The Hardy Boys and the Case of the Plastered Pledges

By Stimle

Published on Mar 13, 2020



The Hardy Boys and the Case of the Plastered Pledges


Things don't go quite as planned when Bayport's foremost amateur teen detectives Frank and Joe Hardy go undercover at a fraternity party to find a missing mascot.

This is a work of fan fiction. The Hardy boys and their friends were created by Franklin W. Dixon and no copyright infringement is intended.

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The story is told in alternating points of view from chapter to chapter.

Chapter 1 -- Frank

"I wonder what he wants?" Joe asked for at least the tenth time as I pulled into the parking lot of Bayport Bagels & Brew. He pulled his phone out of his pocket again and stared at the text message Officer Kincaid had sent earlier.

"We're about to find out," I said, as I put the car in park.

A few weeks back, while on our last case -- `The Hardy Boys and the Case of the Humiliating Hard-Ons' -- Joe and I were invited to a party at Mikey Griffin's house. What we thought would be a fun time with friends turned out to be a conspiracy put together by Mikey, Luke Costigan, Jeff Steffen and Neal Bunyan to teach us Hardy Boys a lesson for turning them in to school authorities for vandalism. Joe and I had naively fallen for their ruse, and once at Mikey's house they'd gotten us drunk and then stripped us to our underwear, spanked and tickled us, and made us both cum in our briefs. Then Officer Kincaid and his partner had showed up and driven Joe and me home. I don't know how it happened, but Officer Kincaid filmed us masturbating in the back seat of his squad car and is now blackmailing us. Well, today is actually the first time he's contacted us.

I spied Officer Kincaid in a booth near the back of the coffeeshop and nudged Joe. "There he is."

"Boys," Officer Kincaid nodded as we slid into the bench across from him. "Can I get you anything?"

"What do you want from us?" Joe blurted out. I kicked him under the booth.

Officer Kincaid set his coffee cup down and picked up his phone. He tapped the screen a few times before sliding it into his pocket.

My and Joe's phones chimed a moment later. I knew what this was going to be and didn't bother to take my phone out of my pocket. Joe, my impulsive and sometimes rash younger brother, however, opened his screen. His face screwed up and he handed his phone to me. It was a video of the two of us in the back seat of Officer Kincaid's squad car wearing nothing but our underwear, masturbating while chanting, "Stroke it, stroke it, stroke it, stroke it... and wait, wait, wait... and stroke it, stroke it, stroke it, stroke it... and pump, pump, pump..." over and over again.

"You were saying?" I asked setting the phone down while surreptitiously palming my erection through my jeans as "stroke it, stroke it, stroke it" began to play on a loop in my head.

"Can I get you boys anything?" a waitress asked, startling me. I nearly jumped a foot and placed both hands on the table. My reaction wasn't lost on Officer Kincaid. He smirked and arched an eyebrow.

"I'll just have coffee and a glass of water, please," I squeaked.

"And you?" she asked Joe. Joe looked catatonic.

"He'll have a Coke," I said. "Thank you."

"Be right back."

I was about to speak again when a guy around my age walked up to the booth. He smiled sheepishly and slid into the seat next to Officer Kincaid. "Sorry I'm late."

"This is Logan Bishop. He goes to Bayport U. Logan, this is Frank and Joe Hardy, the boys I was telling you about."

Logan smiled at us and we all shook hands. He looked at Officer Kincaid. "Did you tell them?"

"No, I figured you could do a better job," he replied as the waitress delivered our drinks and Logan ordered coffee.

"So, like Officer Kincaid said, I go to Bayport U -- University. Two nights ago the Delts kidnapped the Pike's mascot."

"I'm sorry," I said, "Delts and Pikes?"

"A pike's a fish, bro," Joe informed me and I rolled my eyes.

"No," Logan chuckled. "Pike is Pi Kappa Alpha. It's a fraternity. I'm a member."

"And the Delts?" I asked.

"Delta Lambda Phi. They're also a fraternity."

I nodded. "So, somebody or somebodies at Pi Kappa Alpha kidnapped your mascot."

"Yes." He pulled his phone from his pocket and showed us a picture of a goat draped with a blanket. "They sent this to us yesterday."

"And you," I gestured to Officer Kincaid, "want the Hardy Boys to investigate?"

"That's right. Logan says campus police consider this just a prank so it's not a priority. I figured you two could look into it."

Joe opened his mouth to say something but I kicked him again. "We'd be happy to, Officer Kincaid. Just tell us what we need to know."

Chapter 2 -- Joe

"What're you gonna wear, bro?" I asked Frank as he slipped his shoes off. We'd decided the best way to find Logan's frat's mascot was to check out the Delta Lambda Phi frat house. Logan said there was a big party tonight and it would be easy for us to slip in and investigate.

"What do you mean? It's a party, Joe. You wear clothes. That's kind of the point."

"You know what I mean," I said as I flopped onto his bed. "No suit, no shirttails, no sweater vest? You're not gonna dork out like at Mikey's hou..." I trailed off at the look he threw my way.

"I don't want to talk about Mikey Griffin or that party," he said as he stripped off his shirt, sniffed the armpits, and tossed it into his hamper.

Fair enough, I guess. But a lot of that night was still a blur for me. They must've spiked our drinks or something because somehow Frank and I both got drunk. Super drunk. I remember bits and pieces: being in just my underwear while Mikey and then Jeff Steffen spanked me; Neanderthal -- Neal Bunyan -- spanking Frank; Luke Cositgan, Mikey, and Jeff tickling me, and me shooting a bucket of cum into my briefs... `Bro, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!'

"Ugh," I moaned softly, my dick suddenly hard as a plank!

"What was that?" Frank asked, looking over his shoulder as he stepped out of his jeans.

"Nothing." I flipped onto my stomach to hide the evidence of my arousal. Frank put his jeans away and then, hands on his hips, wearing nothing but white briefs, perused his closet. I looked at him and something Jen Griffin said the night of the party popped into my head: `Does Frank have as good a body as you?'

I'd never considered my brother's body before, but now as I looked, I could see that he had a good body. We have a makeshift gym in our basement and both Frank and my Dad work out religiously every morning. Me, a little less religiously, but then I'm naturally more athletic than Frank is. Anyway, Frank's an inch taller than me -- 6'1 -- but more lean and lithe. (I probably weigh ten pounds more than him but it's all muscle, trust me.)

I took in his firm biceps, smooth upper body with sloping pecs that ended in a pair of brown nipples, his tapered V-waist and budding six-pack, and the trail of dusty hair that disappeared into his briefs.

Frank bent over to pick up his shoes and I couldn't help but stare at his muscled thighs, lightly furred legs, and his butt framed by his tight white briefs.

"Earth to Joe," Frank said, waving his hand in front of my face and snapping me out of my reverie.

"Huh? What? Oh, sorry."

"Where did you go?" he asked, zipping up his shorts. Wow, I'd spaced so hard I didn't realize he'd nearly finished changing.

I shook my head. "Nothing," I mumbled, rolling off the bed. "I need to get ready."

Frank pulled on a t-shirt with the Mandalorian logo on it. and followed me to my room.

I stripped my shirt off and kicked out of my jeans. As I rummaged through my drawers for something to wear, I caught the reflection of me in my briefs in the closet door mirror. All us Hardy Boys, Dad included, wear white briefs -- Mom buys different brands so she won't get them mixed up -- and until that night I never thought twice about them. Tighty whities, Mikey Griffin had called them when he had me over his knee. `What's with you Hardy Brothers and tighty whities?' His tone had been mocking and I remembered the snickers of laughter, especially from the girls. The next day, after my hangover from hell finally went away, I was determined to go to the mall and buy new underwear. A different style, not briefs, and definitely not white. But the thought of the fuss my Mom would probably make, as well as all the ensuing questions she was sure to ask, made me abandon the idea.

Just thinking about that night -- the spanking, the tickling, bouncing up and down on Jeff Steffen's lap, the video of me and Frank in the back seat of Officer Kincaid's car -- made my dick twitch and go stiff again. I grabbed a pair of shorts and quickly pulled them on, adjusting my hard-on as I zipped up and buttoned.

"Hey Frank?"

He looked up at me from where he was lounging on my bed flipping through a graphic novel. "Yeah?"

"Do you--" I wanted to ask him if he felt self-conscious that we both still wore `tighty whities.' I wanted to ask him about that night and what he remembered. Did he also got a boner whenever he thought of it? I stopped myself. Definitely too weird.


I switched gears. "Do you think I should wear a sweatshirt or is it gonna be warm tonight?"

"Forecast says it's going to be warm for the next few days," he replied as he turned another page. I smiled. Leave it to my nerd of a brother to know what the weather report was.

Chapter 3 -- Frank

I parked a couple of blocks from the Bayport U campus and as we walked the short distance to the Pi Alpha Kappa House, we went over our plans again.

As Bayport's foremost teenage detectives, we've solved a lot of mysteries over the years. Finding out where a fraternity was hiding a stolen mascot was child's play and, frankly, beneath our abilities. However, we couldn't very well turn down any request from Officer Kincaid.

"Did you buy what he was saying?" Joe asked.

"Did I -- you mean Logan? Don't you think you're a little late to voice your reservations?"

"I can't help it, bro. After what went down at Mikey's my Spidey-senses are tingling!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, well, be that as it may, Officer Kincaid is calling the shots on this one. Just keep your eyes open."

We reached the house and saw the front door standing open. We shrugged and climbed the porch stairs and went inside.

"Where would you hide a goat?" Joe asked quietly as we stepped into the foyer.

"The basement!" we said together.

"Quick, let's find it before somebody sees us," I said. We slipped down a hall and began checking doors. I didn't hear the approaching footsteps until it was too late.

"Hey!" a voice called. We jumped and spun. A tall well-built guy stood a few feet away. "You must be here to serve at the party."

"Uh, yeah," I said. "Yup. This is Joe and I'm--"

"No time for that, pledges," he cut me off. "Party's gonna start soon and I need you two in uniform."


"Follow me." We followed him, his name was Dean, upstairs to a game room. He switched on a lamp and took what looked like sheets from the closet.

"What are these?" Joe asked.

"What do they look like?" Dean replied. "They're togas."

"But why?"

"All servers wear togas. Weren't you paying attention during Rush Week?"

"Oh," Joe laughed, "yeah, we're no--"

"Joe forgot," I said, interrupting my brother with an elbow to his stomach. I took the toga from Dean, pulled off my t-shirt, and began to slip it on.

"What're you doing?" Dean asked.


"You can't wear those shorts."

"Oh, um, what should I wear?"

"Your boxers."

"Oh, but I'm not wear--"

"Oh? Well, commando is better--"

"No, no! I'm wearing underwear," I said, suddenly flustered.

Dean eyed me as I unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off over my flip-flops. "You can leave your clothes in here and change after the party."

I nodded as I pulled my toga on. Dean watched us the entire time and I couldn't be sure, but it looked like he was trying to suppress a smile.

When we were dressed, he gestured for us to go and he followed us out and down the stairs. The togas were short and barely came below our butts. And, little did we know, the material was so sheer that once we got into the more brightly lit rooms downstairs, our togas would be completely see through!

Chapter 4 -- Joe

"Bro, there are a ton of hot chicks here but I can't get a second look from any of them," I lamented as I walked up to Frank. "I think I lost my mojo.

"They're probably all gay," Frank said. "DLP is a fraternity for gay, bisexual, transgender and progressive men."

"Oh, well that explains it then," I said, brightening, "because chicks can't resist all this!"

"I think I'm going to vomit," Frank said, rolling his eyes. "And you'll never `get' a girl if you keep calling them chicks. They're not farm animals."

"Shut up, bro. You know what I mean," I laughed, playfully punching his shoulder. "Anyway, I need to get a new tray. Mine's almost empty."

"That's because you ate half your hors d'oeuvres and brownie bites," Frank commented.

"Hey, I can't help it. I didn't have much for dinner. Besides I see you've been enjoying those jello cups!"

"They're really good," Frank said, holding his tray out to two girls.

"So are these little brownie bites."

"Yeah," Frank agreed. "They come from a bakery called Bayport Edibles. I've never heard of it."

"Go easy on `em," I laughed, snagging another and popping it into my mouth. "I'll be back in a flash."

I went to find the kitchen where I was stopped by two guys. "Hey, come play Chasing Quarters with us," the taller one said. "We're short a player."

"Um, sure," I said, setting my tray down, tired of waiter duty. "But I've never played before."

"Oh, it's simple," he said, putting his arm around my shoulder and handing me a glass of punch. "Just do what I tell you..."

Chapter 5 -- Frank

I circulated throughout the room while I waited for Joe to return, receiving a number of whistles and catcalls and even a few pats on my behind. It all seemed to be in fun and I smiled, doing my best to take it all in stride, considering where I was. Of course, had I known my outfit was nearly transparent, I'd have retreated to a corner and held my tray in front of me!

"How're you doing, pledge?" a familiar voice called and I turned to see Dean.

"Oh hey, Dean," I said with a wave.

"You look like you're having a good time."

"Yeah, these little jello cups are great," I said as I swallowed another shooter. "I've had one of each flavor, but the cherry is definitely my favorite. I'll have to see if my Mom can find them at the market!"

He gave me a funny look and smiled. "Here, I figured you could use something to drink so I brought you a glass of punch," he said, taking my tray as he handed me a cup of the fruit punch everybody was drinking. It was really warm in the room and I took a deep drink as I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. The punch tasted a little grainy but I was too thirsty to think twice about it.

While I drank he fussed with my toga. It was so lightweight I felt like I wasn't wearing anything, which is probably the reason I didn't realize he'd slipped it off me and I was standing in nothing but my tight white briefs!

"Let's go find your brother," he said a moment later, taking hold of my bicep and leading me through the crowded room. We walked up and down the hall, ducking into each room we passed. There were whistles and chants of "Hardy! Hardy! Hardy!" wherever we went.

For some reason I had trouble going up the stairs so Dean gave me a hand, putting his big hand on my ass, firmly cupping my butt cheek as we climbed. When we got to the second floor he practically dragged me from room to room as we searched for Joe. It was all I could do to keep up with him as I stumbled about. When we finally found my brother -- he was in the same room where we'd changed into the togas earlier -- my jaw dropped. Joe was slumped in a chair with his legs spread wide and surrounded by three guys. His toga was on the floor next to him and his underwear was on his head like a ball cap. One of the guys was on his knees between Joe's legs, his head bobbing up and down over his crotch.

Joe looked up at me. His eyes were dreamy and he smiled. "Hey, bro... I think I'm fucked up!"

Chapter 6 -- Joe

Twenty minutes later and I'd not only lost track of how many little glasses of fruit punch I'd drank, I still had no idea how this Chasing Quarters game was supposed to be played! But I was feeling good.

It was hot in the room and when I went to open a window, Todd told me the windows were all sealed.

"Really? That stinks."

"Yeah," Jake agreed as he stripped his shirt off and tossed it onto the couch.

"Lose the toga and get comfortable," Nick suggested, taking his shirt off too. Todd followed suit and soon all three frat bros were naked from the waist up. Boy, they were built!

"Okay," I said brightly, pulling it up and over my head, oblivious to the looks Nick, Todd, and Jake were exchanging.

"You look great in those briefs," Todd commented a few minutes later while we sipped more punch. Both Nick and Jake agreed.

"Thanks! I do, don't I?" I laughed, catching my reflection in one of the big windows. Heck, it hadn't even dawned on me that I was in nothing but my underwear!

"It's too bad you lost the game, Joe," Jake said.

"Well, it was my first time."

"Yeah, but there's a price to pay you know," Nick said.

"A price?"

"Yup. Tickle torture!" They leapt on me at once and pushed me down onto the couch. Todd and Jake held my hands and feet while Nick produced an electric toothbrush. He flicked it on and began to run it over my ribs, up into my armpits, and around my nipples.

A couple of hands moved to my waist and began scrabbling up and down my abdomen. "Hee! Hee! Hee! Stop!!!" I howled with laughter as they tickled me mercilessly. Todd turned the music up to mask my shouts and cries and then lifted my legs and spread them into a wide `V.'

Jake held my wrists in one hand and drilled into my armpits with the other while Nick concentrated on the inside of my thighs, tracing the bristled head along the elastic leg bands of my briefs, brushing against my balls.

"Hoo! Hee! Ha!!" I panted as I gyrated and bucked to escape the exquisite torture.

"Somebody's sure turned on," Nick observed, nodding at the big boner that was now tenting my briefs. He gave it a little pat as he ran the toothbrush up and down my butt crack and I tried to twist away but he was too strong.

"No, no I'm not," I protested through my panting breaths. "It's just that being tickled makes me hard."

There was a chorus of raucous laughter before Nick said, "Oh, so tickling gives you a boner?" He'd been alternating focusing the vibrating brush on my clenched hole and then up and down my erect shaft, but now he homed in on the head of my dick and buffed it with the spinning bristles.

Within moments I was moaning and bucking my hips, rutting like a dog in heat. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, ohhh fuuuucckkk," I moaned as my eyelids fluttered and my eyes rolled up into my head. "Mmmm..."

It felt like I was leaking gallons of pre-cum and when I opened my eyes I saw my briefs had turned translucent where the knob of my hard cock was pressing against the white cotton, making an obscene bulge.

Jake reached down and gripped my dick through my briefs. He squeezed the throbbing shaft, swiped the blunt pad of his thumb over the bloated tip, and gave it a couple of tugs. My cock twitched and spasmed and then I was cumming, filling my briefs with a huge load.

I don't know if I passed out or what, but the next thing I remember was panting and being disoriented as Todd set my legs down and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a little brown bottle, opened it, and leaned over me. "Ever try poppers, Joe?"


He smiled and put the bottle to my right nostril and pinched the other one closed. "Take a deep breath and hold it," he instructed.

I did as I was told without question, mentally counting off. I was barely to ten when it felt like an explosion of fireworks went off in my head. "Oh gawd," I sighed.

It felt like my hair was standing on end and a fire was coursing up and down my spine, curling my toes and then centering on my boner. What the heck?

"That's it," Todd said, switching the bottle to my other nostril. "Again."

I think I made it to two when the rush slammed through me. "Oh fuuuuuck..."

Jake licked his fingers and began to play with my nipples, rolling and pinching them. Nick got down on his knees and slid my cum-soaked briefs off. He reached up and put them on my head like a hat. Then he spread my legs and took my still hard dick into his hand and began to rub the wet, sticky head.

I squealed and tried to twist to avoid the sensations on my sensitive dick but Todd shoved the poppers to my nose and all the fight and spirit went out of me and I succumbed to them. The guys picked me up and settled me into a club chair. The leather was cool against my sweaty skin and I flinched.

I don't know how long I sat there when a hot, wet heat on my cock brought me out of my stupor. I opened my eyes to see Nick with my dick in his mouth! Was he su--

Just then there was a noise and I looked up to see Frank and Dean standing in the doorway. Frank was in just his underwear and it looked like Dean was holding him up. I smiled. "Hey, bro... I think I'm fucked up!"

Chapter 7 -- Frank

"Joe?!" I cried out, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. I lurched into the room and nearly lost my balance. Why was my head so fuzzy?

"Relax, Frank," Dean said as he steadied me. "He's okay."

I watched as somebody held a little brown bottle to Joe's nose and heard him sniff deeply. "Fuuuuuccck," he moaned.

He was sprawled in the chair, legs spread, and face flushed. His nipples looked red like somebody had been pinching them and there was a guy sucking his-- "What the--"

"He's fine," Dean insisted, leading me to a couch while gently squeezing my bicep and patting my butt. I felt confused and had a hard time placing one foot in front of the other.

"They're just poppers," somebody -- I think his name was Todd -- said. "You wanna try `em, too?" Without waiting for a response, he pressed his thumb to my left nostril and held the little brown bottle to my nose.

I stared up at Dean, my eyes wide. He nodded. "Sniff," he ordered and I obeyed.


"Ohhh... shiiiittt..." My head suddenly felt like a Batman cartoon come to life as a tingling heat prickled throughout my body, rocketing back and forth before centering in my dick and balls.


"That's a good boy, Frank," I vaguely heard Dean say as he patted my cheek gently and I felt myself smile giddily at his praise. He undid his pants and lowered them and then eased me down to my knees while running his thumb across my lower lip. "Has anybody ever told you your lips are perfect for sucking cock?"

I tilted my head to respond when Todd held the little bottle up. "Here, take another sniff," he said and I did as instructed.

Another round of fireworks were going off in my head as Dean sat and put one hand on the back of my neck and drew my head forward and down. He was wearing black Calvin Klein briefs and they were bulging. I flicked my eyes up as he eased my face into his crotch and rubbed my nose back and forth over the damp cotton that was stretched tautly over his hard on. He smelled musky and sweaty. I inhaled deeply and mouthed him through the thin material.

"Oh yeah, Frank, that's right," he encouraged. "I didn't even need to ask and you knew just what to do." He gently pushed his hips upward while pressing my face further into his crotch.

"The kid's a natural," Todd observed.

"Sure as fuck looks that way."

"Mmmm," I sighed as my cheeks felt the pillow of Dean's bulging pouch. He lowered his briefs and his hard dick slapped me on the nose as he tucked the waistband under his balls. He placed the head of his cock against my lips and I automatically opened my mouth.

"Good boy. Here we go now," he said as he ruffled my hair and eased the tip of his cock into my mouth.

"Mrrrpphhhh!" I protested as his juices filled my mouth and I pulled off.

"No, no, no," he said, gripping the back of my head with one hand and guiding his cock back into my mouth with the other. "You just need a taste is all."

He pushed into my mouth and I tasted him again. It wasn't as bad this time and I groaned. "Fuck you've got a great mouth," Dean moaned, letting his head fall back as he ruffled my hair again.

He pushed in further and I instinctively tried to pull up but he held firm, as if letting my mouth and throat adjust to him.

"Glllck!" My eyes were streaming tears now.

"It's okay, it's okay," he soothed, stroking my hair. "Breathe through your nose, Frank. That's right. Now slide your tongue around just like that. That's it. You have a great gag reflex for sucking dick."

Wait... what? Sucking-- what was I doing? I tried to twist my head but he pressed that little bottle to my nose and everything was suddenly warm and calm again.


"That's right, Frank. That's a good boy." I smiled again at the praise, for some reason wanting to please my new friend, and didn't resist when he shoved back in.

Chapter 8 -- Joe

"Mrrrpphhhh!" Frank struggled at first, but Todd held the poppers to his nose and he seemed to settle down some because Dean's cock was sliding in and out of his mouth with ease now and I could hear Frank making loud slurping noises.

I watched Dean pull out all the way and then slowly push back in until Frank's mouth was stuffed so full that spit and drool ran out of the corners of his mouth and down over his chin.

He did this a few times and each time the cock slid out, spit would spill from Frank's mouth and he would slurp and lick his lips.

"Let's see how much more of this you can fit in your mouth," Dean said the next time he guided my brother's head down on his enormous cock. Frank's eyes were closed while he spread his lips around the fat head and lowered his mouth. His lips were stretched in a wide "O" and he slurped noisily as barely only one-third of Dean's thick dick was in his mouth.

Todd held the little brown bottle to Frank's nostril and told him to sniff. Frank nodded and a few seconds later his eyelids fluttered and he moaned as Dean pushed his dick the rest of the way into my brother's mouth.

I sat transfixed at the sight of Dean's huge cock bulging from Frank's wide-spread mouth, my own hand tugging at my nuts while Nick's tongue did wicked things to my dick.

"Ooh... that's it, Frank," Dean said to my brother as he began sawing in and out of his mouth. "You're deep-throating your first cock."

For some reason that made me laugh. "Holy shit," I giggled, still not realizing I was drunk off my ass and high as a kite. "You're a cocksucker, bro!"

Frank burbled something around the dick in his mouth and Dean pulled him up and off his cock. There was a loud popping noise as Dean slipped from Frank's sucking mouth and I heard him slur, "Language, Joe"

Dean and Todd laughed as my brother swirled his tongue around the knob of Dean's cock and tongued the slit before Dean roughly shoved him, still slobbering, back down.

I stared, open-mouthed and eyes wide as Frank bobbed up and down on Dean's dick. "Oh my gosh," I mumbled, my own dick ramrod stiff as it bumped the back of Nick's mouth. "My own bro's a cocksucker!"

"Looks like you wanna give it a try," Jake said, putting a hand to my slack jaw and turning my head to face him. I didn't have time to react before he slid his dick into my mouth and began to pump it back and forth. "Oh yeah," he purred. "I love whoring a straight boy's mouth, especially the repressed ones like Blondie here."

Blondie? Repressed? Whore? What the--?! I twisted and bucked and managed to push Jake out of my mouth, and was about to loudly voice my indignation when Nick's finger drilled deep into my hole and--

"Oh shit! Fuck!!" I cried out, throwing my head back as my cock exploded and I shot my second load of the night -- this time right down Nick's throat!

Chapter 9 -- Frank

My mind was a foggy haze. I was on my elbows and knees on the couch, bent over Dean, sucking his cock. Somehow I was in just my underwear and Todd was softly stroking the curve of my butt, his thick fingers sliding up and down my crease, and I don't ever remember when I felt so good. Dean had one hand fisted in my hair as he guided me up and down his hard cock while the other worked and jerked me through my briefs. Before I knew it, he'd pulled my boner through the fly, while at the same time Todd tugged them down over my butt and traced his finger up and down my naked, sweaty crack.

"Mmmm." His skin was velvety smooth over the hard, tensile muscle of his erection, and I gently lathed and suckled the sensitive flesh.

Todd's finger sliding up and down my sweaty crease began to tease my hole and I shivered as I felt my pucker flutter and flirt before granting entrance, wincing slightly as his finger breached the ring of muscle of my sphincter.

"Ohhh fffffuuummmppp," I moaned around Dean's cock as Todd gently slid his finger in and out of me. It felt a little strange aft first, and I tensed slightly as he worked it in deeper and deeper until he hit something that sent a shock straight to the end of my cock, causing it to lurch up and slap my belly.

My head shot up off Dean's cock. "Oh gosh!"

"That's right," Todd chuckled, obviously aware that I knew he'd found my prostate.

When I'd had my high school physical in August the doctor had given me my first prostate exam, but he hadn't spent this kind of time or attention on it, nor did he make me feel like this!

"Oh, OH!!" I cried out again, my voice shooting up an octave as I arched my back and thrust my butt back onto Todd's finger as he massaged my gland. My dick was throbbing and leaking and I was making a mess.

"Easy, Frank, quiet down," Dean said, pressing the little brown bottle back to my nose. "Be a good boy. You don't want to sound like a whore."

"Here, Todd offered, "have another hit of poppers."

When I came down from the high, I found myself on my back. Dean was straddling me, pumping his dick in and out of my mouth like a piston, each plunge seeming to go deeper and deeper into my throat. Todd had both my ankles in one hand and had lifted and spread my legs, and was spearing me with two fingers, plumbing my tight hole. I tried to protest but his fingers found my prostate again and I started cumming.

"Ughhhh!!!" I roared as my load sprayed like Silly String all over.

I was in a daze, and as I lay spent and panting, Dean's dick still fucking my mouth, I looked over at my brother. Jake was thrusting his dick in and out of Joe's mouth while Nick was sliding a finger in and out of his butt. What the heck was happening to us Hardy Boys?

Chapter 10 -- Joe

"I'm cumming, bro! I'm cumming!" I squealed in surprise as I bounced up and down on Nick's finger. Nick, for his part, swallowed every drop of my monster load.

Jake shoved his cock back into my panting mouth and grabbed my ears. "Unghh, unghh!" he grunted as he thrust into me, his balls slap-slap-slapping against my chin as his thick tool pummeled my mouth. "I'm gonna blow!!"

I felt him tense up and steadied myself for what was next, when suddenly there was a loud banging at the door, startling all of us.


The door burst open and there was a flurry of motion and a series of blinding flashes as Logan Bishop leapt into the room holding a big camera. The commotion snapped me out of my daze and a rush of adrenaline swept over me as I pushed back from Jake's pumping hips only to get caught by Logan's camera lens, wide-eyed with drool and pre-cum dripping from my lips, as Jake's first blast of cum hit me square between the eyes like cannon fire. Logan turned and snapped Frank bobbing up and down on Dean's cock, his eyes fluttering and moaning, cumming at the exact moment Dean did, his load filling Frank's mouth so full of spunk that it gushed over his puffy red lips and ran down his chin.

I barely registered what was happening before Jake yanked my head forward and slipped his dick back into my mouth. "Come on, dick ditch, clean this off."

Cum was dripping down my face as I dutifully obeyed Jake. And that's when I saw Officer Kincaid leaning against the doorway with his arms folded. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Hardy Whores."

Chapter 11 -- Frank

Everything was a blur. I was still in a daze from shooting what was probably the biggest load of my life, and still had Dean's dick lodged deep in my throat, when there was a loud banging noise and a ruckus filled the room. I opened my eyes to a maelstrom of clicks and flashes just as something warm and thick flooded my mouth.

I coughed and sputtered as semen shot from my nose and dribbled over my lips. I was choking down my first ever mouthful of cum when I saw Officer Kincaid looming in the doorway. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Hardy Whores."

He ushered the guys out of the room, giving them all high fives as they passed by, and closed the door. Only Logan, camera still in hand, remained.

Joe found our clothes in a pile in the corner, muttering "where's my underwear?" as he rifled through our shorts and shirts. Eventually he realized his briefs were on his head and he yanked them off. "Oh gross," he said, dropping them on the floor. "These are full of cum."

He found his shorts and pulled them on with nothing underneath and shoved his dirty briefs into the front pocket. Then he turned to me.

"Frank, bro," he said, nudging my shoulder, "put your junk away."


"Your junk," he said, pointing down to where my still very erect dick was poking through the fly of my briefs. As I tucked myself away, I was suddenly fascinated at how hard I was. Heck, my boner was pushing my underwear out so far there was a wide gap between my waist and the waistband. I could even see the root of my penis buried beneath the unruly mass of my pubic hair.

It got quiet all of a sudden and I looked up to see Officer Kincaid eyeing me, eyebrow arched, and a smirk on his face. He burst out laughing and I blushed, putting my hands over my crotch.

"Oh cripes, Frank. How drunk are you?" Joe said, looking from me to the clothes he was holding before dropping them and reaching for the toga he'd been wearing earlier. "Here, just put this on for now and you can get dressed later." He slipped the paper-thin garment toga over my head.

"Thanks," I mumbled. The taste of Dean's semen in my mouth was making me gag. I noticed a bunch of small glasses of punch on a table and staggered over, downing them one after another, not caring that the red liquid spilled down my chest, soaking through the toga and staining my white briefs.

"Frank, don't!" Joe yelled, "there's alcohol in that!"

"Oh crap," I slurred as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Great, now you've got fruit punch mouth," he giggled. He pulled his soiled briefs from his mouth and wiped my face.

"Okay you two," Officer Kincaid said, pushing off the wall where he'd been leaning. "Time to go home."

"Are you going to call our Dad?" Joe asked.

"Not with this goldmine," he replied, holding up the camera.

I don't really remember what happened next other than Officer Kincaid and Logan leading Joe and me through the frat house and out to his car. There were hoots and whistles and I got my butt pinched and patted several times.

Chapter 12 -- Joe

Frank was quiet for most of the drive home, resting his head on my shoulder and moaning from time to time about how drunk he was.

"Don't puke, bro," I said, catching Officer Kincaid's wary glance in the rearview mirror.

The house lights were off when we pulled up to the house, but the porch lights, as well as the light over the garage, were blazing.

"Have a nice night, boys," Officer Kincaid said cheerfully as he put his car in park. I didn't respond.

I got Frank out of the back seat. Thankfully Officer Kincaid hadn't driven us home in his squad car with the lights flashing like he had last time, so none of the neighbors paid us any heed. Logan drove up behind him a minute later and parked, handing me the keys as well as Frank's clothes and smartphone as he came around the car.

I helped Frank up the driveway and in the side door, making it upstairs and into his bedroom without issue. I sat him down on his bed, got him a glass of water, and made him drink it.

"We never found Logan's mascot," Frank slurred when I pulled the toga over his head.

"There was no mascot," I said. "It was another set up."

"Oh," he muttered and flopped onto his side.

"Yeah. Turns out Logan Bishop is actually `Officer' Logan Bishop, Bayport PD rookie."

Frank was quiet for a moment and then turned to me. "Joe?"

"Yeah?" I said as I pulled his flip flops off and tossed them toward his closet.

"I'm horny."

I laughed, which turned into a big yawn, and plopped down on the bed next to him. "Bro, go to sleep. You're wasted."

"But I'm so horny," he whined as he rolled onto his back. His erection made a huge tent in his briefs. It was like a circus big top! He was sprawled out on top of his covers so I grabbed a blanket from the hall linen closet and was about to toss it over him when he began to moan and rub his chest.

"Shhh, bro! You don't wanna wake Mom and Dad or Aunt Trudy!"

"Ungh... uhnnn," he continued to moan. My jaw dropped when his thumb flicked over his hard nipple.

"Um, dude," I laughed again. "You need to stop." But he continued rubbing his chest as his other hand slid down his flat belly and cupped his balls.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped. "Frank!"

I watched, shaking my head, as Frank felt himself up. An evil thought popped into my head and I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my smartphone. I tapped the screen and opened the camera app. "Bro, you did this to yourself," I chuckled as I began to snap pictures of Frank feeling himself up.

I leaned down, picked up Frank's hand that lay at his side, and placed it on his crotch. "Stroke it, stroke it, stroke it," I whispered into his ear as I wrapped his fingers around the bridge ridge of his boner. "Stroke it, stroke it--"

"--stroke it, stroke it," Frank finished, his voice a soft slur as he slid his hand into his briefs. "And wait, wait, wait. And stroke it, stroke it, stroke it, stroke it... and pump, pump, pump..."

"Holy shit," I whispered, switching from still mode to video and stepping back to get a better camera angle. "Pull it out, Frank," I encouraged. "Come on."

Frank continued to moan as he freed his hard dick from the confines of his tight white briefs. "Stroke it, stroke it, stroke it, stroke it... and wait, wait, wait... and stroke it, stroke it, stroke it, stroke it... and pump, pump, pump..."

"Sshhh," I hushed, placing my hand lightly over his mouth. "Not so loud!"

I looked around for something to gag him with and then remembered the soiled underwear in my pocket. "Sorry bro," I mumbled as I reached into my front pocket and pulled out my cum-soaked briefs. AS I began to shove my dirty underwear into Frank's mouth, I felt something hard in the folds of the cotton. A bottle of poppers!

My dick went hard and thick as an idea bounced into my head. I dropped my briefs onto Frank's nose and mouth and sat down next to him. "You still horny, bro?"

"Mmmhmm," Frank nodded as he continued to stroke his dick.

I put his head on my lap and opened the little brown bottle. I took a quick sniff and my head snapped back. "Mmm... good stuff."

I pressed my thumb against Frank's nostril like Todd had done to me and put the bottle to his other nostril. "Big breath, bro," I encouraged. "Come on, Frank. Sniff deep."

Frank took two long inhales from the bottle. "Ohhhh fuuuuucckk," he moaned as he began to cum, his cock shooting ropes of thick hot jizz. The first one splattered my shirt and the rest sprayed Frank's upper body.

"Fucking epic!" I whispered as I zoomed in on the puddle of cum pooling in his belly button and the concave of his stomach from the ridges of his abs. "You got some nice cum-gutters there, bro!"

I heard a loud grunt and my head snapped up. It took me a few seconds to realize I was in Frank's room -- in his bed -- and he was spooning me, arm slung over me, snoring loudly. I sat up on my elbow and rubbed my face. What the heck?

I patted my pockets and pulled out the dirty briefs. No poppers... What? Wait... "Oh my gosh," I mumbled. "No way... It was a dream?"

I gently moved Frank's arm and snuck a peek at him. His briefs, stained from the fruit punch and his pre-cum, were bulging.

I got up and stumbled to my room. There was a squishiness in my shorts and I realized I'd creamed myself in my sleep!

The End

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