted me to go to college but they considered themselves lucky to get me out of high school with a diploma. Mom and dad gave me 500 dollars to start out and I knew that was all that they could afford to give me. I had saved up 500 of my own so I had 1000 dollars to start out. I then set out to make my way in the world and I knew that I was going to make millions one day. I was not sure how I was going to do it but I was going to do it. I found a small efficiency apartment in the city I moved. It was small and cheap but I just knew that I would only be there for a month or so, then I would be able to afford a much better place. Well after three months of looking for that great job, that I knew was out there waiting for me I was finally forced to take a night clerk job at a convenience store. I was down to my last few dollars and I was determined that I was not going to move back home and be reduced to helping my mom clean houses for the rest of my life. This job, I knew was only temporary but after a year at that job I still had not found anything better. There was just no one hiring, at least no one hiring a teenage girl with just a high school diploma. After paying my bills, there was not much money left to really do anything so I read my novels and continued to look for a job that would take me out of poverty for good. It was then that my live changed.

I was working one night when a girl walked into the store at about 3 am. The weather had just started to turn cold as fall was ending and winter was about to begin. She was a small young girl not much more than 5" tall. She had a dirty old coat on and her face and hands were dirty. As she walked past the counter, I also quickly realized that she had not had a bath in a while. She walked around the store and I began to get nervous. I was afraid that maybe she was the front person for a robbery. I moved down the counter to get a better look at her and I realized what she was doing. She had some change in her hand and she was trying to find something she could afford. She took her time and finally she found a couple of brownies that was the cheapest thing that we sold. She came to the counter, put her two brownies down, and laid down her change. I felt so sorry for her and I knew she was probably starving. I rang her up and then as I put her brownies in and bag I stepped over to where we had hotdogs warming on one of those stands the rotate. I was supposed to throw them away when I came on at midnight but that night I had not gotten around to that yet. There was four hotdogs left so I put the hotdogs on buns and then put them in her bag. I am not supposed to give food away but I knew that I had to help her out a bit. I handed her the bag and she gave me a slight smile in gratitude. I watched her go out the door and she sat down on the sidewalk by the store. I moved over where I could see her and I watched her almost inhale the first hotdog as if she had not eaten in a month. The second hot dog she ate a little more slowly. The last two she left in the bag for later, I guessed. She hung around a while but then she disappeared and I did not see her for the rest of the night. When I got off the next morning, I saw that she had come back and was sitting outside the store. The morning clerk was a real bitch and I knew she would call the police on her so I did something I knew better than doing. Like I said, I have a lot of common sense but this morning it failed me or then again maybe it didn't. I walked over to the girl.

"You don't have anyplace to go do you?"

She shook her head no.

"Well you will freeze your ass off out here so come on. You can warm up at my place."

The girl smiled and quickly followed along. I muttered to myself that I should be shot for doing this and probably would be. I did not know if she heard me when I said that but she seemed not to. I got in and unlocked the passenger door. She got in and I almost upchucked from her odor but I did not. I only lived a mile or so from the store so I stuck it out.

When we got inside the apartment I immediately showed her the bathroom and told her she could take a shower if she liked, hoping she would take the hint. I gave her a flannel nightgown and a pair of my panties to put on after her shower. She closed the door and when I heard the shower going I went straight to her bag and opened it up. I would normally never think of looking in other people's stuff but if she was going to be in my apartment, I wanted to be sure that she did not have any weapons or drugs. All that I found was some old dirty clothes and her birth certificate. I checked it out and found out that her name was Jana and she was 18. I put everything back and waited for Jana to get out of the shower, which was not for another 20 minutes. When she opened the door, I got my first good look at her. She had shoulder length blond hair and I had not noticed before but she had beautiful blue eyes. Her face had a red glow from the warm shower. She also smelled a whole lot better. She was holding up the gown as she walked. I am about 5'8" so the gown was much too long for her. She was also barefoot so I got her some wool socks to wear. I made us a cup of hot chocolate and a roll to eat. As we ate, I tried to talk to her but all I got was a shake of her head for yes and no or a shrug of her shoulders. I finally gave up on getting anything out of her and decided it was time for bed. Since I only had one bed I told her I would take one side and she could have the other if she wanted to sleep. I promised not to bite if she did not. She nodded her head yes and we climbed into bed with me on my side and Jana on the other. I was about half- afraid to go to sleep until I heard her breathing change and I turned and looked at her. She was sleeping soundly so I turned back over and went to sleep.

I woke up at about three and Jana was still sleeping so I eased out of bed and made myself a cup of coffee. I was afraid to turn on my little TV as I usually do but the silence was killing me. Finally, I turned on my portable radio and put the sound down on low. The music did not disturb Jana one bit. She kept right on sleeping. I then suspected that it might have been a while since she had gotten a good night's sleep or in my case a good days sleep. I got a book out and read awhile but then I smelled her dirty clothes so I gathered them up and went to the laundry mat at the apartment complex. I ended up putting them through the wash cycle twice to get all the smell out. At about six, I fixed something to eat and debated on waking Jana but finally decided that a little food may do her some good so I woke her up. I called to her at first but that did not faze her. I then gently shook her and she jump up wide-awake and her face told me that I had scared the living shit out of her. I apologized for scaring her and told her I had made some food to eat. She smiled and nodded ok. Again, I tried to talk to her but did not get any more response than before. Therefore, I just talked and she listened. I figured that she needed some time to warm up to me before speaking. After we ate, she helped me clean up and then I took a shower. When I came out, I found her back in bed sleeping. I went to the bed and as I covered her up, I noticed how the gown hung on her. Even with the flannel gown, I could almost see her ribs. I knew then that this girl had not eaten much lately and I wondered about what had happen to her. I watched a little TV then got ready to go to work. I was not sure what to do with her. I could not take her to work but I was not sure about leaving her here by herself either. I finally decided to leave her here and I left her a note telling her that I was at work and would be back in the morning.

I went to work hoping that she would be ok and that everything would still be at my apartment when I got back. It was about two when who other than Jana walked in. I asked her what she was doing there and she pointed to the hot dogs. Again, I had not thrown them away but I knew she had no money. I could not just give them to her, as there was a camera by the cash register and the door. So if she walked out the door with a bag without buying something I would be in trouble. I pointed her to go to the end of the counter where I knew the camera did not pick up. I fixed her one and told her to eat it right there so the camera would not catch me. She smiled and nodded her head. She ate one and then another. When she was done, she left but not before reaching for my hand. She took it, squeezed it in hers, and smiled as if to say thanks. I was left thinking how weird this girl was but she seemed harmless. I got home that morning to find that Jana had a cup of hot chocolate ready for me. I talked and she listened. I then went to bed and she joined me. This time I think I went to sleep before she did. Since my stuff was still here and she had not killed me yet, I figured I was safe. I woke up before she did but this time as I got out of bed she woke up. She smiled at me and got out of bed. With my back to her, I asked her if she wanted the bathroom first. I turned to see her answer but it was if I had not said anything to her. I told her that she could have the bathroom first this time facing her and she nodded ok. As she came out and I went in, I told her I would be right out and then we would find something to eat but again her back was to me and she walked on without any response to what I had said. The light suddenly flashed on in my head; she was deaf. As I sat on the toilet peeing I thought about the last couple of days. Last night when she left the store, I had said goodbye but she did not turn back to acknowledge me. When I tried to wake her up by talking, it did not faze her. She always answered my questions with only a nod of her head. But her answers seem to be right so she had to be reading my lips. I decided to try my theory one more time to make sure. When I got out of the bathroom, I found that her back was facing me as she was making the bed. I let out a scream but she kept right on making up the bed as if nothing had happened. I helped her finish making the bed and then I got us a coke. I had her sit at the kitchen table. I did not know how or where to start so I just blurted it out.

"You're deaf aren't you?"

Jana face suddenly looked like she had seen a ghost. All the blood just seemed to have drained out of her face. Slowly she nodded yes.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Jana just shrugged her shoulders. I was not getting anywhere this way. I needed more than just a shrug from her.

"Can you talk?"

Jana looked embarrassed when she shook her head no.

"Well then can you write?"

She nodded her head yes. Well this was better than nothing, so I got up and got her a pen and a pad. I gave them to her and started again.

"Ok let's start again. Why didn't you tell me that you were deaf?"

Jana thought a minute and slowly started writing, then she handed me the note.

"I was afraid you would not like me and make me leave."

"Oh no, I wouldn't do that. I do not care if you are deaf or not but it would have made me feel better if you had told me. I was thinking you were extremely shy or something."

She wrote back "I'm that too."

I had to smile at her answer. "I'm assuming that you are reading my lips, right?"

She nodded her head at that.

"Do you use sign language?"

She signed something.

"I assume that was a yes."

Jana smiled real big and nodded yes.

"Well you are going to have to teach me. I think that will be a lot quicker than me talking and you writing."

Jana thought that over a minute then wrote something and handed the note to me.

"Does that mean that I can stay with you?"

"Yes you can stay but..."

I never got any farther than that as she jumped up and came over to where I was sitting. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. I was shocked at first but then I hugged her back. She then seemed to melt into my arms and I realized that she was crying. I hugged her tighter and moved her so that she was sitting in my lap. I held her for a long time as she put her head on my shoulder. Slowly she got herself back together and sat back but she stayed in my lap. She started to sign quickly but then realized that I did not have a clue as to what she was saying. She grabbed her pad and started to write but then she got frustrated as if she wanted to say a thousand things at once. She almost started to cry again but I hushed her.

"Calm down we will have plenty of time to talk but I need for you to know something."

She nodded ok.

"I want you to stay here and I want to know all about you but eventually you will need to find a job. I can barely support myself as it is. OK?"

She nodded yes but then she had a frown on her face. She wrote on her pad.

"I had to quit school after the ninth grade."

I read that and that brought up a million more questions but I would ask them later.

"Shit, that will make it tougher but we will figure something out."

Jana smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek. Again, I was shocked by her actions but I let it go for the moment.

"Where do we start? I guess I need to start to learn sign language so that we can communicate easier. So hop up and let get started."

Jana gave me a quick hug, got up and went back to her seat.

"I do have to tell you something. I looked through your stuff when you first got here. I wanted to make sure you were not going to kill me or was a druggie. So I know your name is Jana."

Jana wore back "I figured you would. So I hid my drugs and gun outside the store before you got off the night before last."

She let me read her note and I looked up to see if she was serious before she burst out laughing. This was the first sound I had heard from her since met her and it surprised me. I guess I assumed that since she was deaf and mute that she could not make any sounds at all but obviously, that was not the case. I frowned at her for scaring me then I laughed with her. She got her pad back and wrote, "I was just kidding. I have no gun and have never done drugs. Besides I am flat ass broke so I could not afford any drugs even if I was a druggie."

I laughed at her again then we settled and she started teaching me sign language. She started me with the simple ones and then we moved on to the harder ones. When I missed up I always said "Shit, fuck, hell" or something of that nature. I have always been partial to a good cuss word ever now and then. So she stopped and taught me those words and then made me sign them instead of saying them. It actually helped and as it made me start to think in sign instead of talking. It was 11:30 before I knew it so I stopped and hurried to get ready to go to work. As I got ready, Jana kept asking me if she could go to work with me but I kept saying no, I couldn't let her come. I would get fired if I brought a friend to work. She kept at it until I gave in just to stop her from shoving that pad I gave her in my face. She jumped into her clothes and we headed out. I got to work just in time. I made her stay in the car until the evening clerk left. I then went out to the car, got Jana, and snuck her in the back door. I made her keep out of the camera view and we started to practice signing. When my brain and fingers got tired we stopped and Jana helped me catch up on restocking the store, moping the floor and all the other fun things I was expected to do at night.

The next night we did the same thing until I got to the point that I could understand most of what she signed and I could for the most part sign to her what I wanted to say. The one advantage she had, which saved me, was that when I could not remember a sign I could tell her and she would read my lips. She would then show me the sign for what I was trying to say. I had the next two days off so when we went to bed I set the alarm for noon. I woke up when the alarm went off I got up and shook Jana until I finally got her awake. After a shower, we headed for the closest discount store to get Jana some clothes. She had only a couple of pair of jeans and tops and not much more in the way of underwear. I did not have much money but we were able to find her some more things to wear. From there we went to the mall to window shop. Here we were able to dream about all we would buy when we became rich. From there we went back to the apartment for some TV and then bed.

Over the next few weeks, we talked more and more. I slowly got a full picture of her life. She only let bits and pieces out at a time but eventually I had most of her story. She was born deaf to hearing parents. She had an older brother that was three years older than she was. Her family made their living as farmers but they only had a small farm and never had any money to spare. All her free time was spent working on the farm. She learned to read lips on her own and her parents made no effort to learn sign language or have it taught to her. At six, she was sent to school but it was a small rural school that had no way of teaching a deaf child. Here she got the only break of her life. The school called a social worker that was able to get her into a school for the deaf at no charge. Since it did not cost her parents, any money and she would be living at the school they let her go. Here she found some happiness and was able to have some of her childhood back at least while she was at school. She was behind all the other children but she caught up quickly. The other children helped her learn sign language and she began to blossom. It was only when she returned home for breaks or during the summer did her life turn back down. She described in some detail the time she came home for Thanksgivings that first year and she forgot her place. She signed something to her mother. She said her mother took back her hand and backhanded her, knocking her to the floor and sending stars to her head. Her mother yelled at her to never sign in the house again. Even at that young age, she realized that her parents were ashamed of her for being deaf. After that, she did her chores and stayed in the fields as long as she could. From then on, she dreaded going home and as soon as she got home, she started counting down the days to when she could go back to school. The summer after she finished the ninth grade, her brother turned eighteen and her lit out never to return. When the end of summer came, she started getting ready to go back to school. On the day, she was to go back her mother told her that she would not be returning to school. They needed her to work on the farm now that her brother had deserted them. Jana told me that this just about broke her heart and her spirit. She knew she would never be able to see her friends again. She also mentioned that she sworn that there was an evil grin on her mother's face when she told her that she was not going back to school. She told herself that the day she turned eighteen she was going to be out of there just like her brother. She worked seven days a week on the farm from then on until the night she ran away.

On the night she left, she said she waited until her parents were asleep. She packed her bag taking only a few clothes so that her mother would not notice anything missing. She slipped through the house to the kitchen and finished filling her bag with food she had helped grow and can. She left her parents a note telling them that she got up early and went to work getting the last of the crops from the fields. She figured that would buy her a little more time, as they would not expect her back in until lunch or at the latest supper. She then lit out going first through the fields and avoiding the roads. She knew she parents would come looking for her, as she was their source of free help. Had they been caring parents she would have stayed but that were not the case. She used her food first then she started using what little money she had. Her parents had never given her a dime so she was forced to do the only dishonest thing she had ever done. Once she had made up her mind that she was going to go when she turned eighteen, she started to short her parents a dollar or two when she and her father went to town on Saturdays to sell their vegetables. Her father and she would go to the local farmer's market and when her father took a nap, she would slip a dollar or two into her panties. When she got home, she hid the money down by the creek in a jar. In two years, she was only able to save about one hundred dollars. But that was enough to keep her going until she made her way to my store. She was down to her last few cents and for the first time since she left she was scared. Then as she said, I came to her rescue like a knight in shinning armor.

The first thing that we did once I was more aware of her past was to get her into a GED program. It took a more than a few phone calls before I was able to find someone that was able to help us. Through a local deaf advocacy group, we were put into contact with a nice retired schoolteacher who used to teach deaf students. She volunteered to help Jana get her GED. So three nights a week, I took Jana to her house to study. As she was being taught, I read my books. Most night she still came to work with me but some nights she would stay at home and study or clean the apartment. I have to admit it was nice to come home to find everything spic and span and all the laundry done.

When Jana first arrived, we both kept to our own sides of the bed but over time, that separation began to lessen. This was caused by, I think, two separate things. One was that we had grown more comfortable with each other. We had become fast friends and waking up to find her hand on me or mine on her somewhere was no big deal. The second reason was that we were heading into December and the weather really started to turn cold, much colder than it normally did this time of year. The apartment had only a wall heating/air conditioning unit and the heat it put out was not all that great. I had bought a room heater but I was afraid to leave it on while we were sleeping so I turned it off when we laid down to sleep. I had a sheet, quilt, and comforter on the bed but still we got cold. One very cold day I woke up to find her shivering in the bed. She had pretty much recovered from the couple of months she had spent on the road but I don't think she had gotten herself back to where she needed to be. I laid there a couple of minutes trying to decide what to do. I did not have any more covers to put on the bed so I had only myself to warm her up. Sliding up against her was not a repugnant idea to me in fact it was quite the opposite.

Over the past few weeks, the idea of holding her or kissing her had been popping into my head. I think the first time the idea appeared was one night I was reading one of my romances (During the past summer, I found a used bookstore that carried a line of lesbian romances and I had started reading them exclusively) as Jana was studying. I glanced up at her sitting there in her nightgown working away and I stopped reading and just stared at her. I felt my heart start to beat a little faster and there was a stirring in my body. When I realized what I was doing I felt my face go warm. I was thankful that Jana did not see me. After that when I read my lesbian romances one of the characters always seemed to take on some of Jana's features no matter how the author had described her. I tried to keep those thoughts away but they always came back stronger and stronger. I found myself staring at her and she eventually began to catch me staring. Sometimes when she was signing something to me, I would forget to watch her hands and instead would be losing myself in her eyes. She would get so mad at me when I did that, but then would give me a sweet smile. I would get my concentration back and she would start signing again. I also began to dream about her when I slept. She would be walking toward me and she would be slowing undressing. But I would always wake up just before she got to her bra and panties. Up to now I had never seen she naked but I began to wonder what her body looked like.

So now I was faced with a dilemma, to hold her and hope I did not go farther than that or let her freeze because I was afraid of what I would do. Finally, I decided I could not watch her shiver any longer so I slid in closer to her body. She was lying on her side facing away from me. As our bodies made contact, I put my arm around her waist and drew her in close. I felt her hands take my arm and move it between her breasts and she held on tight to my hand. I put my head at hers and I could smell the scent of her hair. My breasts were pressed against her back and I felt my nipples harden and I hoped that she did not notice. After a couple of minutes, she stopped shivering and she fell asleep. It took me a little longer to go to sleep; I was doing what I so wanted to do for the past few weeks and it felt as good as I had dreamed it would.

I woke up about three to find Jana awake and facing me. I smiled at her and she signed "Thank You." I took my hand and brushed her hair from her eyes.

"For What?"

She signed back "For holding me."

"I woke up to see you shivering and I could not let you freeze."

"Being cold was not the only reason I was shivering." She signed.

"Why else."

"I had a dream that I failed the GED test and when I told you I saw how disappointed you were in me. I got scared all of a sudden."

"One you will not fail. Mrs. Haynes says that you are doing great. I know you will pass with flying colors. In fact, I was thinking about splurging and going on a night on the town when you pass the test. You noticed I said when and not if."

Jana smiled real big and hugged me. Her hands wrapped around my body and instinctively I hugged her back. We held each other tight, I felt her breast press against my breasts, and I felt my body responding to hers. We held each other for about ten minutes then she moved back. I stared into her eyes and suddenly I wanted to kiss her so bad. I was trying to decide if I should when she made the decision for me. I watched as she slowly moved in closer and I felt her lips touch mine. It was a soft short kiss and when it ended, I found that my lips were still tingling long after the kiss ended. She looked at me as if studying my reaction to her kissing me. I put my hand to her cheek and lightly caressed it then I put my hand behind her neck and brought her lips back to mine. This kiss lasted much longer and as I parted my lips, I felt her do the same. As we kissed, I moved her onto her back and moved with her. When the kiss ended I moved both my hands to her head using them brush her hair away and to caress her face. We smiled and I asked her if her wanted to do this. She nodded her head yes and she lifted her head to kiss me again. I kissed her this time using my tongue. I slipped it into her mouth and she readily accepted it. She sucked on it and used her tongue to push it out of her mouth and then insert hers into mine. Our kissing became more and more passionate as we kissed and kissed and kissed. I felt her hand caressed my back and pulling me down on her.

I slipped my hands between us and I moved them to her breasts. I cupped them through the material of her nightgown and then went to her nipples feeling them harden as I teased them. It was then that I heard her first moan. I gently pinched her nipples and I felt her hands grip me. I caressed her breasts a few minutes but I wanted to feel them without the material of the nightgown separating me from her soft flesh. I stopped kissing her and reached down taking her gown and began pulling it up. She lifted her hips and then raised her shoulders as I pulled the nightgown off. I slid a little to the side so that I could take in her breasts. They were small and her areolas were about the size of a quarter. Her nipples were sticking out about a quarter of an inch. I took my index finger and circled both of her nipples. I looked up at her face and she was biting her lower lip. I smiled at her and went back to kissing her as my hand went back to caressing her soft breasts. I played with her nipples as I kissed her lips, cheeks, and then neck. I moved my head on down to her breasts and took a nipple into my mouth. She moaned again and I felt her hand on the back on my head holding me in place. I licked and sucked on that nipple then went over to the other one. As I did this, I sneaked my hand down her flat stomach to her panties. I slipped it over the top of her panties to her mound and on to her pussy. The material was just slightly wet from her juices she was starting to produce. I moved it up and down her pussy and she groaned and opened her legs to give me more access. I rubbed her a little harder and I could just feel her bud peeking out. I caressed it and she twisted her hips. I moved her hand away and slipped it under her panties to get my first feel of someone's pussy other than my own. I moved it over her pubic hair and across her clit giving it a tease. She cried out as I caressed it and had a small orgasm. I let her recover then I moved my fingers to her slit. I moved it up and down the slit slipping my middle finger into her pussy. She was very wet by now and my finger slipped right in. I moved it in and out of her as my fingers caressed her outer lips. She was breathing hard and I knew she was enjoying what I was doing even thought I was improvising, as I had never had sex before with anyone before. I began to get a scent of her arousal and I wanted to taste her. I removed my fingers and gave her nipples one last kiss. I brought my fingers to my mouth and tasted her juices, they were slightly tangy, but I liked the taste. I got up on my knees and moved between her legs. I took her panties and pulled them off. I took a long look at her pussy, the first one I had seen up close. She had sparse blond pubic hair and I could see that it was matted with her juices. Her outer labia were swollen from her arousal and I could see her clit peeking out from its hood. I lay down between her legs and placed a kiss on her clit. I felt her shiver and I began to lick it in earnest. Jana cried out and I got her closer and closer to another climax but before I got her there, I moved down to her slit licking and sucking in her juices. I used my fingers to spread her open and I dipped my tongue into her pussy. I loved it, from the way Jana was moaning, and twisting around she was too. I wanted to stay there all day licking her and making her cum over and over again. From there I went back to her clit and sucked it into my mouth. I sucked on it and teased it with my tongue and I felt her have another orgasm. I licked her clit as she came and went to her pussy and sucked up her juices. I licked them clean and went back to her clit licking on it with short strokes. As I did this, I slipped a finger into her pussy and began to fuck her with it. She was wet and very tight. In addition, I felt her vagina grip my finger. I licked and fucked her to one more climax and was going for a forth when she pushed me away. I was disappointed at first as I wanted to continue to lick her and play with her pussy but she had enough for the moment. I moved up beside her and held her to my body as she rested.

A few minutes later Jana began to stir. She kissed me on the cheek and sat up. She took my hands and pulled me up to a sitting position. She reached out and pulled up on the sides of my gown. I got the message and pulled the gown up and off. I watched her eyes as she looked over my breasts. I have B size breasts and my nipples were already hard from making love to Jana. She looked another minute then she pulled on my panties wanting them off. I put my hands at the sides of my panties and lifted my hips pulling them off. I knew my pussy was soaking wet and with her making me undress as she was doing was making me more excited. I was not sure what she was up to and this excited me all the more. Jana moved to the front of me and had me separate my legs. I was about to die, I wanted her to touch me so bad but I did not want to rush her. She had to do this at her pace. Finally, she took her hands and cupped my breasts. Her hands were so gentle that at first I could barely feel them. Slowly she put more pressure with her hands as she began to caress them and then she went to my nipples running her fingers across them. I moaned and she looked up at me. I smiled letting her know she was doing fine. When she looked down, she moved her head to my right breast and took the nipple into her mouth sucking on it. Her mouth felt so nice as she sucked and then licked my nipple. I felt a new flow of moisture coming from my pussy and I knew that I was soaking the sheet as I had soaked my panties. She sucked on this nipple a minute or two before going over to the left breast. This one she immediately sucked into her mouth. As she sucked and teased my nipples, I put my hands on her breasts caressing them. I just could not keep my hands off of her. I pulled and gently pinched her nipples and I felt and heard her moan as she sucked on my nipples. We kept this up for a good long while both of us giving the other pleasure as we played with the other's breasts.

Finally Jana let go of my nipples, she moved her head up, and we kissed. Slowly I felt myself getting pushed back, and Jana followed me down without breaking off the kiss. She lay down on top of me and I wrapped my legs around her waist. We kissed and I began to push my hips up trying to make contact with her pussy. Since I was taller than she was, it took a little maneuvering but we finally got our pussies together. She moved down a bit and I propped up my head with a pillow so that we could kiss and still rub our pussies together. We started slow but picked up speed and pressure. After a minute or two, I felt an orgasm coming. We broke off kissing and concentrated on the pleasure our pussies were giving us. We were both super wet and out pussies slid back and forth against each other. I reached up and pinched her nipples that spurred her to kick up her speed, I felt myself going over the edge, I finally had an orgasm, and it was a powerful one. Somewhere distantly in my head I heard Jana moan and cry out and I knew she had cum again.

When I came around, I felt something gentle on my pussy. I looked down and found that Jana was lying between my legs and she was licking my pussy. I felt her tongue go up and down my outer labia then slip between the lips to my core. She moved up to my clit sucking it into her mouth. She sucked a moment or two then began to lick it. I moaned aloud and opened my legs as far as I could. Jana worked my clit a minute or two then she used her fingers to spread me open and I felt her tongue enter my pussy. She moved it around and I shivered from the pleasure she was giving me. She licked and sucked my pussy getting me closer and closer to a second climax. I tried to hold it off but when I felt her tongue on my clit, I felt the orgasm hit. As I came, I felt two of her fingers enter me and that made my orgasm last even longer. As I came down Jana began to fuck my pussy and lick on my clit. I gripped the sheets in my hands and pushed my hips upward forcing her fingers deeper into my pussy. I had fingered myself before but having Jana do it was a hundred times better. Her fingers pushed deep into my pussy and then back out only to be pushed back in. I rode those fingers for all that I was worth but again I could stand only so much and I had another orgasm. And like Jana, I had enough so I had to push her head away. She came up in the bed and I pulled her on top of me. We held each other for an hour as we recovered from the intense lovemaking.

As much as I hated to get out of that bed, I knew we had to. It was time to get something to eat then get ready for work. For the first time since I had gotten this job I wanted to call in but I needed the money so I told Jana it was time to get up. She pouted a second but she got off me and pulled me from the bed. I took one last look at her body before she put her gown on. The apartment was too cool to go naked, as I wanted. I put my gown on and we went to the stove and fixed a couple of hamburgers. We ate and talked but I kept the conversation away from what we had just done. I wanted to talk after dinner about that. I was not sure how to approach the subject so I ended up being blunt as always. We were washing dishes when I turned her toward me.

"Are you ok with what we did this afternoon?"

She smiled back at me and signed, "You mean making love with another woman or making love to you?"

"Both, I guess"

"I will admit that I had never thought about making love with a woman before you came along. I guess I always thought it would be a white knight in armor that would save me but now I am glad it was you."

"Did you do it with me just because I saved you?"

Jana giggled at me, then came up, and kissed me lightly on the lips. Then she signed, "No silly, I made love to you because I love you. You have given me more love than anyone else has ever before. I can't help but to love someone who would love me as much as you do. I did not think that you would ever fall for someone like me but when I saw you start to look at me differently then I knew that one day we would do what we did this afternoon and I was dieing for you to go ahead and do it. I am thankful you finally did and thankful you chose me to do it with."

I signed, "I love you too," and then I took her in my arms. I felt the tears start to flow and from the wetness on my shoulder, I knew she was crying too. We cried and then kissed only to cry a little more. But we never stopped holding each other but like everything else all good things had to come to an end and it was time to go to work. I broke away and started getting ready. I noticed that Jana was getting dressed too so I knew that she planned to go to work with me and that did not displease me at all.

She waited in the car until the evening clerk left and all the customers that were in the store left. I then snuck her in the back door. She was about half frozen so I hugged her to my body getting her warm. I noticed that her lips were cold so I warmed them up with my own. Ok, so that was an excuse to kiss her but I took full advantage of the opportunity. We kissed in the doorway of the back room until I heard the front door open so I had to break off the kissing and attend to my job. It was about two that every thing calmed back down and Jana and I had all the work done. We had about two hours before things started to pick back up.

Jana and I had finished cleaning up the counter when I grabbed her from behind. I drew her to me so that her back was to me. I hugged her in tight to my body with my hands wrapped around her waist. I started by kissing her neck and soon I began to hear a soft moan. I moved my hands to her breasts cupping them. Jana pressed her back against me and I could feel my own nipples harden as I felt hers do the same through her top and bra. I pinched her nipples a minute and she moaned louder. I saw her sign that someone may catch us but I signed back that we had about two hours before someone would come in. I then slipped my hands under her top and unhooked her bra, which luckily was a front hooked bra. My hands went back to her breasts now that I could feel them without any material in-between. They were soft and warm, my fingers quickly found the nipples, and I teased them. I was still kissing on her neck and cheeks. Jana turned her head so that I could kiss her so I did. Our lips met and I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue met mine and they pushed against each other. I moved my hands to the top of her jeans. I unsnapped and unzipped them. I slipped my hand under her panties to her pussy. She was wet and ready. I slipped my fingers into her pussy and she groaned. I slipped my fingers in and out of her pussy and then when they were good and wet I moved them to her clit. Using light pressure, I began to caress her clit and she pushed her hips forward to increase the pressure so I did. I rubbed her harder and I had her twisting her hips and moaning to beat the band. My other hand was back on her breasts pinching and pulling on her hard nipples. It did not take me long to bring her to an orgasm and I felt her wet her panties with her juices. I broke off my kiss and held her tight as she calmed back down. I put her clothes back together but the smell of her had me so excited. I think that Jana realized that so she turned around and got down on her knees in front of me. With a wicked grin on her face, she unsnapped my jeans and pulled them down over my hips until my pussy was in view. I kept an eye on the door as her tongue reached out and began to lick up my juices. I felt her fingers spread my lips apart and she sucked my clit into her mouth. The fact that we were doing this at work made it all the more exciting and I could not hold off my orgasm for long as Jana teased my clit with her tongue. My orgasm hit hard and I closed my eyes and came hard. Jana licked my juices up then put me back together. I helped her up and kissed her tasting my juices on her mouth.

The rest of the night went ok as more and more customers came in. At eight, my relief came in and I was out the door in a flash. Jana was waiting for me in the car and she had it warmed up. I took off and we were home in record time. We were no more inside the door than we were kissing. Our hands were trying to tear the clothes off each other but in our hast, we were getting nowhere. So finally, I broke off our kissing and I finished taking my clothes off as she took hers off. We ran to the bed and jumped under the covers. The bed was cold but as we kissed and fondled each other the bed warmed up. My hands caressed her breasts, ass, and her pussy. My fingers stroked her pussy slipping inside her. Her fingers were doing the same to me. I had to taste that pussy of hers so I moved around so that my head was over her pussy under the covers. I put a leg on each side of her head and lowered my pussy to her mouth as I lowered my head to hers. I licked her outer labia and I felt her tongue slide up and down my slit and on to my clit. I used my fingers to open her up and I pushed my tongue as deep as I could into her pussy. I swirled it around her and I heard her squeal. Her mouth clamped down on my clit and she sucked hard as her tongue played with the tip of my little bud. I moaned into her pussy, she pushed me over the edge, and I had an orgasm. I stopped licking her as I came but then went back to her pussy after it passed. I slipped a couple of fingers into her tight pussy and began to fuck her as I sucked and licked her clit. In no time, I felt her pussy walls clamp down on my fingers and she had her orgasm. When her orgasm ended, I felt her slip a couple of fingers inside my pussy filling me up. She moved them in and out and I stayed still a moment enjoying the feeling of her fingers filling my pussy. She began to fuck me harder and harder and I pushed back against her on each stroke. I pushed my fingers deep into her pussy; we fucked, and fucked until we both came a second time. I withdrew my fingers, she did the same, and we licked the others pussy clean. Once she was clean, I moved back up in the bed and we kissed and hugged until we fell asleep.

For the next six months, I worked and she studied for her GED. We made love every chance we could, as it was the only way we knew to show the love we had for each other. After she got her GED, I got an interview at a manufacturing plant for a night shift job. The plant was opening a new shift and they were hiring a completely new crew to supply it. After the interview was over the plant manager said, he was going to hire me and I then hit him with hiring Jana too. She had put in an application the same time as I did but was not called. I talked him into interviewing her and with me interpreting for her; she was able to get a job. After the first week on the job, we got everything down and we did well. In no time, we were able to afford a better apartment and we moved. The next year went fine and where you saw one of us, you saw the other. We were with each other twenty-four a days and that may have been our downfall. One day Jana decided to visit her old school so we went for a visit. Jana immediately seemed at home, she saw one of her old counselors, and she remembered Jana. They talked all afternoon and Jana did not want to leave but I was more than ready. I think a little jealously on my part was sneaking out. We began to fight more and more and our lovemaking was less and less. By the end of the second year, we both knew that what we once had was gone. I still loved her with all my heart but it got to the point everything she did ticked me off and what ever I did ticked her off. We finally sat down and decided a little time apart would do us some good. Jana got a job at her old school and I helped her move out.

I was not to see her again for six years. After a year, I was bored so I decided to do what Jana had suggested. That was to take a couple of classes and see if I could write my own lesbian romance novels. I took a class and the professor loved my work even to the point of helping me at her home. There she also bedded me but while the sex was good, it was not Jana. I could not get her out of my head. As I was taking my classes at the university, I was to learn Jana was also attending but we never saw each other there. I started to write and soon had completed three novels but I was afraid to do anything with them. I did not have any confidence in my writing.

Anyway, six years later I found myself bored one Saturday afternoon and saw that a romance novelist was to appear at a local bookstore. So I headed there to get an idea as to how to submit my books to a publisher. I waited around until she was not busy and then got to talk to her. She suggested that I find an agent and then let them do the work. She gave me a few names to start with. I thanked her and as I turned to leave, I saw Jana standing at the door.

My heart felt like it stopped and there was a sharp pain in my chest. I had to hold on to a shelf to keep from falling. She was just as pretty as ever, her hair a little shorter and a little darker but she was like a long lost memory come flooding back into your mind only this one was real. When I got it back together, I walked to the sidewalk were she was waiting. I was not sure what to say to her, my heart was in my throat and it was beating a mile a minute. Finally, I was able to think and I used my rusty sign language.

"How are you doing?"

"Fine and yourself?" She signed back

"Pretty good, you look as good as ever."

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself."

We talked another minute then she suggested we go to the cafe across the street and talk so I followed her there. We got a booth in the back and ordered some coffee. We started slowly but we began to talk with each telling the other what we had been up too. With help from the school, she was able to get her degree in education and was now teaching English at the school. I told her that I was still working at the plant but now on day shift and had took her advice and had started writing my own novels but I was not so sure how good they were. She stated that she was sure they were great. We talked all afternoon and after getting dirty looks from the waitress, we left the cafe and walked a while. I wanted to tell her how much I missed her and how after all these years, I still cared for her but I did not know how. Soon we ended up back by her car. I knew I had to say something now or I may never get the chance again. I took a deep breath and said what I was so scared to say.

"You know I have never gotten over loving you. I miss you so bad it hurts." There I said it and now I had to wait for her acceptance or rejection.

Her eyes got moist and she signed back, "I miss you too and I never stopped loving you either. Why do you think I came here today? I was hoping that you would show up. I was about to give up when you appeared."

I felt my own eyes get moist and I held out my arms and she came to me. I hugged her tightly and she did the same. We held on for a long time not wanting to let go. It was if we had lost each other once and we did not want to do that again. Finally, we parted and I wiped the tears from her eyes. She stepped back and signed to me.

"I can't go back to the way it was. We were no good for each other. I want it to work this time."

"We are different people now. We have both grown up. I am no longer your knight in shinning armor and I know you are not a character in one of my romance novels. We both know where we screwed up before and we can avoid those same mistakes this time around. I want to try again."

"I do too." She signed and then she came forward and we kissed. It was the sweetest kiss I had ever received. I wanted to kiss her all evening but there was a place where we could be alone. I broke off the kiss and suggested that we go back to my apartment. Jana shuck her head yes. I gave Jana a quick kiss and went to my car and she got into hers. I was able to get out of the parking lot first and I saw her behind me. I kept one eye in the real view mirror afraid that she would change her mind but she did not and she followed me all the way home. We got out and went in.

Once inside I did not know what to do. I had dreamed of having her here for so long and now that she was here, I did not know where to start. My nerves were on overtime and I saw that my hands were shaking. I decided that a drink was in order so I asked her if she would like a drink adding that I had learned to make a mean margarita. Jana said that she would love one so I made us both a drink, came over, and sat on the couch beside her. We both took a sip or two from our drinks before we started talking. We discussed what had happened to our relationship. We discussed our feelings that we both still had for each other and how neither had ever gotten over the other. A very deep conversation took two margaritas and more than a few tears to get through. When we were done, we were both emotionally spent. We sat in silence for a few minutes as we thought about everything that we had talked about. I now knew she was as committed as I was to making it work this time.

I then got up and held out my hand to her and she took it. I helped her up and led her to my bedroom. I started to get nervous again but the two drinks helped to quell my nerves a bit. When we got to the bedroom, I pulled down the blankets and sheet and turned to her. I took her face into my hands and kissed her lightly on the lips. I then stepped back and began to unbutton her blouse. I drew it off her shoulders leaving her in her white lace bra. I could just make out her nipples hardening under the lacy material. I dropped down to my knees and taking a foot, I slid off one shoe and then the other. I put my hands to her jeans and unsnapped them. I slowly unzipped them and pulling my hands at the sides, I slid them over her hips and down. She lifted one leg and I pulled the jeans off the leg and then the other. Jana was now dressed only in her panties and bra. I caught a whiff of her arousal and it started my own pussy to get moist. I reached up to her panties and pulled them down. I watched at her pubic hair was revealed and then her pussy. It was as beautiful as I remembered. Her hair was trimmed and I could make out her slit with her labia beginning to swell with her arousal. I moved my head in and kissed her lightly and I tasted her juices and was momentarily taken back to the first time I tasted her juices. It was a pleasant memory and now this memory was also etched into my brain. I got up and kissed her again, a little harder and longer this time. I reached around her back and unsnapped her bra. I brought it with me as I ended the kiss. Her breasts were revealed to me and I saw her pink nipples were hard and begging to be kissed so I bent down and kissed each one. I heard a moan come from her throat.

Jana started to undress me but I pushed her hands away. I kissed both hands and then I put her into the bed. I looked down at her body as she lay there on her back. Her breasts rose and fell with her breathing. Her legs were slightly parted and I saw her pubic hairs glisten with her moisture. I slowly undress and she watched my every move. I took off my blouse and then my bra. I paused a second or two and then took off my shoes. I unsnapped my jeans and pulled then down leaving me in only my panties. I knew that she could see the wet spot on my panties and I saw a smile come to her face. I peeled my panties off and then crawled into the bed with her. I lay down beside her and pulled her on top of me. I felt her breasts press against mine and I could feel her pussy against my thigh. My own pussy was against hers and it felt good. I put my hand behind her head and drew her down to me and we kissed. We started slowly using only our lips but soon I felt her tongue enter my mouth. I met it with my own tongue and we allowed our tongues to get reacquainted. I held her head in place and used the other to caress her back. Her own hands were caressing my face and then arms. We were contented just to kiss for a while. I kissed every part of her face remembering every curve and every sensitive area. I nibbled on her ear lobes and I found that she still loved me doing that. Her own lips were doing the same to me and when she got to the hollow of my neck, I had to moan.

Finally, I was ready to explore the other areas of her body. I pushed her over onto her back and moved on top of her. I kissed her lips and slid down her body kissing her as I went. When I got to her breasts, I kissed each nipple and sucked them into my mouth. She gripped my arms as I sucked and kissed each nipple. I gently bit and pulled on them causing Jana to squeal. I spent a good long time on her breasts then I kissed my way on down. I teased her belly button with my tongue then slid on down. When I got to her pussy, she was wet and ready. I looked at her pussy and inhaled her aroma. I bent down and kissed her clit and then went to her slit and licked the length. Jana parted her legs even more and raised her knees up opening her flower to my mouth. I licked inside her pussy driving my tongue as deep as I could. I swirled it around scooping out her juices. I went from there back to her clit and sucked it into my mouth. I teased and caressed it and I felt her body shake as she had an orgasm. I licked up her come then went back to her pussy licking and sucking on her lips. I brought my fingers to her pussy and slipped a couple into her. She was wet and ready for them. I moved them in and out of her and slowly fucked her pussy. Her vaginal muscles gripped my fingers as I fucked her. I moved my mouth back to her clit and using short strokes I licked and fucked her to a second climax this one harder and lasting longer that the last one.

When she finished cumming, she reached down and pulled me up to her. I kissed her and held her tight as she rested. She then pushed me onto my back and moved her mouth to my breasts. I put my head on a pillow and watched as she began to suck and lick on my nipples. Her mouth felt so warm on my nipples and when she bit them, I let out a loud moan. I had trouble keeping my eyes on her and enjoy what she was doing to me. As she sucked on my nipples, I felt her hand reach down to my pussy. She stroked me with her fingers and I opened my legs to give her better access. She stroked me and sucked on my nipples until I thought I was going to explode. She then gave one last kiss to my nipples then she slid on down to my pussy. She inserted two fingers into my pussy and she began to fuck me hard. Her mouth found my clit and she sucked it into her mouth. I felt my orgasm hit me hard and she fucked and sucked me though it. When it ended, she removed her fingers and replaced them with her mouth. She gently licked me. Her tongue moved gently across my labia and inside my slit. I moved my knees up and held on to them opening myself completely to her tongue. She licked and sucked on my pussy pulling on my labia with her lips. She licked every part of my pussy even going to the area between my asshole and pussy. I could not believe how good it felt to have her making love to me again. Jana eventually found her way to my clit and she sucked and licked me to my second orgasm. She licked me through my orgasm then came up in the bed and we held each other until we fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with Jana still lying beside me. I reached over and ran my fingers through her hair and I felt the love that I had for her. I knew I could not lose her again and that scared me. I said what I thought was a silent prayer, "Please God don't let me screw this up."

Jana turned to me scaring me and signed, "She won't, as I won't let her."

I had to smile at Jana's response to my prayer and I hugged her tight. We lay there and cuddled for a long while then she kissed me and we got up. After breakfast, we went out to the lake and walked around, talking and holding hands. We spent a quite afternoon talking, walking but then it was time to come home, and then she would have to leave. I did not want her to leave but I knew we must start slowly and get use to one another again. As we exchanged email address and set up instant messenger so that we could talk during the week, Jana found one of my CD disks with my books that I had written on it. She asked if she could read them. I told her yes and added that she was the only person to have read them.

I kissed her goodbye and watched her walk out but this time knowing that she would be back. The week went by slow but it helped being able to talk to Jana during the week via the computer. Jana was scheduled to work the weekend to supervise the kids that stayed at school over the weekend but she traded, as it was important that we see each other this weekend. I got home before Jana arrived. I took a quick shower and put on my favorite perfume, as I wanted to look and smell my best. I then took a seat by the front window waiting on her. I was starting to get scared when she finally pulled up. She looked like she had a hard day so I met her at the door with my best smile and a kiss. I made her a drink as she told me about her suck ass day and I allowed her to vent. Once she was done, she apologized for being such an ass but I said that was all right, that was what I was there for. She gave me a kiss and went to take a shower. Once she was washed up and ready we went out to eat. As she ate, she made me tell her about my week but I was dying to ask her if she had read my books. Finally, as we were sipping our wine after dinner, she causally mentioned that she had indeed read my books. I was sipping my wine when she said that and I almost choked.

"Well did you like them?" I said after getting my breathing back.

"I loved them. You have turned out to be a great writer. I did make some grammar corrections, I am an English teacher, and I could not help myself. You really should consider sending them to an agent like that author told you to do and see if gets a response."

"I can't, I know I will just get rejected and I don't know if I could handle that."

"I figured you would say that so I contacted that author you met and got her agent and sent her my edited copies of your books."

"You what?" I said louder than I meant too and everyone around looked over at me. Of course, she could not tell the volume I used but she could tell by my body language that I was a little upset. But I was not as upset as I made myself out to be. Secretly I was glad she did what I was afraid to do.

"You heard me, I sent it off to Margaret Henderson, that author's agent and its to late to do anything about it so you just as well get use to the idea that you are going to be known as a great author soon. So you can be pissed at me or you can forgive an old friend for overstepping her place."

I acted mad for a few minutes but then I could not maintain the act for long. She did what I could not do and I was happy that she did it.

"I will forgive you this time but don't do it again. Ok?"

She signed "Ok."

"But in the remote chance that she calls me and want me to come and see her you have to come with me."

"Deal" she responded.

We went on talking about the books and I could not help myself getting excited about the possibility of being published. That dream was got me through the years we were apart and I never dreamed that it would come true, as I never really had a lot of hope that Jana and I would get back together. But here Jana and I were sitting in a restaurant so maybe there was hope after all.

When our wine was done, we left the restaurant and headed home. I felt like I was on top of the world. I did not think this day could get any better but the next thing I knew I was laying on my side facing Jana in the bed. We were both naked and we were kissing. I caressed her face and slowly ran my fingers down her arm. She was so soft and I let my fingers lightly touch her arm then her back. I could hear her "coo" from my touch. That spurred my on so I moved my fingers to her ass and then on up between our bodies to her breasts. I teased her nipples getting them hard. I turned Jana onto her back and just traced my fingers all around her upper torso. I ran them between her breasts and down her arms. I moved over to her belly tickling her there and getting her to giggle. I slowly made my down to her pussy. I pulled on her pubic hair and caressed the skin around her pussy but not touching it. Jana moaned but held still as I let my fingers do their magic. I moved back to her chest and I heard Jana groan. I teased her breasts, which frustrated her but at the same time turning her on all the more. I caressed her face then leaned in and kissed her. As I did this, I traced my fingers back down her body only this time I went to her pussy. Her lips were swollen and her clit was peeking out from its hood. There was moisture was leaking out and I coated my fingers in her juices. I started to stroke her pussy moving my fingers up and down her slit. I slipped a finger into her pussy going as deep as I could. I moved it in and out, as I continued to kiss her. She put her hands around my neck and held me in place as her tongue entered my mouth. Jana was as hot as I had ever seen her. I pushed a second finger into her and started to fuck her pussy. I used my palm to get some friction against her clit and soon I had her twisting and moaning into my mouth. I fucked a littler harder, pressed down on her clit, and she came hard. I felt her whole body shake and her pussy grab my fingers. When she finished her orgasm, I removed my fingers, brought them to my mouth, and licked her juices. Before she could move, I slid down and buried my face into her pussy drinking her juices. She was so sweet and I could not get enough. I licked her outer labia and went between the lips pushing my tongue into her. She closed her thighs on my head and held me in place as I ate her out. I pushed my tongue around her pussy then up to her clit sucking it into my mouth. I licked and sucked her to another climax. I licked her through her orgasm then she pulled me up and kissed me.

Her hands gripped my ass and she squeezed each cheek. She then pushed me onto my back and attacked my breasts. She cupped them in her hands squeezing them as her mouth sucked and bit the nipples. I moaned and cried out, as I was way over due for an orgasm. It felt like my skin was on fire and she was adding fuel to it. She pulled on my nipples with her mouth and fingers. I moved my hands up to the headboard and gripped the rails as she assaulted my body. She spent just the right amount of time on my breasts before kissing her way down to my pussy. I opened my legs and I felt her tongue enter my pussy. She pushed it in deep and she sucked out my juices. She sucked and licked my pussy and clit until I could stand it no more and I came. It was a hard orgasm and as it went on I felt her fingers enter my pussy and she began to fuck me as her tongue licked my clit. She fucked me hard and as I felt one orgasm end, another one began. I had never had multiple orgasms before and this was a revelation. I think I had three or four orgasm before I cried uncle.

When I came back around, I found that she had me cuddled in her arms and I hugged her back. We gently kissed for about twenty minutes then we went to asleep with Jana laying her head on my chest. I woke the next morning with her in my arms. I woke her up by kissing her face. She woke up with a sweet smile on her face. We hugged and then got up to face the day. We spent the day continuing to learn more about whom we had become and the love that had been dormant for six years was slowly being awakened. That night we made love again, and again on Sunday afternoon before she left to go back to school. It took us about a month to feel sure enough about our selves and each other to try living together again. Since she needed to live near the school, I moved into her small apartment that was next to the school campus. The day that I moved into Jana's apartment, I received a call from the agent that Jana had sent my books to. She said that she loved my books and wanted to represent me. She wanted me to come up to New York that week but I put her off a couple of weeks so that Jana and I could make arrangements.

Jana got someone to cover her classes and we took off for New York on a Monday morning. I was scared to death but Jana keep me as calm as was possible. When we landed at the airport, the agent had a car waiting for us. We were taken to our hotel, which was nicer than any either of us had ever seen before. It was suite that had a living room and a large bedroom with a king size bed. The bathroom was just as nice with a large tub and vanity mirror. There was an agenda laid out for us. We had tickets to a Broadway play that night and then we were to meet the agent at 10 the next morning. That gave us about four hours to kill and Jana suggested a nice long bath. She got the water started as we unpacked and then undressed for the bath. Jana got in first and then I got in. She held out her arms and I sat with my back to her and laid back into her arms. She held me close with her arms just under my breasts. I put my hands on her legs caressing them as she kissed my neck. I slowly began to relax in the warm water and the caresses of my lover and friend. Her hands began to roam and they started to caress my breasts and nipples. I moaned and turned my head so that I could kiss Jana. Our lips met and I opened my mouth to hers. I turned sideways so that I could caress her breasts as she was doing to me. We kissed and our hands pulled and teased each other's nipples. I slid my hand down to her pussy and began to stroke her slit. She followed closely behind. Her fingers entered my pussy and caressed my clit. Using a circular motion, she applied pressure to my clit and I found that I was getting close to an orgasm so I increased the pressure I was using on her clit wanting her to come when I did. Our fingers were working harder and faster and we neared climax, finally we broke off our kissing as we both had an orgasm. Once we both had both finished our orgasms Jana turned me back around and I lay back against her. Using her hands in front of me, she began to talk about the future to when I became a famous author. I would quickly forget about her but I knew she was kidding as I assured her that I would remember her fondly. We both laughed but then we talked more seriously about what would happen tomorrow. She suggested that we get a lawyer to check any contracts before we signed them and I agreed with her on that. We talked a while longer then we washed each other's hair and finally got out of the tub. It was getting close to time to leave for dinner and the show. We put on our best dresses and started out the door. In the elevator I took her hand but she pulled away signing that someone would see us. I signed back that we were in New York, no one knew us here, and there was no one from the school that would ever see her. She laughed and took my hand and even kissed my cheek as the doors opened. There were people waiting to enter the elevator and they paid us no mind. We held hands all through the dinner and the show that was better than either of us had imagined it would be. It was all like a dream to me.

When we got back, we settled into bed but I was too worked up to sleep. I tossed and turned and Jana tried everything to get me to sleep but nothing worked. Finally, she pushed me onto my back and sat on top of me. She pulled off her nightgown and slipped off her panties. She then sat up enough for her to pull my nightgown off leaving me in only my panties. She sat back down and put her hands on my breasts. She pinched and pulled on them treating them rougher than ever before but turning me on all the same. I could feel her own moisture on my belly and I put one hand on her breasts caressing them and the other at her pussy caressing her clit. She lifted up slightly allowing me to push a finger into her pussy. I curled my finger forward and used my thumb against her clit. I hit her sweet spot with my finger and my thumb was going in circles around her clit. She moaned louder and louder until I got her to climax.

When she came back down, she kissed me then got between my legs on her hands and knees. She pulled my panties off, dipped her head down, and began to lick. She licked the juices off my outer labia and then spread my lips open going deeper with her tongue. She pushed my knees up and opening me up further. I felt her tongue go lower and lower until I felt it at my anus. Neither of us had ever gone there before and I admit it felt strange and then nice. She ran her tongue around the rim and then at the center. I felt her tongue push in, it was too much, and I felt an orgasm hitting me. Jana went back to my cunt licking up my juices. She went to my clit licking and sucking on it as I felt a finger enter me. She fucked me with one finger for a couple of minutes then I felt a second finger enter my pussy. She drove her fingers deep and fast into my pussy as she sucked my clit. I came for the second time but Jana did not stop. I tried to push her away but she stayed in place. I felt her remove her fingers only to replace her two fingers with three fingers. This stretched me out and filled my pussy. She started our slow but soon she was back up to speed pushing her fingers in and out of my pussy hard and fast. I knew I would be sore the next morning but I was beyond caring. She licked my clit hard and her fingers were pounding my pussy. In and out, those fingers stretched me and I pushed back against them wanting more and more of them in me. I felt another orgasm coming fast and I tried to hold it off as long as possible but it was of no use. I felt my head spinning and then I screamed and moaned until my orgasm hit and I passed out from the pleasure. I did not wake up until the next morning with a sore pussy and in Jana's arms.

I kissed her on the lips and I heard her groan. I slipped out of bed and ordered us some breakfast from room service. As I waited for it to come, I took my shower. When I got out Jana was sitting on the toilet peeing. When she finished she gave me a quick kiss and took her shower. We ate breakfast and got ready to meet my fate. I was scared to death but Jana kept me from getting too nervous. Finally, the front desk called and our car was waiting for us. I grabbed her hand and we went out the door. I talked non-stop the whole way to the agent's office. There we only had to wait a couple of minutes before she was ready for us. Margaret, the agent, was a tall elegant lady about fifty or so. She introduced herself and I shook her hand and introduced her to Jana as my partner. Jana looked at me when I said that but Margaret did not seem surprised at me saying that. I guess she assume that anyone who writes lesbian romance novels would be a lesbian. Jana smiled and squeezed my hand.

Margaret had us take a seat and went over my books saying how much she enjoyed them. She even said that they would not have to edit them much and I told her that Jana did my editing for me and that she was the one that had sent her my books. We talked a while with me signing what I was saying to Jana since I was facing Margaret and Jana could not see my lips. Once the small talk was over, Margaret got down to business. She gave me all the details and Jana and I talked to each other as we talked to her. She told me her terms and what percentage she would take. I told her it sounded fine but I would like to talk to a lawyer first and she agreed that would be a good idea. I had made an appointment that afternoon to see one. Margaret scheduled us in for the next day to sign the papers. Margaret then took us to lunch at a five star restaurant. Jana and I were both overwhelmed considering where we both had come from. After lunch, we had just enough time to meet the lawyer and there we found out Margaret was considered the best in the business and I was lucky to have her. After the lawyers office Jana and I toured New York hitting the high spots before returning to our motel room where we both collapsed from exhaustion.

I did not wake until ten the next morning and reached over to Jana only to find that I was alone in the bed. I stretched and went to the bathroom to pee and then to find Jana. She was sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee and reading the New York Times. I pulled my top off and slipped my panties off. I sneaked up to her and snatched the paper from her hands. She looked at me in all my glory. She signed to me, "I think someone is horny this morning." I nodded my head yes. I climbed on the couch with my knees on each side of her hips and sat on her lap. I took her face in my hands and planted a wet sloppy kiss on her lips. She kissed me back and took my breasts in her hands squeezing them hard and pulling on my nipples. I moaned into her mouth. When the kiss ended, I pulled her top off and rose off her lap. I took her panties and pulled them off her hips and past her knees. She finished kicking them off. I sat back down on her lap. She took me by my breasts my brought them to her mouth where she started to kiss and suck on them. I moved my hands to her breasts and gently caressed them as she sucked on mine. My pussy started to get wet and I felt a tingling down there. Jana's fingers found there way down to where I was itching to be touched. She used one hand to spread me open and with the other hand she used her fingers to caress my clit. Her fingers circled my clit then pressed down on it rubbing harder. She caressed my clit and then she inserted a couple of fingers of the hand she was holding me open with into my pussy. I moaned from the pleasure she was giving me. One hand was working my clit and the other she used to fuck my pussy. I started to move my hips up and down humping her fingers. They went in and out of me and she spread her fingers to stretch me a little wider. I soon felt my orgasm coming and I gripped her breasts as I came. I sat back down in her lap, she withdrew she fingers, and as I watched, she licked them clean.

I moved in and kissed her when she was finished licking her fingers clean. I then moved off her lap and got on my knees in front of her. I leaned in, kissed her breasts, and sucked on her nipples. When I heard her moan, I kissed my way down her belly. When I got to her mound, I pulled her hips to the edge of the couch. I put my hands under her knees and lifted them up and out opening her pretty pink pussy up to me. I could see her pink little rosebud of an asshole winking at me. I put my hands on her butt cheeks and kissed her wet pussy. She was wet and excited and I dove in licking and sucking on her juices. I used my thumbs, spread her lips open, and dipped my tongue inside her. She moaned and I swirled my tongue all around. When I had her good and worked up I slipped on down and found her asshole. I was not sure if she would like that but I had when she had done it to me. I felt a hand on my head and she held me there so I knew she wanted me to stay there. I licked around her rim a few times and then I put my tongue at the center. Slowly I pushed it in past her sphincter muscle. I heard her moan loudly. I felt some moisture from her pussy leak down to where I was licking. I pushed my tongue in and out of her asshole. As I did this, I circled my hand around her leg to her clit. I rubbed her clit as I fucked her asshole with my tongue. She pushed her hips toward me and soon I heard that familiar groan and I knew she was coming. She flooded me with her juices so I moved my mouth to her pussy and sucked them up. Jana pulled me up and we cuddle on the couch for a while then she heard my stomach grow so we got up. We both cleaned up and packed up to leave.

We had lunch then met Margaret and I signed the contract. I was now an author and one of my dreams had come true. At the airport, Jana suggested that we upgrade to first class to celebrate. There was no one else in first class so we had the place to ourselves. Once we were in the air, I whispered in Jana's ear about joining the mile high club. Jana blushed and signed no but I got a blanket and covered us up. I began to play with her breasts and I slipped my hand under her pants and panties. Her pussy responded to what I was doing and I soon had her coming. Jana then slung off the blanked and took me to the bathroom. She pushed me against the washbasin and pulled my jeans down. She slipped down to her knees and began to eat me out. I held on to her head and she quickly brought me to a climax. We quickly traded places and I did the same to her. Thus, we made it into the mile high club.

Six months later, I had my first book published and I had Jana by my side. I quit work to write and take care of Jana. She had had a hard life and she needed some pampering when she came home and I was more than happy to do that for her.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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