The Head Boy I Wanted To Hate".

By Alan Ingram

Published on Feb 28, 2018



The Head Boy I Wanted to Hate.


Of course, he wasn't Head Boy when I arrived at Rayner Park College, a former stately home and now a very upmarket, private, all boys boarding school set in 27 acres of beautiful English countryside in Oxfordshire and with every facility you might imagine. Classes were small and intimate. Many nationalities were fee paying students. He, Kalo, Christian Kalo, (not that we ever used first names), was in his third year and 13 at the time. He was devastatingly handsome. Absolutely, stunningly beautiful and with a touch of prettiness thrown in for good measure. He stood 6ft tall with long, silky, floppy jet black hair parted in the centre that shone in sunlight. Unusually, he possessed piercingly, bright blue eyes and a permanent tan maintained by regular trips on his father's super yacht. His mid tone, cultured voice was soporific to my ears. Kalo possessed a well defined body, not that anyone got to see much of it.

You see, he came from a very privileged family. His father, rich as Croesus, owned a chain of very upmarket department stores; Kalo's. Further, his father sponsored Rayner Park College and paid for all of it's facilities as well as providing the school uniforms and kit. As such, a very indulged Kalo, from day 1, had his own private suite of rooms and even his own changing/showering facilities in the gymnasium. That's why, unlike the rest of us, he'd never been seen fully naked. Never! However, as I was to find out, Kalo was cruel, possessed of a desire to humiliate and was, despite having a girl friend, undoubtedly homo erotic.

Me? I'm Jamie Callam. I was an unremarkable, almost skinny kid, standing 5' 9" tall with long floppy blond hair in bangs, (long hair was quite the fashion), and bright blue eyes. Cute some would say, although I was mocked for my unusual accent having been partially schooled in France. From an upper middle class family, Father was a barrister, interested only in my academic success. He was a Queen's Council, if you please, and it was this profession that would, eventually ensnare me.

Was I homosexual? I didn't know, (at the time), but I certainly had an attraction to my own sex although had no experiences at all when I went to Rayner Park College. I was a late developer and hadn't even masturbated, but had wet dreams with no idea what they were. No `birds and bees chats from my parents! I had three, to me, problems. From the age of 11, whenever I got naked, my penis would become and remain erect. I liked the feeling but it was humiliating and also, I wasn't very big. It was maybe 5" when hard and with hopes that my penis might grow. It never did. Also, I had a rather strange fetish for socks! I have no idea why but I just loved being naked in socks, walking shoeless, seeing others in a similar state and indulged in the rare opportunity to play socked footsy whenever I could.

Our school uniform consisted of a beautiful royal blue, single breasted jacket, school crest emblazoned, with a tie striped in royal blue and grey, with light grey, long trousers, shorts for the 1st years. Particularly appealing to me were the socks. Always in the finest, thin cotton and wide ribbed, they varied in colour according to year. Below the knee, light gray with two royal blue stripes at the top for the 1st year. Bright yellow short socks for the 2nd year. Pale blue short socks for the 3rd year. Bright red short socks for the 4th year. Pink short socks for the 5th year and anything the 6th year chose to wear. How fortuitous for me! A visual delight.

Happily, in my first term, I made a few good friends in my class. Phillips, a slender English boy who was also a long haired blond, with an absolutely angelic face. Nakajima, a small, cute Japanese boy with dyed dark red hair. Carrington, a tall American boy with in your face attitude and good looks, with shoulder length brown hair and Berankov, a Russian boy, very muscled for his age, handsomely Slavic, and tall with over the ears, dirty blond hair. We were to remain friends and share many mischievous experiences to this day.

The First Encounter.

Kalo's reputation preceded him and it wasn't long before, as 1st year's, we all learned who he was and of his loathsome reputation. Our school still had fagging. Not the American interpretation although possibly it's origins, but doing chores for the older boys which Carrington found highly amusing. Usually, we only fagged for the 6th formers but, here, Kalo was different. He was fagged for, too. That was my first experience of him at the end of classes that day.

I heard my name, CALLAM!', in Kalo's distinctive voice, bellowed down the corridor. So off I went, post haste, in uniform and arrived at his suite. Tapping gently on the door, I heard, ENTER!'. On opening the door and first setting eyes on him sat in a large armchair, I was mesmerised. He oozed confidence. Don't walk in here in shoes! Remove them!' Sorry, Kalo', I uttered apologetically and took off my shoes at the door. Good, Callam. You may remove my shoes and polish them'. This was quite a pleasure for me as I was about to see him in his pale blue socks and even get to touch them. The moment I did, fingering his sexy socked soles, I became erect what with me in my long grey socks and touching his pale blues. Shoe cleaning kit is in the wardrobe', he said. On opening the wardrobe, I was confronted by the most beautiful array of clothing, perfectly ordered and the delicious smell of Kalo!

Kneeling, I cleaned his shoes to his seeming satisfaction whilst glancing, surreptitiously, or so I thought, at his beautiful socked feet. `Now, Callam, you may massage my feet. It's been a long day. Oh, and leave my socks on'. I thought I was going to explode there and then and immediately blushed bright red imagining that he could read my thoughts. I knelt in front of him, knees apart, sitting on my heels and began. Oh my goodness! The feel of his pale blue cotton socks encasing his warm, slightly moist feet in my hands was almost too much to bear. He occasionally emitted light groans of pleasure and commented on my unusual accent. He even spoke to me in rather good French, polished during many visits to his father's south of France villa and yacht trips.

His other socked foot was resting on my leg, it's toes scrunching and curling in seeming ecstasy while I massaged the other, lovingly, with both hands. Whilst I never took my eyes off his socks, he was studying me with his piercing blue eyes. Are you exited, Callam?' He asked. No, Kalo', I replied unsure of his meaning. Then what's that small lump in your shorts?'. N n n nothing', I stuttered, shocked that he had noticed. With that, he tested' his suspicions by rubbing his socked foot on my hard penis, confirming his belief. I thought I would explode, letting out a loud groan of sheer delight but still denying the obvious. I will not tolerate liars!', Kalo shouted. Strip! Now!', he commanded. Well. I could barely catch my breath but was fearsome of not complying. Oh and leave your socks on. I hate bare feet', he added. I stood and stripped to my socks baring my 5" penis which stood embarrassingly erect and close to my stomach, just about as hard as it had ever been and crimson from head to foot with humiliation. He laughed and mocked my small penis. Well, that's that one sorted, little boy. Now continue the foot massage'. So there I was wearing nothing but an erection and socks, sat on my haunches and massaging his socked feet. I had feelings in my groin that I could not explain and butterflies in my stomach. It was then that he rubbed my penis, perhaps inadvertently, with his socked foot and I instantly came all over it in copious quantity experiencing my first waking orgasmic experience.

I think he was actually shocked by my cumming on his sock and no more than me, but became angry. You dirty little boy!' Kalo shouted. Remove my socks immediately!'. I did so, almost in tears and so very embarrassed. Now what I am to do with you, Callam', he asked as I stood there holding a pale blue sock in each hand, one soaked in my sperm whilst I was still naked and erect. Stand outside in the corridor while I decide'. What! I am naked!', I pretested. Out! Now and hold the evidence in each hand' I gingerly left his suite and stood next to his door, facing outwards as directed, hoping for solitude. None was to come and soon word got round of my predicament as boys from various years came to gloat in my embarrassment. Padding around in socks was the norm, so I could tell which year the boys were in by the colour of their socks. Some just stared while others mocked my little penis, still erect. Right there and then began a tirade of sexual molestation, mostly to my delight. My penis was flicked, pulled down and allowed to slap on my stomach. Socked feet stood on my socked feet and then the pretty sissy boy from the 5th in his pink socks knelt down and engulfed my circumcised penis in his mouth, a first, for me. Damn! Orgasm number two only this time swallowed. I was gaining experience quickly.

On hearing the kerfuffle outside his suite, Kalo appearing, wearing clean pale blue socks, and told the assembled boys to clear off. I, too, was surprisingly dismissed but had to return to my dormitory nude. Berankov, my Russian classmate, laughingly asked me if I ever got soft. No', I replied. Not when I am naked', to which they all had a good giggle and agreed that this would do me no favours at Rayner Park College. My sexual education had begun! The deep joy was that I was still in possession of Kalo's pale blue socks which, that night, I inhaled before they found their way onto my penis!

Physical Education and Sports.

What of the masters, I hear you ask? Oh. They were there all right and all rather brilliant, dressed in their OxBridge gowns but seemingly as fearful of Kalo, (and his father), as were all the boys, many of whom had experienced his `games' and trials. It gave Kalo free reign to do as he pleased and he usually did. Kalo was not only enviously handsome but also very intelligent, athletic and often took classes, in different subjects, for the masters including physical education.

This was not to be my day either! Whilst Kalo changed in his private area, my class put on our P.E. kit in the changing rooms. The whole school wore white vests with royal blue shorts and short ribbed cotton socks with white plimsolls. I had taken sneaky looks at my classmates when undressing, (we shared showers, too), and was quite in awe at Berankov's muscles and large, 8" uncircumcised penis. I was equally taken with Phillips whose angelic face and pouty red lips were so kissable. His uncircumcised penis was about 6". Nakajima, slender and with not an ounce of fat, possessed the darkest eyes, a lovely brown skin and the cutest little 3" penis, smaller than mine, and a foreskin. The classically handsome American, Carrington, had a swimmers build and a circumcised 7".

The gymnasium, with Olympic size swimming pool, was a custom built modern building about half a mile from the main school. No noise would reach the classrooms. On this day, Kalo had us running laps, vaulting the horse and doing push ups. Frankly, I disliked sports and wasn't very good. After my third fall trying to vault the horse, Kalo insisted that I try it naked. Here we go again. So there's me, naked, sporting an erection and short, white cotton ribbed socks. Ridiculously, I managed to clear the vaulting horse so Kalo said I should stay nude and that Phillips should join me, naked.

I know that Kalo was impressed by Berankov's prowess but less so with slender Nakajima who just wasn't very strong. So, soon, there was a naked Nakajima, but for his socks, head bowed and penis covered with his hands in acute embarrassment. No matter how hard Nakajima tried he failed and was constantly mocked and humiliated by Kalo. `Give him a break!', yelled Carrington, our rather forward American class mate. Kalo snapped at being challenged and ordered Carrington to strip to his socks, too and bend over the horse. What a peachy bottom he had! Berankov, still in P.E. kit was ordered to hold Carrington's stretched arms and Philips and me stand a socked foot on each of Carrington's further restraining him while Nakajima looked on seemingly terrified. With that, Kalo began a pounding hand spanking that sounded and looked painful but merely elicited groans from Carrington.

I was close enough to Carrington for my erect penis to occasionally brush his leg, plus, I was being stimulated by the touching of socked feet. Unseen by us all, Carrington, stimulated by the spanking, had become erect and his penis was rubbing on the covering of the vaulting horse. Suddenly, he screamed as though in pain but had, actually, ejaculated. Kalo noticed his sperm dribbling down the end of the horse, pulled Carrington off and slapped his penis. That's it! This is the worst class I have ever had the misfortune to take. Let's get this out of the way once and for all! All of you. Stand with your back's to the climbing bars on the wall and masturbate. Stand, legs apart, with a foot on the next boy's, Kalo ordered'. Berankov, still dressed, was ordered to join us. Naked! I was in a quandary as I had never before self abused to orgasm.

I watched curiously at my classmates efforts and followed suit. The touching of socked feet helped as they wriggled and scrunched while we masturbated. Kalo just stood there with a huge grin on his face and no discernible bulge in his shorts. Carrington seemed to have no trouble going at it again whilst I was glancing at Nakajima's two fingered masturbating. Berankov's penis became huge and he was masturbating as if his life depended on it, oblivious to us all. Poor Phillips seemed unable to get an erection but not only did so as Berankov shot a huge load but also came, himself, hand's free and rapidly followed by Nakajima and Carrington and, at last, me. `Clean up your mess up and get out!', ordered Kalo. Lessons learned and a deeper dislike of Kalo garnered. I'll get my own back one day, I thought.

The Second Year.

Much of the first year continued as it had started with many more experiences of a sexual nature including oral stimulation with Phillips, the English boy, frotting with Nakajima, mutual masturbation with Berankov and much kissing with Carrington, (I loved his large, red pouty lips), and not a little fingering. Penetration, however, was yet to come. Of course, the ever present Kalo continued to derive satisfaction via his deviant and humiliating demands.

The second year saw us in long trousers and yellow socks and Kalo in red socks. Delightfully for me, shoes seemed to come off at the drop of a hat, even in class and Kalo was no exception. While Kalo was an ever present factor in our daily lives, he wasn't always taking our classes. He took others as well, as the story mill revealed. He had other 'favourites' to pick on which we sometimes witnessed.

The sissy that had given me my first oral sex in front of several boys was now in the 6th year. I seem to recall his name was Harlow and he took to wearing the most boldly coloured and patterned socks I had even seen which are all the rage these days. He shared my sock fetish and we had several experiences in this area. I enjoyed my first sixty-nine with him and he really took me under his wing. Harlow had become more effeminate and also took to wearing shear socks. Or so I thought. On entering the gymnasium one day, we were shocked to see Harlow tied as though on across but to the climbing bars about 3ft off the ground. We could only imagine his offence. He was naked except for full length, white silk stockings and a sign hung around his neck saying Edge only' and signed Kalo. What's that mean?', I asked my classmates. Nakajima explained as it was a practice often used in Japan. Gosh! I thought. This could be fun. I must say that Harlow was quite a site. The pretty sissy with his long, wavy blond hair restrained for all to see and molest. This, we all did throughout that class. At every opportunity, Harlow's penis testicles and nipples were touched, licked and sucked until quite red to match the rest of his humiliated normally pale skinned body. I am not sure that Harlow was enjoying being displayed and edged despite his confessed homosexuality but, as the sign said, he was allowed no orgasm by us.

What we were later to discover was that Harlow was to be there all day for several classes to edge'. He must have become frantic with the desire to ejaculate. His crime' was to have `come on' to Kalo! Oh, dear. What a mistake to make. At the end of classes that day, I sneaked back to the gymnasium to see Harlow still hanging and his rather lovely 6" uncircumcised penis erect and raw. He pleaded to be let down and given release. I felt sorry for him and felt I owed him a favour but so enjoyed the sight of this restrained, pretty silk stockinged boy, with his feet soaked in boy sperm. I agreed but only if I could give him release where he was. He had little choice but to agree.

I stripped down to my yellow socks and achieved an instant erection which I placed between his stockinged feet which were conveniently at genital level. Oh, my! The feeling on my erect penis was ecstatic and as he wiggled his feet and toes, I knew I'd not last long. I took his erect penis in my mouth and began to suck him. It was all over in a matter of minutes as a whimpering Harlow ejaculated into my mouth, a first for me, and I onto his stockinged feet. I gently released him and he collapsed onto the gymnasium floor. I quickly dressed and found Carrington who helped me take a still naked and stockinged Harlow back to his study, (a 6th form privilege).

Carrington and I then went off to our dormitory for study and bed vowing that one day we'd seek revenge on Kalo. The following morning was to bring no relief or respite.

Corporal Punishment.

College was woken at 7am as usual and, after morning ablutions, sometimes with fun' in the hot showers, (I love a slippery, soapy body rubbing mine!), we breakfasted before morning assembly and prayers. At the end of breakfast, Kalo banged his fist on the table for silence. What he had to say made my heart pound. Last evening, Harlow was released from his punishment without my permission. The boy or boys involved will report to my suite before assembly. If no one owns up, then group punishments will commence from midday.'

Now I am quaking and in a quandary as to what to do. I had never seen Kalo so angry and was genuinely fearful of the consequences. I discussed it with my classmates and Carrington, despite only partial complicity, agreed that we must do the honourable thing and present ourselves to Kalo at his suite, which we duly did. He was furious that we had ended one of his humiliations but acknowledged our honesty although this was to spare us no mercy. Unsurprisingly, we were told to strip to our yellow socks and follow Kalo.

Hearts pounding quickly, Carrington and I were unable to imagine our fate but it didn't stop my damned penis from erecting as usual when naked. Corporal punishment, back then, began with hand spanking, progressed to being slippered and ended in caning although this takes no account of Kalo's deviant imagination. Like two little lambs we followed Kalo to the slaughter. Ours! Assembly was held in a large hall with stage for school productions. The masters would be on the stage with a lectern at the front right for addressing college. Kalo, usually, was on the stage. Carrington and I were told to join our classmates. Gosh, I naively thought, we're getting off lightly just having to be naked in front of the whole assembled school.

So, in we walked amongst the throng to giggles and sniggers as to our parlous state of nudity and my erection. Shoes were removed for assembly and it was a usual morning delight to cast my eyes down and feast on the array of coloured socked feet and play a little footsy. Boys being boys, our extremities were toyed with. My naked cohort remained flaccid. Assembly went as normal and Carrington and I began to relax but, at the end, Kalo came to the front of the stage. He informed school of our misdemeanour of releasing Harlow and told all assembled that such a breach of his discipline could not go unrewarded with which Carrington and I were told to come up onto the stage.

So there we were, naked, (and me still erect), in front of the WHOLE school. Two 6th formers one in red and blue striped socks, the other in two tone pink striped socks came and bound our wrists with cord which was then attached to an overhead scenery gantry which was raised until Carrington and I were on tip toes. Then, four 5th formers in their pink socks knelt and held our socked ankles and pulled our legs apart. The Head Master then handed a cane to Kalo. With no further ado, Kalo began to cane us. One stroke each at a time. My God it was excruciating painful but I couldn't help but notice Carrington becoming erect. On the sixth stroke, I was wailing and Carrington, with a loud groan, ejaculated to gasps from the assembled school. We were then let down and told to prepare for that day's classes. I spent a most uncomfortable day sat on my caned buttocks which were as striped as a 6th formers socks while Carrington actually seemed to revel in his discomfort, regularly massaging his crotch. I had yet to understand the link between pain and pleasure.

The rest of our second year passed in a blur as I took a low profile but continued to gain further sexual experience with other pupils.

Biology and Sex Education.

Now 3rd year students and `promoted' to light blue socks, we were deemed to be old enough to commence sex education classes which were sometime combined with our biology lessons. Worryingly, Kalo sometimes took these classes so we could be assured of more embarrassment and humiliation. Fears were proven true.

Five minutes after the lesson started, a knock on the door heralded the arrival of Simpson of the 5th. I'd noticed him before but we'd not really spoken. Although a school blue on the rowing team, he was quite muscled, 6ft 2" with lovely long, thick and shiny straight dark ginger hair that he was forever brushing out of his eyes. He was most handsome with full red lips. Also, he was a boy who blushed easily and I'm sure that's why Kalo picked on him. Simpson was already blushing as only a fair skinned redhead does and, I imagine, knew what Kalo had in store. Now then, boys, it's time to see a fine specimen of a young man reaching maturity both sexually and in growth. Simpson. Strip.' Kalo commanded simply. Of course, Simpson complied but for his pink socks. What was revealed was a truly magnificent highly muscled physique, broad shoulders and a huge uncircumcised, perfectly shaped 9" penis surmounted by a large and thick red bush. Place your hands on your head and turn around, Simpson', ordered Kalo. Gosh! What a gluteus maximus! Strong, pert and firm, his bum looked like it could crack walnuts.

Kalo, now wearing surgical gloves, pointed out on Simpson the various developments that we could expect. Masturbation techniques were discussed along with parts of the body that usually enjoyed stimulation, all incorporating both heterosexual and homosexual aspects. Gosh! Kalo told us that not all youngsters who engage in homosexual experiences remain homosexuals and also discussed bisexuality. This was getting interesting. All the time, Simpson was still naked, flaccid and blushing. Kalo invited Simpson to walk around the class to give us all a close up view. Close to me, I could smell Simpson's masculinity and I had the urge to feel his bush on my lips.

Returning to the front of the class, Kalo told Simpson to erect and demonstrate his masturbation technique for us. Well! Watching handsome Simpson trying to attain an erection didn't leave a flaccid penis in the room. His pink socked toes were curling in ecstasy but just as he seemed about to orgasm, cruel Kalo suggested he give us all a close look at his erect penis. Hard, his penis must have been 10", was arrow straight, throbbing in small, jerky movements and the head barely protruded his long foreskin. Back at the front of the class, as if Simpson were not sufficiently humiliated, we were all invited to masturbate Simpson a little who had been instructed NOT to ejaculate. He was so on edge and trembling all over.

Callam. Inexperience is showing', said Kalo. Don't you know what a foreskin is? Oh. Of course not. You don't have one!' Told to return to our desks, Simpson was instructed to masturbate to climax which he did with such force and in such copious quantity that his sperm must have shot 5 feet down the classroom to cries of ecstasy, gutturally emitted by him. When his heavy breathing and erection had subsided I was instructed to strip. Oh, God! What now? Naked in my light blue socks and ever present erection, Kalo `invited' me to insert my erect penis into Simpson's foreskin so that I may experience what I am missing. My turn to turn bright red and add to Simpson's discomfort! As Simpson was so tall, I had to stand on his socked feet to reach. I must say it was an amazing feeling as I entered his foreskin, enjoying the slipperiness of the residue of his sperm and the smell of his hot, sweet breath as we were almost touching lips. Turned sideways so that the rest of the class could witness this, I gently moved, on instruction, Simpson's foreskin up and down my penis. Three strokes was all it took before I ejaculated into his foreskin. I don't know who was more shocked, humiliated or embarrassed, heterosexual Simpson or still undecided me. There was barely a pair of dry underpants in the room and this was only our first lesson!

I must confess that biology and sex education became classes to look forward to as further knowledge was garnered. Sperm, under a microscope is fascinating; particularly when it has been publicly produced by a naked Carrington demonstrating his circumcised penis masturbatory technique. Kalo explained that the nipples, for some, were highly sensitive and stimulating. Kalo seemed to know that this was particularly the case in the Japanese which he cruelly decided to demonstrate on poor little Nakajima. The boy was told to strip to his light blue socks and stand in front of the class. Kalo used the opportunity to mockingly inform us how most Asian males possess small penises. Blond Phillips, (who was Nakajima's crush), was invited to play with Nakajima's nipples. The result was an instant 3" flaccid to 4" hard penis and a hands free orgasm. Wow!

Kalo effected a similar experience for me, too. He had been explaining the function of the prostate and how, in some, it was highly stimulatory. I was `invited' to strip, get up onto his desk and squat down, legs apart. The class, having donned surgical gloves, were then asked to finger tease my perineum, (delightful!), and then insert a finger into my rectum and find my prostate. Erect, as ever, by the fourth intrusion I ejaculated, hand's free, proving Kalo's point and leaving me with a lifelong love for passive, penetrative sex.

Time passes and moving to our 4th year and red socks, we progressed to the most surprising lesson, which involved the arrival of a very beautiful 6th former from a neighbouring private girl's school. Kalo politely thanked her, in French, for coming as she was likely to provide a major part of our sexual and biological education. It turns out that her family home was in Cannes where Kalo's father had his villa and berthed his super yacht.

Sophie was a rather ravishing and tall, long dark haired beauty with a beautiful face with brown sparkling eyes, pouty lips, a deep tan and a rather sweet, coy nature. It became obvious, rather early, that she may have been Kalo's girlfriend! The fact that I had never before seen a girl naked was about to change. Slowly undressing down to her sensual sheer, seamed black stockings with black tops, heels and toes, I actually thought Kalo was appearing a little excited. I was fascinated by her black, sheer, see through bra and panties. Sophie's breasts were small but pert with small, erect nipples. She possessed a perfect figure and quite small hands. Her huge black bush was a sight to behold, obscuring what lay beneath as she stood, legs tightly together. I must say that I actually experienced a tingle of delight to see her walk around the classroom, naked, as though on a catwalk.

Now then.', said Kalo. It is only fair to our esteemed guest if we are all naked, too, so as to alleviate any discomfort for Sophie.' Gosh! Were we going to see Kalo nude for the first time? No such luck. He meant just us! Once all naked down to our red socks, I noticed that it wasn't only me who's penis was erect. Berankov, Carrington and Phillips sported erections. Only Nakajima did not. Sophie was asked to place her arms outstretched above her head and stand legs wide apart whilst we were invited to indulge in a close up inspection of Sophie's naked body, touching, as and where, curiosity took us. I loved the feeling of her huge, silky bush. Kalo told us the names of the components of her vagina. As fingers touched her labia and clitoris, Sophie began to moan sensuously. The more so, as fingers penetrated her vagina. She became quite wet, quite quickly but all this was expertly explained by a patently knowledgeable Kalo.

We were then told to form a line to experience, first hand so to speak, the ministrations of a female of the species. All erect and straining except poor little Nakajima. No ejaculating', stated Kalo, Anyone who does will complete 10 laps of the school naked and it's only 6c outside'. Sophie took turns in masturbating each of us while she stared each of us in the eye. I must say that her very soft, silky, small hands were quite expert in ensuring continued arousal. Each recipient of her expert attention moaned, trembled and blushed. When it came to me, she actually ran a silky soft stockinged foot up the inside of one of my legs and I had to back off with a jerk or ejaculate. On reaching a still flaccid Nakajima, she merely leaned forward and, with her soft, full lips and tongue, began to lick and suck his pert little dark brown nipples while two finger masturbating him. Instant erection. Instant ejaculation. Instant dismissal to circuit the school naked in socks in the cold! At least it was dry that day.

I wasn't too surprised and wondered if she'd been put up to this by Kalo who more than enjoyed humiliating poor little Nakajima. Reiterating the order not to ejaculate, Kalo then invited each of us to insert our erect penises, one at a time, into Sophie's vagina and move backwards and forwards. I cannot say that the feeling was unpleasant. It was as hot as a mouth but, by far, the moistest, softest place my little 5 incher had ever been. I think she rather enjoyed Berankov's uncut large penis best if the look on her face was any indication. I wasn't too taken by Sophie's demonstration of clitoral masturbation but I was fascinated by the changing expressions of delight on her face. Sad to see was poor, freezing little Nakajima outside, in the distance as he completed his ten, ordered circuits. On his eventual return into school, Nakajima, chilled to the bone and with VERY dirty red socks, was warmed up in a group hug and given a hot bath.

Many other experiences were enjoyed, some more than others as we progressed towards exam year. O' levels back then. Much, however, was learned that has stood me in good stead to this day. Homework' was set and completed in the dormitory with much messy enjoyment. Nakajima introduced us to the Japanese practice of bukakke in a huge multi class session. I had never seen him so firmly erect and delighted as he was covered from head to socks in the sperm of two dozen boys. Wrestling with him afterwards was huge, slippery fun. However, mentally, I was still calculating revenge on the cruel Kalo. One day, I hoped he'd get his comeuppance. Confusingly, I was starting to actually like him and he was finding a place in my affections. He was also, now, Head Boy.

The Secret Society.

Throughout my years at Rayner Park, we had heard rumours of a secret society. It was first mentioned by Harlow, the sissy of the 5th who was the first to fellate me to orgasm. I miss him. He went on to Oxford and is now doing rather well as a stockbroker. Now in the 5th myself and able to sport cute pink socks, I, one day, received a cryptic note in Latin, not my best subject, that fired my curiosity. It read: "Success in life without servitude and honour brings failure. Will you join we who are successful? You will hear from us again. Tell no one of our contact." What did it mean? What do I do? Who were `we'? I just knew that Kalo would somehow be part of this. He should have gone on to university by now but, like several 6th formers, stayed on to gain more A Levels. He had six already!

The next week, I received a second note. "Darkness is your friend. The pathway to enlightenment can be shown. Bathe well. Be clean and fresh. Wait at the sport's pavilion at midnight." Incredibly curious, yet full of trepidation, I would go. I bathed thoroughly and at ten minutes to midnight, I stole, uniformed, out of school for the short walk to the pavilion. It was very dark, with no moon that night and all was eerily silent. Silent as the grave. I could only hear my deep, nervous breathing and rapid heartbeat. On arrival, no one was to be seen as I waited. Fifteen minutes passed and I was beginning to think that this may be a class prank when, in total silence, without warning, six darkly clad, hooded spectres came out of nowhere, moving towards me, surrounding me closely. I could identify none and did not expect to be grabbed, held and chloroformed unconscious.

When I awoke, laying on a wooden table, I seemed to be in some sort of small cellar room it's walls of stone and only the light of a single, flickering candle. I was naked but for my pink socks . No door was on the cellar room but a huge spectre filled it's entrance. Soon, the sound of whispering voices was heard and the spectre turned. His five cohorts entered, too, and I was lifted from the table, dressed in a long, white translucent robe of silk then lifted and carried, horizontally, by them into a huge, echoing, vaulted cavern and placed onto a black, silk covered altar. There were many lit candles but I was not able to identify any of these black hooded spectres in their full length robes.

They began to incant in Latin, (Again. Not my subject!), and stepped backwards, two paces from the altar upon which I was laid. I was the able to see that they were all wearing socks and of colours that indicated that these spectres were of the 4th year upwards. The occasional movement of their robes showing bare legs indicated that they were naked beneath them and all showed the tell tale protrusion of an erection of various sizes.

The incantation ceased as a hooded figure in a robe of red silk wearing long red socks appeared. It did not speak but it's hand gestured instructions were understood by his fellow brethren. I just knew it had to be Kalo. I was lifted to stand and my white silk robe was removed to reveal my naked body and aroused penis. Replaced back on the altar, an unidentifiable voice incanted, `The oil of success.' The red robed one raised a rather beautiful, ornate golden jug and oil was poured into the cupped hands of each of those surrounding me. The anointment was highly erotic and stimulating as twelve soft hands gently rubbed my body to a shine. As they did so, they moved in circling fashion so that each could access every part of my naked, aroused flesh. At my head, each bent to kiss me deeply and quite passionately while others oiled my nipples, penis, testicles and every orifice my body possessed.

The same unidentifiable voice then incanted, The seed of success'. With that, I was lifted and placed in a kneeling position on a circular platform in front of the altar. The circular platform began to turn, slowly and silently. The brothers surrounded me and gently opened their robes, exposing their erect penises of varying sizes but none that would allow me to identify it's owner. Erections protruded at varying angles according to size from small to large. I was to fellate each, in turn, to climax, swallowing their seed of success'. This I achieved with not a little pleasure and stimulation by the deep breathing and loud groans as orgasm approached. The red robed one took no part but as he waved his arm, I realised that my initiation ritual had not concluded.

After each brother had ejaculated his hot seed into my mouth, stimulation was continued to maintain an erect state. I was about to find out why! I was the taken to a hanging bar where my wrists were restrained above my head, arms apart and my legs apart, similarly so, via rings in the floor. I felt very vulnerable and more exposed than ever I had before. The red robed one, the master, stood inches from me and, although I could not see his face, knew that he was staring me in the eyes. The unidentifiable voice asked, Do you come to us as a virgin?' I do', I croaked. I had yet to be fully penetrated. `Then you will not leave this place as one', he said.

Encircled by them all, each took it in turns to spread my cheeks and put his hot, wet tongue deep into my rectum. This, alone, was pushing me close to orgasm but the red robed one shook his head. I knew better than to allow myself to orgasm. Each brother then showed me the instrument of my deflowering. Seemingly kindly, the possessor of the 5" erect penis was the first and I was to be taken in order of size. Thankfully, as the largest seemed to be at least 8". I suffered discomfort to start with, this being my first pucker penetration, but as the boy slowly and gently entered me and began to bugger me, huge waves of raw sexual desire enveloped me. This was no rape. Quite how I did not ejaculate during this ecstatic part of the initiation process was beyond me and, by the last penetrator, I was able to truly enjoy the largest penis. Each had ejaculated inside me and I could feel hot sperm trickling down my legs. They were satiated.

What now? Would they all reveal themselves? Would I discover if the red robed one was, actually, Kalo. Not at all. My initiation had not reached it's conclusion. I was released from my bondage and replaced on the turning, circular platform. I was positioned standing with my hands behind my head and legs apart. After yet more Latin incantation, the platform began to turn very slowly. Each of the brothers with the exception of the red robed one knelt. Each took my straining, erect little penis into his mouth and fellated me briefly, in order, as I rotated. By the fourth full turn I was perspiring and trembling profusely in a state of very heightened sexual frenzy and on the verge of the hugest orgasm that I would ever experience. Suddenly, the red robed one knelt and took my penis into his warm, wet, hot mouth down to my pubic hair. I orgasmed with such voracity, force and quantity yet not a drop was spilled. I then passed out.

I awoke in my bed with no idea as to how I had got there. It all seemed to be a dream yet my pleasantly sore anus told me differently. I was never able to understand the purpose of this secret society, nor, during my school days, identify the Master. The red robed one. I was, however, now an initiated member of the coven of seven, each replaced, as `brothers' eventually left the school. I partook in many an initiation and went on to wear the red robes myself.

Revenge Is Sweet.

Conspiring with others, plans to take revenge on Kalo were being formulated. He often used the gymnasium, (I had obtained a copy of the key), alone, and in the evenings. This was to be the venue for our retribution. Further, it was away from the college so that any cries would not be heard. Our intention was not to cause any real pain but to ensure humiliation, embarrassment and sexual provocation. That evening, at 9pm, we five, Carrington, Phillips, Nakajima, Berankov and I, stole out of the school wearing our gym kit so as not to arouse suspicion if seen. Also, we took a camera, ropes and lubricant!.

Entering silently via the locked entrance, we were all quite shocked to see Kalo doing pull ups BUT wearing nothing but red stockings and panties! Actually, none was more shocked than Kalo. Camera flashes lit the gymnasium, recording Kalo's state of dress. It was a first to see him blush and hear him stutter. W w w w what are you doing? G g g get out!' We rushed him, the five of us easily overpowering him, and in a jiffy his wrists were tied to the pull up bar and his stockinged legs restrained far apart. Kalo was raising merry hell so it was fortunate that we were far from the school. Well, well, well.', I said. What do we have here?' I, I, I, I.......', was all he managed to stutter. I recounted to him many of the trials and tribulations that he'd made us suffer' and coldly told him that it was his turn. His time had come! With that, I pulled down his panties to reveal a tiny little 4" uncircumcised penis. My, how we all laughed. The big boy wasn't so big after all! The enigma that was Kalo was finally revealed in all his miniscule glory. We five, by now all nude, closed in and began to touch, tease and probe every part of his rather beautiful body. I ran my hands through his long, silky soft black hair, something I had always wanted to do. I tried to kiss him but he closed his lips until my hand squeezed firmly on his tiny testicles. My tongue entered his mouth. Gosh! I was actually kissing Kalo! You won't make me erect' shouted a defiant Kalo. Really?', I asked. Not only are we going to make you erect, we are going to drain more sperm from you than those tiny testicles have ever produced..........slowly! You are going to beg for release and for us to stop!!' I took the opportunity to insert my penis into his foreskin which embarrassed him no end.

It was, actually, not easy for us to make Kalo erect but, on checking his gym bag, I found other pairs of stockings and panties. I selected a pair of each in black, donned them and, laying on the floor, raised my stockinged feet to manipulate his penis. Boom! Instant erection! A weakness found! Kalo was stimulated and edged until he was a perspiring, whimpering wreck and was, much to our delight, begging for release. Orgasm number one allowed! Our ministrations continued as he was to be milked many more times. He really didn't like being polished post orgasm, nor having his anus tampered with. I enjoyed climbing up onto his broad shoulders, crotch inwards, so that I could rub my erect penis on his lips and face and insert it into his mouth, his testicles held firmly to ensure my safety.

Nakajima enjoyed rubbing his little erect penis between Kalo's buttocks, occasionally touching his perineum to elicit cries of discomfort from him. I think Kalo was an anal virgin. Kalo was eventually penetrated by Carrington as the rest of us revelled in the expressions of distorted discomfort on Kalo's face. Without orgasm, Carrington was replaced by Phillips and then Berankov whose huge penis caused Kalo to cry out while the rest of us continued to stimulate him in every manner imaginable. Becoming addicted to the taste of sperm, I thoroughly enjoyed fellating Kalo to orgasm and continuing with my mouth and tongue, making him squirm. It was my pleasure to then kiss him so that he might taste his own sperm.

I lost count of how many times we forced Kalo to orgasm but deemed his last dribbles sufficient by 2am. Five hours of protracted sexual stimulation and Lord knows how many ejaculations. We five concluded by letting Kalo down, who fell to his knees, literally drained, and masturbated all over his hair, face and body. We then took him outside and, still in his red panties and stockings, tied him to a tree half way between the gymnasium and school, took some more evidential photographs, left him to be found and went to bed. He was found by a master the following morning, covered in dried sperm, although not before some of the school had urinated on him as a measure of their own revenge. Staff and pupils alike were delighted by this turn of events. Kalo never let it be known who the perpetrators of his misfortune were and left the school immediately. Revenge was indeed, sweet. On rising to Head Boy myself, I was to ensure that behaviour such as exhibited by Kalo, never again took place. This did not stop the usual sexual discovery enjoyed by some boys. Even I was to enjoy my first active penetrative sex. Nakajima with exquisite sexual coercion was the recipient. It was not, however, a practice in which I indulged in later years but I enjoyed this one-off, nonetheless. Conclusion.

Don't our school years pass by very quickly yet leave indelible memories. I am still able to recall names and scents of times and places and, with much joy, re-live experiences. I went on to gain six `A' Levels and earn my place at Oxford University where I gained a first in law. Following in my Father's footsteps, (he now sits at the Supreme Court), I am a barrister practicing corporate law, having been called to the bar and taking silk a few years later. James Callam, QC, no less. I live in a seventeenth century house near Oxford which I share with my partner, Stephen. I still have a fetish for socks which Stephen indulges along with my many sexual fantasies. I still erect when nude.

What of the other characters in this story? I am still in touch with them all. Mostly. Phillips went on to become a successful politician and was instrumental in the passing of legislation permitting same sex marriage. He lives in Westminster with his partner, David and has remained very cute!

Carrington returned to the United States, graduating in politics at Harvard, rowed for the university and, unsurprisingly, was elected to become a Senator. He married a loving wife and fathered two children, both boys who attend Rayner Park College. Apparently, he still likes being beaten to orgasm!

Nakajima, now in Tokyo, owns a string of very upmarket gay bars. He is partnered to a sumo wrestler. Holidaying in Japan, I visited some of these establishments and was reminded of my school days! Say no more!

Berankov returned to mother Russia, graduated in business studies from Moscow University and married. He became a very successful, extremely rich oligarch but before he could father a family, he was, sadly, assassinated during yet another pogrom. I remain in touch with his widow.

What of Kalo, I hear you ask? Ah, Kalo! He graduated with a first from Cambridge University and went into banking. However, his Mother and Father were tragically killed when their jet crashed into the Alpes Maritime. Inheriting his family's riches, Kalo took his place as the chairman of the chain of Kalo's department stores, becoming a kind and excellent employer. His wealth has allowed him to continue his self indulgence as his new super yacht demonstrates. A surprising telephone call from him, one day, invited Stephen, my partner, and I to join him for a Mediterranean cruise on his yacht. The Kalo! Most curious and unable to resist, we flew to Nice, were collected by a chauffeur driven Rolls-Royce convertible and driven to Cannes. As The Kalo was at sea, it's helicopter flew us to the vessel.

Kalo hadn't changed at all to look at. He is still very handsome, charming, very tanned and with his long, shiny black hair. During intimate conversations, away from Stephen, Kalo told me that he had married, (Sophie!), and had two fine daughters. His persuasion, however, was bisexual which he indulged in, discreetly, on board the yacht as I could see from the scantily clad, beautiful young men employed as crew. He confessed a lifelong fetish for women's underwear and stockings and said he recognised mine, for socks, from that first encounter in his suite at Rayner Park College. In my honour, I presume, the crew were shoeless and sporting short, ribbed cotton socks in the school year colours of grey, yellow, pale blue, red, pink, stripes or white. He also imparted that our revenge that day in the gymnasium was a wakeup call which changed his life. He was grateful. The remainder of the cruise was a success and a delight. Away from land, the crew would be naked in socks and, often, erect. Despite the temptation and visual stimulation of this bevy of beautiful tanned, naked and socked crew, Stephen and I remained faithful although quite what went on when we were out of sight left much for the imagination. Kalo and I remain close to this day and I act, professionally, for his company on occasion. Had circumstances allowed, I should have liked to have had a proper, intimate sexual encounter, perhaps even a relationship, with him. Kalo said that he was always rather stimulated with how I was always permanently erect when naked. He WAS the `red robed one' at my initiation as I had thought!

The vagaries of human nature are profound and many. I sometimes find myself pondering as to why and how, despite proclivities and experimentation in our youth, in later life some are homosexual, some heterosexual and others bisexual. Kalo also revealed tales of 5th formers who were sent to biology and sexual education classes, (as `models'), at Sophie's girl's school. Most returned quite drained! Not that all boys engage in every type of sexual act. Nor can I get my head around many of the fetishes and sexual practices that exist, some of which I practice. Who cares, so long as pleasure is derived and no one is harmed!

I continue to reminisce, fondly, of my school days. How much of this story, if any of it, may be true? I'll leave you guessing!


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