The Himbo

By adamantium phantom

Published on Nov 20, 2003



The Himbo by: Weirdoid edited by: Jo

Companies are far from perfect, and Synthetronics Inc was far from the better ones. Synthetronics was widely known for being the world's only manufacturer of human like androids, designed to be indistinguishable from human flesh. It was also one of the most automated jobs in the world. Despite being a huge factory the boss, Mike Sterling, only had fifteen employees. Most of them mechanics to keep the lines running, a small marketing staff, and a few people to move drones (his slang of choice for androids) from assembly to programming. He still had too much room for human error in his company, so far it hasn't created too much trouble, but in any complex scenario the possibility for chaos always lurks beneath the scenes, and this chaos was finally about to catch up with him.

Mike looked at all the paperwork on his desk and sighed, he needed a secretary. Since Luisa quit he had been backlogged in the stuff. Plus he had no one to make him coffee. He smiled as he saw the last of the day shift walk out. Night shift was so much easier. Since product moving happens during the day, and mechanics when not on call or assigned maintenance tasks tend to stay in the lounge he had most of the building to himself. He liked that. He often enjoyed walking down the production floor aisles at night looking over the androids; he considered each one his personal work of art.

As day shift hurried out of the building one of them heard the bell to leave and struggled to haul the last of the androids onto the rack. Each one sat in a human shaped indentation. It was heavy to move as it was all dead weight and he was doing a haphazard job so he could get out of there as soon as possible. The androids are not heavier than humans. Their weight is the same, as they contain no metal parts. Instead all programming and support is given to and stored in a miracle material called syntheflesh. Syntheflesh is a flesh like polymer that when properly molded can store data when fresh, allowing personalities to be programmed onto it. But still as he struggled in a hurry to get the last android on the rack he failed to notice he put a male android on the female rack. He wheeled the cart over then turned to run out of the building. The machinery reached down with a big metal claw and peeled the androids out of the mold and placed them on the belt so they could be programmed.

As mike walked down the aisle he smiled looking up at every one, he especially liked the females. Nothing was better than a chance to look at pert feminine boobs without the risk of being slapped. He stood at the end watching each body getting mentally programmed with a special ring shaped download device that slipped over their head like a halo. He saw syringe like devices inject chemical pheromones into the pleasure drones, and dye sprayers adding finishing details like skin tone, and eye and hair color. As he watched the women roll off the line he saw one and did a double take. For what he saw wasn't a woman. It was a man on the woman's line. He was very muscular, had broad shoulders and a manly jaw line. His face was darkened by five-o clock shadow. He had very dark hair. He tried not to look at the guy's crotch but couldn't help but notice he was well endowed too. "Rework," he groaned, "I hate rework." It's not the first time a male drone ended up in a woman's lot, but usually the quality checks caught that.

The guy was quite handsome as guys went. He was about 6 foot 4 inches tall, had short dark hair, and nice rugged features. His chiseled manly jaw line was dotted with five o'clock shadow. His whole body was very muscular and well defined. His broad pecs had a nice crop of chest hair on them, and as he noticed before the guy was well hung, his cock dangled a full 6 inches while flaccid. Hair also grew from his strong and sturdy arms and legs.

Mike grabbed the guy off the drying pile and struggled to drag him to the remolding rack. The body was all dead weight and with no attempt to tense it's muscles it tended to flop around as its weight shifted. As it thumped against some machinery he heard a soft electronic buzz and saw the guy's eyes slowly open. "DAMN!" he swore aloud, "I hit the darn on switch."

The man jerked to life, his eyes open and he stood there looking at mike expectantly.

"Come with me," mike said with a sigh, "I got to check your records."

He walked over to the filing cabinet and the drone followed. Mike turned to watch him.

The drone walked strangely, his hips gyrated and his butt wiggled. He held his hands high but limp making the whole thing an over exaggerated feminine mincing walk. The effect was all together feminine, and almost very campy. He sauntered over to Mike and smiled as he leaned forward and kissed him, the kiss was deep and passionate. Mike felt the guys facial hair stubble rub against his face as their faces met. Mike tried to wipe off the kiss and glare sternly at him, but by then the pheromones were getting to him and he couldn't help but love the kiss.

"Who... who are you?" Mike asked nervously. He smiled and answered, "I'm Tiffany, and I am here to pleasure you."

Mike gulped and stepped back. "I ... I'm Mike," he said nervously, "And I have to check my files now, can you just stand there?"

Tiffany nodded yes as Mike went over to search his files on recent orders. How was he going to explain this mix up? He found the file and read it in shock. Somehow the mix up led to the mind of a female pleasure drone ending up in a male security drone body. He knew his clients were usually quite wealthy and he wondered how he could explain the delay. He decided to wrack his mind trying to think of a good excuse. He smiled as he decided to write that his syntheflesh suppliers had trouble manufacturing more due to the polymerization device breaking down, and android construction will proceed shortly.

He sighed, as he looked the file over. This was a JXL7-36J model with STD8-12N model programming. That also meant no off switch and instant imprinting on whomever he saw. How was he going to handle this mix up? He never had to recycle a drone while it was active before. Maybe it was the pheromones getting to him, maybe it was the fact that it felt like murder to recycle an active drone, but that thought made Mike nervous.

"Like what are we going to do now dear?" Tiffany asked expectantly.

"Well, just step into my office over there and we'll find out what to do next," Mike said.

He couldn't help but watch her tight ass wiggle as she stepped into the office, it seemed just so feminine, despite the fact that is was clearly a firm and well muscled male ass. As he watched him an odd thought occurred to him. The new person is not a him but a her. He could definitely not call this man a he much longer. Despite the deep voice and strong build she seemed feminine inside. He sighed and tried to explain off this impression as pheromones. Mike was only attracted to women. His ex-wife was lovely, and he often enjoyed looking at Luisa's fine figure. He looked at the new "girl" who acted like a total bimbo but looked like a stud and thought 'what a himbo.' Himbo seemed to be the perfect term. She was male, thus a him. But she was also very much a sex-crazed bimbo

As the "Himbo" entered his office he turned to her and said, "just sit on the couch until I can figure out what to do with you." She looked up at him pleadingly and said, "can you carry me? Please! It'd be so romantic."

Mike nodded and went over to her to try and gently lift her but got a surprise. She leapt into his arms. He made an audible OOF! as he caught her and stumbled back but managed to hold her without falling. He walked in an almost drunken stagger as he carried her to the couch. He set her down and rubbed his back, which was sore from carrying her.

As he sat beside her to rest his back she snuggled up against him. As her body was close to his more pheromones slowly started to affect him. Without thinking he slipped his arm around her and started massaging her shoulders.

She turned and kissed him. At first he was hesitant and tried to pull away, but she held him tight and soon kissed him deeply and passionately. They kissed open mouthed and their tongues entwined and massaged each other with a deep French kiss.

As they passionately embraced Tiffany's penis sprang to life. She looked down at her hard member and gasped. "It ... it moved..." she said somewhat frightened. "It's ok," Mike said comforting her. By now the pheromones had him deep in the throws of desire. "But... but my clit's so ... so big!" Tiffany explained.

Mike stood up and looked down at her. "Choose a nice sexy pose and let's do this the real way," he said.

Tiffany looked up at him and giggled. She lay back on the couch and used her hand to try and spread her balls as if she was spreading her pussy lips for him. Mike smiled, stripped off his clothes, and straddled her. He rubbed his hard member against her crotch. She smiled and giggled and rubbed her crotch against his grinding her balls into his cock desperately seeking penetration. As she thrust her crotch against his, desperately trying to grind his cock into her balls she noticed something felt wrong. She needed penetration. Why can't she get penetration!

"Something is wrong Mike," she said, "It's.... It's not going in!"

Upon hearing this a little voice in Mike's head tried to tell him this was a man, but the throws of arousal and pheromones quieted it. "We'll just need to try it another way," Mike suggested, "how about oral?"

She spread her legs and smiled as his head went down between them. He was really going to eat her out. She let out a gasp as her licked her balls, his tongue gently going up the thin line between the sacks. But something about this seemed missing. It just wasn't as erotic as it should be. It's as if all her sensations were clustered in her clit.

"My... my clit feels good when you stimulate it. But.... I feel nothing in my Pussy. It's not even getting wet!" she said.

"We can always do anal," Mike suggested, but then another idea hit him.

"Ok honey, I have something I want to test out if you don't mind," said Mike. Mike realized that all the bodies have many of the same function modules programmed into them, but not all have the mind programming to access them. After all what girl wants her guy stud to have PMS. Of course unnecessary modules are greatly reduced and usually not activated. This division of modules makes switching through designs easier. "How about you try to lactate." Tiffany smiled and giggled and felt a pressure build up in her hairy man pecs and milk started to drip from her tiny male nipples. Jack smiled and leaned forward to lick and suck her nipples. The milk tasted sweeter than that of his female synthetics. Maybe it's just the pheromones making him think that though. As he sucked her nipples Tiffany moaned loudly. Something about this seemed right to her, even though they give nowhere near the pleasure female nipples would they gave her an inner sense that this is how being intimate with a guy should be, an experience with some breast play where she has the breasts. As he sucked her nipples She used her big manly hands to give his firm ass a nice squeeze. He gasped in pleasure and rubbed his cock into her balls even more intensely.

A worried look crossed Tiffany's face again. "Make me feel like a girl... Please. I beg of you... penetrate me!" she pleaded. Somehow deep inside Tiffany felt something was a bit wrong with her body. It didn't feel how it should feel. She needed a guy inside her and she needed it now!

Mike had her roll over on her side and he slid in beside her careful not to send them tumbling off the couch and slid his hard member into her ass. She moaned loudly as he did so and tensed her body. She arched her back to increase the effect of penetration and bucked her hips wildly. Her butt cheeks clenched making it even tighter for him. He moaned loudly with every thrust. He smiled as he fucked her and rubbed her nipples in slow circles gently caressing them. She moaned too as her hard nipples were rubbed. Soon Mike felt his member twitch as it ached for release. He let out a loud groan as he came inside her. She felt his pulsating member fill her body with warm sticky fluid and slowly slide out of her as it softened.

Mike gasped for breath as the feeling of arousal slowly subsided and the effects of the pheromones slowly weakened. 'Did.... Did I just... fuck a man?' he thought in shock. He had no time to think on it as Tiffany rolled over next to him hitting him with another waft of pheromones. "My... My clit is still hard!" she said.

A worried look crossed mikes face, it seemed wrong for a man to be penetrated. But before he could speak up she kissed him. The mix of pheromones and arousal slowly took over.

"Just rub it against my ass," Mike said. Tiffany looked at him confused but her mind was made to handle all sorts of odd fetishes.

She blushed and cautiously rubbed her cock against his ass, and then slowly and gently slid it between his firm butt cheeks. "Like that doesn't hurt?" she asked concerned. "No," he replied. It was strangely relieving how feminine she acted even though she had a man's body.

She thrusted and bucked her hips like a girl in the throws of passion, causing her cock to slide in and out of him more and more. "Do me deeper! Harder," she moaned! Her gasps and moans became louder until they became feminine screams of pleasure. Her cock twitched as it sought release. It twitched and pumped and released its load of cum. "I... I think I'm getting wet," she said. As it went soft it slowly slid out from his ass.

She cuddled up next to him and he put his arm around her broad manly shoulders. She sighed and snuggled closer and rested her head on his chest. She was glad to have a nice strong guy to hold her tight. And she didn't seem to mind she was manlier than he was. "So, like, what are you going to do with me if I am like you know, here by accident?" she said. She got no reply and eventually heard the soft sounds of him snoring. She sighed; men always go to sleep after sex when the girl wants to chat.

A few minutes later Tiffany sat next to the sleeping Mike and felt bored. She wasn't tired yet. She gently shook him awake and asked. "Mike... Mike... what is there for us to do. I... I'm bored."

Mike looked up and jumped back as he saw the naked man leaning over him. What came over him? Were the pheromones that strong? He was lucky one of the mechanics didn't walk in on him! What would people think if they saw him nude with a man! They had clothes for the drones in a storage room. Usually drones are shipped nude but some people will pay extra for drones in lingerie or special uniforms. He usually got several orders for French maids or naughty nurses a month.

Mike slipped his clothes back on and said, "how about we get you something pretty to wear."

Tiffany smiled and hugged him. "Wow, like you'd get me new outfits?"

As he led Tiffany down towards the accessories room she asked an awkward question. "How come my... my clit was like so big. And like you know you had such a hard time penetrating me. You're not that small!"

Mike looked embarrassed and took her over to a couple racks of unprogrammed drones. He pointed to their various body parts and explained to her the difference between male and female.

"Tiffany, I ... I'm sorry to say this but you're a man," Mike said.

Tiffany pouted, "I am not! I'm a woman!"

"Look," Mike said, "Women do not have a cock and balls, or broad shoulders and chest hair. You are a man."

"You... you're wrong. I may like have the body of a man. But I am still a girl. Even if I like have to be a broad shouldered manly girl with chest hair," Tiffany exclaimed defiantly!

Mike sighed, there was no way he'd win at this. He led her over to the clothing and accessories lockers hoping to find her some guy's clothes or some sort of unisex jumpsuit. The locker was over packed and it took quite a bit of pulling to get the door open. When it finally opened clothes fell out all over the floor. He sighed at the difficulty of this but tiffany squealed in delight as she picked up a red dress and held it up to her body.

"Isn't a dress a bit too formal?" Mike said, "and besides, you need underwear first."

Her face lit up with a smile of realization as she grabbed a pink lacey pair of crotchless panties and slowly slid them up her legs. Her cock and balls flopped out of the crotchless panties, she looked down smiling. "Maybe this isn't the best set of underwear for your ... uhm... body type," Mike said.

Tiffany pouted and reached for a thong. Mike sighed as she slipped it on. It didn't hide her cock well, and the thong rode up her ass in an awkward way.

She then started rolling a pair of stockings up over her muscular legs. Her leg hairs poked out of the sheer fabric. She slipped on a black micro miniskirt and then went to put on a pair of heels. She bent over to slip the heels on causing her short skirt to ride up revealing her tight hairy male ass. Her pink thong hugged it tight and slid between the cheeks. It hid nothing as you could see her cock flop out from under it. She blushed and reached down to reposition it under the cloth in a futile effort to hide it again.

"Maybe you need another pair of underwear," Mike suggested, "one that hides those naughty parts."

She let out a loud sigh of exasperation and slipped the thong off and grabbed a plain white pair of panties. "But... It looked so pretty!" she said.

"It did," Mike replied. "But those sexy ones are for when a girl and a guy decide to have some fun alone."

"You want to have more fun alone!" Tiffany exclaimed hugging him and rubbing her body against his. Her dick grew hard but her panties held it tight against her crotch in an uncomfortable way. Eventually the mounting pressure caused it to spring free, pushing out from under the waist band. Mike slipped out of her hands and said, "not now dear. We just did that!" She stepped back, smiled, and twirled around, her short skirt rode up as she twirled and mike saw the dick poking out of her waistband. 'Maybe it won't hide it as well as I thought,' Mike thought.

Tiffany went to slip her feet into the heels again, The high heels felt tight on her large male feet and she winced as they pinched them, but something about wearing heels just felt right to her. She then went to get a bra. The first few pairs fit too awkwardly. The straps were too tight and the cups were too loose. Finally she found one that looked good. The bra straps slid down over her broad manly shoulders. It's cups hugged tightly against her manly pecs. She finished off her look by slipping on a tight pink shirt. It was sleeveless and low cut. The low cut of the shirt showed off her chest hair nicely.

"How do I look?" Tiffany asked curiously. "Wonderful darling, wonderful," Mike said. 'Who knows,' Mike thought, 'Maybe the right clothes would have her pass as a girl, heck, I may even seem to be on the forefront of employees rights if I have a cross dresser on the payroll.' "Are you like sure this skirt doesn't make my butt look big?" Tiffany asked concerned. "Of course not," Mike replied, wishing her butt wasn't as small as it was.

Mike finished packing up most of the clothes and noticed a make up compact. While most drones have their make up added as skin pigmentation or are made without it, sometimes make up is requested by customers who want optional customizability.

Tiffany smiled and took the compact, she looked at her reflection in the mirror, confused at first, then curious, then fascinated as she started trying to see how to make her body pretty. She carefully applied the make up and smiled.

She looked odd with the make up on. The lipstick made her thin manly lips bright red, and the blush added color to her cheeks but didn't really cover her stubble much. The eyeliner and shadow emphasized her male eyes in an odd way. She giggled and said, "I look so pretty. Thank you!" And she hugged Mike tightly.

"I'll need to get you a wig and a razor to shave your body hair off with so you can look like a woman," Mike said. He looked at Tiffany expecting her to be overjoyed. Instead she stood there with a hand on her hips in a typical 'angry girl pose'. "I AM A WOMAN!" Tiffany shouted, "I could like, you know, shave or wear a wig but, like, this is my body. The body that seems normal to me. I'm like going to try to be the best girl I could while, you know, looking like a man!"

Mike groaned, he never thought of that. She sees herself as a woman, and sees her body as her own and has grew used to it quite quickly (usually a plus on androids as it keeps them from stumbling and walking into walls once activated). She's ironed out most of her mind body conflict so that it IS her female body to her. Even if she knows she's not really a female.

Tiffany yawned; she was starting to feel tired. Her sensors told her it was late and Mike told her he had enough fun for tonight. "You look sleepy," Mike said, "you can always sleep on the couch in my office."

"THANK YOU!" she said hugging him, "will you carry me to bed again? That would be so romantic!"

"Uhm... not tonight honey, my back hurts," Mike said.

Mike led her back to his office and gestured to the couch. Tiffany smiled and sat down crossing her legs, and then she winced in pain and quickly uncrossed them. With a couple more attempts she finally learned to cross them at the knees not above it. She adjusted her body and lay down on the couch and fell asleep with her body curved slightly in a girly way.

'I... I kissed a guy.' Mike thought, 'and worse I made love to one. This... this can't be happening to me. I.... I'm straight.' Mike shuddered internally and looked back at Tiffany who was sleeping on the couch in his office and wrote a note to Recycling about her. He looked at the note, then at her, then at the note again and sighed. He didn't have the heart to put it in his outbox. He felt deeply for her. He LOVED her! He stopped and froze, he thinks of her as a her. It really is that bad. 'I need a drink,' Mike though. Mike headed out to the bar; maybe enough alcohol would solve the whole problem for him.

Tiffany awoke, she stretched, yawned, blinked a bit and looked for Mike. "Mike?" she asked, "Mike, where are you? MIKE!" Suddenly, for the first time in her life she felt alone, very alone. She sauntered over to his desk and saw the note. She looked it over and gasped in shock! He wants to recycle her! He can't do that, she... she loves him. But she looked at the note and couldn't deny what her lover boy wrote. She felt the tears well up in her eyes. It was now more than ever that she needed a big strong guy to hold her. But it seems Mike wants nothing to do with her. Tiffany sighed and thought, 'I ... I won't let him melt me down for parts, that is like so wrong. I have got to get out of here.' And without a second thought she turned and ran from the factory.

There she stood on the city streets. Cold and alone. People looked at her and turned away. Some of them even shouted at her. Those who got close smiled but there were many more people who never got close to her. She walked down the cold night streets wondering where she could sleep. Wondering who would be there for her. It seemed that no one had a place in their hearts for a guy who acts like a girl.

She stared at a store window and felt a bit better, there was the loveliest outfit she ever saw. She had to have it!

She sat down on a street corner and tried to wipe her tears away. She noticed other girls in hot outfits strutting their stuff. Some of them would sometimes show a leg to a car on the street and get picked up. Tiffany smiled. Maybe she could do that.

Mike drank until he passed out and all it gave him was a splitting hang over. He groaned and walked back into work. He went to his office and noticed Tiffany was gone! He did a quick look for her around the factory and couldn't find her. He felt worried for her, he had to get her back, he loved her. 'No, no, no,' Mike thought, 'A rogue android is negative publicity that's why I should get her back.' But as much as Mike told himself that, and tried to tell him what he felt were just pheromones he could not help but feel love for her. He had to find her.

Tiffany looked back in the store window and thought 'I could get all those guys too if I dressed like that' and she minced into the store. She giggled and walked up to the display window mannequin and started to slowly undress it taking off the red teddy. The store cashier looked up with worry and hurried up to stop her. "Uhm, sir, we don't let people undress our displays," he said.

Tiffany giggled and said, "I'm so like not a sir. And like, I thought I'd look SO sexy in it." She bent forward so her pecs were right in his face. Normally on a girl this would hang her cleavage in his face, but all it did now was just get him close enough to get a good whiff of pheromones and put his face up to her manly pecs.

"Uhm, we do have clothes like this on the racks too," he said. "Let me show you." He led her over to the racks and showed her a larger red teddy.

Tiffany giggled and started to undress in the store. The cashier looked on in a confused mix of shock and arousal and put his hand on her shoulder. "Uhm... miss, we have rooms for changing in," he said pointing to the changing rooms. He was glad the store was empty this late at night or this could have been a disaster. Tiffany sauntered over to the rooms and came out with the teddy tightly hugging her muscular frame showing off every muscle group with its tight fit. The narrow crotch didn't conceal anything, you could see the bulge of her dick against the fabric and her balls stuck out a bit at either side of the shiny red fabric.

Tiffany smiled at him and said, "thanks." The store clerk waved at her, totally entranced by her pheromones. As she exited he shouted, "wait miss, don't forget to pay! And you're forgetting your old clothes too!" But it was too late. She was gone.

Tiffany giggled and looked over her reflection in a store window. 'I looked hot now,' she thought, 'now lets see if I can get some guys.'

She sauntered over to the street and started showing off her legs, and slipping down her shoulder straps on her teddy enough to show off her chest to guys in passing cars. At first many drove off as they saw her, often shouting nasty things like "Homo!" Or "Why don't you get surgery and be a real girl!" But soon she found those cars that slowed down with their window open seemed to have drivers who were very likely to pick her up. She smiled as she went with one guy after another, though she was confused why they kept handing her green slips of paper. She threw the money down and went to one car after another seeking sex.

Meanwhile a guy lurked in the shadows, the darkness hid his oversized purple hat and his zebra toned jacket. But he hid not to hide his garish fashion faux pas but to watch his girls. This was his turf and anyone here works for him. He was Spike Styles, pimp, and this was his turf. Anyone who sells their body here works for him, or not at all. It's bad enough independent girls try and ply his turf at times, but GUYS doing it! It was unthinkable. He glared and watched the guy and came to a surprising conclusion. This guy seems to be able to go at it having sex all night and throws away money. Spike smiled, he'll have to work for him way or another.

Spike confidently walked up to the guy, he was bigger and stronger than Spike. But Spike realized how effeminate he acted, the guy was likely not an aggressive type. Spike smiled and said "Hey dude, I see how you get all the hot guys and throw your money around like it's water. How about you work for me; I can make sure you always get your money... as long as I get a cut of course. And make sure you get protected."

Many thoughts crossed Tiffany's head as she saw him, thoughts such as, how can anyone wear such bright colors and not be pretty, what do I need money for, and why would anyone throw around water? The thought she voiced however was this; "Like can't you see I am a girl, and like why would I need protection anyway?"

Spike made himself look away from her legs tried to shrug off the feeling that the guy before him had great gams and said, "Well, you'd need to be protected from aggressive guys, rapists, and abusers. Some of those men might hurt you."

Tiffany looked puzzled, no guys ever want to hurt her, even those who seem sad, scared, or angry at first always seem to love her. "Like, I won't need protecting; the guys love me," she said.

Spike glared at her. "There's one other thing you need protection from," he growled, "IT'S ME!" He reached back his fist and slugged her in the jaw; all his rings made for effective brass knuckles. She cringed and cowered, tears rolled down her face. "STOP IT, please stop.... I'll do anything," Tiffany cried out. Spike gave a confident smile and said, "ok babe, then you work for me."

Tiffany sobbed on the street corner, that guy hit her, it hurt. She put her hand up to her strangely bloodless cuts and cried more. As she cried a lady walked up to her, another street walker this one had wavy red hair, and nice D cup breasts, her body was nice and curvy with hips that swayed and a tight butt that wiggled when she walked. She wore a pink lace bra and panties and sheer stocking held up by garters. She sat down by Tiffany and put a comforting hand on her shoulders. "Spike was hard on you, huh?" she said. Tiffany nodded and the girl said, "he's like that to everyone, he's the tyrant of this little street corner."

"He... he hit me! Why... why must everyone be mean to me?" Tiffany cried. The girl smiled and said, "It's his job, you must be new to the streets, I'd really like to hear your story."

Tiffany wiped her tears away and told her how she ran away from the guy she loved in the factory and how she found pretty things and hot guys here. The new girl looked at her in amazement.

"Let me look at your feet she said," Tiffany looked puzzled and lifted up her feet. The girl saw what she was looking for. On the bottom of Tiffany's left foot was a small brand logo saying Drone Model JXL7-36J lot 1975-Q Synthetronics Inc. Cleveland Ohio, USA.

"JXL!" She gasped, "you're a security droid, a personal bodyguard to be exact. What are you doing having sex!"

"Security? I am like, you know, a STD8-12N pleasure drone... and like, how do you know so much about androids."

"I used to work there," she replied. "I am Luisa Serrano; I was Mike's secretary before I quit to go to college. I am taking a Sociology major. The reason I started living in the streets as a hooker was to get real life insight for a report on why people take up prostitution. The reason I never left was that Spikes hired goons will track me down. I barely get to keep any money due to him. I can barely get enough guys to pay for my student loans."

"Pay?" Tiffany asked. "Won't they just give it to you?"

"Maybe if I was lucky enough to have pheromones," Luisa responded, "but I am not, in the real world we have to trade in money for what we need. One thing can cost a five, another a ten, another 3,000 dollars."

"Like, what makes one slip of paper worth more than the other when all that differs is how the ink gets printed?" Tiffany asked. Luisa just sighed a bit stumped on this and said, "you'll learn some day."

A car pulled up and a guy motioned to them. "I'll let you have this one kid," said Luisa. Tiffany smiled and walked up to him batting her eyes at him. He shied away at first but then the pheromones kicked in and he opened up the door for her and drove her to a luxurious hotel room.

In the dark of the room they undressed. Her ran his hands across her broad muscular shoulders and leaned forward to give her a deep passionate kiss. They both kissed open-mouthed, their tongues entangled, each caressing the other. He ran his hands through her chest hair and smiled. She was quite lovely.

He decided to do an oral quickie. He slipped down his pants showing her his cock. She smiled and kissed the tip of his dick, then licked up and down it's length until he gave a groan of pleasure before finally sliding the hard member into her mouth and sucking it. She sucked it sliding her mouth up and down the length of his shaft. Soon it twitched and released it's sticky, salty, load in her mouth. She swallowed it down and licked his cock clean before taking her money and leaving. 'This job it like, so easy. I love it!' She thought.

Mike spent the last three nights searching fruitlessly for Tiffany. He worried about her. It was cold and the world was cruel. Where could she be? What if she was killed, or kidnapped, or god forbid captured by a competitor and taken apart to learn corporate secrets?! He parked by the side of the road and let out a gasp of frustration. Could it be that he lost her? He looked outside the car window one last exasperated time and saw a few hookers by the nearby alley soliciting themselves to passersby, one of them seemed to stand out, it looked too big and bulky. Could it be her?

It was her, she sat by another girl, her well-oiled muscles glistened in the moonlight. The other girl looked familiar to Mike, but in the shadows of the street he could not make out who it was.

Before he can stop to call her he saw guy approach them, he approached aggressively. 'This could be trouble,' Mike thought.

Tiffany sat down by Luisa again. Luisa smiled at her. "You really are a handsome guy. How about heading aside for a little fun?" Luisa asked.

"I may be easy but, like, I'm not a lesbian!" Tiffany snapped.

"Ok, ok calm down girl," said Luisa. "it's just a suggestion."

Luisa told tiffany all about the other girls. Renee's desperation for money due to a bad drug habit, how Sandra ran away from home due to abusive parents, how Veronica quit school and lacks an education needed for a real job. She deeply wished she could help them.

"Like, what can we do to help them, that's awful!" said Tiffany.

"Well, we could always get Spike arrested. But I am not sure how to do that without incriminating myself. And besides, he bribes some of the cops so which ones do we trust?"

"But it's not fair!" Tiffany said. She pouted and looked sad.

"Life's not fair," said Luisa. "It's hard enough to get through college owing Spike. If he realizes I've been cutting his payments short to pay off my college loan he'd kill me!"

It was on that oh so convenient cue that Spike slinked out of the nearby alley. He walked like a panther, gracefully yet dangerous. All his rings glittered in the streetlights. "YOU OWE ME MONEY BITCH!?! I knew you were holding out on me!"

"I need to! Honest! I have to get through college!" Luisa cried.

"Why?" Spike sneered. "To get yourself a decent job? You have a job, you're one of my bitches! It's the only job you need!"

"I'm not going to stand for this!" Luisa shouted. "I'm going to go to the cops! The ones you don't bribe!"

"YOU'D DO NO SUCH THING!" Spike shouted as his fist lashed out across her jaw. Blood spattered and teeth fell as she staggered back then fell over backwards. Spike was on her like a piranha on a wounded pig. Blow after blow was landed.

"STOP IT! STOP IT! YOU'RE HURTING HER!" Tiffany cried out.

Spike didn't stopped, he just sneered out, "back off bitch or you're next."

Tiffany felt a panic in her, what could she do, she had to do something!

She grabbed Spikes hair and pulled, he screamed as his head jerked back from her strength. "Let go of her!" Tiffany screamed.

The red-hot fire of rage overpowered any pheromones and Spike let out a quick kick to her crotch and she keeled over. Tears welled up in her eyes. As she doubled over, Spike ran.

"Stop him! Someone stop him!" Luisa cried. She knew where he was going. He was going to get his muscle.

Tiffany pulled herself to her feet and wiped her tears from her eyes to see a guy running towards her. She shuddered a bit, it was Mike. The guy who wanted to recycle her. She let out a shriek, it did get worse!

Luisa struggled to her feet; her body was badly bruised. She saw Tiffany cringe back as he spread his arms to hold her... and hugged her.

"LET GO! LET GO! YOU WON'T MELT ME DOWN!" Tiffany cried.

"I don't want to," Mike said, "I love you!"

They hugged. "It... It was like so awful," Tiffany cried, "he kicked me in the balls, no one kicks a girl in the balls. It's mean. And ... and.... and he beat Luisa!"

"It's ok honey," said Mike, "you'll be safe with me."

"Enough of this reunion," said Luisa, "we got to stop him before he gets his goons! I know a short cut through these alleys." She stumbled forward and the others followed.

"Luisa, what are you doing here?" Mike asked.

"It's a long story," she said, "he has a head start so head through those two allies and hang a left. I am calling the police. Officer Murphy is a friend of mine."

"Like how am I going to stop him!" Tiffany exclaimed, "I mean I like have almost no nails except like my press on ones, and like, I fight like a girl... because I am one."

"JUST GRAB HIM!" Mike said, "lets go!"

Mike and Tiff ran through the darkened narrow alleyways and hung a sharp left outside some run down bars, and nearly slammed into him. Spike pushed mike back while Tiffany moved out to flank him. He was surrounded and he was almost there. In that case he'd head to get a couple of the cops he bribed. He knew where Officer Wallace had his night beat on West Street. He turned and they pursued. As he hung a corner Mike slipped away from the group across an alley to head him off. 'This has got to work,' Mike though, 'It's the only way he can go. And Tiff is awfully fast for someone running in heels. If she wasn't trying to run like a girl she might even outpace him. Soon Spike found he had a wall at his back and a person at each side. The only place he had to turn was the street. Tiff tried to grab him weakly and he ducked and dashed towards the road. Cars screeched to a stop as he hit the traffic, they were so close to him that he could feel their breath on his neck. Spike gained some ground as a car lurched forward between him and his pursuers.

Spike breathed a sigh of relief as a couple cops approached him on the other side, then grim realization hit him, they were not his cops. He went to turn back and got slammed by a car that used his passing as a chance to hit the accelerator not expecting him to turn. His body thudded on the hood and slid off.

Mike headed to the station and he, tiffany, and Luisa all told their stories. As spike was taken away in handcuffs Tiffany smiled. "It's over, it's really over!"

"It's not over," said Luisa, "what about the poor girls. Who's going to keep them safe? Why can't someone ensure they get a good life and care for them?"

"Well, like someone does care for them," said Tiffany, "it's you."

"ME?!" said Luisa, "I can't become a pimp, I despise them!"

"Well, like what if you use the money to get them rehab, to like get them education, or therapy?" said Tiffany.

"You mean be... be a social worker?" said Luisa. "I could do that."

Tiffany smiled and hugged Mike.

"Like, honey, what are you going to do with me if you are not going to recycle me?"

Mike smiled and said, "well, I can always use a new secretary."

And so Mike still reigned as the successful head of Synthetronics, Tiffany became his lovely secretary and the manliest cross dresser ever to turn guys heads, and Luisa became the girl's protector, hiring enough muscle to keep them safe without corrupting the system, getting a day job to pay for college on days she didn't have classes, and using any money she got from the girls to pay for therapy and rehab until there were no longer any women demeaning themselves on that street as prostitutes. Then she went on to real social work, with much more experience than a rookie on the job should have.


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